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Papers & Presentations Archive
<Work in progress>
# | Automation ID | Summary |
1 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SANITY-1001 | Basic wifi-sanity checks for wifi-cc setup |
2 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-6013 | Validation of Wi-Fi bridge mode or LAN mode |
3 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-6022 | Validating SSID of public 2.4 GHz network is advertised |
4 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-6024 | Validating SSID of public 5.0 GHz network is advertised |
5 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-6001 | Validating SSID of private 5.0 GHz network is advertised |
6 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-1104 | Test to verify Shell Shock Vulnerability |
7 | TC-RDKB-IP-MCAST-1000 | Verify Broadband gateway providing CMTS Mac Address to IP Multicast Back Office |
8 | TC-RDKB-RFC-1001 | Verify configurable RFC check-in trigger using tr181 parameter |
9 | TC-RDKB-REVSSH-1001 | Verify Reverse SSH in broadband gateway devices |
10 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-1010 | Verify default SSID on Gateway using WebPA |
11 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-1005 | Verify parodus and webpa uptimes in bootup sequence |
12 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1007 | Verify get snmp for warehouse OIDs |
13 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-1001 | verify the status of wifi mesh service on enabling and disabling it |
14 | TC-RDKB-BINARIES-1003 | Verify Removal of private keys in Binaries in build,Radio,Wan address , Docsis snr and power values in GUI |
15 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5515 | Verify the logging of WebPA telemetry data in the Parodus Logs. |
16 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1006 | Automate verifying Default SSID and password after factory reset Router |
17 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1007 | Automate verifying Default SSID and password after factory reset Wifi |
18 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1026 | Verify Ethernet Related SNMP |
19 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5050 | Verify whether multiple udhcpc.script error messages getting printed in Consolelog.txt |
20 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-5003 | Verify interface reboot due to brlan0 and verify logs in SelfHeal.txt.0 file |
21 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-1000 | Verify WebUI - Software Image Name, Version, Advanced Services and Packet Cable Version |
22 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1007 | Generate crash for the process "webpa" within the STB and also verifying the crash file is uploaded in crash portal |
23 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1008 | Generate crash for the process "CcspWifiAgent" within the STB and also verifying the crash file is uploaded in crash portal |
24 | TC-RDKB-XCONF-1001 | Verify XCONF/DIFD HTTP CDL during router mode [ Deferred Reboot] and check Partner ID |
25 | TC-RDKB-LOGUPLOAD-1005 | Verify when setting UploadlogsNow parameter to True using snmp, logs get uploaded |
26 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7025 | Persistence of user setting in MSO GUI over device upgrade |
27 | TC-RDKB-CERTS-1001 | Verify support of a downloadable Root CA Trust Store |
28 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-2003 | Enable forwardSSH via RFC and verify whether we can do forwardSSH |
29 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-2004 | Set invalid string to forwardSSH |
30 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1002 | Verify the Manufacturer serial number using DOCS-CABLE-DEVICE-MIB::docsDevSerialNumber( |
31 | TC-RDKB-ENCRYPT-1001 | Test to verify Encrypt WiFi passwords stored in NVRAM |
32 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1006 | Verification of deviceUpTime |
33 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-1001 | Test to verify the latest OpenSSL verison in RDKB devices |
34 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-VER2-1002 | Verify T2 component log files, process and other basic checks |
35 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-VER2-1001 | Verify default values for T2 component TR-181 parameters |
36 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-VER2-1003 | Verify telemetry 2 configurations persist over a device upgrade |
37 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1033 | Test to verify improve reporting for RFC feature enable |
38 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-SNMP-3001 | Verification of stability of snmp mib mocaNodeMocaVersion |
39 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-SNMP-3002 | Verification of stability of snmp mib mocaNodemacaddress |
40 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-SNMP-3003 | Verification of stability of moca mib stability |
41 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-1007 | Verify Integrate parodus2ccsp with Yocto |
42 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-1008 | Verify Integrate parodus2ccsp with Yocto |
43 | TC-RDKB-RFC-SNMP-1001 | Verify RFC control of SNMPv2 |
44 | TC-RDKB-SWAP-5001 | Verify the swap memory can be enabled and disabled using ZRAM |
45 | TC-RDKB-OAUTH-5001 | Verify the MSO page authentication modes |
46 | TC-RDKB-PRO-INFO-5001 | Verify the sensitive keywords are removed from iptables |
47 | TC-RDKB-PRO-INFO-5002 | Verify the sensitive keywords are removed from ip6tables |
48 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-SECURITY-7021 | verify security modes on MSO GUI |
49 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PWR-1010 | Test to verify Wifi power table |
50 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-FF-6001 | Verify access to DUT via MSO page - WAN (or) eRouter IP using Firefox browser (HTTP, HTTPS - Disabled and Enabled)) |
51 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-1002 | Testcase for securing syscfg.db parameters via encryption. |
52 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-1006 | Verify themis curl to acquire JWT for parodus |
53 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1011 | Verify SNMP code download using TFTP with Factory Reset |
54 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5001 | Verify standard timestamp format is used in RDKB logging |
55 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8017 | Verify Internet connection status should be ticked in green in Bridge Mode |
56 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-1106 | To verify whether PHP version is upgraded to 7.2.13 or above |
57 | TC-RDKB-UPNP-1000 | Verify Self discovery validation when UPnP Refactor enabled |
58 | TC-RDKB-BOOTSTRAP-1031 | Test to verify bootstrap configuration with version and update source |
59 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-REBOOT-PERSIST-1001 | Validate persistence of SSID and security modes over reboot for private, public , LNF, extender SSID |
60 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8020 | Test to verify Optimization of php.ini process |
61 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1012 | Verify reboot reason notifications sent for different types of reboot |
62 | TC-RDKB-BOOT-TELEMETRY-1001 | Verify device and telemetry logging for boot to public wifi, lnf ssid, tr069 and snmp subagent uptimes |
63 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5001 | Verify 2.4 GHz WiFi beacon rate changing behavior. |
64 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-CONFIG-5004 | To verify local UI no longer supports the ability to save/restore the config file from MSO |
65 | TC-RDKB-DELEGATED-IP-1001 | Validate that the Delegated IPv6 prefix can be retrieved using rdkbRgDeviceConfigStaticIpv6 (. |
66 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-1011 | Verify default SSID on Gateway using SNMP |
67 | TC-RDKB-OVS-1001 | To verify OVS configuration |
68 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-1006 | Verify MoCA group parameter execution time via dmcli |
69 | TC-RDKB-RFC-1005 | To Verify RFC Response Versioning support |
70 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1009 | Verify implementation of broadband functionalities for parodus client and Verify implemention of wrp-c library so that WebPA requests can be encoded and decoded. |
71 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PWR-1009 | Test to verify Wifi power table |
72 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1008 | Verify all reports for Harvester and LMLite are enabled and Verify CcspWebpaadapter responds to WEBPA GET, SET requests. |
73 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PWR-1008 | Test to verify Wifi power table |
74 | TC-RDKB-XCONF-UP-DWN-5001 | Validate firmware Upgrade Time Check via xconf |
75 | TC-RDKB-SYSCFG-1000 | Verify syscfg parameters by enabling and disabling SysCfg.UpdateNvram |
76 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7039 | Enabling Remote Management and verifying default parameters from MSO Page |
77 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-5010 | Verify access to DUT via MSO page - WAN (or) eRouter IP using Windows OS and Chrome browser (HTTP Enabled) |
78 | TC-RDKB-GUI-WIFI-1005 | Test to verify edit button and options for public Wifi is removed from MSO GUI |
79 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-1105 | To Verify lighttpd and php fingerprinting |
80 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI_PHP_CODE-1006 | Verify php pages which are not to be accessible by MSO in Residential devices |
81 | TC-RDKB-CRASH-1003 | To verify crash portal connection via codebig when codebig enabled |
82 | TC-RDKB-CRASH-1004 | To verify crash portal connection via codebig when codebig disabled |
83 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5002 | Verify logging for Harvester and LMLite reports |
84 | TC-RDKB-ONBOARDING-1000 | Verify CPE on-boarding process logging in the already onboarded device |
85 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_WEBUI-1102 | Verify setting SSID in web interface for valid Private SSID name |
86 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_WEBUI-1101 | Verify Error message in web interface for setting invalid Private SSID name |
87 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1017 | Verify ManagementServer - Basic Parameters |
88 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-9010 | Verify fixes for ccsp-webpa-adapter |
89 | TC-RDKB-CPU_AND_MEMORY-1002 | Capture CPU and Memory usage individually per process based on request. |
90 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRYENDPOINT-2250 | Use new telemetry endpoint controlled by RFC |
91 | TC-RDKB-IDS-1006 | To verify IDS component is removed |
92 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TX-RATE-CONFIG-5064 | To verfiy high power support in 5GHZ band channel |
93 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4007 | To verify the limit of ping failures based on erouter Reset recovery mechanism in maintenance window |
94 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1018 | Verify Implementation of new WifiClient data model for harvester under Device.WiFi. |
95 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-STATUS-3050 | Verify Moca status persistence after Factory Reset and Reboot of device |
96 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1004 | Verify TR-181 message-bus as new data source for telemetry |
97 | TC-RDKB-SYNDICATION-WAN-SSH-1003 | Verify CM image binary details on the latest firmware |
98 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-3042 | Verify that /opt/secure folder is encrypted |
99 | TC-RDKB-VALIDATE-HARV-3001 | Validate Wi-Fi Harvester InterfaceDevicesWifi Report after Reboot of DUT |
100 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-3043 | Verify that /nvram/testfile and /opt/secure/testfilehas no difference |
101 | TC-RDKB-RFC-1006 | Verify Reboot required RFC change causes scheduled reboot in maintenance window |
102 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-1012 | Perform CDL and the device should provide notification about pending reboot |
103 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-1014 | Verify Abort Reboot after successful CDL |
104 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-1015 | test to verify abort reboot after reboot initiates |
105 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-MIGRATION-1001 | Verify WiFi settings after Migration to QA Release |
106 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-DIBBLER-1001 | To verify dibbler is upgraded to 1.0.1 |
107 | TC-RDKB-UPGRADE-LOGUPLOAD-6001 | Verify successful log upload post upgrade and reboot |
108 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1006 | To Verify configurations when partner id is invalid |
109 | TC-RDKB-ST-AUT-5001 | Verify the Speed test Authentication TR-181 object size is increased to 2048 bytes from 512 bytes |
110 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI_PHP_CODE-1004 | Verify unwanted php files were removed from MSO in Residential devices |
111 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-1001 | Removal of parodus start shell script changes from yocto |
112 | TC-RDKB-NetCat-1003 | This test is to verify that secure "nc" utility is implemented on Gateway to run only in client mode |
113 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1001 | Verify the ping related default values in the device after factory resetting by Webpa |
114 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-ADMIN-5002 | Verify access to DUT via MSO page and verify all pages are accessible and verify the tool tip information |
115 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1002 | Verify the ping related default values in the device after factory resetting by SNMP |
116 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1003 | Verify whether valid IP address are set for the ping servers by Webpa and the ping success logs are captured in selfHeallog.txt.0 |
117 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-STNGS-CHK-1001 | Validate basic and adavance settings persist for 2.4Ghz wifi |
118 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1004 | Verify whether the invalid IP address of the ping server is set by webpa and failure messages are logged when the ping fails in selfHeal log and Ping failures are captured in telemetry dashboard |
119 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1005 | Verify whether valid IP address are set for the ping servers by SNMP and the ping success logs are captured in selfHeallog.txt.0 |
120 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-REBOOT-1001 | Verification of any kind of crash in device if Multiple WiFi reset triggerred |
121 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1006 | Verify whether the Invalid IP address of the ping server is set by SNMP and failure messages are logged when the ping fails in selfHeal log and Ping failures are captured in telemetry dashboard |
122 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1008 | verify the Configuration of ping packet size via WebPA and also in device logs |
123 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1009 | Verify whether the invalid ping servers and valid ping servers are set by webpa and failure messages are logged when the ping fails in selfHeal log |
124 | TC-RDKB-NW-CONNECTIVITY-1010 | Verify whether the invalid ping servers and valid ping servers are set by SNMP and failure messages are logged when the ping fails in selfHeal log |
125 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-5001 | Verify the Software file name, Server transport protocol, Server address type and Admin status can be retieved from SNMP |
126 | TC-RDKB-SESHAT-5001 | Verify Seshat (service registration and discovering component) distro |
127 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-ADV-1001 | Validate Advanced and basic bridge mode Scenarios with reboot |
128 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-2001 | Verifying the Dropbear Version of the device |
129 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-ADV-1002 | Validate Advanced and basic bridge mode Scenarios with Firmware upgrade |
130 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-ADV-1003 | Validate Advanced and basic bridge mode Scenarios with Factory reset |
131 | TC-RDKB-RBUS-1001 | Validate device status when rbus is enabled |
132 | TC-RDKB-LOGUPLOAD-1001 | Verify when setting UploadLogsNow parameter to False, no upload happens |
133 | TC-RDKB-LOGUPLOAD-1002 | Verify when setting UploadlogsNow parameter to true, logs gets uploaded |
134 | TC-RDKB-LOGUPLOAD-1003 | Verify whether log upload fails after adding dns names in hosts entry and on removing the dns names log upload should be successful |
135 | TC-RDKB-LOGUPLOAD-1004 | Verify when setting UploadlogsNow parameter to False using snmp, no upload happens |
136 | TC-RDKB-LOGUPLOAD-1006 | Verify whether log upload fails after adding dns names in hosts entry and on removing the dns names log upload should be successful |
137 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_WEBUI-1106 | Verify WPA-WPA2 Security Mode with valid SSID name |
138 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_WEBUI-1105 | Verify WPA-WPA2 Security Mode with valid SSID name |
139 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-SIGTONOISE-1021 | Verify the values of DOCS-IF-MIB::docsIfSigQSignalNoise in the given MIB range |
140 | TC-RDKB-SPEEDTEST-1005 | Pass an on demand argument to speed test client and trigger speed test. Validate speed test logs |
141 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1005 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10101.Security.ModeEnabled by WebPa |
142 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1007 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10103.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA |
143 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1008 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10001.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA |
144 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-7020 | Verify disk usage, up-time, top, date and disk space response from Arm Console |
145 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1010 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10003.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA |
146 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1007 | Verify XDNS Ccspxdns not crashing on overriding default values |
147 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1011 | Verification of TR-181 parameter - Device.WiFi.SSID.10101.SSID using WebPA |
148 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-ENBL-1003 | Verify Enable Parodus in log messages |
149 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1013 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10103.SSID using WebPA |
150 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-ENBL-1004 | Verify Webpa commands when Parodus is Enabled |
151 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1014 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.SSID using WebPA |
152 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1016 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10003.SSID using WebPA |
153 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1017 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10101.MACAddress using WebPA |
154 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1019 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10103.MACAddress using WebPA |
155 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1020 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.MACAddress using WebPA |
156 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1022 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10003.MACAddress using WebPA |
157 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1023 | Verification of TR-181 parameter - Device.WiFi.SSID.10101.Enable using WebPA |
158 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1025 | Verification of TR-181 parameter -Device.WiFi.SSID.10103.Enable using WebPA |
159 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1011 | Verify firmware download event notifications with Manageable notification feature enabled |
160 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1500 | To Collect network latency and metadata |
161 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1010 | Verify Configuring the AAA server Primary/Secondary IP address for 2.4 and 5GHz |
162 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-MSO-DCS-3001 | Validate the DCS default status while changing Automatic channel selection mode for 2.4 GHz private SSID |
163 | TC-RDKB-CONFIGURABLESSH-2001 | Validate ConfigurableSSH IP feature on Gateway devices |
164 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1001 | Test to Validate the default value of band steering Capacity using TR181 data object via WEBPA and verify this Parameter is read only |
165 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1002 | Verify if Band steering can be configured via SNMP using Band steering OID |
166 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1003 | verify the factory default value of Band steering paarmeters using webpa and dmcli |
167 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1004 | Verify Set or Get PhyRate threshold for 5GHz band to initiate Steering using TR69 data objects |
168 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1005 | Verify Set or Get PhyRate threshold for 2.4GHz band to initiate Steering using TR69 data objects |
169 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1021 | Test to Verify that the device does not respond to invalid community string |
170 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1022 | Validate that the device does not give valid SNMP response for invalid MTA community String |
171 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1023 | Validate that the device gives valid SNMP response with proper MTA community string |
172 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1024 | Validate that the static IPv4 address can be retrieved using rdkbRgDeviceConfigStaticIp (. |
173 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1025 | Validate that the Delegated IPv6 prefix can be retrieved using rdkbRgDeviceConfigStaticIpv6 (. |
174 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1003 | Verify the retrieval of webpa version from tr181 parameter |
175 | TC-RDKB-MESH-WIFI-1002 | Verify enabling Bridge Mode using SNMP when the MESH is enabled. |
176 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1003 | Verify configurable telemetry tag functionality |
177 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_MESH_GUI-1101 | Verify RDKB UI modification for Mesh WiFi integration from MSO page |
178 | TC-RDKB-RABID_IPTABLES-1001 | Test to verify Rabid IP rules segregation |
179 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1013 | Verify Webpa requests (GET/SET/PUT/POST/DELETE) are working fine and Webpa notifications should be sent successfully to server |
180 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-PING-SERVER-3001 | List of servers (URIs) and minimum set of servers to ping MUST be configurable via bootfile or SNMP OIDs |
181 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-ACW-3001 | Average usage must be computed over 15 minute time window |
182 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI_PHP_CODE-1000 | Verify unwanted php files were removed from MSO in BCI devices |
183 | TC-RDKB-CODEBIG-1001 | Test to Verify the communication to codebig server first for RFC, CDL, DCM |
184 | TC-RDKB-CODEBIG-1002 | Test to Verify the fallback machanism for codebig first |
185 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-ATM-1001 | Validation of AirTimeManagement by Assigning Values at APGroup Level |
186 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1012 | Verify minidump creation and upload to crash portal for the process parodus |
187 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5003 | Verify Webpa Notification on Firmware Upgrade |
188 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-BRDGE-UI-1001 | Validate Bridge mode and Moca status in GUI when enabled and Disabled through GUI and webpa |
189 | TC-RDKB-TRACE-ROUTE-1001 | Test to verify trace route of the device using ipv4 address |
190 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-2002 | Verify the 2.4G and 5G WiFi passwords cannot be viewed by mso login. |
191 | TC-RDKB-RDM-1006 | Test to verify rdm-manifest json in the device |
192 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRYENDPOINT-2251 | Test to verify Use new codebig telemetry endpoint controlled by RFC |
193 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1026 | Verifiy the minidump generated during process crash is uploaded to S3/crash portal and failover upload to new crashportal url |
194 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1027 | Verifiy the minidump generated during process crash on atom console is uploaded to S3/crash portal and failover upload to new crashportal url |
195 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1102 | Verify Enable Disable Feature Via DCM after Reboot |
196 | TC-RDKB-EXEC-FILE-CHK-1001 | Verify whether user is able to run user or manual script even after giving 777 permission |
197 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1103 | Feature Enable/Disable Via DCM After Maintenance Window |
198 | TC-RDKB-GWCONFIG-TLMTRY-5001 | Verify the telemetry marker and log messages for Gateway Configuration with the same SSID Name set for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Radios |
199 | TC-RDKB-GWCONFIG-TLMTRY-5002 | Verify the telemetry marker and log messages for Gateway Configuration with the different SSID Name set for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Radios |
200 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-PING-IPRUT-5001 | Verify Add IP from ATOM side private network using Ping and ip route |
201 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1009 | Validate Band Steering configuration via SNMP and Validate if Restore Wi-Fi setting restores band steering values to defaults via SNMP |
202 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1011 | Set .IdleInactiveTime and OverlaodInactiveTimne to values and verify cfg -s and lbd.conf is updated |
203 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1012 | Test to verify if Band steering configuration are retained even after every power cycle. |
204 | TC-RDKB-HARV-6010 | Verify Polling Period |
205 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_RADIO-1001 | Ability to disable WiFi Radio through WebGUI |
206 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_RADIO-1002 | Ability to disable WiFi Radio through WEBPA |
207 | TC-RDKB-SYND-TELEMETRY-1001 | Test to verify Partner ID and erouter IP in Telemetry logs |
208 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8025 | Test to verify Gateway WiFi Mode Support from mso page |
209 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-FIREWALL-1007 | Verify Firewall Hole for TR-069 Access to Video Clients |
210 | TC-RDKB-CDL-5003 | Verify Device Upgrade via SNMP IPv6 HTTP protocol |
211 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1000 | Test to Verify verify configparamgen utility test |
212 | TC-RDKB-NetCat-1001 | This test is to verify that secure "nc" utility is implemented on Gateway to run only in client mode. |
213 | TC-RDKB-NetCat-1002 | This test is to verify that secure "nc" utility is implemented on Dev images |
214 | TC-RDKB-NTP-0002 | Synchronize System Time with NTP Server |
215 | TC-RDKB-FIREWALL-5010 | Verify ICMP Ping request ,Error message on firewall |
216 | TC-RDKB-TMTRY_UPLD_RCVRY-1015 | Verify Telemetry Polling frequency |
217 | TC-RDKB-FINGERPRINT-1011 | verify Advance Parental Controls functionality based on Rabid framework |
218 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5051 | Verify Management Frame Power Controls for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Radios using WebPA. |
219 | TC-RDKB-WEBGUI-WIFISPECTRUM-5026 | Verify the result generated by WiFi Spectrum Analyzer in the WebGUI. |
220 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5052 | Verify Management Frame Power Controls for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Radios using TR69. |
221 | TC-RDKB-PAU-BLK-PAGE-5001 | Verify the 'Pause Block' Page in RDKB uses only HTML rather than PHP |
222 | TC-RDKB-NTP-1006 | New NTP Feature and Partner JSON File Entries |
223 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BSSID-1003 | Verification of BSSID using SNMP and WebPA and check wthether it persisted across reboot initiated from GUI |
224 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BSSID-1004 | Verify BSSID MAC address remains same after Firmware Upgrade |
225 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WHIX-6001 | Validate 2.4G Utilization with Increased Population of Devices |
226 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-5050 | Verify Access Points security mode via snmp parameter |
227 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-MSO-XFIN-PAGE-5001 | Verify channel type, Upstream and Downstream information availability in MSO page |
228 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1026 | Verify Manual channel selection for Wifi frequency band using tr69 and qcsapi_pcie command |
229 | TC-RDKB-CCSP-XDNS-5001 | Verify XDNS in Process Monitor after reboot |
230 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-DCS-1001 | Verification of DCS(Dynamic Channel selection) status for both private WIFI bands |
231 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRESET_REBOOT-1001 | Test to verify default values after factory reset and value persistance after reboot |
232 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-ATM-1002 | Validate AirTimeManagement by Assigning Percentages to the Stations added via dmcli. (2.4Ghz) |
233 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1016 | Send WebPA Sync Notification when selected data model parameters are changed. This alerts XPC that another cloud entity may have changed settings (eg., RFC, Einstein, TR-69 etc). |
234 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1012 | Verify enabling/disabling bridge mode through SNMP v3 is successful |
235 | TC-RDKB-PC-MNG-SITE-1002 | Verify internet access to the part of keyword added to manages sites are accessible in Wi-Fi |
236 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1006 | Calculate the Average Response Time for two,three and four Get parameter Requests in WEBPA |
237 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-1009 | Verify Setting restricted IP address to Gateway IP |
238 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CHNL-BW-5002 | Verify for 2.4Ghz |
239 | TC-RDKB-SECURE-UPLOAD-1002 | Verify RFC control of encrypted and unencrypted crash and log uploads for syndication partners. |
240 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-5005 | Test to Verify RDKB devices patches kernel to remove CVE-2016-5696 vulnerability - after reboot |
241 | TC-RDKB-NAT-1001 | Verify support for 1-to-1 NAT functionality on Commercial gateway |
242 | TC-RDKB-ADD-DNS-MLTP-5001 | Verify Dynamic DNS can be enabled, disabled and configured in MSO GUI |
243 | TC-RDKB-WH-FR-5001 | Validate the wifi parameters after upgrade, factory reset and downgrade |
244 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-MTLS-1001 | Mutual TLS (mTLS) Security for telemetry uploads |
245 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RDM-1001 | RDM2 feature to perform noise floor calculation. |
246 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1006 | Telemetry for memory fragmentation details printed in TAD log file every X number of hours |
247 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1001 | Verification of custom Telemetry |
248 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-XIFINITY-WIFI-5002 | Enable public wifi on Device |
249 | TC-RDKB-SPEEDTEST-1003 | Verify iPerf Integration for Speed test 2.0 |
250 | TC-RDKB-FIREWALL-1000 | Verify WAN - LAN traffic is blocked when Firewall is configured to Custom Security |
251 | TC-RDKB-HARV-5005 | Verify the Radio Interface Statistics Harvester Report generation with log messages |
252 | TC-RDKB-MTA-1001 | Verification of retrieving MTA IP using Webpa Command and Resetting MTA using SNMP |
253 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1023 | Verification of SSH banner with legal warning message. |
254 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1008 | Verify DOCSIS Signal Quality Extended RxMER Table MIB values and its READ-ONLY attribute |
255 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1009 | Verify DOCSIS Signal Quality Extended RxMER Samples Table MIB values and its READ-ONLY attribute |
256 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5007 | Verify Xconf default value,Hardware version,Linux kernel upgrade version from logs |
257 | TC-RDKB-DEVICE-RESET-1001 | Verification of factory default values of different Broad band Wi-Fi parameters/Settings |
258 | TC-RDKB-DEF-SSID-5005 | Cross-verify the Default Private Wi-Fi SSID and password retrieved from WebPA with the configurations from SNMP |
259 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1030 | Verification of 2.4Ghz Private wifi been broadcasted by using this parameter 'Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10001.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled' using WebPA and validating it by SNMP |
260 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1031 | Verification of 5Ghz Private wifi been broadcasted by using this parameter 'Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10101.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled' using WebPA and validating it by SNMP |
261 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1034 | Verification of 2.4Ghz Public wifi been broadcasted by using this parameter 'Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10003.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled' using WebPA and validating it by SNMP |
262 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1035 | Verification of 5Ghz Public wifi been broadcasted by using this parameter 'Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10103.SSIDAdvertisementEnabled' using WebPA and validating it by SNMP |
263 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-STATUS-3053 | Verify Persistence of Moca status before and after firmware upgrade |
264 | TC-RDKB-WEBGUI-MGMT-PWR-CTRL-5005 | Verify restoring the WiFi Settings reset the Management Frame Power Controls for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Radios to 0 |
265 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-7002 | Validate if Post WiFi personalization, the MoCA status is always set to Disabled |
266 | TC-RDKB-SPEEDTEST-1004 | Test to verify the speed test feature of Broadband device in ipv6 interface |
267 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1001 | Generate crash for the process "PandM" within the STB and also verifying the crash file is uploaded in crash portal |
268 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1004 | Generate crash for the process "CcspTr069" within the STB and also verifying the crash file is uploaded in crash portal |
269 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1005 | Generate crash for the process "CcspPsm" within the STB and also verifying the crash file is uploaded in crash portal |
270 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1006 | Generate crash for the process "CcspCr" within the STB and also verifying the crash file is uploaded in crash portal |
271 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TX-RATE-CONFIG-5061 | Verify the configuration of Transmission Control Rate for 2.4 GHz and 5GHz Radio using WebPA |
272 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TX-RATE-CONFIG-5062 | Verify the configuration of Transmission Control Rate for both 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands using TR-69 |
273 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1010 | Generate crash for the process "xsmart" within the STB and also verifying the crash file is uploaded in crash portal |
274 | TC-RDKB-GBPAD-1011 | Generate crash for the process "MeshAgent" within the STB and also verifying the crash file is uploaded in crash portal |
275 | TC-RDKB-SPEEDTEST-1001 | Verify speed test is running for ipv4 and check speed test Telemetry |
276 | TC-RDKB-RFC-CTRL-WIFI-5001 | Verify the RFC support on set and get of LNF Private WiFi password via SNMP and verify the gateway supports to set and get private WiFi password via WebPA regardless of RFC status |
277 | TC-RDKB-RFC-CTRL-WIFI-5002 | Verify the RFC support on set and get of LNF and Private WiFi password via TR-069 |
278 | TC-RDKB-SPEEDTEST-1002 | Test to verify the speedtest when box is not configured for xconf upgrade |
279 | TC-RDKB-NEGATIVE-CDL-1000 | Verify CDL fails for corrupt build generated from same device class |
280 | TC-RDKB-XCONF-CDL-1002 | Access SSR and Xconf CDL Via Direct Communication |
281 | TC-RDKB-XCONF-1003 | Verify whether the XCONF/DIFD HTTP CDL for the same image version |
282 | TC-RDKB-XCONF-1004 | Verify whether XCONF/DIFD TFTP CDL is rejecting from RDKB devices |
283 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-MESH-1000 | Verify Mesh Enable does not change the 5ghz channel to DFS range |
284 | TC-RDKB-TR69-ETHNT-INTFC-1001 | Validate ethernet interface entries using Tr69 |
285 | TC-RDKB-CDL-5501 | Verify the TR-181 Code Download using HTTP Protocol for VBN/ DEV Builds is successful. |
286 | TC-RDKB-CCSP-1000 | Verify service configuration feature is disabled |
287 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4000 | Test to verify Self healing feature must be enabled by default using snmp mibs |
288 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PARALLEL-1006 | Verify multiple webpa requests in parallel |
289 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-2002 | RFC to Disable Forward SSH |
290 | TC-RDKB-RFC-1003 | Verify RFC client uses get-test-set for TR181 parameters |
291 | TC-RDKB-RM-MODULE-1001 | Optimization of image size in broadband devices |
292 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1003 | Verify the WAN MAC Address (snmpget -v2c -c string1 CM IP . |
293 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1004 | Retrieve the Cable Modem address from the response of IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress.1 (. command and verify with the actual MAC Address of the device using settop object |
294 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1005 | Verify the current software version via SNMP |
295 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1007 | Verification of DOCSIS Mib functionality |
296 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-VER2-1004 | Verify negative scenarios for Telemetry version 2 |
297 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-VER2-1005 | Verify negative scenarios for Telemetry version 2 |
298 | TC-RDKB-RM-MODULE-1002 | Tiny RDKB - Remove executables available in BusyBox on broadband Platforms |
299 | TC-RDKB-HARVESTER-REPORT-1001 | Test to verify single client harvester report configuration |
300 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-1016 | Verify telemetry for wifi channel bandwidth for 2.4G |
301 | TC-RDKB-XH_PUB_HOTSPOT-1001 | Test case to verify Support for additional SSID for Hotspot network |
302 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1025 | Verify TR181 control of running TR69 process |
303 | TC-RDKB-BUSYBOX_UTILITY-1003 | Validate the installed busy box utilities on CM side |
304 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1021 | Test to verify removal of telnet daemon |
305 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-1009 | Test to verify configurable parodus reboot reason |
306 | TC-RDKB-RDM-1005 | Verify chainmask value telemetry logging |
307 | TC-RDKB-DROPBEAR-1102 | Test to verify presence of security dropbear keys in device |
308 | TC-RDKB-DROPBEAR-1103 | Test to verify presence of security dropbear keys in device ATOM console |
309 | TC-RDKB-XH_PUB_HOTSPOT-1002 | Support for additional SSID for Hotspot network for commercial platforms |
310 | TC-RDKB-BOOTSTRAP-1029 | Test to verify bootstrap configuration |
311 | TC-RDKB-BOOTSTRAP-1030 | Test to verify bootstrap configuration and version |
312 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-RECON-1001 | Verify parodus restarted by self heal when killed |
313 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BANDSTEER-1001 | To verify Band Steering support for selectable SSID groups |
314 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1101 | Verify DBus - Overly permissive system setting |
315 | TC-RDKB-RFC-MTLS-1001 | Verify mutual TLS feature for log upload |
316 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1031 | Verify no zombie dnsmasq process detected by self heal |
317 | TC-RDKB-SNMPV3-1001 | Test to verify snmpv3 migration |
318 | TC-RDKB-RABID_DNS_LIMIT-1001 | Implement TR-181 to configure DNS Cache Size in RABID |
319 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1000 | Verify get snmp for warehouse OIDs |
320 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1002 | verify snmp set for warehouse OID |
321 | TC-RDKB-LIGHTTPD-1002 | Verify lighttpd version |
322 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1001 | Verify system description using SNMP MIB-2 System::sysDescr(. |
323 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-NOPOLL-1001 | Test to verify parodus nopoll |
324 | TC-RDKB-SYS-QTN-1001 | Verify access to QTN console from jump server |
325 | TC-RDKB-XCONF-RFC-1003 | Change CI Xconf endpoint URL for RFC |
326 | TC-RDKB-CPU_AND_MEMORY-1001 | Capture CPU and Memory usage individually per process based on request |
327 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1014 | Verify resetting the device through SNMP v3 is successful |
328 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4006 | To verify the limit of ping failures based on erouter Reset recovery mechanism with factory reset |
329 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1001 | Verify SNMP get operation for warehouse DOCSIS OIDs and cross-verify the same with its corresponding TR-181 param using WebPA |
330 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1005 | Verify ECM FwUpgrade and Factory Reset OIDs - Sequence strict warehouse OIDs |
331 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1003 | Verify snmp set for warehouse DOCSIS OID |
332 | TC-RDKB-WH-SNMP-1006 | Verify ECM Docs DevSw Admin Status OIDs - Sequence strict warehouse OIDs |
333 | TC-RDKB-RABID_MEM_LIMIT-1001 | To verify rabid framework memory limit configuration |
334 | TC-RDKB-SECURE-UPLOAD-1001 | Verify RFC control of encrypted and unencrypted crash and log uploads |
335 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-2201 | Enable 3rd party tracker blocking on a gateway |
336 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-2203 | Verify third party tracker is blocked after firewall restart |
337 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-2202 | Verify third party tracker is not blocked |
338 | TC-RDKB-SEC-RM-SENS-INFO-5001 | Verify the sensitive information's are removed from logs |
339 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-1011 | Perform reboot with device component, delay and reboot reason |
340 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1001 | dnsmasq version check in RDKB devices |
341 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESTORE-1001 | Test to Verify WiFi settings can be restored to default settings using webpa command for setting reset |
342 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESTORE-1002 | Test to Verify WiFi settings can be restored to default settings using snmp command for setting reset |
343 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESTORE-1003 | Test to Verify WiFi settings can be restored to default settings after mso gui wifi reset |
344 | TC-RDKB-COLUMBO_WIFITEST-1001 | Test to verify Columbo Hardware Test RDK-B Port Single Run |
345 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-2001 | Disable Moca in bridge Mode. Restore MoCA state when moving out of bridge mode (true or pseudo) |
346 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-2002 | Disable Moca in bridge Mode. Restore MoCA state when moving out of bridge mode (true or pseudo) |
347 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1003 | Calculating average End to End WebPA request Processing Time and Box Processing Time for WebPA Set Operation with Single Param |
348 | TC-RDKB-DSCP-MARK-CHK-1001 | Validate DSCP Markings in device properties and webpa |
349 | TC-RDKB-HARV-5001 | Verify the integration of RDK-B Logger with Harvester |
350 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5503 | Verify the data only partition /nvram2 is mounted as non-executable. |
351 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-5502 | Verify the data only partition /nvram is mounted as non-executable. |
352 | TC-RDKB-BSSID-PERSIST-1001 | Validate the private 24/5ghz_Verify BSSID remains same after Factory Reset |
353 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY_FIREWALL-1001 | Adding Security Firewall Parameters |
354 | TC-RDKB-SYNDICATION-LOCAL-WIFI-UI-1006 | To Verify Syndication single Build Local UI and Wifi Personalisation |
355 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-POSSIBLE-CHANNELS-1001 | verify that WIFI radio does not support channel number other than the possible channels defined |
356 | TC-RDKB-RFC-1200 | Test to Verify that xconf requests contain accountId |
357 | TC-RDKB-MESH-WIFI-1004 | Verify enabling MESH when the Bridge Mode is enabled. |
358 | TC-RDKB-MESH-WIFI-1005 | Verify there is option in UI to enable MESH |
359 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-RM-LEGACY-1001 | Test to verify Rabid process up on Boot |
360 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI_PHP_CODE-1001 | Verify php pages which are not to be accessible by MSO in BCI devices |
361 | TC-RDKB-AUTOREBOOT-1000 | Automatic reboot during maintenance window based on device uptime |
362 | TC-RDKB-BUSYBOX-UTILITY-1001 | Validate Busybox utility tar |
363 | TC-RDKB-MFPCONFIG-1002 | Power cycle should persist the MFPConfig values |
364 | TC-RDKB-MFPCONFIG-1003 | MFPConfig is configurable by Wi-Fi HAL |
365 | TC-RDKB-RDKLOG-HARV-INTG-5003 | Verify the integration of RDK Logger with Harvester for Gateway Devices. |
366 | TC-RDKB-LIMIT_BLUETOOTH-1000 | Bluetooth Beacon Detection Logging and Opt Out |
367 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1010 | Validate if band Steering Table can be configured via SNMP object |
368 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-5001 | Test case to verify the docsdevresetnow mib functionality |
369 | TC-RDKB-CSRF-1101 | Verify CSRF protection is moved from Lighttpd |
370 | TC-RDKB-NTP-0001 | Synchronize System Time with NTP Server |
371 | TC-RDKB-NTP-0003 | Synchronize System Time with NTP Server |
372 | TC-RDKB-DEVICE-RESET-1003 | Test to Verify WiFi module restart ( Residential and Business Devices) status using WebGUI |
373 | TC-RDKB-DEVICE-RESET-1004 | Test to Verify WiFi router restart ( Residential and Business Devices) status using WebGUI |
374 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1000 | Calculating End to End WebPA request Processing Time and Box Processing Time for WebPA Get Operation with Single Param |
375 | TC-RDKB-WIFISSID-2004 | Verify Quantenna SSID broad casting status |
376 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1030 | Verify QTN console access check for Gateway |
377 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8015 | Verify Bridge Mode option should not be present under Local IP Network in MSO page |
378 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1022 | Verify the presence of device logs in /rdklogs/logs/ , 2.4 & 5 GHz Radios and common parameter remains same after reboot |
379 | TC-RDKB-IP-CONN-1000 | Verify IPV4 and IPv6 Address connectivity check from GUI |
380 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4002 | Test to Validate if corrective action is taken (eRouter reboot only) when DNS resolve test failure case |
381 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4003 | Test to validate if the cron scheduling on ATOM side whether it is having LogUploadFrequency value _TR181 |
382 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-1028 | Test to verify CPU usage |
383 | TC-RDKB-DEVICE-RESET-1007 | Verify Reboot reason for kernel crash should be kernel-oops |
384 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7023 | Verify server IP, port and service name field availability for port forwarding in mso page |
385 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1000 | Verification of default telemetry configuration |
386 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-1001 | Verification of enabling and disabling Bridge mode via SNMP |
387 | TC-RDKB-SNMP-1027 | Verify the cable modem SNMPv3 parameters from RDK using RFC/XConf (Broadcom RDKB platforms) |
388 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-1003 | test case to verify router functionalities persistency on mode transisitions |
389 | TC-RDKB-WEBGUI-LOGGING-5001 | Verify the generation of Sys Log, Event Logs and Firewall under Troubleshooting Page |
390 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1001 | Calculate the Average Response Time for five Get parameters Requests in WEBPA |
391 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1002 | Calculate the Average Response Time for ten Get parameter Requests in WEBPA |
392 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1004 | Calculate the Average Response Time for five Set parameter Request in WEBPA |
393 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-5001 | Verify the telnet, rlogin, and NFS are removed from the build |
394 | TC-RDKB-SECURITY-5002 | Verify there is no option to enable/ disable Telnet on MSO GUI Page. |
395 | TC-RDKB-NTP-1004 | verify NTP FQDN needs to be Bootstrap Configurable for OEM devices |
396 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-GUI-DISABLE-5018 | Verify the disabling the MoCA status when the MoCA Force Enable Flag is set to TRUE. |
397 | TC-RDKB-CDL-5502 | Verify the TR-181 Code Download using HTTP Protocol for VBN/ DEV Builds is successful. |
398 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4005 | Test to verify diagnostic mode and log upload freq for cron scheduling onatom side |
399 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7042 | Verify MoCA pop up window verbiage under Connection using CM IP |
400 | TC-RDKB-NEGATIVE-CDL-1001 | Verify CDL fails for corrupt build generated from different device class |
401 | TC-RDKB-NEGATIVE-CDL-1002 | Verify CDL fails for corrupt build with CRC error /incomplete builds |
402 | TC-RDKB-DEVICE-RESET-1002 | Test to Verify Device Reboot ( Residential and Business Devices) using WebGUI |
403 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-PERF-1005 | Calculate the Average Response Time for ten Set parameter Request in WEBPA |
404 | TC-RDKB-HARV-5002 | Verify the polling period and reporting period attributes of Radio Interface Statistics Harvester Report is incresed to 900 seconds. |
405 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4009 | Verify that the MSO is able to configure the resource usage time window via SNMP |
406 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4010 | Verification of setting invalid values to avgCPUThreshold and avgMemoryThreshold using SNMP MIB |
407 | TC-RDKB-DEVICE-RESET-1006 | Perform factory reset in bridge mode and verify device default setting |
408 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5020 | Verify the default number of allowed clients for public Secure wifi and open SSID using SNMP, WebPA and TR-069 |
409 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5021 | Verify the number of allowed clients of public Wi-Fi Secure and Open SSID can be writable using SNMP, WebPA |
410 | TC-RDKB-XCONF-PERIFWUP-1005 | Verify Periodic Firmware upgrade check |
411 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1002 | Factory reboot scenario using WebPA |
412 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1003 | Perform Factory Reset Using SNMP |
413 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1005 | Factory Reset scenario using TR69 |
414 | TC-RDKB-REBOOT-1013 | Verify device gives response as invalid request when there is no reboot is pending and abort reboot command is sent |
415 | TC-RDKB-TR69-WIFI-VLDTN-1001 | Validate device hosts status and wifi connection status using tr69 |
416 | TC-RDKB-SYND-TR69-1001 | Test to verify if partner json file contains valid TR69 ACS Url. |
417 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1000 | Verification of Device Serial Number using TR69 parameter -Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber |
418 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1001 | Verification of Device Model Name using TR69 parameter -Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName |
419 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1002 | Verification of Device Software Version using TR69 parameter -Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion |
420 | TC-RDKB-TR69-SHAREDKEY-1005 | Test to verify Device removes unencrypted copy of TR-069 credentials |
421 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1014 | Validate TR69 Radio Child objects (Stats) |
422 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1015 | Verify the write access of the WiFi radio objects |
423 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1016 | Verify the write access of the WiFi SSID objects |
424 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1017 | Verify the write access of the WiFi AccessPoint objects |
425 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1012 | Validate TR69 Radio objects (General) |
426 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1023 | Validate TR69 Radio Child objects (Frequency Objects) |
427 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1013 | Validate TR69 Radio Child objects (Frequency Objects) |
428 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1018 | Validate TR69 WIFI SSID objects |
429 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1019 | Validate TR69 WIFI Access Point objects |
430 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1020 | Validate the Device IP objects against TR69 specifications |
431 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1021 | Validate the Device interface objects against TR69 specifications |
432 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1022 | Validate the Device interface stats objects against TR69 specifications |
433 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1007 | Verify WiFi radios can be Enabled and Disabled via TR69 |
434 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1008 | Verify WiFi SSIDs can be Enabled and Disabled via TR69 |
435 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1009 | Verify WiFi private SSID Name change via TR69 |
436 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1010 | Verify Advanced Management server parameters |
437 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1011 | Validate Naming Convention for TR69 Parameters |
438 | TC-RDKB-TR69-1005 | Verify Device ManagementServer passwords and related TR-69 functionality. |
439 | TC-RDKB-SYNDICATION-1002 | Test to Verify Partner ID and erouter ips in Telemetry Log |
440 | TC-RDKB-TR69-2001 | Test to verify ACS and Tr69 functionality |
441 | TC-RDKB-TR69-RBT-1002 | Verification of device reboot using 'Device.X_CISCO_COM_DeviceControl.RebootDevice' via TR-69/ACS |
442 | TC-RDKB-SPEEDTEST-2001 | verify the speed test feature of Broadband device using IMP in ipv4 interface |
443 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CON-1001 | Verify Incorrect hostapd ath1 configuration is detected and corrective action is taken |
444 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CON-1002 | Verify Incorrect hostapd ath1 configuration is detected and corrective action is taken |
445 | TC-RDKB-QUICK-1009 | Verification of RDKB firmware quality with basic sanity tests |
446 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-FRCE-ENBL-5011 | MoCA Force Enable Flag |
447 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-FRCE-ENBL-5012 | Verify the log messages and MoCA Status on setting the MoCA Force Enable Flag to TRUE with MoCA Status disabled. |
448 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-FRCE-ENBL-5013 | Verify the log messages and MoCA status on setting the MoCA Force Enable Flag to TRUE with MoCA Status enabled. |
449 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-FRCE-ENBL-5014 | Verify the disabling the MoCA status when the MoCA Force Enable Flag is set to TRUE. |
450 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-FRCE-ENBL-5015 | Verify the disabling MoCA status using WebPA when the MoCA Force Enable Flag is set to FALSE. |
451 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-FRCE-ENBL-5016 | Verify the disabling MoCA status using SNMP when the MoCA Force Enable Flag is set to FALSE. |
452 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-FRCE-ENBL-5017 | Verify the status of MoCA Force Enable Flag and MoCA with the Bridge Mode enabled. |
453 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1020 | Verify firmware download event notifications for invalid build with Manageable notification feature enabled |
454 | TC-RDKB-CODEBIG-1003 | Verify CodeBigFirst disabled, direct connections will be attempted by default and have NO fallback option to connect via CodeBig |
455 | TC-RDKB-AGGRESSIVE_SELF_HEAL-1001 | Verify Aggressive selfheal & base selfheal interval configuration |
456 | TC-RDKB-CDL-EXCLUDE-1001 | Test to verify fw update exclusion & url selection as exclusion is false url is empty & swupdate.conf is empty |
457 | TC-RDKB-WAREHOUSE-1001 | Verify warehouse staging using xconf method |
458 | TC-RDKB-WAREHOUSE-1002 | Verify warehouse staging using webpa method |
459 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8023 | Test to verify Gateway webui changes from admin page |
460 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_ANQP-1001 | Test case to WiFi Interworking Service ANQP Elements |
461 | TC-RDKB-RFC-DATABASE-1001 | Validate rfc default and enabled values in defaults,database file |
462 | TC-RDKB-AGGRESSIVE_SELF_HEAL-1002 | Verify critical & non-critical processes are handling independently in SelfHealAggressive log file and SelfHeal file |
463 | TC-RDKB-NMI_REBOOT-1001 | verify NMI support for BCM ARM processors to capture system state during watchdog reset |
464 | TC-RDKB-XCONF-DELAY-1001 | Verify the Xconf flag support the delay download at installation with invalid images |
465 | TC-RDKB-SAVE-RESTORE-CONFIG-1002 | Verify the user admin page can be logged in using mso credentials in the wired and wireless connected clients and Validate negative Scenario in MSO GUI Login |
466 | TC-RDKB-PROCESS_NONROOT-1001 | Verify Non root processes are running with Non root previlege and capabilities |
467 | TC-RDKB-XDNS_DNSSEC-1001 | Verify DNSSec flag when XDNS is enabled |
468 | TC-RDKB-CDL-EXCLUDE-1003 | Test to verify fw update exclusion & url selection as exclusion is false url is CI XCONF URL & swupdate.conf is MOCK XCONF URL |
469 | TC-RDKB-CDL-EXCLUDE-1004 | Test to verify fw update exclusion & url selection as exclusion is false url is MOCK XCONF URL & swupdate.conf is empty |
470 | TC-RDKB-CDL-EXCLUDE-1005 | Test to verify fw update exclusion & url selection as exclusion is true url is empty & swupdate.conf is empty |
471 | TC-RDKB-CDL-EXCLUDE-1006 | Test to verify fw update exclusion & url selection as exclusion is true url is empty & swupdate.conf is MOCK XCONF URL |
472 | TC-RDKB-CDL-EXCLUDE-1007 | Test to verify fw update exclusion & url selection as exclusion is true url is CI XCONF URL & swupdate.conf is MOCK XCONF URL |
473 | TC-RDKB-CDL-EXCLUDE-1008 | Test to verify fw update exclusion & url selection as exclusion is true url is MOCK XCONF URL & swupdate.conf is empty |
474 | TC-RDKB-XPC_HOTSPOT_WEBPA-1001 | Verify notification trigger for hotspot parameter to xpc cloud |
475 | TC-RDKB-XPC_HOTSPOT_WEBPA-1002 | Verify notification trigger for hotspot parameter to xpc cloud |
476 | TC-RDKB-XPC_HOTSPOT_SNMP-1001 | Verify notification trigger for hotspot parameter to xpc cloud |
477 | TC-RDKB-XPC_HOTSPOT_SNMP-1002 | Verify notification trigger for hotspot parameter to xpc cloud |
478 | TC-RDKB-XPC_HOTSPOT_INVALID-1001 | Verify notification not triggered for hotspot parameter to xpc cloud for invalid param values |
479 | TC-RDKB-WEBPA-1019 | Verify firmware download event notifications with Manageable notification feature disabled |
480 | TC-RDKB-PARAMETER_UI-1001 | Test to verify webui all user parameter input features |
481 | TC-RDKB-PARAMETER_UI-1002 | Test to verify webui all user parameter input features |
482 | TC-RDKB-PARAMETER_UI-1003 | Test to verify webui all user parameter input features |
483 | TC-RDKB-RDM-1007 | Test to enforce HTTPs connection for downloadable modules |
484 | TC-RDKB-RFC-1202 | Test to Verify that RFC requests contain accountId Unknown on Every powercycle |
485 | TC-RDKB-SB-1005 | Verify Safe sites are working as expected |
486 | TC-RDKB-SB-1006 | Verify Malicious sites are blocked |
487 | TC-RDKB-SB-1009 | Verify https Safe sites are working as expected |
488 | TC-RDKB-SB-1010 | Verify https Malicious sites are blocked |
489 | TC-RDKB-SB-1011 | Verify Parallel safe sites |
490 | TC-RDKB-SB-1012 | Verify Parallel malicious sites |
491 | TC-RDKB-SB-1013 | Verify Parallel safe and malicious and malicious sites |
492 | TC-RDKB-SB-1019 | Verify the content displaying after clicking on "Proceed Anyway" in blocked page |
493 | TC-RDKB-FINGERPRINT-1022 | Verify connection of 5 devices with different OS, and verify the devices are recognized correctly in Cujo. |
494 | TC-RDKB-SF-1002 | Verify Remote Access Threat |
495 | TC-RDKB-SF-1005 | Verify DOS attack threat |
496 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-1010 | Verify parodus reconnect with jitter algorithm |
497 | TC-RDKB-THERMAL_FAN-1000 | FAN Control and analytics |
498 | TC-RDKB-CPUPROC-1000 | Test to verify CPU Performance Analysis - Process Analyzer |
499 | TC-RDKB-CRED-1001 | Test to verify Runtime credential/secret distribution |
500 | TC-RDKB-FORCE_DISABLE_WIFI-1002 | Verify force disable wifi radio functionality in bridge mode |
501 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4011 | Verify wan link heal check after firmware upgrade |
502 | TC-RDKB-RDM-1008 | Test to enforce HTTPs connection for downloadable modules via CDLDM.CDLModule |
503 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_BLASTER-1001 | Test to verify parameter in range values and RFC switch for wifi blaster |
504 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-IE-1001 | Verify WiFi Interworking Information Element |
505 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_GAS-1001 | Verify WiFi GAS TR-181 parameters and their default values |
506 | TC-RDKB-RFC_FEATUREINSTANCE-1001 | RFC reports 'Feature Instance' instead of 'RFC Name' to telemetry |
507 | TC-RDKB-PARODUS-1011 | Testcase to verify parodus drop process privileges |
508 | TC-RDKB-MTA-SNMP-1001 | Test to verify SNMP support for early media feature |
509 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CON-PERF-1002 | Find out the average mean time for Wi-Fi connection establishment of 2.4GHz radio band with 20 times |
510 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CON-PERF-1003 | Find out the average mean time for Wi-Fi connection establishment of 5GHz radio band with 20 times |
511 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CON-PERF-1000 | Find out the successful Wi-Fi connectivity rate of 2.4GHz radio band with 10 times in Wireless Gateway |
512 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CON-PERF-1001 | Find out the successful Wi-Fi connectivity rate of 5GHz radio band with 10 times in Wireless Gateway |
513 | TC-RDKB-QUICK-1017 | Verification of RDKB firmware quality with basic sanity tests for new products |
514 | TC-RDKB-CI-QUICKTEST-1001 | Quick validation on Build Status for RDKB devices |
515 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1001 | nvram file system layout validation |
516 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1002 | nvram2 file system layout validation |
517 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1003 | tmp file system layout validation |
518 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1004 | minidumps file system layout validation |
519 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1005 | rdklogs file system layout validation |
520 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1006 | cron and etc file system layout validation |
521 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1007 | dhcp_static_hosts file system layout validation |
522 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1008 | xupnp file system layout validation |
523 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1009 | dibbler file system layout validation |
524 | TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1010 | resolv.conf file system layout validation and DNS value |
525 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8028 | Verify setting Ethernet Client ip as static ip and verify internet connectivity |
526 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8029 | Verify setting WiFi Client ip as static ip and verify internet connectivity |
527 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8002 | Test case to verify static ip provisioning when download failed because of incorrect format |
528 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8003 | Test case to verify static ip provisioning when download failed because of file not found issue |
529 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8004 | est case to verify static ip provisioning when download failed because of server not found |
530 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7026 | Persistence of few user setting in Admin GUI over device upgrade. |
531 | TC-RDKB-FACTORYRBT-1004 | Perform firmware upgrade and facory reset via SNMP |
532 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1002 | Verify telemetry logging for Normalized RSSI of 2.4G and 5G clients |
533 | TC-RDKB-HARV-6000 | Validation of NetworkDevicesStatus Report generation |
534 | TC-RDKB-HARV-6001 | Validation of NetworkDevicesTraffic Report generation |
535 | TC-RDKB-HARVESTER-REPORT-1003 | Test to verify single client harvester report for 5GHz client |
536 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-FF-5004 | Verify access to DUT via UserAdmin page - WAN (or) eRouter IP using Windows OS and Firefox browser (HTTPS Enabled and Disabled) |
537 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-FF-5005 | Verify access to DUT via UserAdmin page - WAN (or) eRouter IP using Windows OS and Firefox browser (HTTPS Enabled and Disabled) |
538 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-IE-5001 | Validate Pseudo Bridge mode configuration page is removed from MSO page,LAN GUI Admin page |
539 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-AUTH-1001 | Validate notification is not seen for unauthenticated clients |
540 | TC-RDKB-HARV-6005 | Check after TTL whether NetworkDevicesStatus Polling-Reporting Period changes back to defaults when set less than Default TTL Interval |
541 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7032 | Verify Parental Control Negative Scenario for WiFi 5GHz |
542 | TC-RDKB-INTERFACE-1101 | WEBPA should use 4090 interface instead of the ARM and ATOM IP |
543 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7033 | Verify Parental Control Negative Scenario for Ethernet Client |
544 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7031 | Verify Parental Control Negative Scenario for WiFi 2.4GHz Client |
545 | TC-RDKB-FTP-FILE-TRSFR-1001 | Validate Ftp file transfer between clients with and without firewall |
546 | TC-RDKB-MULTI-XDNS-5001 | Verify the Multi Profile xDNS support for Commercial Gateways |
547 | TC-RDKB-MULTI-XDNS-5002 | Verify the Multi Profile xDNS settings persists after a reboot |
548 | TC-RDKB-LAN-GUI-7001 | Verify that Wifi client gets a valid IPv6 prefix, when the gateway is configured with SLAAC |
549 | TC-RDKB-LAN-GUI-7002 | Verify that LAN client gets a valid IPv6 prefix, when the gateway is configured with SLAAC |
550 | TC-RDKB-HARV-6006 | Check after TTL whether NetworkDevicesTraffic Polling-Reporting Period changes back to defaults when set less than Default TTL Interval |
551 | TC-RDKB-LOCAL-IP-UI-1001 | Test to verify Local IP Network page is configurable in ethernet client |
552 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8026 | Providing option in local UI to add/remove Reserved IP binding for offline devices from LAN page |
553 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-AUTO-CNT-1001 | Verify Wifi connectivity status after device reboot |
554 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8027 | Test to verify Providing option in local UI to add/remove Reserved IP binding for offline devices from mso page |
555 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-NEG-1001 | Validate that SSH, telnet to LAN getway IP from connected clients is not successful |
556 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_WEBUI-1103 | Verify Error message in LAN UI for setting invalid Private SSID name |
557 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-ADMIN-6003 | Verify the Default timeout for Admin page User Login |
558 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-IPV6-1001 | Test to Verify DHCPv6 IP in ethernet connected client on changing DHCP begin,ending,lease time |
559 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-ADMIN-6004 | Verify the Default timeout for Admin page User Login |
560 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-SECURITY_CLIENT-1001 | Verify client connectivity in different security modes in 2.4GHZ radio |
561 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-IPV6-1002 | Test to Verify DHCPv6 IP in wifi 2.4Ghz connected client on changing DHCP begin,ending,lease time |
562 | TC-RDKB-UI-5004 | Verify that gateway does not accept LAN Gateway address as same as WAN IP address and CM IP Address |
563 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-ENABLE-DISABLE-5001 | Validate the broadcasting status for both open and secure public wifi in enabled and disabled mode. |
564 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-IPV6-1003 | Test to Verify DHCPv6 IP in wifi 5Ghz connected client on changing DHCP begin,ending,lease time |
565 | TC-RDKB-UI-5002 | Verify the home network password can be configured only with standard value |
566 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5GHZ-BRATE-1001 | Verify Beacon rate of 5Ghz using webpa for n,n/ac,ac mode |
567 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-SECURITY_CLIENT-1002 | Verify client connectivity for different security modes for 5GHZ radio |
568 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-SECURE-WIFI-1001 | Verify Secure public Wifi SSID visibility when bridge mode enabled/disabled |
569 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-MOCA-5001 | Validate the default moca status persistence after factory reset in LAN admin GUI |
570 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-BRIDGE-5001 | Validate Pseudo Bridge mode configuration page is removed from MSO page,LAN GUI Admin page |
571 | TC-RDKB-STATIC-IP-1002 | Test to verify firewall options related to static IP present in MSO GUI |
572 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-TR181-SNMP-5001 | Verify the MoCA Interface TR-181 Parameter |
573 | TC-RDKB-IPV4-CHECK-5001 | Verify DNS update to the Wi-Fi |
574 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1001 | Test to verify telemetry markers for Maximum TX_RATE, RX_RATE per client |
575 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-7003 | Verify MoCA Diagnostic page fields using MSO Page |
576 | TC-RDKB-HARV-6007 | Check after TTL whether InterfaceDevicesWifi Polling-Reporting Period changes back to defaults when set less than Default TTL Interva |
577 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7034 | Verify assigning DHCP Server Address while old one in use and with expire lease time |
578 | TC-RDKB-HARV-6008 | Check after TTL whether RadioInterfaceStatistics Polling-Reporting Period changes back to defaults when set less than Default TTL Interval |
579 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7035 | Verify Port Forwarding- Pre-defined Service Names |
580 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-WEBGUI-1002 | Valildate the Wizard page when Bridge mode is enabled |
581 | TC-RDKB-DUAL-GATEWAY-1001 | Test to verify dual stack IP's of device in Ethernet connected client |
582 | TC-RDKB-DUAL-GATEWAY-1002 | Test to verify dual stack IP's of device in Wifi 2.4Ghz connected client |
583 | TC-RDKB-DUAL-GATEWAY-1003 | Test to verify dual stack IP's of device in 5Ghz connected client |
584 | TC-RDKB-MIN-FIREWALL-1002 | Test to verify minium firewall ping request in 2.4Ghz Wifi connected client |
585 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7009 | Verify Parental Control features(Managed Sites, Services) |
586 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8016 | Verify cancel is clicked in troubleshooting-change password page |
587 | TC-RDKB-SECURE-UI-5002 | Verify the Secure Web UI feature across RDKB platform after factory reset |
588 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-CC-1005 | Verify telemetry Logging for Ethernet Connected devices |
589 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-CC-1006 | Verify telemetry Logging for WiFi Connected devices |
590 | TC-RDKB-UPNP-1001 | Verifing UPnP Refactor when gateway and Ethernet/wifi client enabled with UPnP Refactor |
591 | TC-RDKB-UPNP-1002 | Verifing UPnP Refactor when Gateway disabled with UPnP Refactor and video devices ( Ethernet-wifi client) enabled with UPnP Refactor |
592 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7010 | Verify whether the Parental Control Report is generated in Parental Control Page in 5Ghz WIFI Connected Device |
593 | TC-RDKB-UPNP-1003 | Verifing UPnP Refactor when Gateway enabled with UPnP Refactor and video devices ( Ethernet-wifi client) disabled with UPnP Refactor |
594 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7011 | Verify whether the Parental Control Report is generated in Parental Control Page in Ethernet Connected Device |
595 | TC-RDKB-UPNP-1004 | Verifing UPnP Refactor Gateway Ethernet-wifi client enabled with UPnP Refactor when gateway downgraded |
596 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1015 | Test to validate Reason code for Post association band steering event based on RSSI event |
597 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1016 | Validate Association-time Steering from 2.4 to 5 based on RSSI Threshold |
598 | TC-RDKB-FTP-FILE-TRSFR-PRTFRD-1001 | Validate Ftp file transfer between lan connected client and wan network with Port forward |
599 | TC-RDKB-FTP-FILE-TRSFR-DMZ-1001 | Validate Ftp file transfer between lan connected client and wan network with DMZ |
600 | TC-RDKB-FINGERPRINT-1005 | Verify telemetry logging for Advanced security Cloud association success or failure and Advsec Status Enable or Disable, Advsec Agent Running or not, with configurable LoggingPeriod parameter |
601 | TC-RDKB-UI-5005 | Verify the IP address of online device cannot be configured as reserved IP |
602 | TC-RDKB-UI-5003 | Validate the Firewall Security settings configured in Admin GUI is reflected on MSO GUI |
603 | TC-RDKB-CAPTIVE-PORTAL-5004 | Validate timestamp when SSID and Password changed in captive portal |
604 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-MOCA-5002 | Validate the MOCA page greyed out after enabling bridge mode in lan and mso page |
605 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8001 | Test case to verify static ip provisioning when downloaded successfully |
606 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-IE-1002 | Verify impact of IE enable on vAP's |
607 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-LAN-WEBUI-IPSTATUS-5001 | Verify IP address supplied by router must persist after rebooting the ethernet client |
608 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-ADMIN-6001 | Verify access to DUT via Admin page and verify all pages are accessible in Windows OS and Firefox Browser. |
609 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-ADMIN-6002 | Verify access to DUT via Admin page and verify all pages are accessible in Windows OS and Firefox Browser. |
610 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-BOOT-LOG-1001 | Verify Moca verification on and off along with boottime log |
611 | TC-RDKB-UI-5006 | Verify the internet access in the client connected in 2.4GHz Private Wi-Fi network,when deleted from Connected Devices and Managed Devices. |
612 | TC-RDKB-PFR_PRIVATE_CONN-1001 | Verify modifiying Prefer Private Connection through WebGui |
613 | TC-RDKB-FIREWALL-1004 | Verify ICMP Ping Request to Ethernet client for Minimum Firewall |
614 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-SWITCH-1001 | Verify common DHCPv4 code functionality |
615 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-WIN-5002 | Validate that the 802.11 b , 802.11 g clients are connecting to gateway when wireless mode is in 802.11 b,g,n for 2.4 GHz radio |
616 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CLIENT-1001 | Test to verify wifi client connect disconnect events |
617 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7036 | Verify Port Forwarding testing via LAN GUI Page in WiFi 2.4GHz Client |
618 | TC-RDKB-KEYPHRASE-1001 | Delete X_CISCO_COM_KeyPassphrase parameter |
619 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7037 | Verify Port Forwarding testing via LAN GUI Page in WiFi 5GHz Client |
620 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7038 | Verify Port Forwarding testing via LAN GUI Page in Ethernet Client |
621 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8011 | Too much detail in webUI login screen without authentication |
622 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-5011 | Verify access to DUT via LAN page - WAN (or) eRouter IP using Windows OS and Chrome browser (HTTP Enabled) |
623 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7040 | Verify IP ping and tracerout diagnostics for IPv4 |
624 | TC-RDKB-GUI-WIFI-1006 | Test to verify edit button and options for public wifi is removed from CUS admin GUI |
625 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8009 | Remove customer central and user guide footer links from local UI |
626 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8022 | Test to verify Gateway webui changes from admin page |
627 | TC-RDKB-SSID-PWD-1001 | Test to verify password failure for private SSID |
628 | TC-RDKB-PVT-XFIN-5001 | Verify the concurrent access of Private Wifi, Open and secured public wifi |
629 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7050 | Verify Port forwarding Negative Scenario validation and enable disable from CPE GUI(Ethernet) |
630 | TC-RDKB-XFINITY-WIFI-CONFIG-1001 | Validate the SSID name and BSSID of the public wifi |
631 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1018 | validate over load detection for 2.4 GHz Channel utilization |
632 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1019 | validate over load detection for 5 GHz Channel utilization |
633 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1020 | Validate Channel Utilization of 2.4 GHz band is measured accurately when AP operates in Channel |
634 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1021 | Validate Channel Utilization of 5 GHz band is measured accurately when AP operates in Channel |
635 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1022 | Validate run-time Steering from 2.4 to 5 based on Bandwidth Utilization |
636 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1004 | Test to verify CPU usage for Maximum TX_RATE, RX_RATE per client |
637 | TC-RDKB-SYNDICATE-PARTNER-9003 | Verify Change in WiFi region is reflected in regulatory region after device reboot |
638 | TC-RDKB-SYNDICATE-PARTNER-9004 | Verify Change in WiFi region is reflected in regulatory region after device reboot |
639 | TC-RDKB-RESERVEDIP-5011 | Verify Internet access for clients after setting the client IPV4 as reserved IP |
640 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGEMODE-REVERSE-1001 | Verify Reverse SSH Connection on bridge mode |
641 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-1018 | Verify Static IPv4 using MSO page on the LAN side interface |
642 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1023 | Validate Pre-association reason code for BandSteering |
643 | TC-RDKB-PWD-MGMT-1001 | Verify the password management for WEBUI user for Admin page |
644 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7014 | Verify whether DMZ enable_disable is working properly and host addition validation(WiFi 2.4Ghz) |
645 | TC-RDKB-CON-DEV-5002 | Verify the RSSI level retrieved from User admin page |
646 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-5012 | Verify that the details of connected clients can be retrieved from CM IP landing page |
647 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGEMODE-CDL-5001 | Verify Software Upgrade and downgrade with bridge mode enabled and verifying internet connectivity |
648 | TC-RDKB-ADMIN-PAGE-5002 | Verify the remote management IP address in Remote Management page from the wired and wireless connected clients |
649 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1006 | Band steering proces gets killed when 5GHz Wireless network is disabled |
650 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1007 | Band steering proces gets killed when 2.4GHz Wireless network is disabled |
651 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-SWITCH-1002 | Verify common DHCPv6 code functionality |
652 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1008 | Band steering process gets killed when SSID name are different for 2.4GHz and 5GHz |
653 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-SECURE-PA-CP-5001 | Validate the packet capture values in secure public wifi |
654 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BAND-STEERING-1014 | Test to validate Reason code for Manual Band steering event |
655 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-1005 | Test to verify if MOCA is enabled when ArrisXi6 is present in connected devices |
656 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-2GHZ-DHCP-IPV4-DSBLE-5001 | Verify the IP range in 2GHZ connected client when DHCP Server Disabled. |
657 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5GHZ-DHCP-IPV4-DSBLE-5001 | Verify the IP range in 5GHZ connected client when DHCP Server Disabled. |
658 | TC-RDKB-BINARIES-1004 | Verify Removal of private keys in Binaries in Partner builds |
659 | TC-RDKB-NW-CHECK-1001 | Ping to IPV6 from Client connected device |
660 | TC-RDKB-NW-CHECK-1002 | IPV6 testing and verification using test-ipv6.com and ipv6-test.com |
661 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7018 | Verify Port forwarding Negative Scenario validation and enable disable from CPE GUI(WiFi 2.4Ghz) |
662 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7019 | Verify Port forwarding Negative Scenario validation and enable disable from CPE GUI(WiFi 5 GHz) |
663 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7024 | Verify diagnostic Tool test for TEST CONNECTIVITY in troubleshooting page. |
664 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7030 | Verify default disable, All Negative scenario,Delete and Edit Rule for Port Forwrding in both Enable |
665 | TC-RDKB-GUI-ENBL-DSBL-RDO-CC-1001 | MSO disable and enable for 2.4GHz and 5 GHz Radio Test |
666 | TC-RDKB-2GHZ-HOME-NTW-PSWD-1001 | Verify the password validations when client connected to 2.4GHz |
667 | TC-RDKB-SSID-DEFAULT-1001 | Test to verify device default security mode and device saves default SSID,Password after factory reset |
668 | TC-RDKB-5GHZ-HOME-NTW-PSWD-1002 | Verify the password validations when client connected to 5GHz |
669 | TC-RDKB-LIGHTTPD-1001 | Verify lighttpd version |
670 | TC-RDKB-LAN-HOME-NTW-PSWD-1003 | Verify the password validations when client connected to LAN |
671 | TC-RDKB-XUPNP-1001 | Test case to verify video serivce discovery |
672 | TC-RDKB-CC-MODE-CHANGE-5001 | Verify the internet connectivity when client mode is changed to b or g |
673 | TC-RDKB-CC-MODE-CHANGE-5002 | Verify the internet connectivity and iperf traffic when client mode is set to n for 2.4 and 5 Ghz |
674 | TC-RDKB-FIRM-RELEASE-GA-5001 | Verify Firmware upgrade to Release build and then to GA build |
675 | TC-RDKB-FIRM-GA-5001 | Verify Firmware upgrade to GA build |
676 | TC-RDKB-PRE-NOTIFI-5001 | Verify the presence notification for Connected Device |
677 | TC-RDKB-HARVESTER-REPORT-1002 | Test to verify single client harvester report for 2.4GHz client |
678 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-WEBGUI-1001 | This test case aims at enabling the Bridge mode via Webui and verify the changes in the status of wifi related parameters. |
679 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI_PHP_CODE-1005 | Verify unwanted php files were removed from ADMIN in Residential devices |
680 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7006 | Verify whether the CM can act as a DHCPv4 server 2.4GHz Wi-Fi client. |
681 | TC-RDKB-LNF-NTWK-1001 | Verify network connectivity in clients when lnf enabled |
682 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7008 | Verify whether the CM can act as a DHCPv4 server 5GHz Wi-Fi client . |
683 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TX-OVFLW-1001 | Validate telemetry tx overflow markers |
684 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1000 | To enable XDNS feature and Verify status after Reboot and Factory Reset the device. |
685 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1001 | To apply and verify Xdns override at gateway level. |
686 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1002 | To apply and Verify XDNS override of Primary Level 1 ,2 and 3 IPv4 and IPv6 dns server IPs for connected client. |
687 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1003 | To apply and Verify XDNS override of Secondary Level 1 ,2 and 3 IPv4 and IPv6 dns server IPs for connected client. |
688 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1004 | To apply and Verify XDNS override with different cases of Invalid values of MAC and DNS IPs. |
689 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1005 | To allow and block connected client through Parental control. |
690 | TC-RDKB-OFFLINE-DEVICE-1001 | Verifying Reserved Ip setting for offline devices in connected device page |
691 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-GUI-1001 | Validate ajax handler for the wireless network configuration page for admin GUI |
692 | TC-RDKB-DOWNUPSTREAM-1001 | Validate the timestamp for upstream/downstream ranging |
693 | TC-RDKB-VIDEO_ANALYTICS-1101 | Verify Host Test File for IP Video Analytics in RDKB device |
694 | TC-RDKB-CHANNEL-BANDWIDTH-1001 | Verifying channel bandwidth of 2.4Ghz in LAN GUI |
695 | TC-RDKB-CHANNEL-BANDWIDTH-1002 | Verifying channel bandwidth of 5Ghz in LAN GUI |
696 | TC-RDKB-CHANNEL-BANDWIDTH-1003 | Verifying channel bandwidth of 2.4Ghz in MSO GUI |
697 | TC-RDKB-CHANNEL-BANDWIDTH-1004 | Verifying channel bandwidth of 5Ghz in MSO GUI |
698 | TC-RDKB-MULTILINGUAL-1001 | Testcase to verify multilingual language welcome message in english/french language for partners |
699 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WIRELESS-MODE-1001 | Verify default wirlessmode of 2.4Ghz cable modem |
700 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WIRELESS-MODE-1002 | Verify default wirlessmode of 5Ghz cable modem |
701 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESET-1001 | Test to enable ,disable wifi and verify status in connected clients |
702 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESET-1002 | Test to reset wifi and verify status in connected clients |
703 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PREFERPRIVATE-1006 | Verification to enable and disable Prefer Private functionality is available in the MSO page and local GUI page. |
704 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8021 | Verify editing customized blocked Devices and Services |
705 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-LANCLIENT-1001 | Verify whether the connected client to the ethernet got the IP address |
706 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-IPSET-1008 | Verify upgrade ipset to v. 6.34 |
707 | TC-RDKB-ADVANCED-NEG-5001 | Verify the rule cannot be added, edited and deleted when Port Forwarding and Triggering is disabled |
708 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-TELEMETRY-1001 | Verify device monitors its resource usage (CPU Usage ) averaged over a configurable time window |
709 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-CONFIG-5003 | Test to Verify Broad Band software details from Web UI |
710 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-WIN-5003 | verify that 802.11a should not be able to connect to CM when operating standard is b,g,n , g,n mode |
711 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TRANS-1000 | Verifying data transmission between two connected client via ping and ftp |
712 | TC-RDKB-MAC-FILTER-1002 | Verify Mac filter mode for public Wifi 5Ghz SSID |
713 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-MANAGE-SITES-1001 | Verify whether the Multiple keywords are added in different time in manageSites of Parental control |
714 | TC-RDKB-OFFLINE-DEVICE-1002 | Verify Reserved Ip setting for offline devices in device upgrade/downgrade |
715 | TC-RDKB-RDM-1002 | Verify SSID enable and disable with RDM feature enabled from MSO page |
716 | TC-RDKB-RDM-1004 | Verify radio connectivity with RDM feature enabled |
717 | TC-RDKB-PFR_PRIVATE_CONN-1002 | Verify modifiying Prefer Private Connection through WebGui |
718 | TC-RDKB-WEBGUI-1111 | Verify Connected device from admin page, MSO page and TR181 Parameter. |
719 | TC-RDKB-XPC-1001 | Verify WiFi Restore Notification sent for XPC sync |
720 | TC-RDKB-UI-5008 | Verify the gateway admin page can be accessed securely and status page is validated |
721 | TC-RDKB-UI-5007 | Verify the Remote Management feature configuring with customized port numbers for HTTP and HTTPS |
722 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7020 | Verify access to DUT via LAN page - after cancelling the default password pop up. |
723 | TC-RDKB-MTA_STATUS-1101 | Verify EMTA states in MTA status tab |
724 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_MESH_GUI-1102 | Verify RDKB UI modification for Mesh WiFi integration from Admin page |
725 | TC-RDKB-GUARD-INTVL-1001 | Verify the 2.4Ghz Wifi connectivity when channel bandwidth and Guard interval are updated |
726 | TC-RDKB-WiFi-SNMP-1031 | Verify SNMP configuration fo Wifi |
727 | TC-RDKB-UI-5009 | Verify the UPnP can be enabled and disabled in MSO, cross-verified using SNMP and vice-versa |
728 | TC-RDKB-GUARD-INTVL-1002 | Verify the 5Ghz Wifi connectivity when channel bandwidth and Guard interval are updated |
729 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SECTY-OPEN-5001 | Verify the WIFI Connectivity on Dual Band Radio for Client for 2.4 and 5 Ghz with security mode open |
730 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-ADVSEC-1010 | Verify Softflowd through RFC and its functionalities |
731 | TC-RDKB-FIREWALL-XFINITY-1001 | Verify public wifi connectivity on changing firewall settings |
732 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SECTY-WPA2-5002 | Verify the WIFI Connectivity on Dual Band Radio for Client for 2.4 and 5 Ghz with security mode WPA2-PSK |
733 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SECTY-WPA-WPA2-5003 | Verify the WIFI Connectivity on Dual Band Radio for Client for 2.4 and 5 Ghz with security mode WPAWPA2-PSK |
734 | TC-RDKB-PC-MNG-SERVICES-CUS-FW-1000 | Verify the FTP port can be blocked in Parental Control - Managed Services when firewall setting is configured to 'Custom Security' |
735 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI_PHP_CODE-1007 | Verify php pages which are not to be accessible by ADMIN in Residential devices |
736 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-MSO-ADM-RST-5001 | Verify Login to MSO,When Factory reset performed in Admin GUI and client connected with Wifi |
737 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-BRATE-2001 | Test to verify beacon rate of 5Ghz in a,n,ac mode with dmcli and webpa |
738 | TC-RDKB-LAN-MSO-ADM-RST-5002 | Verify Login to MSO,When Factory reset performed in Admin GUI and client connected with Ethernet |
739 | TC-RDKB-BUSYBOX-UTILITY-1002 | Validate Busybox utility tftp |
740 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-CC-1007 | Verify telemetry markers is logged when WiFi and ethernet client is connected or disconnected to the gateway and reboot the gateway should not log the telemetry markers |
741 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7022 | Verify access to DUT via LAN page - after cancelling the default password pop up for Ethernet Client |
742 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7021 | Verify access to DUT via LAN page - after cancelling the default password pop up for 5Ghz |
743 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-5000 | Verify Wi-Fi WPS and WPS PIN details from Web UI,WebPa and device logs. |
744 | TC-RDKB-XNTY-PRVT-WIFI-CHK-1001 | Verify Connectivity between public wifi connected client and Private wifi connected client |
745 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-9011 | Verify implemention of wrp-c library so that WebPA requests can be encoded and decoded and Verify if distro parodus is enabled, it should support parodus otherwise old WebPA |
746 | TC-RDKB-CAPTIVE-PORTAL-5003 | Verify Capitive Portal GUI Elements and Alerts before and after configuring the private 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz private SSID |
747 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-WIN-5004 | Log all occurrences of connections to LNF PSK SSIDs |
748 | TC-RDKB-WEB-GUI-5013 | Verify ICMPv6 ping request, when Firewall is set to Custom,default and ICMPv6 is blocked and unblocked |
749 | TC-RDKB-MFPCONFIG-1001 | Admin GUI reboot should persist the MFPConfig values |
750 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SCRTY-CHECK-1001 | Validate Selecting open risky mode and cancelling it immediately should not gray out password field Ethernet client |
751 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESERVED-IP-1001 | Verification of Reserved IP for clients for 2.4 ghz |
752 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SCRTY-CHECK-1002 | Validate Selecting open risky mode and cancelling it immediately should not gray out password field 2.4Ghz client |
753 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESERVED-IP-1002 | Verification of Reserved IP for clients for 5 ghz |
754 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SCRTY-CHECK-1003 | Validate Selecting open risky mode and cancelling it immediately should not gray out password field 5Ghzclient |
755 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESERVED-IP-1003 | Verification of Reserved IP for clients for Ethernet client |
756 | TC-RDKB-TRACE-ROUTE-1002 | Test to verify trace route of the device using ipv6 address |
757 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-2003 | Verify the 2.4G and 5G WiFi passwords can be viewed in the LAN UI. |
758 | TC-RDKB-BLE-1001 | Verify successful Tile Beacon Discovery |
759 | TC-RDKB-CAPTIVE-PORTAL-5001 | Verify the gateway admin page is accessible without redirecting to captive portal after a factory reset |
760 | TC-RDKB-ACTV-TMTRY-5001 | Verify the logging of various events in Activation Journey. |
761 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-1010 | Verify Setting restricted IP address to Gateway IP From Admin Gui |
762 | TC-RDKB-CAPTIVE-PORTAL-5002 | Verify that the user is redirected to captive portal page and able to customise SSID and password for both 2.4GHz and 5 GHz SSID after factory reset. |
763 | TC-RDKB-ALTN-DNS-1001 | Test to validate Alternate DNS in Wifi and Lan Connected Clients |
764 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-3048 | Test case to verify whether DNS queries follow strict ordering or not |
765 | TC-RDKB-PC-MANAGE-DEVICE-1006 | Verification of pause-block screen on trying to access internet after blocking client connected to 5GHz |
766 | TC-RDKB-PC-MANAGE-DEVICE-1007 | Verification of pause-block screen on trying to access internet after blocking client connected to Ethernet |
767 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7017 | Verify values as such in Local IP Network Page and cross verify with WEBPA values and Verify on selection of different subnet mask the DHCP start and END address are auto populated for ethernet client Scenario |
768 | TC-RDKB-PC-MANAGE-DEVICE-1005 | Verification of pause-block screen on trying to access internet after blocking client connected to 2.4GHz |
769 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7015 | Verify values as such in Local IP Network Page and cross verify with WEBPA values and Verify on selection of different subnet mask the DHCP start and END address are auto populated for 2.4GHz Wi-Fi client Scenario |
770 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7016 | Verify values as such in Local IP Network Page and cross verify with WEBPA values and Verify on selection of different subnet mask the DHCP start and END address are auto populated for 5GHz Wi-Fi client Scenario |
771 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-CLIENTS-1001 | Test to validate IPv4 address of connected clients after DHCP settings change |
772 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-REGION-5001 | Verify WiFi Region or country code and Channel Selection does not pick any DFS channels. |
773 | TC-RDKB-HARV-6009 | Verify the integration of RDK Logger with Harvester. |
774 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-BRDGE-UI-1002 | Verify Moca status in Lan GUI when Bridge mode enabled and disabled from UI and Webpa |
775 | TC-RDKB-UI-5001 | Verify Gateway should not accept Gateway IP and DNAT IP as Reserved IP for a connected Client |
776 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-DHCP-SNMP-5001 | Validate the DHCP configuration Using SNMP |
777 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-DFLT-ADM-LOGIN-5001 | Verify Login into admin page using default password |
778 | TC-RDKB-LAN-GUI-5015 | Verify gateway properly forwards the ICMPv6 Echo Request When request sent from Link-Local address,Unspecified ,global,loopback address |
779 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-9015 | Verify DMZ should work fine for IPv6 address |
780 | TC-RDKB-RMT-MGNT-UI-CHK-1001 | Verify Admin UI of the gateway using WAN IP under remote management in ethernet client |
781 | TC-RDKB-RMT-MGNT-UI-CHK-1002 | Verify Admin UI of the gateway using WAN IP under remote management in 2.4Ghz wifi client |
782 | TC-RDKB-RMT-MGNT-UI-CHK-1003 | Verify Admin UI of the gateway using WAN IP under remote management in 5Ghz wifi client |
783 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-1004 | Verify the functionality of LAN client after CM reboot in bridge mode. |
784 | TC-RDKB-PRT-TGR-PG-VDTN-1001 | Verify Port Trigger page validation from Admin GUI in ethernet client |
785 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-1011 | test to verify MSO Access is blocked from LAN side |
786 | TC-RDKB-PRT-TGR-PG-VDTN-1002 | Verify Port Trigger page validation from Admin GUI in 2.4Ghz wifi client |
787 | TC-RDKB-PRT-TGR-PG-VDTN-1003 | Verify Port Trigger page validation from Admin GUI in 5Ghz wifi client |
788 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-AKER-1106 | Verify Aker Parental Control Scheduler |
789 | TC-RDKB-NAT-1002 | Verify NAT loopback IPv4 functionality with port forwarding |
790 | TC-RDKB-BRID-MODE-5001 | Test to verify connection status in connected client when device is in bridge mode |
791 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-8024 | Test to verify Gateway WiFi Mode Support from admin page |
792 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-9012 | Verify ETHWAN Option must NOT be available in MSO GUI page |
793 | TC-RDKB-TELEMETRY-1005 | Verify Telemetry statistics for captive portal occurrence after factory reset. |
794 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SPECTRUM-ANALYZER-5001 | Verify WiFi Spectrum Analyzer tab contains fields like Band, channel, MAC, SSID, Signal Level, Mode, Security. |
795 | TC-RDKB-SYSTEM-9008 | Validate if RDKB SSH client is not accessible via WAN. |
796 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SSID-CHK-1001 | Verify wifi ssid name check with characters |
797 | TC-RDKB-FORCE_DISABLE_WIFI-1001 | Verify force disable wifi radio functionality in router mode |
798 | TC-RDKB-STATIC-IP-1000 | Configure Static IPv4 through CLI for business device |
799 | TC-RDKB-ETHWAN-DOCSIS-LAN-5001 | Validating Ethernet and DOCSIS mode options in LAN admin GUI |
800 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-2GHZ-ADMIN-GUI-5001 | Verify Admin GUI login with invalid & valid credentials and verify all pages are accessible for 2.4 GHz |
801 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5GHZ-ADMIN-GUI-5001 | Verify Admin GUI login with invalid & valid credentials and verify all pages are accessible for 5 GHz |
802 | TC-RDKB-DEVICE-PAGE-1001 | Verify X button in Online devices page |
803 | TC-RDKB-ETHWAN-DOCSIS-WIFI-5002 | Validating Ethernet and Docsis mode options in WiFi Client Admin GUI |
804 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TX-RATE-CONFIG-WEBUI-5001 | Verify the configuration of Transmission Control Rate for both 2.4GHz(g,n) and 5Ghz(n,ac) Radio after reboot. |
805 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESTORE-1004 | Test to Verify WiFi settings can be restored to default settings using WebGUI options for doing WIFI settings reset from connected client devices |
806 | TC-RDKB-PARE-CTRL-NEG-5001 | Verify the Manage Sites and Managed Services should not accept rule which has Start time greater than End Time |
807 | TC-RDKB-PARE-CTRL-NEG-5002 | Verify the Manage Devices should not accept rule which has Start time greater than End Time |
808 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-NEG-5001 | Validate the error message when DHCP Starting and Ending address is invalid |
809 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5053 | Verify the reduction in power level of 2.4GHz WiFi Access Point does not impact the non-management frames |
810 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5054 | Verify the reduction in power level of 5GHz WiFi Access Point does not impact the non management frames. |
811 | TC-RDKB-WIFI_WEBUI-1104 | Verify Error message in LAN UI for setting invalid Private SSID name |
812 | TC-RDKB-SECURE-UI-5001 | Verify the Secure Web UI feature across Gateway Admin page |
813 | TC-RDKB-XFINITY-WIFI-ON-OFF-CONFIG-5001 | Verify the public wifi functionality after logging in Turn OFF wifi and Turn On Back in 2.4GHz and 5GHz |
814 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RADIO-3001 | Verify the configuration of Transmission Control Rate for 5Ghz(a,n,ac) Radio after reboot. |
815 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RADIO-3002 | Verify the configuration of Transmission Control Rate for 5Ghz(n) Radio after reboot. |
816 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-PA-CP-5001 | Validate the packet capture values in public wifi |
817 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-AUTO-CH-3001 | Private WiFi channel selection should remain same post public WiFi enabled. |
818 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-CC-WIN-MAC-5001 | Simultaneous connection of MAC and Windows to the same Public SSID |
819 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-LAN-XFIN-PAGE-5001 | Verify the configuration of Transmission Control Rate for 5Ghz(a,n,ac) Radio after reboot. |
820 | TC-RDKB-2GHZ-SUBMSK-ADMGUI-5001 | Change and verify the subnet mask value for 2.4 GHz |
821 | TC-RDKB-5GHZ-SUBMSK-ADMGUI-5001 | Change and verify the subnet mask value for 5 GHz |
822 | TC-RDKB-LAN-SUBMSK-ADMGUI-5001 | Change and verify the subnet mask value for Ethernet |
823 | TC-RDKB-ADMIN-PAGE-5001 | Verify the gateway admin page and internet is accessible in the wired and wireless connected clients |
824 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PUB-PVT-5001 | Verify the enable and disable functionalities on private and public ssid's |
825 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-PRI-ALL-LVL-5001 | Verify if Skipping either one of the DNS server IP configuration -LEVEL 1,2 and 3 Primary Servers |
826 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-PS-BLKD-SITES-5001 | Verify all levels blocked sites in DNS Primary |
827 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4004 | feature Enable/Disable Via DCM After Maintenance Window |
828 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-BRIMODE-5001 | Verify public wifi functionality when bridge mode enabled or disabled |
829 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-RADIO-ENBL-DSBL-5001 | Verify the public wifi functionality when 2.4GHz & 5GHz radio's are enabled/disabled |
830 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CONFIG-CC-5001 | Verify the WIFI Connectivity on Dual Band Radio 802.11n client with security mode open, DCS disabled, Operating standard, updated Channel number |
831 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CONFIG-CC-5002 | Verify the WIFI Connectivity on Dual Band Radio 802.11n client with security mode WPA2-PSK(AES), DCS disabled, Operating standard, updated Channel number |
832 | TC-RDKB-DEVICE-RESET-1005 | Perform factory reset from Admin GUI page and verify default values after factory reset |
833 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-IP-5001 | Verify that when WIFI Radio is disabled in CM, wireless CPE should not get an ip address |
834 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-PVT-CONFIG-5001 | Verify the public wifi functionality when private wifi parameters are changed |
835 | TC-RDKB-XFINITY-WIFI-CONFIG-5002 | Verify public Wifi Configuration Using LAN Admin Login 2 GHz |
836 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-FIRM-DWNL-5001 | Verify the Time frame validation for DUT online |
837 | TC-RDKB-XFINITY-WIFI-CONFIG-5003 | Verify public Wifi Configuration Using LAN Admin Login 5 GHz |
838 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-KEY-PHARSE-5001 | Verify that the Preshared key of WIFI access point can be updated |
839 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-KEY-PHARSE-5002 | Verify that the Preshared key of WIFI access point can be updated |
840 | TC-RDKB-ACS-FIRM-UP-DWNL-5001 | Verify Private Wi-Fi Automatic Channel Selection persist post device software Upgrade |
841 | TC-RDKB-INTRANET-ACC-1003 | Verify the Iperf operation is successful between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Private Wi-Fi clients |
842 | TC-RDKB-INTRANET-ACC-1004 | Verify the Iperf operation is successful between 2.4 GHz Private Wi-Fi and Ethernet clients |
843 | TC-RDKB-INTRANET-ACC-1005 | Verify the Iperf operation is successful between 5 GHz Private Wi-Fi and Ethernet clients |
844 | TC-RDKB-INTRANET-ACC-1000 | Verify the Ping operation is successful between 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz Private Wi-Fi clients |
845 | TC-RDKB-INTRANET-ACC-1001 | Verify the Ping operation is successful between 2.4 GHz Private Wi-Fi and Ethernet client |
846 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-DHCP-PRVT-5001 | Verify the public wifi SSID behavior when DHCP address range for Private SSID is changed |
847 | TC-RDKB-INTRANET-ACC-1002 | Verify the Ping operation is successful between 5 GHz Private Wi-Fi and Ethernet client |
848 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-DHCP-PRVT-5002 | Verify the public wifi SSID behavior when wireless channel mode for Private SSID is changed |
849 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-LAN-BRI-MODE-5002 | Verify Wifi link status in Bridge Mode for LAN Client |
850 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-1102 | Verify ability to change all octet of the gateway IP from admin page |
851 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-IP-WIFI-5001 | Verify DHCP IPv6 properties and wifi channel bandwidth |
852 | TC-RDKB-DHCP-LANCLIENT-1002 | Verify DHCP server configuration details form MSO page |
853 | TC-RDKB-XFINITY-FIRM-DWNL-5001 | Enable public wifi functionality on new firmware upgrade after power reboot |
854 | TC-RDKB-XFIN-WIFI-MODE-5GHZ-5001 | Verify the public wifi connectivity when the protocol modes are changed for 5GHz |
855 | TC-RDKB-2GHZ-DNS-NSLOOKUP-5001 | Verifying the alternate DNS nslookup functionality for 2.4GHz |
856 | TC-RDKB-5GHZ-DNS-NSLOOKUP-5001 | Verifying the alternate DNS nslookup functionality for 5GHz |
857 | TC-RDKB-LAN-DNS-NSLOOKUP-5001 | Verifying the alternate DNS nslookup functionality for Ethernet |
858 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5016 | Verify Connecting Multiple Clients to the Gateway device via Wi-Fi network and check the internet connectivity and Validate the status of Wi-Fi Radio and current Wi-Fi channel for 2.4 and 5 Ghz |
859 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7013 | Verify parental control services should not accept Start from time Greater than End to time when single day is selected |
860 | TC-RDKB-PFER-PVT-WIFI-2GHZ-MSO-5001 | Verify RDKB resets Blacklist when Private wifi parameters are changed from MSO page for 2.4 GHz |
861 | TC-RDKB-PFER-PVT-WIFI-5GHZ-MSO-5001 | Verify RDKB resets Blacklist when Private wifi parameters are changed from MSO page for 5 GHz |
862 | TC-RDKB-XFINITY-WIFI-CC-WIN-5001 | Simultaneous connection of two Windows machines to the same Public SSID |
863 | TC-RDKB-PFER-PVT-WIFI-2GHZ-LAN-5001 | Verify RDKB resets Blacklist when Private wifi parameters are changed from LAN Admin page for 2.4 GHz |
864 | TC-RDKB-XDNS-1006 | Test to verify Add support for secondary xDNS server |
865 | TC-RDKB-PFER-PVT-WIFI-5GHZ-LAN-5001 | Verify RDKB resets Blacklist when Private wifi parameters are changed from LAN Admin page for 5 GHz |
866 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RESTORE-5001 | Verify Reset/Restore Gateway page and perform Restore Factory settings can be restored to default settings in admin gui and calculate average usage |
867 | TC-RDKB-LAN-GUI-ADMIN-5001 | Verify Admin GUI login with invalid |
868 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBUI-LAN-STSPGE-3001 | Verify the status page has all the required fields for Ethernet Client. |
869 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CHANNEL-5001 | Verify the default channel bandwidth and enable & disable the radio for 2.4GHz & 5GHz with connected clients |
870 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-RADIO-5001 | Verify enable one radio & disable another radio and check the internet connectivity |
871 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7002 | Verify whether the CM can act as a DHCPv4 server |
872 | TC-RDKB-BRIDGE-MODE-1002 | test case to verify the user configuration persistency across mode transitions |
873 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBUI-2GHZ-STSPGE-3001 | Verify the status page has all the required fields for 2 GHZ client |
874 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBUI-5GHZ-STSPGE-3001 | Verify the status page has all the required fields for 5GHZ Client |
875 | TC-RDKB-RBT-OPTMZ-5010 | Verify Boot time - Soft Reboot Device and check Ping to WAN |
876 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-GBL-GW-CNCT-5001 | Access the RDK-B gateway using the Global Gateway Address(IPv6) |
877 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CHNL-CONFIG-5072 | Verify Client Connectivity to 2.4GHz bands with Channel Selection Mode is Manual |
878 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CHNL-CONFIG-5073 | Verify Client Connectivity to 5GHz band with Channel Selection Mode is Manual |
879 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-RADIO-5001 | When test step fails wifi radio will be reverted back to UP in post condition. No Operational impact |
880 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SEC-MODE-1001 | Verification of 2.4 GHz Private SSID connectivity using valid and invalid WPA2-PSK-AES key. |
881 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-SEC-MODE-1002 | Verification of 5 GHz Private SSID connectivity using valid and invalid WPA2-PSK-AES key. |
882 | TC-RDKB-PC-MANAGE-DEVICE-1000 | Verification of Parental Control - Manage Devices Functionality - Blocking of 2.4 GHz Private Wi-Fi connected device for "All Days" and/or for "Particular time period" |
883 | TC-RDKB-PC-MANAGE-DEVICE-1001 | Verification of Parental Control - Manage Devices Functionality - Blocking of 5 GHz Private Wi-Fi connected device for "All Days" and/or for "Particular time period" |
884 | TC-RDKB-PC-MNG-SERVICES-1000 | Verification of Parental Control - Manage Services Functionality - Blocking of FTP Service |
885 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-CON-DEV-5001 | Verify client connected to Wi-Fi radio has the same IP address in the Connected devices GUI as assigned to the client |
886 | TC-RDKB-PC-MNG-SERVICES-1001 | Verification of Parental Control - Manage Services Functionality - Blocking of HTTP Service |
887 | TC-RDKB-PC-MNG-SITE-1001 | Verification of Parental Control - Manage Sites Functionality - Blocking internet access to the sites and keywords added to manages sites for a specific day and time period |
888 | TC-RDKB-CON-DEV-5001 | Verify the details of connected clients can be retrieved from User admin page |
889 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-WPA2-5001 | Verify WG supports WAP2(AES) Security mode for 2.4 and 5 GHZ frequency band with valid and invalid key passpharse |
890 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-CC-OPEN-5001 | Verify WG supports Open Security mode for 2.4 and 5 GHZ frequency band |
891 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PREFERPRIVATE-1004 | Verify whether Firmware upgrade from software with these changes to any future firmware upgrade should retain the status of Prefer Private functionality to be Disabled(UnChecked). |
892 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PREFERPRIVATE-1005 | Verify whether Firmware upgrade from software with these changes to any future firmware upgrade should retain the status of Prefer Private functionality to be Enabled(Checked). |
893 | TC-RDKB-FIREWALL-1001 | Verify LAN - WAN traffic is successful when Firewall is configured to Custom Security |
894 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PREFERPRIVATE-1003 | Verify whether Firmware upgrade from old software to the software with these changes or Factory Resetting the Device, Should enable the Prefer Private functionality irrespective of the previous state. |
895 | TC-RDKB-FIREWALL-1002 | Verify the port forwarding and DMZ feature is working when firewall is configured to Maximum Security |
896 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-PREFERPRIVATE-1002 | Prefer Private functionality should be applicable for public wifi open and secure hotspot SSIDs |
897 | TC-RDKB-HARV-5006 | Verify the WiFi Interface Devices Harvester Report generation with log messages |
898 | TC-RDKB-PC-MNG-SITE-1000 | Verify the internet access to the sites and keywords added to Parental Control - Manage Sites are blocked in Wi-Fi and LAN clients |
899 | TC-RDKB-WEBGUI-LOGGING-5002 | Test to verify the generation of Firewall under Troubleshooting Page |
900 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-3002 | Verify Operating standard reflects accurately on client device |
901 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-3003 | Change various Operating modes and perform Ping Test |
902 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-2002 | Verify the Broadcast SSID on and off status in client device for 5-GHz wifi network |
903 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-2001 | Verify the Broadcast SSID on and off status in client device for 2.4 wifi network |
904 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-4001 | Test to Verify that LAN side 5GHz wireless CPE gets an IP address when only 5 GHZ radio is enabled in Cable modem |
905 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-4002 | Verify that Wi-Fi connectivity of 2.4GHz frequency SSID is not affected when 5GHz frequency SSID is disabled |
906 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-4003 | Verify that LAN side wireless CPE gets an IP address when dual radio bands(2.4GHZ and 5 GHZ) are enabled in CM |
907 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-4004 | Verify whether CPE gets an IP address when dual radio bands 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz are enabled/disabled in CM |
908 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-4005 | Verify Security Mode for Wifi frequency band using "Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10001.Security.ModeEnabled" |
909 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TX-RATE-CONFIG-5063 | Verify the management traffic uses the lowest supported basic transmission rate for 2.4GHz Radio. |
910 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-6000 | Verify Connection to SSID with Open security for 2.4 GHz and WPA2-PSK (AES) security modes -2.4 GHz |
911 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5011 | Verify controlled user access (Allow All) to Gateway for 2.4 and 5 GHZ against different MAC addresses by way of MAC ACLs |
912 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5012 | Verify controlled user access (Allow) to the Gateway for 2.4 against different MAC addresses by way of MAC ACLs |
913 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5013 | Verify controlled user access (Deny) to the Gateway for 2.4 GHZ against different MAC addresses by way of MAC ACLs |
914 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5014 | Verify controlled user access (Allow) to the Gateway for 5GHZ against different MAC addresses by way of MAC ACLs |
915 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-5015 | Verify controlled user access (Deny) to the Gateway for 5GHZ against different MAC addresses by way of MAC ACLs |
916 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-6001 | Verify Connection to SSID with Open security for 5 GHz and WPA2-PSK (AES) security modes -5 GHz |
917 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-2050 | Verify that Wi-Fi connectivity of 5 GHz frequency SSID is not affected when 2.4 GHz frequency SSID is disabled |
918 | TC-RDKB-XFINITY-Wifi-5005 | Verify configuration of hotspot enable/disable after enabling/disabling of public Wi-Fi. |
919 | TC-RDKB-MOCA-7001 | Verify interface status on MoCA Diagnostic page using UserAdmin page |
920 | TC-RDKB-SELF-HEAL-4001 | Test to verify Self heal scenarios for process crash |
921 | TC-RDKB-WIFISSID-2003 | Test to verify providing capability to limit Radius authentication failures |
922 | TC-RDKB-CON-GUI-1001 | Verify GUI accessibility with different DOCSIS router/bridge mode |
923 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7044 | Verify MoCA pop up window verbiage under Connection using useradmin page from 2.4ghz client |
924 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1000 | Verify enhanced Wifi logging in Telemetry for 2.4ghz private wifi parameters |
925 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1005 | Verify enhanced Wifi logging in Telemetry for 5ghz private wifi parameters |
926 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1008 | Verify enhanced Wifi logging in Telemetry for 2.4ghz public wifi parameters |
927 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-TELEMETRY-1009 | Verify enhanced Wifi logging in Telemetry for 5ghz public wifi parameters |
928 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7047 | Verify Diagnostic Tool test for IPv6 address and Trace Route in 2.4ghz client |
929 | TC-RDKB-WEBUI-7048 | Verify Diagnostic Tool test for IPv6 address and Trace Route in 5ghz client |
930 | TC-RDKB-ADMINGUI-REMOTE-1000 | Verify Admin GUI remote management |
931 | TC-RDKB-XFINITY-WIFI-1001 | Verify disable functionality of public Wifi |
932 | TC-RDKB-ETHWAN-MTA-1001 | Validating MTA params are properly configured from RDKB side when the device is in EWAN mode |
933 | TC-RDKB-ETHWAN-1001 | Verify CM shutting down in ETHWAN Mode |
934 | TC-RDKB-MSO-BRI-5001 | Verify the mso login is not getting cant get password from backend error when in bridge mode |
935 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1006 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10102.Security.ModeEnabled by WebPa |
936 | TC-RDKB-WIFI-WEBPA-1009 | Verification of Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10002.Security.ModeEnabled using WebPA |
937 | TC-RDKB-CDL-EXCLUDE-1002 | To verify firmware update with AutoExcluded.Enable is false, AutoExcluded.XconfUrl is empty |