RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
50 void _DisplResolutionHandler(
const char *owner, IARM_EventId_t eventId,
void *data,
size_t len);
52 int main(
int argc,
char *argv[])
58 printf(
"%s : <Ports - HDMI, Component> <Port Index - 0, 1..> <Resolution Settings - 480i, 720p, 1080i>\r\n", argv[0]);
62 char *portType = argv[1];
63 char *portId = argv[2];
64 char *resolution = argv[3];
66 printf(
"%s : %s : %s : %s :\r\n", argv[0],argv[1],argv[2],argv[3]);
73 _DisplResolutionHandler);
83 catch (
const std::exception e) {
84 printf(
"Exception caught\r\n");
88 printf(
"SampleDSClient Hearbeat\r\n");
101 void _DisplResolutionHandler(
const char *owner, IARM_EventId_t eventId,
void *data,
size_t len)
103 if (strcmp(owner,IARM_BUS_DSMGR_NAME) == 0)
105 printf(
"_DisplResolutionHandler called %d ......... \r\n",eventId);
110 int width = 0,height=0;
111 width = eventData->data.resn.width;
112 height = eventData->data.resn.height;
113 printf(
"Resolution data is %d : %d \r\n",width,height);
IARM_Result_t IARM_Bus_Term(void)
This API is used to terminate the IARM-Bus library.
Class extending enumerable to implement the videoooutputport interface.
It contains class referenced by manager.cpp file.
IARM_Result_t IARM_Bus_RegisterEventHandler(const char *ownerName, IARM_EventId_t eventId, IARM_EventHandler_t handler)
This API register to listen to event and provide the callback function for event notification....
Device Settings HAL error codes.
Device Settings HAL utilities.
const VideoResolution & getResolution()
This API is used to get the current video resolution output from the video output port....
IARM_Result_t IARM_Bus_Disconnect(void)
This API disconnect Application from IARM Bus so the application will not receive any IARM event or R...
It contains structures and class referenced by the videoOutputportTypes.cpp file.
static void Initialize()
This API is used to initialize the Device Setting module. Each API should be called by any client of ...
It contains class and structure refrenced by the videoResolution.cpp file.
RDK IARM-Bus API Declarations.
virtual const std::string & getName() const
This function is used to the get the data member name.
It contains class and structure refrenced by the videooutputport.cpp file.
static void DeInitialize()
This API is used to deinitialize the device settings module. DeInitialize() must be called to release...
VideoOutputPort & getVideoOutputPort(const std::string &name)
This API is used to get the reference to the video output port by its name. The name of the port must...
static Host & getInstance(void)
This API is used to get a reference to the single instance of the Host object.
void setResolution(const std::string &resolution, bool persist=true, bool isIgnoreEdid=false)
This API is used to set the output resolution of the port by ID or its Name. The specified resolution...
IARM_Result_t IARM_Bus_Connect(void)
This API is used to connect application to the IARM bus daemon. After connected, the application can ...
IARM_Result_t IARM_Bus_Init(const char *name)
This API is used to initialize the IARM-Bus library.
This file defines VideoDFC class for managing video decoder format conversion types.