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This page describes the lists of configuration ,compilation and installation errors while creating the zilker-sdk recipe in yocto build environment.
Please refer the below link for dunfell build steps ,
RPI 3B/3B+ Model Reference Platform
Recipe Path :
~/meta-cmf-broadband/recipes-iot/zilker-sdk/zilker-sdk_git.bb |
S.No | Recipe | Layer | Error/Warning | Root Cause | Action |
1 | zilker_sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | Error: Missing SRC_URI checksum | not added checksum | Added sha256sum checksum |
2 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | Error: zilker-sdk_git-r0 do_fetch: Fetcher failure for URL: | not add SRC_URI properly | SRC_URI = "${CMF_GITHUB_ROOT}/zilker-sdk;protocol=${CMF_GIT_PROTOCOL};branch=${CMF_GITHUB_MAIN_BRANCH};name=zilker-sdk" SRCREV_zilker-sdk = "${AUTOREV}" SRCREV_FORMAT .= "_zilker-sdk" |
3 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | fatal error: ccronexpr.h: No such file or directory | ccronexpr source code is not available in zilker-sdk/gitr0/git/source/services/automation/core/src | SRC_URI += "git://github.com/staticlibs/ccronexpr.git;protocol=https;destsuffix=git/source/services/automation/core/src/ccronexpr;name=zilker-ccronexpr" SRCREV_zilker-ccronexpr = "${AUTOREV}" SRCREV_FORMAT .= "_zilker-ccronexpr" |
4 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | error: cannot find -lccronexpr | linking Error | Need to remove the ccronexpr lib from ~/source/services/automation/core/CMakeLists.txt |
5 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | error: gradle command not found | gradle bin is not availble in comcast VM's | SRC_URI += "https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-4.8.1-bin.zip;name=zilker-gradle" |
6 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | Error : java command not found | java bin path is not visible to ipcGenerator script | sed -i "/set \-x/a export PATH=\$PATH:\${WORKDIR}/gradle-4.8.1/bin:/usr/bin" ${S}/tools/ipcGenerator/ipcGenerator.sh |
7 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | CMake Error at buildTools/cmake/configure.cmake:52 (message): Invalid CONFIG_PRODUCT specified. Call Stack (most recent call first): CMakeLists.txt:55 (include) | CONFIG_PRODUCT should be mapped with site-file.cmake | ln -fs ${S}/buildTools/cmake/products/pi.cmake ${WORKDIR}/site-file.cmake |
8 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | CMake Error at filesystem/cmake_install.cmake:69 (file): | file INSTALL cannot find | ~//zilker/git-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/bin/curl": | No such file or directory. | Call Stack (most recent call first): | cmake_install.cmake:86 (include) | 3rd-Party Dependencies are enabled | Disabled the 3rd-Party Dependencies |
9 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | CMake Error at buildTools/cmake/modules/AddZilkerAPI.cmake:52 (add_library): | ipcGenerator.sh execution gets failed | Need to export the gradle and java bin path via recipe or ipcGenerator script |
10 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | ERROR : CONFIG_CAP_ZIGBEE_TELEMETRY | zigbee package is enabled by default in source code | Need to disable the zigbee package by using the below line in recipe sed -i "s/ON DEPENDS/OFF DEPENDS/g" ${S}/buildTools/cmake/capabilities.cmake |
11 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in your PATH. | | Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the | location of your Java installation. | ipcGenerator.sh execution gets failed | Need to export the gradle and java bin path via recipe or ipcGenerator script |
12 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | Image folder is empty after the successful execution of zilker-sdk | oe-install command is not available in pi.cmake | echo "set(OE_INSTALL_PREFIX \"/opt/zilker\" CACHE INTERNAL \"\")" >> ${S}/buildTools/cmake/products/pi.cmake Added this line in zilker-sdk_git.bb |
13 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | lib folder is empty under the image directory after the successful execution of zilker-sdk | All lib are generated in /opt/zilker | mv ${D}${ZILKER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib/* ${D}/usr/lib |
14 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | xml file is missing after the successful execution of zilker-sdk | xml file is not generated in /opt/zilker | cp ${S}/source/services/rdkIntegration/config/XHFW.xml ${D}/usr/ccsp/xhfw |
15 | zilker-sdk_git.bb | meta-cmf-broadband | Error : Files are not shifted | FILES_${PN} needs to be added | FILES_${PN} += " \ ${ZILKER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/bin \ ${ZILKER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib \ ${ZILKER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include \ ${ZILKER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/sbin \ ${ZILKER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/etc \ ${ZILKER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/stock \ ${ZILKER_INSTALL_PREFIX}/ccsp \ /usr/lib/* \ /usr/ccsp/xhfw \ " |
Below list of libraries and binaries are generated by zilker-sdk recipe in rootfs folder in yocto build environment.
kpandu549@dvm-yocto3-docker-kpandu549:~/keerthana/jun1/build-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband/tmp/work/raspberrypi_rdk_broadband-rdk-linux-gnueabi/rdk-generic-broadband-image/1.0-r0/rootfs/opt/zilker$ ls bin etc include lib sbin stock kpandu549@dvm-yocto3-docker-kpandu549:~/keerthana/jun1/build-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband/tmp/work/raspberrypi_rdk_broadband-rdk-linux-gnueabi/rdk-generic-broadband-image/1.0-r0/rootfs/opt/zilker$ cd bin/ kpandu549@dvm-yocto3-docker-kpandu549:~/keerthana/jun1/build-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband/tmp/work/raspberrypi_rdk_broadband-rdk-linux-gnueabi/rdk-generic-broadband-image/1.0-r0/rootfs/opt/zilker/bin$ ls env.sh xhBackup.sh xhCronEventUtil xhProperties xhRestore.sh xhSetup.sh xhSystemInfo xhAutomationUtil xhBackupUtil xhDeviceUtil xhResetToFactoryDefaults xhServiceUtil xhStartup.sh kpandu549@dvm-yocto3-docker-kpandu549:~/keerthana/jun1/build-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband/tmp/work/raspberrypi_rdk_broadband-rdk-linux-gnueabi/rdk-generic-broadband-image/1.0-r0/rootfs/usr/lib$ ls -lh libxh* -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 18K Jun 1 12:01 libxhAutomationServiceAPI.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 14K Jun 1 12:01 libxhBackupRestoreServiceAPI.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 39K Jun 1 12:01 libxhCommServiceAPI.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 27K Jun 1 12:01 libxhConcurrent.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 22K Jun 1 12:01 libxhConfig.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 14K Jun 1 12:01 libxhCron.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 14K Jun 1 12:01 libxhCrypto.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 39K Jun 1 12:01 libxhCslt.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 18K Jun 1 12:01 libxhDeviceDescriptors.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 9.8K Jun 1 12:01 libxhDeviceHelper.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 93K Jun 1 12:01 libxhDeviceServiceAPI.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 9.7K Jun 1 12:01 libxhDeviceSimplified.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 39K Jun 1 12:01 libxhIpc.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 5.6K Jun 1 12:01 libxhJsonHelper.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 9.7K Jun 1 12:01 libxhJsonrpc.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 9.7K Jun 1 12:01 libxhLog.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 27K Jun 1 12:01 libxhPropsServiceAPI.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 14K Jun 1 12:01 libxhReset.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 5.6K Jun 1 12:01 libxhSolar.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 18K Jun 1 12:01 libxhSsdp.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 5.4K Jun 1 12:01 libxhSysInfoHAL.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 9.7K Jun 1 12:01 libxhSystem.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 9.7K Jun 1 12:01 libxhTime.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 18K Jun 1 12:01 libxhTypes.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 22K Jun 1 12:01 libxhUrlHelper.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 26K Jun 1 12:01 libxhUtil.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 23K Jun 1 12:01 libxhWatchdogServiceAPI.so -rwxr-xr-x 1 kpandu549 kpandu549 9.6K Jun 1 12:01 libxhXmlHelper.so