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This manual describes Yocto 3.1 (dunfell) build procedure for the Raspberry Pi Reference Platform. This is an upgrade from the default RDK build system, Yocto 2.2 (morty). In addition to upgrades to opensource packages, Yocto 3.1 also contains Long term Support release feature. The current RDK build system lacks the variety of features available in the dunfell. The upgraded build tools will be used to generate different images for the target.
Yocto 3.1 Upgradation support the following:
Each component in RDK is a standalone repository with its own individual build tools producing a library or set of binaries. When we upgrade the OE layers to the newer versions, we need to make necessary changes in the RDK Yocto meta layers which use these components, to avoid build failures.
How to Build#SettinguptheHostEnvironment
To tackle the build issues from moving one version to another, we have decided to split the problem into different subtasks. So instead of building a complete image at one go, we have planned for the generation of the following images:
These images need to be tested against different configurations in cmf, to ensure that nothing has broken the existing system.
In order to provide a smooth transition without disturbing the existing branch, we have created a branch called `yocto-dunfell-upgrade` for non-OE layers and another branch called `rdk/yocto-dunfell-upgrade` for OE layers.
Right now we are in the process of resolving build/parse errors. The main source for errors can be classified into 4 categories.
--> Incompatible license with RDK.
--> Trying to apply older patches into newer version of recipes.
--> Recipe version changes due to dependency.
--> If there is a license upgrade to a new recipe which is not compatible with RDK terms then we need to stick to the older version.
Some of the build errors and its root cause is described in the below table.
recipe | layer | error/warning | root cause | action |
N/A | N/A | Layer should set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT in its conf/layer.conf file to list the core layer names it is compatible with. | Newer version of bitbake throws warning if we don’t set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT in its conf/layer.conf in the respective layers. | Set LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_<layer name> = "dunfell" in all layers. E.g LAYERSERIES_COMPAT_rdk = "dunfell" for meta-rdk layer. |
N/A | meta-rdk-ext | bb.data_smart.ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable AVAILABLE_LICENSES[:=], expression was ${@' '.join(available_licenses(d))} which triggered exception FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory. | There is no directory called licenses in the corresponding meta layer. | Need to create a licenses directory under the meta-layer and add RDK license file to it |
N/A | meta-rdk-restricted meta-rdk-video meta-rdk-ext meta-rdk-containers meta-rdk | Error due to the usage of base_contains in multiple recipes. | base_contains is deprecated. | use bb.utils.contains instead of deprecated base_contains in the respective recipes. |
N/A | N/A | Error due to the usage of some of the functions in pythonnative.bbclass in multiple recipes. | pythonnative.bbclass is not available in newer version. | Add meta-python2 layer to get support for legacy pyhton code(E.g pythonnative.bbclass) |
meta-rdk meta-rdk-ext | Error due to the usage of base_conditional in multiple recipes. | base_conditional is deprecated. | use oe.utils.conditional instead of deprecated base_conditional in the respective recipes. | |
uclibc.inc | meta-rdk-ext | Error due to the usage of oe_filter_out in multiple recipes. | oe_filter_out is deprecated. | use oe.utils.str_filter_out instead of deprecated oe_filter_out in the respective recipes. |
gssdp_0.14.10.bb | meta-rdk-ext | Could not include required file recipes-connectivity/gupnp/gssdp.inc in gssdp_0.14.10.bb | The required file is not present in the location. | Replace "require" directive to "include" to specify a loose dependency. |
rdk-generic-broadband-dev-image.bb | meta-rdk | Errors due to required files not being present in yocto 3.1(dunfell) oe layers. | Those file are not available in newer version of Yocto. | Replace "require" directive to "include" to specify a loose dependency. |
meta-rdk-video | Error while parsing LIC_FILES_CHKSUM in rmfhalheaders | The recipe uses "files://" instead "file://" in LIC_FILES_CHKSUM field | Update the LIC_FILES_CHKSUM field accordingly. | |
busybox_%.bbappend | meta-rdk-ext | Error in busybox as busybox_1.31.1.bb:do_patch: failed with exit code '1' | Build error in do_package task due to some of the older patches available | The following patches are removed from busybox recipe for dunfell build 1. udhcp.patch 2. 0001-networking-add-ip-neigh-command.patch 3. ip6_neigh_show_ Crash.patch |
meta-rdk-ext meta-rdk | Glib-networking require gnutls >= 3.4.6 | gnutls 3.3.x is the last branch which supports.nettle 2.7.1. So it is not possible to increase the version, | Used glib-networking-2.54.1 instead of updating gnutls. | |
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad.inc | meta-rdk-ext | Error while inheriting bluetooth.bbclass | bluetooth.bbclass is not available in newer version of yocto | inherit bluetooth on a conditional basis as shown below: inherit gettext ${@bb.utils.contains('DISTRO_CODENAME', 'dunfell', '', 'bluetooth', d)} |
glib-2.0_2.62%.bbappend | meta-rdk-ext | Error reported for glib-2.0-native-1_2.62.4-r0 patch | Unable to apply the 2nd hunk due to version changes. | rebased RDK patch to glib 2.62.4 |
openssl_1.1.0g.bb | meta-rdk-ext | Error while fetching openssl_1.1.0g | Recipe version 1.1.0 is moved to a different location. | SRC_URI updated with the new changes. |
systemd_216.bb | meta-rdk-ext | Error while parsing systemd_216 legacy recipe | Circular dependency problem with systemd_216. | Skip this recipe by specifying the COMPATIBLE_HOST in bb file as shown below: COMPATIBLE_HOST_dunfell = "null" |
meta-cmf-video | Error due to invalid version of netsrvmgr. | SRCREV expects a valid revision on dunfell framework. | SRCREV for netsrvmgr set to AUTOREV | |
iptables_%.bbappend | meta-rdk-ext | Error while installing iptables | sysint provides it's own iptables systemd service file which gives a conflict on do_rootfs() | Remove systemd service in the bbappend file to avoid conflict as shown below: do_install_append_client() { SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN}_remove_client = "${PN}.service" |
meta-rdk-ext | Patch error while building dropbear-2019.78 | Older version of patches were giving build error. | Rebase patches to build on dunfell. | |
openssl_1.0.2o.bb | meta-rdk-ext | Circular dependency problems with openssl 1.0.2o for dunfell builds. | Higher versions of the recipes are available for newer builds. | Skip this recipe by specifying the COMPATIBLE_HOST in bb file as shown below: COMPATIBLE_HOST_dunfell = "null" |
setup-environment | meta-rdk | dunfell codename not reflected in DISTRO_CODENAME. | Bitbake version is not updated for dunfell branch. | Update DISTRO_CODENAME based on the bitbake version in setip-environment script E.g:- 1.44.*|1.46.*) _DISTRO_CODENAME="dunfell" |
RDK | meta-cmf | ExpansionError: Failure expanding variable AVAILABLE_LICENSES[:=], expression was ${@' '.join(available_licenses(d))} which triggered exception FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: | RDK licence file not present in the preferred location. | Add RDK licence file to the licenses directory in the corresponding layer. |
qtbase-native_5.1.1.bbappend | meta-cmf-qt5 | qtbase-native: fix build error due to gcc 9.x | qtbase native pkg throws build error due to gcc 9.2. | The following patch file is available in the repo to resolve the issue: 0001-RDK-27410-qtbase-native-build-error-due-to-gcc-versi.patch We need to conditionally enable this for dunfell builds. |
logrotate_%.bbappend | meta-rdk-ext | Sysint trying to install logrotate.service, logrotate.timer but it is already installed by logrotate. | as sysint provides logrotate's systemd service, actual recipe's service gives conflict | As sysint installs RDK specific logrotate's systemd service file, we can remove them as shown below:
do_install_append() { |
dnsmasq_%.bbappend | meta-rdk-ext | Postinstall scriptlets of ['systemd'] failed. | As systemd in dunfell provides resolv.conf, no need to install again from dnsmasq. | Removed resolv.conf from do_install for dunfell |
meta-cmf-qt5 | Declaration conflict for qopengl's GLdouble because of this qtbase throws build error. | GLdouble is typedefed as GLFloat in qopengl.h this leads to a conflict with the earlier definition of GLdouble as double. | We can typedef GLdouble to double. | |
msgpack-c_2.1.1.bb | meta-rdk-ext | Error about 'copying an object of non-trivial type' in msgpack-c. | Typecasting is missing while using memcpy(). | Insteadof using std::memcpy(&o, &v, sizeof(v)), we can typecast the object as shown below std::memcpy(static_cast<void*>(&o), &v, sizeof(v)) |
wpe-webkit.inc | meta-rdk-ext | dunfell build throws do_package_qa error as libWPEWebKit.so requires libTTSClient.so | Unable to satisfy runtime dependency libTTSClient.so | Add tts package in the RDEPENDS for wpe-webkit |
ledmgr-extended-noop_git.bb | meta-rdk-video | fatal error: sysMgr.h: No such file or directory | sysMgr.h file not avalable in the sysroot directory. | Add iarmmgrs in the DEPENDS of meta-rdk-video/recipes-extended/ledmgr/ledmgr-extended-noop_git.bb |
aamp_git.bb | meta-rdk-video | irMgr.h not found | irMgr.h file not avalable in the sysroot directory. | Add iarmmgrs in the DEPENDS of meta-cmf-video/recipes-extended/aamp/aamp_git.bbappend |
wrp-c_1.0.bb | meta-rdk-ext | error: 'strncpy' output truncated before terminating nul | Use of strncpy for coping. | Replace strncpy with memcpy. |
ledmgr_git.bb | meta-rdk-video | yocto dunfell framework throws do_package_qa() filedeps error while building the packages. | required runtime dependencies are missing. | Add devicesettings in RDEPENDS of meta-rdk-video/recipes-extended/ledmgr/ledmgr_git.bb |
tr69hostif_git.bb | meta-rdk-video | yocto dunfell framework throws do_package_qa() filedeps error while building the packages. | required runtime dependencies are missing. | Add devicesettings in RDEPENDS of meta-rdk-video/recipes-thirdparty/tr69/tr69hostif_git.bb |
bluetooth-core | N/A | fatal error: bluetooth/audio/a2dp-codecs.h: No such file or directory | a2dp codec macros are changed in newer bluez version (5.54) from oe-core dunfell branch. | We can add definitions for MIN_BITPOOL and MAX_BITPOOL in btrCore_avMedia.c as shown below #ifndef MIN_BITPOOL |
bluetooth_mgr | N/A | undefined reference error for bluetooth-mgr | bluetooth-mgr main.c calls sd_notify() API but not linked libsystemd.so which is causing undefined reference error | Update AM_LDFLAGS with -lsystemd to resolve undefined reference error. |
bluetooth_mgr | N/A | memcpy issue for MediaElementListInfo. | Improper structure size was mentioned in the memcpy. | Replace sizeof(BTRMGR_IARMMediaElementListInfo_t) with sizeof(BTRMGR_MediaElementListInfo_t) in the following function in btmgr_iarm_external_interface.c memcpy (mediaElementListInfo, &mediaElementList.m_mediaTrackListInfo, sizeof(BTRMGR_IARMMediaElementListInfo_t)) |
bluetooth-core | N/A | Error due to incorrect to use of AdapterInfo struct. | appropriate structure is not mentioned in sizeof(). | Replace sizeof(stBTDeviceInfo) in the following function with sizeof(stBTAdapterInfo) in btCore_dbus_bluez5.c memset(&lstBTAdapterInfo, 0, sizeof(stBTDeviceInfo)) |
fog | N/A | Error when HLSPlaylistsDownload.ccp in fogcli calls 'SHA1' API | -lcrypto not included in the Makefile | Update fogcli_LDFLAGS in Makefile.am with -lcrypto. |
sectionfilter-hal-noop_git.bb | meta-rdk-video | Error due to missing dependencies in sectionfilter-hal | dunfell framework expects all possible dependencies to be mentioned in DEPENDS. | Update sectionfilter-hal-noop_git.bb DEPENDS with jansson. |
sys-utils_git.bb | meta-rdk-video | package_qa error while building sys-utils_git.bb | dunfell framework expects to mention all runtime deps to avoid package_qa error. | Add devicesettings in the RDEPENDS field of sys-utils_git.bb |
iarmmgrs_git.bbappend | meta-cmf-video | package_qa error while building iarmmgrs_git.bb | hybrid specific runtime deps overriding basic runtime deps which causes package_qa error. | Use append instead of simple assignment for the runtime dependency for iarmmgrs as shown below: RDEPENDS_${PN}_append_hybrid = " virtual/mfrlib" |
cairo_%.bbappend | meta-rdk-ext | Conflict due to patches available in other layers while patching cairo. | meta-wpe also maintains cairo patches that makes conflict while apply. | apply patches conditionally based on meta-wpe as shown below: SRC_URI_append = " \ |
xupnp | N/A | error: too many arguments to function 'gupnp_context_new'. | Based on the gupnp version the we need to call gupnp_context_new and gupnp_root_device_new functions. | Fix is available in the following commit: |
rmfgeneric_git.bb | meta-rdk-video | rmfgeneric throws do_package() error says dwarfsrcfiles exit with error code for librbi.a. | This issue comes only when RBI is enabled (--enable-rbi) for hybrid. | Issue canbe resolved by adding INHIBIT_PACKAGE_DEBUG_SPLIT_hybrid = "1" in rf=mfgeneric_git.bb |
meta-rdk-ext | Build failure due to missing dependencies. | dunfell build expects all possible dependencies in place. | Fix is available in the following commit: | |
tr69agent | N/A | error: storage size of 'ctx' isn't known | The build is failing due to openssl 1.0 and 1.1 compatibility issues. | Fix is available in the following commit: |
meta-rdk-video | configure: error: Package requirements (libproc >= 3.2.8) were not met: No package 'libproc' found Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you Alternatively, you may set the environment variables PROCPS_CFLAGS | --enable-latest-procps OECONF option was only enabled in morty builds. | --enable-latest-procps OECONF option can be added to dunfell builds as well by editing the respective recipes as shown below: EXTRA_OECONF_append_dunfell = " --enable-latest-procps" | |
tr69 | N/A | --enable-morty name conflict while building tr69hostif from dunfell framework. | --enable-morty name conflicts by enabling on dunfell builds. | Fix is available in the following commit: |
tr69hostif | N/A | aclocal: error: couldn't open directory 'cfg': No such file or directory | latest autotools version expects m4 macro directory. | We can fix this issue by replacing AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([cfg]) with AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) in configure.ac for tr69hostif. |
bluetooth-core | N/A | building bluetooth-core on gcc 9.x throws below errors -Werror=stringop-overflow= -Werror=stringop-truncation -Werror=format-truncation= on below files src/btrCore.c src/bt-iface/btrCore_dbus_bluez.c | gcc 9.x enables more string operations flags that throw errors on compilation. | Fix is available in the following commit: |
bluetooth-core | N/A | Build failure due to incorrect structure definition. | appropriate structure is not mentioned in sizeof() while memset-ting the same. | Replace sizeof(stBTDeviceInfo) with sizeof(stBTAdapterInfo) in the following function in btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c memset(&lstBTAdapterInfo, 0, sizeof(stBTDeviceInfo)) |
power-state-monitor | N/A | Build failure due to directfb header file inclusion while building power-state-monitor from dunfell framework. | directfb depends is no more from recipe so, no need of directfb headers / API in the src. | Remove #include <direct/list.h> from powerStateMonitorMain.c |
dibbler_%.bbappend | meta-rdk-ext | Dibbler issues: patch doesn't apply, couldn't install script file which resulted in packaging errors. | patch already incorporated into src. | We can remove the following patch from the bbappend file for dunfell builds: 0001-DELIA-19972-Dibbler-client-crash-in-checkDecline.patch |
mediaframework | N/A | aclocal: error: couldn't open directory 'cfg': No such file or directory | latest autotools version expects m4 macro directory. | We can fix this issue by replacing AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([cfg]) with AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) in configure.ac for mediaframework. |
rmfstreamer_git.bbappend | meta-cmf-raspberrypi | error: 'rdkStorage_getTSBCapacity' was not declared in this scope | storage manager is removed from DEPENDS variable for all builds. | Instead of removing storage manager dependency from all builds just remove it from morty builds alone as shown below: DEPENDS_remove_morty = "storagemanager" |
wifi-client-hal-raspberrypi_0.1.bb | meta-cmf-raspberrypi | wifi-client-hal-raspberrypi-yocto-dunfell-upgrade+gitAUTOINC+5339f06be3-r0 do_package_qa: QA Issue: /usr/lib/libwifihal.so.0.0.0 contained in package wifi-client-hal-raspberrypi requires libwpa_client.so, but no providers found in RDEPENDS_wifi-client-hal-raspberrypi? [file-rdeps] | Missing runtime dependencies in the recipe file. | Add the runtime dependencyin wifi-client-hal-raspberrypi_0.1.bbas shown below: RDEPENDS_${PN} += “wpa-supplicant” |
qtbase_5.1.%.bbappend | meta-cmf-raspberrypi | Nothing PROVIDES 'kms' | As RDK uses qtbase 5.1.1, changes affecting from higher version to be removed. | Create a bbappend file in meta-raspberrypi/recipes-qt/qt5/qtbase_5.1.%.bbappend with the following content PACKAGECONFIG_remove = "kms" |
xupnp_git.bb | meta-rdk | xupnp configure error due to safec library version changes. | Unable to find the library because of the safec library version changes. | Fix is available in the following commits: |
wpeframework_git.bb | meta-rdk-ext | Error while building wpeframework becaue of stime() usage in SystemInfo.cpp. | As the GLIBC moved to 2.31 from 2.30 the stime() was removed in 2.31 and it throws error while building wpeframework. | Replace the stime() with clocksesttime() as shown in the below changeset: |
wpe-webkit_%.bbappend | meta-cmf-raspberrypi | rdk-generic-mediaclient-image.bb:do_rootfs error missing runtime dependency of the following components needed by wpe-webkit: gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-faad gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-opengl gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly-mpg123 | Failed because of missing runtime dependency. | Fix is available in the following changeset: |
packagegroup-rdk-media-common.bbappend | meta-cmf-raspberrypi | Run time issue: westeros-sink not available in the image | westeros-sink is not installed by default in the rdk-generic-mediaclient-image dunfell builds. | Fix is available in the following changeset: |
appmanager_git.bbappend | meta-cmf-raspberrypi | Run time issue: appmanager was not running when we invoke it using /lib/rdk/runAppManager.sh | The LD_PRELOAD vlaue in the appmanager script uses libopenmaxil.so but we need to specify libwesteros_gl.so for dunfell builds. | A do_install_append in the recipe file with the following content will fix this issue. do_install_append() { The corresponding change set is: |
rpi-config_%.bbappend | meta-cmf-raspberrypi | Run time issue: audio and dsmgr service crash. sysint will trigger a reboot if certain components (dsmgr service in this case) crashes a particular no.of times. So we may see multiple reboots if this issue is not addressed. | vc4graphics in dtoverlay is automatically set in the BSP layer. But the order of "dtparam=audio=on" matters without which it won't be able to use bcm2835_alsa from /proc/asound/cards. Observation: If we set "dtparam=audio=on" just after specifying "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" then /proc/asound/cards will list only vc4-hdmi. This in turn crashes dsmgr service. | Set "dtparam=audio=on" before setting "dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d" The following change set can be used to implement the same: |
rdkmediaplayer.bb | meta-rdk-video | Run time issue: rdkmediaplayer crash | O2 flags in gcc 9.2 causes runtime issues. | The following flags can be set to resolve the issue: # O2 flags in gcc 9.2 causes runtime issues # O2 flags in gcc 9.2 causes runtime issues for arm architecture |
Currently, all the changes are being pushed in these branches. Once it is merged, you will be able to follow the build instructions without any error.