RDK Releases
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This is the summary page that describes CMF quarterly release rdkb-2022q1-dunfell, based on the new branch rdk-next and dunfell oe layers. Below are links to the relevant documents.
Note: The master branch has been deprecated in select community repositories and rdk-next is now the lead development branch.
Note: The latest rdkb quarterly release addresses licensing issues so users are advised to move to the latest iteration.
Note: For the Gerrit links, you need to log in before you will be able to see the contents.
A detailed changelog since the last release rdkb-2021q4-dunfell can be found here.
Baseline Branch | nightly/20220321-dunfell |
Post-baseline updates | NA |
TDK | M98 |
Manifest branch | rdkb-2022q1-dunfell |
rbus | CcspAdvSecurity | GwProvApp-ePON |
rbuscore | CcspCMAgent | MeshAgent |
OvsAgent | CcspCommonLibrary | PowerManager |
WebconfigFramework | CcspCr | RdkPlatformManager |
breakpad_wrapper | CcspDmCli | RdkPppManager |
crashupload | CcspEPONAgent | RdkTelcoVoiceManager |
dcm | CcspEthAgent | RdkVlanBridgingManager |
jst | CcspHomeSecurity | RdkWanManager |
libunpriv | CcspLMLite | RdkXdslManager |
rdk_logger | CcspMisc | TestAndDiagnostic |
rdkssa | CcspMoCA | Utopia |
rfc | CcspMtaAgent | Xconf |
telemetry | CcspPandM | hal |
xupnp | CcspPsm | halinterface |
rdk/components/opensource/ipoe_health_check | CcspSnmpPa | hotspot |
rdk/components/opensource/rtmessage | CcspTr069Pa | sysint |
rdk/devices/raspberrypi/webpa-client | CcspWifiAgent | webui |
rdkb/components/generic/CcspLogAgent | CcspXDNS | webui-bwg |
rdkb/components/generic/harvester | FirmwareSanity | rdkb/devices/raspberrypi/hal |
rdkb/components/generic/notify_comp | GwProvApp | rdkb/devices/raspberrypi/sysint |
rdkb/components/generic/sso | GwProvApp-EthWan |
Separate patch files for the open-source OE layers are no longer maintained. Instead, mirrors of the OE layers used by RDK are maintained at CMF, containing rdk branches that contain the patches already applied. The RDK build scripts and recipes now all use these instead of the previous patches.
A detailed changelog since the last release rdkb-2021q4-dunfell can be found here.
mkdir <workspace dir> cd <workspace dir> repo init -u -m <manifest.xml> -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags
For RPI builds use manifest: rdkb.xml
repo init -u -m rdkb-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell
For Turris builds use manifest: rdkb-turris-extsrc.xml
repo init -u -m rdkb-turris-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell
mkdir <workspace dir> cd <workspace dir> repo init -u -m rdkb-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags MACHINE=raspberrypi-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image # To build TDK image bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-tdk-image
mkdir <workspace dir> cd <workspace dir> repo init -u -m rdkb-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags MACHINE=raspberrypi4-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image # To build TDK image bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-tdk-image
mkdir <workspace dir> cd <workspace dir> repo init -u -m rdkb-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags MACHINE=raspberrypi4-64-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image # To build TDK image bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-tdk-image
mkdir <workspace dir> cd <workspace dir> repo init -u -m rdkb-turris-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags MACHINE=turris source meta-turris/setup-environment bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image # To build TDK image bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-tdk-image
mkdir <workspace dir> cd <workspace dir> repo init -u -m rdkb-turris-pod-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags MACHINE=turris-extender source meta-turris/setup-environment bitbake rdk-generic-extender-image
mkdir <workspace dir> cd <workspace dir> repo init -u -m rdkb-pod-extsrc.xml -b rdkb-2022q1-dunfell repo sync -j `nproc` --no-clone-bundle --no-tags MACHINE=raspberrypi4-rdk-extender source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment bitbake rdk-generic-extender-image
Documentation on the RDK-B reference platforms including host requirement setup and flashing instructions are available from the following links:
[Archived] RDK-B R-Pi Yocto 3.1 - Dunfell
[Archived] RDK-B (Raspberry Pi) Build and Setup Manual - Router Profile
For all other RDK documentation please refer to the RDK wiki at
RPI Sanity tests include:
Turris Sanity test include: