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Environment Setup : How to Build#SettinguptheHostEnvironment
RDKM Xconf Details : Feature Validation : Xconf Server#Pre-requisite
What is Telemetry : Telemetry 2 , Telemetry T1
Telemetry Configurations : Feature Validation : Xconf Server#FeatureValidation:Telemetry
Telemetry_2.0 Configurations : Telemetry 2.0 support for RDKB RPI -User Manual
Component Name : test-and-diagnostic
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
UPDays_split | UPTIMEDAY: | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates uptime in days. |
TopCPU_split | CPU load at 100, top process: | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates top 5 process based on CPU consumption. |
cachedMem_split | CachedMemory: | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates Cached,Memory |
WIFI_SH_Parodus_restart | parodus process is not running | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates parodus process is not running |
WIFI_ERROR_WifiDmCliError | Parameter cannot be found on WiFi subsystem | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates an error while getting value for wifi parameter using dmcli, this can cause due to wifi process restarts or wifi module is down |
WIFI_ERROR_DMCLI_crash_5G_Status | dmcli crashed or something went wrong while checking 5G status | SelfHeal.txt.0 | indicates that dmcli get for Device.WiFi.SSID.2.Status returned failure; |
WIFI_ERROR_DMCLI_crash_2G_Status | dmcli crashed or something went wrong while checking 2.4G status | SelfHeal.txt.0 | indicates that dmcli get for Device.WiFi.SSID.1.Status returned failure; |
SYS_SH_Zebra_restart | zebra is not running, restarting the zebra | SelfHeal.txt.0 | zebra is not running, restarting the zebra |
SYS_ERROR_TMPFS_ABOVE85 | TMPFS_USAGE: | SelfHeal.txt.0 | 85% of the /tmp folder is occupied. If continuous, this can cause Out of memory reboot |
SYS_ERROR_parodus_TimeStampExpired | Parodus Connection TimeStamp Expired | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Its a selfheal marker to restart parodus process, when cloud connection gets timed out. |
SYS_ERROR_iptable_corruption | [RDKB_PLATFORM_ERROR] : iptable corrupted | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates that there is an error in the iptable rules set. |
SYS_ERROR_Error_fetching_devicemode | Something went wrong while fetching device mode | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates something went wrong while trying to do a dmcli get of LanManagementEntry.1.LanMode. |
SYS_ERROR_DmCli_Bridge_mode_error | Something went wrong while checking bridge mode | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates something went wrong while trying to do a dmcli get of LanManagementEntry.1.LanMode |
SYS_ERROR_CPU100 | RDKB_CPU_USAGE : CPU usage is 100 | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Indicates the current CPU usage is 100. Recovery: Reboot the device. |
RF_ERROR_IPV4PingFailed | Ping to IPv4 Gateway Address failed | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Ping to IPv4 Gateway Address failed |
SYS_INFO_BridgeMode | BRIDGE_MODE is 1 | SelfHeal.txt.0 | Device is in bridge mode (Enabling Bridge Mode will disable the Gateway’s router functionality and turn off both radios completely). |
SYS_INFO_snmp_subagent_restart | snmp_subagent process not running | SelfHeal.txt | indicates nmp_subagent process not running |
SYS_ERROR_PSMCrash_reboot | Psm_crash | SelfHeal.txt | Indicates Psm_crash |
SYS_SH_PAM_CRASH_RESTART | PAM_process is not running, need restart | SelfHeal.txt | PAM_process is not running, need restart |
SYS_ERROR_brlan0_not_created | brlan0 is not created after Second Retry, no more retries | SelfHeal.txt | brlan0 is not created after Second Retry, no more retries |
SYS_SH_dnsmasq_restart | dnsmasq is not running | SelfHeal.txt | dnsmasq is not running |
SYS_SH_ResourceMonitor_restart | resource_monitor.sh is not running, need restart | SelfHeal.txt | resource_monitor.sh is not running, need restart |
SYS_ERROR_PnM_Not_Responding | pandm process is not responding. Restarting it | SelfHeal.txt | pandm process is not responding. Restarting it |
SYS_SH_PSMHung | SelfHeal.txt | PSM_process is in hung state, need restart | |
SYS_SH_TR69Restart | TR69_process is not running, need restart | SelfHeal.txt | TR69_process is not running, need restart |
SYS_SH_LM_restart | LanManager_process is not running, need restart | SelfHeal.txt | indicates LMlite process is not responding. |
SYS_SH_lighttpdCrash | lighttpd is not running, restarting it | SelfHeal.txt | indicates ighttpd agent has crashed in the device, hence being restarted |
SYS_ERROR_syseventdCrashed | syseventd is crashed, | SelfHeal.txt | indicates syseventd is crashing and needs to be rebooted. |
Component Name : ccsp-lm-lite
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
WIFI_INFO_clientdisconnect | HostName gone offline | LM.txt.0 | indicates connected client went offline |
SYS_ERROR_IPAOR | IPAddress out of range | LM.txt.0 | LAN IP address assigned to the client is not within the expected subnet mask range. |
btime_clientconn_split | Client_Connect_complete: | LM.txt.0 | Time taken for initial client connection. |
Total_devices_connected_split | Total_Clients_Connected | LM.txt.0 | Indicates Total Clients Connected |
Total_online_clients_split | Total_Online_Clients | LM.txt.0 | Total Online Clients |
Total_offline_clients_split | Total_Offline_Clients | LM.txt.0 | Total Offline Clients |
Total_wifi_clients_split | Total_WiFi_Clients | LM.txt.0 | Total wifi Clients |
Total_Ethernet_Clients_split | TotalEthDev | LM.txt.0 | Total Ethernet Clients |
SYS_INFO_Hostname_changed | Hostname Changed | LM.txt.0 |
Component Name : CcspDmCli
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
SYS_ERROR_CCSPBus_error190 | Ccsp msg bus internal error 190 | SelfHeal.txt | Indicates Ccsp message bus error |
SYS_ERROR_CCSPBus_error191 | Ccsp msg bus internal error 191 | SelfHeal.txt | Indicates Ccsp message bus error |
Component Name : ccsp-tr069-pa
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
SYS_ERROR_MissingMgmtCRPwdID | MgmtCRPwdID file is missing in normal boot scenario | TR69log.txt.0 | file is missing in normal boot scenario |
acs_split | ManagementServerURLID_PSM | TR69log.txt.0 | |
SYS_ERROR_NotGenMgmtCRPwdID | MgmtCRPwdID file is not generated | TR69log.txt.0 | MgmtCRPwdID file is not generated |
Component Name : webui
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
btime_wcpenter_split | Enter_WiFi_Personalization_captive_mode: | Consolelog.txt.0 | Time taken to enter into WiFi captive portal mode. |
Component Name : Utopia
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
SYS_INFO_CaptivePortal | WiFi SSID and Passphrase are not modified | Consolelog.txt.0 | Indicates that the WiFi SSID and PassPhrase is still default in the device and not modified - hence device will go to captive portal mode for WiFi personalization |
SYS_ERROR_Factorypartner_fetch_failed | Failed Get factoryPartnerId | Consolelog.txt.0 | Factory Partner ID fetch failed for the device, occurs post a reboot. |
getfactorypartner_split | [GET-PARTNERID] Factory_PartnerID: | Consolelog.txt.0 | |
getcurrentpartner_split | [GET-PARTNERID] Current_PartnerID: | Consolelog.txt.0 | |
SYS_INFO_FRMode | Device in FR mode | Consolelog.txt.0 | Device is in FactoryReset Mode |
btime_laninit_split | Laninit_complete= | BootTime.log | Time taken from boot to complete LAN initialization. |
Component Name : sysint
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
SYS_ERROR_LOGUPLOAD_FAILED | LOGS UPLOAD FAILED, RETURN CODE: 000 | Consolelog.txt.0 | Log upload failure, it can be due to network issue or server is returning error while uploading. |
SYS_INFO_LOGS_UPLOADED | LOGS UPLOADED SUCCESSFULLY, RETURN CODE: 200 | Consolelog.txt.0 | Indicates device logs uploaded successfully. |
SYS_ERROR_PartnerId_missing_sycfg | partner_id is not available from syscfg.db | Consolelog.txt.0 | partner id is missing |
SYS_INFO_WaitingFor_Stack_Init | Waiting for stack to come up completely to upload logs | Consolelog.txt.0 | Waiting for stack to come up completely to upload logs |
SYS_INFO_SW_upgrade_reboot | Software_upgrade | BootTime.log | Indicates software upgrade reboot, we can use rdkb_rebootreason_split marker. |
SYS_INFO_bootup | Device is up after reboot | Consolelog.txt | Indicates device up after reboot |
Component Name : CcspPandM
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
rdkb_rebootreason_split | Received reboot_reason as: | BootTime.log | Indicates reboot reason of the device. |
Component Name : Onewifi
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
WIFI_ERROR_WL0_SSIDEmpty | WIFI_ERROR: WL0 SSID is empty | WiFilog.txt | WL0 ssid is empty |
WIFI_ERROR_WL1_SSIDEmpty | WIFI_ERROR: WL1 SSID is empty | WiFilog.txt | WL1 ssid is empty |
WIFI_INFO_CosaWifiinit | RDKB_SYSTEM_BOOT_UP_LOG : CosaWifiInit | WiFilog.txt | Indicates wifi init |
Component Name : CcspCr
Markers | Search String | FileName | Description |
SYS_ERROR_TR69_Not_Registered | tr069pa' v1 NotRegistered | CRlog.txt.0 | TR069 component is not registered with CR. |
Component Name : rfc
Markers | Search String | Log File | Description |
rfc_split | Features Enabled] | dcmrfc.log | rfc feature enabled |
SYS_INFO_RFC_PeriodicFWCheck | key=tr181.Device.DeviceInfo.X_RDKCENTRAL-COM_RFC.Feature.PeriodicFWCheck.Enable value=true | dcmrfc.log | Checks for PeriodicFWCheck value |
Component Name : webpa
Markers | Search String | Log File | Description |
SYS_INFO_WEBPA_Config_Corruption | json parse error | Consolelog.txt.0 | WEBPA config corruption due to json parse error |
Telemetry Markers for CcspWiFiAgent ( RPI4 Platform)
Markers and Events Name | Search string | Log File | Description |
WIFI_TX_2_split | WIFI_TXCLIENTS_2: | wifihealth.txt | 5G TX PHY Rate Ratio |
WIFI_TX_1_split | WIFI_TXCLIENTS_1: | wifihealth.txt | 2G TX PHY Rate Ratio |
WIFI_SNR_2_split | WIFI_SNR_2: | wifihealth.txt | 5G SNR |
WIFI_SNR_1_split | WIFI_SNR_1: | wifihealth.txt | 2G SNR |
WIFI_RX_2_split | WIFI_RXCLIENTS_2: | wifihealth.txt | 5G RX PHY Rate Ratio |
WIFI_RX_1_split | WIFI_RXCLIENTS_1: | wifihealth.txt | 2G RX PHY Rate Ratio |
WIFI_PACKETSSENTCLIENTS_2_split | WIFI_PACKETSSENTCLIENTS_2: | wifihealth.txt | 5G % Retransmission |
WIFI_ERROR_PSM_GetRecordFail | PSM_Get_Record_Value2 Failed for BSSTransitionActivated on wlanIndex: | WiFiLog.txt.0 | PSM fetch failure for BSSTransitionActivated |
WIFI_ERROR_NoWlanIndex | Couldn't find wlanIndex | WiFilog.txt.0 | Couldn't find wlanIndex |
Wifi_5G_utilization_split | WIFI_BANDUTILIZATION_2 | wifihealth.txt | |
Wifi_2G_utilization_split | WIFI_BANDUTILIZATION_1 | wifihealth.txt | |
MAXTX_2_split | WIFI_MAX_TXCLIENTS_2: | wifihealth.txt | 5G TX PHY Rate Ratio |
MAXTX_1_split | WIFI_MAX_TXCLIENTS_1: | wifihealth.txt | 2G RX PHY Rate Ratio |
MAXRX_2_split | WIFI_MAX_RXCLIENTS_2: | wifihealth.txt | 5G RX PHY Rate Ratio( WHIX Marker) |
MAXRX_1_split | WIFI_MAX_RXCLIENTS_1: | wifihealth.txt | 2G RX PHY Rate Ratio( WHIX Marker) |
5GRSSI_split | WIFI_RSSI_2 | wifihealth.txt | Indicates RSSI of Radio 2 |
2GRSSI_split | WIFI_RSSI_1 | wifihealth.txt | Indicates RSSI of radio 1. |