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This section will provide details on the changes in different modules to support Single wiphy usecase.
In wiphy_dump_handler, the global object g_wifi_hal's (an instance of wifi_hal_priv_t) is populated with the radio info associated with each phy.
Here there is a function get_rdk_radio_index which takes in phy_index and provides a single radio_index as output.Proposed change:
Introduce a new function function get_rdk_radio_indices replacing get_rdk_radio_index, which provides an array of rdk_radio_index associated with a particular phy_index. The array will be based on the defined radio_interface_mapping elements.
Use this array to populate the g_wifi_hal.radio_info.
This function takes input as phy_index and returns a single radio_info structure. In case of single phy, since there would be multiple radio_info associated with the same phy_index returning a single radio_info structure is incorrect.
Proposed Change:
All the usage instances of this function was checked. We can remove the usage of this function and fully deprecate it with the below changes:
The right radio info is then passed as arg to this function and can be accessed without calling get_radio_by_phy_index.
This function is called in update_channel_flags which
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