RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
Go to the documentation of this file.
51 class AudioOutputPortType;
52 class AudioOutputPortConfig;
94 int getId()
const {
return _id;};
95 int getIndex()
const {
return _index; };
105 const std::string &
const {
return _name;};
115 int getIntelligentEqualizerMode()
132 bool getEnablePersist ()
151 bool isAudioMS12Decode()
167 void setStereoMode(
const int mode,
const bool toPersist =
168 void setStereoAuto(
const bool autoMode,
const bool toPersist =
171 void setStereoMode(
const std::string & mode,
const bool toPersist =
173 void setSAD(std::vector<int> sad_list);
192 void setDB(
const float db);
193 void setGain(
const float newGain);
204 void setMS12AudioProfileSetttingsOverride(
const std::string ProfileState,
const std::string ProfileName,
205 const std::string ProfileSettingsName,
const std::string ProfileSettingValue);
bool isEnabled() const
This API is used to check whether the audio is enabled or not.
void enable()
This API is used to enable the Audio output port.
void setGain(const float newGain)
This API is used to set the audio gain to be used in a given audio port.
int getDialogEnhancement() const
This API is used to get the current auto mode.
void setMS12AudioProfile(std::string profile)
This API is used to set MS12 Audio Profile.
float getDB() const
This API will get the current Decibel value for the given Audio port.
void setBassEnhancer(const int boost)
This API is used to adjust the Bass in a given audio port.
void setSurroundVirtualizer(const dsSurroundVirtualizer_t virtualizer)
This API is used to set the surround virtualizer mode and boost value for a given audio port.
void setDRCMode(const int mode)
This API is used to set the Dynamic Range control mode in a given audio port.
void resetSurroundVirtualizer()
This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port.
std::vector< std::string > getMS12AudioProfileList() const
This API is used to get the supported MS12 Audio profiles.
void setDialogEnhancement(const int level)
This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.
dsSurroundVirtualizer_t getSurroundVirtualizer() const
This API is used to get the Surround Virtualizer Boost value.
void setSecondaryLanguage(const std::string sLang)
This API is used to set Secondary language.
void getSecondaryLanguage(std::string &sLang)
This API is used to get the current AC4 Secondary language.
const List< AudioStereoMode > getSupportedStereoModes() const
This class is implemented using templates and it is used to maintain a container with the list of sup...
const List< AudioCompression > getSupportedCompressions() const
This API is used to get the list of audio compressions supported by the port.
bool getDolbyVolumeMode() const
This API is used to get the current auto mode.
void setAudioAtmosOutputMode(bool enable)
uint32_t _audioDelayMs
Audio delays.
float _gain
Audio gain value.
void getPrimaryLanguage(std::string &pLang)
This API is used to get the current Primary language.
float getGain() const
This API will get the current Gain for the given audio output port.
const AudioEncoding & getEncoding() const
This API is used to get the current encoding of the output port.
enum _dsAudioDuckingType_t dsAudioDuckingType_t
dsVolumeLeveller_t getVolumeLeveller() const
This API is used to get the current volume leveller value.
float _maxDb
Maximum audio decibel value.
bool GetLEConfig()
This API is used to check if Loudness Equivalence is enabled or not*.
bool isConnected() const
This API is used to check whether the audio output port is connected to a sink device or not.
Device Settings HAL types.
void getMS12Capabilities(int *capabilities)
This API is used to query the MS12 capabilities of the device.
float _optimalLevel
Optimal audio level.
float getOptimalLevel() const
This API is used to get the current optimal level value for audio output port.
const AudioStereoMode & getStereoMode(bool usePersist=false)
This API is used to get the current stereo mode of the output port.
bool _stereoAuto
Audio stereo mode Types.
float getLevel() const
This API is used to get the current audio level for the given audio output port.
float _minDb
Minimum audio decibel value.
virtual ~AudioOutputPort()
This is a default destructor of class AudioOutputPort.
void resetDialogEnhancement()
This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port.
void getAssociatedAudioMixing(bool *mixing)
This API is used to get status of Associated Audio Mixing.
bool isLoopThru() const
This API is used to check whether the given audio port is configured for loop thro'.
bool getMISteering() const
This API is used to get status of Media Intelligent Steering.
const std::string & getName() const
This API gets the name of the AudioOutputPort. The AudioOutputPort names can be IDLR,...
void setLevel(const float level)
This API is used to set the audio level to be used in a given audio port.
dsError_t reInitializeAudioOutputPort()
This API is used to reInitialize AudioOutputPort in case when Constructor miss out the Audio output p...
enum _dsMS12FEATURE_t dsMS12FEATURE_t
void setPrimaryLanguage(const std::string pLang)
This API is used to set Primary language.
This class extends DSConstant to implement AudioStereoMode. It manages the information related to aud...
Device Settings HAL error codes.
const AudioOutputPortType & getType() const
This API is used to get the type of the audio output port. The type of audio output port represent th...
void setAssociatedAudioMixing(const bool mixing)
This API is used to enable/disable Associated Audio Mixing.
void setAudioDelayOffset(const uint32_t audioDelayOffsetMs)
This API is used to set audio delay offset in milliseconds.
Class extending Enumerable to implement the audiooutputport interface.
static AudioOutputPort & getInstance(int id)
This API is used to get the instance of the audio output port based on the port id returned by the ge...
This file defines AudioStereoMode class for managing audio mode types.
void getSinkDeviceAtmosCapability(dsATMOSCapability_t &atmosCapability)
void setGraphicEqualizerMode(const int mode)
This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.
void resetVolumeLeveller()
This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port.
bool _loopThru
Method variable to check whether audio is loop thru or not.
void setVolumeLeveller(const dsVolumeLeveller_t volLeveller)
This API is used to set the volume leveller mode & amount for a given audio port.
float getMinDB() const
This API is used to get the current minimum decibel that Audio output port can support.
bool getAudioDelayOffset(uint32_t &audioDelayOffsetMs) const
This API is used to get the current audio delay offset in milliseconds for audio output port.
void enableSurroundDecoder(const bool enable)
This API is used to enable/disable surround decoder in a given audio port.
bool isAudioMSDecode() const
This API is used to check whether the audio port supports Dolby MS11 Multistream Decode.
int _encoding
Audio Encoding Types.
Class extending DSConstant to implement the audiooutputport interface.
bool isMuted() const
This API is used to check whether the audio is muted or not.
This class is inherited by many classes in DS for getting the ID.
uint32_t _audioDelayOffsetMs
Audio delay offset.
int getBassEnhancer() const
This API is used to get the Bass Enhancer boost value.
void setMuted(const bool mute)
This API is used to mute/unmute the audio. It throws an IllegalArgumentException if audio could not b...
void setMISteering(const bool enable)
This API is used to enable/disable the Media Intelligent Steering in a given audio port.
void setEncoding(const int encoding)
This API is used to set the Encoding method in a given audio port.
int getDRCMode() const
This API is used to get the Dynamic Range Control mode.
bool getAudioDelay(uint32_t &audioDelayMs) const
This API is used to get the current audio delay in milliseconds for audio output port.
void setLoopThru(const bool loopThru)
This API is used to set the audio port to do loop thro.
void setAudioDucking(dsAudioDuckingAction_t action, dsAudioDuckingType_t, const unsigned char level)
This API is used to set the audio level to be used in a given audio port. If output mode is Passthrou...
const std::string getMS12AudioProfile() const
This API is used to get the current MS12 Audio profile.
enum _dsAudioARCTypes_t dsAudioARCTypes_t
int _stereoMode
Audio stereo mode Types.
void setStereoAuto(const bool autoMode, const bool toPersist=true)
This API is used to set the stereo mode to be auto;.
void setIntelligentEqualizerMode(const int mode)
This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.
AudioOutputPort(const int type, const int index, const int id)
This function is a default constructor for AudioOutputPort. It initialises the data members of AudioO...
int _index
Index of the audio output port.
int getGraphicEqualizerMode() const
This API is used to get the current Graphical EQ mode.
This file defines Enumerable class.
void setAudioDelay(const uint32_t audioDelayMs)
This API is used to set audio delay in milliseconds.
const List< AudioEncoding > getSupportedEncodings() const
This API is used to get the list of audio encodings supported by the port.
bool _muted
Method variable to check whether audio is muted or not.
void enableARC(dsAudioARCTypes_t type, bool enable)
This function enables/disables ARC/EARC and routes audio to connected device.
bool getStereoAuto()
This API is used to get the current auto mode.
void resetBassEnhancer()
This API is used to reset the AudioOutput in a given audio port.
void setCompression(const int compression)
This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.
void getAudioCapabilities(int *capabilities)
This API is used to query the Audio capabilities of the device.
void setSAD(std::vector< int > sad_list)
This function sets SAD(Short Audio Descriptor) to configure the best available audio format to send t...
dsError_t setEnablePort(bool enabled)
This API is used to enable and disable the Audio output port.
This class extends DSConstant to implement AudioEncoding which manages audio encodings.
bool isSurroundDecoderEnabled() const
This API is used to get status of surround decoder.
void setStereoMode(const int mode, const bool toPersist=true)
This API is used to set the stereo mode to be used in a given audio port.If toPersist is true,...
void getFaderControl(int *mixerBalance)
This API is used to get the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio.
int getCompression() const
This API is used to get the current compression of the output port.
enum _dsAudioDuckingAction_t dsAudioDuckingAction_t
Device Settings API Error return codes.
int _type
void setDB(const float db)
This API is used to set the audio DB value to be used in a given audio port.
float _db
Audio decibel value.
This file defines AudioCompression class for managing audio compression levels.
void setFaderControl(const int mixerBalance)
This API is used to set the mixerbalance betweeen main and associated audio.
void getSupportedARCTypes(int *types)
This API is used to query the supported ARC types of the connected device.
float getMaxDB() const
This API is used to get the current Maximum decibel that Audio output port can support.
dsError_t enableLEConfig(const bool enable)
This API is used to enable Loudness Equivalence *.
void getHdmiArcPortId(int *portId)
This API is used to query the HDMI ARC Port ID.
void enableMS12Config(const dsMS12FEATURE_t feature, const bool enable)
This API is used to enable MS12 features such as DAPV2 adn DE *.
This file defines AudioEncoding class for managing audio encoding types.
void setDolbyVolumeMode(const bool mode)
This API is used to set the compression mode in a given audio port.