static Bus & | Bus::getInstance (void) |
| This function is used to create the instance of Bus class. More...
| Bus::Bus (void) |
| This function is a constructor for the class Bus. It is used to starts the read and write thread which creates its instance. More...
void | Bus::start (void) |
| This function starts the threads and gets the instance for Bus. More...
void | Bus::stop (void) |
| This function stops the reader & writer threads and removes the instance for Bus. More...
| Bus::~Bus (void) |
| This is a destructor for class BUS. This function initiates the closing of threads and the instance for Bus will be freed. More...
void | Bus::Reader::run (void) |
| This function is used to read CECFrame from the driver. This gets notified to the frameListener which is listening for frames in CEC bus. More...
void | Bus::Reader::stop (bool block=true) |
| This function is used to stop the reader to read frames from the bus. More...
void | Bus::addFrameListener (FrameListener *listener) |
| This function is used to add new listener for reading frames. More...
void | Bus::removeFrameListener (FrameListener *listener) |
| This function is used to remove the listener. More...
void | Bus::Writer::run (void) |
| This function is used to poll the bus for frame availability and it writes the CEC frame to the driver. More...
void | Bus::Writer::stop (bool block=true) |
| This function is used to stop the writer for polling the bus and writing to the driver. More...
void | Bus::send (const CECFrame &frame, int timeout=0) |
| This function is used to write the frame to the driver. If it fails, as it is a synchronous function, it retries every 250ms till the retry count lapse. More...
void | Bus::sendAsync (const CECFrame &frame) |
| This function is used to keep asynchronously sending the frame by keeping copy of cec frame in the queue of the driver. More...
void | Bus::poll (const LogicalAddress &from, const LogicalAddress &to) |
| This function is used to poll the logical address and returns the ACK or NACK received from other devices. If NACK then the device can use this logical address. More...
void | Bus::ping (const LogicalAddress &from, const LogicalAddress &to) |
| This function is used to ping devices, to know whether it present and returns the ACK or NACK received from other devices. If ACK is received, then the device is present. More...