wifi_hal_telemetry.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  _wifi_radioTrafficStats2
struct  _wifi_ssidTrafficStats2
struct  _wifi_neighbor_ap2
struct  _wifi_rssi_snapshot
struct  _wifi_apRssi
struct  wifi_VAPTelemetry_t
 VAP Telemetry information. More...




typedef struct _wifi_radioTrafficStats2 wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t
typedef struct _wifi_ssidTrafficStats2 wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t
typedef struct _wifi_neighbor_ap2 wifi_neighbor_ap2_t
typedef struct _wifi_rssi_snapshot wifi_rssi_snapshot_t
typedef struct _wifi_apRssi wifi_apRssi_t


INT wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2 (INT radioIndex, wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
 Get detail radio traffic static info. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2 (INT ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
 Get the basic SSID traffic static info. More...
INT wifi_getRadioBandUtilization (INT radioIndex, INT *output_percentage)
 To read the radio band utilization. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult3 (INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev3_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size)
INT wifi_setClientDetailedStatisticsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 This function enabled/disabled collection of detailed statistics of associated clients on Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getRadioStatsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_enable)
 This API returns the radio enabled status. More...
INT wifi_setRadioStatsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 This API is to enable/disable radio status. More...
INT wifi_getVAPTelemetry (UINT apIndex, wifi_VAPTelemetry_t *telemetry)