- Newly signed up users should change create their LDAP password to access the below RDK LDAP Based authentication Applications.
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- Click on Forgotpassword-ldap link on https://wiki.rdkcentral.com/forgotuserpassword-ldap.action link and provide the RDK Central account details.
- You should have received an email once click on "Send it to me"
- You can find Reset Password link in your mail inbox.
- Once you click on link, You will be redirected to set new password. Set the new password and confirm password.
If you don't find the Captcha, Please click on reload button next to Captcha, get loaded new Captcha.
- Once you click on reset, Your password will set successfully.
- You can use the newly set password for connecting the RDK Applications which are still running LDAP based authentication.
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