RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
Device Settings - Audio Output Port APIs



static AudioOutputPortdevice::AudioOutputPort::getInstance (int id)
 This API is used to get the instance of the audio output port based on the port id returned by the getsupported audiooutput port. More...
static AudioOutputPortdevice::AudioOutputPort::getInstance (const std::string &name)
 This API is used to get the instance of the audio output port based on the port name returned by the getsupported audiooutput port. More...
 device::AudioOutputPort::AudioOutputPort (const int type, const int index, const int id)
 This function is a default constructor for AudioOutputPort. It initialises the data members of AudioOutputPort instance with the parameters passed. It also gets the handle for the type of Audio port requested and updates the audio compression technique, type of encoding, stereo mode, audio gain, audio level, optimal audio level, maximum and minimum DB that is supported and current audio DB. More...
virtual device::AudioOutputPort::~AudioOutputPort ()
 This is a default destructor of class AudioOutputPort. More...
dsError_t device::AudioOutputPort::reInitializeAudioOutputPort ()
 This API is used to reInitialize AudioOutputPort in case when Constructor miss out the Audio output port. More...
const AudioOutputPortTypedevice::AudioOutputPort::getType () const
 This API is used to get the type of the audio output port. The type of audio output port represent the general capabilities of the port. More...
const List< AudioEncodingdevice::AudioOutputPort::getSupportedEncodings () const
 This API is used to get the list of audio encodings supported by the port. More...
const List< AudioCompressiondevice::AudioOutputPort::getSupportedCompressions () const
 This API is used to get the list of audio compressions supported by the port. More...
const List< AudioStereoModedevice::AudioOutputPort::getSupportedStereoModes () const
const AudioEncodingdevice::AudioOutputPort::getEncoding () const
 This API is used to get the current encoding of the output port. More...
const AudioStereoModedevice::AudioOutputPort::getStereoMode (bool usePersist=false)
 This API is used to get the current stereo mode of the output port. More...
dsError_t device::AudioOutputPort::setEnablePort (bool enabled)
 This API is used to enable and disable the Audio output port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::enable ()
 This API is used to enable the Audio output port. More...
void device::VideoOutputPort::disable ()
 This API is used to disable the Audio output port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::disable ()
bool device::AudioOutputPort::getEnablePersist () const
void device::AudioOutputPort::setEnablePersist (bool isEnabled)
bool device::AudioOutputPort::getStereoAuto ()
 This API is used to get the current auto mode. More...
float device::AudioOutputPort::getGain () const
 This API will get the current Gain for the given audio output port. More...
float device::AudioOutputPort::getDB () const
 This API will get the current Decibel value for the given Audio port. More...
float device::AudioOutputPort::getMaxDB () const
 This API is used to get the current Maximum decibel that Audio output port can support. More...
float device::AudioOutputPort::getMinDB () const
 This API is used to get the current minimum decibel that Audio output port can support. More...
float device::AudioOutputPort::getOptimalLevel () const
 This API is used to get the current optimal level value for audio output port. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::getAudioDelay (uint32_t &audioDelayMs) const
 This API is used to get the current audio delay in milliseconds for audio output port. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::getAudioDelayOffset (uint32_t &audioDelayOffsetMs) const
 This API is used to get the current audio delay offset in milliseconds for audio output port. More...
float device::AudioOutputPort::getLevel () const
 This API is used to get the current audio level for the given audio output port. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::isLoopThru () const
 This API is used to check whether the given audio port is configured for loop thro'. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::isMuted () const
 This API is used to check whether the audio is muted or not. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::isEnabled () const
 This API is used to check whether the audio is enabled or not. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::isConnected () const
 This API is used to check whether the audio output port is connected to a sink device or not. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setEncoding (const int encoding)
 This API is used to set the Encoding method in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setEncoding (const std::string &encoding)
 This API is used to set the Encoding method in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setCompression (const int compression)
 This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setDialogEnhancement (const int level)
 This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setDolbyVolumeMode (const bool mode)
 This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setIntelligentEqualizerMode (const int mode)
 This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setVolumeLeveller (const dsVolumeLeveller_t volLeveller)
 This API is used to set the volume leveller mode & amount for a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setBassEnhancer (const int boost)
 This API is used to adjust the Bass in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::enableSurroundDecoder (const bool enable)
 This API is used to enable/disable surround decoder in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setDRCMode (const int mode)
 This API is used to set the Dynamic Range control mode in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setSurroundVirtualizer (const dsSurroundVirtualizer_t virtualizer)
 This API is used to set the surround virtualizer mode and boost value for a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setMISteering (const bool enable)
 This API is used to enable/disable the Media Intelligent Steering in a given audio port. More...
int device::AudioOutputPort::getCompression () const
 This API is used to get the current compression of the output port. More...
int device::AudioOutputPort::getDialogEnhancement () const
 This API is used to get the current auto mode. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::getDolbyVolumeMode () const
 This API is used to get the current auto mode. More...
int device::AudioOutputPort::getIntelligentEqualizerMode () const
dsVolumeLeveller_t device::AudioOutputPort::getVolumeLeveller () const
 This API is used to get the current volume leveller value. More...
int device::AudioOutputPort::getBassEnhancer () const
 This API is used to get the Bass Enhancer boost value. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::isSurroundDecoderEnabled () const
 This API is used to get status of surround decoder. More...
int device::AudioOutputPort::getDRCMode () const
 This API is used to get the Dynamic Range Control mode. More...
dsSurroundVirtualizer_t device::AudioOutputPort::getSurroundVirtualizer () const
 This API is used to get the Surround Virtualizer Boost value. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::getMISteering () const
 This API is used to get status of Media Intelligent Steering. More...
int device::AudioOutputPort::getGraphicEqualizerMode () const
 This API is used to get the current Graphical EQ mode. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setGraphicEqualizerMode (const int mode)
 This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port. More...
const std::string device::AudioOutputPort::getMS12AudioProfile () const
 This API is used to get the current MS12 Audio profile. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setMS12AudioProfile (std::string profile)
 This API is used to set MS12 Audio Profile. More...
std::vector< std::string > device::AudioOutputPort::getMS12AudioProfileList () const
 This API is used to get the supported MS12 Audio profiles. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setAssociatedAudioMixing (const bool mixing)
 This API is used to enable/disable Associated Audio Mixing. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::getAssociatedAudioMixing (bool *mixing)
 This API is used to get status of Associated Audio Mixing. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setFaderControl (const int mixerBalance)
 This API is used to set the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::getFaderControl (int *mixerBalance)
 This API is used to get the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setPrimaryLanguage (const std::string pLang)
 This API is used to set Primary language. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::getPrimaryLanguage (std::string &pLang)
 This API is used to get the current Primary language. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setSecondaryLanguage (const std::string sLang)
 This API is used to set Secondary language. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::getSecondaryLanguage (std::string &sLang)
 This API is used to get the current AC4 Secondary language. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setStereoMode (const int mode, const bool toPersist=true)
 This API is used to set the stereo mode to be used in a given audio port.If toPersist is true, the setting will persist after reboots. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setAudioDelay (const uint32_t audioDelayMs)
 This API is used to set audio delay in milliseconds. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setAudioDelayOffset (const uint32_t audioDelayOffsetMs)
 This API is used to set audio delay offset in milliseconds. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setAudioAtmosOutputMode (bool enable)
void device::AudioOutputPort::getSinkDeviceAtmosCapability (dsATMOSCapability_t &atmosCapability)
void device::AudioOutputPort::getSupportedARCTypes (int *types)
 This API is used to query the supported ARC types of the connected device. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setSAD (std::vector< int > sad_list)
 This function sets SAD(Short Audio Descriptor) to configure the best available audio format to send to the ARC device from the passed SAD list. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::enableARC (dsAudioARCTypes_t type, bool enable)
 This function enables/disables ARC/EARC and routes audio to connected device. More...
dsError_t device::AudioOutputPort::enableLEConfig (const bool enable)
 This API is used to enable Loudness Equivalence *. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::GetLEConfig ()
 This API is used to check if Loudness Equivalence is enabled or not*. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::enableMS12Config (const dsMS12FEATURE_t feature, const bool enable)
 This API is used to enable MS12 features such as DAPV2 adn DE *. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setStereoAuto (const bool autoMode, const bool toPersist=true)
 This API is used to set the stereo mode to be auto;. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setStereoMode (const std::string &mode, const bool toPersist=true)
 This function is used to set the stereo mode for the audio port.If toPersist is true, the setting will persist after reboots. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setDB (const float db)
 This API is used to set the audio DB value to be used in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setGain (const float newGain)
 This API is used to set the audio gain to be used in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setLevel (const float level)
 This API is used to set the audio level to be used in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setAudioDucking (dsAudioDuckingAction_t action, dsAudioDuckingType_t, const unsigned char level)
 This API is used to set the audio level to be used in a given audio port. If output mode is Passthrough/Expert this mutes the audio. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setLoopThru (const bool loopThru)
 This API is used to set the audio port to do loop thro. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setMuted (const bool mute)
 This API is used to mute/unmute the audio. It throws an IllegalArgumentException if audio could not be muted/unmuted. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::isAudioMSDecode () const
 This API is used to check whether the audio port supports Dolby MS11 Multistream Decode. More...
bool device::AudioOutputPort::isAudioMS12Decode () const
void device::AudioOutputPort::getAudioCapabilities (int *capabilities)
 This API is used to query the Audio capabilities of the device. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::getMS12Capabilities (int *capabilities)
 This API is used to query the MS12 capabilities of the device. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::resetDialogEnhancement ()
 This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::resetBassEnhancer ()
 This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::resetSurroundVirtualizer ()
 This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::resetVolumeLeveller ()
 This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port. More...
void device::AudioOutputPort::setMS12AudioProfileSetttingsOverride (const std::string ProfileState, const std::string ProfileName, const std::string ProfileSettingsName, const std::string ProfileSettingValue)
void device::AudioOutputPort::getHdmiArcPortId (int *portId)
 This API is used to query the HDMI ARC Port ID. More...

Function Documentation

◆ getInstance() [1/2]

AudioOutputPort & device::AudioOutputPort::getInstance ( int  id)

This API is used to get the instance of the audio output port based on the port id returned by the getsupported audiooutput port.

[in]idPort id
Reference to the instance of the port id

Definition at line 83 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getInstance() [2/2]

AudioOutputPort & device::AudioOutputPort::getInstance ( const std::string &  name)

This API is used to get the instance of the audio output port based on the port name returned by the getsupported audiooutput port.

[in]nameName of the port
Reference to the instance of the name of the port

Definition at line 97 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ AudioOutputPort()

device::AudioOutputPort::AudioOutputPort ( const int  type,
const int  index,
const int  id 

This function is a default constructor for AudioOutputPort. It initialises the data members of AudioOutputPort instance with the parameters passed. It also gets the handle for the type of Audio port requested and updates the audio compression technique, type of encoding, stereo mode, audio gain, audio level, optimal audio level, maximum and minimum DB that is supported and current audio DB.

[in]typeType of audio output port [HDMI,SPDIF]
[in]indexIndex of audio output port (0,1,...)
[in]idAudiooutput port id.

Definition at line 118 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ ~AudioOutputPort()

device::AudioOutputPort::~AudioOutputPort ( )

This is a default destructor of class AudioOutputPort.


Definition at line 158 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ reInitializeAudioOutputPort()

dsError_t device::AudioOutputPort::reInitializeAudioOutputPort ( )

This API is used to reInitialize AudioOutputPort in case when Constructor miss out the Audio output port.


Definition at line 171 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getType()

const AudioOutputPortType & device::AudioOutputPort::getType ( ) const

This API is used to get the type of the audio output port. The type of audio output port represent the general capabilities of the port.

An instance to the type of the audio output port

Definition at line 212 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getSupportedEncodings()

const List< AudioEncoding > device::AudioOutputPort::getSupportedEncodings ( ) const

This API is used to get the list of audio encodings supported by the port.

A list of audio encodings supported

Definition at line 224 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getSupportedCompressions()

const List< AudioCompression > device::AudioOutputPort::getSupportedCompressions ( ) const

This API is used to get the list of audio compressions supported by the port.

A list of audio compressions supported

Definition at line 236 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getSupportedStereoModes()

const List< AudioStereoMode > device::AudioOutputPort::getSupportedStereoModes ( ) const

@breif This API is used to get the list of audio stereo modes supported by the port.

A list of stereo modes supported

Definition at line 248 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getEncoding()

const AudioEncoding & device::AudioOutputPort::getEncoding ( ) const

This API is used to get the current encoding of the output port.

Current audio encoding

Definition at line 260 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getStereoMode()

const AudioStereoMode & device::AudioOutputPort::getStereoMode ( bool  usePersist = false)

This API is used to get the current stereo mode of the output port.

Current audio stereo mode

Definition at line 273 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setEnablePort()

dsError_t device::AudioOutputPort::setEnablePort ( bool  enabled)

This API is used to enable and disable the Audio output port.


Definition at line 289 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ enable()

void device::AudioOutputPort::enable ( )

This API is used to enable the Audio output port.


Definition at line 304 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ disable()

void device::VideoOutputPort::disable ( )

This API is used to disable the Audio output port.

This API is used to disable the video output port.


Definition at line 567 of file videoOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getStereoAuto()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::getStereoAuto ( )

This API is used to get the current auto mode.

Current audio stereo mode

Definition at line 372 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getGain()

float device::AudioOutputPort::getGain ( ) const

This API will get the current Gain for the given audio output port.

Current gain value in a given Audio output port

Definition at line 386 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getDB()

float device::AudioOutputPort::getDB ( ) const

This API will get the current Decibel value for the given Audio port.

Current Decibel value in a given Audio port

Definition at line 408 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getMaxDB()

float device::AudioOutputPort::getMaxDB ( ) const

This API is used to get the current Maximum decibel that Audio output port can support.

Current maximum decibel for the given audio output port

Definition at line 420 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getMinDB()

float device::AudioOutputPort::getMinDB ( ) const

This API is used to get the current minimum decibel that Audio output port can support.

Current minimum decibel value for the given audio output port

Definition at line 432 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getOptimalLevel()

float device::AudioOutputPort::getOptimalLevel ( ) const

This API is used to get the current optimal level value for audio output port.

Current optimal level for the given audio output port

Definition at line 444 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getAudioDelay()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::getAudioDelay ( uint32_t &  audioDelayMs) const

This API is used to get the current audio delay in milliseconds for audio output port.

true if call succeded, false otherwise

Definition at line 455 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getAudioDelayOffset()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::getAudioDelayOffset ( uint32_t &  audioDelayOffsetMs) const

This API is used to get the current audio delay offset in milliseconds for audio output port.

true if call succeded, false otherwise

Definition at line 473 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getLevel()

float device::AudioOutputPort::getLevel ( ) const

This API is used to get the current audio level for the given audio output port.

Current Audio Level for the given audio output port

Definition at line 492 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ isLoopThru()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::isLoopThru ( ) const

This API is used to check whether the given audio port is configured for loop thro'.

Return values
1when output is loop thru
0When output is not loop thru

Definition at line 514 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ isMuted()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::isMuted ( ) const

This API is used to check whether the audio is muted or not.

True or False
Return values
1when output is muted
0When output is not muted

Definition at line 530 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ isEnabled()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::isEnabled ( ) const

This API is used to check whether the audio is enabled or not.

True or False
Return values
1when output is enabled
0When output is disbaled

Definition at line 549 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ isConnected()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::isConnected ( ) const

This API is used to check whether the audio output port is connected to a sink device or not.

Optical/SPDIF port or any analog port is considered "Always connected". HDMI port depends on actual connectivity.

True or False
Return values
1when output is connected
0When output is not connected

Definition at line 572 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setEncoding() [1/2]

void device::AudioOutputPort::setEncoding ( const int  newEncoding)

This API is used to set the Encoding method in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception".

[in]newEncodingType of Encoding method for the given Audio Output port.

Definition at line 608 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setEncoding() [2/2]

void device::AudioOutputPort::setEncoding ( const std::string &  newEncoding)

This API is used to set the Encoding method in a given audio port.

[in]newEncodingType of Encoding method for the given Audio Output port.

Definition at line 631 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setCompression()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setCompression ( const int  newCompression)

This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newCompressionType of Compression mode for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 648 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setDialogEnhancement()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setDialogEnhancement ( const int  level)

This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newCompressionType of Compression mode for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 669 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setDolbyVolumeMode()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setDolbyVolumeMode ( const bool  mode)

This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newCompressionType of Compression mode for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 692 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setIntelligentEqualizerMode()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setIntelligentEqualizerMode ( const int  level)

This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newCompressionType of Compression mode for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 715 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setVolumeLeveller()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setVolumeLeveller ( const dsVolumeLeveller_t  volLeveller)

This API is used to set the volume leveller mode & amount for a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]dsVolumeLeveller_tfor the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 738 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setBassEnhancer()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setBassEnhancer ( const int  boost)

This API is used to adjust the Bass in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]bassboost value for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 761 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ enableSurroundDecoder()

void device::AudioOutputPort::enableSurroundDecoder ( const bool  enable)

This API is used to enable/disable surround decoder in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]enable/disablesurround decoder for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 784 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setDRCMode()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setDRCMode ( const int  mode)

This API is used to set the Dynamic Range control mode in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]dynamicrange control mode for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 807 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setSurroundVirtualizer()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setSurroundVirtualizer ( const dsSurroundVirtualizer_t  virtualizer)

This API is used to set the surround virtualizer mode and boost value for a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]dsSurroundVirtualizer_tvalue for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 830 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setMISteering()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setMISteering ( const bool  enable)

This API is used to enable/disable the Media Intelligent Steering in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]enable/disableMI Steering for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 853 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getCompression()

int device::AudioOutputPort::getCompression ( ) const

This API is used to get the current compression of the output port.

Current audio compression

Definition at line 871 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getDialogEnhancement()

const int device::AudioOutputPort::getDialogEnhancement ( ) const

This API is used to get the current auto mode.

Current audio stereo mode

Definition at line 891 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getDolbyVolumeMode()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::getDolbyVolumeMode ( ) const

This API is used to get the current auto mode.

Current audio stereo mode

Definition at line 911 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getVolumeLeveller()

dsVolumeLeveller_t device::AudioOutputPort::getVolumeLeveller ( ) const

This API is used to get the current volume leveller value.

Current audio volume leveller settings

Definition at line 952 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getBassEnhancer()

int device::AudioOutputPort::getBassEnhancer ( ) const

This API is used to get the Bass Enhancer boost value.

Current audio bass value

Definition at line 975 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ isSurroundDecoderEnabled()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::isSurroundDecoderEnabled ( ) const

This API is used to get status of surround decoder.

Current status of surround decoder

Definition at line 995 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getDRCMode()

int device::AudioOutputPort::getDRCMode ( ) const

This API is used to get the Dynamic Range Control mode.

Current Dynamic Range control mode (line => 0, RF => 1)

Definition at line 1015 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getSurroundVirtualizer()

dsSurroundVirtualizer_t device::AudioOutputPort::getSurroundVirtualizer ( ) const

This API is used to get the Surround Virtualizer Boost value.

Current Surround Virtualizer settings

Definition at line 1035 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getMISteering()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::getMISteering ( ) const

This API is used to get status of Media Intelligent Steering.

Current status of Media Intelligent Steering

Definition at line 1057 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getGraphicEqualizerMode()

int device::AudioOutputPort::getGraphicEqualizerMode ( ) const

This API is used to get the current Graphical EQ mode.

Current Graphical EQ mode

Definition at line 1078 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setGraphicEqualizerMode()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setGraphicEqualizerMode ( const int  mode)

This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]Newgraphic EQ mode for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 1105 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getMS12AudioProfile()

const std::string device::AudioOutputPort::getMS12AudioProfile ( ) const

This API is used to get the current MS12 Audio profile.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[string] Profile Name

Definition at line 1125 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setMS12AudioProfile()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setMS12AudioProfile ( std::string  profile)

This API is used to set MS12 Audio Profile.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[string]Profile name to be set

Definition at line 1154 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getMS12AudioProfileList()

std::vector< std::string > device::AudioOutputPort::getMS12AudioProfileList ( ) const

This API is used to get the supported MS12 Audio profiles.

List of audio profiles

Definition at line 1173 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setAssociatedAudioMixing()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setAssociatedAudioMixing ( const bool  mixing)

This API is used to enable/disable Associated Audio Mixing.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]mixingenable/disable Associated Audio Mixing.

Definition at line 1215 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getAssociatedAudioMixing()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getAssociatedAudioMixing ( bool *  mixing)

This API is used to get status of Associated Audio Mixing.

Current status of Associated Audio Mixing

Definition at line 1235 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setFaderControl()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setFaderControl ( const int  mixerBalance)

This API is used to set the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]Newmixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio.

Definition at line 1267 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getFaderControl()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getFaderControl ( int *  mixerBalance)

This API is used to get the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio.

Current mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio

Definition at line 1285 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setPrimaryLanguage()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setPrimaryLanguage ( const std::string  pLang)

This API is used to set Primary language.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[string]Primary language to be set

Definition at line 1317 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getPrimaryLanguage()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getPrimaryLanguage ( std::string &  pLang)

This API is used to get the current Primary language.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[string] Primary language

Definition at line 1339 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setSecondaryLanguage()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setSecondaryLanguage ( const std::string  sLang)

This API is used to set Secondary language.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[string]Secondary language to be set

Definition at line 1364 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getSecondaryLanguage()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getSecondaryLanguage ( std::string &  sLang)

This API is used to get the current AC4 Secondary language.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[string] AC4 Secondary language

Definition at line 1386 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setStereoMode() [1/2]

void device::AudioOutputPort::setStereoMode ( const int  newMode,
const bool  toPersist = true 

This API is used to set the stereo mode to be used in a given audio port.If toPersist is true, the setting will persist after reboots.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newModeType of stereo mode to be used for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 1412 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setAudioDelay()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setAudioDelay ( const uint32_t  audioDelayMs)

This API is used to set audio delay in milliseconds.

[in]audioDelayMsNumber of milliseconds to delay the audio (0 to +250)

Definition at line 1436 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setAudioDelayOffset()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setAudioDelayOffset ( const uint32_t  audioDelayOffsetMs)

This API is used to set audio delay offset in milliseconds.

[in]audioDelayOffsetMsNumber of milliseconds to offset(additional delay) of the audio delay(0 to +200)

Definition at line 1473 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setAudioAtmosOutputMode()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setAudioAtmosOutputMode ( bool  enable)
[in]Enable/Disablealways Atmos output mode

Definition at line 1505 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getSinkDeviceAtmosCapability()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getSinkDeviceAtmosCapability ( dsATMOSCapability_t &  atmosCapability)
[in/out]Sink device ATMOS capability

Definition at line 1525 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getSupportedARCTypes()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getSupportedARCTypes ( int *  types)

This API is used to query the supported ARC types of the connected device.


Definition at line 1548 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setSAD()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setSAD ( std::vector< int >  sad_list)

This function sets SAD(Short Audio Descriptor) to configure the best available audio format to send to the ARC device from the passed SAD list.

[in]sad_listList of Short Audio Descriptors from the ARC device

Definition at line 1565 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ enableARC()

void device::AudioOutputPort::enableARC ( dsAudioARCTypes_t  type,
bool  enable 

This function enables/disables ARC/EARC and routes audio to connected device.

[in]enabletrue/false to control feature

Definition at line 1592 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ enableLEConfig()

dsError_t device::AudioOutputPort::enableLEConfig ( const bool  enable)

This API is used to enable Loudness Equivalence *.

[in]enabletrue/false to control feature.

Definition at line 1615 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ GetLEConfig()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::GetLEConfig ( )

This API is used to check if Loudness Equivalence is enabled or not*.

true if Loudness Equivalence is enabled

Definition at line 1636 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ enableMS12Config()

void device::AudioOutputPort::enableMS12Config ( const dsMS12FEATURE_t  feature,
const bool  enable 

This API is used to enable MS12 features such as DAPV2 adn DE *.

[in]featureenums for feature name.
[in]enabletrue/false to control feature.

Definition at line 1658 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setStereoAuto()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setStereoAuto ( const bool  autoMode,
const bool  toPersist = true 

This API is used to set the stereo mode to be auto;.

When in auto mode, the platform tries to set the audio mode to the best available. Use getStereoMode() to get the effecitve mode set by platform.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newModeType of stereo mode to be used for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 1683 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setStereoMode() [2/2]

void device::AudioOutputPort::setStereoMode ( const std::string &  newMode,
const bool  toPersist = true 

This function is used to set the stereo mode for the audio port.If toPersist is true, the setting will persist after reboots.

[in]newModeType of stereo mode to be used for the given audio Output port.

Definition at line 1702 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setDB()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setDB ( const float  newDb)

This API is used to set the audio DB value to be used in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newDbDecibel value to be used for the given output audio port

Definition at line 1719 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setGain()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setGain ( const float  newGain)

This API is used to set the audio gain to be used in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newLevelNew Audio gain for a given audio output port

Definition at line 1746 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setLevel()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setLevel ( const float  newLevel)

This API is used to set the audio level to be used in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]newLevelNew Audio level for a given audio output port

Definition at line 1771 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setAudioDucking()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setAudioDucking ( dsAudioDuckingAction_t  action,
dsAudioDuckingType_t  type,
const unsigned char  level 

This API is used to set the audio level to be used in a given audio port. If output mode is Passthrough/Expert this mutes the audio.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.

[in]actionaction type to start or stop ducking
[in]typeducking type is absolute or relative to current volume level.
[in]levelNew Audio level for a given audio output port range [0 - 100]

Definition at line 1798 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setLoopThru()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setLoopThru ( const bool  loopThru)

This API is used to set the audio port to do loop thro.

[in]loopThruTrue when output is loopthru. Otherwise False.

Definition at line 1822 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ setMuted()

void device::AudioOutputPort::setMuted ( const bool  mute)

This API is used to mute/unmute the audio. It throws an IllegalArgumentException if audio could not be muted/unmuted.

[in]muteTrue if audio to be muted, false otherwise.

Definition at line 1839 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ isAudioMSDecode()

bool device::AudioOutputPort::isAudioMSDecode ( ) const

This API is used to check whether the audio port supports Dolby MS11 Multistream Decode.

True or False
Return values
Truewhen Audio ports could be configured to support Mix PCM Audio with Surround
Falswhen Audio ports could not be configured to support Mix PCM Audio with Surround

Definition at line 1859 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getAudioCapabilities()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getAudioCapabilities ( int *  capabilities)

This API is used to query the Audio capabilities of the device.


Definition at line 1897 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getMS12Capabilities()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getMS12Capabilities ( int *  capabilities)

This API is used to query the MS12 capabilities of the device.


Definition at line 1912 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ resetDialogEnhancement()

void device::AudioOutputPort::resetDialogEnhancement ( )

This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.


Definition at line 1930 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ resetBassEnhancer()

void device::AudioOutputPort::resetBassEnhancer ( )

This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.


Definition at line 1952 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ resetSurroundVirtualizer()

void device::AudioOutputPort::resetSurroundVirtualizer ( )

This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.


Definition at line 1974 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ resetVolumeLeveller()

void device::AudioOutputPort::resetVolumeLeveller ( )

This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port.

If return is not equal to dsERR_NONE, it will throw the ret to IllegalArgumentException Handler and it will pass the message as "No message for this exception" with the value of "dsERR_INVALID_PARAM" from dsError type.


Definition at line 1996 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.

◆ getHdmiArcPortId()

void device::AudioOutputPort::getHdmiArcPortId ( int *  portId)

This API is used to query the HDMI ARC Port ID.


Definition at line 2043 of file audioOutputPort.cpp.