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Test Planning

CMFLAB Dashboard

CMFLAB Backlog

Template Tickets (these are cloned for each task)

TaskTemplate Ticket
TDK Intake

CMFLAB-1125 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RDK-B Iteration/Release

CMFLAB-552 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RDK-V Iteration/Release

CMFLAB-365 - Getting issue details... STATUS


CODEMGMT-238 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RDK-B CODEMGMT Quarterly Release

CODEMGMT-425 - Getting issue details... STATUS


CODEMGMT-180 - Getting issue details... STATUS

RDK-V CODEMGMT Quarterly Release

CODEMGMT-554 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Sanity Test Frameworks

Sanity Test Descriptions

Sanity Test Build Trend

Sanity Test Flows

TDK Test Frameworks

TDK Documentation and Releases

CMF Test Framework Design

CMF TDK Testing is done using 3 frameworks (2 in active use):

All of which are kicked off with a set of input parameters to their various Jenkins jobs. Currently supporting 4 'RUNTYPE' options – 'release', 'nightly', 'nightly-full', and 'master'. Below is each framework's instruction to run a flow job for the various RUNTYPE options and the differences those options make in regards to each phase of each flow.

CMF TDK Test Result Tools

CMF TDK Merged Reports Tool

TDK Merged Reports Tool

  • This produces a comparison report per platform on a configurable number of TDK Reference Releases
  • Useful on TDK Intake to see any change in test status or tests removed/added etc

TDK Test Metrics

Test and Git

CMF Gerrit

CMF Code Contribution Process

  • Very useful doc to explain how to setup git and push changes for review to CMF Gerrit

CMF Test Git Repositories and Useful Info

# clone the test repo
git clone ""

# gittiles link (must be logged into gerrit)

# TDK test results repo (soon to be deprecated, used to store TDK reference results)
git clone ""

# clone the jenkins dsl test repo where all our test jenkins jobs are maintained
git clone ""

# setup the commit hook if you want push changes for review in CMF Gerrit
cd <repo>
gitdir=$(git rev-parse --git-dir); curl -o ${gitdir}/hooks/commit-msg ; chmod +x ${gitdir}/hooks/commit-msg

# useful git commands/workflow sequence if/when working on branches rather than pushing changes directly on master
git checkout master
git pull —rebase
git checkout -b <branch name>

… make changes
git add <files>
git commit -m "CMFLAB-XXX <commit msg>"
git push origin <branch name>
  if single commit:
    git checkout master
    git cherry-pick <commit ID>
    git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
  if multiple commits:
    git rebase -i HEAD~<# of commits from HEAD>
    … pick top commit; squash all others
    git log (**check to see that squashed commit has Change-ID)
    if no Change-ID in commit: git commit —amend; exit editor (Change-ID should now be there)
    git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master

Test Development Builds

The test team maintain their own build scripts which we use to build and test debug images for defect investigations. These scripts are run on personal build slaves and can be used to build on any branch we support in CMF.

The scripts will upload the images to an s3 bucket and can also be used to automatically smoke test the image.

The scripts are maintained in the cmf test git repository

1) launch build slave via 

2) ssh to build slave (see jenkins console o/p for IP address)

3) set up build scripts on your build slave (if not already setup)

cd ~/jenkinsroot/workspace
git clone ""
ln -s test/cmf_testbed/tools/builds/  builds

4) build your image, e.g.

cd ~/jenkinsroot/workspace/builds
./ <branch> <prepare|build>

Note follow the prompts to select what image(s) you want to build and whether you want to automatically smoke test the image
  • Notes
    • if you want to apply patches or do some reverts or cherrypicks do the build in two stages
      • run script with prepare first (this will do repo init and repo sync)
      • make code changes
      • then run script with build
    • if you just want to build a branch then just run script with no prepare or build options

Useful Tips

Debugging RDKB

systemctl | grep -i ccsp
systemctl -l status <service>
journalctl -u <service>
ps -axf | grep hostapd <- check hotspot
  • If groups of tests failing, likely issue with one service
  • Some services have dependancies so not unusual for a few of them to be in bad state
  • Can take a few minutes for all services to start

Debugging RDKV

systemctl -l status <service>
journalctl -u <service>
ps -axf | grep rmfstreamer
  • If E2E/RMF tests failing check if rmfStreamer is running


on griffen:

get_vpc_key -i -u <username> griffen
sudo su jenkins

# general info commands
vboxmanage list vms
vboxmanage list runningvms
vboxmanage showvminfo "rdkb-emu-tdk"
vboxmanage list usbhost

# restart vm
vboxmanage startvm "rdkb-emu-tdk" --type headless

# if above restart doesn't work power it off first
vboxmanage controlvm rdkb-emu-tdk poweroff 
vboxmanage startvm "rdkb-emu-tdk" --type headless

# destroy VM - mechanism 1
vboxmanage controlvm rdkb-emu-tdk poweroff
vboxmanage unregistervm "rdkb-emu-tdk" --delete

# destroy VM - mechanism 2
vboxmanage startvm rdkb-emu-tdk --type emergencystop
vboxmanage unregistervm --delete rdkb-emu-tdk

# rdp session for RDK-B Emulator, run following ssh command then on RDP client connect to localhost:3388 
ssh -o "PasswordAuthentication=no" -L 3388: -i ~/.griffen-<username>.rsa <username>@

Access EMU-V TDK VM's on browser

# do get vps on heron first
get_vpc_key -i -u <username> heron

# ssh and tunnel through local port for the TDK Manager your interested in
ssh -L 8085: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@
ssh -L 8086: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@
ssh -L 8087: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@
ssh -L 8088: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@
ssh -L 8089: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@
ssh -L 8090: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@
ssh -L 8091: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@
ssh -L 8092: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@

# now you can access any of the 8 TDK EMU-V TDK Managers in your browser via

# e.g.
ssh -L 8085: -i ~/.heron-jamescol.rsa jamescol@

TDK Manger Tips

To connect to TDK Manager VM's used in ATF testing: EMU-B TDK Manager VM, RPI-B TDK VM, RPI-V TDK VM you can use one of two methods either via vagrant ssh or ssh directly using it’s IP

( i ) via  vagrant

# first connect to griffen
get_vpc_key -i -u <username> griffen
sudo su jenkins

# get list of VM's running and their status
vagrant global-status

# output will look like
vagrant global-status
id       name                            provider   state   directory
f6380e9  nfs-server-rdkb                 virtualbox running /home/jenkins/cmflab-vagrants/nfs-server/rdkb
0885fe0  tdk-emulator-rdkb               virtualbox running /home/jenkins/cmflab-vagrants/rdkb/emulator/tdk
5e18def  tdk-emulator-rdkb-rpi           virtualbox running /home/jenkins/cmflab-vagrants/rdkb/rpi/tdk
f3fdd9a  tdk-emulator-raven-atf-rpi-rdkv virtualbox running /home/jenkins/cmflab-vagrants/rdkv/rpi/tdk
81a242c  tdk-emulator-rdkb-rpi-e2e       virtualbox running /home/jenkins/cmflab-vagrants/rdkb/rpi/tdk-e2e
1b99642  rdkb-webserver                  virtualbox running /home/jenkins/cmflab-vagrants/rdkb/webserver

# run command `vagrant ssh <id>`
vagrant ssh 0885fe0

# some other vagrant commands
vagrant status <id>
vagrant halt <id>
vagrant up <id>

( ii ) via ssh

# first connect to griffen or some other lab server machine (e.g. heron/corvus/raven)
get_vpc_key -i -u <username> griffen
sudo su jenkins

# ssh to TDK VM using it's IP
# TDK Manager Emulator
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" vagrant@
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" vagrant@

# TDK Manager RPI-B
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" vagrant@
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" vagrant@

# TDK Manager RPI-V
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" vagrant@
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" vagrant@

Some General TDK Manager VM Commands

# check if tftp server is running on the TDK Manager VM
vagrant@tdk-emulator-rdkb:~$ ps -ef | grep tftp
vagrant  12660 12630  0 12:17 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto tftp
root     13444 13389  0 Sep18 ?        00:00:00 sudo python /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rdk-test-tool/fileStore/ 69 /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rdk-test-tool/logs/logs/
root     13446 13444  0 Sep18 ?        00:00:05 python /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rdk-test-tool/fileStore/ 69 /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rdk-test-tool/logs/logs/

# Manually start TDK TFTP Server on a TDK VM (tftp server is used on manager to transfer agent logs from DUT)
sudo python /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rdk-test-tool/fileStore/ 69 /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rdk-test-tool/logs/logs/ &

# kill tftp serrver 
sudo pkill -f tftp

# to manually set the route on TDK Manager VM (this is needed if you can't connect to the webui of VM via your browser), e.g. can happen when VM was restarted abnormally
route del default
sudo route del default; sudo route add default gw dev eth1

# to change interface or mechanism for agent log transfer (can be set to tftp/REST) edit tm.config file and restart tomcat
vi /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/rdk-test-tool/fileStore/tm.config
sudo pkill -f tftp
sudo service tomcat6 stop 
sudo service tomcat6 start

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