Build steps for compilation on Raspberry Pi with Raspbian OS
- Install the Raspian Pi OS from the “Raspberry Pi Imager” software. Select the Raspberry Pi Os (64-bit) image.
After installation below are additional packages to be installed for build, db and execution.
sudo apt-get update;
sudo apt-get upgrade;
sudo apt-get install vim;
sudo apt-get install libev-dev;
sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev;
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev;
sudo apt-get install libnl-3-dev;
sudo apt-get install libnl-genl-3-dev;
sudo apt-get install libnl-route-3-dev;
sudo apt-get install libavro-dev;
sudo apt-get install libcjson1 libcjson-dev;
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev;
sudo apt-get install uuid-dev;
sudo apt-get install libmysqlcppconn-dev;
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev;
sudo apt-get install iptables;
sudo apt install mariadb-server;
Build Instructions
1. In a working directory git clone the OneWifi in generic folder and unified-wifi-mesh repository
mkdir easymesh_project
cd easymesh_project
git clone
git clone
2. Run the makefile of OneWifi with setup option to pull in other dependent repository. This is a one time operation.
cd OneWifi
make -f build/linux/makefile setup
3. Build the Onewifi with make command
make -f build/linux/makefile all
4. Build easymesh components in the unified-easy-mesh folder
cd unified-easy-mesh/build/ctrl
make all
cd unified-easy-mesh/build/cli
make all
cd unified-easy-mesh/build/agent
make all
Execution Steps
OneWifi Related
sudo apt-get install bridge-utils
- Mask running of wpa_supplicant with below commands and ensure that wpa_supplicant is not running after these steps using ps command.
sudo systemctl stop wpa_supplicant
sudo systemctl disable wpa_supplicant
sudo systemctl mask wpa_supplicant
sudo systemctl status wpa_supplicant
- Configure brlan0 interface, IP Tables, DHCP
#Enable brlan0 interface and configure ip address
sudo brctl addbr brlan0
sudo ip link set dev brlan0 up
sudo ip addr add broadcast dev brlan0
#IP tables command
sudo sh -c "echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward"
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o brlan0 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o brlan0 -j ACCEPT
#dnsmasq for DHCP in background or in a different terminal
sudo dnsmasq -i brlan0 -d --dhcp-range=, &
DB Setup commands (On controller)
- Setup mysql database one time running below command. Choose "n" for Remove anonymous users and Remove test database.
sudo mysql_secure_installation
- Setup "OneWifiMesh" database with the below commands
#Login to MariaDB monitor
sudo mysql -u root -p
#In MariaDB console
create database OneWifiMesh;
use OneWifiMesh;
show tables; ==> should show no tables
- Reset database and check tables are created
#In a separate window run easy mesh ctrl with <username of db>@<password> to connect to DB.
sudo ./one_wifi_em_ctrl root@root
#In a separate window run easy mesh cli and run reset command "reset eth0 pi4" as specified below to reset the database
sudo ./one_wifi_em_cli
<<OneWifiMeshCli>>: reset eth0 pi4
#After this in MariaDB Console you if you run "show tables;" you will see 7 tables created with NetworkSSIDList and NetworkList tables Initialized.
# All other tables will be empty
MariaDB [OneWifiMesh]> show tables;
| Tables_in_OneWifiMesh |
| BSSList |
| DeviceList |
| NetworkList |
| NetworkSSIDList |
| OperatingClassList |
| RadioList |
| STAList |
Running instructions
- Device 1 - Run Easy mesh Controller and cli in separate windows.
sudo ./one_wifi_em_ctrl root@root
sudo ./one_wifi_em_cli
- Device 2 - Run OneWifi first in a separate window and then run easy mesh agent
sudo ./OneWifi -c
sudo ./one_wifi_em_agent
- Check Below commands on cli window to see Agent configured
<<OneWifiMeshCli>>:get_device OneWifiMesh
<<OneWifiMeshCli>>:get_radio OneWifiMesh
<<OneWifiMeshCli>>:get_bss OneWifiMesh
<<OneWifiMeshCli>>:get_ssid OneWifiMesh
- Check on the Agent that it is beaconing with the configured SSID
Mincheol Seo
Chandrakanth Pokuru , Thanks for providing a building guide. Do we have any pages for a running guide?
Benjamin Carlson
Mincheol Seo It seems to be on the GitHub repo:
Chandrakanth Pokuru
Hello Mincheol Seo and Benjamin Carlson ,We will walk through the runtime in our coming working group calls
Amarnath Hullur Subramanyam
Hello Mincheol Seo Benjamin Carlson et al,
I have updated Execution steps in this page and will go over this in the working group call as a demo on Nov-7th.
Mincheol Seo
Amarnath Hullur Subramanyam , Thanks for providing the demo and guide for the execution steps today. I will try it and provide feedback.
Amarnath Hullur Subramanyam
Mincheol Seo , Most welcome. I did some minor edits with regards to the command. Please check that when you are executing.