RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
MockPlayerInstanceAAMP Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MockPlayerInstanceAAMP:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for MockPlayerInstanceAAMP:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 MOCK_METHOD (void, SetTextStyle,(const std::string &options))
- Public Member Functions inherited from PlayerInstanceAAMP
 PlayerInstanceAAMP (StreamSink *streamSink=NULL, std::function< void(uint8_t *, int, int, int) > exportFrames=nullptr)
 PlayerInstanceAAMP Constructor.
 ~PlayerInstanceAAMP ()
 PlayerInstanceAAMP Destructor.
 PlayerInstanceAAMP (const PlayerInstanceAAMP &other)=delete
 copy constructor More...
PlayerInstanceAAMPoperator= (const PlayerInstanceAAMP &other)=delete
 To overload = operator for copying. More...
void Tune (const char *mainManifestUrl, const char *contentType, bool bFirstAttempt, bool bFinalAttempt, const char *traceUUID, bool audioDecoderStreamSync)
 Tune to a URL. DEPRECATED! This is included for backwards compatibility with current Sky AS integration audioDecoderStreamSync is a broadcom-specific hack (for original xi6 POC build) - this doesn't belong in Tune API.
void Tune (const char *mainManifestUrl, bool autoPlay=true, const char *contentType=NULL, bool bFirstAttempt=true, bool bFinalAttempt=false, const char *traceUUID=NULL, bool audioDecoderStreamSync=true)
 Tune to a URL.
void Stop (bool sendStateChangeEvent=true)
 Stop playback and release resources. More...
void ResetConfiguration ()
 API to reset configuration across tunes for single player instance. More...
void SetRate (float rate, int overshootcorrection=0)
 Set playback rate. More...
void PauseAt (double position)
 Set PauseAt position. More...
void Seek (double secondsRelativeToTuneTime, bool keepPaused=false)
 Seek to a time. More...
void SeekToLive (bool keepPaused=false)
 Seek to live point. More...
void SetRateAndSeek (int rate, double secondsRelativeToTuneTime)
 Seek to a time and playback with a new rate. More...
void SetSlowMotionPlayRate (float rate)
 Set slow motion player speed. More...
void detach ()
 Soft stop the player instance. More...
void RegisterEvents (EventListener *eventListener)
 Register event handler. More...
void UnRegisterEvents (EventListener *eventListener)
 UnRegister event handler. More...
void SetVideoRectangle (int x, int y, int w, int h)
 Set video rectangle. More...
void SetVideoZoom (VideoZoomMode zoom)
 Set video zoom. More...
void SetVideoMute (bool muted)
 Enable/ Disable Video. More...
void SetSubtitleMute (bool muted)
 Enable/ Disable Subtitle. More...
void SetAudioVolume (int volume)
 Set Audio Volume. More...
void SetLanguage (const char *language)
 Set Audio language. More...
void SetSubscribedTags (std::vector< std::string > subscribedTags)
 Set array of subscribed tags. More...
void SubscribeResponseHeaders (std::vector< std::string > responseHeaders)
 Subscribe array of http response headers. More...
void LoadJS (void *context)
void UnloadJS (void *context)
void AddEventListener (AAMPEventType eventType, EventListener *eventListener)
 Support multiple listeners for multiple event type. More...
void RemoveEventListener (AAMPEventType eventType, EventListener *eventListener)
 Remove event listener for eventType. More...
bool IsLive ()
 To check whether the asset is live or not. More...
bool IsJsInfoLoggingEnabled ()
 Get jsinfo config value (default false) More...
void InsertAd (const char *url, double positionSeconds)
 Schedule insertion of ad at given position. More...
const char * GetCurrentAudioLanguage ()
 Get current audio language. More...
const char * GetCurrentDRM ()
 Get current drm. More...
void AddPageHeaders (std::map< std::string, std::string > customHttpHeaders)
 Applies the custom http headers for page (Injector bundle) received from the js layer. More...
void AddCustomHTTPHeader (std::string headerName, std::vector< std::string > headerValue, bool isLicenseHeader=false)
 Add/Remove a custom HTTP header and value. More...
void SetLicenseServerURL (const char *url, DRMSystems type=eDRM_MAX_DRMSystems)
 Set License Server URL. More...
void SetPreferredDRM (DRMSystems drmType)
 Set Preferred DRM. More...
DRMSystems GetPreferredDRM ()
 Get Preferred DRM. More...
void SetStereoOnlyPlayback (bool bValue)
 Set Stereo Only Playback. More...
void SetBulkTimedMetaReport (bool bValue)
 Set Bulk TimedMetadata Reporting flag. More...
void SetRetuneForUnpairedDiscontinuity (bool bValue)
 Set unpaired discontinuity retune flag. More...
void SetRetuneForGSTInternalError (bool bValue)
 Set retune configuration for gstpipeline internal data stream error. More...
void SetAnonymousRequest (bool isAnonymous)
 Indicates if session token has to be used with license request or not. More...
void SetAvgBWForABR (bool useAvgBW)
 Indicates average BW to be used for ABR Profiling. More...
void SetPreCacheTimeWindow (int nTimeWindow)
 SetPreCacheTimeWindow Function to Set PreCache Time. More...
void SetVODTrickplayFPS (int vodTrickplayFPS)
 Set VOD Trickplay FPS. More...
void SetLinearTrickplayFPS (int linearTrickplayFPS)
 Set Linear Trickplay FPS. More...
void SetLiveOffset (double liveoffset)
 Set Live Offset. More...
void SetLiveOffset4K (double liveoffset)
 Set Live Offset. More...
void SetStallErrorCode (int errorCode)
 To set the error code to be used for playback stalled error. More...
void SetStallTimeout (int timeoutMS)
 To set the timeout value to be used for playback stall detection. More...
void SetReportInterval (int reportInterval)
 To set the Playback Position reporting interval. More...
void SetInitFragTimeoutRetryCount (int count)
 To set the max retry attempts for init frag curl timeout failures. More...
double GetPlaybackPosition (void)
 To get the current playback position. More...
double GetPlaybackDuration (void)
 To get the current asset's duration. More...
int GetId (void)
PrivAAMPState GetState (void)
 To get the current AAMP state. More...
long GetVideoBitrate (void)
 To get the bitrate of current video profile. More...
void SetVideoBitrate (long bitrate)
 To set a preferred bitrate for video profile. More...
long GetAudioBitrate (void)
 To get the bitrate of current audio profile. More...
void SetAudioBitrate (long bitrate)
 To set a preferred bitrate for audio profile. More...
int GetVideoZoom (void)
 To get video zoom mode. More...
bool GetVideoMute (void)
 To get video mute status. More...
int GetAudioVolume (void)
 To get the current audio volume. More...
int GetPlaybackRate (void)
 To get the current playback rate. More...
std::vector< long > GetVideoBitrates (void)
 To get the available video bitrates. More...
std::string GetManifest (void)
 To get the available manifest. More...
std::vector< long > GetAudioBitrates (void)
 To get the available audio bitrates. More...
void SetInitialBitrate (long bitrate)
 To set the initial bitrate value. More...
long GetInitialBitrate (void)
 To get the initial bitrate value. More...
void SetInitialBitrate4K (long bitrate4K)
 To set the initial bitrate value for 4K assets. More...
long GetInitialBitrate4k (void)
 To get the initial bitrate value for 4K assets. More...
void SetNetworkTimeout (double timeout)
 To override default curl timeout for playlist/fragment downloads. More...
void SetManifestTimeout (double timeout)
 Optionally override default HLS main manifest download timeout with app-specific value. More...
void SetPlaylistTimeout (double timeout)
 Optionally override default HLS main manifest download timeout with app-specific value. More...
void SetDownloadBufferSize (int bufferSize)
 To set the download buffer size value. More...
void SetNetworkProxy (const char *proxy)
 To set the network proxy. More...
void SetLicenseReqProxy (const char *licenseProxy)
 To set the proxy for license request. More...
void SetDownloadStallTimeout (long stallTimeout)
 To set the curl stall timeout value. More...
void SetDownloadStartTimeout (long startTimeout)
 To set the curl download start timeout. More...
void SetDownloadLowBWTimeout (long lowBWTimeout)
 To set the curl download low bandwidth timeout value. More...
void SetPreferredSubtitleLanguage (const char *language)
 Set preferred subtitle language. More...
void SetAlternateContents (const std::string &adBreakId, const std::string &adId, const std::string &url)
 Setting the alternate contents' (Ads/blackouts) URL. More...
void SetParallelPlaylistDL (bool bValue)
 Set parallel playlist download config value. More...
void ManageAsyncTuneConfig (const char *url)
 Manage async tune configuration for specific contents. More...
void SetAsyncTuneConfig (bool bValue)
 Set async tune configuration. More...
void SetParallelPlaylistRefresh (bool bValue)
 Set parallel playlist download config value for linear. More...
void SetWesterosSinkConfig (bool bValue)
 Set Westeros sink configuration. More...
void SetLicenseCaching (bool bValue)
 Set license caching. More...
void SetOutputResolutionCheck (bool bValue)
 Set Display resolution check for video profile filtering. More...
void SetMatchingBaseUrlConfig (bool bValue)
 Set Matching BaseUrl Config Configuration. More...
void SetPropagateUriParameters (bool bValue)
 to configure URI parameters for fragment downloads More...
void ApplyArtificialDownloadDelay (unsigned int DownloadDelayInMs)
 to optionally configure simulated per-download network latency for negative testing More...
void SetSslVerifyPeerConfig (bool bValue)
 Configure URI parameters. More...
void SetNewABRConfig (bool bValue)
 Configure New ABR Enable/Disable. More...
void SetNewAdBreakerConfig (bool bValue)
 Configure New AdBreaker Enable/Disable. More...
std::string GetAvailableVideoTracks ()
 Get available video tracks. More...
void SetVideoTracks (std::vector< long > bitrates)
 Set video tracks. More...
std::string GetAvailableAudioTracks (bool allTrack=false)
 Get available audio tracks. More...
std::string GetAvailableTextTracks (bool allTrack=false)
 Get available text tracks. More...
std::string GetVideoRectangle ()
 Get the video window co-ordinates. More...
void SetAppName (std::string name)
 Set the application name which has created PlayerInstanceAAMP, for logging purposes. More...
void SetPreferredLanguages (const char *languageList, const char *preferredRendition=NULL, const char *preferredType=NULL, const char *codecList=NULL, const char *labelList=NULL)
 Set optional preferred language list. More...
void SetPreferredTextLanguages (const char *param)
 Set optional preferred language list. More...
void SetAudioTrack (std::string language="", std::string rendition="", std::string type="", std::string codec="", unsigned int channel=0, std::string label="")
 Set audio track.
void SetPreferredCodec (const char *codecList)
 Set optional preferred codec list. More...
void SetPreferredLabels (const char *lableList)
 Set optional preferred label list. More...
void SetPreferredRenditions (const char *renditionList)
 Set optional preferred rendition list. More...
const char * GetPreferredLanguages ()
 Get current preferred language list. More...
void SetTuneEventConfig (int tuneEventType)
 To set the vod-tune-event according to the player. More...
void EnableVideoRectangle (bool rectProperty)
 Set video rectangle property. More...
void SetRampDownLimit (int limit)
 Set profile ramp down limit. More...
int GetRampDownLimit (void)
 Get profile ramp down limit. More...
void SetInitRampdownLimit (int limit)
 Set Initial profile ramp down limit. More...
void SetMinimumBitrate (long bitrate)
 Set minimum bitrate value. More...
long GetMinimumBitrate (void)
 Get minimum bitrate value. More...
void SetMaximumBitrate (long bitrate)
 Set maximum bitrate value. More...
long GetMaximumBitrate (void)
 Get maximum bitrate value. More...
void SetSegmentInjectFailCount (int value)
 Set retry limit on Segment injection failure.
void SetSegmentDecryptFailCount (int value)
 Set retry limit on Segment drm decryption failure. More...
void SetInitialBufferDuration (int durationSec)
 Set initial buffer duration in seconds. More...
int GetInitialBufferDuration (void)
 Get initial buffer duration in seconds. More...
void SetNativeCCRendering (bool enable)
 Enable/disable the native CC rendering feature. More...
void SetAudioTrack (int trackId)
 Set audio track.
int GetAudioTrack ()
 Get current audio track index. More...
std::string GetAudioTrackInfo ()
 Get current audio track index. More...
std::string GetTextTrackInfo ()
 Get current audio track index. More...
std::string GetPreferredAudioProperties ()
 Get preferred audio prioperties. More...
std::string GetPreferredTextProperties ()
 Get preferred text prioperties. More...
void SetTextTrack (int trackId, char *ccData=NULL)
 Set text track. More...
int GetTextTrack ()
 Get current text track index. More...
void SetCCStatus (bool enabled)
 Set CC visibility on/off. More...
bool GetCCStatus (void)
 Get CC visibility on/off. More...
void SetTextStyle (const std::string &options)
 Set style options for text track rendering. More...
std::string GetTextStyle ()
 Get style options for text track rendering. More...
void SetLanguageFormat (LangCodePreference preferredFormat, bool useRole=false)
 Set Language preferred Format. More...
void SetCEAFormat (int format)
 Set the CEA format for force setting. More...
void SetSessionToken (std::string sessionToken)
 Set the session token for player. More...
void SetMaxPlaylistCacheSize (int cacheSize)
 Set Maximum Cache Size for storing playlist. More...
void EnableSeekableRange (bool enabled)
 Enable seekable range values in progress event. More...
void SetReportVideoPTS (bool enabled)
 Enable video PTS reporting in progress event. More...
void SetDisable4K (bool value)
 Disable 4K Support in player. More...
void DisableContentRestrictions (long grace, long time, bool eventChange)
 Disable Content Restrictions - unlock. More...
void EnableContentRestrictions ()
 Enable Content Restrictions - lock. More...
void AsyncStartStop ()
 Enable/Disable async operation. More...
void PersistBitRateOverSeek (bool value)
 Enable/disable configuration to persist ABR profile over seek/SAP. More...
std::string GetAvailableThumbnailTracks (void)
 To get the available bitrates for thumbnails. More...
bool SetThumbnailTrack (int thumbIndex)
 To set a preferred bitrate for thumbnail profile. More...
std::string GetThumbnails (double sduration, double eduration)
 To get preferred thumbnails for the duration. More...
void SetPausedBehavior (int behavior)
 To set preferred paused state behavior. More...
bool InitAAMPConfig (char *jsonStr)
 InitAAMPConfig - Initialize the media player session with json config.
std::string GetAAMPConfig ()
 GetAAMPConfig - GetAamp Config as JSON string.
void SetUseAbsoluteTimeline (bool configState)
 To set UseAbsoluteTimeline for DASH. More...
void XRESupportedTune (bool xreSupported)
 To set whether the JS playback session is from XRE or not. More...
void EnableAsyncOperation ()
 Enable async operation and initialize resources. More...
void SetRepairIframes (bool configState)
 To set the repairIframes flag. More...
void SetAuxiliaryLanguage (const std::string &language)
 Set auxiliary language. More...
void SetLicenseCustomData (const char *customData)
 Set License Custom Data. More...
void SetContentProtectionDataUpdateTimeout (int timeout)
 To set default timeout for Dynamic ContentProtectionDataUpdate on Key Rotation. More...
void ProcessContentProtectionDataConfig (const char *jsonbuffer)
void SetRuntimeDRMConfigSupport (bool DynamicDRMSupported)
 To set Dynamic DRM feature by Application.
bool IsOOBCCRenderingSupported ()
std::string GetPlaybackStats ()
 Get playback statistics formated for partner apps. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Data Fields inherited from PlayerInstanceAAMP
class PrivateInstanceAAMPaamp
std::shared_ptr< PrivateInstanceAAMPsp_aamp
AampConfig mConfig


Definition at line 26 of file MockPlayerInstanceAAMP.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: