
Data Structures

struct  _wifi_GASConfiguration_t




typedef INT(* wifi_vapstatus_callback) (INT apIndex, wifi_vapstatus_t status)
 This call back will be invoked when VAP status changes. More...
typedef INT(* wifi_analytics_callback) (CHAR *fmt,...)
 This call back will be invoked when HAL wants to log catasrophic failures. More...
typedef int(* wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback) (int apIndex, wifi_associated_dev_t *associated_dev)
typedef int(* wifi_apAuthEvent_callback) (int apIndex, char *MAC, int event_type)
typedef INT(* wifi_scanResults_callback) (wifi_radio_index_t index, wifi_bss_info_t **bss, UINT *num_bss)
typedef INT(* wifi_staConnectionStatus_callback) (INT apIndex, wifi_bss_info_t *bss_dev, wifi_station_stats_t *sta)


enum  wifi_vapstatus_t { wifi_vapstatus_down, wifi_vapstatus_up }
 VAP status possible values. More...


INT wifi_getWifiTrafficStats (INT apIndex, wifi_trafficStats_t *output_struct)
 Outputs more detailed traffic stats per AP. More...
INT wifi_factoryResetAP (int apIndex)
 Restore Access point paramters to default without change other AP nor Radio parameters (No need to reboot wifi) More...
INT wifi_deleteAp (INT apIndex)
 Deletes this access point entry on the hardware, clears all internal variables associated with this access point. More...
INT wifi_getApName (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Outputs a 16 byte or less name associated with the Access Point. String buffer must be pre-allocated by the caller. More...
INT wifi_setApRtsThreshold (INT apIndex, UINT threshold)
 Sets the packet size threshold in bytes to apply RTS/CTS backoff rules. More...
INT wifi_removeApSecVaribles (INT apIndex)
 Deletes internal security variable settings for this access point. More...
INT wifi_disableApEncryption (INT apIndex)
 Changes the hardware settings to disable encryption on this access point. More...
INT wifi_getApNumDevicesAssociated (INT apIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
 Outputs the number of stations associated per Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getApRadioIndex (INT apIndex, INT *output_int)
 Outputs the radio index for the specified access point. More...
INT wifi_delApAclDevices (INT apINdex)
 Get the ACL MAC list per Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getApAclDeviceNum (INT apIndex, UINT *output_uint)
 Outputs the number of devices in the filter list. More...
INT wifi_kickApAclAssociatedDevices (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enable kick for devices on acl black list. More...
INT wifi_setApMacAddressControlMode (INT apIndex, INT filterMode)
 Sets the mac address filter control mode. More...
INT wifi_getApMacAddressControlMode (INT apIndex, INT *output_filterMode)
 This function is to read the ACL mode. More...
INT wifi_setApVlanID (INT apIndex, INT vlanId)
 Sets the vlan ID for this access point to an internal environment variable. More...
INT wifi_resetApVlanCfg (INT apIndex)
 Reset the vlan configuration for this access point. More...
INT wifi_setApEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Sets the Access Point enable status variable for the specified access point. More...
INT wifi_getApEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Outputs the setting of the internal variable that is set by wifi_setEnable(). More...
INT wifi_getApStatus (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Outputs the AP "Enabled" "Disabled" status from driver. More...
INT wifi_getApSsidAdvertisementEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Indicates whether or not beacons include the SSID name. More...
INT wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Sets an internal variable for ssid advertisement. More...
INT wifi_getApRetryLimit (INT apIndex, UINT *output)
 Get the maximum number of retransmission for a packet. More...
INT wifi_setApRetryLimit (INT apIndex, UINT number)
 Set the maximum number of retransmission for a packet. More...
INT wifi_getApWmmEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL *output)
 Indicates whether WMM support is currently enabled. More...
INT wifi_setApWmmEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enables/disables WMM on the hardwawre for this AP. enable==1, disable == 0. More...
INT wifi_getApWmmUapsdEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL *output)
 Indicates whether U-APSD support is currently enabled. More...
INT wifi_setApWmmUapsdEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enables/disables Automatic Power Save Delivery on the hardwarwe for this Access Point. More...
INT wifi_setApWmmOgAckPolicy (INT apIndex, INT cla, BOOL ackPolicy)
 Sets the WMM ACK policy on the hardware. More...
INT wifi_getApIsolationEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL *output)
 Get Access Point isolation value. More...
INT wifi_setApIsolationEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enables or disables device isolation. More...
INT wifi_setApBeaconRate (INT apIndex, char *sBeaconRate)
 Set Access Point Beacon TX rate. More...
INT wifi_getApBeaconRate (INT apIndex, char *output_BeaconRate)
 Get Access Point Beacon TX rate. More...
INT wifi_getApMaxAssociatedDevices (INT apIndex, UINT *output)
 Get maximum associated devices with the Access Point index. More...
INT wifi_setApMaxAssociatedDevices (INT apIndex, UINT number)
 Set maximum associated devices with the Access Point index. More...
INT wifi_setApSecurityReset (INT apIndex)
 When set to true, this AccessPoint instance's WiFi security settings are reset to their factory default values. More...
INT wifi_getApSecurityMFPConfig (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 To retrive the MFPConfig for each VAP. More...
INT wifi_setApSecurityMFPConfig (INT apIndex, CHAR *MfpConfig)
 the hal is used to set the MFP config for each VAP. More...
INT wifi_getApSecurityRadiusServer (INT apIndex, CHAR *IP_output, UINT *Port_output, CHAR *RadiusSecret_output)
 Get the IP Address and port number of the RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security. More...
INT wifi_setApSecurityRadiusServer (INT apIndex, CHAR *IPAddress, UINT port, CHAR *RadiusSecret)
 Set the IP Address and port number of the RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security. More...
INT wifi_getApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer (INT apIndex, CHAR *IP_output, UINT *Port_output, CHAR *RadiusSecret_output)
 Get secondary IP Address, port number and RADIUS server. More...
INT wifi_setApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer (INT apIndex, CHAR *IPAddress, UINT port, CHAR *RadiusSecret)
 Set secondary IP Address, port number and RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security. More...
INT wifi_getApDASRadiusServer (INT apIndex, CHAR *IP_output, UINT *Port_output, CHAR *RadiusdasSecret_output)
INT wifi_setApDASRadiusServer (INT apIndex, CHAR *IPAddress, UINT port, CHAR *RadiusdasSecret)
 Set the IP Address and port number of the RADIUS DAS server, which are used for WLAN security. More...
INT wifi_enableGreylistAccessControl (BOOL enable)
 This function is to enable or disable grey list Access Control on all applicable VAP. More...
INT wifi_getApSecurityRadiusSettings (INT apIndex, wifi_radius_setting_t *output)
 Get Access Point security radius settings. More...
INT wifi_setApSecurityRadiusSettings (INT apIndex, wifi_radius_setting_t *input)
 Set Access Point security radius settings. More...
INT wifi_getApWpsConfigurationState (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get WPS configuration state. More...
INT wifi_setApWpsEnrolleePin (INT apIndex, CHAR *pin)
 Sets the WPS pin for this Access Point. More...
INT wifi_setApWpsButtonPush (INT apIndex)
 This function is called when the WPS push button has been pressed for this AP. More...
INT wifi_cancelApWPS (INT apIndex)
 Cancels WPS mode for this Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getApManagementFramePowerControl (INT apIndex, INT *output_dBm)
 Get the ApManagementFramePowerControl. More...
INT wifi_setApManagementFramePowerControl (INT apIndex, INT dBm)
 Sets the ApManagementFramePowerControl. More...
void wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback_register (wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback callback_proc)
 Callback registration function.
void wifi_apDisassociatedDevice_callback_register (wifi_apDisassociatedDevice_callback callback_proc)
 Callback registration function.
void wifi_apDeAuthEvent_callback_register (wifi_apDeAuthEvent_callback callback_proc)
 Callback registration function. More...
INT wifi_setInterworkingAccessNetworkType (INT apIndex, INT accessNetworkType)
INT wifi_getInterworkingAccessNetworkType (INT apIndex, UINT *output_uint)
INT wifi_getApInterworkingServiceEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get the Interworking Service enable/disable value for the AP. More...
INT wifi_setApInterworkingServiceEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL input_bool)
 Set the Interworking Service enable/disable value for the AP. More...
INT wifi_getApInterworkingElement (INT apIndex, wifi_InterworkingElement_t *output_struct)
 Get the Interworking Element that will be sent by the AP. More...
INT wifi_pushApInterworkingElement (INT apIndex, wifi_InterworkingElement_t *infoEelement)
INT wifi_mgmt_frame_callbacks_register (wifi_receivedMgmtFrame_callback mgmtRxCallback)
void wifi_csi_callback_register (wifi_csi_callback callback_proc)
 CSI call back registration function. Callback will be executed when the CSI data is available from the HAL. if CSI engine is disabled, this callback should not be executed. More...
INT wifi_enableCSIEngine (INT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, BOOL enable)
INT wifi_sendDataFrame (INT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *data, UINT len, BOOL insert_llc, UINT eth_proto, wifi_data_priority_t prio)
INT wifi_sendActionFrame (INT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UINT frequency, UCHAR *frame, UINT len)
INT wifi_applyGASConfiguration (wifi_GASConfiguration_t *input_struct)
INT wifi_setCountryIe (INT apIndex, BOOL enabled)
INT wifi_getCountryIe (INT apIndex, BOOL *enabled)
INT wifi_setLayer2TrafficInspectionFiltering (INT apIndex, BOOL enabled)
INT wifi_getLayer2TrafficInspectionFiltering (INT apIndex, BOOL *enabled)
INT wifi_setDownStreamGroupAddress (INT apIndex, BOOL disabled)
INT wifi_getDownStreamGroupAddress (INT apIndex, BOOL *disabled)
INT wifi_setBssLoad (INT apIndex, BOOL enabled)
INT wifi_getBssLoad (INT apIndex, BOOL *enabled)
INT wifi_setProxyArp (INT apIndex, BOOL enabled)
INT wifi_getProxyArp (INT apIndex, BOOL *enable)
INT wifi_pushApHotspotElement (INT apIndex, BOOL enabled)
INT wifi_getApHotspotElement (INT apIndex, BOOL *enabled)
INT wifi_pushApRoamingConsortiumElement (INT apIndex, wifi_roamingConsortiumElement_t *infoElement)
INT wifi_getApRoamingConsortiumElement (INT apIndex, wifi_roamingConsortiumElement_t *infoElement)
INT wifi_setP2PCrossConnect (INT apIndex, BOOL disabled)
INT wifi_getP2PCrossConnect (INT apIndex, BOOL *disabled)
INT wifi_getTWTsessions (INT ap_index, UINT maxNumberSessions, wifi_twt_sessions_t *twtSessions, UINT *numSessionReturned)
 get all the TWT session(individual or Broadcast) connected to that AP Index . More...
INT wifi_setBroadcastTWTSchedule (INT ap_index, wifi_twt_params_t twtParams, BOOL create, INT *sessionID)
 Create or update a broadcast TWT Session
INT wifi_setTeardownTWTSession (INT ap_index, INT sessionID)
 teardown the individual session or the broadcast session associate to the MAC More...
INT wifi_createVAP (wifi_radio_index_t index, wifi_vap_info_map_t *map)
INT wifi_getRadioVapInfoMap (wifi_radio_index_t index, wifi_vap_info_map_t *map)
INT wifi_setApSecurity (INT ap_index, wifi_vap_security_t *security)
INT wifi_getApSecurity (INT ap_index, wifi_vap_security_t *security)
INT wifi_getAPCapabilities (INT ap_index, wifi_ap_capabilities_t *apCapabilities)
INT wifi_getApWpsConfiguration (INT ap_index, wifi_wps_t *wpsConfig)
INT wifi_setApWpsConfiguration (INT ap_index, wifi_wps_t *wpsConfig)
INT wifi_getLibhostapd (BOOL *output_bool)
INT wifi_updateLibHostApdConfig (int apIndex)
INT wifi_vapstatus_callback_register (wifi_vapstatus_callback callback)
 VAP Status call back registration function. More...
INT wifi_hal_analytics_callback_register (wifi_analytics_callback callback)
 VAP Status call back registration function. More...
INT wifi_getBandSteeringEnable (BOOL *enable)
 To get Band Steering enable status. More...
INT wifi_setBandSteeringEnable (BOOL enable)
 To turn on/off Band steering. More...
INT wifi_getBandSteeringApGroup (char *output_ApGroup)
 To get Band Steering Access Point group. More...
INT wifi_setBandSteeringApGroup (char *ApGroup)
 To set Band Steering Access Point group. More...
INT wifi_getBandSteeringBandUtilizationThreshold (INT radioIndex, INT *pBuThreshold)
 To set and read the band steering BandUtilizationThreshold parameters. More...
INT wifi_setBandSteeringBandUtilizationThreshold (INT radioIndex, INT buThreshold)
 To set the band steering BandUtilizationThreshold parameters. More...
INT wifi_getBandSteeringRSSIThreshold (INT radioIndex, INT *pRssiThreshold)
 To read the band steering RSSIThreshold parameters. More...
INT wifi_setBandSteeringRSSIThreshold (INT radioIndex, INT rssiThreshold)
 To set the band steering RSSIThreshold parameters. More...
INT wifi_getBandSteeringPhyRateThreshold (INT radioIndex, INT *pPrThreshold)
 To read the band steering physical modulation rate threshold parameters. More...
INT wifi_setBandSteeringPhyRateThreshold (INT radioIndex, INT prThreshold)
 To set the band steering physical modulation rate threshold parameters. More...
INT wifi_getBandSteeringOverloadInactiveTime (INT radioIndex, INT *overloadInactiveTime)
 To read the inactivity time (in seconds) for steering under overload condition. More...
INT wifi_setBandSteeringOverloadInactiveTime (INT radioIndex, INT overloadInactiveTime)
 To set the inactivity time (in seconds) for steering under overload condition. More...
INT wifi_getBandSteeringIdleInactiveTime (INT radioIndex, INT *idleInactiveTime)
 To read the inactivity time (in seconds) for steering under Idle condition. More...
INT wifi_setBandSteeringIdleInactiveTime (INT radioIndex, INT idleInactiveTime)
 To set the inactivity time (in seconds) for steering under Idle condition. More...
INT wifi_getBandSteeringLog (INT record_index, ULONG *pSteeringTime, CHAR *pClientMAC, INT *pSourceSSIDIndex, INT *pDestSSIDIndex, INT *pSteeringReason)
 To get the band steering log. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold (INT apIndex, UINT *output)
 Get the HighWatermarkThreshold value, that is lesser than or equal to MaxAssociatedDevices. More...
INT wifi_setApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold (INT apIndex, UINT Threshold)
 Set the HighWatermarkThreshold value, that is lesser than or equal to MaxAssociatedDevices. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThresholdReached (INT apIndex, UINT *output)
 Get the number of times the current total number of associated device has reached the HighWatermarkThreshold value. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermark (INT apIndex, UINT *output)
 Maximum number of associated devices that have ever associated with the access point concurrently since the last reset of the device or WiFi module. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkDate (INT apIndex, ULONG *output_in_seconds)
 Get Date and Time at which the maximum number of associated devices ever associated with the access point concurrently since the last reset of the device or WiFi module. More...
INT wifi_setFastBSSTransitionActivated (INT apIndex, UCHAR activate)
INT wifi_getBSSTransitionActivated (INT apIndex, BOOL *activate)
 Get the Fast Transition capability value.
INT wifi_setEAP_Param (UINT apIndex, UINT value, char *param)
 Get the Fast Transition over DS activated value.
@description Set the EAP authentication and EAPOL Handshake parameters. EAPOL Key Timeout and max retries [M1 and M3] EAP Identity Request and max retries EAP Request Timeout and max retries. More...
INT wifi_getEAP_Param (UINT apIndex, wifi_eap_config_t *output)
INT wifi_getFTOverDSActivated (INT apIndex, BOOL *activate)
INT wifi_setFTOverDSActivated (INT apIndex, BOOL *activate)
 Set the Fast Transition over DS activated value. See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_getFTMobilityDomainID (INT apIndex, UCHAR mobilityDomain[2])
 Get the Fast Transition Mobility Domain value. See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_setFTMobilityDomainID (INT apIndex, UCHAR mobilityDomain[2])
 Set the Fast Transition Mobility Domain value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_getFTResourceRequestSupported (INT apIndex, BOOL *supported)
 Get the Fast Transition Resource Request Support value. See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_setFTResourceRequestSupported (INT apIndex, BOOL *supported)
 Set the Fast Transition Resource Request Support value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_getFTR0KeyLifetime (INT apIndex, UINT *lifetime)
 Get the Fast Transition R0 Key Lifetime value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.4.2. More...
INT wifi_setFTR0KeyLifetime (INT apIndex, UINT *lifetime)
 Set the Fast Transition R0 Key Lifetime value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.4.2. More...
INT wifi_getFTR0KeyHolderID (INT apIndex, UCHAR *keyHolderID)
 Get the Fast Transition R0 Key Holder ID value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_setFTR0KeyHolderID (INT apIndex, UCHAR *keyHolderID)
 Set the Fast Transition R0 Key Holder ID value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_getFTR1KeyHolderID (INT apIndex, UCHAR *keyHolderID)
 Get the Fast Transition R1 Key Holder ID value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_setFTR1KeyHolderID (INT apIndex, UCHAR *keyHolderID)
 Set the Fast Transition R1 Key Holder ID value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3. More...
INT wifi_pushApFastTransitionConfig (INT apIndex, wifi_FastTransitionConfig_t *ftData)
INT wifi_setBSSTransitionActivation (UINT apIndex, BOOL activate)
 Set the BTM capability to activated or deactivated, same as enabled or disabled. The word "activated" is used here because that's what's used in the 802.11 specification. When deactivate the gateway ignores a BTM report request as defined in 802.11-2016 section The AP (apIndex) BSS Transition bit in any Extended Capabilities element sent out is set corresponding to the activate parameter. More...
INT wifi_getBSSTransitionActivation (UINT apIndex, BOOL *activate)
INT wifi_setNeighborReportActivation (UINT apIndex, BOOL activate)
INT wifi_getNeighborReportActivation (UINT apIndex, BOOL *activate)
int wifi_getHalVersion (char *output_string)
int wifi_factoryReset ()
 Clears internal variables to implement a factory reset of the Wi-Fi subsystem. More...
int wifi_factoryResetRadios ()
 Restore all radio parameters without touching access point parameters. More...
int wifi_factoryResetRadio (int radioIndex)
 Restore selected radio parameters without touching access point parameters. More...
int wifi_setLED (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
 Set the system LED status. More...
int wifi_init ()
 This function call initializes all Wi-Fi radios. More...
int wifi_reset ()
 Resets the Wifi subsystem. This includes reset of all Access Point variables. More...
int wifi_down ()
 Turns off transmit power for the entire Wifi subsystem, for all radios. More...
int wifi_createInitialConfigFiles ()
 This function creates wifi configuration files. More...
int wifi_getRadioCountryCode (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setRadioCountryCode (int radioIndex, char *CountryCode)
int wifi_getRadioNumberOfEntries (unsigned long *output)
int wifi_getSSIDNumberOfEntries (unsigned long *output)
int wifi_getRadioEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadioEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioStatus (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getRadioIfName (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getRadioMaxBitRate (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getRadioStandard (int radioIndex, char *output_string, unsigned char *gOnly, unsigned char *nOnly, unsigned char *acOnly)
int wifi_setRadioChannelMode (int radioIndex, char *channelMode, unsigned char gOnlyFlag, unsigned char nOnlyFlag, unsigned char acOnlyFlag)
int wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getRadioChannel (int radioIndex, unsigned long *output_ulong)
int wifi_setRadioChannel (int radioIndex, unsigned long channel)
int wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getRadioDCSSupported (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getRadioDCSEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadioDCSEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool (int radioIndex, char *output_pool)
int wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool (int radioIndex, char *pool)
int wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime (int radioIndex, int *output_interval_seconds, int *output_dwell_milliseconds)
int wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime (int radioIndex, int interval_seconds, int dwell_milliseconds)
int wifi_getRadioDfsSupport (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getRadioDfsEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadioDfsEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enabled)
int wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriodSupported (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod (int radioIndex, unsigned long *output_ulong)
int wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod (int radioIndex, unsigned long seconds)
int wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth (int radioIndex, char *bandwidth)
int wifi_getRadioExtChannel (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setRadioExtChannel (int radioIndex, char *string)
int wifi_getRadioGuardInterval (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setRadioGuardInterval (int radioIndex, char *string)
int wifi_getRadioMCS (int radioIndex, int *output_INT)
int wifi_setRadioMCS (int radioIndex, int MCS)
int wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported (int radioIndex, char *output_list)
int wifi_getRadioTransmitPower (int radioIndex, unsigned long *output_ulong)
int wifi_setRadioTransmitPower (int radioIndex, unsigned long TransmitPower)
int wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported (int radioIndex, unsigned char *Supported)
int wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled (int radioIndex, unsigned char *enable)
int wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdRange (int radioIndex, int *output)
int wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse (int radioIndex, int *output)
int wifi_setRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse (int radioIndex, int threshold)
int wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod (int radioIndex, unsigned int *output)
int wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod (int radioIndex, unsigned int BeaconPeriod)
int wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates (int radioIndex, char *output)
int wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates (int radioIndex, char *TransmitRates)
int wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2 (int radioIndex, wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
int wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsMeasure (int radioIndex, wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t *input_struct)
int wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsRadioStatisticsEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel (int radioIndex, int signalIndex, int *SignalLevel)
int wifi_applyRadioSettings (int radioIndex)
int wifi_getRadioResetCount (int radioIndex, unsigned long *output_int)
int wifi_getSSIDRadioIndex (int ssidIndex, int *radioIndex)
int wifi_getSSIDEnable (int ssidIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setSSIDEnable (int ssidIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getSSIDStatus (int ssidIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getSSIDName (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setSSIDName (int apIndex, char *ssid_string)
int wifi_getBaseBSSID (int ssidIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getSSIDMACAddress (int ssidIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2 (int ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
int wifi_applySSIDSettings (int ssidIndex)
int wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2 (int radioIndex, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, unsigned int *output_array_size)
int wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats (int ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t *output_struct)
int wifi_getBasicTrafficStats (int apIndex, wifi_basicTrafficStats_t *output_struct)
int wifi_getWifiTrafficStats (int apIndex, wifi_trafficStats_t *output_struct)
int wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult (wifi_neighbor_ap_t **neighbor_ap_array, unsigned int *output_array_size)
int wifi_getAllAssociatedDeviceDetail (int apIndex, unsigned long *output_ulong, wifi_device_t **output_struct)
int wifi_setRadioCtsProtectionEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_setRadioObssCoexistenceEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_setRadioFragmentationThreshold (int apIndex, unsigned int threshold)
int wifi_setRadioSTBCEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char STBC_Enable)
int wifi_getRadioAMSDUEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadioAMSDUEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char amsduEnable)
int wifi_getRadioTxChainMask (int radioIndex, int *output_int)
int wifi_setRadioTxChainMask (int radioIndex, int numStreams)
int wifi_getRadioRxChainMask (int radioIndex, int *output_int)
int wifi_setRadioRxChainMask (int radioIndex, int numStreams)
int wifi_pushBridgeInfo (int apIndex)
int wifi_pushRadioChannel (int radioIndex, unsigned int channel)
int wifi_pushRadioChannelMode (int radioIndex)
int wifi_pushRadioTxChainMask (int radioIndex)
int wifi_pushRadioRxChainMask (int radioIndex)
int wifi_pushSSID (int apIndex, char *ssid)
int wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioUpTime (int radioIndex, unsigned long *uptime)
int wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantSupported (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioAutoBlockAckEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadioAutoBlockAckEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable (int radioIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_createAp (int apIndex, int radioIndex, char *essid, unsigned char hideSsid)
int wifi_deleteAp (int apIndex)
int wifi_getApName (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getApIndexFromName (char *inputSsidString, int *ouput_int)
int wifi_getApBeaconType (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setApBeaconType (int apIndex, char *beaconTypeString)
int wifi_setApBeaconInterval (int apIndex, int beaconInterval)
int wifi_setApDTIMInterval (int apIndex, int dtimInterval)
int wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported (int apIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setApRtsThreshold (int apIndex, unsigned int threshold)
int wifi_getApWpaEncryptoinMode (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode (int apIndex, char *encMode)
int wifi_removeApSecVaribles (int apIndex)
int wifi_disableApEncryption (int apIndex)
int wifi_setApAuthMode (int apIndex, int mode)
int wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode (int apIndex, char *authMode)
int wifi_getApNumDevicesAssociated (int apIndex, unsigned long *output_ulong)
int wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice (int apIndex, char *client_mac)
int wifi_getApRadioIndex (int apIndex, int *output_int)
int wifi_setApRadioIndex (int apIndex, int radioIndex)
int wifi_getApAclDevices (int apIndex, char *macArray, unsigned int buf_size)
int wifi_addApAclDevice (int apIndex, char *DeviceMacAddress)
int wifi_delApAclDevice (int apIndex, char *DeviceMacAddress)
int wifi_getApAclDeviceNum (int apIndex, unsigned int *output_uint)
int wifi_kickApAclAssociatedDevices (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_setApMacAddressControlMode (int apIndex, int filterMode)
int wifi_setApVlanEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char VlanEnabled)
int wifi_setApVlanID (int apIndex, int vlanId)
int wifi_getApBridgeInfo (int index, char *bridgeName, char *IP, char *subnet)
int wifi_setApBridgeInfo (int apIndex, char *bridgeName, char *IP, char *subnet)
int wifi_resetApVlanCfg (int apIndex)
int wifi_createHostApdConfig (int apIndex, unsigned char createWpsCfg)
 Creates configuration variables needed for WPA/WPS. More...
int wifi_startHostApd ()
 Starts hostapd. More...
int wifi_stopHostApd ()
 Stops hostapd. More...
int wifi_setApEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getApEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_getApStatus (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_getApSsidAdvertisementEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getApRetryLimit (int apIndex, unsigned int *output)
int wifi_setApRetryLimit (int apIndex, unsigned int number)
int wifi_getApWMMCapability (int apIndex, unsigned char *output)
int wifi_getApUAPSDCapability (int apIndex, unsigned char *output)
int wifi_getApWmmEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char *output)
int wifi_setApWmmEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getApWmmUapsdEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char *output)
int wifi_setApWmmUapsdEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_setApWmmOgAckPolicy (int apIndex, int class, unsigned char ackPolicy)
int wifi_getApIsolationEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char *output)
int wifi_setApIsolationEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enable)
int wifi_getApMaxAssociatedDevices (int apIndex, unsigned int *output)
int wifi_setApMaxAssociatedDevices (int apIndex, unsigned int number)
int wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold (int apIndex, unsigned int *output)
int wifi_setApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold (int apIndex, unsigned int Threshold)
int wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThresholdReached (int apIndex, unsigned int *output)
int wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermark (int apIndex, unsigned int *output)
int wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkDate (int apIndex, unsigned long *output_in_seconds)
int wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported (int apIndex, char *output)
int wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled (int apIndex, char *output)
int wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled (int apIndex, char *encMode)
int wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey (int apIndex, char *preSharedKey)
int wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase (int apIndex, char *passPhrase)
int wifi_setApSecurityReset (int apIndex)
int wifi_getApSecurityRadiusServer (int apIndex, char *IP_output, unsigned int *Port_output, char *RadiusSecret_output)
int wifi_setApSecurityRadiusServer (int apIndex, char *IPAddress, unsigned int port, char *RadiusSecret)
int wifi_getApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer (int apIndex, char *IP_output, unsigned int *Port_output, char *RadiusSecret_output)
int wifi_setApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer (int apIndex, char *IPAddress, unsigned int port, char *RadiusSecret)
int wifi_getApSecurityRadiusSettings (int apIndex, wifi_radius_setting_t *output)
int wifi_setApSecurityRadiusSettings (int apIndex, wifi_radius_setting_t *input)
int wifi_getApWpsEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char *output_bool)
int wifi_setApWpsEnable (int apIndex, unsigned char enableValue)
int wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsSupported (int apIndex, char *output)
int wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled (int apIndex, char *methodString)
int wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN (int apIndex, unsigned long *output_ulong)
int wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN (int apIndex, unsigned long pin)
int wifi_getApWpsConfigurationState (int apIndex, char *output_string)
int wifi_setApWpsEnrolleePin (int apIndex, char *pin)
int wifi_setApWpsButtonPush (int apIndex)
int wifi_cancelApWPS (int apIndex)
int wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult (int apIndex, wifi_associated_dev_t **associated_dev_array, unsigned int *output_array_size)
void KillHostapd ()
unsigned char checkWifi ()
unsigned char checkLanInterface ()
int CcspHal_change_config_value (char *field_name, char *field_value, char *buf, unsigned int *nbytes)
int do_MacFilter_Addrule ()
int do_MacFilter_Delrule ()
int do_MacFilter_Update (char *Operation, int i_macFiltCnt, COSA_DML_WIFI_AP_MAC_FILTER *i_macFiltTabPtr, int count, struct hostDetails *hostPtr)
int wifi_getApIndexForWiFiBand (wifi_band band)
void wlan_encryption_mode_to_string (char *encryption_mode, char *string)
int File_Reading (char *file, char *Value)
void wlan_wireless_mode_to_supported_standards_string (char *wireless_mode, char *string, char *freq)
void wlan_bitrate_to_operated_standards_string (char *bitrate, char *string, char *freq)
void wlan_operated_standards_to_channel_bandwidth_string (char *wireless_mode, char *string)
int Hostapd_PublicWifi_status (char status[50])
int Hostapd_PrivateWifi_status (char status[50])
int GetInterfaceName (char interface_name[50], char conf_file[100])
int GetInterfaceName_virtualInterfaceName_2G (char interface_name[50])
void RestartHostapd ()
void xfinitywifi_2g (int ssidIndex)
void privatewifi_2g (int ssidIndex)
void KillHostapd_2g (int ssidIndex)
void KillHostapd_xfinity_2g (int ssidIndex)
void xfinitywifi_5g (int ssidIndex)
void privatewifi_5g (int ssidIndex)
void KillHostapd_5g (int ssidIndex)
void KillHostapd_xfinity_5g (int ssidIndex)
int killXfinityWiFi ()
void defaultwifi_restarting_process ()
int hostapd_restarting_process (int apIndex)
void get_mac (unsigned char *mac)
int GettingHostapdSsid (int ssidIndex, char *hostapd_conf, char *val)
void DisableWifi (int InstanceNumber)
int wifi_hostapdRead (int ap, struct params *params, char *output)
int wifi_hostapdWrite (int ap, param_list_t *list)
int get_wifiMaxbitrate (int radioIndex, char *output_string)
void wifi_updateRadiochannel (int radioIndex, unsigned long channel)
int wifi_setAutoChannelEnableVal (int radioIndex, unsigned long channel)
void wifi_storeprevchanval (int radioIndex)
int wifi_halgetRadioChannelBW (char *file, char *Value)
int wifi_halsetRadioChannelBW_40 (char *file)
int wifi_halsetRadioChannelBW_20 (char *file)
int wifi_halgetRadioExtChannel (char *file, char *Value)
int wifi_halGetIfStats (char *ifname, wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *pStats)
int GetIfacestatus (char *interface_name, char *status)
int wifi_halGetIfStatsNull (wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
int wifihal_getBaseBSSID (char *interface_name, char *mac, int index)
int GetScanningValues (char *file, char *value)
void converting_lowercase_to_uppercase (char *Value)
void wifihal_GettingNeighbouringAPScanningDetails (char *interface_name, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, unsigned int *output_array_size)
int SetWPSButton (char *interface_name)
int wifihal_AssociatedDevicesstats (int apIndex, char *interface_name, wifi_associated_dev_t **associated_dev_array, unsigned int *output_array_size)
int wifihal_interfacestatus (char *wifi_status, char *interface_name)
void wifi_apAuthEvent_callback_register (wifi_apAuthEvent_callback callback_proc)
INT wifi_getRadioChannelStats (INT radioIndex, wifi_channelStats_t *input_output_channelStats_array, INT array_size)
 Get the channels utilization status. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceRxStatsResult (INT radioIndex, mac_address_t *clientMacAddress, wifi_associated_dev_rate_info_rx_stats_t **stats_array, UINT *output_array_size, ULLONG *handle)
 Get the associated client per rate receive status. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceTxStatsResult (INT radioIndex, mac_address_t *clientMacAddress, wifi_associated_dev_rate_info_tx_stats_t **stats_array, UINT *output_array_size, ULLONG *handle)
 Get the associated client per rate transmission status. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceTidStatsResult (INT radioIndex, mac_address_t *clientMacAddress, wifi_associated_dev_tid_stats_t *tid_stats, ULLONG *handle)
 Get the associated client per rate transmission status. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceStats (INT apIndex, mac_address_t *clientMacAddress, wifi_associated_dev_stats_t *associated_dev_stats, ULLONG *handle)
 Get the associated device status. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDRadioIndex (INT ssidIndex, INT *radioIndex)
 Get the radio index associated with the SSID entry. More...
INT wifi_applySSIDSettings (INT ssidIndex)
 Apply SSID and AP (in the case of Acess Point devices) to the hardware. More...
INT wifi_startNeighborScan (INT apIndex, wifi_neighborScanMode_t scan_mode, INT dwell_time, UINT chan_num, UINT *chan_list)
 This API initates the scanning. More...
INT wifi_setApCsaDeauth (INT apIndex, INT mode)
 This API set the CSA (Channel Switch Announcement) deauthentication to all clients before moving to a new channel, in the event some client doesn't support/react to CSA. More...
INT wifi_setApScanFilter (INT apIndex, INT mode, CHAR *essid)
 Enable/Disable scan filter in the driver. More...
void wifi_steerTriggered_callback_register (wifi_steerTriggered_callback callback_proc, CHAR *module)
INT wifi_steering_eventRegister (wifi_steering_eventCB_t event_cb)
 Register for Steering Event Callbacks. More...
INT wifi_steering_eventUnregister (void)
 Unregister for Steering Event Callbacks. More...
INT wifi_steering_clientSet (UINT steeringgroupIndex, INT apIndex, mac_address_t client_mac, wifi_steering_clientConfig_t *config)
 Add Client Config to apIndex. More...
INT wifi_steering_clientRemove (UINT steeringgroupIndex, INT apIndex, mac_address_t client_mac)
 Remove Client Config from apIndex. More...
INT wifi_steering_clientMeasure (UINT steeringgroupIndex, INT apIndex, mac_address_t client_mac)
 Initiate Instant Client RSSI Measurement. More...
INT wifi_steering_clientDisconnect (UINT steeringgroupIndex, INT apIndex, mac_address_t client_mac, wifi_disconnectType_t type, UINT reason)
 Initiate a Client Disconnect. More...
INT wifi_BTMQueryRequest_callback_register (UINT apIndex, wifi_BTMQueryRequest_callback btmQueryCallback, wifi_BTMResponse_callback btmResponseCallback)
 BTM Query callback registration function. More...
INT wifi_RMBeaconRequestCallbackRegister (UINT apIndex, wifi_RMBeaconReport_callback beaconReportCallback)
INT wifi_RMBeaconRequestCallbackUnregister (UINT apIndex, wifi_RMBeaconReport_callback beaconReportCallback)
INT wifi_cancelRMBeaconRequest (UINT apIndex, UCHAR dialogToken)
int wifi_getHalCapability (wifi_hal_capability_t *cap)
 Get HAL Capabilities. More...
INT wifi_getRadioResetCount (INT radioIndex, ULONG *output_int)
 Get the radio reset count. More...
INT wifi_getRadioEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get the Radio enable config parameter. More...
INT wifi_setRadioEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set the Radio enable config parameter. More...
INT wifi_getRadioStatus (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get the Radio enable status. More...
INT wifi_getRadioIfName (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the Radio Interface name from platform, eg "wifi0". More...
INT wifi_getRadioDfsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get the Dfs enable status. More...
INT wifi_setRadioDfsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enabled)
 Set the Dfs enable status. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDfsAtBootUpEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *enable)
 Get the Dfs enable on Bootup status. More...
INT wifi_setRadioDfsAtBootUpEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set the Dfs enable on Bootup status. More...
INT wifi_getRadioMCS (INT radioIndex, INT *output_INT)
 Get the Modulation Coding Scheme index, eg: "-1", "1", "15". More...
INT wifi_setRadioMCS (INT radioIndex, INT MCS)
 Set the Modulation Coding Scheme index, eg: "-1", "1", "15". More...
INT wifi_getRadioTransmitPower (INT radioIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
 Get current Transmit Power in dBm units. More...
INT wifi_getRadioPercentageTransmitPower (INT radioIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
 Get current Transmit Power level in units of full power. More...
INT wifi_setRadioTransmitPower (INT radioIndex, ULONG TransmitPower)
 Set current Transmit Power, eg "75", "100". More...
INT wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdRange (INT radioIndex, INT *output)
 Indicates the Carrier Sense ranges supported by the radio. More...
INT wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse (INT radioIndex, INT *output)
 The RSSI signal level at which CS/CCA detects a busy condition. More...
INT wifi_setRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse (INT radioIndex, INT threshold)
 Set Carrier sense threshold in use for the selected radio index. More...
INT wifi_applyRadioSettings (INT radioIndex)
 This API is used to apply (push) all previously set radio level variables and make these settings active in the hardware. More...
INT wifi_setRadioCtsProtectionEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enables CTS protection for the radio used by this Access Point. More...
INT wifi_setRadioObssCoexistenceEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enables OBSS Coexistence - fall back to 20MHz if necessary for the radio used by this AP. More...
INT wifi_setRadioFragmentationThreshold (INT apIndex, UINT threshold)
 Sets the fragmentation threshold in bytes for the radio used by this Access Point. More...
INT wifi_setRadioSTBCEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL STBC_Enable)
 Enable STBC mode in the hardware. 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled. More...
INT wifi_getRadioAMSDUEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Outputs A-MSDU enable status, 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled. More...
INT wifi_setRadioAMSDUEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL amsduEnable)
 Enables A-MSDU in the hardware, 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled. More...
INT wifi_getRadioUpTime (INT radioIndex, ULONG *uptime)
 Get the number of seconds elapsed since radio is started. More...
INT wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantSupported (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get radio RDG enable Support. More...
INT wifi_getRadioAutoBlockAckEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get radio auto block ack enable setting. More...
INT wifi_setRadioAutoBlockAckEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set radio auto block ack enable setting. More...
INT wifi_getRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get radio IGMP snooping enable setting. More...
INT wifi_setRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set radio IGMP snooping enable setting. More...
INT wifi_setZeroDFSState (UINT radioIndex, BOOL enable, BOOL precac)
 Set Zero DFS State. More...
INT wifi_getZeroDFSState (UINT radioIndex, BOOL *enable, BOOL *precac)
 Get Zero DFS State. More...
INT wifi_setDownlinkMuType (INT radio_index, wifi_dl_mu_type_t mu_type)
INT wifi_getDownlinkMuType (INT radio_index, wifi_dl_mu_type_t *mu_type)
INT wifi_setUplinkMuType (INT radio_index, wifi_ul_mu_type_t mu_type)
INT wifi_getUplinkMuType (INT radio_index, wifi_ul_mu_type_t *mu_type)
INT wifi_setGuardInterval (INT radio_index, wifi_guard_interval_t guard_interval)
INT wifi_getGuardInterval (INT radio_index, wifi_guard_interval_t *guard_interval)
INT wifi_setBSSColor (INT radio_index, UCHAR color)
INT wifi_getBSSColor (INT radio_index, UCHAR *color)
INT wifi_getAvailableBSSColor (INT radio_index, INT maxNumberColors, UCHAR *colorList, INT *numColorReturned)
 Get the list of avaiable BSS color. More...
INT wifi_getMuEdca (INT radio_index, wifi_access_category_t ac, wifi_edca_t *edca)
 Get MU (Multi-User) EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) parameter. More...
INT wifi_setDownlinkDataAckType (INT radio_index, wifi_dl_data_ack_type_t ack_type)
INT wifi_get80211axDefaultParameters (INT radio_index, wifi_80211ax_params_t *params)
INT wifi_setRadioOperatingParameters (wifi_radio_index_t index, wifi_radio_operationParam_t *operationParam)
 Set Radio Operating Parameters. More...
INT wifi_getRadioOperatingParameters (wifi_radio_index_t index, wifi_radio_operationParam_t *operationParam)
 Get Radio Operating Parameters. More...
INT wifi_getScanResults (wifi_radio_index_t index, wifi_channel_t *channel, wifi_bss_info_t **bss, UINT *num_bss)
void wifi_scanResults_callback_register (wifi_scanResults_callback callback_proc)
INT wifi_connect (INT ap_index, wifi_bss_info_t *bss)
INT wifi_disconnect (INT ap_index)
INT wifi_getStationCapability (INT ap_index, wifi_sta_capability_t *cap)
INT wifi_findNetworks (INT ap_index, wifi_channel_t *channel, wifi_bss_info_t **bss, UINT *num_bss)
INT wifi_getStationStats (INT ap_index, wifi_station_stats_t *sta)
void wifi_staConnectionStatus_callback_register (wifi_staConnectionStatus_callback callback_proc)
INT wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2 (INT radioIndex, wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
 Get detail radio traffic static info. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2 (INT ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t *output_struct)
 Get the basic SSID traffic static info. More...
INT wifi_getRadioBandUtilization (INT radioIndex, INT *output_percentage)
 To read the radio band utilization. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult3 (INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev3_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size)
INT wifi_setClientDetailedStatisticsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 This function enabled/disabled collection of detailed statistics of associated clients on Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getRadioStatsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_enable)
 This API returns the radio enabled status. More...
INT wifi_setRadioStatsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 This API is to enable/disable radio status. More...
INT wifi_getVAPTelemetry (UINT apIndex, wifi_VAPTelemetry_t *telemetry)


UINT wifi_station_stats_t::vap_index
wifi_connection_status_t wifi_station_stats_t::connect_status
UINT wifi_station_stats_t::channel
UINT wifi_station_stats_t::channelWidth
UINT wifi_station_stats_t::op_class

Data Structure Documentation

◆ _wifi_GASConfiguration_t

struct _wifi_GASConfiguration_t

Definition at line 2066 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

Collaboration diagram for _wifi_GASConfiguration_t:
Collaboration graph

Data Fields

UINT AdvertisementID
BOOL PauseForServerResponse
UINT ResponseTimeout
UINT ComeBackDelay
UINT ResponseBufferingTime
UINT QueryResponseLengthLimit

Field Documentation

◆ AdvertisementID

UINT _wifi_GASConfiguration_t::AdvertisementID

Definition at line 2067 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

◆ PauseForServerResponse

BOOL _wifi_GASConfiguration_t::PauseForServerResponse

Definition at line 2068 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

◆ ResponseTimeout

UINT _wifi_GASConfiguration_t::ResponseTimeout

Definition at line 2069 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

◆ ComeBackDelay

UINT _wifi_GASConfiguration_t::ComeBackDelay

Definition at line 2070 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

◆ ResponseBufferingTime

UINT _wifi_GASConfiguration_t::ResponseBufferingTime

Definition at line 2071 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

◆ QueryResponseLengthLimit

UINT _wifi_GASConfiguration_t::QueryResponseLengthLimit

Definition at line 2072 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 2063 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ wifi_vapstatus_callback

typedef INT(* wifi_vapstatus_callback) (INT apIndex, wifi_vapstatus_t status)

This call back will be invoked when VAP status changes.

[in]apIndexVAP Index
[in]statusVAP status
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

Definition at line 2670 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

◆ wifi_analytics_callback

typedef INT(* wifi_analytics_callback) (CHAR *fmt,...)

This call back will be invoked when HAL wants to log catasrophic failures.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

Definition at line 2708 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

◆ wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback

typedef int( * wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback) (int apIndex, wifi_associated_dev_t *associated_dev)

@description This call back will be invoked when new wifi client come to associate to AP.

apIndex- Access Point Index
associated_dev- wifi_associated_dev_t *associated_dev, associated device info
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

Definition at line 4904 of file wifi_hal_emu.h.

◆ wifi_apAuthEvent_callback

typedef int( * wifi_apAuthEvent_callback) (int apIndex, char *MAC, int event_type)

Definition at line 5427 of file wifi_hal_emu.h.

◆ wifi_scanResults_callback

typedef INT( * wifi_scanResults_callback) (wifi_radio_index_t index, wifi_bss_info_t **bss, UINT *num_bss)

Definition at line 1016 of file wifi_hal_radio.h.

◆ wifi_staConnectionStatus_callback

typedef INT( * wifi_staConnectionStatus_callback) (INT apIndex, wifi_bss_info_t *bss_dev, wifi_station_stats_t *sta)

Definition at line 139 of file wifi_hal_sta.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ wifi_vapstatus_t

VAP status possible values.


Definition at line 2647 of file wifi_hal_ap.h.

Function Documentation

◆ wifi_getWifiTrafficStats() [1/2]

INT wifi_getWifiTrafficStats ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_trafficStats_t output_struct 

Outputs more detailed traffic stats per AP.

◆ wifi_factoryResetAP()

int wifi_factoryResetAP ( int  apIndex)

Restore Access point paramters to default without change other AP nor Radio parameters (No need to reboot wifi)

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

@description Restore AP paramters to default without change other AP nor Radio parameters (No need to reboot wifi)

apIndex- Access Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_deleteAp() [1/2]

INT wifi_deleteAp ( INT  apIndex)

Deletes this access point entry on the hardware, clears all internal variables associated with this access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApName() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApName ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Outputs a 16 byte or less name associated with the Access Point. String buffer must be pre-allocated by the caller.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringAccess Point name, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApRtsThreshold() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApRtsThreshold ( INT  apIndex,
UINT  threshold 

Sets the packet size threshold in bytes to apply RTS/CTS backoff rules.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]thresholdPacket size threshold
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_removeApSecVaribles() [1/2]

INT wifi_removeApSecVaribles ( INT  apIndex)

Deletes internal security variable settings for this access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_disableApEncryption() [1/2]

INT wifi_disableApEncryption ( INT  apIndex)

Changes the hardware settings to disable encryption on this access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApNumDevicesAssociated() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApNumDevicesAssociated ( INT  apIndex,
ULONG output_ulong 

Outputs the number of stations associated per Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_ulongNumber of stations, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApRadioIndex() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApRadioIndex ( INT  apIndex,
INT output_int 

Outputs the radio index for the specified access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_intRadio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_delApAclDevices()

INT wifi_delApAclDevices ( INT  apINdex)

Get the ACL MAC list per Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]macArrayMac Array list, to be returned // in formate as "11:22:33:44:55:66\n11:22:33:44:55:67\n"
[in]maxArraySizeArray size
[out]output_numEntriessize list returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

Adds the mac address to the filter list.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]DeviceMacAddressMac Address of a device
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

Deletes all Device MAC address from the Access control filter list.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getApAclDeviceNum() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApAclDeviceNum ( INT  apIndex,
UINT output_uint 

Outputs the number of devices in the filter list.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_uintNumber of devices, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_kickApAclAssociatedDevices() [1/2]

INT wifi_kickApAclAssociatedDevices ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enable kick for devices on acl black list.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableEnable/disable kick for devices on acl black list
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApMacAddressControlMode() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApMacAddressControlMode ( INT  apIndex,
INT  filterMode 

Sets the mac address filter control mode.

  • 0 : filter as disabled
  • 1 : filter as whitelist
  • 2 : filter as blacklist.
[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]filterModeMac Address filter control mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApMacAddressControlMode()

INT wifi_getApMacAddressControlMode ( INT  apIndex,
INT output_filterMode 

This function is to read the ACL mode.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_filterModeMac Address control mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApVlanID() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApVlanID ( INT  apIndex,
INT  vlanId 

Sets the vlan ID for this access point to an internal environment variable.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]vlanIdVLAN ID
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_resetApVlanCfg() [1/2]

INT wifi_resetApVlanCfg ( INT  apIndex)

Reset the vlan configuration for this access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Sets the Access Point enable status variable for the specified access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableEnable/Disable AP enable status variable
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Outputs the setting of the internal variable that is set by wifi_setEnable().

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_boolAP enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApStatus() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApStatus ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Outputs the AP "Enabled" "Disabled" status from driver.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringAP status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSsidAdvertisementEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApSsidAdvertisementEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Indicates whether or not beacons include the SSID name.

Outputs 1 if SSID on the AP is enabled, else ouputs 0.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_boolSSID Advertisement enabled, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Sets an internal variable for ssid advertisement.

Set to 1 to enable, set to 0 to disable.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableSSID Advertisement enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApRetryLimit() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApRetryLimit ( INT  apIndex,
UINT output 

Get the maximum number of retransmission for a packet.

This corresponds to IEEE 802.11 parameter dot11ShortRetryLimit.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputMaximum number of retransmission for a packet, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApRetryLimit() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApRetryLimit ( INT  apIndex,
UINT  number 

Set the maximum number of retransmission for a packet.

This corresponds to IEEE 802.11 parameter dot11ShortRetryLimit.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]numberMaximum number of retransmission for a packet
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWmmEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApWmmEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output 

Indicates whether WMM support is currently enabled.

When enabled, this is indicated in beacon frames.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputWMM support enabled status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWmmEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApWmmEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enables/disables WMM on the hardwawre for this AP. enable==1, disable == 0.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableWMM support enabled status
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWmmUapsdEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApWmmUapsdEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output 

Indicates whether U-APSD support is currently enabled.

When enabled, this is indicated in beacon frames. U-APSD can only be enabled if WMM is also enabled.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputU-APSD support enabled status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWmmUapsdEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApWmmUapsdEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enables/disables Automatic Power Save Delivery on the hardwarwe for this Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableU-APSD enable/disable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWmmOgAckPolicy() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApWmmOgAckPolicy ( INT  apIndex,
INT  cla,
BOOL  ackPolicy 

Sets the WMM ACK policy on the hardware.

AckPolicy false means do not acknowledge, true means acknowledge.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]ackPolicyAcknowledge policy
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApIsolationEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApIsolationEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output 

Get Access Point isolation value.

A value of true means that the devices connected to the Access Point are isolated from all other devices within the home network (as is typically the case for a Wireless Hotspot).

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputAccess Point Isolation enable, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApIsolationEnable() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApIsolationEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enables or disables device isolation.

A value of true means that the devices connected to the Access Point are isolated from all other devices within the home network (as is typically the case for a Wireless Hotspot).

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableAccess Point Isolation enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBeaconRate()

INT wifi_setApBeaconRate ( INT  apIndex,
char *  sBeaconRate 

Set Access Point Beacon TX rate.

[in]apIndexAccess point index will be 0, 2,4,6,8 10, 12, 14(for 2.4G) only;
[in]sBeaconRatesBeaconRate could be "1Mbps"; "5.5Mbps"; "6Mbps"; "2Mbps"; "11Mbps"; "12Mbps"; "24Mbps"
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApBeaconRate()

INT wifi_getApBeaconRate ( INT  apIndex,
char *  output_BeaconRate 

Get Access Point Beacon TX rate.

[in]apIndexIndex of Wi-Fi Access Point
[out]output_BeaconRateBeacon rate output
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApMaxAssociatedDevices() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApMaxAssociatedDevices ( INT  apIndex,
UINT output 

Get maximum associated devices with the Access Point index.

The maximum number of devices that can simultaneously be connected to the access point. A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputMaximum associated devices, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApMaxAssociatedDevices() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApMaxAssociatedDevices ( INT  apIndex,
UINT  number 

Set maximum associated devices with the Access Point index.

The maximum number of devices that can simultaneously be connected to the access point. A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]numberMaximum associated devices
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityReset() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApSecurityReset ( INT  apIndex)

When set to true, this AccessPoint instance's WiFi security settings are reset to their factory default values.

The affected settings include ModeEnabled, WEPKey, PreSharedKey and KeyPassphrase.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityMFPConfig()

INT wifi_getApSecurityMFPConfig ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

To retrive the MFPConfig for each VAP.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_string.Preallocated buffer for 64bytes. Allowed output string are "Disabled", "Optional", "Required"
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityMFPConfig()

INT wifi_setApSecurityMFPConfig ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR MfpConfig 

the hal is used to set the MFP config for each VAP.

  1. mfpconfig need to be saved into wifi config in persistent way (so that it could be automatically applied after the wifi or vap restart)
  2. mfpconfig need to be applied right away.
[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]MfpConfig,Theallowed string for MFPConfig are "Disabled", "Optional", "Required"
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityRadiusServer() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApSecurityRadiusServer ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR IP_output,
UINT Port_output,
CHAR RadiusSecret_output 

Get the IP Address and port number of the RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security.

RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). String is 64 bytes max.

[in]IndexAccess Point index
[out]IP_outputIP Address, to be returned
[out]Port_outputPort output, to be returned
[out]RadiusSecret_outputRadius Secret output, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityRadiusServer() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApSecurityRadiusServer ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR IPAddress,
UINT  port,
CHAR RadiusSecret 

Set the IP Address and port number of the RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security.

RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). String is 64 bytes max.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]IPAddressIP Address
[in]RadiusSecretRadius Secret
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR IP_output,
UINT Port_output,
CHAR RadiusSecret_output 

Get secondary IP Address, port number and RADIUS server.

Used for WLAN security. RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). String is 64 bytes max.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]IP_outputIP Address, to be returned
[out]Port_outputPort,to be returned
[out]RadiusSecret_outputRadius Secret, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR IPAddress,
UINT  port,
CHAR RadiusSecret 

Set secondary IP Address, port number and RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security.

RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). String is 64 bytes max.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]IPAddressIP Address
[in]RadiusSecretRadius Secret
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApDASRadiusServer()

INT wifi_getApDASRadiusServer ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR IP_output,
UINT Port_output,
CHAR RadiusdasSecret_output 

◆ wifi_setApDASRadiusServer()

INT wifi_setApDASRadiusServer ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR IPAddress,
UINT  port,
CHAR RadiusdasSecret 

Set the IP Address and port number of the RADIUS DAS server, which are used for WLAN security.

Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security.RadiusDASIPAddr Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security.RadiusDASPort Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security.RadiusDASSecret

[in]IPAddressIP Address
[in]RadiusdasSecretRadius Secret
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_enableGreylistAccessControl()

INT wifi_enableGreylistAccessControl ( BOOL  enable)

This function is to enable or disable grey list Access Control on all applicable VAP.

[in]enableenable access control if true, disable if false
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityRadiusSettings() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApSecurityRadiusSettings ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_radius_setting_t output 

Get Access Point security radius settings.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputwifi_radius_setting_t info (*output), to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityRadiusSettings() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApSecurityRadiusSettings ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_radius_setting_t input 

Set Access Point security radius settings.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]inputwifi_radius_setting_t info
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsConfigurationState() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApWpsConfigurationState ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get WPS configuration state.

Output string is either Not configured or Configured, max 32 characters.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]output_stringWPS configuration state, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsEnrolleePin() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApWpsEnrolleePin ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR pin 

Sets the WPS pin for this Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]pinWPS enroll Pin
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsButtonPush() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApWpsButtonPush ( INT  apIndex)

This function is called when the WPS push button has been pressed for this AP.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_cancelApWPS() [1/2]

INT wifi_cancelApWPS ( INT  apIndex)

Cancels WPS mode for this Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApManagementFramePowerControl()

INT wifi_getApManagementFramePowerControl ( INT  apIndex,
INT output_dBm 

Get the ApManagementFramePowerControl.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_dBmManagementFramePowerControl, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApManagementFramePowerControl()

INT wifi_setApManagementFramePowerControl ( INT  apIndex,
INT  dBm 

Sets the ApManagementFramePowerControl.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback_register()

void wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback_register ( wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback  callback_proc)

Callback registration function.

[in]callback_procwifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback callback function
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

@description Callback registration function.

callback_proc- wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback callback function
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_apDisassociatedDevice_callback_register()

void wifi_apDisassociatedDevice_callback_register ( wifi_apDisassociatedDevice_callback  callback_proc)

Callback registration function.

[in]callback_procwifi_apDisassociatedDevice_callback callback function
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_apDeAuthEvent_callback_register()

void wifi_apDeAuthEvent_callback_register ( wifi_apDeAuthEvent_callback  callback_proc)

Callback registration function.

[in]callback_procwifi_apDeAuthEvent_callback callback function
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_setInterworkingAccessNetworkType()

INT wifi_setInterworkingAccessNetworkType ( INT  apIndex,
INT  accessNetworkType 

◆ wifi_getInterworkingAccessNetworkType()

INT wifi_getInterworkingAccessNetworkType ( INT  apIndex,
UINT output_uint 

◆ wifi_getApInterworkingServiceEnable()

INT wifi_getApInterworkingServiceEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get the Interworking Service enable/disable value for the AP.

[in]apIndexIndex of the Access Point.
[in]output_boolIndication as to whether the AP Interworking Service is enabled (true) or disabled (false).
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected

◆ wifi_setApInterworkingServiceEnable()

INT wifi_setApInterworkingServiceEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  input_bool 

Set the Interworking Service enable/disable value for the AP.

[in]apIndexIndex of the Access Point.
[in]input_boolValue to set the Interworking Service enable to, true or false.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected

◆ wifi_getApInterworkingElement()

INT wifi_getApInterworkingElement ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_InterworkingElement_t output_struct 

Get the Interworking Element that will be sent by the AP.

[in]apIndexIndex of the Access Point.
[in]output_structInterworking Element.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected

◆ wifi_pushApInterworkingElement()

INT wifi_pushApInterworkingElement ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_InterworkingElement_t infoEelement 

◆ wifi_mgmt_frame_callbacks_register()

INT wifi_mgmt_frame_callbacks_register ( wifi_receivedMgmtFrame_callback  mgmtRxCallback)

◆ wifi_csi_callback_register()

void wifi_csi_callback_register ( wifi_csi_callback  callback_proc)

CSI call back registration function. Callback will be executed when the CSI data is available from the HAL. if CSI engine is disabled, this callback should not be executed.

[in]callbackwifi_csi_callback callback function
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_enableCSIEngine()

INT wifi_enableCSIEngine ( INT  apIndex,
mac_address_t  sta,
BOOL  enable 

◆ wifi_sendDataFrame()

INT wifi_sendDataFrame ( INT  apIndex,
mac_address_t  sta,
UCHAR data,
UINT  len,
BOOL  insert_llc,
UINT  eth_proto,
wifi_data_priority_t  prio 

◆ wifi_sendActionFrame()

INT wifi_sendActionFrame ( INT  apIndex,
mac_address_t  sta,
UINT  frequency,
UCHAR frame,
UINT  len 

◆ wifi_applyGASConfiguration()

INT wifi_applyGASConfiguration ( wifi_GASConfiguration_t *  input_struct)

◆ wifi_setCountryIe()

INT wifi_setCountryIe ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enabled 

◆ wifi_getCountryIe()

INT wifi_getCountryIe ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL enabled 

◆ wifi_setLayer2TrafficInspectionFiltering()

INT wifi_setLayer2TrafficInspectionFiltering ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enabled 

◆ wifi_getLayer2TrafficInspectionFiltering()

INT wifi_getLayer2TrafficInspectionFiltering ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL enabled 

◆ wifi_setDownStreamGroupAddress()

INT wifi_setDownStreamGroupAddress ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  disabled 

◆ wifi_getDownStreamGroupAddress()

INT wifi_getDownStreamGroupAddress ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL disabled 

◆ wifi_setBssLoad()

INT wifi_setBssLoad ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enabled 

◆ wifi_getBssLoad()

INT wifi_getBssLoad ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL enabled 

◆ wifi_setProxyArp()

INT wifi_setProxyArp ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enabled 

◆ wifi_getProxyArp()

INT wifi_getProxyArp ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL enable 

◆ wifi_pushApHotspotElement()

INT wifi_pushApHotspotElement ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enabled 

◆ wifi_getApHotspotElement()

INT wifi_getApHotspotElement ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL enabled 

◆ wifi_pushApRoamingConsortiumElement()

INT wifi_pushApRoamingConsortiumElement ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_roamingConsortiumElement_t *  infoElement 

◆ wifi_getApRoamingConsortiumElement()

INT wifi_getApRoamingConsortiumElement ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_roamingConsortiumElement_t *  infoElement 

◆ wifi_setP2PCrossConnect()

INT wifi_setP2PCrossConnect ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  disabled 

◆ wifi_getP2PCrossConnect()

INT wifi_getP2PCrossConnect ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL disabled 

◆ wifi_getTWTsessions()

INT wifi_getTWTsessions ( INT  ap_index,
UINT  maxNumberSessions,
wifi_twt_sessions_t twtSessions,
UINT numSessionReturned 

get all the TWT session(individual or Broadcast) connected to that AP Index .

[in]ap_indexaccess point index
[in]maxNumberSessionsmaximum number of session to copy in the list
[out]twtSessionspointer to the sessions information
[out]numSessionReturnednum of seesion copied the list
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setBroadcastTWTSchedule()

INT wifi_setBroadcastTWTSchedule ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_twt_params_t  twtParams,
BOOL  create,
INT sessionID 

Create or update a broadcast TWT Session

[in]ap_indexaccess point index
[in]twtParamstwt params to create or update a broadcast TWT session
[in]createFlag to indicate if it should create a new broadcast TWT Session
[in/out]sessionID Input when create flag is false and session exist; and output when create flag is true, in this case sessionID is the ID for the new session
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setTeardownTWTSession()

INT wifi_setTeardownTWTSession ( INT  ap_index,
INT  sessionID 

teardown the individual session or the broadcast session associate to the MAC

[in]ap_indexaccess point index
[in]sessionIDTWT session to be teardown
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_createVAP()

INT wifi_createVAP ( wifi_radio_index_t  index,
wifi_vap_info_map_t *  map 

◆ wifi_getRadioVapInfoMap()

INT wifi_getRadioVapInfoMap ( wifi_radio_index_t  index,
wifi_vap_info_map_t *  map 

◆ wifi_setApSecurity()

INT wifi_setApSecurity ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_vap_security_t *  security 

◆ wifi_getApSecurity()

INT wifi_getApSecurity ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_vap_security_t *  security 

◆ wifi_getAPCapabilities()

INT wifi_getAPCapabilities ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_ap_capabilities_t *  apCapabilities 

◆ wifi_getApWpsConfiguration()

INT wifi_getApWpsConfiguration ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_wps_t *  wpsConfig 

◆ wifi_setApWpsConfiguration()

INT wifi_setApWpsConfiguration ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_wps_t *  wpsConfig 

◆ wifi_getLibhostapd()

INT wifi_getLibhostapd ( BOOL output_bool)

◆ wifi_updateLibHostApdConfig()

INT wifi_updateLibHostApdConfig ( int  apIndex)

◆ wifi_vapstatus_callback_register()

INT wifi_vapstatus_callback_register ( wifi_vapstatus_callback  callback)

VAP Status call back registration function.

[in]callbackwifi_vapstatus_callback callback function
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_hal_analytics_callback_register()

INT wifi_hal_analytics_callback_register ( wifi_analytics_callback  callback)

VAP Status call back registration function.

[in]callbackwifi_analytics_callback callback function
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringEnable()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringEnable ( BOOL enable)

To get Band Steering enable status.

[out]enableBand Steering enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setBandSteeringEnable()

INT wifi_setBandSteeringEnable ( BOOL  enable)

To turn on/off Band steering.

[in]enableBand Steering enable status
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringApGroup()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringApGroup ( char *  output_ApGroup)

To get Band Steering Access Point group.

[out]output_ApGroupBand Steering Access point group
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setBandSteeringApGroup()

INT wifi_setBandSteeringApGroup ( char *  ApGroup)

To set Band Steering Access Point group.

[in]ApGroup- Band Steering Access Point group
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringBandUtilizationThreshold()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringBandUtilizationThreshold ( INT  radioIndex,
INT pBuThreshold 

To set and read the band steering BandUtilizationThreshold parameters.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[out]pBuThresholdSteering bane utilization threshold, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setBandSteeringBandUtilizationThreshold()

INT wifi_setBandSteeringBandUtilizationThreshold ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  buThreshold 

To set the band steering BandUtilizationThreshold parameters.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[in]buThresholdSteering bane utilization threshold
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringRSSIThreshold()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringRSSIThreshold ( INT  radioIndex,
INT pRssiThreshold 

To read the band steering RSSIThreshold parameters.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[in]pRssiThresholdBand steering RSSIThreshold value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setBandSteeringRSSIThreshold()

INT wifi_setBandSteeringRSSIThreshold ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  rssiThreshold 

To set the band steering RSSIThreshold parameters.

For 2.4G, the expectation is if the 2G rssi is below the set value steer to 2G For 5G, if the set value is greater than the set threshold value then steer to 5

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[in]rssiThresholdBand steering RSSIThreshold value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringPhyRateThreshold()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringPhyRateThreshold ( INT  radioIndex,
INT pPrThreshold 

To read the band steering physical modulation rate threshold parameters.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[out]pPrThresholdPhysical modulation rate threshold value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setBandSteeringPhyRateThreshold()

INT wifi_setBandSteeringPhyRateThreshold ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  prThreshold 

To set the band steering physical modulation rate threshold parameters.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[in]prThresholdPhysical modulation rate threshold value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringOverloadInactiveTime()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringOverloadInactiveTime ( INT  radioIndex,
INT overloadInactiveTime 

To read the inactivity time (in seconds) for steering under overload condition.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[out]overloadInactiveTimeinactivity time (in seconds) for steering under overload condition
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setBandSteeringOverloadInactiveTime()

INT wifi_setBandSteeringOverloadInactiveTime ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  overloadInactiveTime 

To set the inactivity time (in seconds) for steering under overload condition.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[in]overloadInactiveTimeInactivity time (in seconds) for steering under overload condition
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringIdleInactiveTime()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringIdleInactiveTime ( INT  radioIndex,
INT idleInactiveTime 

To read the inactivity time (in seconds) for steering under Idle condition.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[out]idleInactiveTimeInactivity time (in seconds) for steering under Idle condition
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setBandSteeringIdleInactiveTime()

INT wifi_setBandSteeringIdleInactiveTime ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  idleInactiveTime 

To set the inactivity time (in seconds) for steering under Idle condition.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[in]idleInactiveTimeInactivity time (in seconds) for steering under Idle condition
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringLog()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringLog ( INT  record_index,
ULONG pSteeringTime,
CHAR pClientMAC,
INT pSourceSSIDIndex,
INT pDestSSIDIndex,
INT pSteeringReason 

To get the band steering log.

If no steering or record_index is out of boundary, return -1.

[in]record_indexRecord index
[out]pSteeringTimeReturns the UTC time in seconds
[in]pClientMACpClientMAC is pre allocated as 64bytes
[in]pSourceSSIDIndexSource SSID index
[in]pDestSSIDIndexDestination SSID index
[out]pSteeringReasonReturns the predefined steering trigger reason
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold ( INT  apIndex,
UINT output 

Get the HighWatermarkThreshold value, that is lesser than or equal to MaxAssociatedDevices.

Setting this parameter does not actually limit the number of clients that can associate with this access point as that is controlled by MaxAssociatedDevices. MaxAssociatedDevices or 50. The default value of this parameter should be equal to MaxAssociatedDevices. In case MaxAssociatedDevices is 0 (zero), the default value of this parameter should be 50. A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit and Watermark calculation algorithm should be turned off.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputHighWatermarkThreshold value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold() [1/2]

INT wifi_setApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold ( INT  apIndex,
UINT  Threshold 

Set the HighWatermarkThreshold value, that is lesser than or equal to MaxAssociatedDevices.

Setting this parameter does not actually limit the number of clients that can associate with this access point as that is controlled by MaxAssociatedDevices. MaxAssociatedDevices or 50. The default value of this parameter should be equal to MaxAssociatedDevices. In case MaxAssociatedDevices is 0 (zero), the default value of this parameter should be 50. A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit and Watermark calculation algorithm should be turned off.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]ThresholdHighWatermarkThreshold value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThresholdReached() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThresholdReached ( INT  apIndex,
UINT output 

Get the number of times the current total number of associated device has reached the HighWatermarkThreshold value.

This calculation can be based on the parameter AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries as well. Implementation specifics about this parameter are left to the product group and the device vendors. It can be updated whenever there is a new client association request to the access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputNumber of times the current total number of associated device has reached the HighWatermarkThreshold value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermark() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermark ( INT  apIndex,
UINT output 

Maximum number of associated devices that have ever associated with the access point concurrently since the last reset of the device or WiFi module.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputMaximum number of associated devices that have ever associated with the access point concurrently, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkDate() [1/2]

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkDate ( INT  apIndex,
ULONG output_in_seconds 

Get Date and Time at which the maximum number of associated devices ever associated with the access point concurrently since the last reset of the device or WiFi module.

In short when was AssociatedDevicesHighWatermark updated This dateTime value is in UTC.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_in_secondsDate and Time at which the maximum number of associated devices ever associated with the access point concurrenlty, to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setFastBSSTransitionActivated()

INT wifi_setFastBSSTransitionActivated ( INT  apIndex,
UCHAR  activate 

◆ wifi_getBSSTransitionActivated()

INT wifi_getBSSTransitionActivated ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL activate 

Get the Fast Transition capability value.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
activate- 0 = disabled, 1 = full FT support, 2 = adaptive support.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_setEAP_Param()

INT wifi_setEAP_Param ( UINT  apIndex,
UINT  value,
char *  param 

Get the Fast Transition over DS activated value.
@description Set the EAP authentication and EAPOL Handshake parameters. EAPOL Key Timeout and max retries [M1 and M3] EAP Identity Request and max retries EAP Request Timeout and max retries.

[in]apIndex- VAP number
[in]value- Either timeout or retry value
[in]param- Pramater string name to be configured as follows eapolkey(timeout or retries), eapidentityrequest(timeout or retries), eaprequest(timeout or retries)
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_getEAP_Param()

INT wifi_getEAP_Param ( UINT  apIndex,
wifi_eap_config_t output 

◆ wifi_getFTOverDSActivated()

INT wifi_getFTOverDSActivated ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL activate 

◆ wifi_setFTOverDSActivated()

INT wifi_setFTOverDSActivated ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL activate 

Set the Fast Transition over DS activated value. See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
activate- True for activated (enabled), false for not activated (disabled).
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_getFTMobilityDomainID()

INT wifi_getFTMobilityDomainID ( INT  apIndex,
UCHAR  mobilityDomain[2] 

Get the Fast Transition Mobility Domain value. See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
mobilityDomain- Value of the FT Mobility Domain for this AP.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_setFTMobilityDomainID()

INT wifi_setFTMobilityDomainID ( INT  apIndex,
UCHAR  mobilityDomain[2] 

Set the Fast Transition Mobility Domain value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
mobilityDomain- Value of the FT Mobility Domain for this AP.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_getFTResourceRequestSupported()

INT wifi_getFTResourceRequestSupported ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL supported 

Get the Fast Transition Resource Request Support value. See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
supported- True is FT resource request supported, false is not supported.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_setFTResourceRequestSupported()

INT wifi_setFTResourceRequestSupported ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL supported 

Set the Fast Transition Resource Request Support value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
suppored- True is FT resource request supported, false is not supported.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_getFTR0KeyLifetime()

INT wifi_getFTR0KeyLifetime ( INT  apIndex,
UINT lifetime 

Get the Fast Transition R0 Key Lifetime value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.4.2.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
lifetime- R0 Key Lifetime.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_setFTR0KeyLifetime()

INT wifi_setFTR0KeyLifetime ( INT  apIndex,
UINT lifetime 

Set the Fast Transition R0 Key Lifetime value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.4.2.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
lifetime- R0 Key Lifetime.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_getFTR0KeyHolderID()

INT wifi_getFTR0KeyHolderID ( INT  apIndex,
UCHAR keyHolderID 

Get the Fast Transition R0 Key Holder ID value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
keyHolderID- R0 Key Holder ID string.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_setFTR0KeyHolderID()

INT wifi_setFTR0KeyHolderID ( INT  apIndex,
UCHAR keyHolderID 

Set the Fast Transition R0 Key Holder ID value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
keyHolderID- R0 Key Holder ID string.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_getFTR1KeyHolderID()

INT wifi_getFTR1KeyHolderID ( INT  apIndex,
UCHAR keyHolderID 

Get the Fast Transition R1 Key Holder ID value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
keyHolderID- R0 Key Holder ID string.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_setFTR1KeyHolderID()

INT wifi_setFTR1KeyHolderID ( INT  apIndex,
UCHAR keyHolderID 

Set the Fast Transition R1 Key Holder ID value.
See 802.11-2016 section 13.3.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
keyHolderID- R0 Key Holder ID string.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_pushApFastTransitionConfig()

INT wifi_pushApFastTransitionConfig ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_FastTransitionConfig_t ftData 

◆ wifi_setBSSTransitionActivation()

INT wifi_setBSSTransitionActivation ( UINT  apIndex,
BOOL  activate 

Set the BTM capability to activated or deactivated, same as enabled or disabled. The word "activated" is used here because that's what's used in the 802.11 specification. When deactivate the gateway ignores a BTM report request as defined in 802.11-2016 section The AP (apIndex) BSS Transition bit in any Extended Capabilities element sent out is set corresponding to the activate parameter.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
activate- True for activate false for deactivate.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_getBSSTransitionActivation()

INT wifi_getBSSTransitionActivation ( UINT  apIndex,
BOOL activate 

@description Get the BTM capability of activated or deactivated, same as enabled or disabled.

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
activate- True for activate false for deactivate.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_setNeighborReportActivation()

INT wifi_setNeighborReportActivation ( UINT  apIndex,
BOOL  activate 

◆ wifi_getNeighborReportActivation()

INT wifi_getNeighborReportActivation ( UINT  apIndex,
BOOL activate 

◆ wifi_getHalVersion()

int wifi_getHalVersion ( char *  output_string)

@description Get the wifi hal version in string, eg "2.0.0". WIFI_HAL_MAJOR_VERSION.WIFI_HAL_MINOR_VERSION.WIFI_HAL_MAINTENANCE_VERSION

output_string- WiFi Hal version, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_factoryReset()

int wifi_factoryReset ( )

Clears internal variables to implement a factory reset of the Wi-Fi subsystem.

@description Clears internal variables to implement a factory reset of the Wi-Fi subsystem. Resets Implementation specifics may dictate some functionality since different hardware implementations may have different requirements.

The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

A Specific implementation may dictate some functionalities since different hardware implementations may have different requirements.

The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_factoryResetRadios()

INT wifi_factoryResetRadios ( )

Restore all radio parameters without touching access point parameters.

@description Restore all radio parameters without touching access point parameters. Resets Implementation specifics may dictate some functionality since different hardware implementations may have different requirements.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

A Specific implementation may dictate some functionalities since different hardware implementations may have different requirements.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_factoryResetRadio()

INT wifi_factoryResetRadio ( int  radioIndex)

Restore selected radio parameters without touching access point parameters.

@description Restore selected radio parameters without touching access point parameters

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi Radio channel
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi Radio channel
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setLED()

int wifi_setLED ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

Set the system LED status.

@description Set the system LED status

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi Radio channel
enable- LED status
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi Radio channel
enableLED status
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_init()

int wifi_init ( )

This function call initializes all Wi-Fi radios.

@description This function call initializes all Wi-Fi radios. Implementation specifics may dictate the functionality since different hardware implementations may have different initilization requirements.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

A specific implementation may dictate some functionality since different hardware implementations may have different initilization requirements.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_reset()

int wifi_reset ( )

Resets the Wifi subsystem. This includes reset of all Access Point variables.

@description Resets the Wifi subsystem. This includes reset of all AP varibles. Implementation specifics may dictate what is actualy reset since different hardware implementations may have different requirements.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

Implementation specifics may dictate what is actualy reset since different hardware implementations may have different requirements.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_down()

int wifi_down ( )

Turns off transmit power for the entire Wifi subsystem, for all radios.

@description Turns off transmit power for the entire Wifi subsystem, for all radios. Implementation specifics may dictate some functionality since different hardware implementations may have different requirements.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

Implementation specifics may dictate some functionality since different hardware implementations may have different requirements.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_createInitialConfigFiles()

int wifi_createInitialConfigFiles ( )

This function creates wifi configuration files.

@description This function creates wifi configuration files. The format and content of these files are implementation dependent. This function call is used to trigger this task if necessary. Some implementations may not need this function. If an implementation does not need to create config files the function call can do nothing and return RETURN_OK.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

The format and content of these files are implementation dependent. This function call is used to trigger this task if necessary. Some implementations may not need this function. If an implementation does not need to create config files the function call can do nothing and return RETURN_OK.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioCountryCode()

int wifi_getRadioCountryCode ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Outputs the country code to a max 64 character string

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Country code, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioCountryCode()

int wifi_setRadioCountryCode ( int  radioIndex,
char *  CountryCode 

@description Set the country code for selected Wi-Fi radio channel.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
CountryCode- Country code
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioNumberOfEntries()

int wifi_getRadioNumberOfEntries ( unsigned long *  output)

@description Get the total number of radios in this wifi subsystem

output- Total no. of radios, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDNumberOfEntries()

int wifi_getSSIDNumberOfEntries ( unsigned long *  output)

@description Get the total number of SSID entries in this wifi subsystem

output- Total no. of SSID entries, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get the Radio enable config parameter

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_bool- Radio Enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set the Radio enable config parameter

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
enable- Set the selected radio's status as Enable/Disable
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioStatus() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioStatus ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get the Radio enable status

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_bool- Selected radio's enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioIfName() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioIfName ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the Radio Interface name from platform, eg "wifi0"

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Interface name, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioMaxBitRate()

int wifi_getRadioMaxBitRate ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface. eg: "216.7 Mb/s", "1.3 Gb/s" The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Maximum bit rate supported, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands()

int wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get Supported frequency bands at which the radio can operate. eg: "2.4GHz,5GHz" The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Supported frequency bands, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand()

int wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the frequency band at which the radio is operating, eg: "2.4GHz". The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Operating frequency band, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards()

int wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the Supported Radio Mode. eg: "b,g,n"; "n,ac". The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Supported radio mode, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioStandard()

int wifi_getRadioStandard ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string,
unsigned char *  gOnly,
unsigned char *  nOnly,
unsigned char *  acOnly 

@description Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac". The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Radio operating mode, to be returned
gOnly- Boolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
nOnly- Boolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
acOnly- Boolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioChannelMode()

int wifi_setRadioChannelMode ( int  radioIndex,
char *  channelMode,
unsigned char  gOnlyFlag,
unsigned char  nOnlyFlag,
unsigned char  acOnlyFlag 

@description Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
channelMode- Pass the channelMode for specified radio index
gOnlyFlag- Pass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
nOnlyFlag- Pass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
acOnlyFlag- Pass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels()

int wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11". The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- List of supported radio channels, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse()

int wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11". The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- List of supported radio channels, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioChannel()

int wifi_getRadioChannel ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long *  output_ulong 

@description Get the running channel number.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_ulong- Running channel number, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioChannel()

int wifi_setRadioChannel ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long  channel 

@description Set the running channel number.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
channel- Channel number to be set as running wifi radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable()

int wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Enables or disables a driver level variable to indicate if auto channel selection is enabled on this radio. This "auto channel" means the auto channel selection when radio is up. (which is different from the dynamic channel/frequency selection (DFC/DCS))

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
enable- Enable/Disable selected radio channel as auto channel radio
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported()

int wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Check if the driver support the AutoChannel.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
BOOL*output_bool - Value of Auto Channel Supported, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable()

int wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get the AutoChannel enable status.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
BOOL*output_bool - Auto Channel Enabled status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDCSSupported()

int wifi_getRadioDCSSupported ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.X_COMCAST-COM_DCSSupported. Check if the driver support the DCS

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_bool- DCS Supported flag for the radio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDCSEnable()

int wifi_getRadioDCSEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_bool- DCS Enable flag for the selected radio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDCSEnable()

int wifi_setRadioDCSEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
enable- Set the value of DCS Enable flag for the selected radio index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool()

int wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_pool 

@description Get radio DCS channel pool. The output_string is a max length 256 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this. The value of this parameter is a comma seperated list of channel number.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_pool- DCS channel pool for the selected radio index,to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool()

int wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool ( int  radioIndex,
char *  pool 

@description Set radio DCS channel pool. The output_string is a max length 256 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this. The value of this parameter is a comma seperated list of channel number.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
pool- Set DCS channel pool for the selected radio index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime()

int wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime ( int  radioIndex,
int *  output_interval_seconds,
int *  output_dwell_milliseconds 

@description Get radio DCS scan time.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_interval_seconds- Get the interval time in seconds
output_dwell_milliseconds- Get the dwell time in milliseconds
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime()

int wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime ( int  radioIndex,
int  interval_seconds,
int  dwell_milliseconds 

@description Set radio DCS scan time.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
interval_seconds- Set the interval time in seconds
dwell_milliseconds- Set the dwell time in milliseconds
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDfsSupport()

int wifi_getRadioDfsSupport ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get radio DFS support.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_bool- Get DFS support for the selected radio index in the pre-allocated buffer
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDfsEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioDfsEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get the Dfs enable status. Data model parameter used to check the DFS enable status is,

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_bool- Get DFS Enable status of the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDfsEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioDfsEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enabled 

@description Set the Dfs enable status. Data model parameter used to check the DFS enable status is "Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.X_COMCAST-COM_DfsEnable".

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
enable- Set DFS Enable status of the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriodSupported()

int wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriodSupported ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Check if the driver support the AutoChannelRefreshPeriod.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_bool- Get auto channel refresh period support for the selected radio channel in the pre-allocated bool buffer.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod()

int wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long *  output_ulong 

@description Check if the driver support the AutoChannelRefreshPeriod.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_bool- Get auto channel refresh period support for the selected radio channel in the pre-allocated bool buffer.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod()

int wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long  seconds 

@description Set the DCS refresh period in seconds.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
seconds- Set auto channel refresh period in seconds support for the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth()

int wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160". The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Get operating channel bandwidth for the selected radio channel in the pre-allocated char buffer
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth()

int wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth ( int  radioIndex,
char *  bandwidth 

@description Set the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160".

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
bandwidth- Set operating channel bandwidth for the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioExtChannel()

int wifi_getRadioExtChannel ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the secondary extension channel position, "AboveControlChannel" or "BelowControlChannel". (this is for 40MHz and 80MHz bandwith only). The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Secondary extension channel position, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioExtChannel()

int wifi_setRadioExtChannel ( int  radioIndex,
char *  string 

@description Set the secondary extension channel position, "AboveControlChannel" or "BelowControlChannel". (this is for 40MHz and 80MHz bandwith only).

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
string- Secondary extension channel position
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioGuardInterval()

int wifi_getRadioGuardInterval ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec". The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_string- Guard interval value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioGuardInterval()

int wifi_setRadioGuardInterval ( int  radioIndex,
char *  string 

@description Set the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec".

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
string- Guard interval value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioMCS() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioMCS ( int  radioIndex,
int *  output_INT 

@description Get the Modulation Coding Scheme index, eg: "-1", "1", "15".

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_INT- Modulation Coding Scheme index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioMCS() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioMCS ( int  radioIndex,
int  MCS 

@description Set the Modulation Coding Scheme index, eg: "-1", "1", "15".

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
MCS- Modulation Coding Scheme index value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported()

int wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_list 

@description Get supported Transmit Power list, eg : "0,25,50,75,100". The output_list is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_list- Transmit power list, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioTransmitPower() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioTransmitPower ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long *  output_ulong 

@description Get current Transmit Power, eg "75", "100". The transmite power level is in units of full power for this radio.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
ULONG*output_ulong - Current Transmit power value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioTransmitPower() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioTransmitPower ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long  TransmitPower 

@description Set current Transmit Power, eg "75", "100". The transmite power level is in units of full power for this radio.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
TransmitPower- Transmit power value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported()

int wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  Supported 

@description Get 80211h Supported.
80211h solves interference with satellites and radar using the same 5 GHz frequency band.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
Supported- 80211h Supported, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled()

int wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  enable 

@description Get 80211h feature enable.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
enable- 80211h feature enable, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled()

int wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set 80211h feature enable.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
enable- 80211h feature enable
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdRange() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdRange ( int  radioIndex,
int *  output 

@description Indicates the Carrier Sense ranges supported by the radio. It is measured in dBm. Refer section A.2.3.2 of CableLabs Wi-Fi MGMT Specification.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output- Carrier sense threshold range, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse ( int  radioIndex,
int *  output 

@description The RSSI signal level at which CS/CCA detects a busy condition. This attribute enables APs to increase minimum sensitivity to avoid detecting busy condition from multiple/weak Wi-Fi sources in dense Wi-Fi environments. It is measured in dBm. Refer section A.2.3.2 of CableLabs Wi-Fi MGMT Specification.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output- Carrier sense threshold in use, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse ( int  radioIndex,
int  threshold 

@description Set Carrier sense threshold in use for the selected radio index. The RSSI signal level at which CS/CCA detects a busy condition. This attribute enables APs to increase minimum sensitivity to avoid detecting busy condition from multiple/weak Wi-Fi sources in dense Wi-Fi environments. It is measured in dBm.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
threshold- Carrier sense threshold, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod()

int wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned int *  output 

@description Time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds). This parameter is based ondot11BeaconPeriod from [802.11-2012].

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output- Radio Beacon period, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod()

int wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned int  BeaconPeriod 

@description Time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds). This parameter is based ondot11BeaconPeriod from [802.11-2012].

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
BeaconPeriod- Radio Beacon period
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates()

int wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output 

@description Get the set of data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inBasicDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output- Comma-separated list of strings, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates()

int wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates ( int  radioIndex,
char *  TransmitRates 

@description Set the data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inBasicDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
TransmitRates- Comma-separated list of strings
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2 ( int  radioIndex,
wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t output_struct 

@description Get detail radio traffic static info.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_struct- wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct, all traffic stats info to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsMeasure()

int wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsMeasure ( int  radioIndex,
wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t input_struct 

@description Set radio traffic static Measuring rules.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
input_struct- wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t *input_struct, traffic stats measure info
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsRadioStatisticsEnable()

int wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsRadioStatisticsEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set radio traffic statistics enable.
Device.WiFi.Radio.{i}.Stats.X_COMCAST-COM_RadioStatisticsEnable bool writable

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
enable- Enable/disable, traffic stats statistics
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel()

int wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel ( int  radioIndex,
int  signalIndex,
int *  SignalLevel 

@description Clients associated with the AP over a specific interval. The histogram MUST have a range from -110to 0 dBm and MUST be divided in bins of 3 dBM, with bins aligning on the -110 dBm end of the range. Received signal levels equal to or greater than the smaller boundary of a bin and less than the larger boundary are included in the respective bin. The bin associated with the client?s current received signal level MUST be incremented when a client associates with the AP. Additionally, the respective bins associated with each connected client?s current received signal level MUST be incremented at the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Rate". The histogram?s bins MUST NOT be incremented at any other time. The histogram data collected during the interval MUST be published to the parameter only at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The underlying histogram data MUST be cleared at the start of each interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval?. If any of the parameter's representing this histogram is queried before the histogram has been updated with an initial set of data, it MUST return -1. Units dBm.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
signalIndex- Signal index
SignalLevel- Signal level, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_applyRadioSettings() [1/2]

int wifi_applyRadioSettings ( int  radioIndex)

@description This API is used to apply (push) all previously set radio level variables and make these settings active in the hardware. Not all implementations may need this function. If not needed for a particular implementation simply return no-error (0).

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioResetCount() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioResetCount ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long *  output_int 

@description Get the radio reset count.

radioIndex- Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_int- Reset count, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDRadioIndex() [1/2]

int wifi_getSSIDRadioIndex ( int  ssidIndex,
int *  radioIndex 

@description Get the radio index associated with the SSID entry.

ssidIndex- SSID index
radioIndex- Radio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDEnable()

int wifi_getSSIDEnable ( int  ssidIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get SSID enable configuration parameters (not the SSID enable status).

ssidIndex- SSID index
output_bool- SSID enable, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setSSIDEnable()

int wifi_setSSIDEnable ( int  ssidIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set SSID enable configuration parameters.

ssidIndex- SSID index
enable- SSID enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDStatus()

int wifi_getSSIDStatus ( int  ssidIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get SSID enable status.

ssidIndex- SSID index
output_string- SSID enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDName()

int wifi_getSSIDName ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get SSID Name associated with the Access Point index. Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the SSID name. Sring buffer must be preallocated by the caller.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- SSID enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setSSIDName()

int wifi_setSSIDName ( int  apIndex,
char *  ssid_string 

@description Set SSID Name associated with the Access Point index.

apIndex- Access Point index
ssid_string- SSID Name
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBaseBSSID()

int wifi_getBaseBSSID ( int  ssidIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the BSSID.

ssidIndex- SSID index
output_string- Base BSSID, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDMACAddress()

int wifi_getSSIDMACAddress ( int  ssidIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get the MAC address associated with this Wifi SSID.

ssidIndex- SSID index
output_string- MAC Address, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2() [1/2]

int wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2 ( int  ssidIndex,
wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t output_struct 

@description Get the basic SSID traffic static info.

ssidIndex- SSID index
output_struct- wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t *output_struct SSID traffic stats, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_applySSIDSettings() [1/2]

int wifi_applySSIDSettings ( int  ssidIndex)

@description Apply SSID and AP (in the case of Acess Point devices) to the hardware. Not all implementations may need this function. If not needed for a particular implementation simply return no-error (0).

ssidIndex- SSID index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2()

int wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2 ( int  radioIndex,
wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **  neighbor_ap_array,
unsigned int *  output_array_size 

@description Start the wifi scan and get the result into output buffer for RDKB to parser. The result will be used to manage endpoint list. HAL funciton should allocate an data structure array, and return to caller with "neighbor_ap_array".

radioIndex- Radio index
neighbor_ap_array- wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, neighbour access point info to be returned
output_array_size- UINT *output_array_size, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats()

int wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats ( int  ssidIndex,
wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t output_struct 

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_getBasicTrafficStats()

int wifi_getBasicTrafficStats ( int  apIndex,
wifi_basicTrafficStats_t output_struct 

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_getWifiTrafficStats() [2/2]

int wifi_getWifiTrafficStats ( int  apIndex,
wifi_trafficStats_t output_struct 

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult()

int wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult ( wifi_neighbor_ap_t **  neighbor_ap_array,
unsigned int *  output_array_size 

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_getAllAssociatedDeviceDetail()

int wifi_getAllAssociatedDeviceDetail ( int  apIndex,
unsigned long *  output_ulong,
wifi_device_t **  output_struct 

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_setRadioCtsProtectionEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioCtsProtectionEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Enables CTS protection for the radio used by this AP

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- CTS protection enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioObssCoexistenceEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioObssCoexistenceEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description enables OBSS Coexistence - fall back to 20MHz if necessary for the radio used by this AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- OBSS Coexistence enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioFragmentationThreshold() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioFragmentationThreshold ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int  threshold 

@description Sets the fragmentation threshold in bytes for the radio used by this AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
threshold- Fragmentation Threshold value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioSTBCEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioSTBCEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  STBC_Enable 

@description Enable STBC mode in the hardware, 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled.

radioIndex- Radio index
STBC_Enable- STBC mode enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAMSDUEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioAMSDUEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Outputs A-MSDU enable status, 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_bool- A-MSDU enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioAMSDUEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioAMSDUEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  amsduEnable 

@description Enables A-MSDU in the hardware, 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled.

radioIndex- Radio index
amsduEnable- A-MSDU enable status value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioTxChainMask()

int wifi_getRadioTxChainMask ( int  radioIndex,
int *  output_int 

@description Outputs the number of Tx streams.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_int- Number of Tx streams, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioTxChainMask()

int wifi_setRadioTxChainMask ( int  radioIndex,
int  numStreams 

@description Sets the number of Tx streams to an enviornment variable.

radioIndex- Radio index
numStreams- Number of Tx streams
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioRxChainMask()

int wifi_getRadioRxChainMask ( int  radioIndex,
int *  output_int 

@description Outputs the number of Rx streams.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_int- Number of Rx streams, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioRxChainMask()

int wifi_setRadioRxChainMask ( int  radioIndex,
int  numStreams 

@description Sets the number of Rx streams to an enviornment variable.

radioIndex- Radio index
numStreams- Number of Rx streams
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushBridgeInfo()

int wifi_pushBridgeInfo ( int  apIndex)


◆ wifi_pushRadioChannel()

int wifi_pushRadioChannel ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned int  channel 


◆ wifi_pushRadioChannelMode()

int wifi_pushRadioChannelMode ( int  radioIndex)


◆ wifi_pushRadioTxChainMask()

int wifi_pushRadioTxChainMask ( int  radioIndex)


◆ wifi_pushRadioRxChainMask()

int wifi_pushRadioRxChainMask ( int  radioIndex)


◆ wifi_pushSSID()

int wifi_pushSSID ( int  apIndex,
char *  ssid 

@description Push the enviornment varible that is set by "wifi_setSsidName" to the hardware.

apIndex- Access Point index
ssid- WiFi SSID value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable()

int wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Push the enviornment varible that is set by "wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable" to the hardware.

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- SSID Advertisement value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioUpTime() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioUpTime ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long *  uptime 

@description Get the number of seconds elapsed since radio is started.

radioIndex- Radio index
uptime- Wifi uptime, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantSupported() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantSupported ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get radio RDG enable Support.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_bool- RDG enable support value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable()

int wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get radio RDG enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_bool- RDG enable setting value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable()

int wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set radio RDG enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
enable- RDG enable setting value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable()

int wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_bool- Radio ADDBA enable setting value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable()

int wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
enable- Radio ADDBA enable setting value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoBlockAckEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioAutoBlockAckEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get radio auto block ack enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_bool- Auto block ack enable setting value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioAutoBlockAckEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioAutoBlockAckEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set radio auto block ack enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
enable- Auto block ack enable setting value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported()

int wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get radio 11n pure mode enable support.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_bool- Radio 11n pure mode enable support value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable()

int wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get radio 11n pure mode enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_bool- Radio 11n pure mode enable setting, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable()

int wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set radio 11n pure mode enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
enable- Radio 11n pure mode enable setting
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_getRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get radio IGMP snooping enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
output_bool- Radio IGMP snooping enable setting, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable() [1/2]

int wifi_setRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Set radio IGMP snooping enable setting.

radioIndex- Radio index
enable- Radio IGMP snooping enable setting
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_createAp()

int wifi_createAp ( int  apIndex,
int  radioIndex,
char *  essid,
unsigned char  hideSsid 

@description creates a new ap and pushes these parameters to the hardware.

apIndex- Access Point index
radioIndex- Radio index
essid- SSID Name
hideSsid- True/False, to SSID advertisement enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_deleteAp() [2/2]

int wifi_deleteAp ( int  apIndex)

@description Deletes this ap entry on the hardware, clears all internal variables associaated with this ap.

apIndex- Access Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApName() [2/2]

int wifi_getApName ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Outputs a 16 byte or less name assocated with the AP.
String buffer must be pre-allocated by the caller.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- Access Point name, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApIndexFromName()

int wifi_getApIndexFromName ( char *  inputSsidString,
int *  ouput_int 

@description Outputs the index number in that corresponds to the SSID string.

inputSsidString- WiFi SSID Name
ouput_int- Access Point index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApBeaconType()

int wifi_getApBeaconType ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the beacon type as "None", "Basic", "WPA", "11i", "WPAand11i".

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- Beacon type, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBeaconType()

int wifi_setApBeaconType ( int  apIndex,
char *  beaconTypeString 

@description Sets the beacon type enviornment variable. Allowed input strings are "None", "Basic", "WPA, "11i", "WPAand11i".

apIndex- Access Point index
beaconTypeString- Beacon type
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBeaconInterval()

int wifi_setApBeaconInterval ( int  apIndex,
int  beaconInterval 

@description Sets the beacon interval on the hardware for this AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
beaconInterval- Beacon interval
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApDTIMInterval()

int wifi_setApDTIMInterval ( int  apIndex,
int  dtimInterval 

@description Sets the DTIM interval for this AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
dtimInterval- DTIM interval
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported()

int wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Get the packet size threshold supported.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_bool- Packet size threshold supported, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApRtsThreshold() [2/2]

int wifi_setApRtsThreshold ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int  threshold 

@description Sets the packet size threshold in bytes to apply RTS/CTS backoff rules.

apIndex- Access Point index
threshold- Packet size threshold
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpaEncryptoinMode()

int wifi_getApWpaEncryptoinMode ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description ouputs up to a 32 byte string as either "TKIPEncryption", "AESEncryption", or "TKIPandAESEncryption".

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- WPA Encryption mode, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode()

int wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode ( int  apIndex,
char *  encMode 

@description Sets the encyption mode enviornment variable. Valid string format is "TKIPEncryption", "AESEncryption", or "TKIPandAESEncryption".

apIndex- Access Point index
encMode- WPA Encryption mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_removeApSecVaribles() [2/2]

int wifi_removeApSecVaribles ( int  apIndex)

@description Deletes internal security varable settings for this ap.

apIndex- Access Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_disableApEncryption() [2/2]

int wifi_disableApEncryption ( int  apIndex)

@description changes the hardware settings to disable encryption on this ap.

apIndex- Access Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApAuthMode()

int wifi_setApAuthMode ( int  apIndex,
int  mode 

@description Set the authorization mode on this ap. mode mapping as: 1: open, 2: shared, 4:auto.

apIndex- Access Point index
mode- Authorization mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode()

int wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode ( int  apIndex,
char *  authMode 

@description Sets an enviornment variable for the authMode. Valid strings are "None", "EAPAuthentication" or "SharedAuthentication".

apIndex- Access Point index
authMode- Authentication mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApNumDevicesAssociated() [2/2]

int wifi_getApNumDevicesAssociated ( int  apIndex,
unsigned long *  output_ulong 

@description Outputs the number of stations associated per AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_ulong- Number of stations, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice()

int wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice ( int  apIndex,
char *  client_mac 

@description Manually removes any active wi-fi association with the device specified on this ap.

apIndex- Access Point index
client_mac- Client device MAC address
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApRadioIndex() [2/2]

int wifi_getApRadioIndex ( int  apIndex,
int *  output_int 

@description Outputs the radio index for the specified ap.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_int- Radio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApRadioIndex()

int wifi_setApRadioIndex ( int  apIndex,
int  radioIndex 

@description Sets the radio index for the specific ap.

apIndex- Access Point index
radioIndex- Radio index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAclDevices()

int wifi_getApAclDevices ( int  apIndex,
char *  macArray,
unsigned int  buf_size 

@description Get the ACL MAC list per AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
macArray- Mac Array list, to be returned
buf_size- Buffer size for the mac array list
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_addApAclDevice()

int wifi_addApAclDevice ( int  apIndex,
char *  DeviceMacAddress 

@description Adds the mac address to the filter list.

apIndex- Access Point index
DeviceMacAddress- Mac Address of a device
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_delApAclDevice()

int wifi_delApAclDevice ( int  apIndex,
char *  DeviceMacAddress 

@description Deletes the mac address from the filter list.

apIndex- Access Point index
DeviceMacAddress- Mac Address of a device
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAclDeviceNum() [2/2]

int wifi_getApAclDeviceNum ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int *  output_uint 

@description Outputs the number of devices in the filter list.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_uint- Number of devices, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_kickApAclAssociatedDevices() [2/2]

int wifi_kickApAclAssociatedDevices ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Enable kick for devices on acl black list.

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- Enable/disable kick for devices on acl black list
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApMacAddressControlMode() [2/2]

int wifi_setApMacAddressControlMode ( int  apIndex,
int  filterMode 

@description Sets the mac address filter control mode. 0 == filter disabled, 1 == filter as whitelist, 2 == filter as blacklist.

apIndex- Access Point index
filterMode- Mac Address filter control mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApVlanEnable()

int wifi_setApVlanEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  VlanEnabled 

@description Enables internal gateway VLAN mode. In this mode a Vlan tag is added to upstream (received) data packets before exiting the Wifi driver. VLAN tags in downstream data are stripped from data packets before transmission. Default is FALSE.

apIndex- Access Point index
VlanEnabled- Internal gateway VLAN mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApVlanID() [2/2]

int wifi_setApVlanID ( int  apIndex,
int  vlanId 

@description Sets the vlan ID for this ap to an internal enviornment variable.

apIndex- Access Point index
vlanId- VLAN ID
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApBridgeInfo()

int wifi_getApBridgeInfo ( int  index,
char *  bridgeName,
char *  IP,
char *  subnet 

@description Gets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet.BridgeName is a maximum of 32 characters.

index- Access Point index
bridgeName- Bridge name, to be returned
IP- IP Address, to be returned
subnet- Subnet, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBridgeInfo()

int wifi_setApBridgeInfo ( int  apIndex,
char *  bridgeName,
char *  IP,
char *  subnet 

@description Sets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet to internal enviornment variables. BridgeName is a maximum of 32 characters.

apIndex- Access Point index
bridgeName- Bridge name
IP- IP Address
subnet- Subnet
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_resetApVlanCfg() [2/2]

int wifi_resetApVlanCfg ( int  apIndex)

@description Reset the vlan configuration for this ap.

apIndex- Access Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_createHostApdConfig()

int wifi_createHostApdConfig ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  createWpsCfg 

Creates configuration variables needed for WPA/WPS.

@description Creates configuration variables needed for WPA/WPS. These variables are implementation dependent and in some implementations these variables are used by hostapd when it is started. Specific variables that are needed are dependent on the hostapd implementation. These variables are set by WPA/WPS security functions in this wifi HAL. If not needed for a particular implementation this function may simply return no error.

apIndex- Access Point index
createWpsCfg- Enable/Disable WPS Configuration creation
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

These variables are implementation dependent and in some implementations these variables are used by hostapd when it is started. Specific variables that are needed are dependent on the hostapd implementation. These variables are set by WPA/WPS security functions in this wifi HAL. If not needed for a particular implementation this function may simply return no error.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]createWpsCfgEnable/Disable WPS Configuration creation
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_startHostApd()

int wifi_startHostApd ( )

Starts hostapd.

@description Starts hostapd, uses the variables in the hostapd config with format compatible with the specific hostapd implementation.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

Uses the variables in the hostapd config with format compatible with the specific hostapd implementation.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_stopHostApd()

int wifi_stopHostApd ( )

Stops hostapd.

@description Stops hostapd

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_setApEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Sets the AP enable status variable for the specified ap.

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- Enable/Disable AP enable status variable
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_getApEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Outputs the setting of the internal variable that is set by wifi_setEnable().

apIndex- Access Point index
output_bool- AP enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApStatus() [2/2]

int wifi_getApStatus ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Outputs the AP "Enabled" "Disabled" status from driver.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- AP status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSsidAdvertisementEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_getApSsidAdvertisementEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Indicates whether or not beacons include the SSID name. Outputs 1 if SSID on the AP is enabled, else ouputs 0.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_bool- SSID Advertisement enabled, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Sets an internal variable for ssid advertisement. Set to 1 to enable, set to 0 to disable.

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- SSID Advertisement enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable()

int wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Push the ssid advertisement enable variable to the hardware //Applying changs with wifi_applyRadioSettings().

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- SSID Advertisement enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApRetryLimit() [2/2]

int wifi_getApRetryLimit ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int *  output 

@description Get the maximum number of retransmission for a packet. This corresponds to IEEE 802.11 parameter dot11ShortRetryLimit.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- Maximum number of retransmission for a packet, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApRetryLimit() [2/2]

int wifi_setApRetryLimit ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int  number 

@description Set the maximum number of retransmission for a packet. This corresponds to IEEE 802.11 parameter dot11ShortRetryLimit.

apIndex- Access Point index
number- Maximum number of retransmission for a packet
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWMMCapability()

int wifi_getApWMMCapability ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output 

@description Indicates whether this access point supports WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Access Categories (AC).

apIndex- Access Point index
output- WMM capability, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApUAPSDCapability()

int wifi_getApUAPSDCapability ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output 

@description Indicates whether this access point supports WMM Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD). Note: U-APSD support implies WMM support.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- U-APSD capability, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWmmEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_getApWmmEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output 

@description Indicates whether WMM support is currently enabled. When enabled, this is indicated in beacon frames.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- WMM support enabled status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWmmEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_setApWmmEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Enables/disables WMM on the hardwawre for this AP. enable==1, disable == 0.

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- WMM support enabled status
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWmmUapsdEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_getApWmmUapsdEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output 

@description Indicates whether U-APSD support is currently enabled. When enabled, this is indicated in beacon frames. Note: U-APSD can only be enabled if WMM is also enabled.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- U-APSD support enabled status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWmmUapsdEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_setApWmmUapsdEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Enables/disables Automatic Power Save Delivery on the hardwarwe for this AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- U-APSD enable/disable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWmmOgAckPolicy() [2/2]

int wifi_setApWmmOgAckPolicy ( int  apIndex,
int  class,
unsigned char  ackPolicy 

@description Sets the WMM ACK policy on the hardware. AckPolicy false means do not acknowledge, true means acknowledge.

apIndex- Access Point index
ackPolicy- Acknowledge policy
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApIsolationEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_getApIsolationEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output 

@description Get AP isolation value.A value of true means that the devices connected to the Access Point are isolated from all other devices within the home network (as is typically the case for a Wireless Hotspot).

apIndex- Access Point index
output- AP Isolation enable, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApIsolationEnable() [2/2]

int wifi_setApIsolationEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enable 

@description Enables or disables device isolation. A value of true means that the devices connected to the Access Point are isolated from all other devices within the home network (as is typically the case for a Wireless Hotspot).

apIndex- Access Point index
enable- AP Isolation enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApMaxAssociatedDevices() [2/2]

int wifi_getApMaxAssociatedDevices ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int *  output 

@description Get maximum associated devices with the Access Point index. The maximum number of devices that can simultaneously be connected to the access point. A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- Maximum associated devices, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApMaxAssociatedDevices() [2/2]

int wifi_setApMaxAssociatedDevices ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int  number 

@description Set maximum associated devices with the Access Point index. The maximum number of devices that can simultaneously be connected to the access point. A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit.

apIndex- Access Point index
number- Maximum associated devices
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold() [2/2]

int wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int *  output 

@description Get the HighWatermarkThreshold value, that is lesser than or equal to MaxAssociatedDevices. Setting this parameter does not actually limit the number of clients that can associate with this access point as that is controlled by MaxAssociatedDevices. MaxAssociatedDevices or 50. The default value of this parameter should be equal to MaxAssociatedDevices. In case MaxAssociatedDevices is 0 (zero), the default value of this parameter should be 50. A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit and Watermark calculation algorithm should be turned off.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- HighWatermarkThreshold value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold() [2/2]

int wifi_setApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThreshold ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int  Threshold 

@description Set the HighWatermarkThreshold value, that is lesser than or equal to MaxAssociatedDevices. Setting this parameter does not actually limit the number of clients that can associate with this access point as that is controlled by MaxAssociatedDevices. MaxAssociatedDevices or 50. The default value of this parameter should be equal to MaxAssociatedDevices. In case MaxAssociatedDevices is 0 (zero), the default value of this parameter should be 50. A value of 0 means that there is no specific limit and Watermark calculation algorithm should be turned off.

apIndex- Access Point index
Threshold- HighWatermarkThreshold value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThresholdReached() [2/2]

int wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkThresholdReached ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int *  output 

@description Get the number of times the current total number of associated device has reached the HighWatermarkThreshold value. This calculation can be based on the parameter AssociatedDeviceNumberOfEntries as well. Implementation specifics about this parameter are left to the product group and the device vendors. It can be updated whenever there is a new client association request to the access point.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- Number of times the current total number of associated device has reached the HighWatermarkThreshold value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermark() [2/2]

int wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermark ( int  apIndex,
unsigned int *  output 

@description Maximum number of associated devices that have ever associated with the access point concurrently since the last reset of the device or WiFi module.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- Maximum number of associated devices that have ever associated with the access point concurrently, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkDate() [2/2]

int wifi_getApAssociatedDevicesHighWatermarkDate ( int  apIndex,
unsigned long *  output_in_seconds 

@description Get Date and Time at which the maximum number of associated devices ever associated with the access point concurrenlty since the last reset of the device or WiFi module (or in short when was X_COMCAST-COM_AssociatedDevicesHighWatermark updated). This dateTime value is in UTC.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_in_seconds- Date and Time at which the maximum number of associated devices ever associated with the access point concurrenlty, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported()

int wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported ( int  apIndex,
char *  output 

@description Indicates which security modes this AccessPoint instance is capable of supporting. Each list item is an enumeration of: None,WEP-64,WEP-128,WPA-Personal,WPA2-Personal,WPA-WPA2-Personal,WPA-Enterprise,WPA2-Enterprise,WPA-WPA2-Enterprise.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- Comma-separated list of security modes, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled()

int wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled ( int  apIndex,
char *  output 

@description Get the Security modes supported. The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter. Indicates which security mode is enabled.
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security.ModeEnabled string W

apIndex- Access Point index
output- Enabled security mode, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled()

int wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled ( int  apIndex,
char *  encMode 

@description Enable supported security mode. The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter. Indicates which security mode is enabled.
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security.ModeEnabled string W

apIndex- Access Point index
encMode- Supported security mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey()

int wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get PreSharedKey associated with a AP. A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- PreSharedKey, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey()

int wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey ( int  apIndex,
char *  preSharedKey 

@description Set PreSharedKey associated with a AP. A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.

apIndex- Access Point index
preSharedKey- PreSharedKey
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase()

int wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes.
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security.KeyPassphrase string-(63) W

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- Security key passphrase, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase()

int wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase ( int  apIndex,
char *  passPhrase 

@description Set a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes.
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.Security.KeyPassphrase string-(63) W

apIndex- Access Point index
passPhrase- Security key passphrase
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityReset() [2/2]

int wifi_setApSecurityReset ( int  apIndex)

@description When set to true, this AccessPoint instance's WiFi security settings are reset to their factory default values. The affected settings include ModeEnabled, WEPKey, PreSharedKey and KeyPassphrase.

apIndex- Access Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityRadiusServer() [2/2]

int wifi_getApSecurityRadiusServer ( int  apIndex,
char *  IP_output,
unsigned int *  Port_output,
char *  RadiusSecret_output 

@description Get the IP Address and port number of the RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security. RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). String is 64 bytes max.

apIndex- Access Point index
IP_output- IP Address, to be returned
Port_output- Port output, to be returned
RadiusSecret_output- Radius Secret output, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityRadiusServer() [2/2]

int wifi_setApSecurityRadiusServer ( int  apIndex,
char *  IPAddress,
unsigned int  port,
char *  RadiusSecret 

@description Set the IP Address and port number of the RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security. RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). String is 64 bytes max.

apIndex- Access Point index
IPAddress- IP Address
port- Port
RadiusSecret- Radius Secret
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer() [2/2]

int wifi_getApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer ( int  apIndex,
char *  IP_output,
unsigned int *  Port_output,
char *  RadiusSecret_output 

@description Get secondary IP Address, port number and RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security. RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). String is 64 bytes max.

apIndex- Access Point index
IP_output- IP Address, to be returned
Port_output- Port,to be returned
RadiusSecret_output- Radius Secret, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer() [2/2]

int wifi_setApSecuritySecondaryRadiusServer ( int  apIndex,
char *  IPAddress,
unsigned int  port,
char *  RadiusSecret 

@description Set secondary IP Address, port number and RADIUS server, which are used for WLAN security. RadiusServerIPAddr is only applicable when ModeEnabled is an Enterprise type (i.e. WPA-Enterprise, WPA2-Enterprise or WPA-WPA2-Enterprise). String is 64 bytes max.

apIndex- Access Point index
IPAddress- IP Address
port- Port
RadiusSecret- Radius Secret
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityRadiusSettings() [2/2]

int wifi_getApSecurityRadiusSettings ( int  apIndex,
wifi_radius_setting_t output 

@description Get Access Point security radius settings.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- wifi_radius_setting_t info (*output), to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityRadiusSettings() [2/2]

int wifi_setApSecurityRadiusSettings ( int  apIndex,
wifi_radius_setting_t input 

@description Set Access Point security radius settings.

apIndex- Access Point index
input- wifi_radius_setting_t info
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsEnable()

int wifi_getApWpsEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char *  output_bool 

@description Outputs the WPS enable state of this ap in output_bool.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_bool- WPS enable state, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsEnable()

int wifi_setApWpsEnable ( int  apIndex,
unsigned char  enableValue 

@description Enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point. Sets the WPS enable enviornment variable for this ap to the value of enableValue, 1==enabled, 0==disabled.

apIndex- Access Point index
enableValue- WPS enable state
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsSupported()

int wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsSupported ( int  apIndex,
char *  output 

@description Indicates WPS configuration methods supported by the device. Each list item is an enumeration of: USBFlashDrive,Ethernet,ExternalNFCToken,IntegratedNFCToken,NFCInterface,PushButton,PIN. Sets the WPS enable enviornment variable for this ap to the value of enableValue, 1==enabled, 0==disabled.

apIndex- Access Point index
output- WPS configuration methods supported (Comma-separated list of strings), to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled()

int wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Indicates WPS configuration methods enabled on the device. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter.
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.WPS.ConfigMethodsEnabled string W

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- WPS configuration methods enabled, to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled()

int wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled ( int  apIndex,
char *  methodString 

@description Enable WPS configuration methods on the device. Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter.
Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.{i}.WPS.ConfigMethodsEnabled string W

apIndex- Access Point index
methodString- WPS configuration methods enabled.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN()

int wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN ( int  apIndex,
unsigned long *  output_ulong 

@description Outputs the WPS device pin value, ulong_pin must be allocated by the caller.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_ulong- WPS Device PIN value, to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN()

int wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN ( int  apIndex,
unsigned long  pin 

@description Set an enviornment variable for the WPS pin for the selected AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
pin- WPS Device PIN value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsConfigurationState() [2/2]

int wifi_getApWpsConfigurationState ( int  apIndex,
char *  output_string 

@description Get WPS configuration state. Output string is either Not configured or Configured, max 32 characters.

apIndex- Access Point index
output_string- WPS configuration state, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsEnrolleePin() [2/2]

int wifi_setApWpsEnrolleePin ( int  apIndex,
char *  pin 

@description Sets the WPS pin for this AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
pin- WPS enroll Pin
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsButtonPush() [2/2]

int wifi_setApWpsButtonPush ( int  apIndex)

@description This function is called when the WPS push button has been pressed for this AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_cancelApWPS() [2/2]

int wifi_cancelApWPS ( int  apIndex)

@description Cancels WPS mode for this AP.

apIndex- Access Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult()

int wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult ( int  apIndex,
wifi_associated_dev_t **  associated_dev_array,
unsigned int *  output_array_size 

@description HAL funciton should allocate an data structure array, and return to caller with "associated_dev_array".

apIndex- Access Point index
associated_dev_array- Associated device array, to be returned
output_array_size- Array size, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ KillHostapd()

void KillHostapd ( )

@description Killing the running hostapd and restart the hostapd with current configuration.

Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ checkWifi()

unsigned char checkWifi ( )

@description Check whether hostapd is up or not.

Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ checkLanInterface()

unsigned char checkLanInterface ( )

@description Check whether wlan0 interface is up or not.

Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ CcspHal_change_config_value()

int CcspHal_change_config_value ( char *  field_name,
char *  field_value,
char *  buf,
unsigned int *  nbytes 

@description Passing inputs to hostapd configuration file.

field_name- Field Name
field_value- Field Value
buf- Buffer
nbytes- Size of buffer
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ do_MacFilter_Addrule()

int do_MacFilter_Addrule ( )

@description To Add Wifi MacFiltering Rule Chain.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ do_MacFilter_Delrule()

int do_MacFilter_Delrule ( )

@description To Delete Wifi MacFiltering Rule Chain.

The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ do_MacFilter_Update()

int do_MacFilter_Update ( char *  Operation,
int  i_macFiltCnt,
int  count,
struct hostDetails hostPtr 

@description To Update Wifi MacFiltering Rule Chain.

Operation- Operation, to update mac filtering rule chain
i_macFiltCnt- MAC filter count
i_macFiltTabPtr- COSA_DML_WIFI_AP_MAC_FILTER *i_macFiltTabPtr, Mac Filter table pointer
count- count
hostPtr- hostDetails *hostPtr, Host Details
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApIndexForWiFiBand()

int wifi_getApIndexForWiFiBand ( wifi_band  band)

@description Get the AP index for requested WiFi Band.

wifi_band- WiFi band for which AP Index is required
AP Index for requested WiFi Band

◆ wlan_encryption_mode_to_string()

void wlan_encryption_mode_to_string ( char *  encryption_mode,
char *  string 

◆ File_Reading()

int File_Reading ( char *  file,
char *  Value 

◆ wlan_wireless_mode_to_supported_standards_string()

void wlan_wireless_mode_to_supported_standards_string ( char *  wireless_mode,
char *  string,
char *  freq 

◆ wlan_bitrate_to_operated_standards_string()

void wlan_bitrate_to_operated_standards_string ( char *  bitrate,
char *  string,
char *  freq 

◆ wlan_operated_standards_to_channel_bandwidth_string()

void wlan_operated_standards_to_channel_bandwidth_string ( char *  wireless_mode,
char *  string 

◆ Hostapd_PublicWifi_status()

int Hostapd_PublicWifi_status ( char  status[50])

◆ Hostapd_PrivateWifi_status()

int Hostapd_PrivateWifi_status ( char  status[50])

◆ GetInterfaceName()

int GetInterfaceName ( char  interface_name[50],
char  conf_file[100] 

◆ GetInterfaceName_virtualInterfaceName_2G()

int GetInterfaceName_virtualInterfaceName_2G ( char  interface_name[50])

◆ RestartHostapd()

void RestartHostapd ( )

◆ xfinitywifi_2g()

void xfinitywifi_2g ( int  ssidIndex)

◆ privatewifi_2g()

void privatewifi_2g ( int  ssidIndex)

◆ KillHostapd_2g()

void KillHostapd_2g ( int  ssidIndex)

◆ KillHostapd_xfinity_2g()

void KillHostapd_xfinity_2g ( int  ssidIndex)

◆ xfinitywifi_5g()

void xfinitywifi_5g ( int  ssidIndex)

◆ privatewifi_5g()

void privatewifi_5g ( int  ssidIndex)

◆ KillHostapd_5g()

void KillHostapd_5g ( int  ssidIndex)

◆ KillHostapd_xfinity_5g()

void KillHostapd_xfinity_5g ( int  ssidIndex)

◆ killXfinityWiFi()

int killXfinityWiFi ( )

◆ defaultwifi_restarting_process()

void defaultwifi_restarting_process ( )

◆ hostapd_restarting_process()

int hostapd_restarting_process ( int  apIndex)

◆ get_mac()

void get_mac ( unsigned char *  mac)

◆ GettingHostapdSsid()

int GettingHostapdSsid ( int  ssidIndex,
char *  hostapd_conf,
char *  val 

◆ DisableWifi()

void DisableWifi ( int  InstanceNumber)

◆ wifi_hostapdRead()

int wifi_hostapdRead ( int  ap,
struct params params,
char *  output 

◆ wifi_hostapdWrite()

int wifi_hostapdWrite ( int  ap,
param_list_t list 

◆ get_wifiMaxbitrate()

int get_wifiMaxbitrate ( int  radioIndex,
char *  output_string 

◆ wifi_updateRadiochannel()

void wifi_updateRadiochannel ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long  channel 

◆ wifi_setAutoChannelEnableVal()

int wifi_setAutoChannelEnableVal ( int  radioIndex,
unsigned long  channel 

◆ wifi_storeprevchanval()

void wifi_storeprevchanval ( int  radioIndex)

◆ wifi_halgetRadioChannelBW()

int wifi_halgetRadioChannelBW ( char *  file,
char *  Value 

◆ wifi_halsetRadioChannelBW_40()

int wifi_halsetRadioChannelBW_40 ( char *  file)

◆ wifi_halsetRadioChannelBW_20()

int wifi_halsetRadioChannelBW_20 ( char *  file)

◆ wifi_halgetRadioExtChannel()

int wifi_halgetRadioExtChannel ( char *  file,
char *  Value 

◆ wifi_halGetIfStats()

int wifi_halGetIfStats ( char *  ifname,
wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t pStats 

◆ GetIfacestatus()

int GetIfacestatus ( char *  interface_name,
char *  status 

◆ wifi_halGetIfStatsNull()

int wifi_halGetIfStatsNull ( wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t output_struct)

◆ wifihal_getBaseBSSID()

int wifihal_getBaseBSSID ( char *  interface_name,
char *  mac,
int  index 

◆ GetScanningValues()

int GetScanningValues ( char *  file,
char *  value 

◆ converting_lowercase_to_uppercase()

void converting_lowercase_to_uppercase ( char *  Value)

◆ wifihal_GettingNeighbouringAPScanningDetails()

void wifihal_GettingNeighbouringAPScanningDetails ( char *  interface_name,
wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **  neighbor_ap_array,
unsigned int *  output_array_size 

◆ SetWPSButton()

int SetWPSButton ( char *  interface_name)

◆ wifihal_AssociatedDevicesstats()

int wifihal_AssociatedDevicesstats ( int  apIndex,
char *  interface_name,
wifi_associated_dev_t **  associated_dev_array,
unsigned int *  output_array_size 

◆ wifihal_interfacestatus()

int wifihal_interfacestatus ( char *  wifi_status,
char *  interface_name 

◆ wifi_apAuthEvent_callback_register()

void wifi_apAuthEvent_callback_register ( wifi_apAuthEvent_callback  callback_proc)

◆ wifi_getRadioChannelStats()

INT wifi_getRadioChannelStats ( INT  radioIndex,
wifi_channelStats_t input_output_channelStats_array,
INT  array_size 

Get the channels utilization status.

[in]radioIndexThe index of the radio
[in,out]input_output_channelStats_arrayThe array initially filled with requested channel numbers. The same array is used as an output with channel statistics details. Data for each channel must be written to the corresponding element of the array. When array_size = 0, the API returns ONCHAN stats in a single wifi_channelStats_t element.
[out]array_sizeThe length of the output array
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceRxStatsResult()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceRxStatsResult ( INT  radioIndex,
mac_address_t clientMacAddress,
wifi_associated_dev_rate_info_rx_stats_t **  stats_array,
UINT output_array_size,
ULLONG handle 

Get the associated client per rate receive status.

[in]radioIndexThe index of radio array.
[in]clientMacAddressClient mac address UCHAR[6]
[out]stats_arrayClient receive status
[out]output_array_sizeThe length of output array
[out]handleStatus validation handle used to determine reconnects; increases for every association.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceTxStatsResult()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceTxStatsResult ( INT  radioIndex,
mac_address_t clientMacAddress,
wifi_associated_dev_rate_info_tx_stats_t **  stats_array,
UINT output_array_size,
ULLONG handle 

Get the associated client per rate transmission status.

[in]radioIndexThe index of radio array.
[in]clientMacAddressClient mac address UCHAR[6]
[out]stats_arrayClient transmission status
[out]output_array_sizeThe length of output array
[out]handleStatus validation handle used to determine reconnects; increases for every association.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceTidStatsResult()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceTidStatsResult ( INT  radioIndex,
mac_address_t clientMacAddress,
wifi_associated_dev_tid_stats_t tid_stats,
ULLONG handle 

Get the associated client per rate transmission status.

[in]radioIndexThe index of radio array
[in]clientMacAddressclient mac address UCHAR[6]
[out]statswifi_associated_dev_tid_stats_t *stats, client status
[in]handleStatus validation handle used to determine reconnects incremented for every association
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceStats()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceStats ( INT  apIndex,
mac_address_t clientMacAddress,
wifi_associated_dev_stats_t associated_dev_stats,
ULLONG handle 

Get the associated device status.

[in]apIndexThe index of access point array
[in]clientMacAddressclient mac address UCHAR[6]
[out]associated_dev_statsAssociated device status
[in]handleStatus validation handle used to determine reconnects; increases for every association
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDRadioIndex() [2/2]

INT wifi_getSSIDRadioIndex ( INT  ssidIndex,
INT radioIndex 

Get the radio index associated with the SSID entry.

[in]ssidIndexSSID index
[out]radioIndexRadio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_applySSIDSettings() [2/2]

INT wifi_applySSIDSettings ( INT  ssidIndex)

Apply SSID and AP (in the case of Acess Point devices) to the hardware.

Not all implementations may need this function. If not needed for a particular implementation simply return no-error (0).

[in]ssidIndexSSID index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_startNeighborScan()

INT wifi_startNeighborScan ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_neighborScanMode_t  scan_mode,
INT  dwell_time,
UINT  chan_num,
UINT chan_list 

This API initates the scanning.

[in]apIndexThe index of access point array.
[out]scan_modeScan modes.
[out]dwell_timeAmount of time spent on each channel in the hopping sequence.
[out]chan_numThe channel number.
[out]chan_listList of channels.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApCsaDeauth()

INT wifi_setApCsaDeauth ( INT  apIndex,
INT  mode 

This API set the CSA (Channel Switch Announcement) deauthentication to all clients before moving to a new channel, in the event some client doesn't support/react to CSA.

This makes that client scan and re-connect faster then if we were to do nothing. This is an "automatic" kick-mac type of functionality, that happens during the CSA process. What happens is that after all clients should have moved to the new channel, and just before the radio moves to the new channel, it will broadcast (or unicast all clients) a deauth packet. This helps clients who don't understand or ignore CSA to quickly realize the ap is gone/moved channels, and to scan and reconnect quickly.

[in]apIndexThe index of access point array
[in]modeEnum value indicates none, unicast, broadcast
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApScanFilter()

INT wifi_setApScanFilter ( INT  apIndex,
INT  mode,
CHAR essid 

Enable/Disable scan filter in the driver.

When scanfilter is enabled in the driver, we configure two values: enable: yes/no, and essid : <string>. When essid is blank (apIndex==-1), the configured SSID on that interface is used. when it's not empty (apIndex==0 to 15), the filter will apply to whatever ssid is provided.

[in]apIndexThe index of access point array
[in]modeEnum value indicates disabled/enabled
[in]essidExtended Service Set Identifier
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_steerTriggered_callback_register()

void wifi_steerTriggered_callback_register ( wifi_steerTriggered_callback  callback_proc,
CHAR module 

◆ wifi_steering_eventRegister()

INT wifi_steering_eventRegister ( wifi_steering_eventCB_t  event_cb)

Register for Steering Event Callbacks.

This is called by the upper layer to register for steering event callbacks.

[in]event_cbEvent callback function pointer.
RETURN_OK on success, RETURN_ERR on failure.
the event passed to the callback should be a dynamically allocated event which upper layer will free by calling wifi_steering_eventFree()

◆ wifi_steering_eventUnregister()

INT wifi_steering_eventUnregister ( void  )

Unregister for Steering Event Callbacks.

This is called by the upper layer to stop receiving event callbacks.

RETURN_OK on success, RETURN_ERR on failure

◆ wifi_steering_clientSet()

INT wifi_steering_clientSet ( UINT  steeringgroupIndex,
INT  apIndex,
mac_address_t  client_mac,
wifi_steering_clientConfig_t config 

Add Client Config to apIndex.

The upper layer calls this funciton to add/modify per-client configuration config of client_mac for apIndex

[in]steeringgroupIndexWifi Steering Group index
[in]apIndexAccesspoint index the client config should be added to
[in]client_macThe Client's MAC address. If client_mac is not there, the hal need to add record, else, the hal need to update the config
[in]configThe client configuration
RETURN_OK on success, RETURN_ERR on failure

◆ wifi_steering_clientRemove()

INT wifi_steering_clientRemove ( UINT  steeringgroupIndex,
INT  apIndex,
mac_address_t  client_mac 

Remove Client Config from apIndex.

The upper layer calls this function to remove per-client configuration of client_mac from apIndex

[in]steeringgroupIndexWifi Steering Group index
[in]apIndexAccess point index, the client config to be removed.
[in]client_macThe Client's MAC address
RETURN_OK on success, RETURN_ERR on failure

◆ wifi_steering_clientMeasure()

INT wifi_steering_clientMeasure ( UINT  steeringgroupIndex,
INT  apIndex,
mac_address_t  client_mac 

Initiate Instant Client RSSI Measurement.

This initiates an instant client RSSI measurement. The recommended method of performing this measurement is to send five NUL wifi frames to the client, and average the RSSI of the ACK frames returned. This averaged RSSI value should be sent back using WIFI_STEERING_EVENT_RSSI steering event type. Instant measurement improves user experience by not reacting to false-positive RSSI crossings. If for some reason instant measurement is not supported, the function should return RETURN_ERR and set errno to ENOTSUP.

[in]steeringgroupIndexWifi Steering Group index
[in]apIndexAccess point index, the client config should be added to
[in]client_macThe Client's MAC address
RETURN_OK on success, RETURN_ERR on failure. Set errno to ENOTSUP if instant measurement is not supported

◆ wifi_steering_clientDisconnect()

INT wifi_steering_clientDisconnect ( UINT  steeringgroupIndex,
INT  apIndex,
mac_address_t  client_mac,
wifi_disconnectType_t  type,
UINT  reason 

Initiate a Client Disconnect.

This is used by the upper layer to kick off a client, for steering purposes.

[in]steeringgroupIndexWifi Steering Group index
[in]apIndexThe access point index, the client config should be added to
[in]client_macThe Client's MAC address
[in]typeDisconnect Type
[in]reasonReason code to provide in deauth/disassoc frame.
RETURN_OK on success, RETURN_ERR on failure
See also

◆ wifi_BTMQueryRequest_callback_register()

INT wifi_BTMQueryRequest_callback_register ( UINT  apIndex,
wifi_BTMQueryRequest_callback  btmQueryCallback,
wifi_BTMResponse_callback  btmResponseCallback 

BTM Query callback registration function.

callback_proc- wifi_newApAssociatedDevice_callback callback function
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls.

◆ wifi_RMBeaconRequestCallbackRegister()

INT wifi_RMBeaconRequestCallbackRegister ( UINT  apIndex,
wifi_RMBeaconReport_callback  beaconReportCallback 

◆ wifi_RMBeaconRequestCallbackUnregister()

INT wifi_RMBeaconRequestCallbackUnregister ( UINT  apIndex,
wifi_RMBeaconReport_callback  beaconReportCallback 

◆ wifi_cancelRMBeaconRequest()

INT wifi_cancelRMBeaconRequest ( UINT  apIndex,
UCHAR  dialogToken 

◆ wifi_getHalCapability()

int wifi_getHalCapability ( wifi_hal_capability_t *  cap)

Get HAL Capabilities.

[out]capHAL Capabilities

This API will return features/configuration supported by the HAL

The status of the operation
Return values
WIFI_HAL_SUCCESSif successful
WIFI_HAL_ERRORif an generic error is detected
WIFI_HAL_INTERNAL_ERRORif an internal error is detected
WIFI_HAL_UNSUPPORTEDif the API is not supported
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_ARGUMENTSif any of the arguments is invalid
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_VALUEif the value is invalid
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getRadioResetCount() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioResetCount ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG output_int 

Get the radio reset count.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_intReset count, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get the Radio enable config parameter.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolRadio Enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set the Radio enable config parameter.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]enableSet the selected radio's status as Enable/Disable
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioStatus() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioStatus ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get the Radio enable status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolSelected radio's enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioIfName() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioIfName ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the Radio Interface name from platform, eg "wifi0".

radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
output_stringInterface name, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDfsEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioDfsEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get the Dfs enable status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolGet DFS Enable status of the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDfsEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioDfsEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enabled 

Set the Dfs enable status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]enableSet DFS Enable status of the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDfsAtBootUpEnable()

INT wifi_getRadioDfsAtBootUpEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL enable 

Get the Dfs enable on Bootup status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]enableGet DFS Enable on bootup status of the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDfsAtBootUpEnable()

INT wifi_setRadioDfsAtBootUpEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set the Dfs enable on Bootup status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]enableSet DFS Enable on Bootup status of the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioMCS() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioMCS ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output_INT 

Get the Modulation Coding Scheme index, eg: "-1", "1", "15".

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_INTModulation Coding Scheme index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioMCS() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioMCS ( INT  radioIndex,

Set the Modulation Coding Scheme index, eg: "-1", "1", "15".

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]MCSModulation Coding Scheme index value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioTransmitPower() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioTransmitPower ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG output_ulong 

Get current Transmit Power in dBm units.

The transmit power value is in dBm units of full power for this radio.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_ulongCurrent Transmit power value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioPercentageTransmitPower()

INT wifi_getRadioPercentageTransmitPower ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG output_ulong 

Get current Transmit Power level in units of full power.

The transmit power is a percentage value of full power for this radio.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_ulongCurrent Transmit power percentage value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioTransmitPower() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioTransmitPower ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG  TransmitPower 

Set current Transmit Power, eg "75", "100".

The transmit power level is in units of full power for this radio.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]TransmitPowerTransmit power value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdRange() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdRange ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output 

Indicates the Carrier Sense ranges supported by the radio.

It is measured in dBm. Refer section A.2.3.2 of CableLabs Wi-Fi MGMT Specification.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]outputCarrier sense threshold range, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output 

The RSSI signal level at which CS/CCA detects a busy condition.

This attribute enables Access Points to increase minimum sensitivity to avoid detecting busy condition from multiple/weak Wi-Fi sources in dense Wi-Fi environments. It is measured in dBm. Refer section A.2.3.2 of CableLabs Wi-Fi MGMT Specification.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]outputCarrier sense threshold in use, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioCarrierSenseThresholdInUse ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  threshold 

Set Carrier sense threshold in use for the selected radio index.

The RSSI signal level at which CS/CCA detects a busy condition. This attribute enables Access Point to increase minimum sensitivity to avoid detecting busy condition from multiple/weak Wi-Fi sources in dense Wi-Fi environments. It is measured in dBm.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]thresholdCarrier sense threshold, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_applyRadioSettings() [2/2]

INT wifi_applyRadioSettings ( INT  radioIndex)

This API is used to apply (push) all previously set radio level variables and make these settings active in the hardware.

Not all implementations may need this function. If not needed for a particular implementation simply return no-error (0).

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioCtsProtectionEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioCtsProtectionEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enables CTS protection for the radio used by this Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableCTS protection enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioObssCoexistenceEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioObssCoexistenceEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enables OBSS Coexistence - fall back to 20MHz if necessary for the radio used by this AP.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableOBSS Coexistence enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioFragmentationThreshold() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioFragmentationThreshold ( INT  apIndex,
UINT  threshold 

Sets the fragmentation threshold in bytes for the radio used by this Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]thresholdFragmentation Threshold value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioSTBCEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioSTBCEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  STBC_Enable 

Enable STBC mode in the hardware. 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]STBC_EnableSTBC mode enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAMSDUEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioAMSDUEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Outputs A-MSDU enable status, 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_boolA-MSDU enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioAMSDUEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioAMSDUEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  amsduEnable 

Enables A-MSDU in the hardware, 0 == not enabled, 1 == enabled.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]amsduEnableA-MSDU enable status value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioUpTime() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioUpTime ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG uptime 

Get the number of seconds elapsed since radio is started.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]uptimeWifi uptime, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantSupported() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantSupported ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get radio RDG enable Support.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_boolRDG enable support value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoBlockAckEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioAutoBlockAckEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get radio auto block ack enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_boolAuto block ack enable setting value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioAutoBlockAckEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioAutoBlockAckEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set radio auto block ack enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]enableAuto block ack enable setting value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get radio IGMP snooping enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_boolRadio IGMP snooping enable setting, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable() [2/2]

INT wifi_setRadioIGMPSnoopingEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set radio IGMP snooping enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]enableRadio IGMP snooping enable setting
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setZeroDFSState()

INT wifi_setZeroDFSState ( UINT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable,
BOOL  precac 

Set Zero DFS State.

The Zero DFS feature can be enabled or disabled. For EU countries the "Pre-CAC" can be also set. If the "Pre-CAC" is set, then after passing background CAC driver can start background CAC on the next channel.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[in]enabledTrue if ZeroDFS must be enabled, false otherwise.
[in]precacValid only for EU regulatory domain. If set, after passing requested backgronund CAN, driver can start background CAC on the next channel.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getZeroDFSState()

INT wifi_getZeroDFSState ( UINT  radioIndex,
BOOL enable,
BOOL precac 

Get Zero DFS State.

The Zero DFS feature can be enabled or disabled. For EU countries the "Pre-CAC" can be also set. If the "Pre-CAC" is set, then after passing background CAC driver can start background CAC on next channel.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[out]enabledTrue if ZeroDFS is enabled, false otherwise.
[out]precacValid only for EU regulatory domain. If true, then driver can start background CAC on the next channel.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_setDownlinkMuType()

INT wifi_setDownlinkMuType ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_dl_mu_type_t  mu_type 

◆ wifi_getDownlinkMuType()

INT wifi_getDownlinkMuType ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_dl_mu_type_t mu_type 

◆ wifi_setUplinkMuType()

INT wifi_setUplinkMuType ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_ul_mu_type_t  mu_type 

◆ wifi_getUplinkMuType()

INT wifi_getUplinkMuType ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_ul_mu_type_t mu_type 

◆ wifi_setGuardInterval()

INT wifi_setGuardInterval ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_guard_interval_t  guard_interval 

◆ wifi_getGuardInterval()

INT wifi_getGuardInterval ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_guard_interval_t guard_interval 

◆ wifi_setBSSColor()

INT wifi_setBSSColor ( INT  radio_index,
UCHAR  color 

◆ wifi_getBSSColor()

INT wifi_getBSSColor ( INT  radio_index,
UCHAR color 

◆ wifi_getAvailableBSSColor()

INT wifi_getAvailableBSSColor ( INT  radio_index,
INT  maxNumberColors,
UCHAR colorList,
INT numColorReturned 

Get the list of avaiable BSS color.

This API return a list of availables BSS color that can be used to to configure the radio using wifi_setBSSColor API. This list should be created based on neighbours BSS color and the station reports.

[in]radio_indexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[in]maxNumberColorsMaximum number of color that can be retuned
[out]colorListThe list of avaiable BSS color
[out]numColorReturnedNumber of color returned in the list
The status of the operation
Return values
WIFI_HAL_SUCCESSif successful
WIFI_HAL_ERRORif an generic error is detected
WIFI_HAL_INTERNAL_ERRORif an internal error is detected
WIFI_HAL_UNSUPPORTEDif the API is not supported
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_ARGUMENTSif any of the arguments is invalid
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_VALUEif the value is invalid
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getMuEdca()

INT wifi_getMuEdca ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_access_category_t  ac,
wifi_edca_t edca 

Get MU (Multi-User) EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) parameter.

[in]radio_indexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[in]acThe Access Category
[out]edcaThe MU EDCA parameters
The status of the operation
Return values
WIFI_HAL_SUCCESSif successful
WIFI_HAL_ERRORif an generic error is detected
WIFI_HAL_INTERNAL_ERRORif an internal error is detected
WIFI_HAL_UNSUPPORTEDif the API is not supported
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_ARGUMENTSif any of the arguments is invalid
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_VALUEif the value is invalid
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_setDownlinkDataAckType()

INT wifi_setDownlinkDataAckType ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_dl_data_ack_type_t  ack_type 

◆ wifi_get80211axDefaultParameters()

INT wifi_get80211axDefaultParameters ( INT  radio_index,
wifi_80211ax_params_t params 

◆ wifi_setRadioOperatingParameters()

INT wifi_setRadioOperatingParameters ( wifi_radio_index_t  index,
wifi_radio_operationParam_t *  operationParam 

Set Radio Operating Parameters.

This API is used to configured all radio operation parameter in a single set. it includes channel number, channelWidth, mode and auto channel configuration.

[in]radio_indexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[in]operationParamRadio Operating Parameters
The status of the operation
Return values
WIFI_HAL_SUCCESSif successful
WIFI_HAL_ERRORif an generic error is detected
WIFI_HAL_INTERNAL_ERRORif an internal error is detected
WIFI_HAL_UNSUPPORTEDif the API is not supported
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_ARGUMENTSif any of the arguments is invalid
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_VALUEif the value is invalid
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getRadioOperatingParameters()

INT wifi_getRadioOperatingParameters ( wifi_radio_index_t  index,
wifi_radio_operationParam_t *  operationParam 

Get Radio Operating Parameters.

[in]radio_indexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[out]operationParamRadio Operating Parameters
The status of the operation
Return values
WIFI_HAL_SUCCESSif successful
WIFI_HAL_ERRORif an generic error is detected
WIFI_HAL_INTERNAL_ERRORif an internal error is detected
WIFI_HAL_UNSUPPORTEDif the API is not supported
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_ARGUMENTSif any of the arguments is invalid
WIFI_HAL_INVALID_VALUEif the value is invalid
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getScanResults()

INT wifi_getScanResults ( wifi_radio_index_t  index,
wifi_channel_t *  channel,
wifi_bss_info_t **  bss,
UINT num_bss 

Description: Return scan results Parameters : ap_index - index of client VAP channel - scan channel bss - bss stats num_bss - number of bss returned

status of the operation return RETURN_OK - on success return RETURN_ERR - on failure
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.

◆ wifi_scanResults_callback_register()

void wifi_scanResults_callback_register ( wifi_scanResults_callback  callback_proc)

◆ wifi_connect()

INT wifi_connect ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_bss_info_t *  bss 

Description: To connect the client VAP to specified BSS Parameters : ap_index - VAP index wifi_bss_info_t - Information about BSS that client will connect to

status of the operation return RETURN_OK - on success return RETURN_ERR - on failure
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.

◆ wifi_disconnect()

INT wifi_disconnect ( INT  ap_index)

Description: To disconnect client Parameters : ap_index - index of client VAP

status of the operation return RETURN_OK - on success return RETURN_ERR - on failure
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.

◆ wifi_getStationCapability()

INT wifi_getStationCapability ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_sta_capability_t cap 

Description: To get client Parameters : ap_index - index of client VAP capability - wifi_client_capabilities_t structure

status of the operation return RETURN_OK - on success return RETURN_ERR - on failure
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.

◆ wifi_findNetworks()

INT wifi_findNetworks ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_channel_t *  channel,
wifi_bss_info_t **  bss,
UINT num_bss 

Description: To get client Parameters : ap_index - index of client VAP channel - channel number and band information bss - array of wifi_bss_info_t structure allocated by HAL layer and to be freed by caller num_bss - number in array

status of the operation return RETURN_OK - on success return RETURN_ERR - on failure
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.

◆ wifi_getStationStats()

INT wifi_getStationStats ( INT  ap_index,
wifi_station_stats_t sta 

Description: Return the station stats Parameters : ap_index - index of client VAP sta - station stats

status of the operation return RETURN_OK - on success return RETURN_ERR - on failure
Execution:\n Synchronous.
Side Effects:\n None.

◆ wifi_staConnectionStatus_callback_register()

void wifi_staConnectionStatus_callback_register ( wifi_staConnectionStatus_callback  callback_proc)

◆ wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2() [2/2]

INT wifi_getRadioTrafficStats2 ( INT  radioIndex,
wifi_radioTrafficStats2_t output_struct 

Get detail radio traffic static info.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_structwifi_radioTrafficStats2_t *output_struct, all traffic stats info to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2() [2/2]

INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats2 ( INT  ssidIndex,
wifi_ssidTrafficStats2_t output_struct 

Get the basic SSID traffic static info.

[in]ssidIndexSSID index
[out]output_structSSID traffic status.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioBandUtilization()

INT wifi_getRadioBandUtilization ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output_percentage 

To read the radio band utilization.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
[out]output_percentageRadio band utilization percentage, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult3()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult3 ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_associated_dev3_t **  associated_dev_array,
UINT output_array_size 

◆ wifi_setClientDetailedStatisticsEnable()

INT wifi_setClientDetailedStatisticsEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

This function enabled/disabled collection of detailed statistics of associated clients on Access Point.

[in]radioIndexRadio Index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioStatsEnable()

INT wifi_getRadioStatsEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_enable 

This API returns the radio enabled status.

The radio status switch in driver include Transmission status, background channel scan, capacity status etc Radio Status should be disabled by default. If driver do not support those switch, or switch has enabled by default, please just fillup with stumb function.

[in]radioIndexIndex of the radio array.
[out]output_enableRadio enabled status.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioStatsEnable()

INT wifi_setRadioStatsEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

This API is to enable/disable radio status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of the radio array.
[out]output_enableRadio enabled status.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getVAPTelemetry()

INT wifi_getVAPTelemetry ( UINT  apIndex,
wifi_VAPTelemetry_t telemetry 

Variable Documentation

◆ vap_index

UINT wifi_station_stats_t::vap_index

Definition at line 37 of file wifi_hal_sta.h.

◆ connect_status

wifi_connection_status_t wifi_station_stats_t::connect_status

Definition at line 38 of file wifi_hal_sta.h.

◆ channel

UINT wifi_station_stats_t::channel

Definition at line 39 of file wifi_hal_sta.h.

◆ channelWidth

UINT wifi_station_stats_t::channelWidth

Definition at line 40 of file wifi_hal_sta.h.

◆ op_class

UINT wifi_station_stats_t::op_class

Definition at line 41 of file wifi_hal_sta.h.