
This page presents an brief overview about webPA 2.0 (xmidt) components required for a reference webPA cluster setup and explains how to setup the cluster & establish an end-to-end connection with CPE devices.

WebPA is a secure web protocol messaging system for bi-directional communication between cloud server and RDK devices. It was built from the ground up specifically with security and performance as priorities. WebPA 2.0 commonly known as Xmidt (pronounced "transmit") is a combination of a server cluster and client that provide a highly available data path to devices deployed all over the world.

  • Unlike TR-69, which polls wide-and-deep across a device landscape, on a less frequent basis, WebPA can precision-poll for the most useful data, much more quickly. That’s mainly because it’s lightweight, and because the load can be redistributed into all the apps needing to access the data.
  • Specifically, WebPA is a lightweight connectivity socket, with lower-level protocol connectivity between devices, and the cloud — much like a websocket. It works by each client registering with the cloud, so that it maintains a socket connection to the cloud. On the cloud side, APIs enable polls through which other cloud components could receive events, or translate them in to a TR-181 device data model for further analysis.
  • And, because WebPA is an “always on” connection (Websocket), asynchronous notifications for a change in device data are a straightforward exercise, where the application “listens” for web hook events.

Setting up a single node WebPA cluster

System Requirement

Memory> 2048 MB
Disk space> 10 GB free space

It is good to disable the firewall (iptables ) during initial setup for avoiding connection related confusions.

Commands described in this page are executed with super user (root) permission

Software Dependencies

Supervisor (Not Required for CentOS 7.x releases)

Only Applicable for Older CentOS 6.x releases

About Supervisor

Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems.

Unlike other system initialization services, it is not meant to be run as a substitute for init. Instead it is meant to be used to control processes related to a project or a customer, and is meant to start like any other program at boot time.

How to install

a) Enable Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
	$ wget http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
	$ rpm -Uvh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
b) Install Python meld3
	$ yum install python-meld3
c) Install supervisor
	$ yum install supervisor

ZooKeeper (Not required in CentOS 7.x releases)

Only Applicable for Older CentOS 6.x releases

About ZooKeeper

ZooKeeper is a high-performance coordination service for distributed applications. It exposes common services - such as naming, configuration management, synchronization, and group services - in a simple interface so you don't have to write them from scratch. You can use it off-the-shelf to implement consensus, group management, leader election, and presence protocols. And you can build on it for your own, specific needs.

How to install

$ yum install zookeeper

Adding a startup script

# cat /etc/init.d/zookeeper 
# zookeeper Startup Script
# chkconfig: 345 90 14
# description: Zookeeper Application Startup Script

# Source function library
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions


start() {
	echo -n $"Starting Zookeeper: "
	/usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh start
	[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && echo "[ OK ]"

stop() {
	echo -n $"Stopping Zookeeper: "
	/usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh stop
	[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && echo "[ OK ]"

restart() {

case "$1" in
	/usr/lib/zookeeper/bin/zkServer.sh status
	echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|restart|reload|force-reload}"
	exit 1

exit $RETVAL

Enable the service at bootup

Launch system-config-services from a console and enable the zookeeper service from the services list.

Process flow diagram

RDK on a CPE Device

Video client Adaptor
Other Adaptor
(Nanomessage Broker)
(WSS connection manager)

WebPA Server Cluster
MSO Specific
API JWT Issuer
CPE JWT Issuer
(External API Provider)
(TR181 micro service)
Consul Cluster
External Application
HTTP Redirected
Secure Websocket
Not used in Current Setup
Upstream service
RDK Services
xmidt Services

Basic authorization
(base64 token)
Standalone Setup specific
(Notification Provider)
Wifi Harvester

WebPA Server components setup

Below is the list of components needed for a Xmidt (webPA 2.0) cluster setup. For a single node reference setup, few of the services are not mandatory hence not used.


Talaria maintains the secure websocket connections from the device and passes the messages from or to the device.


Scytale accepts the inbound requests and delivers the messages to the Talaria machines that could be hosting the device connection.


The Webpa micro-service that encode TR-181 requests.

petasosServerPetasos helps reduce the load on the Talaria machines by calculating which specific Talaria a device should connect to & redirecting the incoming request.No

Caduceus provides the pub-sub message delivery (notification) mechanism for xmidt.


Parodus is the light weight client that reaches out to the xmidt cloud to establish the connection from CPE devices.


Using the pre-built packages from GitHub

a) Import the GPG Key (Required once, common for all the packages)
	$ rpm --import https://github.com/xmidt-org/talaria/releases/download/v0.1.3/RPM-GPG-KEY-xmidt
b) Install the packages
	$ yum install https://github.com/xmidt-org/talaria/releases/download/v0.1.3/talaria-0.1.3-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
	$ yum install https://github.com/xmidt-org/scytale/releases/download/v0.1.4/scytale-0.1.4-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
	$ yum install https://github.com/xmidt-org/tr1d1um/releases/download/v0.1.2/tr1d1um-0.1.2-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
Note: Change version number for downloading the required package.

Building from the Source

If pre-built RPM packages are already installed as explained in previous section & we want to use the same, Skip to configuration section

Dependencies of Build system

Install golang

Required for compiling server components written in go language. (Required version >=1.11

Preferred Method:
$ sudo yum install golang

For Manual Installation:
$ wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ tar xzf go1.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ sudo mv go /usr/local
** Add Below Lines to the profile file (.bash_profile etc.)
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

Verify the version with below:
$ go version
go version go1.11 linux/amd64
install glide

Glide is a package manager for Go that is conceptually similar to package managers for other languages. Glide provides the following functionality:

    • Records dependency information in a glide.yaml file. This includes a name, version or version range, version control information for private repo or when the type cannot be detected, and more.
    • Tracks the specific revision each package is locked to in a glide.lock file. This enables recursively fetching the dependency tree.
    • Utilizes vendor/ directories, known as the Vendor Experiment, so that different projects can have differing versions of the same dependencies.
$ wget -c https://github.com/Masterminds/glide/releases/download/v0.13.1/glide-v0.13.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ tar -xzf glide-v0.13.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /opt
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/linux-amd64/" >> $HOME/.bash_profile

Downloading the source code

1. create a directory in $HOME say webpa_modules
$ mkdir $HOME/webpa_modules && cd $HOME/webpa_modules

2. Checkout the components from GitHub repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/Comcast/talaria.git
$ git clone https://github.com/Comcast/scytale.git
$ git clone https://github.com/Comcast/tr1d1um.git

Building the components

1. cd $HOME/webpa_modules/<component-name>
  e.g. cd webpa_modules/talaria
3. Build the component from source
	$ make build

4. Create the package
	$ mkdir $HOME/rpmbuild
	$ ./build_rpm.sh --no-sign

5. Install the locally built webPA component package
e.g. $ cd /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
     $ rpm -Uvh petasos-0.1.1-87.el6.x86_64.rpm

If running build_rpm.sh complains about following:

error: Macro %_releaseno has empty body
error: Macro %_releaseno has empty body

Then, modify the following in script to change build number to appropriate value

    • to get the latest build number:
      $ git tag -l|sort -V|grep -v alpha (select the latest version from list)
      e.g. BUILD_NUMBER=87

If build_rpm.sh prompts for password, modify the rpmbuild command to disable the signing option

yes "" | rpmbuild -ba \

--define "_signature gpg" \

--define "_ver $release" \

--define "_releaseno ${BUILD_NUMBER}" \

--define "_fullver $new_release" \


	If the script terminates with "error: Bad owner/group: /root/webpa_modules/petasos/petasos.spec"
	change the ownership to match current user name
	$ chown root.root petasos.spec

Configuring the server components 


Generating a auth token

WebPA server components as well as requesting application has to use a authorization token for bearer authentication. We can either use a basic authorization token or make use of a key server for obtaining a bearer token.

For example, a UI application needs to invoke some Preference setting or to obtain some diagnostics information on behalf of a MSO partner, deviceId, serviceAccountId or combination of the three. It will first obtain or use a predefined AUTH token, set it as a HTTP header and then invoke the GET/SET operation.

In a production environment, webPA server components & requesting applications use SAT as a bearer token for AUTHZ and AUTHN. SAT stands for Service Access Token. As the name implies, it is used by the calling applications to request access to CPE API's. From a implementation point of view, A SAT is a Json Web Token which if shortened to "jwt". It is a base64 encoded strings of pre-defined bytes with 3 distinct parts separated by a period.

However in the standalone setup, we have used basic base64 encoded authorization token because SAT requires access to operator specific key servers. This auth token will be used when configuring different webPA components as well while performing GET/SET requests to the CPE from a 3rd party application.

We can use either of the below 2 methods to generate a basic authorization string. 

Note: For newer releases the basic auth token should be in username:password format.
1. Using openssl command to generate the base64 encoded token.
[root@webpa-node1 ~]# openssl enc -base64 <<< "user123:webpa@1234567890"
2. Using Linux coreutils tools to generate the base64 encoded token
[root@webpa-node1 ~]# echo "user123:webpa@1234567890"|base64

Talaria configuration

Edit the configuration file & modify port values if you need to run talaria service in a different port (default value is 8080).

Sample configuration file [/etc/talaria/talaria.yaml]
#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP Headers Configuration

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Talaria-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
  fqdn: <Fully Qualified Domain Name / IP>
  server: "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
  env: test
  scheme: http

# Provides this build number to the X-Tr1d1um-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
  build: "0.1.3-1"

# Provides the region information to the X-Tr1d1um-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
  region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Tr1d1um-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
  flavor: "mint"

    address: ":8080"
    address: ":8180"
    address: ":8280"
    address: ":8203"
    address: ":8380"
      namespace: "xmidt"
      subsystem: "talaria"

#   Service Discovery Configuration

  # service defines the parameters needed to interact with the consul cluster
  # for service discovery.  Presently only consul is supported.  This is
  # presently only used by Prometheus to discover machines to monitor, but
  # in the not-too-distant future talaria will use this interaction to load
  # balance across all caduceus machines instead of using DNS.
  # (Optional)
    # consul configures the consul library in caduceus to use the local
    # service discovery agent
      # client defines how to connect to the local consul agent (on the same
      # VM/container)
        # address is the address of the local consul agent
        address: ""
        # scheme is how the consul library should interact with the local
        # consul agent
        scheme: "http"
        # waitTime is TBD
        waitTime: "30s"

      # disableGenerateID is TBD
      disableGenerateID: true

      # registrations defines what services caduceus should register with
      # consul
      #     id      - the VM/container instance name registered with consul
      #     name    - the name of service being registered
      #     tags    - a list of tags to associate with this registration
      #     address - the mechanism to reach the service (generally unique fqdn)
      #     port    - the port to reach the service at
      #     checks  - the list of checks to perform to determine if the service
      #               is available/healthy
      #         checkID                        - TBD
      #         ttl                            - how long the check is valid for
      #         deregisterCriticalServiceAfter - the duration to wait before the
      #                                          service is removed due to check
      #                                          failures
          id: "example_talaria.xmidt.net"
          name: "talaria"
            - "prod"
            - "mint"
            - "stage=prod"
            - "flavor=mint"
          address: <WEBPA_SERVER_IP>
          port: 6001
              checkID: "example_talaria.xmidt.net:ttl"
              ttl: "30s"
              deregisterCriticalServiceAfter: "70s"

    file: "/var/log/talaria/talaria.log"
    level: "DEBUG"
    json: false

        handshakeTimeout: "10s"
      initialCapacity: 100000
      maxDevices: 100
      deviceMessageQueueSize: 100
      pingPeriod: "45s"
      idlePeriod: "135s"
      requestTimeout: "15s"
      method: "POST"
      requestTimeout: "125s"
      defaultScheme: "http"
        - "http"
        - "https"
      outboundQueueSize: 1000
      workerPoolSize: 100
        maxIdleConns: 0
        maxIdleConnsPerHost: 100
        idleConnTimeout: "120s"
      clientTimeout: "160s"
      authKey: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
    authKey: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


    defaultScheme: http

Scytale configuration

Edit the configuration file under /etc/scytale and modify following values

"fqdn"             : Fully qualified domain name of the server
"server"          : Listening IP address (using "localhost" will allow connections only from the current machine.)

"endpoints"    : Under "fanout" section, change the IP / Port value to match to the one where Talaria service is listening.

"authHeader" : Auth token Use the auth token which was generated in previous section

"file"                : Under "log" section, change the value from "stdout" to a file name if we need to redirect debug messages to a separate log file.

Add the "aws" section with following values for suppressing few error messages 

   "aws": {
          "accessKey": "fake",
           "secretKey": "fake",
           "env": "fake",
           "sns": {
               "region": "us-east-1",
               "topicArn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:999999999999:fake",
               "urlPath" : "/api/v2/aws/sns"

This will set AWS & SNS parameters with fake ones since we don't use actual keys and SNS (amazon simple notification service) in the current setup.

Sample configuration [/etc/scytale/scytale.yaml]

#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP Headers Configuration

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Scytale-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
server: "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"

# Provides this build number to the X-Tr1d1um-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
build: "0.1.4-1"

# Provides the region information to the X-Tr1d1um-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Tr1d1um-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
flavor: "mint"

# WebPA Service configuration

# For a complete view of the service config structure,
# checkout https://godoc.org/github.com/Comcast/webpa-common/server#WebPA

#   Primary Endpoint Configuration

# primary provides the configuration for the main server for this application
  address: ":7000"

#   Health Endpoint Configuration

# health defines the details needed for the health check endpoint.  The
# health check endpoint is generally used by services (like AWS Route53
# or consul) to determine if this particular machine is healthy or not.
  address: ":7001"

#   Debugging/Pprof Configuration

# pprof defines the details needed for the pprof debug endpoint.
# (Optional)
  address: ":7002"

#   Metrics Configuration

# metric defines the details needed for the prometheus metrics endpoint
# (Optional)
  address: ":7082"
    # namespace is the namespace of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    namespace: "webpa"

    # subsystem is the subsystem of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    subsystem: "scytale"

  fanoutTimeout: "125s"
  clientTimeout: "45s"
      - "http://localhost:8080/api/v2/device"
  authorization: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

#   Logging Related Configuration

# log configures the logging subsystem details
  # file is the name of the most recent log file.  If set to "stdout" this
  # will log to os.Stdout.
  # (Optional) defaults to os.TempDir()
  file: "/var/log/scytale/scytale.log"

  # level is the logging level to use - INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR
  # (Optional) defaults to ERROR
  level: "DEBUG"

  # maxsize is the maximum log file size in MB
  # (Optional) defaults to max 100MB
  maxsize: 50

  # maxage is the maximum number of days to retain old log files
  # (Optional) defaults to ignore age limit (0)
  maxage: 30

  # maxbackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain
  # (Optional) defaults to retain all (0)
  maxbackups: 10

  # json is a flag indicating whether JSON logging output should be used.
  # (Optional) defaults to false
  json: true
  accessKey: "fake-accessKey"
  secretKey: "fake-secretKey"
  env: "fake-env"
    awsEndpoint: http://goaws:4100
    region: "ap-east-1"
    topicArn: "arn:aws:sns:ap-east-1:999999999991:fake-env"
    urlPath: "/api/v2/aws/sns"
waitForDns: 0
authHeader: ["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]
  duration: 1
  authHeader: <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Tr1d1um configuration

Edit the configuration file from /etc/tr1d1um to set following parameters

"fqdn"             : Fully qualified domain name of server

"server"          : IP Address to which the service has to listen

"version"        : Current version of the service

"region"          : Region of deployment

"flavor"           : Development, Production etc.

"address"       : Under "primary" section, change the value to point to the port where tr1d1um service will listen for incoming requests.

"targetURL"   : Change to IP-Address:Port value where SCYTALE service is running.

"authHeader" : Auth token Use the auth token which was generated in previous section.

"aws"              : Add fake values as described previously.

Sample configuration file [/etc/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.yaml]

#   Labeling/Tracing via HTTP Headers Configuration

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  It is provided to
# the X-Tr1d1um-Server header for showing what server fulfilled the request
# sent.
# (Optional)
server: "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"

# Provides this build number to the X-Tr1d1um-Build header for
# showing machine version information.  The build number SHOULD
# match the scheme `version-build` but there is not a strict requirement.
# (Optional)
build: "0.1.2-1"

# Provides the region information to the X-Tr1d1um-Region header
# for showing what region this machine is located in.  The region
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
region: "east"

# Provides the flavor information to the X-Tr1d1um-Flavor header
# for showing what flavor this machine is associated with.  The flavor
# is arbitrary and optional.
# (Optional)
flavor: "mint"

# WebPA Service configuration

# For a complete view of the service config structure,
# checkout https://godoc.org/github.com/Comcast/webpa-common/server#WebPA

#   Primary Endpoint Configuration

# primary provides the configuration for the main server for this application
  address: ":9003"

#   Health Endpoint Configuration

# health defines the details needed for the health check endpoint.  The
# health check endpoint is generally used by services (like AWS Route53
# or consul) to determine if this particular machine is healthy or not.
  address: ":9004"

#   Debugging/Pprof Configuration

# pprof defines the details needed for the pprof debug endpoint.
# (Optional)
  address: ":9005"

#   Metrics Configuration

# metric defines the details needed for the prometheus metrics endpoint
# (Optional)
  address: ":9082"
    # namespace is the namespace of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    namespace: "webpa"

    # subsystem is the subsystem of the metrics provided
    # (Optional)
    subsystem: "tr1d1um"

#   Logging Related Configuration

# log configures the logging subsystem details
  # file is the name of the most recent log file.  If set to "stdout" this
  # will log to os.Stdout.
  # (Optional) defaults to os.TempDir()
  file: "/var/log/tr1d1um/tr1d1um.log"

  # level is the logging level to use - INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR
  # (Optional) defaults to ERROR
  level: "DEBUG"

  # maxsize is the maximum log file size in MB
  # (Optional) defaults to max 100MB
  maxsize: 50

  # maxage is the maximum number of days to retain old log files
  # (Optional) defaults to ignore age limit (0)
  maxage: 30

  # maxbackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain
  # (Optional) defaults to retain all (0)
  maxbackups: 10

  # json is a flag indicating whether JSON logging output should be used.
  # (Optional) defaults to false
  json: true

# Webhooks Related configuration

# webhooksEnabled indicates whether or not the webhooks server should be started
# It is disabled for local testing
webhooksEnabled: false

# The unique fully-qualified-domain-name of the server.  The webhooks library uses it
# to know which host to use to confirm this service is ready to receive events
# (Optional if not running webhooks)
fqdn: "tr1d1um-local-instance-123.example.com"

# start contains configuration for the logic by which Tr1d1um can
# fetch the current WebPA webhooks without having to wait for SNS
# It does so by pinging the rest of the cluter at the specified apiPath
# More detaisl at https://godoc.org/github.com/Comcast/webpa-common/webhook#StartConfig
  # duration is the max amount of time allowed to wait for webhooks data to be retrieved
  duration: "20s"

  # path used to query the existing webhooks
  apiPath: http://localhost:6100/hooks

# Webhooks DNS readiness Configuration

# WaitForDns is the duration the webhooks library will wait for this server's DNS record to be
# propagated. This waiting logic is important so AWS SNS webhook confirmations are not missed
waitForDns: "30s"

#soa stands for Start of Authority and it's a type of record in a DNS
  # provider is the SOA provider used to verify DNS record readiness of this service
  provider: "example-123.awsdns-00.com:17"

# Webhooks AWS SNS Configuration

# aws provides the AWS SNS configurations the webhooks library needs
  #AWS access key
  accessKey: "fake-accessKey"

  #AWS secret key
  secretKey: "fake-secretKey"

  env: local-dev

    # awsEndpoint is the AWS endpoint
    # this must be left out in produ
    awsEndpoint: http://goaws:4100

    #region is the AWS SNS region
    region: "us-east-1"

    # topicArn describes the SNS topic this server needs to subscribe to
    topicArn: arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:xmidt-local-caduceus

    #urlPath is the URL path SNS will use to confirm a subscription with this server
    urlPath: "/api/v2/aws/sns"

# Testing Authorization Credentials

# authHeader is a list of Basic Auth credentials intended to be used for local testing purposes
# WARNING! Be sure to remove this from your production config
authHeader: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

# WRP and XMiDT Cloud configurations

# targetURL is the base URL of the XMiDT cluster
targetURL: http://localhost:7000

# WRPSource is used as 'source' field for all outgoing WRP Messages
WRPSource: "dns:tr1d1um.xmidt.comcast.net"

# supportedServices is a list of endpoints we support for the WRP producing endpoints
# we will soon drop this configuration
  - "config"

# HTTP Transaction Configurations

# clientTimeout is the timeout for the HTTP clients used to contact the XMiDT cloud
clientTimeout: "135s"

# respWaitTimeout is the max time Tr1d1um will wait for responses from the XMiDT cloud
respWaitTimeout: "129s"

# netDialerTimeout is the timeout used for the net dialer used within HTTP clients
netDialerTimeout: "5s"

# requestRetryInterval is the time between HTTP request retries against XMiDT
requestRetryInterval: "2s"

# requestMaxRetries is the max number of times an HTTP request is retried against XMiDT in
# case of ephemeral errors
requestMaxRetries: 2

Enable the services at boot-up

CentOS 7 uses a systemd based boot-up mechanism. Hence below commands will enable the required services.

$ sudo systemctl enable talaria
$ sudo systemctl enable scytale
$ sudo systemctl enable tr1d1um

WebPA Client Setup

Parodus is the client-end service running on the RDK-V CPE devices which establishes a connection with webPA service on device boot-up and delivers request-response between the webPA server & CPE device services. Parodus provides following functionalities in a CPE device.

Websocket client: Nopoll library used as Websocket Client.  It allows building pure WebSocket solutions or to provide WebSocket support to existing TCP oriented applications. Nopoll handles all the messages coming from or to the server asynchronously.

Nanomsg Server: Parodus acts as Nanomsg server to distribute messages upstream and downstream.

Configuring Parodus

RDK Video Devices

Edit parodus startup script for enabling the CPE device to use local webPA server

--webpa-url       :  Set with IP Address and Port of talaria service

--force-ipv4       : Force use of IPv4 for communication.

vi /lib/rdk/startParodus.sh
/bin/systemctl set-environment PARODUS_CMD=" --hw-mac=$HwMac --webpa-ping-time=$PingWaitTime --webpa-interface-used=$NwInterface --webpa-url=http://<WEBPA_SERVER_IP> --partner-id=comcast --webpa-backoff-max=9 --force-ipv4 --ssl-cert-path=$SSL_CERT_FILE"

Restart the service after changes are done.

# systemctl restart parodus

Remove the jwt related parameters from PARODUS_CMD e.g. (-acquire-jwt,  --dns-txt-url, --jwt-public-key-file, --jwt-algo etc.)

RDK Broadband Devices

Edit parodus startup script for enabling the CPE device to use local webPA server

ServerURL       :  Set to IP Address and Port of talaria service.

--force-ipv4       : Force use of IPv4 for communication.

vi /lib/rdk/parodus_start.sh
   command="/usr/bin/parodus --hw-model=$ModelName --hw-serial-number=$SerialNumber --hw-manufacturer=$Manufacturer --hw-last-reboot-reason=$LastRebootReason --fw-name=$FirmwareName --boot-time=$BootTime --hw-mac=$HW_MAC --webpa-ping-time=180 --webpa-interface-used=erouter0 --webpa-url=$ServerURL --webpa-backoff-max=$BackOffMax  --parodus-local-url=$PARODUS_URL --partner-id= --ssl-cert-path=$SSL_CERT_PATH --force-ipv4 "

start the service after changes are done.

#  rm –rf /tmp/parodusCmd.cmd
# systemctl restart parodus

Debugging & log files

Log files

server logs

  • WebPA server logs are distributed among following locations.
    • /var/log/<webpa-service>/ : keeps debug log files.
        • supervisord.log : Log messages related to service boot-up & initialization
        • console.out       : console logs (debug message will appear here if "file": "stdout" is configured in <webpa-service>.json file
    • /var/run/<webpa-service>/ : keeps service specific debug messages
      • <service-name>Log.log : component specific debug messages will appear here if "file" : "fileName.log" is configured in <webpa-service>.json file

Client logs

Parodus service log file is located as /opt/logs/parodus.log, provides debug information such as connection details, service initialization, which protocols are enabled/disabled etc.

Common Errors

Service fails to start (Specific to older CentOS 6.x releases)

When we see an error similar to the below, it is related to zookeeper service failed to load or not running currently. restarting zookeeper & subsequent restart of other services solves the issue.

$ cat talariaLog.log
ts=2018-01-16T13:14:55.143587713Z caller=talaria.go:133 level=error msg="Unable to obtain service discovery instancer" error="zk: could not connect to a server"

Use cases

Downstream request

[External Application --> CPE Device] (e.g. Query from a dashboard application to request for how long has a specific router been up):

      1. External service request goes to tr1d1um service
      2. tr1d1um forwards the request to Scytale API server cluster
      3. Scytale sends request to talaria server cluster
      4. Talaria then sends request to appropriate WebPA device

Upstream request

[CPE Device --> external service] (e.g. WebPA client notifications to external services, for instance, at boot time):

      1. Request is sent through the same web socket connection that is established to Talaria
      2. Talaria sends request upstream to Scytale
      3. Scytale sends request to external service.

Testing the connection

Using Postman GUI application

Postman is a powerful HTTP client for testing web services.Get Postman from here

  1. Launch Postman and create a GET request
    Compose the request by specifying webPA service IP, Device MAC & request parameter.

  2. Add an authorization token (This token should match with the one configured with webPA server-end components.
    Click on Authorization tab and select bearer token as Type

  3. Send the API request to webPA server & check the result

Using console command

AUTH_TOKEN       : Basic base64 encoded auth token or SAT (if enabled).

WEBPA-URL          : URL of Tr1d1um service in IP:PORT format.

DEVICE_MAC        :  MAC address of the CPE device.

PARAMETER         : GET/SET Parameter that need to be requested.

GET Parameter
$ curl -H ''Authorization:Basic <AUTH_TOKEN>' -i http://<WEBPA-URL>/api/v2/device/mac:<DEVICE_MAC>/config?names=<PARAMETER>
$ curl -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA==' -i http://<WEBPA_SERVER_IP:PORT>/api/v2/device/mac:84e058575831/config?names=Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName
SET Parameter
$ curl -X PATCH http://<IP>:9003/api/v2/device/mac:<MAC>/config -d '{"parameters": [ {"dataType": 0, "name": "<TR181_PARAM>", "value": "<Value-to-Set>"}]}' -H 'Authorization:Basic <TOKEN>' e.g.
$ curl -X PATCH -d '{"parameters": [ {"dataType": 0, "name": "Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.SSID", "value": "Testing"}]}' -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MAo='

List of connected Devices

$ curl -H "<AUTH_TOKEN>" http://<IP>:8080/api/v2/devices
e.g. curl -H "Authorization: Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MA==" http://<webpa_serverURL>:8080/api/v2/devices

Common TR181 parameters

  • No labels


  1. Unknown User (gprasad)

    Would you be able to provide an example on how to set a parameter on the RDK device. For example, if we need to change the SSID.



    1. Unknown User (karan.negi)

      1.a Setting the SSID Password :

      curl -X PATCH -d '{"parameters": [ {"dataType": 0, "name": "Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.SSID", "value": "Testing"}]}' -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MAo='

      1.b Getting the SSID for the board.

      curl -X GET '' -H 'Authorization:Basic d2VicGFAMTIzNDU2Nzg5MAo='

  2. @Ganesh Sahu

    Could you please provide an example to set/get attributes for tr069 webpa client.

    Thanks and Regards,


  3. Unknown User (mahesh.singh)

    Hi Unknown User (gprasad)

    what is the connection between webpa and xconf server, Any documentation is there to check.

    1. As such they don't have any connection between them.

      While xconf is for pushing device specific configurations to CPE, webPA is for remote device management.

      You can refer the xconf server section in wiki for mote details on xconf

      1. Unknown User (mahesh.singh)

        Thanks for the update.

        How do I add a new device config parameter using curl command ?

        I am able to use GET and PATCH.

        I have checked the source code there are other commands like PUT.

        Is there any example available ?

  4. Unknown User (mahesh.singh)

    I have raspberry pi 3 B+ I am able to install RDK-B image on it.

    I am not able to find parodus logs in it.

    Can anyone please let me know where I can find the logs.

    I am trying to setup a connection between rasp pi and my Web server. 

    1. You can use journalctl -xu parodus or can look for parodus.log in the log folder i.e. /rdklogs/logs/. If you have face issues please log a ticket in jira.rdkcentral.com

  5. Unknown User (mahesh.singh)

    Hi Unknown User (gprasad)

    Is there any feature in xconf server to update webpa cluster url in device ?

    1. As of now we don't have a provision to update the webPA url from xconf.

  6. Unknown User (mahesh.singh)

    Hi  Unknown User (gprasad)

    Can you share the steps to setup themis as key server for authorization to scytale.

    1. HiUnknown User (mahesh.singh) , themis was not part of the community XMidt server, we will discuss with developer and update the wiki.

  7. Unknown User (mahesh.singh)

    Is there a way to configure url having "https://" instead of "http://"  in fanout configuration in scytale. 

    1. We need to follow required procedure to generate the certificate/keys. and after that add to the component configuration 

  8. Unknown User (rajeshjose)

    We are looking at webpa to support management of RDK based devices...Very very new to webpa and trying to understand how this fits in. Few questions:

    • If I understand, applications will be consuming data from device via tr1d1um component of Xmidt/WebPA which is a cloud hosted infrastructure, right?
    • WebPA server cluster is cloud hosted by any specific vendor or can that be deployed as as part of an onprem management application serving only that application? Technically it should be possible, but question is, is that the way it is conceived?
    • How an application can onboard/discover a webpa managed devices? How does application know which devices are connected to webpa server? Should that be separate provided to application through a separate workflow outside the scope of WebPA?
    • Other than using http(s) to get/set parameters on devices via WebPA server, is it possible to receive data/notification from device periodically? Mainly for bulk data collection with say 5-10 minutes interval. Is it possible to share some sample code for bulk data collection or subscribing to for bulk data reporting?
    • Is there a client (manage application side) library available to talk to tr1d1um or we can use plain HTTP libraries?
    • Is the WebSocket interface of "Parodus" standard and published? Can that be directly used by applications? Is that a recommended way to leverage it?
    1. Hi Rajesh,

      Please find the response inline.

      • If I understand, applications will be consuming data from device via tr1d1um component of Xmidt/WebPA which is a cloud hosted infrastructure, right? Yes
      • WebPA server cluster is cloud hosted by any specific vendor or can that be deployed as as part of an onprem management application serving only that application? Technically it should be possible, but question is, is that the way it is conceived? WebPA cluster should be deployed by the operators as part of their cloud infrastructure for managing devices part of their ecosystem.
      • How an application can onboard/discover a webpa managed devices? How does application know which devices are connected to webpa server? Should that be separate provided to application through a separate workflow outside the scope of WebPA? Connection to WebPA cluster is configured & initiated by the CPE device, so 3rd party applications can connect to the cluster and reach the connected devices 
      • Other than using http(s) to get/set parameters on devices via WebPA server, is it possible to receive data/notification from device periodically? Mainly for bulk data collection with say 5-10 minutes interval. Is it possible to share some sample code for bulk data collection or subscribing to for bulk data reporting? Notification can be received from devices on certain events or when the value of tr181 parameter change. As such devices doesn't do bulk data reporting to webPA, it is the applications that may fetch what device parameter they wish to. But using webPA calls, one can trigger a bulk data upload on the client device that might be handled by some other component on device end.
      • Is there a client (manage application side) library available to talk to tr1d1um or we can use plain HTTP libraries? CPE devices talks with talaria. 3rd party applications can use HTTP/REST to communicate with tr1d1um.
      • Is the WebSocket interface of "Parodus" standard and published? Can that be directly used by applications? Is that a recommended way to leverage it? All the interfaces are open-sourced and application can use if they want to.
      1. Unknown User (rajeshjose)

        Thank you Unknown User (gprasad)

        For the 3rd question on on boarding devices, how does the application get to know which CPE devices are connected to cluster and what are their ids? I see following possible options. 

        1. I see there is a notification available from cluster when a device connects/reboots. Listen for that notification and keep a list of devices and their ids in the application 
        2. Manually configure the list of devices and theirs ids in the application

        Is this how its is done in WebPA world or is there any other way?

      2. Unknown User (gprasad) Regarding your point on notification to be received for TR181 parameter change, I see when I change the parameter via WebUI or via the WebPA PATCH curl command (example above), I see the first notification is received but then on any change in value is not notified. Internally in Parodus2CCSP, I see a check to compare old and new CMC values which seems to not change from the second initiation onwards.

        • Is this expected behaviour - that we shall only notify on source change - that too only once?
        • For notification of parameters, I see the information shared are the device_id, cmc and cid values - but I don't see either the param or value in the async notification. Is this something to be added later or is the application expected to fetch these values on sync notification?
        • Is there a mechanism for the applications on the cloud to register for specific parameter changes to be notified from the client?
        • What is a CMC and CID - I am sorry I am not able to find any references.

        Thanks for your help in advance.

        1. Unknown User (gprasad)  Any update on the above queries?

          1. Unknown User (gp) Can you please share the command you have used?

            1. Unknown User (gprasad)  Thanks for the reply. I tried to change the lease time manually using both dmcli and through the web UI (Device.DHCPv4.Server.Pool.1.LeaseTime). The observation was that it is getting filtered in the parodus2ccsp component where it checks for old and new CMC id and after my first update, the CMC value does not change and a sync notification event is not getting generated anymore.

              1. Parameter value change notification will be triggered whenever there is a change triggered from any protocol agent (PAs -UI, dmcli, webpa, snmp etc) 

                CMC indicates the change source -indicating which PA changed the value. CID is the configuration ID which tracks the change.

                This 2 values are used by cloud to detect if there is any value change.

                First time when a value is changed, it will change CMC and CID values and trigger notification. And next time if the change is from the same PA, WebPA will not send notification again, as cloud is already informed that value is changed

                Based on this notifications, cloud will try to sync with CPE by sending TEST_AND_SET requests to WebPA and set CMC to 512 finally.

                1. Unknown User (gprasad) Thanks for the quick response again. A couple of questions

                  1. Can the SYNC notification also contain information on old and new values so that a cloud SYNC call can be avoided?
                  2. The list of notification parameters is hardcoded today. Will that be made configurable in the future?
                  3. If a customer changes a parameter multiple times via WebUI, the notification should still be sent multiple times assuming the WebPA does a TEST_AND_SET and set CMC to 512 right - probably I am missing something.
                  1. The format for sync notification just contains cmc and cid values

                    WEBPA: Notification payload: {"device_id":"mac:<devicemac>","cmc":648,"cid":"61f4db9"}

                    old and new values are not send in notification, this notify is just to inform that something has changed in device, and webpa indicating to sync with this device.
                    Once XPC gets sync notification from WebPA, cloud will send set of GET requests which queries all parameters in which cloud is interested in & get the new values for those params from device and will update cloud DB 
                    also will send a TEST_AND_SET and set the cmc to 512 once it is updated in cloud DB
                    1. No, it does not contain old and new values. Notification contains CMC and CID value to indicate something in device has changed.
                    2. No plans as of today
                    3. Same as Point #1. sync works based on the GET requests for cloud parameters. Cloud will do set of GET requests and get it synced with device by updating new values in cloud DB and also set CMC to 512 as part of test_and_set request.

  9. Unknown User (suhesh.sudhakaran)

    Hi Unknown User (gprasad),

    I was trying to use the below webpa api which was there in swagger : https://swagger.webpa.comcast.net/#!/webpa/addRow

    POST /device/{device_id}/config/{table}

    My post request url is :

    Body :

    [{"name":"Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.SSID","row": "rowAb2","value":"Test_RS_PI_123_WIFI2"}]

    I get the below response:

    "message": "row property is invalid"

    Could you please help on  this as to what needs to be changed.

  10. Unknown User (ijacinto)

    Does anyone know the port number of tr1d1um and SCYTALE???

    1. The port number are configurable but for a single node scenario we run scytale  in 7000 and tr1d1um in 9003

  11. Hello,

    My client seems able to regist to server. But, when I try to retrive Device.DeviceInfo.Manufacturer, I always got is 400 bad request.

    log from tr1d1um.log shows connection refused when sending request to webhooks.

    Misconfiguration in tr1d1um? 


    {"bindAddress":":9003","level":"debug","listenAddress":"[::]:9003","listenNetwork":"tcp","msg":"accepted connection","remoteAddress":"","serverName":"tr1d1um","ts":"2021-04-27T09:24:14.971965795Z"}
    {"caller":"constructor.go:138","key":"Basic","level":"debug","method":"GET","msg":"authentication added to context","requestHeaders":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Authorization":["Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg=="],"User-Agent":["curl/7.29.0"]},"requestURL":"/api/v2/device/mac:ccd42e154be4/config","span-id":"c3d6629fdcca8af4","token":{},"trace-id":"82fd498865cbd0fbf81c88b871da1c11","ts":"2021-04-27T09:24:14.972286202Z"}
    {"caller":"enforcer.go:91","level":"debug","method":"GET","msg":"authentication accepted by enforcer","requestHeaders":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Authorization":["Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg=="],"User-Agent":["curl/7.29.0"]},"requestURL":"/api/v2/device/mac:ccd42e154be4/config","span-id":"c3d6629fdcca8af4","trace-id":"82fd498865cbd0fbf81c88b871da1c11","ts":"2021-04-27T09:24:14.972363022Z"}
    {"caller":"utils.go:81","duration":"1.808891ms","level":"info","msg":"record","request":{"address":"","path":"/api/v2/device/mac:ccd42e154be4/config","query":"names=Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName","method":"GET"},"response":{"code":400,"headers":{"X-Midt-Span-Id":["c3d6629fdcca8af4"],"X-Midt-Trace-Id":["82fd498865cbd0fbf81c88b871da1c11"],"X-Scytale-Build":["0.1.4"],"X-Scytale-Flavor":["mint"],"X-Scytale-Region":["east"],"X-Scytale-Server":[""],"X-Scytale-Start-Time":["27 Apr 21 09:23 UTC"],"X-Tr1d1um-Build":["0.1.3-434"],"X-Tr1d1um-Flavor":["mint"],"X-Tr1d1um-Region":["east"],"X-Tr1d1um-Server":[""],"X-Tr1d1um-Start-Time":["27 Apr 21 09:23 UTC"],"X-Webpa-Transaction-Id":["zQF6htK7dm-V7o9C1lsQrA"]}},"satClientID":"user123","span-id":"c3d6629fdcca8af4","tid":"zQF6htK7dm-V7o9C1lsQrA","trace-id":"82fd498865cbd0fbf81c88b871da1c11","ts":"2021-04-27T09:24:14.974310118Z"}
    {"error":"http client failed while sending request: Get \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get items for listeners","ts":"2021-04-27T09:24:18.042488333Z"}


    curl -H 'Authorization:Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg==' -i ''
    HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    X-Midt-Span-Id: 3aa9c76583fcf436
    X-Midt-Trace-Id: e7a6d8bbad3cf5d2792d1682f6ae5502
    X-Scytale-Build: 0.1.4
    X-Scytale-Flavor: mint
    X-Scytale-Region: east
    X-Scytale-Server: localhost
    X-Scytale-Start-Time: 27 Apr 21 08:45 UTC
    X-Tr1d1um-Build: 0.1.3-434
    X-Tr1d1um-Flavor: mint
    X-Tr1d1um-Region: east
    X-Tr1d1um-Server: localhost
    X-Tr1d1um-Start-Time: 27 Apr 21 08:45 UTC
    X-Webpa-Transaction-Id: CrCRX8Wa1nFizYhe5jFqmA
    Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2021 09:09:38 GMT
    Content-Length: 0

    curl -H 'Authorization:Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg==' -i ''

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/jsonebe4", "pending": 0, "statistics": {"bytesSent": 0, "messagesSent": 0, "bytesReceived": 558, "messagesReceived": 1, "duplications": 0, "connectedAt": "2021-04-27T08:49:34.361204263Z", "upTime": "16m5.356395748s"}}]}

    1. It looks like a configuration issue as the communication between Scytale and Talaria not happening. Talaria is up because we are able to retrieve the devices list. 

      You may need to see logs of those components also to trace this issue.

      1. Hi Unknown User (gprasad) 

        Thanks for you comments. Now, I downgrades these three services - talaria, tr1d1um and scytale to 0.1.3, 0.1.2 and 0.1.4 respectively. I am able to get device list and the RESTful commands are also working.

  12. Hello, 

    I'm trying to run parodus with mtls feature. the certifacates were ready.  Also configured certificateFile and keyFile in talaria.yaml.

    But, I got one error message from talaria.log

    {"caller":"webpa.go:244","error":"open : no such file or directory","level":"error","msg":"Error in reading ClientCACertFile ","ts":"2021-06-08T07:25:43.53186511Z"}

    Seems the log is output from webpa-common.

    anyone know how to config the path of ClientCACertFile?

    1. Unknown User (karthika.a)

      Hi Unknown User (jared_huang) ,

      We have not yet verified mTLS with community webpa server yet.

      The certificatefile and keyfile are added in talaria.yaml as below:

      certificateFile: "/etc/talaria/public.pem"

      keyFile: "/etc/talaria/private.pem"

      In client side the certificate files are usually present in the path /usr/ccsp/parodus/  .



  13. Unknown User (mohanaacharib)

    Hi Unknown User (gprasad) 

    Is there any package which supports front end webui for this webpa server?



    1. Unknown User (karthika.a)

      Hi @Mohana ,

      The Webpa setup provided here is a minimal webpa cluster with talaria,scytale,tr1d1um.

      If you are looking for an interface  that provide service monitoring, service discovery information ,query metrics info  from configured targets at given intervals  and display results ,then you might want to consider including prometheus  in your webpa cluster which can provide a UI interface for tracking the webpa services to an extent. More information on prometheus and the build steps are specified at https://github.com/xmidt-org/prometheus-rpms-centos6

      After integration with your cluster ,you can reach Prometheus at http://<ip>:9090/ in your browser.



  14. user-cd062

    Some of the information in this document is very out of date.  For example, Xmidt migrated from Zookeeper to Consul, and the build system migrated to Go modules instead of using Glide for dependency management.  There are also resources to support Docker Compose in the public repository.

    For the latest, see https://xmidt.io/docs/operating/getting_started/.

    1. Hi Unknown User (jc) , We are upgrading the RDK community webPA server to recent releases & with that the wiki page will also be modified. We will reach out to you for further information.



  15. Unknown User (mudekrishna.naick)

    Hi Team,

    Please suggest me where can I find webPA component REST API document..?

    Thanks & Regards,


  16. Hello Team,

    I am getting following error:

    ts=2021-09-09T04:44:33.887602706Z level=error msg="All HTTP transaction retries failed" url= error="dial tcp connect: connection refused" retries=1
    ts=2021-09-09T04:44:33.887673518Z caller=workerPool.go:81 level=error msg="HTTP transaction error" error="Post dial tcp connect: connection refused"

    My all three services (talaria,  scytale, tr1d1um) are running on same ip

    Can anyone pls hel resolve the above errors, pls.
    1. Unknown User (karthika.a)

      Hi Unknown User (tarungoswami) ,

      From the logs shared in the above comment , I assume that it is coming from talaria service.

      The above error messages are coming from the following lines from the talaria.yaml(The actual caduceus port is 6000):

          # eventEndpoints is a map defining where to send the events to,
            default: http://localhost::6000/api/v3/notify

            default: http://localhost:6000/api/v3/notify

      The api/v3/notify is the caduceus endpoint to receive events and as shared by you the caduceus service is not part of your webpa cluster .So to eliminate the error ,I will suggest to bring in caduceus service.

      The github repo for caduceus is available at :https://github.com/xmidt-org/caduceus

      Despite the above error, if talaria,  scytale and tr1d1um are  properly configured the Webpa get and set should be a success and the basic functionality shouldn't be affected.

      Please let me know if you need more assistance.



      1. Thanks Unknown User (karthika.a) 

        You are right, its from talaria and basic functionality is working, but just wanted to make sure, I have no errors. I did set up caduceus , but agina on caduceus  I get following errors and the errors on talaria continue

        Do we need Amazon Notification service for the same?

        {"error":"http client failed while sending request: Get \"http://localhost:6600/api/v1/store/webhooks\": dial tcp [::1]:6600: connect: connection refused","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get items for listeners","ts":"2021-09-09T07:09:58.617693231Z"}
        {"error":"http client failed while sending request: Get \"http://localhost:6600/api/v1/store/webhooks\": dial tcp [::1]:6600: connect: connection refused","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get items for listeners","ts":"2021-09-09T07:10:03.618943643Z"}
        {"error":"http client failed while sending request: Get \"http://localhost:6600/api/v1/store/webhooks\": dial tcp [::1]:6600: connect: connection refused","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get items for listeners","ts":"2021-09-09T07:10:08.61721455Z"}
        {"error":"http client failed while sending request: Get \"http://localhost:6600/api/v1/store/webhooks\": dial tcp [::1]:6600: connect: connection refused","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get items for listeners","ts":"2021-09-09T07:10:13.618191113Z"}
        {"error":"http client failed while sending request: Get \"http://localhost:6600/api/v1/store/webhooks\": dial tcp [::1]:6600: connect: connection refused","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get items for listeners","ts":"2021-09-09T07:10:18.617169392Z"}
        {"error":"http client failed while sending request: Get \"http://localhost:6600/api/v1/store/webhooks\": dial tcp [::1]:6600: connect: connection refused","level":"error","msg":"Failed to get items for listeners","ts":"2021-09-09T07:10:23.617439193Z"}

        1. Unknown User (karthika.a)

          Hi Unknown User (tarungoswami) ,

          The caduceus service inturn depends on argus which is the XMiDT server for storing webhooks to be used by caduceus. This service is used to replace SNS.

          The argus endpoint is : http://argus:6600/

          Argus github repo: https://github.com/xmidt-org/argus

          The argus service depends on amazon dynamodb.

          From the new logs ,you are getting errors from the argus endpoint.You can configure argus to eliminate the errors.



          1. user-cd062

            DynamoDB is one of 3 available options as a backing DB for Argus.  It is not a hard dependency.  Test configurations should be using the in-memory option instead.

  17. Unknown User (vivek.j)

    Hi team how to test the WebPA client and server?
    And how to add parameter in xml file? And how to test? Give some examples.

    1. you can test from the parodus or by using the command line options such as curl. We can change the yml file associated with component to modify the params.

      Please refer this page for few of the command line examples with curl.

  18. can some on please explain about below parameters, these parameters are used in "TEST_AND_SET" operaiton.

    But i do not know how to  use them exactly adn what these fileds signify



    XPC Cid value before change to test



    XPC New Cid value after change



    XPC Cmc value before change to test



  19. Unknown User (vgosine_ctrlit)

    Question about the RDK-B parodus parameter webpa-ping-time. Is this a different parameter to the webpa-ping-timeout parameter, if so what is the difference between the two.

    1. Both of them are same (The maximum time to wait between pings before assuming the connection is broken) usually the timeout is set to 180 secs

      Please refer: https://github.com/xmidt-org/parodus/blob/master/README.md

  20. Unknown User (gprasad) 

    Do you have any documents to introduce the REST API of WebPA, especially for tr1d1um?

    Is there any REST API to support to reboot or upgrade the software of CPE?

    Thank you!

  21. Unknown User (vgosine_ctrlit)

    I am attempting to set a keep alive ping time of 29 minutes. I have set 

    pingPeriod: "1740s"
    idlePeriod: "1800s"

    In the talaria.yaml file. And on the device I have set --webpa-ping-time=1800 in parodus_start.sh.
    However I no longer connect to the device and cannot make requests.
    Can anyone guide me to where I am going wrong or if I am missing any steps?
    1. Hi Unknown User (vgosine_ctrlit) Please check whether the device connection request is processed by talaria and create a JIRA with error logs if the issue is not resolved. 

  22. Hi Unknown User (gprasad) ,

         I'm try to install the WebPA by following your step.  Thank you for the detail description.

         Where is the shell script 'build_rpm.sh' from? I can't find this file.

    4. Create the package
        $ mkdir $HOME/rpmbuild
        $ ./build_rpm.sh --no-sign
    Thank you!
  23. Hi  Unknown User (gprasad) ,

         At last when we run "$ sudo systemctl enable talaria", we find the service 'talaria‘ fails to start up as below:

    • [root@localhost talaria]# systemctl enable talaria
      Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/talaria.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/talaria.service.
      [root@localhost talaria]#
      [root@localhost talaria]#
      [root@localhost talaria]# systemctl status talaria
      ● talaria.service - The Xmidt API interface server.
         Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/talaria.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
         Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Fri 2022-10-28 05:10:14 EDT; 8min ago
      Main PID: 2416 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
    • Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: talaria.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
      Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit talaria.service entered failed state.
      Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: talaria.service failed.
      Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: talaria.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart.
      Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped The Xmidt API interface server..
      Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: start request repeated too quickly for talaria.service
      Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Failed to start The Xmidt API interface server..
      Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Unit talaria.service entered failed state.
      Oct 28 05:10:14 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: talaria.service failed.
      [root@localhost talaria]#

         Why does the service 'talaria' fail to boot up?

         Hope get your suggestion, thank you!



  24. Unknown User (brady)

    Unknown User (gprasad) when I GET any node bu "curl", it always returns HTTP 403 error as below. can you help to check why it happens?

    root@home:~# curl -H 'Authorization: Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg==' -i
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    X-Scytale-Build: 0.1.4-1
    X-Scytale-Flavor: mint
    X-Scytale-Region: east
    X-Scytale-Start-Time: 31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC
    X-Talaria-Build: 0.1.3-1
    X-Talaria-Flavor: mint
    X-Talaria-Region: east
    X-Talaria-Start-Time: 31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC
    X-Tr1d1um-Build: 0.1.2-1
    X-Tr1d1um-Flavor: mint
    X-Tr1d1um-Region: east
    X-Tr1d1um-Start-Time: 31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC
    X-Webpa-Transaction-Id: oXE-JR3Of1S188UeAR5rIg
    X-Xmidt-Span: "http://localhost:8080/api/v2/device/send","2022-11-11T08:01:52Z","683.002µs"
    Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 08:01:52 GMT
    Content-Length: 42
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

    {"code": 403, "message": "request denied"}root@home:~# 

    root@home:/var/log# curl -H 'Authorization:Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg==' -i ''
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: application/json
    X-Talaria-Build: 0.1.3-1
    X-Talaria-Flavor: mint
    X-Talaria-Region: east
    X-Talaria-Start-Time: 31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC
    Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 08:25:13 GMT
    Content-Length: 42

    {"code": 403, "message": "request denied"}root@home:/var/log# 

    ########cat talaria.log:

    2022-11-11T08:09:36.820399381Z level=error msg="All HTTP transaction retries failed" url= error="dial tcp connect: connection refused" retries=1
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.820445436Z caller=workerPool.go:81 level=error msg="HTTP transaction error" error="Post dial tcp connect: connection refused"
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.969463178Z serverName=talaria bindAddress=:8080 listenNetwork=tcp listenAddress=[::]:8080 level=debug msg="accepted connection" remoteAddress=
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.969888357Z caller=manager.go:140 level=debug msg="device connect" url=/api/v2/device
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.970101582Z caller=manager.go:178 level=info id=mac:5cfa2535cdc0 convey="unsupported value type"
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.970144254Z caller=manager.go:184 level=error id=mac:5cfa2535cdc0 msg="missing security information"
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.970500962Z caller=manager.go:193 level=debug id=mac:5cfa2535cdc0 msg="websocket upgrade complete" localAddress=
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.970743643Z caller=handlers.go:222 level=debug msg="Connected device" id=mac:5cfa2535cdc0
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.970817347Z caller=manager.go:353 level=debug id=mac:5cfa2535cdc0 msg="writePump starting"
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.971164255Z caller=manager.go:275 level=debug id=mac:5cfa2535cdc0 msg="readPump starting"
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.971264664Z level=error msg="All HTTP transaction retries failed" url= error="dial tcp connect: connection refused" retries=1
    ts=2022-11-11T08:09:36.971308819Z caller=workerPool.go:81 level=error msg="HTTP transaction error" error="Post dial tcp connect: connection refused"
    ts=2022-11-11T08:23:54.215333498Z serverName=talaria bindAddress=:8080 listenNetwork=tcp listenAddress=[::]:8080 level=debug msg="accepted connection" remoteAddress=
    ts=2022-11-11T08:23:54.215748476Z caller=authorizationHandler.go:127 level=error msg="request denied" validator-response=false validator-error=null sat-client-id= token="Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg==" method=GET url=/api/v2/devices user-agent=curl/7.69.1 content-length=0 remoteAddress=

    #############cat tr1d1um.log:

    {"caller":"utils.go:58","latency":"10.712224ms","level":"info","msg":"Bookkeeping response","requestAddress":"","requestMethod":"GET","requestURLPath":"/api/v2/device/mac:5cfa2535cdc0/config","requestURLQuery":"names=Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName","responseCode":403,"responseHeaders":{"X-Scytale-Build":["0.1.4-1"],"X-Scytale-Flavor":["mint"],"X-Scytale-Region":["east"],"X-Scytale-Server":[""],"X-Scytale-Start-Time":["31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC"],"X-Talaria-Build":["0.1.3-1"],"X-Talaria-Flavor":["mint"],"X-Talaria-Region":["east"],"X-Talaria-Server":[""],"X-Talaria-Start-Time":["31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC"],"X-Tr1d1um-Build":["0.1.2-1"],"X-Tr1d1um-Flavor":["mint"],"X-Tr1d1um-Region":["east"],"X-Tr1d1um-Server":[""],"X-Tr1d1um-Start-Time":["31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC"],"X-Webpa-Transaction-Id":["oXE-JR3Of1S188UeAR5rIg"],"X-Xmidt-Span":["\"http://localhost:8080/api/v2/device/send\",\"2022-11-11T08:01:52Z\",\"683.002µs\""]},"satClientID":"user123","tid":"oXE-JR3Of1S188UeAR5rIg","ts":"2022-11-11T08:01:52.590123469Z"}
    {"bindAddress":":9003","level":"debug","listenAddress":"[::]:9003","listenNetwork":"tcp","msg":"accepted connection","remoteAddress":"","serverName":"tr1d1um","ts":"2022-11-11T08:29:56.294386243Z"}
    {"caller":"constructor.go:79","key":"Basic","level":"debug","method":"GET","msg":"authentication added to context","requestHeaders":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Authorization":["Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg=="],"User-Agent":["curl/7.69.1"]},"requestURL":"/api/v2/device/mac:5cfa2535cdc0/config","token":{},"ts":"2022-11-11T08:29:56.294683788Z"}
    {"caller":"enforcer.go:73","level":"debug","method":"GET","msg":"authentication accepted by enforcer","requestHeaders":{"Accept":["*/*"],"Authorization":["Basic dXNlcjEyMzp3ZWJwYUAxMjM0NTY3ODkwCg=="],"User-Agent":["curl/7.69.1"]},"requestURL":"/api/v2/device/mac:5cfa2535cdc0/config","ts":"2022-11-11T08:29:56.294741183Z"}
    {"caller":"utils.go:58","latency":"8.858663ms","level":"info","msg":"Bookkeeping response","requestAddress":"","requestMethod":"GET","requestURLPath":"/api/v2/device/mac:5cfa2535cdc0/config","requestURLQuery":"names=Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName","responseCode":403,"responseHeaders":{"X-Scytale-Build":["0.1.4-1"],"X-Scytale-Flavor":["mint"],"X-Scytale-Region":["east"],"X-Scytale-Server":[""],"X-Scytale-Start-Time":["31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC"],"X-Talaria-Build":["0.1.3-1"],"X-Talaria-Flavor":["mint"],"X-Talaria-Region":["east"],"X-Talaria-Server":[""],"X-Talaria-Start-Time":["31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC"],"X-Tr1d1um-Build":["0.1.2-1"],"X-Tr1d1um-Flavor":["mint"],"X-Tr1d1um-Region":["east"],"X-Tr1d1um-Server":[""],"X-Tr1d1um-Start-Time":["31 Oct 22 01:42 UTC"],"X-Webpa-Transaction-Id":["EYTsASFc9QoobNtI85-mww"],"X-Xmidt-Span":["\"http://localhost:8080/api/v2/device/send\",\"2022-11-11T08:29:56Z\",\"4.403597ms\""]},"satClientID":"user123","tid":"EYTsASFc9QoobNtI85-mww","ts":"2022-11-11T08:29:56.303645531Z"}
    [root@localhost tr1d1um]#