RDK Documentation (Open Sourced RDK Components)
TrackState Class Reference

State Machine for each Media Track. More...

#include <fragmentcollector_hls.h>

Inheritance diagram for TrackState:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for TrackState:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

typedef std::vector< KeyTagStructKeyHashTable
typedef std::vector< KeyTagStruct >::iterator KeyHashTableIter

Public Member Functions

 TrackState (AampLogManager *logObj, TrackType type, class StreamAbstractionAAMP_HLS *parent, PrivateInstanceAAMP *aamp, const char *name)
 TrackState Constructor.
 TrackState (const TrackState &)=delete
 ~TrackState ()
 Destructor function.
TrackStateoperator= (const TrackState &)=delete
void Start ()
 Function to create threads for track donwload.
void Stop (bool clearDRM=false)
 Function to stop track download/playback.
void RunFetchLoop ()
 Fragment collector thread execution function to download fragments.
void IndexPlaylist (bool IsRefresh, double &culledSec)
 Function to to handle parse and indexing of individual tracks.
void ABRProfileChanged (void)
 Function to handle Profile change after ABR.
char * GetNextFragmentUriFromPlaylist (bool ignoreDiscontinuity=false)
 Function to get next fragment URI from playlist based on playtarget.
void UpdateDrmIV (const char *ptr)
 Function to update IV from DRM.
void UpdateDrmCMSha1Hash (const char *ptr)
 Function to Update SHA1 Id for DRM Metadata.
DrmReturn DrmDecrypt (CachedFragment *cachedFragment, ProfilerBucketType bucketType)
 Function to decrypt the fragment for playback.
bool CreateInitVectorByMediaSeqNo (unsigned int ui32Seqno)
 Function to create init vector using current media sequence number.
void FetchPlaylist ()
 Function to fetch playlist file.
void GetNextFragmentPeriodInfo (int &periodIdx, double &offsetFromPeriodStart, int &fragmentIdx)
 Function to get next playback position from start, to handle discontinuity.
double GetPeriodStartPosition (int periodIdx)
 Function to get Period start position for given period index,to handle discontinuity.
int GetNumberOfPeriods ()
 Function to return number of periods stored in playlist.
bool HasDiscontinuityAroundPosition (double position, bool useStartTime, double &diffBetweenDiscontinuities, double playPosition, double inputCulledSec, double inputProgramDateTime, bool &isDiffChkReq)
 Check if discontinuity present around given position.
void StartInjection ()
 Function to start fragment injection.
void StopInjection (void)
 Stop fragment injection. More...
void StopWaitForPlaylistRefresh ()
 Stop wait for playlist refresh.
void CancelDrmOperation (bool clearDRM)
 Cancel all DRM operations.
void StopDiscontinuityCheckWait ()
 Stop the wait for discontinuity check in each track.
void RestoreDrmState ()
 Restore DRM states.
bool IsLive ()
void FindTimedMetadata (bool reportbulk=false, bool bInitCall=false)
 Function to search playlist for subscribed tags.
void SetXStartTimeOffset (double offset)
double GetXStartTimeOffset ()
double GetBufferedDuration ()
 Function to retune buffered duration.
- Public Member Functions inherited from MediaTrack
 MediaTrack (AampLogManager *logObj, TrackType type, PrivateInstanceAAMP *aamp, const char *name)
 MediaTrack Constructor.
virtual ~MediaTrack ()
 MediaTrack Destructor.
 MediaTrack (const MediaTrack &)=delete
 MediaTrack Copy Constructor.
MediaTrackoperator= (const MediaTrack &)=delete
 MediaTrack assignment operator overloading.
void StartInjectLoop ()
 Start fragment injector loop. More...
void StartInjectChunkLoop ()
 Start fragment Chunk injector loop. More...
void StopInjectLoop ()
 Stop fragment injector loop. More...
void StopInjectChunkLoop ()
 Stop fragment chunk injector loop of track. More...
bool Enabled ()
 Check if a track is enabled. More...
bool InjectFragment ()
 Inject fragment into the gstreamer. More...
bool ProcessFragmentChunk ()
 Process next cached fragment chunk.
bool InjectFragmentChunk ()
 Inject fragment Chunk into the gstreamer. More...
double GetTotalInjectedDuration ()
 Get total fragment injected duration. More...
double GetTotalInjectedChunkDuration ()
 Get total fragment chunk injected duration. More...
void RunInjectLoop ()
 Injection loop - use internally by injection logic. More...
void RunInjectChunkLoop ()
 Run fragment injector loop. Injection loop - use internally by injection logic. More...
void UpdateTSAfterFetch ()
 Updates internal state after a fragment fetch. More...
void UpdateTSAfterChunkFetch ()
 Updates internal state after a fragment fetch. More...
bool WaitForFreeFragmentAvailable (int timeoutMs=-1)
 Wait until a free fragment is available. More...
void AbortWaitForCachedAndFreeFragment (bool immediate)
 Abort the waiting for cached fragments and free fragment slot. More...
int GetTotalFragmentsFetched ()
 Get number of fragments dpownloaded. More...
CachedFragmentGetFetchBuffer (bool initialize)
 Get buffer to store the downloaded fragment content to cache next fragment. More...
CachedFragmentChunkGetFetchChunkBuffer (bool initialize)
 Get buffer to fetch and cache next fragment chunk. More...
void SetCurrentBandWidth (int bandwidthBps)
 Set current bandwidth of track. More...
int GetProfileIndexForBW (long mTsbBandwidth)
 Get profile index for TsbBandwidth. More...
int GetCurrentBandWidth ()
 Get current bandwidth in bps. More...
double GetTotalFetchedDuration ()
 Get total duration of fetched fragments. More...
double GetTotalInjectedChunksDuration ()
 Get total duration of fetched fragments. More...
bool IsDiscontinuityProcessed ()
 Check if discontinuity is being processed. More...
bool isFragmentInjectorThreadStarted ()
void MonitorBufferHealth ()
void ScheduleBufferHealthMonitor ()
BufferHealthStatus GetBufferStatus ()
 Get buffer Status of track. More...
BufferHealthStatus GetBufferHealthStatus ()
 Get buffer health status. More...
void AbortWaitForCachedFragment ()
 Abort the waiting for cached fragments immediately. More...
bool IsInjectionAborted ()
 Check whether track data injection is aborted. More...
virtual bool IsAtEndOfTrack ()
 Returns if the end of track reached.
bool CheckForFutureDiscontinuity (double &cacheDuration)
 To check for discontinuity in future fragments. More...
void OnSinkBufferFull ()
 Called if sink buffer is full. More...
void FlushFragments ()
 Flushes all cached fragments Flushes all media fragments and resets all relevant counters Only intended for use on subtitle streams. More...
void FlushFragmentChunks ()
 Flushes all cached fragment Chunks. More...

Data Fields

std::string mEffectiveUrl
std::string mPlaylistUrl
GrowableBuffer playlist
double mProgramDateTime
GrowableBuffer index
int indexCount
int currentIdx
std::string mFragmentURIFromIndex
long long indexFirstMediaSequenceNumber
char * fragmentURI
long long lastPlaylistDownloadTimeMS
size_t byteRangeLength
size_t byteRangeOffset
long long nextMediaSequenceNumber
double playlistPosition
double playTarget
double playTargetBufferCalc
double lastDownloadedIFrameTarget
double targetDurationSeconds
int mDeferredDrmKeyMaxTime
StreamOutputFormat streamOutputFormat
double startTimeForPlaylistSync
double playTargetOffset
bool discontinuity
bool fragmentEncrypted
bool mKeyTagChanged
int mLastKeyTagIdx
struct DrmInfo mDrmInfo
char * mCMSha1Hash
long long mDrmTimeStamp
int mDrmMetaDataIndexPosition
GrowableBuffer mDrmMetaDataIndex
int mDrmMetaDataIndexCount
int mDrmKeyTagCount
bool mIndexingInProgress
GrowableBuffer mDiscontinuityIndex
int mDiscontinuityIndexCount
bool mDiscontinuityCheckingOn
double mDuration
KeyHashTable mKeyHashTable
bool mCheckForInitialFragEnc
DrmKeyMethod mDrmMethod
CMCDHeaders * pCMCDMetrics
- Data Fields inherited from MediaTrack
bool eosReached
bool enabled
int numberOfFragmentsCached
int numberOfFragmentChunksCached
const char * name
double fragmentDurationSeconds
int segDLFailCount
int segDrmDecryptFailCount
int mSegInjectFailCount
TrackType type
std::unique_ptr< SubtitleParsermSubtitleParser
bool refreshSubtitles
int maxCachedFragmentsPerTrack
int maxCachedFragmentChunksPerTrack
pthread_cond_t fragmentChunkFetched
uint32_t totalMdatCount
int noMDATCount

Private Member Functions

char * GetFragmentUriFromIndex (bool &bSegmentRepeated)
 Function to get fragment URI from index count.
void FlushIndex ()
 Function to flush all stored data before refresh and stop.
void FetchFragment ()
 Function to Fetch the fragment and inject for playback.
bool FetchFragmentHelper (long &http_error, bool &decryption_error, bool &bKeyChanged, int *fogError, double &downloadTime)
 Helper function to download fragment.
void RefreshPlaylist (void)
 Function to redownload playlist after refresh interval .
StreamAbstractionAAMPGetContext ()
 Function to get current StreamAbstractionAAMP instance value.
void InjectFragmentInternal (CachedFragment *cachedFragment, bool &fragmentDiscarded)
 Injected decrypted fragment for playback.
char * FindMediaForSequenceNumber ()
 Get fragment tag based on media sequence number Function to find the media sequence after refresh for continuity.
void FetchInitFragment ()
 Function to fetch init fragment.
bool FetchInitFragmentHelper (long &http_code, bool forcePushEncryptedHeader=false)
 Helper to fetch init fragment for fragmented mp4 format.
void ProcessDrmMetadata ()
void ComputeDeferredKeyRequestTime ()
void InitiateDRMKeyAcquisition (int indexPosn=-1)
void SetDrmContext ()
 Function to set DRM Context when KeyTag changes.
void SwitchSubtitleTrack ()
 Flushes out all old segments and sets up new playlist Used to switch subtitle tracks without restarting the pipeline.

Private Attributes

bool refreshPlaylist
pthread_t fragmentCollectorThreadID
bool fragmentCollectorThreadStarted
int manifestDLFailCount
bool firstIndexDone
std::shared_ptr< HlsDrmBasemDrm
bool mDrmLicenseRequestPending
bool mInjectInitFragment
const char * mInitFragmentInfo
bool mForceProcessDrmMetadata
pthread_mutex_t mPlaylistMutex
pthread_cond_t mPlaylistIndexed
pthread_mutex_t mTrackDrmMutex
pthread_mutex_t mDiscoCheckMutex
pthread_cond_t mDiscoCheckComplete
double mLastMatchedDiscontPosition
double mCulledSeconds
double mCulledSecondsOld
bool mSyncAfterDiscontinuityInProgress
PlaylistType mPlaylistType
bool mReachedEndListTag
bool mByteOffsetCalculation
bool mSkipAbr
const char * mFirstEncInitFragmentInfo
double mXStartTimeOFfset
double mCulledSecondsAtStart
bool mSkipSegmentOnError

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaTrack
void UpdateTSAfterInject ()
 Update segment cache and inject buffer to gstreamer. More...
void UpdateTSAfterChunkInject ()
 Update segment cache and inject buffer to gstreamer. More...
bool WaitForCachedFragmentAvailable ()
 Wait till cached fragment available. More...
bool WaitForCachedFragmentChunkInjected (int timeoutMs=-1)
 Wait until a cached fragment chunk is Injected. More...
bool WaitForCachedFragmentChunkAvailable ()
 Wait till cached fragment chunk available. More...
void InjectFragmentChunkInternal (MediaType mediaType, GrowableBuffer *buffer, double fpts, double fdts, double fDuration)
 To be implemented by derived classes to receive cached fragment Chunk Receives cached fragment and injects to sink. More...
virtual void SignalTrickModeDiscontinuity ()
 To be implemented by derived classes if discontinuity on trick-play is to be notified. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MediaTrack
static int GetDeferTimeMs (long maxTimeSeconds)
- Protected Attributes inherited from MediaTrack
CachedFragmentChunk cachedFragmentChunks [20]
GrowableBuffer unparsedBufferChunk
GrowableBuffer parsedBufferChunk
bool abort
pthread_mutex_t mutex
bool ptsError
bool abortInject
bool abortInjectChunk


State Machine for each Media Track.

This class is meant to handle each media track of stream

Definition at line 176 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ KeyHashTable

typedef std::vector<KeyTagStruct> TrackState::KeyHashTable

Duration of the track

Definition at line 520 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ StopInjection()

TrackState::StopInjection ( void  )

Stop fragment injection.


Definition at line 6896 of file fragmentcollector_hls.cpp.

Field Documentation

◆ mEffectiveUrl

std::string TrackState::mEffectiveUrl

uri associated with downloaded playlist (takes into account 302 redirect)

Definition at line 476 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mPlaylistUrl

std::string TrackState::mPlaylistUrl

uri associated with downloaded playlist

Definition at line 477 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ playlist

GrowableBuffer TrackState::playlist

downloaded playlist contents

Definition at line 478 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ index

GrowableBuffer TrackState::index

packed IndexNode records for associated playlist

Definition at line 481 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ indexCount

int TrackState::indexCount

number of indexed fragments in currently indexed playlist

Definition at line 482 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ currentIdx

int TrackState::currentIdx

index for currently-presenting fragment used during FF/REW (-1 if undefined)

Definition at line 483 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mFragmentURIFromIndex

std::string TrackState::mFragmentURIFromIndex

storage for uri generated by GetFragmentUriFromIndex

Definition at line 484 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ indexFirstMediaSequenceNumber

long long TrackState::indexFirstMediaSequenceNumber

first media sequence number from indexed manifest

Definition at line 485 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ fragmentURI

char* TrackState::fragmentURI

pointer (into playlist) to URI of current fragment-of-interest

Definition at line 487 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ lastPlaylistDownloadTimeMS

long long TrackState::lastPlaylistDownloadTimeMS

UTC time at which playlist was downloaded

Definition at line 488 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ byteRangeLength

size_t TrackState::byteRangeLength

state for #EXT-X-BYTERANGE fragments

Definition at line 489 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ byteRangeOffset

size_t TrackState::byteRangeOffset

state for #EXT-X-BYTERANGE fragments

Definition at line 490 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ nextMediaSequenceNumber

long long TrackState::nextMediaSequenceNumber

media sequence number following current fragment-of-interest

Definition at line 492 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ playlistPosition

double TrackState::playlistPosition

playlist-relative time of most recent fragment-of-interest; -1 if undefined

Definition at line 493 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ playTarget

double TrackState::playTarget

initially relative seek time (seconds) based on playlist window, but updated as a play_target

Definition at line 494 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ lastDownloadedIFrameTarget

double TrackState::lastDownloadedIFrameTarget

stores last downloaded iframe segment target value for comparison

Definition at line 496 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ targetDurationSeconds

double TrackState::targetDurationSeconds

copy of #EXT-X-TARGETDURATION to manage playlist refresh frequency

Definition at line 497 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDeferredDrmKeyMaxTime

int TrackState::mDeferredDrmKeyMaxTime

copy of #EXT-X-X1-LIN DRM refresh randomization Max time interval

Definition at line 498 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ streamOutputFormat

StreamOutputFormat TrackState::streamOutputFormat

type of data encoded in each fragment

Definition at line 499 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ playContext

MediaProcessor* TrackState::playContext

state for s/w demuxer / pts/pcr restamper module

Definition at line 500 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ startTimeForPlaylistSync

double TrackState::startTimeForPlaylistSync

used for time-based track synchronization when switching between playlists

Definition at line 501 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ playTargetOffset

double TrackState::playTargetOffset

For correcting timestamps of streams with audio and video tracks

Definition at line 502 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ discontinuity

bool TrackState::discontinuity

Set when discontinuity is found in track

Definition at line 503 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ context

StreamAbstractionAAMP_HLS* TrackState::context

To get settings common across tracks

Definition at line 504 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ fragmentEncrypted

bool TrackState::fragmentEncrypted

In DAI, ad fragments can be clear. Set if current fragment is encrypted

Definition at line 505 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mKeyTagChanged

bool TrackState::mKeyTagChanged

Flag to indicate Key tag got changed for decryption context setting

Definition at line 506 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mLastKeyTagIdx

int TrackState::mLastKeyTagIdx

Variable to hold the last keyTag index,to check if key tag changed

Definition at line 507 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrmInfo

struct DrmInfo TrackState::mDrmInfo

Structure variable to hold Drm Information

Definition at line 508 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mCMSha1Hash

char* TrackState::mCMSha1Hash

variable to store ShaID

Definition at line 509 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrmTimeStamp

long long TrackState::mDrmTimeStamp

variable to store Drm Time Stamp

Definition at line 510 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrmMetaDataIndexPosition

int TrackState::mDrmMetaDataIndexPosition

Variable to store Drm Meta data Index position

Definition at line 511 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrmMetaDataIndex

GrowableBuffer TrackState::mDrmMetaDataIndex

DrmMetadata records for associated playlist

Definition at line 512 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrmMetaDataIndexCount

int TrackState::mDrmMetaDataIndexCount

number of DrmMetadata records in currently indexed playlist

Definition at line 513 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrmKeyTagCount

int TrackState::mDrmKeyTagCount

number of EXT-X-KEY tags present in playlist

Definition at line 514 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mIndexingInProgress

bool TrackState::mIndexingInProgress

indicates if indexing is in progress

Definition at line 515 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDiscontinuityIndex

GrowableBuffer TrackState::mDiscontinuityIndex

discontinuity start position mapping of associated playlist

Definition at line 516 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDiscontinuityIndexCount

int TrackState::mDiscontinuityIndexCount

number of records in discontinuity position index

Definition at line 517 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mCheckForInitialFragEnc

bool TrackState::mCheckForInitialFragEnc

Flag that denotes if we should check for encrypted init header and push it to GStreamer

Definition at line 523 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrmMethod

DrmKeyMethod TrackState::mDrmMethod

denotes the X-KEY method for the fragment of interest

Definition at line 524 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ pCMCDMetrics

CMCDHeaders* TrackState::pCMCDMetrics

pointer object to class CMCDHeaders

Definition at line 525 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ refreshPlaylist

bool TrackState::refreshPlaylist

bool flag to indicate if playlist refresh required or not

Definition at line 528 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ fragmentCollectorThreadID

pthread_t TrackState::fragmentCollectorThreadID

Thread Id for Fragment collector Thread

Definition at line 529 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ fragmentCollectorThreadStarted

bool TrackState::fragmentCollectorThreadStarted

Flag indicating if fragment collector thread started or not

Definition at line 530 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ manifestDLFailCount

int TrackState::manifestDLFailCount

Manifest Download fail count for retry

Definition at line 531 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ firstIndexDone

bool TrackState::firstIndexDone

Indicates if first indexing is done

Definition at line 532 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrm

std::shared_ptr<HlsDrmBase> TrackState::mDrm

DRM decrypt context

Definition at line 533 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDrmLicenseRequestPending

bool TrackState::mDrmLicenseRequestPending

Indicates if DRM License Request is Pending

Definition at line 534 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mInjectInitFragment

bool TrackState::mInjectInitFragment

Indicates if init fragment injection is required

Definition at line 535 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mInitFragmentInfo

const char* TrackState::mInitFragmentInfo

Holds init fragment Information index

Definition at line 536 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mForceProcessDrmMetadata

bool TrackState::mForceProcessDrmMetadata

Indicates if processing drm metadata to be forced on indexing

Definition at line 537 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mPlaylistMutex

pthread_mutex_t TrackState::mPlaylistMutex

protect playlist update

Definition at line 538 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mPlaylistIndexed

pthread_cond_t TrackState::mPlaylistIndexed

Notifies after a playlist indexing operation

Definition at line 539 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mTrackDrmMutex

pthread_mutex_t TrackState::mTrackDrmMutex

protect DRM Interactions for the track

Definition at line 540 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDiscoCheckMutex

pthread_mutex_t TrackState::mDiscoCheckMutex

protect playlist discontinuity check

Definition at line 541 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mDiscoCheckComplete

pthread_cond_t TrackState::mDiscoCheckComplete

Notifies after a discontinuity check

Definition at line 542 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mLastMatchedDiscontPosition

double TrackState::mLastMatchedDiscontPosition

Holds discontinuity position last matched by other track

Definition at line 543 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mCulledSeconds

double TrackState::mCulledSeconds

Total culled duration in this streamer instance

Definition at line 544 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mCulledSecondsOld

double TrackState::mCulledSecondsOld

Total culled duration in this streamer instance

Definition at line 545 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mSyncAfterDiscontinuityInProgress

bool TrackState::mSyncAfterDiscontinuityInProgress

Indicates if a synchronization after discontinuity tag is in progress

Definition at line 546 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mPlaylistType

PlaylistType TrackState::mPlaylistType

Playlist Type

Definition at line 547 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mReachedEndListTag

bool TrackState::mReachedEndListTag

Flag indicating if End list tag reached in parser

Definition at line 548 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mByteOffsetCalculation

bool TrackState::mByteOffsetCalculation

Flag used to calculte byte offset from byte length for fragmented streams

Definition at line 549 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mSkipAbr

bool TrackState::mSkipAbr

Flag that denotes if previous cached fragment is init fragment or not

Definition at line 550 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mFirstEncInitFragmentInfo

const char* TrackState::mFirstEncInitFragmentInfo

Holds first encrypted init fragment Information index

Definition at line 551 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mXStartTimeOFfset

double TrackState::mXStartTimeOFfset

Holds value of time offset from X-Start tag

Definition at line 552 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mCulledSecondsAtStart

double TrackState::mCulledSecondsAtStart

Total culled duration with this asset prior to streamer instantiation

Definition at line 553 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

◆ mSkipSegmentOnError

bool TrackState::mSkipSegmentOnError

Flag used to enable segment skip on fetch error

Definition at line 554 of file fragmentcollector_hls.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: