
I’m currently running RDKV 2023q1-dunfell and want to use TR-069. From https://wiki.rdkcentral.com/display/RDK/TR69 it seems like I need the Dimark client for the communication with the ACS. I added it to my image by adding ’tr69agent’ to the DISTRO_FEATURES.

However, tr69agent.service fails to load the data model for me. The Dimark conv-util reports the following error:

+ /usr/bin/conv-util /etc/data-model.xml

ERROR: the "rebootIdx" attribute is not found for object or is empty or overlong. Parameter = InterfaceStackNumberOfEntries

ERROR: File '/etc/data-model.xml' is failed to parse!


+ test 1 -ne 0

+ echo '/usr/bin/start.sh: '\''conv-util'\'' application has returned an error: 1. Exit from script!!!'

/usr/bin/start.sh: 'conv-util' application has returned an error: 1. Exit from script!!!

+ exit 1

To me it seems like data model provided by tr69hostif is no longer compatible with the Dimark client. The missing attributes were removed in this commit: https://github.com/rdkcmf/rdk-tr69hostif/commit/86b0368cf4302c9e1528ec6478289465129800d9

Was the support for the Dimark client removed in RDKV? Or is there an alternative cpe client in RDKV?

My second question is: how can I configure the values for Device.ManagementServer? When I try to set them with the tr181 tool I always get a internal error. Example:

root@din4808v:~# tr181 -s  -v "https://acs.my-domain.com:7547" Device.ManagementServer.URL -d
getParamType >> Using the type provided by hostif, type= 0
setAttribute >> Set operation failed :  Internal Error

Other attributes can be set without issue.

Best regards,


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