
The coverage of automatics includes standalone device testing as well as testing on connected setup. This document specifies the minimal setup required for testing connected client scenarios.

Hardware Requirements

  • DUT
  • Wifi Chamber
  • Connected Clients
    • 2 NUC [Windows Client connected via WIFI]
    • 1 RbPi [Linux Client connected via Ethernet]
  • In Chamber Cables
    • Mgmt Device cabling
    • Serial Cables
  • Switch
  • Power Module

Software Requirements

Windows Client

Linux Client

  1. Java - (Version 1.8.0_231)
  2. Selenium - (selenium-server-standalone-3.11.0.jar)
  3. Cygwin 32bit
  4. Google Chrome - (Version 86.0.4240.183, x64)
  5. Chrome Driver - (Version 86.0.4240.183, x64)
  6. Firefox - (Version 81.0.2, x64)
  7. Tight VNC - (Version 2.8.11)
  8. Iperf3 - (Version 3.1.3)
  9. 7 zip - (Version 19.00, x64)
  10. IIS - (Version 10.0.17763)
  11. Open SSH - (openssh-8.3p1-1.tar.xz)
  12. Python - (Version 3.8, x64)
  13. Wireshark - (Version v3.2.2-0, x64)
  1. openjdk-8-jdk
  2. Selenium - (selenium-server-standalone-3.11.0.jar)
  3. nmap
  4. Chromium-browser (Version 86.0.4240.183)
  5. Firefox (Version 60.6.0, X32) and XPI Driver
  6. Tight VNC (Version 1.3.10)
  7. xrdp
  8. Iperf3 (Version 3.1.3)
  9. g zip (Version 9.35-mx)
  10. Python (Version 2.7.16)
  11. Unzip (Version 6.0)
  12. Git (Version 2.29.2)
  13. xvfb (xorg-x11-server-Xvfb-1.10.4-6.el6.x86_64.rpm)
  14. openssh (OpenSSH_7.8p1)
  15. perl  (Version 5.32. 0)
  16. Chkconfig
  17. Network Manager tool (nmcli) (Version 1.12.2)
  18. Wireshark (Version 3.2.2-0)
  19. TShark (Wireshark) 3.4.8-1

Points to note while using Linux based client (Connected via WIFI)

  1. Need to disable password prompt while giving the Sudo commands. This can be disabled by following the below steps:
    1. edit /etc/sudoers file - "sudo visudo"
    2. add  "<YOUR_USERNAME_HERE> ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL " to the file. 
    3. save the file.


Points to note:

  1. Dedicated IP will be assigned to individual chamber setup.
  2. Each connected devices within the chamber will be assigned unique ports to access individual services like one for SSH/Selenium/VNC/RDP etc.

With the IP and port combination we can access any service in any connected device. 


All the connected devices in the setup will be added to a single home account in Device Manager.

Framework Workflow

When connected scenario  test is triggered in automatics 

  1. Framework will check the accessibility of Dut and will lock the device if accessible.
  2. Secondarily framework will try to fetch the details of connected devices linked to the home account. 
  3. Then a check for the accessibility of the connected devices will be performed by trying SSH to the devices.
  4. All the devices that are SSHable will be locked and the tests are triggered.

Device Mapping Template

Below table will give an idea about how the port mapping and connectivity is done to connect clients with DUT.  

Setup Chamber IP AddressDUT ModelDUT ECM MAC AddressDUT WAN MAC Address ECM IP ESTB IPV6  SSID 2.4SSID -5MDS Account Client MAC AddressClient CategoryOS - VersionSSH PortVNC PortRDP PortSelenium PortConnectivity







client_mac_1NUC-01Windows 10 Pro<SSHport><VNCport><RDP port><Selenium port>Wi-Fi
client_mac_2NUC-02Windows 10 Pro<SSHport><VNCport><RDP port><Selenium port>Wi-Fi
client_mac_3RPI-01Linux<SSHport><VNCport><RDP port><Selenium port>Ethernet
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