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Table of Contents

titleWork in progress

Wiki page is in draft stage.

Dependencies for sdcard build



Bananapi r4 follows a atf (arm-trusted firmware) flow for device bootup, by default flash memory is present in the device which will be loaded with BL1  and BL1 will be having bl2 address to load bl2 and make device up.


a) BL1: Bootloader one which will be part of flash memory of bpir4 , it will be holding address for bl2.
b) BL2: Bootloader two need to be generated and loaded in a specified sector so that bl1 can load bl2. 
c) fip: Firmware image Package which contains firmware components eg bl31.
d) Kernel: Layer which will be acting in between hardware and OSsoftware(userspace).
e) RDKB : RDKB stack or RDKB OS for user interaction.

"NOTE: Kernel and rdkb rootfs will be generated as part BPIR4 build instructions".

ATF files


Used below mentioned git repo Following git repositories used for generating bl2.img and fip.bin file.
1) → for generating uboot.bin files .
2) → for generating atf flow bootloader files (bl2.img and fip.bin)
At initial cloned mentioned git code "" , and made below mentioned changes in u-boot
Changes in u-boot env file to make boot-loader compatible in  loading kernel and rdkb os at initial boot-up itself.

Code Block
titleBootloader changes wrt RDKB BPIR4 specific (bl2.patch)
diff --git a/build.conf b/build.conf
index 217679e5393..7ee955fd48f 100644
--- a/build.conf
+++ b/build.conf
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ uploaduser=$USER
diff --git a/uEnv_r4.txt b/uEnv_r4.txt
index dc60a382cd2..0ca9b61df4a 100644
--- a/uEnv_r4.txt
+++ b/uEnv_r4.txt
@@ -1,82 +1,19 @@
-root=/dev/mmcblk0p6 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait
-console=ttyS0,115200n1 earlycon=uart8250,mmio32,0x11000000
-bootopts=debug=7 mem=3G
-lstftp=if tftp ${loadaddr} ${serverip}:r4-itbfiles.lst;then setexpr listend ${loadaddr} + ${filesize};mw.b ${listend} 00 2;strings ${loadaddr};else echo "tftp download failed";fi
-askkernel=askenv kernelinput "enter kernel-name:";
-askbootnetfit=run lstftp askkernel;if printenv kernelinput; then setenv bootfile "${kernelinput}"; run bootnetfit;fi
-askbootnvme=run usenvme; if test "$device" = "nvme"; then run askkernel;if printenv kernelinput; then setenv fit $kernelinput;run newboot;fi;fi
-bootnetfit=run buildargs;if tftp $kaddr ${bootfile}; then bootm $kaddr;fi
-checkenv=test -e ${device} ${partition} ${bootenv}
-loadenvfile=if fatload ${device} ${partition} ${loadaddr} ${bootenv};then env import -t ${loadaddr} ${filesize};else echo "fatload (${bootenv}) failed";fi
-loadenv=if run checkenv;then run loadenvfile;fi
-resetenv=env default -a;printenv;
-loadkernel=fatload $device $partition $kaddr ${kernel}
-buildargs=setenv bootargs "board=${board} console=${console} root=${root} ${bootopts}
-useusb=if usb info; then usb reset;else usb start;fi; if ls usb $usb_part $usb_path; then setenv device usb;setenv partition $usb_part;fi
-usenvme=pci enum; nvme scan;nvme info; if ls nvme $nvme_boot;then setenv device "nvme";setenv partition $nvme_boot;setenv root $nvme_root;else echo "nvme partition not found";fi
-useinitrd=setenv bootopts "${bootopts} initrd=${rdaddr},100M";
-checkrd=if printenv initrd;then if fatload ${device} ${partition} ${rdaddr} ${initrd};then run useinitrd;fi;fi
-newboot=run checkrd; run setbootconf; run buildargs;if printenv fit;then setenv kernel ${fit};if run loadkernel; then bootm ${kaddr}${bootconf}; fi;fi;
-bootnetfit=run checkrd; run setbootconf;run buildargs;if tftp $kaddr ${bootfile}; then bootm ${kaddr}${bootconf};fi
-checkmmc=if mmc partconf 0; then echo "emmc available";mmcdev="emmc";else echo "sd available";mmcdev="sd";fi
-checksata=if test -n "$sata_en" && test $sata_en -eq 1;then setenv satacfg "#sata"; fi
-checkwifi=if test -n "$wifi_en" && test $wifi_en -eq 1;then setenv wificfg "#wifi"; fi
-setbootconf=run checkmmc checksata checkwifi;setenv bootconf "#conf-$mmcdev$version$wificfg$satacfg";printenv bootconf
-wrspimnand=if printenv bl2file;then if fatload $device $partition $loadaddr $bl2file;then mtd erase spi-nand0 0x0 0x100000;mtd write spi-nand0 $loadaddr 0x0 0x100000;else echo "loading bl2 $bl2file failed";fi;else echo "bl2file not defined";fi;if printenv fipfile;then if fatload $device $partition $loadaddr $fipfile;then mtd erase spi-nand0 0x580000 0x200000;mtd write spi-nand0 $loadaddr 0x580000 0x200000;else echo "loading fip $fipfile failed";fi;else echo "fipfile not defined";fi
-wremmc=if printenv bl2file;then mmc partconf 0 1 1 1;if fatload $device $partition $loadaddr $bl2file;then mmc erase 0x0 0x400;mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x0 0x400;else echo "loading bl2 $bl2file failed";fi;else echo "bl2file not defined";fi;mmc partconf 0 1 1 0;if printenv fipfile;then if fatload $device $partition $loadaddr $fipfile;then mmc erase 0x3400 0x1000;mmc write ${loadaddr} 0x3400 0x1000;else echo "loading fip $fipfile failed";fi;else echo "fipfile not defined";fi
-bootcmd=setenv bootdelay 3; run loadenv;bootmenu;
-lskernel=ls ${device} ${partition};
-askkernel=askenv kernelinput "enter kernel name:";
-boot0=run lskernel;run askkernel;if printenv kernelinput ;then setenv fit ${kernelinput}; run newboot; fi;
-bootmenu_0=1. Enter kernel-name to boot from SD/EMMC.=run boot0
-bootmenu_1=2. Boot kernel from TFTP.=run askbootnetfit
-bootmenu_2=3. Boot from SD/EMMC.=run newboot
-bootmenu_3=4. Boot kernel from NVME.=run askbootnvme
+bootmenu_0=1. Load image from sdcard .=run rdkb_bpir4
+bootargs=earlycon console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p4 rootfstype=ext4 rw rootwait  debug=7
+rdkb_bpir4=run rdkb-kernel ;run rdkb-dtb ;run rdkb-run
+rdkb-dtb=fatload mmc 0\:3 ${loadaddr} ${fit}
+rdkb-kernel=fatload mmc 0\:3 ${kaddr} ${kernel} 
+rdkb-run=bootm ${kaddr} - ${loadaddr}
+bootcmd=setenv bootdelay 3 ;bootmenu;

After making changes just executed Changes in ATF's scriptfile. After complete execution of this script file, we can see u-boot.* files will be generated in specific folder..

Code Block
titleChanges in atf (fip.patch)
Code Block
titleFile after script execution
heam@Delldiff -OptiPlex-9020:~/bootloader/u-boot$ ls
api    build.conf  common     doc      examples             include  Licenses     post  u-boot.bin        u-boot.srec     uEnv_r3.txt
arch   build.log  drivers  files                Kbuild   MAINTAINERS  README     test        u-boot.cfg        u-boot.sym      uEnv_r4.txt
board    configs    dts      fs                   Kconfig  Makefile  tools       u-boot.dtb      u-boot-mtk.bin    uEnv_r2pro.txt  uEnv_r4.txt.old
boot   cmd         disk       env      generated_defconfig  lib      net          scripts    u-boot      u-boot-dtb.bin  u-boot-nodtb.bin  uEnv_r2.txt     uEnv_r64.txt


-git a/ b/
index 6939bd1ee87..8837ddf1517 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ export LANG=C
 export ARCH=arm64
 export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-

Building bl2.img and fip.bin in case of not having access to artifactory repository

Build instruction to create bl2.img and fip.bin in local linux machine(Ubuntu 22.04).

Code Block
titleBuilding BL2 and FIP binaries in local machine (Ubuntu 22.04)
### Prerequisite packages
$ sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu libc6-armhf-cross u-boot-tools make gcc swig python3-pyelftools flex

### Building u-boot binaries
$ mkdir BL2 && cd BL2
$ git clone -b 2024-04-bpi
$ cd u-boot
$ git apply bl2.patch ## See above - patch content is provided in above block.
$ make mt7988a_bpir4_sd_defconfig
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
$ ./

### Building FIP binary
$ cd ../..
$ mkdir FIP && cd FIP
$ git clone -b mtk-atf
$ cd u-boot
$ git apply fip.patch ## See above - patch content is provided in above block.

### Copy all u-boot.* files for creating fip.bin
$ cp ../../BL2/u-boot/u-boot.* .
$ ./

### Both bl2.img and fip.bin are present folder ./build/mt7988/release
$ cd ./build/mt7988/release
$ ls bl2.img fip.bin

### Renaming binaries as per Yocto's wks file
$ mv bl2.img bpi-r4_sdmmc_bl2.img
$ mv fip.bin bpi-r4_sdmmc_fip.bin

Bring bpi-r4_sdmmc_bl2.img and bpi-r4_sdmmc_fip.bin files under meta-cmf-bananapi/meta-rdk-mtk-bpir4/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/files directory.

In meta-cmf-bananapi/meta-rdk-mtk-bpir4/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/, comment SRC_URI lines with artifcatory repo and uncomment alternate SRC_URI to load bpi-r4_sdmmc_bl2.img and bpi-r4_sdmmc_fip.bin from meta-cmf-bananapi/meta-rdk-mtk-bpir4/recipes-bsp/trusted-firmware-a/files directory.

Generating SD card image for BPI-R4

Build instruction

Code Block
titleBPIR4 build instructios for generating sdcard image.
repo init -u -b kirkstone -m rdkb-bpi-extsrc.xml
repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags
MACHINE=bananapi4-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-bananapi/setup-environment-refboard-rdkb
bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image

Flashing steps

Generated SD card Image can be flashed directly to sdcard using bmaptool command or balenaEtcher.

Code Block
titleBPIR4 2nd time flashing instructions.
1) bzip2 -d <Path to ImageName.wic.bz2>
2) sudo -E bmaptool copy --nobmap <Path to ImageName.wic> <Path to SD card device file>
Code Block
titleChanges in atf
diff --git a/ b/
index 6939bd1ee87..8837ddf1517 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@ export LANG=C
 export ARCH=arm64
 export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-

 After completion of script execution we can see bl2.img and fip.bin files will be generated in build/mt7988/release path.

heam@Dell-OptiPlex-9020:~/bootloader/atf/u-boot/build/mt7988/release$ ls
bl2  bl2.bin  bl2.img  bl31  bl31.bin  fdts  fip.bin  lib  libc  libfdt  libwrapper  romlib

Build instructions for SD image for BPIR4.

Generated bl2.img and fip.bin files need to be include in meta-cmf-bananapi layer. SDCard image is made default for BPI-R4 target.

Code Block
titleBPIR4 build instructios for generating sdcard image.
repo init -u -b kirkstone -m rdkb-bpi-extsrc.xml
repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags
MACHINE=bananapi4-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-bananapi/setup-environment-refboard-rdkb
bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image

Flashing steps.

Generated SD card Image can be flashed directly to sdcard using dd command or balenaEtcher.

Code Block
titleBPIR4 2nd time flashing instructions.
1)copy mentioned files from deploy dir to local pc if using vm(fitImage, mt7988a-bananapi-bpi-r4-sd.dtb, rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20241028072748.bin.ext4)
2)copy fitImage and mt7988a-bananapi-bpi-r4-sd.dtb to 3rd partition
     heam@Dell-OptiPlex-9020:~/tr69$ sudo mount /dev/sdc3 /mnt/
     [sudo] password for heam: 
     heam@Dell-OptiPlex-9020:~/tr69$ cd /mnt/
     heam@Dell-OptiPlex-9020:/mnt$ ls
     fitImage mt7988a-bananapi-bpi-r4-sd.dtb
     heam@Dell-OptiPlex-9020:/mnt$ sudo rm -rf *
     heam@Dell-OptiPlex-9020:~/tr69$ sudo cp fitImage mt7988a-bananapi-bpi-r4-sd.dtb /mnt/

3)Flash rdkb rootfs to 4th partition.
     heam@Dell-OptiPlex-9020:~/tr69$ sudo dd if=rdkb-generic-broadband-image_rdk-next_20241028072748.bin.ext4 of=/dev/sdc4
     541914+0 records in
     541914+0 records out
     277459968 bytes (277 MB, 265 MiB) copied, 24.6373 s, 11.3 MB/s
4)Remove sdcard and insert into BPIR4 device.5)Latest image will be loaded.
