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Deployment ready Product Branch has been created for RDK components that the community will push changes to review & It is with higher standards of test qualification
Component owners/reviewers/approvers, defined as specific groups in Gerrit, will be added to the review by default. You may request additional feedback by specifically adding reviewers via the Gerrit web GUI.
Product branch is a deployment ready branch is created for RDK components that the community will push changes to review.
Refer to Product Branch for the Components hosted in CMF Gerrit (https://code.rdkcentral.com)
Refer to RDK Central GitHub Components & its Branches hosted in https://github.com/rdkcentral/
Monthly Sprint Branch (rdk-dev-yymm) is a new CMF integration branch, created monthly and baseline off Product Branch. This branch will be hosted per repository in conjunction with Product branch with the goal of incorporating community changes at the earliest juncture.
Once community changes is approved, will be cherry-picked to Monthly Sprint branch (rdk-dev-yymm) and will thus be available prior to the completion of down-streaming to Regression Branch / round-trip process.
Regression branch is the branch used for validation of the contributions. Approved contributions will be down-streamed to Regression Branch for pre-deployment validation using their test process.
Down streamed Community changes, successfully merged to Regression branch, after pre-deployment test validation, the code changes will be cherry-picked to Product Branch.
Code Submission Process - RDK Central Gerrit
Code Submission Process - RDK Central GitHub