Hi there,

I was starting from fresh the RPI4 image build when some fetching errors occurred. Apparently, using non-encrypted traffic from github is no longer possible (https://github.blog/2021-09-01-improving-git-protocol-security-github/) and this is the reason why the recipe fails.

This is happening at least in both dunfell and rdkb-2021q3-dunfell.

I would like confirmation on whether this is the problem, and an estimation of when will it be fixed.



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  1. Hi Miguel,

    Apologies for the delay and thank you for pointing out.

    This change has affected all open-embedded community. We are working on bringing proper solution in RDK stack.

    As a temporary change; please set the following in the build host and that shall help you to progress.

    git config --global url."https://github".insteadOf git://github

    Another possible fix is: https://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit.cgi/poky/commit/?h=master-next&id=164bb5e9287497b492f21985dd1a8d85e1a4ed23

    Thank you


  2. Hi Miguel,

    Fix is already available in tip ( rdk-next ).
    Ticket created to back port the changes in 2021q3-dunfell branch.