Event Types

  • live / vod / event
  • audio+video, audio-only, video-only

DRM Types

  • unencrypted
  • PlayReady
  • Widevine
  • ClearKey


  • HLS/ts, demuxed
  • HLS/ts, muxed
  • Fragmented mp4 HLS

HLS Variations:

  • single playlist vs. master manifest w/ playlist(s)
  • with and without use of discontinuities to mark periods
  • Low Latency HLS


  • SegmentBase
  • SegmentList
  • SegmentTemplate (no Timeline)
  • SegmentTimeline
  • Viper CIF

DASH Variations:

  • single period / multi-period
  • Low Latency DASH
  • Wall Clock Live vs. sliding live window using SegmentTimeline
  • $Time or $Number based template

Container format:

  • mp4/CMAF vs. webm/vp9

Codec Types:

  • Video: h.264, h.265/HEVC, opus
  • Audio: aac stereo, mp3, ac3, ec+3, ac4

  • No labels