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2. Click on 'Add configuration' shown on the top right corner of the System Configuration page and add the following 3 configurations and click on save changes button.
Parameter Name | Description |
DEBUGGER_SERVICE | Smart Debugger Service Base URL |
SMART_DEBUGGER_JENKINS_CONFIG | This is the configuration of the jenkins job which will be used for the debugger feature test execution. It is done in json format. Two jenkins job details has to be mentioned which are the scripted and scriptless jenkins job. |
AUTOMATICS_DNS_BASE_URL | Provide the DNS (Domain Name System) base URL of the Automatics application. |
Test_Types | This config is used to add a new test type. As part of Smart Debugger feature, we are introducing a new test type which is mentioned below. |
Launch Automatics Properties application and add the below configuration.
Property Name | Description |
debuggerService.base.url | Smart Debugger Service Base URL |
Jenkins job is getting used in the Automatics to execute the test case in debug mode. Partner can refer Smart Debugger Jenkins Setup for detailed steps on how to setup jenkins job for smart debugger.
JDK 17
Maven 3
JDK 17 Setup Details
Follow Steps below to install Java 17 on CentOS/linux.
Update before installing any new program
yum -y update |
Install Java 17
yum install java-17-openjdk |
Verify Java is Installed
java –version |
"mvn clean install"
Run the below command from debugger-service directory to bring the Debugger Service up in the VM.
nohup java -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true -jar debuggerservice-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar > logfile.log 2>&1 & |
1. In step builder page at the top, developer can find a debugger icon. Click on the icon to open the testcase debugger popup.
2. In the debugger popup, developer can see configuration options to start the execution.
After starting the execution, click on EXECUTION LOGS panel to see the execution logs.
3. At the bottom of the page, automation developer can see the available steps from the testcase loaded in table.
4. Functionalities:
Status involved in step execution:
* Output: Step output will be added in output column of the table.
* By using Checkboxes at the left side, automation developer can select/unselect the steps for the execution. So, if automation developer wants to execute sepecific steps they can select the steps on demand for the execution.
* Click on PAUSE button to pause the execution and use the PLAY button to resume the execution.
* Automation Developers can see the Jenkins execution logs using the Jenkins icon at the top right corner.
For the test execution team, separate dashboard was there under Manage Test Trigger menu. This option is available under Manage Test Trigger tab → Test Case Debugger
To start the debugger execution, please follow the below steps:
1. Select Testcase Type
* Scriptless - To load the Scritless testcases (i.e. created from Build Testcase page)
* Scripted - To load the scripted testcases (i.e. Testcases that has its own scripts in Test projects).
2. Select Environment Type and enter valid Device Mac of the Rack Device.
3. Upon the previous inputs Testcase IDs will be populated in Test case ID select box. Select the test case from the drop down.
4. After giving all the inputs click on Load Steps button at the left side.
5. After loading the steps into the table present in Available Steps division, click on the START button to start the execution.