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Using the Telemetry 2.0 Common Library APIs, RDKV components, processes and scripts can send telemetry data to the T2 component to allow reporting that data without the need for grepping log flies. Use of the APIs does not preclude writing to logs, but can help reduce the need to grep log files, therefore reducing the CPU load spike for traditional 15 minute telemetry reporting.
Brief Background:
In DCA telemetry, the markers fetched from xconf are grepped in log files and reported in json format to splunk server.
The markers are of 2 types .
Marker Type | Sample configuration from xconf | Description with respect to sample configuration |
Split based markers | {"header":"WIFI_ACS_1_split","content":"WIFI_ACS_1:","type":"wifihealth.txt","pollingFrequency":"0"} | Expects the value after content "WIFI_ACS_1:" |
Count based markers | {"header":"RF_ERROR_IPV6PingFailed","content":"Ping to IPv6 Gateway Address are failed","type":"SelfHeal.txt.0","pollingFrequency":"0"} | Expects the occurance count of content "Ping to IPv6 Gateway Address are failed" |
In T2.0, the aim is to instrument as many split and count based markers from the component side as possible. These are called "event" markers.
Once a marker is instrumented from component side, its configuration on xconf will be changed from the configured file name to "<event>" in 'type:' section.
Example: {"header":"WIFI_ACS_1_split","content":"WIFI_ACS_1:","type":<event>","pollingFrequency":"0"}
Steps to instrument split and count based markers from RDKV components side:
void ReportT2Event::initialize() { t2_init("receiver"); }