▼ components | |
▼ generic | |
► aamp | |
► closedcaptions | |
► rdk | |
AampRDKCCManager.cpp | Impl of RDK ClosedCaption integration layer |
AampRDKCCManager.h | Integration layer of RDK ClosedCaption in AAMP |
► subtec | |
AampSubtecCCManager.cpp | Impl of Subtec ClosedCaption integration layer |
AampSubtecCCManager.h | Integration layer of Subtec ClosedCaption in AAMP |
CCDataController.cpp | Impl of subtec communication layer |
CCDataController.h | Impl of subtec communication layer |
SubtecConnector.cpp | Impl of libsubtec_connector |
SubtecConnector.h | Interface header for libsubtec_connector |
AampCCManager.cpp | Base class for ClosedCaption integration layer |
AampCCManager.h | Integration layer of ClosedCaption in AAMP |
► drm | |
► aes | |
aamp_aes.cpp | HLS AES drm decryptor |
aamp_aes.h | HLS AES drm decryptor |
► helper | |
AampClearKeyHelper.cpp | Helper functions for Clear key |
AampClearKeyHelper.h | |
AampDrmHelper.cpp | Implemented Aamp DRM helper function |
AampDrmHelper.h | Implented DRM helper functionalities |
AampDrmHelperFactory.cpp | DRM Helper Engine |
AampPlayReadyHelper.cpp | Play Ready DRM helper Engine |
AampPlayReadyHelper.h | Handles the operation for Play ready DRM operations |
AampVanillaDrmHelper.h | Handles the operation foe Vanilla DRM |
AampVerimatrixHelper.cpp | |
AampVerimatrixHelper.h | |
AampVgdrmHelper.cpp | Handles operations for Vg DRM |
AampVgdrmHelper.h | |
AampWidevineDrmHelper.cpp | Handles the Widevine DRM helper functions |
AampWidevineDrmHelper.h | Handles the operation for Wide vine DRM operation |
AampDrmData.h | File holds DRM License data |
AampDrmHelper.cpp | Drm Helper file to handle DRM operation |
AampDrmInfo.h | DRM license information for Aamp |
AampDrmMediaFormat.h | Types of Media |
AampDrmSession.cpp | Source file for AampDrmSession |
AampDrmSession.h | Header file for AampDrmSession |
aampdrmsessionfactory.cpp | Source file for AampDrmSessionFactory |
aampdrmsessionfactory.h | Header file for AampDrmSessionFactory |
AampDRMSessionManager.cpp | Source file for DrmSessionManager |
AampDRMSessionManager.h | Header file for DRM session manager |
AampDRMutils.cpp | DataStructures and methods for DRM license acquisition |
AampDRMutils.h | Context-free common utility functions |
AampHlsDrmSessionManager.cpp | Operations for HLS DRM |
AampHlsDrmSessionManager.h | Operations for HLS DRM |
AampHlsOcdmBridge.cpp | Handles OCDM bridge to validate DRM License |
AampHlsOcdmBridge.h | Handles OCDM bridge to validate DRM License |
AampIonMemorySystem.cpp | Handles ION memory management segments |
AampIonMemorySystem.h | Controls the ION memory for aamp |
AampMemorySystem.h | Memory handler for Aamp DRM process |
AampOcdmBasicSessionAdapter.cpp | Handles operations on OCDM session |
AampOcdmBasicSessionAdapter.h | |
AampOcdmGstSessionAdapter.cpp | File holds operations on OCDM gst sessions |
AampOcdmGstSessionAdapter.h | File holds operations on OCDM gst sessions |
aampoutputprotection.cpp | Output protection management for Aamp |
aampoutputprotection.h | Output protection management for Aamp |
AampSecManager.cpp | Class impl for AampSecManager |
AampSecManager.h | Class to communicate with SecManager Thunder plugin |
AampSharedMemorySystem.cpp | Handles the functionalities for shared memory Aamp DRM |
AampSharedMemorySystem.h | Handles the functionalities for shared memory communication |
ClearKeyDrmSession.cpp | Source file for ClearKey DRM Session |
ClearKeyDrmSession.h | Header file for ClearKeySession |
HlsDrmBase.h | Declaration common to various HLS DRM implementations |
opencdmsession.cpp | Playready Session management |
opencdmsession.h | DRM Session management for Aamp |
opencdmsessionadapter.cpp | Handles operation with OCDM session to handle DRM License data |
opencdmsessionadapter.h | Handles operation with OCDM session to handle DRM License data |
playreadydrmsession.cpp | Playready Session management |
playreadydrmsession.h | Playready Session management |
processProtectionHls.cpp | |
► isobmff | |
isobmffbox.cpp | Source file for ISO Base Media File Format Boxes |
isobmffbox.h | Header file for ISO Base Media File Format Boxes |
isobmffbuffer.cpp | Source file for ISO Base Media File Format Buffer |
isobmffbuffer.h | Header file for ISO Base Media File Format Buffer |
isobmffprocessor.cpp | Source file for ISO Base Media File Format Segment Processor |
isobmffprocessor.h | Header file for ISO Base Media File Format Fragment Processor |
► jsbindings | |
jsbindings-version.h | |
jsbindings.cpp | JavaScript bindings for AAMP |
jsbindings.h | |
jscontroller-jsbindings.cpp | JavaScript bindings for AAMP_JSController |
jsevent.cpp | JavaScript Event Impl for AAMP_JSController and AAMPMediaPlayer_JS |
jsevent.h | JavaScript Event Impl for AAMP_JSController and AAMPMediaPlayer_JS |
jseventlistener.cpp | Event Listner impl for PrivAAMPStruct_JS object |
jseventlistener.h | Event Listner impl for AAMPMediaPlayer_JS object |
jsmediaplayer.cpp | JavaScript bindings for AAMPMediaPlayer |
jsutils.cpp | JavaScript util functions for AAMP |
jsutils.h | JavaScript util functions for AAMP |
► subtec | |
► libsubtec | |
ClosedCaptionsPacket.hpp | |
PacketSender.cpp | |
PacketSender.hpp | |
SubtecAttribute.hpp | This file has been created to provide common definition related to Attribute |
SubtecChannel.cpp | |
SubtecChannel.hpp | |
SubtecPacket.hpp | |
TtmlPacket.hpp | |
WebVttPacket.hpp | |
► subtecparser | |
SubtecFactory.hpp | |
TextStyleAttributes.cpp | This file provides implementation of class methods related to subtitle text attributes |
TextStyleAttributes.h | This file provides class and other definition related to subtitle text attributes |
TtmlSubtecParser.cpp | |
TtmlSubtecParser.hpp | |
WebvttSubtecDevParser.cpp | |
WebvttSubtecDevParser.hpp | |
WebVttSubtecParser.cpp | |
WebVttSubtecParser.hpp | |
► test | |
subtec_test.cpp | |
► subtitle | |
subtitleParser.h | This file provides interfaces for a subtitle parser in AAMP |
vttCue.h | Provides data structure to hold a WebVTT cue data |
webvttParser.cpp | Parser impl for WebVTT subtitle fragments |
webvttParser.h | WebVTT parser implementation for AAMP |
► test | |
► aampcli | |
Aampcli.cpp | Stand alone AAMP player with command line interface |
Aampcli.h | AAMPcli header file |
AampcliCommandHandler.cpp | Aampcli Command register and handler |
AampcliCommandHandler.h | AampcliCommandHandler header file |
AampcliGet.cpp | Aampcli Get command handler |
AampcliGet.h | AampcliGet header file |
AampcliHarvestor.cpp | Stand alone AAMP player with command line interface |
AampcliHarvestor.h | AampcliHarvestor header file |
AampcliPlaybackCommand.cpp | Aampcli Playback Commands handler |
AampcliPlaybackCommand.h | AAMPcliPlaybackCommand header file |
AampcliSet.cpp | Aampcli Set command handler |
AampcliSet.h | AampcliSet header file |
AampcliShader.cpp | Aampcli shader file |
AampcliShader.h | AampcliShader header file |
AampcliSmokeTest.cpp | |
AampcliSmokeTest.h | AampcliSmokeTest header file |
AampcliVirtualChannelMap.cpp | Aampcli VirtualChannelMap handler |
AampcliVirtualChannelMap.h | |
► Drm | |
► mocks | |
aampMocks.cpp | |
aampMocks.h | |
config.h | |
curlMocks.c | |
curlMocks.h | |
gstMocks.c | |
opencdmMocks.cpp | |
opencdmMocks.h | |
openSslMocks.c | |
pthreadMocks.c | |
secclientMocks.c | |
drmHelperTest.cpp | |
drmSessionTest.cpp | |
drmTests.cpp | |
drmTestUtils.cpp | |
drmTestUtils.h | |
drmUtilsTest.cpp | |
legacyDrmSessionTest.cpp | |
► fakes | |
ccManagerFakes.cpp | |
playreadyFakes.cpp | |
► mocks | |
iarmMgrMocks.cpp | |
iarmMgrMocks.h | |
ionMemoryMocks.cpp | |
ionMemoryMocks.h | |
opencdmMocks.cpp | |
opencdmMocks.h | |
rfcMocks.cpp | |
rfcMocks.h | |
secClientMocks.cpp | |
secClientMocks.h | |
► smoketest | |
AampSmokeTestPlayer.cpp | Aamp SmokeTest standalone Player |
AampSmokeTestPlayer.h | AampSmokeTestPlayer header file |
gtest_main.cpp | |
TuneSmokeTest.cpp | Tune SmokeTest cases |
TuneSmokeTest.h | TuneSmokeTest header file |
► utests | |
► fakes | |
FakeAampCacheHandler.cpp | |
FakeAampCli.cpp | |
FakeAampConfig.cpp | |
FakeAampCurlStore.cpp | |
FakeAampEvent.cpp | |
FakeAampEventManager.cpp | |
FakeAampGstPlayer.cpp | |
FakeAampJsonObject.cpp | |
FakeAampLogManager.cpp | |
FakeAampMemoryUtils.cpp | |
FakeAampProfiler.cpp | |
FakeAampScheduler.cpp | |
FakeAampUtils.cpp | |
FakeABRManager.cpp | |
FakeAdManager.cpp | |
FakeCJSON.cpp | |
FakeCurl.cpp | |
FakeFragmentCollector_HLS.cpp | |
FakeFragmentCollector_MPD.cpp | |
FakeFragmentCollector_Progressive.cpp | |
FakeHDMIIN.cpp | |
FakeHybridABRManager.cpp | |
FakeIPVideoStat.cpp | |
FakeIsoBmffBuffer.cpp | |
FakeMediaStreamContext.cpp | |
FakeOTA.cpp | |
FakePlayerInstanceAamp.cpp | |
FakePrivateInstanceAAMP.cpp | |
FakeStreamAbstractionAamp.cpp | |
FakeTtmlSubtecParser.cpp | |
FakeWebVTTParser.cpp | |
FakeWebVTTSubtecDevParser.cpp | |
FakeWebVTTSubtecParser.cpp | |
► mocks | |
MockAampConfig.h | |
MockAampEventManager.h | |
MockAampGstPlayer.h | |
MockAampJsonObject.h | |
MockAampScheduler.h | |
MockPlayerInstanceAAMP.h | |
MockPrivateInstanceAAMP.h | |
MockStreamAbstractionAAMP.h | |
► tests | |
► AampCliSet | |
AampCliSetTests.cpp | |
ExecuteTests.cpp | |
► PlayerInstanceAAMP | |
PauseAtTests.cpp | |
PlayerInstanceAAMPTests.cpp | |
► PrivateInstanceAAMP | |
PauseAtTests.cpp | |
PrivateInstanceAAMPTests.cpp | |
► TextStyleAttributes | |
GetAttributesFontSizeTests.cpp | |
TextStyleAttributesTests.cpp | |
tests.cpp | |
► VideoTestStream | |
server.py | |
playbintest.cpp | |
Remote.cpp | |
XFCIrKeyCodes.h | |
_base64.cpp | Optimized pair of base64 encode/decode implementations |
_base64.h | Base64 source Encoder/Decoder |
AampCacheHandler.cpp | |
AampCacheHandler.h | Cache handler for AAMP |
AampConfig.cpp | Configuration related Functionality for AAMP |
AampConfig.h | Configurations for AAMP |
AampConstants.h | Constants in AAMP |
AampCurlStore.cpp | Advanced Adaptive Media Player (AAMP) Curl store |
AampCurlStore.h | Advanced Adaptive Media Player (AAMP) Curl store |
AampDefine.h | Macros for Aamp |
AampDrmCallbacks.h | Call back handler for Aamp |
AampDrmSystems.h | Define DRM types |
AampEvent.cpp | Implementation of AAMPEventObject and derived class |
AampEvent.h | Events supported by the AAMP player |
AampEventListener.cpp | Impl for AAMP Event listener classes |
AampEventListener.h | Classes for AAMP Event listener |
AampEventManager.cpp | Event Manager operationss for Aamp |
AampEventManager.h | Event Handler for AAMP Player |
AampFnLogger.h | AAMP Log unitility |
aampgstplayer.cpp | Gstreamer based player impl for AAMP |
aampgstplayer.h | Gstreamer based player for AAMP |
AampGstUtils.cpp | Impl for utility functions defined in AampGstUtils.h |
AampGstUtils.h | Header for utility functions for AAMP's GST impl |
AampJsonObject.cpp | File to handle Json format object |
AampJsonObject.h | File to handle Json format |
aamplogging.cpp | AAMP logging mechanisum source file |
AampLogManager.h | Log managed for Aamp |
AampMediaType.h | Media types representation |
AampMemoryUtils.cpp | Helper functions for memory management |
AampMemoryUtils.h | Header file of helper functions for memory management |
AampMutex.h | Helper class for scoped mutex lock |
AampProfiler.cpp | ProfileEventAAMP class impl |
AampProfiler.h | ProfileEventAAMP header file |
AampRfc.cpp | APIs to get RFC configured data |
AampRfc.h | Aamp RFC header files |
AampScheduler.cpp | Class to schedule commands for async execution |
AampScheduler.h | Class to schedule commands for async execution |
AampUtils.cpp | Common utility functions |
AampUtils.h | |
Accessibility.hpp | |
admanager_mpd.cpp | Client side DAI manger for MPEG DASH |
admanager_mpd.h | Client side DAI manger for MPEG DASH |
AdManagerBase.h | Client side DAI base class, and common data structures |
base16.cpp | Optimized pair of base16 encode/decode implementations |
base16.h | Optimized way way base16 Encode/Decode operation |
cocoa_window.h | |
cocoa_window.mm | |
compositein_shim.cpp | Shim for dispatching UVE Composite input playback |
compositein_shim.h | Shim for dispatching UVE Composite input playback |
fragmentcollector_hls.cpp | |
fragmentcollector_hls.h | This file handles HLS Streaming functionality for AAMP player
fragmentcollector_mpd.cpp | Fragment collector implementation of MPEG DASH |
fragmentcollector_mpd.h | Fragment collector MPEG DASH declarations |
fragmentcollector_progressive.cpp | Streamer for progressive mp3/mp4 playback |
fragmentcollector_progressive.h | Streamer for progressive mp3/mp4 playback |
hdmiin_shim.cpp | Shim for dispatching UVE HDMI input playback |
hdmiin_shim.h | Shim for dispatching UVE HDMI input playback |
iso639map.cpp | ISO639 is a standard with representation of names for languages |
iso639map.h | ISO639 is a standard with representation of names for languages |
main_aamp.cpp | Advanced Adaptive Media Player (AAMP) |
main_aamp.h | Types and APIs exposed by the AAMP player |
mediaprocessor.h | Header file for base class of media container processor |
MediaStreamContext.cpp | Handles operations on Media streams |
MediaStreamContext.h | Handles operations for Media stream context |
Module.cpp | Declaration of module name aamp |
Module.h | Declaration of module name aamp |
ota_shim.cpp | Shim for dispatching UVE OTA ATSC playback |
ota_shim.h | Shim for dispatching UVE OTA ATSC playback |
priv_aamp.cpp | Advanced Adaptive Media Player (AAMP) PrivateInstanceAAMP impl |
priv_aamp.h | Private functions and types used internally by AAMP |
rmf_shim.cpp | Shim for dispatching UVE RMF playback |
rmf_shim.h | Shim for dispatching UVE RMF playback |
streamabstraction.cpp | Definition of common class functions used by fragment collectors |
StreamAbstractionAAMP.h | Base classes of HLS/MPD collectors. Implements common caching/injection logic |
ThunderAccess.cpp | Wrapper class for accessing thunder plugins |
ThunderAccess.h | Shim for dispatching UVE HDMI input playback |
tsprocessor.cpp | Source file for player context |
tsprocessor.h | Header file for play context |
uint33_t.h | Custom int variable to handle 33 bit |
videoin_shim.cpp | Shim for dispatching UVE HDMI input playback |
videoin_shim.h | Shim for dispatching UVE Video input playback |
► audiocapturemgr | |
► include | |
acm_iarm_interface.h | |
acm_session_mgr.h | |
audio_buffer.h | |
audio_capture_manager.h | |
audio_converter.h | |
audiocapturemgr_iarm.h | |
basic_types.h | |
ip_out.h | |
music_id.h | |
socket_adaptor.h | |
► src | |
acm_iarm_interface.cpp | |
acm_main.cpp | |
acm_session_mgr.cpp | |
audio_buffer.cpp | |
audio_capture_manager.cpp | |
audio_converter.cpp | |
ip_out.cpp | |
music_id.cpp | |
socket_adaptor.cpp | |
► test | |
ipOutTestApp.cpp | |
musicIdTestApp.cpp | |
rmfAudioCaptureTestApp.cpp | |
► bluetooth | |
► include | |
► bt-ifce | |
btrCore_bt_ifce.h | |
► logger | |
btrCore_logger.h | |
btrCore.h | |
btrCore_avMedia.h | |
btrCore_le.h | |
btrCore_service.h | |
btrCoreTypes.h | |
► src | |
► bt-ifce | |
btrCore_dbus_bluez4.c | |
btrCore_dbus_bluez5.c | |
btrCore.c | |
btrCore_avMedia.c | |
btrCore_le.c | |
► tests | |
btrCore_test.c | |
► bluetooth_mgr | |
► include | |
► audioCap | |
btrMgr_audioCap.h | |
► columbo | |
btrMgr_Columbo.h | |
► common | |
btrMgr_mediaTypes.h | |
btrMgr_Types.h | |
► leOnboarding | |
btrMgr_LEOnboarding.h | |
ecdh.h | |
► logger | |
btrMgr_logger.h | |
► persistIf | |
btrMgr_persistIface.h | |
► rpc | |
btmgr_iarm_interface.h | |
btrMgr_IarmInternalIfce.h | |
► streamIn | |
btrMgr_streamIn.h | |
btrMgr_streamInGst.h | |
► streamOut | |
btrMgr_streamOut.h | |
btrMgr_streamOutGst.h | |
► sysDiag | |
btrMgr_SysDiag.h | |
btmgr.h | |
► src | |
► audioCap | |
btrMgr_audioCap.c | |
► columbo | |
btrMgr_Columbo.c | |
► ifce | |
btrMgr.c | |
► leOnboarding | |
btrMgr_LEOnboarding.c | |
ecdh.c | |
► main | |
btrMgr_main.c | |
► persistIf | |
btrMgr_persistIface.c | |
► rpc | |
btmgr_iarm_external_interface.c | |
btmgr_iarm_internal_interface.c | |
► streamIn | |
btrMgr_streamIn.c | |
btrMgr_streamInGst.c | |
► streamOut | |
btrMgr_streamOut.c | |
btrMgr_streamOutGst.c | |
► sysDiag | |
btrMgr_SysDiag.c | |
► tests | |
► streamInOut | |
btrMgr_streamInOutCoreTest.c | |
btrMgr_test.c | |
btrMgr_testFcgi.c | |
► cpuprocanalyzer | |
cpuproc_analyzer.cpp | |
► crashupload | |
► qt-breakpad-server-test | |
► client | |
crashingthread.cpp | |
crashingthread.h | |
main.cpp | |
► server | |
server.cpp | |
servercontainer.cpp | |
servercontainer.h | |
► src | |
inotify-minidump-watcher.c | |
► dca | |
► src | |
► test | |
dcaTest.cpp | |
gtest_main.cpp | |
dca.c | |
dcacpu.c | |
dcajson.c | |
dcalist.c | |
dcalist.h | |
dcamem.c | |
dcaproc.c | |
dcaprocess.cpp | |
dcatr181.c | |
dcatr181.h | |
dcautils.c | |
dcautils.h | |
safec_lib.h | |
dcamain.c | |
► dcm | |
► src | |
dcmjsonparser.c | Types and APIs exposed by dcm |
► devicesettings | |
► ds | |
► include | |
aspectRatio.hpp | This file defines AspectRatio class for managing aspect ratio types |
audioCompression.hpp | This file defines AudioCompression class for managing audio compression levels |
audioEncoding.hpp | This file defines AudioEncoding class for managing audio encoding types |
audioOutputPort.hpp | It contain variables,stuctures,class and functions referenced by audiooutputport code |
audioOutputPortType.hpp | It contain variables,stuctures,class and functions referenced by audiooutputportType code |
audioStereoMode.hpp | This file defines AudioStereoMode class for managing audio mode types |
compositeIn.hpp | Structures and classes for COMPOSITE Input are defined here |
displayConnectionChangeListener.hpp | |
dsConstant.hpp | This file defines DSConstant class which is inherited by most of the device settings classes |
dsHALConfig.h | |
dslogger.h | |
dsregisterlog.h | |
edid-parser.hpp | |
enumerable.hpp | This file defines Enumerable class |
exception.hpp | This file defines Exception class for handling exceptions in device settings module |
frameRate.hpp | This file defines FrameRate class to manage the video frame rate types |
frontPanelConfig.hpp | Structures and classes to manage front panel are defined here |
frontPanelIndicator.hpp | Structures and classes for front panel indicator are defined here |
frontPanelSettings.hpp | |
frontPanelTextDisplay.hpp | Classes and structures for front panel text display are defined here |
hdmiIn.hpp | Structures and classes for HDMI Input are defined here |
host.hpp | It contains class,structures referenced by host.cpp file |
hostEDID.hpp | |
illegalArgumentException.hpp | This file defines IllegalArgumentException class to handle exceptions caused due to illegal argum |
list.hpp | |
manager.hpp | It contains class referenced by manager.cpp file |
pixelResolution.hpp | This file defines PixelResolution class for managing video resolution types |
powerModeChangeListener.hpp | |
sleepMode.hpp | This file defines SleepMode class for device settings |
stereoScopicMode.hpp | This file defines StereoScopicMode class to manage the video stereoscopy types |
unsupportedOperationException.hpp | This file defines UnsupportedOperationException class |
videoDevice.hpp | It contains class referenced by videoDevice.cpp file |
videoDFC.hpp | This file defines VideoDFC class for managing video decoder format conversion types |
videoOutputPort.hpp | It contains class and structure refrenced by the videooutputport.cpp file |
videoOutputPortType.hpp | It contains structures and class referenced by the videoOutputportTypes.cpp file |
videoResolution.hpp | It contains class and structure refrenced by the videoResolution.cpp file |
aspectRatio.cpp | This file contains implementation of AspectRatio class methods, variable assignments and support functions to manage the aspect ratio types |
audioCompression.cpp | This file contains implementation of audioCompression class methods, variable assignments and support functions to manage the audio compression types |
audioEncoding.cpp | This file contains implementation of AudioEncoding class methods, support functions and variable assignments to manage the audio encoding types |
audioOutputPort.cpp | AudioOutputPort objects are instantiated by the Device Settings module upon initialization. Applications do not need to create any such objects on its own. References to these objects can be retrieved by applications via the VideoOutputPort connected to the AudioOutputPort: VideoOutputPort::getAudioOutputPort() |
audioOutputPortConfig.cpp | |
audioOutputPortConfig.hpp | |
audioOutputPortType.cpp | AudioOutputPortType objects are instantiated by the Device Settings module upon initialization. Applications do not need to create any such objects on its own. References to these objects can be retrieved using a AudioOutputPort object invoking AudioOutputPort::getType() |
audioStereoMode.cpp | This file This file contains implementation of AudioStereoMode class methods, support functions and variable assignments to manage the audio modes like stereo, mono pass through and so on |
compositeIn.cpp | Configuration of COMPOSITE Input |
dslogger.cpp | |
edid-parser.cpp | |
frameRate.cpp | |
frontPanelConfig.cpp | A manager module for the front panel |
frontPanelIndicator.cpp | Configuration of individual indicators are managed here. The blink rate, color, and maximum cycle rate of the front panel indicator can be configured |
frontPanelTextDisplay.cpp | Configuration of individual text display sub-panel to display system time or text is managed here. The scroll speed, time format (12Hour or 24 Hour format) and a string to display can be configured |
hdmiIn.cpp | Configuration of HDMI Input |
host.cpp | The host module is the central module of the Device Settings module. Each devices establishes one and only one host instance that represents the entire host device |
iarmProxy.cpp | |
iarmProxy.hpp | |
init.cpp | |
manager.cpp | RDK Device Settings module is a cross-platform device for controlling the following hardware configurations: Audio Output Ports (Volume, Mute, etc.) Video Ouptut Ports (Resolutions, Aspect Ratio, etc.) Front Panel Indicators DFC[zoom] Settings Display (Aspect Ratio, EDID data etc.) General Host configuration (Power managements, event management etc.) |
pixelResolution.cpp | This file contains implementation of PixelResolution class methods, support functions and variable assignments to manage the video resolutions |
sleepMode.cpp | This file contains definitions of SleepMode class |
stereoScopicMode.cpp | This file contains implementation of StereoScopicMode class methods, support functions and variable assignments to manage the video stereoscopy types |
videoDevice.cpp | Video Device is also called "Decoder". VideoDevice objects are instantiated by the Device Settings module upon initialization. Applications do not need to create any such objects on its own. References to these objects can be retrieved by applications via Host::getVideoDevices() |
videoDeviceConfig.cpp | |
videoDeviceConfig.hpp | |
videoDFC.cpp | This file contains implementation of VideoDFC class methods, support functions and variable assignments to manage the video decoder format conversions |
videoOutputPort.cpp | VideoOutputPort objects are instantiated by the Device Settings module upon initialization. Applications do not need to create any such objects on its own. References to the preallocated objects can be retrieved by applications via Host::getVideoOutputPort(const std::string &name). Each VideoOutputPort is associated with an instance of VideoOutputPortType |
videoOutputPortConfig.cpp | |
videoOutputPortConfig.hpp | |
videoOutputPortType.cpp | VideoOutputPortType objects are instantiated by the Device Settings module upon initialization. Applications do not need to create any such objects on its own. References to these objects can be retrieved using a VideoOutputPort object invoking VideoOutputPort::getType(). A VideoOutputPortType object represent the shared properties of all output ports of same type. Control over a specific instance of Video Output Port is access over a Video Output Port object |
videoResolution.cpp | This file defines the videoResolution objects by the device settings module upon intialization |
► hal | |
► include | |
dsAudio.h | |
dsAudioSettings_sample.h | |
dsCompositeIn.h | Device Settings HAL COMPOSITE Input Public API. This API defines the HAL for the Device Settings COMPOSITE Input interface |
dsDisplay.h | |
dsError.h | Device Settings HAL error codes |
dsFPD.h | |
dshallogger.h | |
dshalregisterlog.h | |
dsHdmiIn.h | Device Settings HAL HDMI Input Public API. This API defines the HAL for the Device Settings HDMI Input interface |
dsHost.h | |
dsTypes.h | Device Settings HAL types |
dsUtl.h | Device Settings HAL utilities |
dsVideoDevice.h | |
dsVideoDeviceSettings_sample.h | |
dsVideoPort.h | |
dsVideoPortSettings_sample.h | |
dsVideoResolutionSettings_sample.h | |
► rpc | |
► cli | |
dsAudio.c | |
dsclientlogger.c | |
dsCompositeIn.c | |
dsDisplay.c | |
dsFPD.c | |
dsHdmiIn.c | |
dsHost.cpp | |
dsVideoDevice.c | |
dsVideoPort.c | |
► include | |
dsclientlogger.h | |
dsclientregisterlog.h | |
dsMgr.h | |
dsRpc.h | |
dsserverlogger.h | |
dsserverregisterlog.h | |
exception.hpp | |
hostPersistence.hpp | |
illegalArgumentException.hpp | |
► srv | |
dsAudio.c | |
dsCompositeIn.c | |
dsDisplay.c | |
dsFPD.c | |
dsHdmiIn.c | |
dsHost.cpp | |
dsMgr.c | |
dsserverlogger.c | |
dsVideoDevice.c | |
dsVideoPort.c | |
hostPersistence.cpp | |
► sample | |
enableSurroundDecoder.cpp | |
getAudioConfig.cpp | |
getCPUTemp.cpp | |
getDisplayAttributes.cpp | |
getDSHalVersion.cpp | |
getEDIDBytes.cpp | |
getFPBrightness.cpp | |
getHDCPStatus.cpp | |
getHdmiPreference.cpp | |
getHostEDID.cpp | |
getSocIDFromSDK.cpp | |
getVideoOutputPorts.cpp | |
getZoomSettings.cpp | |
hdmiIn.cpp | |
isDisplayConnected.cpp | |
IsOutputHDR.cpp | |
ms12ProfileTest.cpp | |
powerModeTest.cpp | |
resetOutputToSDR.cpp | |
setARCSAD.cpp | |
setAudioDucking.cpp | |
setAudioEnable.cpp | |
setAudioGain.cpp | |
setAudioLevel.cpp | |
setAudioMode.cpp | |
setAudioMute.cpp | |
setBassEnhancer.cpp | |
setDialogEnhancement.cpp | |
setDRCMode.cpp | |
setFPBrightness.cpp | |
setFPColor.cpp | |
setFPColorRGB.cpp | |
setFPTextDisplay.cpp | |
setFPTextTimeFormat.cpp | |
setGraphicEQ.cpp | |
setHdmiPreference.cpp | |
setMISteering.cpp | |
setResolution.cpp | |
setSurroundVirtualizer.cpp | |
setVolumeLeveller.cpp | |
setZoomSettings.cpp | |
testFrontPanel.cpp | |
► test | |
testAopRpc.cpp | |
testConfigAOP.cpp | |
testConfigVOP.cpp | |
testFrontPannel.cpp | |
testGetAudioConfig.cpp | |
testGetVideoOutputPorts.cpp | |
testHost.cpp | |
testLogger.cpp | |
testPersistence.cpp | |
testSetAudioConfig.cpp | |
testVideoDevice.cpp | |
testVideoDisplay.cpp | |
testVopRpc.cpp | |
► dtcp | |
► include | |
dtcpmgr.h | |
► sample | |
dtcpmgr.cpp | |
► hdmicec | |
► ccec | |
► drivers | |
► iarmbus | |
hdmi_cec_driver.c | |
► include | |
► ccec | |
► drivers | |
► iarmbus | |
CecIARMBusMgr.h | |
hdmi_cec_driver.h | |
► test | |
test_power_on.c | |
► include | |
► ccec | |
► driver | |
hdmi_cec_driver.h | |
Assert.hpp | |
CCEC.hpp | |
CECFrame.hpp | |
Connection.hpp | |
DataBlock.hpp | |
Driver.hpp | |
Exception.hpp | |
FrameListener.hpp | |
Header.hpp | |
Host.hpp | |
LibCCEC.hpp | |
MessageDecoder.hpp | |
MessageEncoder.hpp | |
MessageProcessor.hpp | |
Messages.hpp | |
OpCode.hpp | |
Operand.hpp | |
Operands.hpp | |
Util.hpp | |
► src | |
Bus.cpp | |
Bus.hpp | |
CECFrame.cpp | |
Connection.cpp | |
Driver.cpp | |
DriverImpl.cpp | |
DriverImpl.hpp | |
LibCCEC.cpp | |
MessageDecoder.cpp | |
OpCode.cpp | |
Util.cpp | |
► daemon | |
► include | |
CecIARMBusMgr.hpp | |
► src | |
CecDaemonMain.cpp | |
CecIARMBusMgr.cpp | |
► devmgr | |
► src | |
DeviceManager.cpp | |
Host.cpp | |
► host | |
► include | |
► ccec | |
► host | |
RDK.hpp | |
► src | |
RDK.cpp | |
► osal | |
► include | |
► osal | |
Condition.hpp | This file defines interface of Condition class |
ConditionVariable.hpp | This file defines interface of ConditionVariable class |
EventQueue.hpp | This file defines interface of EventQueue class |
Exception.hpp | |
Mutex.hpp | This file defines interface of Mutex class |
OSAL.hpp | |
Runnable.hpp | |
Stoppable.hpp | |
Thread.hpp | This file defines interface of Thread class |
Util.hpp | |
► src | |
ConditionVariable.cpp | |
Mutex.cpp | |
Thread.cpp | |
► test | |
test_EventQueue.cpp | |
► tests | |
BasicTest.cpp | |
CECCmd.cpp | |
CECCmdTest.cpp | |
CECMonitor.cpp | |
► iarmbus | |
► core | |
► include | |
libIBus.h | RDK IARM-Bus API Declarations |
► iarmmgrs | |
► deepsleepmgr | |
► include | |
resetModes.h | |
deepSleepInternal.h | |
deepsleeplogger.h | |
deepSleepMgr.c | |
deepSleepMgrMain.c | |
► deviceUpdateMgr | |
► include | |
deviceUpdateMgr.h | |
deviceUpdateMgrInternal.h | |
deviceUpdateMgrMain.cpp | |
jsonParser.cpp | |
jsonParser.h | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
► disk | |
► include | |
diskMgr.h | IARM-Bus Disk Manager Public API |
diskMgr.c | |
diskMgrInternal.h | IARM-Bus Disk Manager Internal API |
diskMgrMain.c | |
► dsmgr | |
dsMgr.c | |
dsMgrHelper.cpp | |
dsMgrInternal.h | |
dsMgrMain.c | |
dsMgrProductTraitsHandler.cpp | |
dsMgrProductTraitsHandler.h | |
dsMgrPwrEventListener.c | |
dsMgrPwrEventListener.h | |
► hal | |
► include | |
comcastIrKeyCodes.h | |
deepSleepMgr.h | |
plat_ir.h | |
plat_power.h | |
pwrMgr.h | IARM-Bus Power Manager Public API |
► iarmmgrutil | |
iarmcec.c | |
iarmcec.h | |
► ir | |
► include | |
irMgr.h | IARM-Bus IR Manager API |
iarmcec.c | |
iarmcec.h | |
IrInputRemoteKeyCodes.h | Map IR Remote Keys to standard Linux Input Keys |
IrInputRemoteKeyCodes_SkyQ.h | |
irMgr.c | |
irMgrInternal.h | IARM-Bus IR Manager Internal API |
irMgrMain.c | |
uinput.c | |
► maintenance | |
► include | |
maintenanceMGR.h | |
► mfr | |
► common | |
► cryptolib | |
mfrCrypto.c | |
► include | |
mfrApi.h | |
mfrCrypto.h | |
mfrMgr.h | IARM-Bus MFR Manager Public API |
mfrTypes.h | |
► rpc | |
► cli | |
mfrCli.c | |
► srv | |
mfrSrv.c | |
► test_mfr_client | |
test_mfr_client.c | |
mfrMgr.c | |
mfrMgrInternal.h | IARM-Bus MFR Manager Internal API |
mfrMgrMain.c | |
► include | |
mfr_temperature.h | |
mfr_wifi_api.h | Manufacturer Library WIFI Public API |
mfr_wifi_types.h | |
mfrMgr.h | IARM-Bus MFR Manager Public API |
mfrTypes.h | |
► test_mfr | |
mfr_deletePDRI.c | |
mfr_scrubAllBanks.c | |
mfr_wifiEraseAllData.c | |
mfr_wifiGetCredentials.c | |
mfr_wifiSetCredentials.c | |
test_mfr_client.c | |
test_writeImage.c | |
mfrMgr.c | |
mfrMgrInternal.h | IARM-Bus MFR Manager Internal API |
mfrMgrMain.c | |
► power | |
► include | |
resetModes.h | |
coldFactoryReset.c | |
customerReset.c | |
factoryReset.c | |
iarmcec.c | |
iarmcec.h | |
personalityReset.c | |
productTraits.cpp | |
productTraits.h | |
pwrlogger.h | |
pwrMgr.c | |
pwrMgrHelper.cpp | |
pwrMgrInternal.h | |
pwrMgrMain.c | |
reset.c | |
sleepTimer.c | |
therm_mgr.c | |
therm_mon.c | |
userFactoryReset.c | |
wareHouseClear.c | |
wareHouseReset.c | |
► pwrmgr2 | |
► include | |
resetModes.h | |
coldFactoryReset.c | |
customerReset.c | |
deepSleep.c | |
factoryReset.c | |
iarmcec.c | |
iarmcec.h | |
personalityReset.c | |
pwrlogger.h | |
pwrMgr.c | |
pwrMgrHelper.cpp | |
pwrMgrInternal.h | |
pwrMgrMain.c | |
reset.c | |
sleepTimer.c | |
therm_mgr.c | |
therm_mon.c | |
userFactoryReset.c | |
wareHouseClear.c | |
wareHouseReset.c | |
► pwrstate | |
pwrstate_notifier.c | |
► rdmmgr | |
► include | |
rdmMgr.h | IARM-Bus RDM Manager Public API |
► receiver | |
► include | |
receiverMgr.h | |
► sysmgr | |
► include | |
sysMgr.h | IARM-Bus Sys Manager Public API |
sysMgr.c | |
sysMgrInternal.h | IARM-Bus Sys Manager Internal API |
sysMgrMain.c | |
► test | |
test_bus_client.c | |
test_ir_client.c | |
test_mode_change_client.c | |
test_pwrMgr.c | |
test_sys_client.c | |
test_uinput.c | |
test_vrex_client.c | |
► vrexmgr | |
► include | |
vrexMgr.h | IARM-Bus VREX Manager Public API |
► test | |
► src | |
iarm_bus.c | |
test_main.c | |
iarmStatus.c | |
iarmStatus.h | |
jsonParser.cpp | |
jsonParser.h | |
vrexLogInternal.h | |
vrexMgr.cpp | |
vrexMgrInternal.h | |
vrexMgrMain.cpp | |
vrexSession.cpp | |
vrexSession.h | |
► ledmgr | |
► src | |
► extended | |
► noop | |
ledmgr.cpp | This file is an template implementation. OEM vendors are to implement the functions required for their platform |
ledmgr.hpp | |
fp_profile.hpp | |
indicator.cpp | |
indicator.hpp | |
ledmgr_types.hpp | |
ledmgrbase.cpp | |
ledmgrbase.hpp | |
ledmgrmain.cpp | |
► libusbctrl | |
► include | |
usbctrl.h | |
► src | |
usbctrl.cpp | |
usbtest.cpp | |
► media_utils | |
► include | |
► audioCapture | |
rmfAudioCapture.h | |
► src | |
► audioCapture | |
rmfAudioCapture.c | |
► tests | |
► audioCapture | |
rmfAudioCaptureTest.c | |
► mocahal | |
► rmh_apps | |
► rmh | |
rmh_app.c | |
rmh_app.h | |
rmh_app_api_handlers.c | |
► rmh_monitor | |
rmh_monitor.c | |
rmh_monitor.h | |
rmh_monitor_events.c | |
rmh_monitor_print.c | |
rmh_monitor_util.c | |
► rmh_interface | |
► html_documentation | |
rmh_generate_html_apis.h | |
rmh_generate_html_toc.h | |
► soc_header | |
rmh_generate_soc_header.c | |
rmh_soc_header.h | |
rdk_moca_hal.h | |
rmh_api.h | |
rmh_type.h | |
► rmh_lib | |
librmh.h | |
librmh_api_no_wrap.c | |
librmh_api_wrap_generic_only.c | |
librmh_api_wrap_soc_and_generic.c | |
librmh_globals.c | |
librmh_wrap.c | |
librmh_wrap.h | |
► netsrvmgr | |
► src | |
► main | |
► include | |
connectivity.h | |
logging.h | |
netSrvCurl.h | |
netsrvmgrIarm.h | The header file provides components netSrvMgrIarm information APIs |
netsrvmgrUtiles.h | The header file provides components netSrvMgrUtiles information APIs |
NetworkMedium.h | |
NetworkMediumManager.h | |
NetworkMgrMain.h | |
StunClient.h | |
WiFiManage_IARMIF.h | |
► src | |
connectivity.cpp | |
netSrvCurl.cpp | |
netSrvMgrMain.cpp | |
netsrvmgrUtiles.cpp | DeviceInfo X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_xBlueTooth API Implementation |
NetworkMedium.cpp | |
StunClient.cpp | |
test_connectivity.cpp | |
► services | |
► moca | |
► include | |
mocaSrvMgr.h | |
► src | |
mocaSrvMgr.cpp | |
► route | |
► include | |
routeSrvMgr.h | |
► src | |
routeSrvMgr.cpp | |
► wifi | |
► include | |
wifiHalUtiles.h | |
wifiSrvMgr.h | |
wifiSrvMgrIarmIf.h | |
► src | |
wifiHalUtiles.cpp | |
wifiSrvMgr.cpp | |
► test | |
wifiSrvMgrTestClient.cpp | |
► rdk_logger | |
► include | |
rdk_debug.h | |
rdk_error.h | |
rdk_logger_milestone.h | |
rdk_logger_types.h | |
rdk_utils.h | |
► src | |
► include | |
rdk_debug_priv.h | |
rdk_dynamic_logger.h | |
rdk_debug.c | |
rdk_debug_priv.c | |
rdk_dynamic_logger.c | |
rdk_logger_init.c | |
rdk_logger_milestone.cpp | |
rdk_logger_onboard.c | |
rdk_logger_util.c | |
► test | |
rdk_dynamic_logger_test.c | |
rdk_logger_debug_test.c | |
rdk_logger_test_main.c | |
► utils | |
rdk_logger_onboard_main.c | |
rdklogctrl.c | |
rdklogmilestone.c | |
► rdkmediaplayer | |
► aamp | |
aampplayer.cpp | |
aampplayer.h | |
► ave-stubs | |
StubsForAVEPlayer.cpp | Various stubs required to compile AVE drm |
► common | |
closedcaptions.cpp | |
closedcaptions.h | |
glib_tools.cpp | |
glib_tools.h | |
hangdetector_utils.h | |
intrect.h | |
logger.cpp | |
logger.h | |
rdkmediaplayerimpl.cpp | |
rdkmediaplayerimpl.h | |
rtevents.cpp | |
rtevents.h | |
timer.cpp | |
timer.h | |
► rmf | |
casservice.h | |
mediaplayer.h | |
mediaplayerdlna.cpp | |
mediaplayerdlna.h | |
mediaplayergeneric.cpp | |
mediaplayergeneric.h | |
rmfplayer.cpp | |
rmfplayer.h | |
main.cpp | |
player_test_cli.cpp | |
rdkmediaplayer.cpp | |
rdkmediaplayer.h | |
► rdm | |
► src | |
main.c | |
rdm_rsa_signature_verify.c | |
rdm_rsa_signature_verify.h | |
► rmf_tools | |
► include | |
simgr.h | |
► src | |
si_cache_app.cpp | SICache is used for tuning and showing video |
simgr.cpp | |
► rne | |
► samples | |
► graphics | |
rne-triangle.cpp | |
► graphics-lifecycle | |
graphics-lifecycle.cpp | |
LifeCycle.cpp | |
LifeCycle.h | |
RtUtils.cpp | |
RtUtils.h | |
► mse-player | |
glib_tools.cpp | |
glib_tools.h | |
GstMSESrc.cpp | |
GstMSESrc.h | |
main.cpp | |
mediasourcepipeline.cpp | |
mediasourcepipeline.h | |
► player | |
rne-player.cpp | |
► rtcast | |
► sample | |
lighteningcastservice.cpp | |
lighteningcastservice.h | |
main.cpp | |
rtabstractservice.cpp | |
rtabstractservice.h | |
rtcast.hpp | |
► vid2texture | |
nwvidtex.cpp | |
► tr69hostif | |
► scripts | |
validateDataModel.py | |
► src | |
► hostif | |
► handlers | |
► include | |
hostIf_DeviceClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf Device client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_DHCPv4Client_ReqHandler.h | Host Interface for DHCPV4 Client Request Handler |
hostIf_dsClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf ds client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_EthernetClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf Ethernet client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_InterfaceStackClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf InterfaceStack client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_IPClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf IP client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_jsonReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf IP json request handler information APIs |
hostIf_MoCAClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf MoCA client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_msgHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf message handler information APIs |
hostIf_NotificationHandler.h | |
hostIf_rbus_Dml_Provider.h | The header file provides HostIf message handler information APIs |
hostIf_SNMPClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf SNMP client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_StorageSrvc_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf Storage service request handler information APIs |
hostIf_TimeClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf time client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_updateHandler.h | |
hostIf_WiFi_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf WiFi request handler information APIs |
hostIf_XrdkCentralT2_ReqHandler.h | |
hostIf_XREClient_ReqHandler.h | The header file provides HostIf XRE Client request handler information APIs |
x_rdk_req_handler.h | The header file provides Device.X_RDK_<Parameter> client request handler information APIs |
► src | |
hostIf_DeviceClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf Device client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_DHCPv4Client_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf DHCPv4 client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_dsClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf ds client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_EthernetClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf Ethernet client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_IARM_ReqHandler.cpp | |
hostIf_InterfaceStackClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf InterfaceStack client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_IPClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf IP client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_jsonReqHandlerThread.cpp | The header file provides HostIf IP json request handler information APIs |
hostIf_MoCAClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf IP json request handler information APIs |
hostIf_msgHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf message handler information APIs |
hostIf_NotificationHandler.cpp | |
hostIf_rbus_Dml_Provider.cpp | |
hostIf_SNMPClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf SNMP client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_StorageService_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf IP Storage service request handler information APIs |
hostIf_sysScriptHandler.cpp | |
hostIf_TimeClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf time client request handler information APIs |
hostIf_updateHandler.cpp | |
hostIf_WiFi_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf IP WiFi request handler information APIs |
hostIf_XrdkCentralT2_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf Telemetry 2.0 service request handler information |
hostIf_XREClient_ReqHandler.cpp | The header file provides HostIf IP XREClient request handler information APIs |
x_rdk_req_handler.cpp | |
► httpserver | |
► include | |
http_server.h | |
request_handler.h | API to handle single multiple and wild card parameters in HTTP JSON Interface |
XrdkCentralComRFCVar.h | |
► src | |
http_server.cpp | |
request_handler.cpp | |
XrdkCentralComRFCVar.cpp | |
► include | |
hostIf_main.h | HostIf_main API |
hostIf_tr69ReqHandler.h | |
hostIf_utils.h | |
IniFile.h | |
► parodusClient | |
► pal | |
libpd.cpp | |
libpd.h | |
webpa_adapter.cpp | |
webpa_adapter.h | |
webpa_attribute.cpp | |
webpa_attribute.h | |
webpa_notification.cpp | |
webpa_notification.h | |
webpa_parameter.cpp | |
webpa_parameter.h | |
► waldb | |
waldb.cpp | |
waldb.h | |
► profiles | |
► Device | |
x_rdk_profile.cpp | This source file contains the APIs for getting bluetooth device information |
x_rdk_profile.h | The header file provides components Xrdk SDCard information APIs |
► DeviceInfo | |
Device_DeviceInfo.cpp | This source file contains the APIs for getting device information |
Device_DeviceInfo.h | The header file provides TR69 device information APIs |
Device_DeviceInfo_Processor.cpp | This source file contains the APIs for getting device processor information |
Device_DeviceInfo_Processor.h | The header file provides TR069 device information of processor APIs |
Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus.cpp | This source file contains the APIs for getting device processor status information |
Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus.h | The header file provides TR069 device processor status information APIs |
Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process.cpp | This source file contains the APIs for getting process of device processor status information |
Device_DeviceInfo_ProcessStatus_Process.h | The header file provides TR069 device processor status process information APIs |
XrdkBlueTooth.cpp | This source file contains the APIs for getting bluetooth device information |
XrdkBlueTooth.h | The header file provides components Xrdk SDCard information APIs |
XrdkCentralComBSStore.cpp | |
XrdkCentralComBSStore.h | |
XrdkCentralComBSStoreJournal.cpp | |
XrdkCentralComBSStoreJournal.h | |
XrdkCentralComRFC.cpp | |
XrdkCentralComRFC.h | |
XrdkCentralComRFCStore.cpp | |
XrdkCentralComRFCStore.h | |
► DHCPv4 | |
Device_DHCPv4_Client.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of device DHCPv4 client |
Device_DHCPv4_Client.h | The header file provides TR069 device DHCPv4 Client information APIs |
► Ethernet | |
Device_Ethernet_Interface.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of device ethernet interface |
Device_Ethernet_Interface.h | The header file provides TR069 device ethernet interface information APIs |
Device_Ethernet_Interface_Stats.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of device ethernet interface stats |
Device_Ethernet_Interface_Stats.h | The header file provides TR069 device ethernet interface stats information APIs |
► InterfaceStack | |
Device_InterfaceStack.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of device interface stack |
Device_InterfaceStack.h | The header file provides TR069 device interface stack information APIs |
► IP | |
Device_IP.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of device IP |
Device_IP.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP information APIs |
Device_IP_ActivePort.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of device IP active ports |
Device_IP_ActivePort.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP active port information APIs |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_DownloadDiagnostics.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP download diagnostics information APIs |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing.cpp | |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_IPPing.h | |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.cpp | |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_SpeedTest.h | |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_TraceRoute.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP diagnostics trace route APIs |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_TraceRoute_RouteHops.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP diagnostics trace route APIs |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_UDPEchoConfig.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP diagnostics UDPEcho config APIs |
Device_IP_Diagnostics_UploadDiagnostics.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP diagnostics upload APIs |
Device_IP_Interface.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of device IP interface |
Device_IP_Interface.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP interface information APIs |
Device_IP_Interface_IPv4Address.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of device IPv4 interface address |
Device_IP_Interface_IPv4Address.h | The header file provides TR069 device IPv4 interface address information APIs |
Device_IP_Interface_IPv6Address.cpp | Device_IP_Interface_IPv6Address API Implementation |
Device_IP_Interface_IPv6Address.h | The header file provides TR069 device IPv6 interface address information APIs |
Device_IP_Interface_Stats.cpp | |
Device_IP_Interface_Stats.h | The header file provides TR069 device IP interface stats information APIs |
► moca | |
Device_MoCA_Interface.cpp | MoCA_Interface API Implementation |
Device_MoCA_Interface.h | |
Device_MoCA_Interface_AssociatedDevice.cpp | |
Device_MoCA_Interface_AssociatedDevice.h | |
Device_MoCA_Interface_QoS.cpp | |
Device_MoCA_Interface_QoS.h | |
Device_MoCA_Interface_QoS_FlowStats.cpp | |
Device_MoCA_Interface_QoS_FlowStats.h | |
Device_MoCA_Interface_Stats.cpp | |
Device_MoCA_Interface_Stats.h | TR-069 Device.Moca.Interface.Stats object Public API |
Device_MoCA_Interface_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_MeshTable.cpp | Device_MoCA_Interface_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_MeshTable API Implementation |
Device_MoCA_Interface_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_MeshTable.h | |
► STBService | |
Capabilities.cpp | |
Capabilities.h | |
Components_AudioOutput.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 Components AudioOutput |
Components_AudioOutput.h | The header file provides capabilities audio output information APIs |
Components_DisplayDevice.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 Components Display Device |
Components_DisplayDevice.h | The header file provides components display device information APIs |
Components_HDMI.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 Components HDMI |
Components_HDMI.h | The header file provides capabilities HDMI information APIs |
Components_SPDIF.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 Components SBDIF |
Components_SPDIF.h | The header file provides components SPDIF(Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format) information APIs |
Components_VideoDecoder.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 Components Video decoder |
Components_VideoDecoder.h | The header file provides capabilities video output information APIs |
Components_VideoOutput.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 Components VideoOutput |
Components_VideoOutput.h | The header file provides capabilities video output information APIs |
Components_XrdkEMMC.cpp | This source file contains API implementation to handle data model parameters for the eMMC component |
Components_XrdkEMMC.h | EMMC diagnostic APIs |
Components_XrdkSDCard.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 Components external SD Card |
Components_XrdkSDCard.h | The header file provides components Xrdk SDCard information APIs |
► StorageService | |
Service_Storage.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 storage service |
Service_Storage.h | The header file provides storage service information APIs |
Service_Storage_PhyMedium.cpp | This source file contains the APIs of TR069 storage service physical medium |
Service_Storage_PhyMedium.h | The header file provides storage service physical medium information APIs |
► Time | |
Device_Time.cpp | |
Device_Time.h | TR-069 Device.Time object Public API |
► wifi | |
Device_WiFi.cpp | |
Device_WiFi.h | |
Device_WiFi_AccessPoint.cpp | |
Device_WiFi_AccessPoint.h | |
Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice.cpp | WiFi AccessPoint AssociatedDevice API Implementation |
Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_AssociatedDevice.h | |
Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security.cpp | |
Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_Security.h | |
Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS.cpp | |
Device_WiFi_AccessPoint_WPS.h | |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint.cpp | Device_WiFi_SSID API Implementation |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint.h | |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile.cpp | Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Stats API Implementation |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile.h | |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security.cpp | Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Stats API Implementation |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Profile_Security.h | |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Security.cpp | |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint_Security.h | |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS.cpp | |
Device_WiFi_EndPoint_WPS.h | |
Device_WiFi_Radio.cpp | |
Device_WiFi_Radio.h | TR-069 Device.WiFi.Radio object Public API |
Device_WiFi_Radio_Stats.cpp | Device.WiFi.Radio.Stats API Implementation |
Device_WiFi_Radio_Stats.h | |
Device_WiFi_SSID.cpp | Device_WiFi_SSID API Implementation |
Device_WiFi_SSID.h | |
Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats.cpp | Device_WiFi_SSID API Implementation |
Device_WiFi_SSID_Stats.h | |
Device_WiFi_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_ClientRoaming.cpp | Device_WiFi_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_ClientRoaming implementation |
Device_WiFi_X_RDKCENTRAL_COM_ClientRoaming.h | TR-069 Device.WiFi.Radio object Public API |
► snmpAdapter | |
snmpAdapter.cpp | This source file contains the APIs for getting device information |
snmpAdapter.h | The header file provides TR181 SNMP device RDK Central APIs |
► src | |
hostIf_main.cpp | |
hostIf_utils.cpp | |
IniFile.cpp | |
► webcfg | |
webcfg_utils.cpp | |
webcfg_utils.h | |
► webconfig_lite | |
webconfig_lite.cpp | |
webconfig_lite.h | |
webconfig_utils.cpp | |
webconfig_utils.h | |
► tr69BusAgent | |
► include | |
TR69BusAgent.h | TR69 Bus Agent Public API |
TR69BusAgent.cpp | TR69 Bus Agent Public API |
► trm | |
► common | |
► include | |
► trm | |
Activity.h | |
AsyncNotification.h | |
Enum.h | |
Header.h | |
JsonDecoder.h | |
JsonEncoder.h | |
Klass.h | |
MessageProcessor.h | |
Messages.h | |
ResponseStatus.h | |
Timer.h | |
TRM.h | |
TunerReservation.h | |
TunerState.h | |
► src | |
Activity.cpp | |
Header.cpp | |
JanssonParser.cpp | |
JsonDecoder.cpp | |
JsonEncoder.cpp | |
Klass.cpp | |
ReservationCustomAttributes.h | |
ResponseStatus.cpp | |
Tuner.cpp | |
Tuner.h | |
TunerReservation.cpp | |
TunerState.cpp | |
Util.cpp | |
Util.h | |
► diag | |
► include | |
TRMMgr.h | |
► test | |
testTRMDiag.cpp | |
Debug.h | |
Helper.cpp | |
Helper.h | |
TRMMgr.cpp | |
► proxy | |
fcgiproxy.c | |
► qtapp | |
► common | |
Connection.cpp | |
Connection.h | |
► gui | |
Client.cpp | |
Client.h | |
main.cpp | |
TRMMonitor.cpp | |
TRMMonitor.h | |
TRMMonitorGUI.cpp | |
TRMMonitorGUI.h | |
► srv | |
Executors.cpp | |
Executors.h | |
Filter.cpp | |
Filter.h | |
main.cpp | |
Manager.cpp | |
Manager.h | |
QtTimer.h | |
ReservationTimerTask.cpp | |
ReservationTimerTask.h | |
Server.cpp | |
Server.h | |
ServerMessageProcessor.cpp | |
ServerMessageProcessor.h | |
Timer.cpp | |
► wsproxy | |
main.cpp | |
qt_websocketproxy.cpp | |
qt_websocketproxy.h | |
tcpOpensslProxyServer.cpp | |
tcpOpensslProxyServer.h | |
► wifi | |
► include | |
wifi_ap_hal.h | |
wifi_client_hal.h | |
wifi_common_hal.h | |
► src | |
wifi_client_hal.c | |
wifi_client_hal_priv.h | |
wifi_common_hal.c | |
wifi_linux_wireless.c | |
wifi_log.h | |
► test | |
► gtest | |
gtest_main.cpp | |
parser.cpp | |
connect.c | |
switch_interfaces.c | |
testwifi.c | |
► xupnp | |
► broadband | |
► lib | |
► include | |
xdevice-library-private.h | |
xdevice-library.h | |
► src | |
xcal-device-library.c | |
► include | |
breakpadWrapper.h | |
mediabrowser.h | |
mediabrowser_private.h | |
rdk_safeclib.h | |
xdevice-library.h | |
xdevice.h | The header file provides xcal devices APIs |
xdiscovery.h | The header file provides xdiscovery APIs |
xdiscovery_private.h | |
► src | |
► dlna-rpc | |
mbwsr_rpc_cli.c | |
mbwsr_rpc_srv.c | |
► test | |
gtest_main.cpp | |
xupnpTest.cpp | |
breakpadWrapper.cpp | |
idm_client.c | This source file contains functions that will run as task for maintaining the device list |
idm_client.h | This source file contains functions that will run as task for maintaining the device list |
idm_library.c | |
idm_server.c | |
mediabrowser.c | This source file contains functions that will help us to discover mediaservers in network |
xcal-device.c | This source file contains the APIs for xcal device initializer |
xdiscovery.c | This source file contains functions that will run as task for maintaining the device list |
► video | |
► lib | |
► include | |
xdevice_library.h | |
xdevice_library_private.h | |
► src | |
xcal_device_library.c | |
xcal-device-main.c | |