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[Code Releases]
When I checkout the RDK 2.0 code components to my Windows computer, there is a problem with the files in "mediaframework/trunk/erouter_gui/www/router_php".
The repository has "mta_Line_Diagnostics.php" and "mta_line_diagnostics.php" as well as "mta_Line_Status.php " and "mta_line_status.php". While this does not cause any problem in a case-sensitive file system like Unix/Linux, Windows and Tortoise SVN always reports that there are files missing from the "router_php" directory (which is certainly the case)
These files seem to have different content, so could someone look into uniquely renaming them.
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1 Comment
Unknown User (ljohnson01)
The RDK directory trees assume a file system with Unix-like features such as symbolic links and case-sensitive file names. In general, subversion and git are not able to create these trees on a Windows file system, and checking out RDK components under Windows (including through cygwin) is not supported.
Instead, RDK can be downloaded to a Windows host by running a virtual machine (VM) such as Oracle VirtualBox under Windows. The 32-bit Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS distribution is currently a safe choice to install on the VM, as it is known to work with the RDK repositories.