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1.1. Introduction

1.2. Design Considerations

1.2.1. Decision Overview

< Describe the system design in broad terms . Consider benefits, costs and schedule and technical risks. Describe how the proposed solution aligns with the enterprise architecture. >

1.2.2. Other Considerations (DAR)

<Alternative designs considered and why one was chosen>

1.3. Architecture

1.3.1. Layout


1.3.2. Communication

          <Describe the communication between the sub-systems. (Diagrams may be used to illustrate communications). >

1.4. Sequence Diagram and Interfaces (Input/Output files or data sets)

1.4.1. Build Trigger and Generation

1.4.2. Build VM Deploy and Sanity Test Execution 

1.4.3. Report Management

< Identify input interfaces, function call protocol, and the nature of the data structures passed across the interface between the sub-modules>

< Identify output interfaces, function call protocol, and the nature of the data structures passed across the interface. >

1.5. Data Model

<Provide a description of the data model>

1.6. Limitations

             < Describe the cases that are identified as problem but unable to report to it due to various factors. Describe the factors >

1.7. Future Enhancements

            < Describe how the current design is suitable for future enhancement without completely modifying existing design . >

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