RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
Public Member Functions | |
MOCK_METHOD (void, SetTextStyle,(const std::string &options)) | |
Public Member Functions inherited from PlayerInstanceAAMP | |
PlayerInstanceAAMP (StreamSink *streamSink=NULL, std::function< void(uint8_t *, int, int, int) > exportFrames=nullptr) | |
PlayerInstanceAAMP Constructor. | |
~PlayerInstanceAAMP () | |
PlayerInstanceAAMP Destructor. | |
PlayerInstanceAAMP (const PlayerInstanceAAMP &other)=delete | |
copy constructor More... | |
PlayerInstanceAAMP & | operator= (const PlayerInstanceAAMP &other)=delete |
To overload = operator for copying. More... | |
void | Tune (const char *mainManifestUrl, const char *contentType, bool bFirstAttempt, bool bFinalAttempt, const char *traceUUID, bool audioDecoderStreamSync) |
Tune to a URL. DEPRECATED! This is included for backwards compatibility with current Sky AS integration audioDecoderStreamSync is a broadcom-specific hack (for original xi6 POC build) - this doesn't belong in Tune API. | |
void | Tune (const char *mainManifestUrl, bool autoPlay=true, const char *contentType=NULL, bool bFirstAttempt=true, bool bFinalAttempt=false, const char *traceUUID=NULL, bool audioDecoderStreamSync=true) |
Tune to a URL. | |
void | Stop (bool sendStateChangeEvent=true) |
Stop playback and release resources. More... | |
void | ResetConfiguration () |
API to reset configuration across tunes for single player instance. More... | |
void | SetRate (float rate, int overshootcorrection=0) |
Set playback rate. More... | |
void | PauseAt (double position) |
Set PauseAt position. More... | |
void | Seek (double secondsRelativeToTuneTime, bool keepPaused=false) |
Seek to a time. More... | |
void | SeekToLive (bool keepPaused=false) |
Seek to live point. More... | |
void | SetRateAndSeek (int rate, double secondsRelativeToTuneTime) |
Seek to a time and playback with a new rate. More... | |
void | SetSlowMotionPlayRate (float rate) |
Set slow motion player speed. More... | |
void | detach () |
Soft stop the player instance. More... | |
void | RegisterEvents (EventListener *eventListener) |
Register event handler. More... | |
void | UnRegisterEvents (EventListener *eventListener) |
UnRegister event handler. More... | |
void | SetVideoRectangle (int x, int y, int w, int h) |
Set video rectangle. More... | |
void | SetVideoZoom (VideoZoomMode zoom) |
Set video zoom. More... | |
void | SetVideoMute (bool muted) |
Enable/ Disable Video. More... | |
void | SetSubtitleMute (bool muted) |
Enable/ Disable Subtitle. More... | |
void | SetAudioVolume (int volume) |
Set Audio Volume. More... | |
void | SetLanguage (const char *language) |
Set Audio language. More... | |
void | SetSubscribedTags (std::vector< std::string > subscribedTags) |
Set array of subscribed tags. More... | |
void | SubscribeResponseHeaders (std::vector< std::string > responseHeaders) |
Subscribe array of http response headers. More... | |
void | LoadJS (void *context) |
void | UnloadJS (void *context) |
void | AddEventListener (AAMPEventType eventType, EventListener *eventListener) |
Support multiple listeners for multiple event type. More... | |
void | RemoveEventListener (AAMPEventType eventType, EventListener *eventListener) |
Remove event listener for eventType. More... | |
bool | IsLive () |
To check whether the asset is live or not. More... | |
bool | IsJsInfoLoggingEnabled () |
Get jsinfo config value (default false) More... | |
void | InsertAd (const char *url, double positionSeconds) |
Schedule insertion of ad at given position. More... | |
const char * | GetCurrentAudioLanguage () |
Get current audio language. More... | |
const char * | GetCurrentDRM () |
Get current drm. More... | |
void | AddPageHeaders (std::map< std::string, std::string > customHttpHeaders) |
Applies the custom http headers for page (Injector bundle) received from the js layer. More... | |
void | AddCustomHTTPHeader (std::string headerName, std::vector< std::string > headerValue, bool isLicenseHeader=false) |
Add/Remove a custom HTTP header and value. More... | |
void | SetLicenseServerURL (const char *url, DRMSystems type=eDRM_MAX_DRMSystems) |
Set License Server URL. More... | |
void | SetPreferredDRM (DRMSystems drmType) |
Set Preferred DRM. More... | |
DRMSystems | GetPreferredDRM () |
Get Preferred DRM. More... | |
void | SetStereoOnlyPlayback (bool bValue) |
Set Stereo Only Playback. More... | |
void | SetBulkTimedMetaReport (bool bValue) |
Set Bulk TimedMetadata Reporting flag. More... | |
void | SetRetuneForUnpairedDiscontinuity (bool bValue) |
Set unpaired discontinuity retune flag. More... | |
void | SetRetuneForGSTInternalError (bool bValue) |
Set retune configuration for gstpipeline internal data stream error. More... | |
void | SetAnonymousRequest (bool isAnonymous) |
Indicates if session token has to be used with license request or not. More... | |
void | SetAvgBWForABR (bool useAvgBW) |
Indicates average BW to be used for ABR Profiling. More... | |
void | SetPreCacheTimeWindow (int nTimeWindow) |
SetPreCacheTimeWindow Function to Set PreCache Time. More... | |
void | SetVODTrickplayFPS (int vodTrickplayFPS) |
Set VOD Trickplay FPS. More... | |
void | SetLinearTrickplayFPS (int linearTrickplayFPS) |
Set Linear Trickplay FPS. More... | |
void | SetLiveOffset (double liveoffset) |
Set Live Offset. More... | |
void | SetLiveOffset4K (double liveoffset) |
Set Live Offset. More... | |
void | SetStallErrorCode (int errorCode) |
To set the error code to be used for playback stalled error. More... | |
void | SetStallTimeout (int timeoutMS) |
To set the timeout value to be used for playback stall detection. More... | |
void | SetReportInterval (int reportInterval) |
To set the Playback Position reporting interval. More... | |
void | SetInitFragTimeoutRetryCount (int count) |
To set the max retry attempts for init frag curl timeout failures. More... | |
double | GetPlaybackPosition (void) |
To get the current playback position. More... | |
double | GetPlaybackDuration (void) |
To get the current asset's duration. More... | |
int | GetId (void) |
PrivAAMPState | GetState (void) |
To get the current AAMP state. More... | |
long | GetVideoBitrate (void) |
To get the bitrate of current video profile. More... | |
void | SetVideoBitrate (long bitrate) |
To set a preferred bitrate for video profile. More... | |
long | GetAudioBitrate (void) |
To get the bitrate of current audio profile. More... | |
void | SetAudioBitrate (long bitrate) |
To set a preferred bitrate for audio profile. More... | |
int | GetVideoZoom (void) |
To get video zoom mode. More... | |
bool | GetVideoMute (void) |
To get video mute status. More... | |
int | GetAudioVolume (void) |
To get the current audio volume. More... | |
int | GetPlaybackRate (void) |
To get the current playback rate. More... | |
std::vector< long > | GetVideoBitrates (void) |
To get the available video bitrates. More... | |
std::string | GetManifest (void) |
To get the available manifest. More... | |
std::vector< long > | GetAudioBitrates (void) |
To get the available audio bitrates. More... | |
void | SetInitialBitrate (long bitrate) |
To set the initial bitrate value. More... | |
long | GetInitialBitrate (void) |
To get the initial bitrate value. More... | |
void | SetInitialBitrate4K (long bitrate4K) |
To set the initial bitrate value for 4K assets. More... | |
long | GetInitialBitrate4k (void) |
To get the initial bitrate value for 4K assets. More... | |
void | SetNetworkTimeout (double timeout) |
To override default curl timeout for playlist/fragment downloads. More... | |
void | SetManifestTimeout (double timeout) |
Optionally override default HLS main manifest download timeout with app-specific value. More... | |
void | SetPlaylistTimeout (double timeout) |
Optionally override default HLS main manifest download timeout with app-specific value. More... | |
void | SetDownloadBufferSize (int bufferSize) |
To set the download buffer size value. More... | |
void | SetNetworkProxy (const char *proxy) |
To set the network proxy. More... | |
void | SetLicenseReqProxy (const char *licenseProxy) |
To set the proxy for license request. More... | |
void | SetDownloadStallTimeout (long stallTimeout) |
To set the curl stall timeout value. More... | |
void | SetDownloadStartTimeout (long startTimeout) |
To set the curl download start timeout. More... | |
void | SetDownloadLowBWTimeout (long lowBWTimeout) |
To set the curl download low bandwidth timeout value. More... | |
void | SetPreferredSubtitleLanguage (const char *language) |
Set preferred subtitle language. More... | |
void | SetAlternateContents (const std::string &adBreakId, const std::string &adId, const std::string &url) |
Setting the alternate contents' (Ads/blackouts) URL. More... | |
void | SetParallelPlaylistDL (bool bValue) |
Set parallel playlist download config value. More... | |
void | ManageAsyncTuneConfig (const char *url) |
Manage async tune configuration for specific contents. More... | |
void | SetAsyncTuneConfig (bool bValue) |
Set async tune configuration. More... | |
void | SetParallelPlaylistRefresh (bool bValue) |
Set parallel playlist download config value for linear. More... | |
void | SetWesterosSinkConfig (bool bValue) |
Set Westeros sink configuration. More... | |
void | SetLicenseCaching (bool bValue) |
Set license caching. More... | |
void | SetOutputResolutionCheck (bool bValue) |
Set Display resolution check for video profile filtering. More... | |
void | SetMatchingBaseUrlConfig (bool bValue) |
Set Matching BaseUrl Config Configuration. More... | |
void | SetPropagateUriParameters (bool bValue) |
to configure URI parameters for fragment downloads More... | |
void | ApplyArtificialDownloadDelay (unsigned int DownloadDelayInMs) |
to optionally configure simulated per-download network latency for negative testing More... | |
void | SetSslVerifyPeerConfig (bool bValue) |
Configure URI parameters. More... | |
void | SetNewABRConfig (bool bValue) |
Configure New ABR Enable/Disable. More... | |
void | SetNewAdBreakerConfig (bool bValue) |
Configure New AdBreaker Enable/Disable. More... | |
std::string | GetAvailableVideoTracks () |
Get available video tracks. More... | |
void | SetVideoTracks (std::vector< long > bitrates) |
Set video tracks. More... | |
std::string | GetAvailableAudioTracks (bool allTrack=false) |
Get available audio tracks. More... | |
std::string | GetAvailableTextTracks (bool allTrack=false) |
Get available text tracks. More... | |
std::string | GetVideoRectangle () |
Get the video window co-ordinates. More... | |
void | SetAppName (std::string name) |
Set the application name which has created PlayerInstanceAAMP, for logging purposes. More... | |
void | SetPreferredLanguages (const char *languageList, const char *preferredRendition=NULL, const char *preferredType=NULL, const char *codecList=NULL, const char *labelList=NULL) |
Set optional preferred language list. More... | |
void | SetPreferredTextLanguages (const char *param) |
Set optional preferred language list. More... | |
void | SetAudioTrack (std::string language="", std::string rendition="", std::string type="", std::string codec="", unsigned int channel=0, std::string label="") |
Set audio track. | |
void | SetPreferredCodec (const char *codecList) |
Set optional preferred codec list. More... | |
void | SetPreferredLabels (const char *lableList) |
Set optional preferred label list. More... | |
void | SetPreferredRenditions (const char *renditionList) |
Set optional preferred rendition list. More... | |
const char * | GetPreferredLanguages () |
Get current preferred language list. More... | |
void | SetTuneEventConfig (int tuneEventType) |
To set the vod-tune-event according to the player. More... | |
void | EnableVideoRectangle (bool rectProperty) |
Set video rectangle property. More... | |
void | SetRampDownLimit (int limit) |
Set profile ramp down limit. More... | |
int | GetRampDownLimit (void) |
Get profile ramp down limit. More... | |
void | SetInitRampdownLimit (int limit) |
Set Initial profile ramp down limit. More... | |
void | SetMinimumBitrate (long bitrate) |
Set minimum bitrate value. More... | |
long | GetMinimumBitrate (void) |
Get minimum bitrate value. More... | |
void | SetMaximumBitrate (long bitrate) |
Set maximum bitrate value. More... | |
long | GetMaximumBitrate (void) |
Get maximum bitrate value. More... | |
void | SetSegmentInjectFailCount (int value) |
Set retry limit on Segment injection failure. More... | |
void | SetSegmentDecryptFailCount (int value) |
Set retry limit on Segment drm decryption failure. More... | |
void | SetInitialBufferDuration (int durationSec) |
Set initial buffer duration in seconds. More... | |
int | GetInitialBufferDuration (void) |
Get initial buffer duration in seconds. More... | |
void | SetNativeCCRendering (bool enable) |
Enable/disable the native CC rendering feature. More... | |
void | SetAudioTrack (int trackId) |
Set audio track. | |
int | GetAudioTrack () |
Get current audio track index. More... | |
std::string | GetAudioTrackInfo () |
Get current audio track index. More... | |
std::string | GetTextTrackInfo () |
Get current audio track index. More... | |
std::string | GetPreferredAudioProperties () |
Get preferred audio prioperties. More... | |
std::string | GetPreferredTextProperties () |
Get preferred text prioperties. More... | |
void | SetTextTrack (int trackId, char *ccData=NULL) |
Set text track. More... | |
int | GetTextTrack () |
Get current text track index. More... | |
void | SetCCStatus (bool enabled) |
Set CC visibility on/off. More... | |
bool | GetCCStatus (void) |
Get CC visibility on/off. More... | |
void | SetTextStyle (const std::string &options) |
Set style options for text track rendering. More... | |
std::string | GetTextStyle () |
Get style options for text track rendering. More... | |
void | SetLanguageFormat (LangCodePreference preferredFormat, bool useRole=false) |
Set Language preferred Format. More... | |
void | SetCEAFormat (int format) |
Set the CEA format for force setting. More... | |
void | SetSessionToken (std::string sessionToken) |
Set the session token for player. More... | |
void | SetMaxPlaylistCacheSize (int cacheSize) |
Set Maximum Cache Size for storing playlist. More... | |
void | EnableSeekableRange (bool enabled) |
Enable seekable range values in progress event. More... | |
void | SetReportVideoPTS (bool enabled) |
Enable video PTS reporting in progress event. More... | |
void | SetDisable4K (bool value) |
Disable 4K Support in player. More... | |
void | DisableContentRestrictions (long grace, long time, bool eventChange) |
Disable Content Restrictions - unlock. More... | |
void | EnableContentRestrictions () |
Enable Content Restrictions - lock. More... | |
void | AsyncStartStop () |
Enable/Disable async operation. More... | |
void | PersistBitRateOverSeek (bool value) |
Enable/disable configuration to persist ABR profile over seek/SAP. More... | |
std::string | GetAvailableThumbnailTracks (void) |
To get the available bitrates for thumbnails. More... | |
bool | SetThumbnailTrack (int thumbIndex) |
To set a preferred bitrate for thumbnail profile. More... | |
std::string | GetThumbnails (double sduration, double eduration) |
To get preferred thumbnails for the duration. More... | |
void | SetPausedBehavior (int behavior) |
To set preferred paused state behavior. More... | |
bool | InitAAMPConfig (char *jsonStr) |
InitAAMPConfig - Initialize the media player session with json config. | |
std::string | GetAAMPConfig () |
GetAAMPConfig - GetAamp Config as JSON string. | |
void | SetUseAbsoluteTimeline (bool configState) |
To set UseAbsoluteTimeline for DASH. More... | |
void | XRESupportedTune (bool xreSupported) |
To set whether the JS playback session is from XRE or not. More... | |
void | EnableAsyncOperation () |
Enable async operation and initialize resources. More... | |
void | SetRepairIframes (bool configState) |
To set the repairIframes flag. More... | |
void | SetAuxiliaryLanguage (const std::string &language) |
Set auxiliary language. More... | |
void | SetLicenseCustomData (const char *customData) |
Set License Custom Data. More... | |
void | SetContentProtectionDataUpdateTimeout (int timeout) |
To set default timeout for Dynamic ContentProtectionDataUpdate on Key Rotation. More... | |
void | ProcessContentProtectionDataConfig (const char *jsonbuffer) |
void | SetRuntimeDRMConfigSupport (bool DynamicDRMSupported) |
To set Dynamic DRM feature by Application. | |
bool | IsOOBCCRenderingSupported () |
std::string | GetPlaybackStats () |
Get playback statistics formated for partner apps. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Data Fields inherited from PlayerInstanceAAMP | |
class PrivateInstanceAAMP * | aamp |
std::shared_ptr< PrivateInstanceAAMP > | sp_aamp |
AampConfig | mConfig |
Definition at line 26 of file MockPlayerInstanceAAMP.h.