Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * If not stated otherwise in this file or this component's LICENSE file the
3  * following copyright and licenses apply:
4  *
5  * Copyright 2016 RDK Management
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18 */
19 #ifndef __WIFI_HAL_TELEMETRY_H__
20 #define __WIFI_HAL_TELEMETRY_H__
22 #ifdef __cplusplus
23 extern "C"{
24 #endif
26 /**
27  * @addtogroup WIFI_HAL_TYPES
28  * @{
29  */
30 typedef struct _wifi_radioTrafficStats2
31 {
32  ULONG radio_BytesSent; /**< The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. */
33  ULONG radio_BytesReceived; /**< The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. */
34  ULONG radio_PacketsSent; /**< The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. */
35  ULONG radio_PacketsReceived; /**< The total number of packets received on the interface. */
37  ULONG radio_ErrorsSent; /**< The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. */
38  ULONG radio_ErrorsReceived; /**< The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. */
39  ULONG radio_DiscardPacketsSent; /**< The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. */
40  ULONG radio_DiscardPacketsReceived; /**< The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. */
41  ULONG radio_PLCPErrorCount; /**< The number of packets that were received with a detected Physical Layer Convergence Protocol (PLCP) header error. */
42  ULONG radio_FCSErrorCount; /**< The number of packets that were received with a detected FCS error. This parameter is based on dot11FCSErrorCount from [Annex C/802.11-2012]. */
43  ULONG radio_InvalidMACCount; /**< The number of packets that were received with a detected invalid MAC header error. */
44  ULONG radio_PacketsOtherReceived; /**< The number of packets that were received, but which were destined for a MAC address that is not associated with this interface. */
45  INT radio_NoiseFloor; /**< The noise floor for this radio channel where a recoverable signal can be obtained. Expressed as a signed integer in the range (-110:0). Measurement should capture all energy (in dBm) from sources other than Wi-Fi devices as well as interference from Wi-Fi devices too weak to be decoded. Measured in dBm */
46  ULONG radio_ChannelUtilization; /**< Percentage of time the channel was occupied by the radio's own activity (Activity Factor) or the activity of other radios. Channel utilization MUST cover all user traffic, management traffic, and time the radio was unavailable for CSMA activities, including DIFS intervals, etc. The metric is calculated and updated in this parameter at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The calculation of this metric MUST only use the data collected from the just completed interval. If this metric is queried before it has been updated with an initial calculation, it MUST return -1. Units in Percentage */
47  INT radio_ActivityFactor; /**< Percentage of time that the radio was transmitting or receiving Wi-Fi packets to/from associated clients. Activity factor MUST include all traffic that deals with communication between the radio and clients associated to the radio as well as management overhead for the radio, including NAV timers, beacons, probe responses,time for receiving devices to send an ACK, SIFC intervals, etc. The metric is calculated and updated in this parameter at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The calculation of this metric MUST only use the data collected from the just completed interval. If this metric is queried before it has been updated with an initial calculation, it MUST return -1. Units in Percentage */
48  INT radio_CarrierSenseThreshold_Exceeded; /**< Percentage of time that the radio was unable to transmit or receive Wi-Fi packets to/from associated clients due to energy detection (ED) on the channel or clear channel assessment (CCA). The metric is calculated and updated in this Parameter at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The calculation of this metric MUST only use the data collected from the just completed interval. If this metric is queried before it has been updated with an initial calculation, it MUST return -1. Units in Percentage */
49  INT radio_RetransmissionMetirc; /**< Percentage of packets that had to be re-transmitted. Multiple re-transmissions of the same packet count as one. The metric is calculated and updated in this parameter at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The calculation of this metric MUST only use the data collected from the just completed interval. If this metric is queried before it has been updated with an initial calculation, it MUST return -1. Units in percentage */
50  INT radio_MaximumNoiseFloorOnChannel; /**< Maximum Noise on the channel during the measuring interval. The metric is updated in this parameter at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The calculation of this metric MUST only use the data collected in the just completed interval. If this metric is queried before it has been updated with an initial calculation, it MUST return -1. Units in dBm */
51  INT radio_MinimumNoiseFloorOnChannel; /**< Minimum Noise on the channel. The metric is updated in this Parameter at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The calculation of this metric MUST only use the data collected in the just completed interval. If this metric is queried before it has been updated with an initial calculation, it MUST return -1. Units in dBm */
52  INT radio_MedianNoiseFloorOnChannel; /**< Median Noise on the channel during the measuring interval. The metric is updated in this parameter at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The calculation of this metric MUST only use the data collected in the just completed interval. If this metric is queried before it has been updated with an initial calculation, it MUST return -1. Units in dBm */
53  ULONG radio_StatisticsStartTime; /**< The date and time at which the collection of the current set of statistics started. This time must be updated whenever the radio statistics are reset. */
55 } wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t; //for radio only
57 typedef struct _wifi_ssidTrafficStats2
58 {
59  ULONG ssid_BytesSent; /**< The total number of bytes transmitted out of the interface, including framing characters. */
60  ULONG ssid_BytesReceived; /**< The total number of bytes received on the interface, including framing characters. */
61  ULONG ssid_PacketsSent; /**< The total number of packets transmitted out of the interface. */
62  ULONG ssid_PacketsReceived; /**< The total number of packets received on the interface. */
64  ULONG ssid_RetransCount; /**< The total number of transmitted packets which were retransmissions. Two retransmissions of the same packet results in this counter incrementing by two. */
65  ULONG ssid_FailedRetransCount; /**< The number of packets that were not transmitted successfully due to the number of retransmission attempts exceeding an 802.11 retry limit. This parameter is based on dot11FailedCount from [802.11-2012]. */
66  ULONG ssid_RetryCount; /**< The number of packets that were successfully transmitted after one or more retransmissions. This parameter is based on dot11RetryCount from [802.11-2012]. */
67  ULONG ssid_MultipleRetryCount; /**< The number of packets that were successfully transmitted after more than one retransmission. This parameter is based on dot11MultipleRetryCount from [802.11-2012]. */
68  ULONG ssid_ACKFailureCount; /**< The number of expected ACKs that were never received. This parameter is based on dot11ACKFailureCount from [802.11-2012]. */
69  ULONG ssid_AggregatedPacketCount; /**< The number of aggregated packets that were transmitted. This applies only to 802.11n and 802.11ac. */
71  ULONG ssid_ErrorsSent; /**< The total number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors. */
72  ULONG ssid_ErrorsReceived; /**< The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. */
73  ULONG ssid_UnicastPacketsSent; /**< The total number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being delivered to a higher-layer protocol. */
74  ULONG ssid_UnicastPacketsReceived; /**< The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were not addressed to a multicast or broadcast address at this layer. */
75  ULONG ssid_DiscardedPacketsSent; /**< The total number of outbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. */
76  ULONG ssid_DiscardedPacketsReceived; /**< The total number of inbound packets which were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being delivered. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space. */
77  ULONG ssid_MulticastPacketsSent; /**< The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. */
78  ULONG ssid_MulticastPacketsReceived; /**< The total number of received packets, delivered by this layer to a higher layer, which were addressed to a multicast address at this layer. */
79  ULONG ssid_BroadcastPacketsSent; /**< The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. */
80  ULONG ssid_BroadcastPacketsRecevied; /**< The total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested for transmission and which were addressed to a broadcast address at this layer, including those that were discarded or not sent. */
81  ULONG ssid_UnknownPacketsReceived; /**< The total number of packets received via the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol. */
83 } wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t; //for ssid only
85 //Please do not edit the elements for this data structure
86 typedef struct _wifi_neighbor_ap2
87 {
88  CHAR ap_SSID[64]; /**< The current service set identifier in use by the neighboring WiFi SSID. The value MAY be empty for hidden SSIDs. */
89  CHAR ap_BSSID[64]; /**< [MACAddress] The BSSID used for the neighboring WiFi SSID. */
90  CHAR ap_Mode[64]; /**< The mode the neighboring WiFi radio is operating in. Enumeration of: AdHoc, Infrastructure */
91  UINT ap_Channel; /**< The current radio channel used by the neighboring WiFi radio. */
92  INT ap_SignalStrength; /**< An indicator of radio signal strength (RSSI) of the neighboring WiFi radio measured indBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received. */
93  CHAR ap_SecurityModeEnabled[64]; /**< The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises. Enumeration of:None, WPA-WPA2 etc. */
94  CHAR ap_EncryptionMode[64]; /**< Comma-separated list of strings. The type of encryption the neighboring WiFi SSID advertises. Each list item is an enumeration of: TKIP, AES */
95  CHAR ap_OperatingFrequencyBand[16]; /**< Indicates the frequency band at which the radio this SSID instance is operating. Enumeration of:2.4GHz, 5GHz */
96  CHAR ap_SupportedStandards[64]; /**< Comma-separated list of strings. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standards thisResultinstance can support simultaneously, in the frequency band specified byOperatingFrequencyBand. Each list item is an enumeration of: */
97  CHAR ap_OperatingStandards[16]; /**< Comma-separated list of strings. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by theSupportedStandardsparameter. List items indicate which IEEE 802.11 standard that is detected for thisResult. */
98  CHAR ap_OperatingChannelBandwidth[16]; /**< Indicates the bandwidth at which the channel is operating. Enumeration of: */
99  UINT ap_BeaconPeriod; /**< Time interval (inms) between transmitting beacons. */
100  INT ap_Noise; /**< Indicator of average noise strength (indBm) received from the neighboring WiFi radio. */
101  CHAR ap_BasicDataTransferRates[256]; /**< Comma-separated list (maximum list length 256) of strings. Basic data transmit rates (in Mbps) for the SSID. For example, ifBasicDataTransferRatesis "1,2", this indicates that the SSID is operating with basic rates of 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. */
102  CHAR ap_SupportedDataTransferRates[256]; /**< Comma-separated list (maximum list length 256) of strings. Data transmit rates (in Mbps) for unicast frames at which the SSID will permit a station to connect. For example, ifSupportedDataTransferRatesis "1,2,5.5", this indicates that the SSID will only permit connections at 1 Mbps, 2 Mbps and 5.5 Mbps. */
103  UINT ap_DTIMPeriod; /**< The number of beacon intervals that elapse between transmission of Beacon frames containing a TIM element whose DTIM count field is 0. This value is transmitted in the DTIM Period field of beacon frames. [802.11-2012] */
104  UINT ap_ChannelUtilization; /**< Indicates the fraction of the time AP senses that the channel is in use by the neighboring AP for transmissions. */
105 } wifi_neighbor_ap2_t; //COSA_DML_NEIGHTBOURING_WIFI_RESULT
107 /* Explanation:
108  these are actually 3 host-endian integers
109  in this example they are big-endian because
110  the piranha's host cpu is big-endian MIPS
111  _____________|____________
112  / | \
113  | | |
114  _____|______ ____|____ ____|_____
115  | | | | | |
116  ap1 glastackrssi:75 74 73 77 2 3 68 1 0 0 0 136
117  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^
118  | | |
119  last 4 rssi values | sample counter
120  |
121  last 4 rssi's age
123  the "77" rssi is 1 second old
124  ______|______
125  / \
126  | |
127  ap1 glastackrssi:75 74 73 77 2 3 68 1 0 0 0 136
128  | |
129  \____________/
130  |
131  the 2nd most recent rssi of "73"
132  is 68 seconds old *in relation*
133  to the 1st ("77") therefore it is
134  68 + 1 seconds old *now* */
135 typedef struct _wifi_rssi_snapshot {
136  UCHAR rssi[4]; /**< Last 4 RSSI frames received */
137  UCHAR time_s[4]; /**< Time of when last 4 RSSI were received */
138  USHORT count; /**< Sequence numer of received managemant (bcn, ack) frames */
142 typedef struct _wifi_apRssi {
143  CHAR ap_BSSID[6]; /**< BSSID */
144  wifi_channelBandwidth_t ap_channelWidth; /**< The channel width; 1 for 20Mhz, 2 for 40 MHz, 4 for 80 MHz, 8 for 160 MHz, 10 for 80+80Mhz */
145  INT ap_rssi; /**< RSSI of the neighboring AP in dBm. */
146 } wifi_apRssi_t;
147 #else
148 typedef struct _wifi_apRssi {
149  CHAR ap_BSSID[6]; /**< BSSID */
150  UINT ap_channelWidth; /**< The channel width; 1 for 20Mhz, 2 for 40 MHz, 4 for 80 MHz, 8 for 160 MHz, 10 for 80+80Mhz */
151  INT ap_rssi; /**< RSSI of the neighboring AP in dBm. */
152 } wifi_apRssi_t;
153 #endif
155 // VAP telemetry report structures and function prototypes
157 /**
158  * @brief VAP Telemetry information.
159  *
160  * Structure which holds the VAP Telemetry information.
161  */
162 typedef struct {
163  UINT txOverflow; // WiFi TX overflow counter.
168 /**
169  * @addtogroup WIFI_HAL_APIS
170  * @{
171  */
172 /* wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2() function */
173 /**
174 * @brief Get detail radio traffic static info.
175 *
176 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
177 * @param[out] output_struct wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct, all traffic stats info to be returned
178 *
179 * @return The status of the operation
180 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
181 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
182 *
183 * @execution Synchronous
184 * @sideeffect None
185 *
186 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
187 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
188 *
189 */
190 INT wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2(INT radioIndex, wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct);
192 /* wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2() function */
193 /**
194 * @brief Get the basic SSID traffic static info.
195 *
196 * @param[in] ssidIndex SSID index
197 * @param[out] output_struct SSID traffic status.
198 *
199 * @return The status of the operation
200 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
201 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
202 *
203 * @execution Synchronous
204 * @sideeffect None
205 *
206 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
207 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
208 *
209 */
210 INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2(INT ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t *output_struct);
214 /**
215 * @brief Returns the Wifi scan status.
216 *
217 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
218 * @param[in] scan Start a neighbour scan
219 * @param[out] neighbor_ap_array Neighbour access point info to be returned
220 * @param[out] output_array_size Length of the output array.
221 *
222 * @return The status of the operation
223 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
224 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
225 *
226 * @execution Synchronous
227 * @sideeffect None
228 *
229 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
230 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
231 *
232 */
233 INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiStatus(INT radioIndex, BOOL scan, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size);
234 #endif
236 /* wifi_getRadioBandUtilization() function */
237 /**
238 * @brief To read the radio band utilization.
239 *
240 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio Index
241 * @param[out] output_percentage Radio band utilization percentage, to be returned
242 *
243 * @return The status of the operation
244 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
245 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
246 *
247 * @execution Synchronous
248 * @sideeffect None
249 *
250 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
251 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
252 *
253 */
254 INT wifi_getRadioBandUtilization (INT radioIndex, INT *output_percentage);
256 INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult3(INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev3_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size);
260 #endif
262 /* wifi_setClientDetailedStatisticsEnable() function */
263 /**
264 * @brief This function enabled/disabled collection of detailed statistics of associated clients on Access Point.
265 *
266 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio Index
267 * @param[in] enable enable/disable
268 *
269 * @return The status of the operation
270 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
271 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
272 *
273 * @execution Synchronous
274 * @sideeffect None
275 *
276 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
277 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
278 *
279 */
282 /**
283 * @brief This API returns the radio enabled status.
284 *
285 * The radio status switch in driver include Transmission status, background channel scan, capacity status etc
286 * Radio Status should be disabled by default.
287 * If driver do not support those switch, or switch has enabled by default, please just fillup with stumb function.
288 *
289 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of the radio array.
290 * @param[out] output_enable Radio enabled status.
291 *
292 * @return The status of the operation
293 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
294 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
295 *
296 * @execution Synchronous
297 * @sideeffect None
298 *
299 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
300 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
301 *
302 */
303 INT wifi_getRadioStatsEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_enable);
305 /**
306 * @brief This API is to enable/disable radio status.
307 *
308 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of the radio array.
309 * @param[out] output_enable Radio enabled status.
310 *
311 * @return The status of the operation
312 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
313 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
314 *
315 * @execution Synchronous
316 * @sideeffect None
317 *
318 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
319 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
320 *
321 */
322 INT wifi_setRadioStatsEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable);
324 /* @description Get the VAP Telemetry data.
325  *
326  * @param[in] apIndex - Access Point index.
327  * @param[out] telemetry - structure for vap telemetry data.
328  *
329  * @return The status of the operation.
330  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
331  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
332  */
333 INT wifi_getVAPTelemetry(UINT apIndex, wifi_VAPTelemetry_t *telemetry);
335 /** @} */ //END OF GROUP WIFI_HAL_APIS
337 #ifdef __cplusplus
338 }
339 #endif
341 #endif
ULONG ssid_MultipleRetryCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:67
INT wifi_getRadioBandUtilization(INT radioIndex, INT *output_percentage)
To read the radio band utilization.
INT wifi_setRadioStatsEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
This API is to enable/disable radio status.
ULONG ssid_PacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:61
ULONG ssid_MulticastPacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:77
char ap_OperatingFrequencyBand[16]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:335
UCHAR rssi[4]
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:136
#define CHAR
Definition: bt_hal.h:45
struct _wifi_ssidTrafficStats2 wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t
ULONG ssid_RetryCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:66
ULONG ssid_MulticastPacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:78
ULONG radio_PacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:34
ULONG ssid_DiscardedPacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:76
INT radio_MedianNoiseFloorOnChannel
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:52
ULONG ssid_AggregatedPacketCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:69
#define BOOL
Definition: dhcpv4c_api.h:79
UCHAR time_s[4]
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:137
UINT ap_BeaconPeriod
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:99
char ap_SecurityModeEnabled[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:333
struct _wifi_rssi_snapshot wifi_rssi_snapshot_t
char ap_EncryptionMode[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:334
UINT ap_channelWidth
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:150
INT radio_MaximumNoiseFloorOnChannel
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:50
UINT ap_ChannelUtilization
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:104
UINT ap_DTIMPeriod
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:103
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:148
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:135
ULONG ssid_ErrorsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:71
ULONG ssid_DiscardedPacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:75
ULONG ssid_ACKFailureCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:68
#define INT
Definition: bt_hal.h:65
ULONG radio_PacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:35
ULONG radio_BytesSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:32
ULONG ssid_UnicastPacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:73
Wifi Channel Bandwidth Types.
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:280
char ap_OperatingChannelBandwidth[16]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:338
char ap_Mode[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:330
ULONG ssid_BytesSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:59
#define USHORT
Definition: bt_hal.h:57
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:295
INT ap_Noise
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:100
ULONG ssid_BroadcastPacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:79
char ap_BasicDataTransferRates[256]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:341
INT wifi_getRadioStatsEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_enable)
This API returns the radio enabled status.
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult3(INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev3_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size)
INT wifi_setClientDetailedStatisticsEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
This function enabled/disabled collection of detailed statistics of associated clients on Access Poin...
ULONG ssid_FailedRetransCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:65
This structure hold the information about the wifi interface.
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:901
ULONG radio_ErrorsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:38
INT ap_rssi
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:151
ULONG radio_PLCPErrorCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:41
ULONG radio_PacketsOtherReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:44
ULONG radio_StatisticsStartTime
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:53
#define ULONG
Definition: bt_hal.h:77
INT wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2(INT radioIndex, wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
Get detail radio traffic static info.
char ap_SupportedDataTransferRates[256]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:342
INT radio_MinimumNoiseFloorOnChannel
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:51
ULONG radio_DiscardPacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:39
char ap_SSID[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:328
struct _wifi_neighbor_ap2 wifi_neighbor_ap2_t
INT radio_RetransmissionMetirc
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:49
ULONG radio_ChannelUtilization
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:46
char ap_OperatingStandards[16]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:337
char ap_BSSID[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:329
INT wifi_getApAssociatedClientDiagnosticResult(INT apIndex, char *mac_addr, wifi_associated_dev3_t *dev_conn)
struct _wifi_apRssi wifi_apRssi_t
ULONG radio_BytesReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:33
INT radio_ActivityFactor
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:47
#define UINT
Definition: bt_hal.h:69
USHORT count
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:138
INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiStatus(INT radioIndex, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size)
Returns the Wifi scan status.
#define UCHAR
Definition: bt_hal.h:49
INT radio_CarrierSenseThreshold_Exceeded
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:48
ULONG radio_InvalidMACCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:43
ULONG ssid_UnknownPacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:81
ULONG ssid_BroadcastPacketsRecevied
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:80
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:261
struct _wifi_radioTrafficStats2 wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t
INT radio_NoiseFloor
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:45
INT wifi_getVAPTelemetry(UINT apIndex, wifi_VAPTelemetry_t *telemetry)
char ap_SupportedStandards[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:336
ULONG radio_DiscardPacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:40
UINT ap_Channel
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:91
ULONG ssid_BytesReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:60
ULONG ssid_RetransCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:64
VAP Telemetry information.
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:162
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:325
INT ap_SignalStrength
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:92
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:149
ULONG radio_FCSErrorCount
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:42
ULONG radio_ErrorsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:37
unsigned char mac_address_t[6]
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:211
ULONG ssid_ErrorsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:72
ULONG ssid_UnicastPacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:74
INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2(INT ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
Get the basic SSID traffic static info.
UINT txOverflow
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:163
ULONG ssid_PacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:62