1. Telemetry

Telemetry is the automatic recording and transmission of data from remote or inaccessible sources to an IT system in a different location for monitoring and analysis.

2. RDKB Telemetry Components

1. Xconf Server
2. Turris-Omnia with rdkb image
3. HTTP Server

3. Environment Setup

2.1. Build procedure

Follow the wiki page to make yocto's RDK-B image from yocto workspace in your PC.

Wifi-Extender Yocto Build Instructions

Note: Proceed the build procedure in Ubuntu18 version VM

2.2. Image Flash procedure

Refer the below link for image flashing

Turris Omnia Reference Platform: Flashing Instruction

4.  Xconf server

Configuring Telemetry on Xconf server

4.1. Change Application to stb in top right corner of the window


4.2. Create Formula

 Login to Xconf Server and go to DCM menu item and click on “Formulas” sub menu and create Formula

4.3. Create Device Settings

Xconf Server → DCM → Device Settings 

4.4. Create LogUpload Settings

Xconf Server → DCM → LogUpload Settings

4.5.  Create Upload Repository

Xconf Server → DCM → Upload Repository

Upload Repository : HTTP Server

Repository URL:

4.6. Test Page

Xconf Server → DCM → Test Page

In the Test Page, give estbMacAddress(D8:58:D7:00:A5:D6 → Mac Address of Turris Omnia) and ensure the parameters that has been configured in the DCM.

4.7. Create Permanent Profiles

Xconf Server → Telemetry → Permanent Profiles

4.8. Create Targeting Rules

Xconf Server → Telemetry → Targeting Rules

4.9. Test Page

Xconf Server → Telemetry → Test page

In the Test Page, give estbMacAddress(D8:58:D7:00:A5:D6 → Mac Address of Turris Omnia) 

4.10. JSON Response

5. Configuring Telemetry on Turris Omnia

  • Once the board is up , go to /etc/dcm.properties and add the below detail


  • After board boot up, disable log rotation by using the command: 

$ systemctl disable rdkbLogMonitor

  1. Restart the dcm-log service using “systemctl restart dcm-log
  2. To check the status of the service “systemctl status dcm-log
  3. By triggering the service , Turris-Omnia starts uploading the logs to the xconf-server
  4. The log upload and Telemetry markers can be uploaded via http
  5. The profile can be verified using curl, conf file , through logs and in server as below

5.1. Curl Response

Execute the following command in turris board, and ensure the output

$ curl ''

5.2.  Configuration file

  • Once the profile details are successfully retrieved , the conf file will be created under /tmp which has the server configurations 

5.3. Log File

$ cat /rdklogs/logs/telemetry.log

$ cat /rdklogs/logs/dcmscript.log

$ cat /rdklogs/logs/dcmProcessing.log

6. Log upload onto HTTP Server

Verify that Json file and zipped log files for all other logs displayed in HTTP server →

6.1. JSON file upload

  • open the uploaded json file and ensure the parameters

6.2. Log Upload

Ensure all the log files present in the zipped file

7. Known Issues/ Limitations

  1. Yet to have TFTP server support for log upload
  2. Using dmcli command to fetch the IP address, its retrieving in reverse format → for this hal api should be updated
  3. Cron job support to be done

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