
This page is aimed to present an evaluation of Rust as an RDK-B programming language in form of a PoC.

What was done

  • Showed a way how to compile a Rust application for RDK-B for RPI
  • Implemented a simple RDK-B CCSP component in Rust and ran the application on RPI platform
  • Using rbus the implemented component is able to access the data model (read/write) and subscribe for notification.
  • The code is written in the way which makes possible to add functionality for registering new Data model parameters.
  • Compared Rust and C implementations


Rust offers a cutting-edge, reliable option for CPE application development by combining safety, performance, and hardware-level control, making it ideal for resource-constrained environments like those found in RDK-B routers.

Currently, the PoC relies on imported symbols from C libraries, which may result in performance compromises compared to a native Rust implementation. However, with Rust’s expanding support for networking and embedded libraries, full migration to a native Rust solution could be feasible in the future.


Thank you, Oleksandr Ishchenko to be a core of the PoC. 

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