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Change 1:
cd build-raspberrypi3-rdk-camera/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-rdk-linux-gnueabi/rms/git-r0/git/builders/make2/CCdist/rms/config/
vi config.lua
Line Number : 41
- pushPullPersistenceFile="/usr/local/rms/config/pushPullSetup.xml",
+--[[ pushPullPersistenceFile="/usr/local/rms/config/pushPullSetup.xml", ]]--
Disable this "pushPullPersistenceFile="/usr/local/rms/config/pushPullSetup.xml"," line in config.lua
Change 2:
cd build-raspberrypi3-rdk-camera/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-rdk-linux-gnueabi/rms/git-r0/git/sources/thelib/src/streaming/hls
vi hlsplaylist.cpp
Function Name : OpenSegment
Line Number : 562
- _appending ? ((uint32_t) _segmentSequence) : SEGMENT_SEQUENCE(_segmentSequence));
+ _appending ? ((uint32_t) _segmentSequence) : (uint32_t)SEGMENT_SEQUENCE(_segmentSequence));
Added (uint32_t) type casting in this "_appending ? ((uint32_t) _segmentSequence) : SEGMENT_SEQUENCE(_segmentSequence));" line
Change 3:
cd meta-cmf-raspberrypi/meta-rdk-camera/recipes-extended/rms/files
Copy this file in this directory startRMS.sh
Change 1:
cd build-raspberrypi3-rdk-camera/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-rdk-linux-gnueabi/pipewire/0.3.52-r0/git/src/examples
Copy this pw-capture.cpp file into this directory
Change 2:
cd build-raspberrypi3-rdk-camera/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-rdk-linux-gnueabi/pipewire/0.3.52-r0/git/src/examples
vi meson.build
Add below lines in end of the file
opencv = dependency( 'opencv4' )
c_args : [ '-D_GNU_SOURCE' ],
install : true,
dependencies : [pipewire_dep, mathlib, opencv],
Change 3:
cd meta-cmf-camera/recipes-multimedia/pipewire
vi pipewire_git.bbappend
Add below line in this pipewire bbappend file
TARGET_CXXFLAGS += "-fpermissive"
Change 4:
cd build-raspberrypi3-rdk-camera/tmp/work/cortexa7t2hf-neon-vfpv4-rdk-linux-gnueabi/pipewire/0.3.52-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/opencv4/opencv2/flann
vi logger.h
Line number : 81
int ret;
//int ret = vfprintf(stream, fmt, arglist);
DId above two line changes in this logger.h file
Change 5:
cd meta-openembedded/meta-oe/recipes-multimedia/pipewire
-DEPENDS = "alsa-lib dbus udev"
+DEPENDS = "alsa-lib dbus udev opencv"
Added opencv dependency component for PipeWire
Need to copy this lighttpd.conf and light.tar.gz files in RPI camera target
Need to copy this lighttpd.conf file into /etc/lighttpd
copy this into camera target
Local system : scp light.tar.gz root@camera_ip:/
camera target:
cd /
tar -xzvf light.tar.gz
While untar this light.tar.gz file the respective files will automatically copy to usr/bin , usr/lib , usr/share directory.
Once did above steps then reboot the target.
HLS live streaming
Can play this URL in VLC Player
Can view thumbnail imge in browser page