Is there a comprehensive list of RDK 2.0 components listed anywhere?  For example, mediaframework is one of the RDK 2.0 components:

We're looking for the current list of directories.

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  1. Unknown User (rjain)


    There is no information available regarding RDK 2.0 components yet.

    Meanwhile a tentative list of RDK-2.0 features can be viewed in link "RDK Roadmap - April '13" at

    Mainly RDK 2.0  will be having enhancements to RMF mediaframework (first released in RDK-1.3) and minor improvements on the other RDK components(that are available in RDK 1.3) .

    Please let us know what else you are looking for.


    RDK Support 




  2. Unknown User (mlevandowski)


    Specifically, I'm looking for a list of the SVN component directories that encompass the generic RDK 2.0 repository.  As previously noted,

    is one of those directories, and I am sure there are a number of others.  I would like to know specificully what the other svn directories are as of today.

  3. Unknown User (vmishra01)

    The second part of your query is specific to Engg. development environment. Your query is being addressed via a ticket in your company specific Jira.

    RDK Support