1. Introduction
Self Heal is a monitoring and recovery module.
It continuously monitors the system resources like CPU and Memory and monitors the critical Processes running.
Self heal also performs Connectivity tests.
In case of any problems encountered, Self Heal takes corrective actions like: Rebooting the device, Restarting required process based on predefined conditions.
Self-heal stores Reset Count and Reboot Count.
2. Environment Setup
Self Heal functionality is handled by a set of scripts. These scripts are available in the RDK build by default.
Please ensure that below Self heal scripts are present on the device at the path "/usr/ccsp/tad".
Please refer the below code snippet to verify self heal module was enabling by default or not,
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Enable
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Enable
type: bool, value: true
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# ps -alx | grep reso
4 0 4531 1 20 0 3496 2744 do_wai S ? 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/resource_monitor.sh
0 0 16777 10009 20 0 2244 808 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep reso
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# ps -alx | grep self
4 0 4528 1 20 0 3628 2836 do_wai S ? 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/self_heal_connectivity_test.sh
4 0 4539 1 20 0 4288 3468 do_wai S ? 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/selfheal_aggressive.sh
0 0 16816 10009 20 0 2244 824 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep self
3. Executing System
Self Heal is enabled by default and is active at the time of boot up.
It periodically performs below actions.
- Resource monitoring: Monitors memory / cpu usage and if it goes beyond threshold, it reboots the device.
- Process monitoring: It will periodically monitors status of the critical processes.
- Ccsp processes: If any of these processes crashed, it will be restarted via Self Heal.
- "CcspCrSsp": If this process is crashed, device will be rebooted.
- "syseventd": If syseventd is crashed, device will be rebooted.
- Connectivity test: If DNS or WAN_IP is down, device will stop the LAN functionality.
DM parameters
root@Filogic-GW:/# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_FreeMemThreshold
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 2 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_MemFragThreshold
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 3 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_CpuMemFragInterval
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 4 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_Enable
type: bool, value: true
Parameter 5 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_MaxRebootCount
type: uint, value: 3
Parameter 6 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_MaxResetCount
type: uint, value: 3
Parameter 7 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_NoWaitLogSync
type: bool, value: false
Parameter 8 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LogBackupThreshold
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 9 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DiagnosticMode
type: bool, value: false
Parameter 10 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DiagMode_LogUploadFrequency
type: uint, value: 1440
Parameter 11 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DNS_PINGTEST_Enable
type: bool, value: false
Parameter 12 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DNS_URL
type: string, value: www.google.com
Parameter 13 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFragNumberOfEntries
type: uint, value: 2
Parameter 14 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.1.DMA
type: string, value:
Parameter 15 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.1.DMA32
type: string, value:
Parameter 16 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.1.Normal
type: string, value:
Parameter 17 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.1.Highmem
type: string, value:
Parameter 18 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.1.FragPercentage
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 19 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.2.DMA
type: string, value:
Parameter 20 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.2.DMA32
type: string, value:
Parameter 21 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.2.Normal
type: string, value:
Parameter 22 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.2.Highmem
type: string, value:
Parameter 23 name: Device.SelfHeal.CpuMemFrag.2.FragPercentage
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 24 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_PingInterval
type: uint, value: 60
Parameter 25 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_NumPingsPerServer
type: uint, value: 3
Parameter 26 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_MinNumPingServer
type: uint, value: 1
Parameter 27 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_PingRespWaitTime
type: uint, value: 1000
Parameter 28 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_CorrectiveAction
type: bool, value: false
Parameter 29 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LastReboot
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 30 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RebootInterval
type: int, value: 0
Parameter 31 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_CurrentCount
type: int, value: 0
Parameter 32 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.PingServerList.IPv4PingServerTableNumberOfEntries
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 33 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.PingServerList.IPv6PingServerTableNumberOfEntries
type: uint, value: 0
Parameter 34 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_UsageComputeWindow
type: uint, value: 15
Parameter 35 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold
type: uint, value: 100
Parameter 36 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold
type: uint, value: 100
Parameter 37 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.Enable
type: bool, value: false
Parameter 38 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.SleepInterval
type: uint, value: 60
Parameter 39 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.TimeToRun
type: uint, value: 600
Parameter 40 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.DynamicProcess
type: bool, value: false
Parameter 41 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.MonitorAllProcess
type: bool, value: false
Parameter 42 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.MemoryLimit
type: uint, value: 1536
Parameter 43 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.ProcessList
type: string, value:
Parameter 44 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.SystemStatsToMonitor
type: string, value: cpu,memory,fd,loadavg,cliconnected
Parameter 45 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.ProcessStatsToMonitor
type: string, value: cpu,memory,fd,thread
Parameter 46 name: Device.SelfHeal.CPUProcAnalyzer.TelemetryOnly
type: bool, value: false
root@Filogic-GW:/usr/ccsp/tad# ls
CcspTandDSsp corrective_action.sh log_buddyinfo.sh self_heal_connectivity_test.sh selfheal_reset_counts.sh
TestAndDiagnostic.XML cpumemfrag_cron.sh resource_monitor.sh selfheal_aggressive.sh task_health_monitor.sh
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# ps -alx | grep reso
4 0 4531 1 20 0 3496 2744 do_wai S ? 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/resource_monitor.sh
0 0 16777 10009 20 0 2244 808 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep reso
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# ps -alx | grep self
4 0 4528 1 20 0 3628 2836 do_wai S ? 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/self_heal_connectivity_test.sh
4 0 4539 1 20 0 4288 3468 do_wai S ? 0:00 /bin/sh /usr/ccsp/tad/selfheal_aggressive.sh
0 0 16816 10009 20 0 2244 824 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep self
3.1. Resource Monitor - Monitors CPU and MEMORY
1. By default, AVG CPU threshold value will be set as 100. This value will be stored in syscfg database. If we want the change the default AVG CPU threshold value, Please refer the below code snippet and do the following steps,
root@Filogic-GW:/# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold
type: uint, value: 100
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# dmcli eRT setv Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold uint 200
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
root@Filogic-GW:/# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgMemoryThreshold
type: uint, value: 200
2. By default, AVG Memory threshold value will be set as 100. This value will be stored in syscfg database. If we want the change the default AVG Memory threshold value, Please refer the below code snippet and do the following steps,
root@Filogic-GW:~# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold
type: uint, value: 100
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# dmcli eRT setv Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold uint 200
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
root@Filogic-GW:~# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.ResourceMonitor.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_AvgCPUThreshold
type: uint, value: 200
3. Once it's reaches the threshold value, device will be rebooted automatically.
observation in /rdklogs/logs/SelfHeal.txt.0
For Memory Threshold
41106-10:22:51.210979 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Used memory in system is 153740 at timestamp 2024:11:06:10:22:51
241106-10:22:51.212450 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Free memory in system is 3754608 at timestamp 2024:11:06:10:22:51
241106-10:22:51.213869 RDKB_SELFHEAL : AvgMemUsed in % is 3
241106-10:22:51.267398 <128>CABLEMODEM[Mediatek]:<99000006><2024:11:06:10:22:51><ea:4f:a0:5d:06:99><BananapiBPI-R4> RM Memory threshold reached
241106-10:23:21.732742 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Today's reboot count is 1
241106-10:23:21.734210 RDKB_SELFHEAL : <128>CABLEMODEM[Mediatek]:<99000000><2024:11:06:10:23:21><ea:4f:a0:5d:06:99><BananapiBPI-R4> RM Rebooting device as part of corrective action
241106-10:23:21.735754 Setting Last reboot reason as MEM_THRESHOLD
241106-10:23:21.737264 Setting rebootReason to MEM_THRESHOLD and rebootCounter to 1
241106-10:23:21.789361 RDKB_REBOOT : Rebooting device due to MEM threshold reached
After reboot,
root@Filogic-GW:~# dmcli eRT getv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LastRebootReason
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LastRebootReason
type: string, value: MEM_THRESHOLD
For CPU Threshold
241106-10:54:09.546821 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Today's reboot count is 3
241106-10:54:09.548312 RDKB_SELFHEAL : <128>CABLEMODEM[Mediatek]:<99000000><2024:11:06:10:54:09><d2:33:17:da:85:e4><BananapiBPI-R4> RM Rebooting device as part of corrective action
241106-10:54:09.549727 Setting Last reboot reason as CPU_THRESHOLD
241106-10:54:09.551169 Setting rebootReason to CPU_THRESHOLD and rebootCounter to 1
241106-10:54:09.603327 RDKB_REBOOT : Rebooting device due to CPU threshold reached
<128>CABLEMODEM[Mediatek]:<99000005><2024:11:06:10:53:39><d2:33:17:da:85:e4><BananapiBPI-R4> RM CPU threshold reached
[2024-11-06:10:53:39:083104] Setting Last reboot reason
After reboot,
root@Filogic-GW:~# dmcli eRT getv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LastRebootReason
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LastRebootReason
type: string, value: CPU_THRESHOLD
3.2. Process Monitor - Monitors the Process Periodically based on Process id's
If it detects that any of the process is not running, it automatically restarts that particular Component.
Let us take the example of CcspLMLite Component :
Run a ps command to verify that CcspLMLite is up and running again with different process id
ps aux | grep Ccsp
2. kill CcspLMLite process by using the below command
kill -9 PID(CcspLMLite PID)
3. Verfiy whether the CcspLMLite Process was killed or not by using the below command
ps aux | grep Ccsp
4. After 60 seconds(default), it will automatically restart the Process. Please check the CcspLMLIte PID.
root@Filogic-GW:~# ps -alx | grep CcspLM
5 950 4397 1 20 0 574768 7360 hrtime Ssl ? 0:00 /usr/bin/CcspLMLite -subsys eRT.
0 0 31853 9847 20 0 2244 820 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep CcspLM
root@Filogic-GW:~# systemctl status CcspLMLite
● CcspLMLite.service - CcspLMLite service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/CcspLMLite.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Thu 2022-04-28 17:43:00 UTC; 2 years 6 months ago
Process: 4353 ExecStart=/usr/bin/CcspLMLite -subsys $Subsys (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 4397 (CcspLMLite)
CGroup: /system.slice/CcspLMLite.service
└─ 4397 /usr/bin/CcspLMLite -subsys eRT.
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW systemd[1]: Starting CcspLMLite service...
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW systemd[1]: Started CcspLMLite service.
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.lmlite start to check eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.psm status
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.psm is ready, eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.lmlite continue
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: PSM module done.
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: Conf file /etc/debug.ini open success
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: rdk_dyn_log_initg_dl_socket = 3 __progname = CcspLMLite
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: rdk_logger_init /etc/debug.ini Already Stack Level Logging processed... not processing again.
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: mq == (mqd_t)-1: Invalid argument
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: mq == (mqd_t)-1: Invalid argument
root@Filogic-GW:~# kill -9 4397
root@Filogic-GW:~# systemctl status CcspLMLite
× CcspLMLite.service - CcspLMLite service
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/CcspLMLite.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: signal) since Wed 2024-11-06 09:22:16 UTC; 1s ago
Process: 4353 ExecStart=/usr/bin/CcspLMLite -subsys $Subsys (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 32297 ExecStopPost=/bin/sh -c echo "`date`: Stopping/Restarting CcspLMLite" >> ${PROCESS_RESTART_LOG} (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 4397 (code=killed, signal=KILL)
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.lmlite start to check eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.psm status
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.psm is ready, eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.lmlite continue
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: PSM module done.
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: Conf file /etc/debug.ini open success
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: rdk_dyn_log_initg_dl_socket = 3 __progname = CcspLMLite
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: rdk_logger_init /etc/debug.ini Already Stack Level Logging processed... not processing again.
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: mq == (mqd_t)-1: Invalid argument
2022 Apr 28 17:43:00 Filogic-GW CcspLMLite[4397]: mq == (mqd_t)-1: Invalid argument
2024 Nov 06 09:22:16 Filogic-GW systemd[1]: CcspLMLite.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
2024 Nov 06 09:22:16 Filogic-GW systemd[1]: CcspLMLite.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
root@Filogic-GW:~# ps -alx | grep CcspLM
0 0 32501 9847 20 0 2244 820 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep CcspLM
self heal logs :
241106-09:22:55.245084 RDKB_SELFHEAL : <128>Ethwan Gateway[Mediatek]:<99000007><2024:11:06:09:22:53><e6:72:eb:94:4f:2e><BananapiBPI-R4> RM CcspLMLite process not running , restarting it
241106-09:22:55.246875 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Resetting process CcspLMLite
root@Filogic-GW:~# ps -alx | grep CcspLM
5 950 33247 1 20 0 443700 7364 hrtime Ssl ? 0:00 /usr/bin/CcspLMLite -subsys eRT.
0 0 33796 9847 20 0 2244 804 pipe_w S+ pts/0 0:00 grep CcspLM
3.3. Connectivity Test - Ping Functionality
If Connectivity Test fails, device will go for reboot if corrective action enabled.
Validation : Using the below steps to validate the connectivity Test
unplug the ethernet LAN cable or ifconfig erouter0 down
Note : By default DNS PING Test and corrective actions are disabled.
By default DNS and corrective actions are disabled. Use the below commands to enable those parameters.
For DNS Testing ,
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DNS_PINGTEST_Enable
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DNS_PINGTEST_Enable
type: bool, value: false
root@Filogic-GW:~# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_CorrectiveAction
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_CorrectiveAction
type: bool, value: false
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# dmcli eRT setv Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DNS_PINGTEST_Enable bool true
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# dmcli eRT getv Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DNS_PINGTEST_Enable
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.SelfHeal.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_DNS_PINGTEST_Enable
type: bool, value: true
To enable corrective action,
dmcli eRT setv Device.SelfHeal.ConnectivityTest.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_CorrectiveAction bool true
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# dmcli eRT getv Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LastRebootReason
CR component name is: eRT.com.cisco.spvtg.ccsp.CR
subsystem_prefix eRT.
Execution succeed.
Parameter 1 name: Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_LastRebootReason
type: string, value: PING_Connectivity_Test_Failure
root@Filogic-GW:/rdklogs/logs# tail -f SelfHeal.txt.0
Failure :
241104-10:16:38.221777 RDKB_SELFHEAL : No IPv4 Gateway Address detected
241104-10:16:38.223798 RDKB_SELFHEAL : No IPv6 Gateway Address detected
241104-10:16:38.239881 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Taking corrective action
241104-10:16:39.782027 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Ping server lists are empty , not taking any corrective actions
241104-10:16:39.821478 DNS Response: fail to resolve this URL www.google.com
241104-10:16:39.837748 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Taking corrective action
241104-10:14:35.589120 RDKB_SELFHEAL : <128>Ethwan Gateway[Mediatek]:<99000007><2024:11:04:10:14:34><ea:a2:ae:1a:b7:63><BananapiBPI-R4> RM PIt
diff and last_reboot -960 and 28800
241104-10:14:59.740762 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : GW IP Connectivity Test Successfull
241104-10:14:59.742689 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : IPv4 GW Address is:
241104-10:14:59.744620 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : IPv6 GW Address is:fe80::da3a:ddff:fe0d:b86c
241104-10:14:59.771527 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Ping server lists are empty , not taking any corrective actions
241104-10:14:59.808810 DNS Response: fail to resolve this URL www.google.com
241104-10:14:59.824618 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Taking corrective action
241104-11:01:01.277374 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Ping server lists are empty , not taking any corrective actions
241104-11:01:01.312725 DNS Response: fail to resolve this URL www.google.com
241104-11:01:01.328165 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Taking corrective action
241104-11:01:01.406788 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Total memory in system is 4023440
241104-11:01:01.408277 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Used memory in system is 143808
241104-11:01:01.409853 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Free memory in system is 3773984
241104-11:01:02.457602 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Current CPU load is 0
241104-11:01:02.459152 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Top 5 tasks running on device with resource usage are below
MiB Swap: 0.0 total, 0.0 free, 0.0 used. 3735.6 avail Mem
1 root 20 0 94000 8100 5744 S 0.0 0.2 0:06.29 systemd
2 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 kthreadd
3 root 0 -20 0 0 0 I 0.0 0.0 0:00.00 rcu_gp
241104-11:01:02.716353 RDKB_SELFHEAL : 2.4GHz radio is operating on channel
241104-11:01:02.732741 RDKB_SELFHEAL : 5GHz radio is operating on channel
241104-11:01:02.734334 RDKB_SELFHEAL : MoCA stats are not available due to MoCA crash
241104-11:01:02.800183 RDKB_SELFHEAL : <128>Ethwan Gateway[Mediatek]:<99000007><2024:11:04:11:01:01><7e:22:72:d9:02:13><BananapiBPI-R4> RM PIt
diff and last_reboot 55 and 50
Ping reset Router
241104-11:01:02.881393 RDKB_SELFHEAL : DNS Information :
241106-11:23:00.787843 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : GW IP Connectivity Test Successfull
241106-11:23:00.789414 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : IPv4 GW Address is:
241106-11:23:00.791062 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : IPv6 GW Address is:fe80::1dde:7669:fc2e:fe43
241106-11:23:00.817414 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Ping server lists are empty , not taking any corrective actions
241106-11:23:01.021947 DNS Response: Got success response for this URL www.google.com
4. Troubleshooting
1. Using selfHeal logs to trouble shoot the run-time errors. SelfHeal logs will be created the below path,
2. Resource Monitor sample Logs,
41106-10:22:51.210979 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Used memory in system is 153740 at timestamp 2024:11:06:10:22:51
241106-10:22:51.212450 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Free memory in system is 3754608 at timestamp 2024:11:06:10:22:51
241106-10:22:51.213869 RDKB_SELFHEAL : AvgMemUsed in % is 3
241106-10:22:51.267398 <128>CABLEMODEM[Mediatek]:<99000006><2024:11:06:10:22:51><ea:4f:a0:5d:06:99><BananapiBPI-R4> RM Memory threshold reached
241106-10:23:21.732742 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Today's reboot count is 1
241106-10:23:21.734210 RDKB_SELFHEAL : <128>CABLEMODEM[Mediatek]:<99000000><2024:11:06:10:23:21><ea:4f:a0:5d:06:99><BananapiBPI-R4> RM Rebooting device as part of corrective action
241106-10:23:21.735754 Setting Last reboot reason as MEM_THRESHOLD
241106-10:23:21.737264 Setting rebootReason to MEM_THRESHOLD and rebootCounter to 1
241106-10:23:21.789361 RDKB_REBOOT : Rebooting device due to MEM threshold reached
241106-10:54:09.546821 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Today's reboot count is 3
241106-10:54:09.548312 RDKB_SELFHEAL : <128>CABLEMODEM[Mediatek]:<99000000><2024:11:06:10:54:09><d2:33:17:da:85:e4><BananapiBPI-R4> RM Rebooting device as part of corrective action
241106-10:54:09.549727 Setting Last reboot reason as CPU_THRESHOLD
241106-10:54:09.551169 Setting rebootReason to CPU_THRESHOLD and rebootCounter to 1
241106-10:54:09.603327 RDKB_REBOOT : Rebooting device due to CPU threshold reached
<128>CABLEMODEM[Mediatek]:<99000005><2024:11:06:10:53:39><d2:33:17:da:85:e4><BananapiBPI-R4> RM CPU threshold reached
[2024-11-06:10:53:39:083104] Setting Last reboot reason
3. Process Monitor Sample Logs,
LMLite Process :
241106-09:22:55.245084 RDKB_SELFHEAL : <128>Ethwan Gateway[Mediatek]:<99000007><2024:11:06:09:22:53><e6:72:eb:94:4f:2e><BananapiBPI-R4> RM CcspLMLite process not running , restarting it
241106-09:22:55.246875 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Resetting process CcspLMLite
4. Connectivity Test Sample Logs ,
Successful Scenario :
190924-08:56:43.577621 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : GW IP Connectivity Test Successfull
190924-08:56:43.583217 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : IPv4 GW Address is:
190924-08:56:43.588370 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : IPv6 GW Address is:
190924-08:56:43.622618 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Ping server lists are empty , not taking any corrective actions
190924-08:56:43.730057 DNS Response: Got success response for this URL www.google.com
Failure Scenario :
191007-09:00:13.899713 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : GW IP Connectivity Test Successfull
191007-09:00:13.909201 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : IPv4 GW Address is:
191007-09:00:13.918684 [RDKB_SELFHEAL] : IPv6 GW Address is:
191007-09:00:13.972966 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Ping server lists are empty , not taking any corrective actions
191007-09:00:14.119985 DNS Response: fail to resolve this URL www.google.com
191007-09:00:14.152808 RDKB_SELFHEAL : Taking corrective action
5. References
RDKBACCL-303 - Getting issue details... STATUS