RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
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30 #include <openssl/evp.h>
135 static std::shared_ptr<AesDec> mInstance;
137 pthread_cond_t mCond;
138 pthread_mutex_t mMutex;
139 #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x10100000L
140 EVP_CIPHER_CTX *mOpensslCtx;
142 EVP_CIPHER_CTX mOpensslCtx;
150 int mAcquireKeyWaitTime;
151 pthread_t licenseAcquisitionThreadId;
152 bool licenseAcquisitionThreadStarted;
155 #endif // _AAMP_AES_H_
AesDec Destructor.
void CancelKeyWait()
Cancel timed_wait operation drm_Decrypt.
Return values of various functions.
static std::shared_ptr< AesDec > GetInstance()
Get singleton instance.
void Release()
Release drm session.
void NotifyDRMError(AAMPTuneFailure drmFailure)
Notify drm error.
void WaitForKeyAcquireCompleteUnlocked(int timeInMs, DrmReturn &err)
Wait for key acquisition completion.
void RestoreKeyState()
Restore key state post cleanup of audio/video TrackState in case DRM data is persisted.
DRMState GetState()
GetState Function to get current DRM State.
DrmReturn SetDecryptInfo(PrivateInstanceAAMP *aamp, const struct DrmInfo *drmInfo, AampLogManager *logObj=NULL)
Set information required for decryption.
void SignalKeyAcquired()
Signal key acquired event.
Base class of HLS DRM implementations.
DRM information required to decrypt.
DrmReturn Decrypt(ProfilerBucketType bucketType, void *encryptedDataPtr, size_t encryptedDataLen, int timeInMs)
Decrypts an encrypted buffer.
AesDec Constructor.
Vanilla AES based DRM management.
States of DRM object.
void SignalDrmError()
Signal drm error.
AAMP playback error codes.
Structure of GrowableBuffer.
Class representing the AAMP player's private instance, which is not exposed to outside world.
Bucket types of AAMP profiler.
Declaration common to various HLS DRM implementations.
void AcquireKey()
Acquire drm key from URI.
DrmReturn SetMetaData(PrivateInstanceAAMP *aamp, void *metadata, int trackType, AampLogManager *logObj=NULL)
Set DRM meta-data. Stub implementation.