wifi_hal_deprecated.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  _wifi_basicTrafficStats
struct  _wifi_radioTrafficStats
struct  _wifi_ssidTrafficStats
struct  _wifi_neighbor_ap
struct  _wifi_diag_ipping_setting
struct  _wifi_diag_ipping_result
struct  _wifi_device
struct  athstat_results
struct  _mac_t
struct  _wifi_channelStats2
struct  _wifi_channelMetrics
struct  _wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure
struct  _wifi_associated_dev2
struct  wifi_BTMCapabilities_t
struct  wifi_dpp_credential_object_t
struct  wifi_dpp_configuration_object_t
struct  wifi_dpp_config_data_t
struct  wifi_dpp_reconfig_data_t
struct  wifi_dpp_session_data_t
struct  wifi_dpp_received_frame_t
struct  wifi_device_dpp_context_t
struct  wifi_anqp_elem_t
struct  wifi_anqp_node


typedef struct _wifi_basicTrafficStats wifi_basicTrafficStats_t
typedef struct _wifi_radioTrafficStats wifi_radioTrafficStats_t
typedef struct _wifi_ssidTrafficStats wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t
typedef struct _wifi_neighbor_ap wifi_neighbor_ap_t
typedef struct _wifi_diag_ipping_setting wifi_diag_ipping_setting_t
typedef struct _wifi_diag_ipping_result wifi_diag_ipping_result_t
typedef struct _wifi_device wifi_device_t
typedef struct athstat_results athstat_results_t
typedef struct _mac_t mac_t
typedef struct _wifi_channelStats2 wifi_channelStats2_t
typedef struct _wifi_channelMetrics wifi_channelMetrics_t
typedef struct _wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t
typedef struct _wifi_associated_dev2 wifi_associated_dev2_t
typedef INT(* wifi_apAuthEvent_callback) (INT apIndex, char *MAC, INT event_type)
typedef INT(* wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback) (INT apIndex, char *MAC)
typedef INT(* wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback) (INT apIndex, char *MAC, INT event_type)
typedef ssid_t wifi_dpp_discovery_object_t
typedef void(* wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *frame, UINT len)
typedef void(* wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR token, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)
typedef void(* wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)
typedef void(* wifi_dppReconfigAnnounce_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)
typedef void(* wifi_dppReconfigAuthResponse_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *frame, UINT len)
typedef struct wifi_anqp_node wifi_anqp_node_t
typedef void(* wifi_anqp_request_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, unsigned char token, wifi_anqp_node_t *list)
typedef void(* wifi_chan_eventCB_t) (UINT radioIndex, wifi_chan_eventType_t event, UCHAR channel)


enum  wifi_radioQueueType_t {
enum  wifi_dpp_technology_t { WIFI_DPP_TECH_INFRA }
enum  wifi_dpp_key_management_t {
enum  wifi_dpp_state_t {
enum  wifi_enrollee_responder_status_t {
enum  wifi_activation_status_t {
  ActStatus_Idle, ActStatus_Config_Error, ActStatus_In_Progress, ActStatus_No_Response,
  ActStatus_Failed, ActStatus_OK
enum  wifi_dpp_session_type_t { wifi_dpp_session_type_config, wifi_dpp_session_type_reconfig }
enum  wifi_device_dpp_context_type_t {
  dpp_context_type_session_data, dpp_context_type_received_frame_auth_rsp, dpp_context_type_received_frame_cfg_req, dpp_context_type_received_frame_cfg_result,
  dpp_context_type_received_frame_recfg_announce, dpp_context_type_received_frame_recfg_auth_rsp
enum  wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_t {
  wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_auth_req, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_auth_rsp, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_auth_cnf, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_reserved_1,
  wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_reserved_2, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_peer_disc_req, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_peer_disc_rsp, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_pkex_req,
  wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_pkex_rsp, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_pkex_rev_req, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_pkex_rev_rsp, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_cfg_result,
  wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_conn_status_result, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_presence_announcement, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_recfg_announcement, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_recfg_auth_req,
  wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_recfg_auth_rsp, wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_recfg_auth_cnf
enum  wifi_anqp_element_name_t {
  wifi_anqp_element_name_reserved_0, wifi_anqp_element_name_query_list = 256, wifi_anqp_element_name_capability_list, wifi_anqp_element_name_venue_name,
  wifi_anqp_element_name_emergency_call_number, wifi_anqp_element_name_network_auth_type, wifi_anqp_element_name_roaming_consortium, wifi_anqp_element_name_ip_address_availabality,
  wifi_anqp_element_name_nai_realm, wifi_anqp_element_name_3gpp_cellular_network, wifi_anqp_element_name_geo_location, wifi_anqp_element_name_civic_location,
  wifi_anqp_element_name_loc_public_id, wifi_anqp_element_name_domain_name, wifi_anqp_element_name_emergency_alert_id, wifi_anqp_element_name_tdls_capability,
  wifi_anqp_element_name_emergency_nai, wifi_anqp_element_name_neighbor_report, wifi_anqp_element_name_venue_url, wifi_anqp_element_name_advice_of_charge,
  wifi_anqp_element_name_local_content, wifi_anqp_element_name_network_auth_type_with_timestamp, wifi_anqp_element_name_reserved_1 = 273, wifi_anqp_element_name_vendor_specific = 56797,
enum  wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_t {
  wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_reserved_0, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_hs_query_list, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_hs_capability_list, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_operator_friendly_name,
  wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_wan_metrics, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_conn_capability, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_nai_home_realm_query, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_op_class_ind,
  wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_osu_providers_list, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_reserved_1, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_icon_request, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_icon_bin_file,
  wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_op_icon_metadata, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_op_providers_nai_list, wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_reserved_2
enum  wifi_anqp_id_type_t { wifi_anqp_id_type_anqp, wifi_anqp_id_type_hs }


INT wifi_getTWTParams (CHAR *sta, wifi_twt_params_t *twt_params)
INT wifi_setBSSColorEnabled (INT apIndex, BOOL enabled)
INT wifi_getBSSColorEnabled (INT apIndex, BOOL *enabled)
INT wifi_getRadioChannelStats2 (INT radioIndex, wifi_channelStats2_t *outputChannelStats2)
INT wifi_getHalVersion (CHAR *output_string)
 Get the wifi hal version in string. More...
INT wifi_getRadioCountryCode (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Outputs the country code to a max 64 character string. More...
INT wifi_setRadioCountryCode (INT radioIndex, CHAR *CountryCode)
 Set the country code for selected Wi-Fi radio channel. More...
INT wifi_pushCountryCode (CHAR *CountryCode)
 Set the country code for both wifi radios and apply them. wifi reset automatically if necessary. The function need to return immediately. More...
INT wifi_getATMCapable (BOOL *output_bool)
 Get the ATM(Air Time Management) Capable. More...
INT wifi_setATMEnable (BOOL enable)
 Set ATM Enable. More...
INT wifi_getATMEnable (BOOL *output_enable)
 Get ATM Enable status. More...
INT wifi_setApATMAirTimePercent (INT apIndex, UINT ap_AirTimePercent)
 Set Access Point Air Time Percent. More...
INT wifi_getApATMAirTimePercent (INT apIndex, UINT *output_ap_AirTimePercent)
 Get Ap Air Time Percent. More...
INT wifi_getApATMSta (INT apIndex, UCHAR *output_sta_MAC_ATM_array, UINT buf_size)
 Get the list for Air Time Percent for each Station. More...
INT wifi_getRadioNumberOfEntries (ULONG *output)
 Get the total number of radios in this wifi subsystem. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDNumberOfEntries (ULONG *output)
 Get the total number of SSID entries in this wifi subsystem. More...
INT wifi_getRadioMaxBitRate (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface. eg: "216.7 Mb/s", "1.3 Gb/s". More...
INT wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get Supported frequency bands at which the radio can operate. eg: "2.4GHz,5GHz". More...
INT wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the frequency band at which the radio is operating, eg: "2.4GHz". More...
INT wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the Supported Radio Mode. eg: "b,g,n"; "n,ac"; "ax"; "a,n,ac,ax". More...
INT wifi_getRadioStandard (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string, BOOL *gOnly, BOOL *nOnly, BOOL *acOnly)
 Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac". More...
INT wifi_getRadioMode (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string, UINT *pureMode)
 Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac". More...
INT wifi_setRadioChannelMode (INT radioIndex, CHAR *channelMode, BOOL gOnlyFlag, BOOL nOnlyFlag, BOOL acOnlyFlag)
 Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. More...
INT wifi_setRadioMode (INT radioIndex, CHAR *channelMode, UINT pureMode)
 Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. More...
INT wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11". More...
INT wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11". More...
INT wifi_getRadioChannel (INT radioIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
 Get the running channel number. More...
INT wifi_setRadioChannel (INT radioIndex, ULONG channel)
 Set the running channel number. More...
INT wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enables or disables a driver level variable to indicate if auto channel selection is enabled on this radio. More...
INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Check if the driver support the AutoChannel. More...
INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get the AutoChannel enable status. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDCSSupported (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Check if the driver support the DCS. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDCSEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status. More...
INT wifi_setRadioDCSEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_pool)
 Get radio DCS channel pool. More...
INT wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool (INT radioIndex, CHAR *pool)
 Set radio DCS channel pool. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime (INT radioIndex, INT *output_interval_seconds, INT *output_dwell_milliseconds)
 Get radio DCS scan time. More...
INT wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime (INT radioIndex, INT interval_seconds, INT dwell_milliseconds)
 Set radio DCS scan time. More...
INT wifi_setRadioDcsDwelltime (INT radioIndex, INT millisecond)
 Set radio Dcs Dwell time. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDcsDwelltime (INT radioIndex, INT *output_millisecond)
 Get radio Dcs Dwell time. More...
INT wifi_setRadioDcsScanning (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDcsScanning (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDcsChannelMetrics (INT radioIndex, wifi_channelMetrics_t *input_output_channelMetrics_array, INT array_size)
 Get radio Channel Metrics. More...
INT wifi_pushRadioChannel (INT radioIndex, UINT channel)
 Instantlly change the radio Channel. More...
INT wifi_pushRadioChannel2 (INT radioIndex, UINT channel, UINT channel_width_MHz, UINT csa_beacon_count)
 This HAL API is used to change the channel to destination channel, with destination bandwidth. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDfsSupport (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get radio DFS support. More...
INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriodSupported (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Check if the driver support the AutoChannelRefreshPeriod. More...
INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod (INT radioIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
 Get the DCS refresh period in seconds. More...
INT wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod (INT radioIndex, ULONG seconds)
 Set the DCS refresh period in seconds. More...
INT wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160". More...
INT wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth (INT radioIndex, CHAR *bandwidth)
 Set the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160". More...
INT wifi_getRadioExtChannel (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the secondary extension channel position. More...
INT wifi_setRadioExtChannel (INT radioIndex, CHAR *string)
 Set the secondary extension channel position. More...
INT wifi_getRadioGuardInterval (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec". More...
INT wifi_setRadioGuardInterval (INT radioIndex, CHAR *string)
 Set the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec". More...
INT wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_list)
 Get supported Transmit Power list, eg : "0,25,50,75,100". More...
INT wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported (INT radioIndex, BOOL *Supported)
 Get 80211h Supported. More...
INT wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled (INT radioIndex, BOOL *enable)
 Get 80211h feature enable. More...
INT wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set 80211h feature enable. More...
INT wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod (INT radioIndex, UINT *output)
 Gets the time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds). More...
INT wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod (INT radioIndex, UINT BeaconPeriod)
 Sets the time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds). More...
INT wifi_getRadioSupportedDataTransmitRates (INT radioIndex, char *output_rates)
 Get the supported data transmit rates in Mbps. More...
INT wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates (INT radioIndex, CHAR *output)
 Get the set of data rates, in Mbps. More...
INT wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates (INT radioIndex, CHAR *TransmitRates)
 Set the data rates, in Mbps. More...
INT wifi_getRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates (INT radioIndex, char *output_rates)
 Get the set of data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. More...
INT wifi_setRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates (INT radioIndex, char *rates)
 Set the data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. More...
INT wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsMeasure (INT radioIndex, wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t *input_struct)
 Set radio traffic static Measuring rules. More...
INT wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsRadioStatisticsEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set radio traffic statistics enable. More...
INT wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel (INT radioIndex, INT signalIndex, INT *SignalLevel)
 Clients associated with the AP over a specific interval. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDEnable (INT ssidIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get SSID enable configuration parameters (not the SSID enable status). More...
INT wifi_setSSIDEnable (INT ssidIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set SSID enable configuration parameters. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDStatus (INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get SSID enable status. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDName (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get SSID Name associated with the Access Point index. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDNameStatus (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 To read the run time ssid name. More...
INT wifi_setSSIDName (INT apIndex, CHAR *ssid_string)
 Set SSID Name associated with the Access Point index. More...
INT wifi_getBaseBSSID (INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the BSSID. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDMACAddress (INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get the MAC address associated with this Wifi SSID. More...
INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2 (INT radioIndex, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size)
 Start the wifi scan and get the result into output buffer for RDKB to parser. More...
INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiStatus (INT radioIndex, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size)
 Returns the Wifi scan status. More...
INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats (INT ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t *output_struct)
INT wifi_getBasicTrafficStats (INT apIndex, wifi_basicTrafficStats_t *output_struct)
 Outputs basic traffic stats per AP. More...
INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult (wifi_neighbor_ap_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size)
INT wifi_getAllAssociatedDeviceDetail (INT apIndex, ULONG *output_ulong, wifi_device_t **output_struct)
INT wifi_getBandSteeringCapability (BOOL *support)
 To get Band Steering Capability. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevice (INT ap_index, CHAR *output_buf, INT output_buf_size)
 Gets the ApAssociatedDevice list for client MAC addresses. More...
INT wifi_getApDeviceRSSI (INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_RSSI)
 Gets the RSSI value associated with the access point. More...
INT wifi_getApDeviceRxrate (INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_RxMb)
 Gets the ApAssociatedDevice Rx Rate. More...
INT wifi_getApDeviceTxrate (INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_TxMb)
 Gets the ApAssociatedDevice Tx Rate. More...
INT wifi_getRadioTxChainMask (INT radioIndex, INT *output_int)
 Outputs the number of Tx streams. More...
INT wifi_setRadioTxChainMask (INT radioIndex, INT numStreams)
 Sets the number of Tx streams to an environment variable. More...
INT wifi_getRadioRxChainMask (INT radioIndex, INT *output_int)
 Outputs the number of Rx streams. More...
INT wifi_setRadioRxChainMask (INT radioIndex, INT numStreams)
 Sets the number of Rx streams to an environment variable. More...
INT wifi_pushRadioChannelMode (INT radioIndex)
INT wifi_pushRadioTxChainMask (INT radioIndex)
INT wifi_pushRadioRxChainMask (INT radioIndex)
INT wifi_pushSSID (INT apIndex, CHAR *ssid)
 Push the environment variable that is set by "wifi_setSsidName" to the hardware. More...
INT wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Push the environment variable that is set by "wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable" to the hardware. More...
INT wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get radio RDG enable setting. More...
INT wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set radio RDG enable setting. More...
INT wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting. More...
INT wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting. More...
INT wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get radio 11n pure mode enable support. More...
INT wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get radio 11n pure mode enable setting. More...
INT wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable (INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
 Set radio 11n pure mode enable setting. More...
INT wifi_createAp (INT apIndex, INT radioIndex, CHAR *essid, BOOL hideSsid)
 Creates a new access point and pushes these parameters to the hardware. More...
INT wifi_getApIndexFromName (CHAR *inputSsidString, INT *ouput_int)
 Outputs the index number in that corresponds to the SSID string. More...
INT wifi_setApDTIMInterval (INT apIndex, INT dtimInterval)
 Sets the DTIM interval for this Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getApBeaconType (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the beacon type as "None", "Basic", "WPA", "11i", "WPAand11i". More...
INT wifi_setApBeaconType (INT apIndex, CHAR *beaconTypeString)
 Sets the beacon type environment variable. Allowed input strings are "None", "Basic", "WPA, "11i", "WPAand11i". More...
INT wifi_setApBeaconInterval (INT apIndex, INT beaconInterval)
 Sets the beacon interval on the hardware for this Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported (INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get the packet size threshold supported. More...
INT wifi_getApWpaEncryptionMode (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Ouputs up to a 32 byte string as either "TKIPEncryption", "AESEncryption", or "TKIPandAESEncryption". More...
INT wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode (INT apIndex, CHAR *encMode)
 Sets the encyption mode environment variable. More...
INT wifi_setApAuthMode (INT apIndex, INT mode)
 Set the authorization mode on this access point. More...
INT wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode (INT apIndex, CHAR *authMode)
 Sets an environment variable for the authMode. More...
INT wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice (INT apIndex, CHAR *client_mac)
 Manually removes any active wi-fi association with the device specified on this access point. More...
INT wifi_setApRadioIndex (INT apIndex, INT radioIndex)
 Sets the radio index for the specific access point. More...
INT wifi_getApAclDevices (INT apIndex, CHAR *macArray, UINT buf_size)
 Get the ACL MAC list per Access Point. More...
INT wifi_addApAclDevice (INT apIndex, CHAR *DeviceMacAddress)
 Adds the mac address to the filter list. More...
INT wifi_delApAclDevice (INT apIndex, CHAR *DeviceMacAddress)
 Deletes the Device MAC address from the Access control filter list. More...
INT wifi_setApVlanEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL VlanEnabled)
 Enables internal gateway VLAN mode. More...
INT wifi_getApBridgeInfo (INT index, CHAR *bridgeName, CHAR *IP, CHAR *subnet)
 Gets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet. More...
INT wifi_setApBridgeInfo (INT apIndex, CHAR *bridgeName, CHAR *IP, CHAR *subnet)
 Sets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet to internal environment variables. More...
INT wifi_pushBridgeInfo (INT apIndex)
INT wifi_pushApEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL Enable)
 Dynamically enable/disable access point. More...
INT wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
 Push the ssid advertisement enable variable to the hardware. More...
INT wifi_getApWMMCapability (INT apIndex, BOOL *output)
 Indicates whether this access point supports WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Access Categories (AC). More...
INT wifi_getApUAPSDCapability (INT apIndex, BOOL *output)
 Indicates whether this access point supports WMM Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD). More...
INT wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported (INT apIndex, CHAR *output)
 Indicates which security modes this AccessPoint instance is capable of supporting. More...
INT wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled (INT apIndex, CHAR *output)
 Get the Security modes supported. More...
INT wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled (INT apIndex, CHAR *encMode)
 Enable supported security mode. More...
INT wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get PreSharedKey associated with a Access Point. More...
INT wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey (INT apIndex, CHAR *preSharedKey)
 Set PreSharedKey associated with a Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Get a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or. More...
INT wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase (INT apIndex, CHAR *passPhrase)
 Set a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes. More...
INT wifi_getApWpsEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Outputs the WPS enable state of this access point in output_bool. More...
INT wifi_setApWpsEnable (INT apIndex, BOOL enableValue)
 Enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point. More...
INT wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsSupported (INT apIndex, CHAR *output)
 Indicates WPS configuration methods supported by the device. More...
INT wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled (INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
 Indicates WPS configuration methods enabled on the device. More...
INT wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled (INT apIndex, CHAR *methodString)
 Enable WPS configuration methods on the device. More...
INT wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN (INT apIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
 Outputs the WPS device pin value, ulong_pin must be allocated by the caller. More...
INT wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN (INT apIndex, ULONG pin)
 Set an environment variable for the WPS pin for the selected Access Point. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult (INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size)
 The function provides a list of the devices currently associated with the access point. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult2 (INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev2_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size)
 The function provides a list of the devices currently associated with the access point. More...
INT wifi_getApAssociatedClientDiagnosticResult (INT apIndex, char *mac_addr, wifi_associated_dev3_t *dev_conn)
BOOL wifi_steering_supported (void)
 Steering API Supported. More...
INT wifi_steering_setGroup (UINT steeringgroupIndex, wifi_steering_apConfig_t *cfg_2, wifi_steering_apConfig_t *cfg_5)
 Add a Steering Group. More...
void wifi_apAuthEvent_callback_register (wifi_apAuthEvent_callback callback_proc)
INT wifi_getApAuthenticatedDevices (INT apIndex, mac_t **mac_array, UINT *output_array_size)
void wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback_register (wifi_apAuthEvent_callback callback_proc)
void wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback_register (wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback callback_proc)
INT wifi_getRadioClientInactivityTimout (INT radioIndex, INT *output_timout_sec)
INT wifi_getApInterworkingServiceCapability (INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
 Get the Interworking Service Capability of the AP. More...
INT wifi_setBTMRequest (UINT apIndex, CHAR *peerMac, wifi_BTMRequest_t *request)
 Set a BTM Request to a non-AP STA. The callback register function should be called first so that the response can be handled by the application. More...
INT wifi_getBSSTransitionImplemented (UINT apIndex, BOOL *activate)
 Get the BTM implemented value. When not implemented the gateway ignores a BTM query request as defined in 802.11-2016 section More...
INT wifi_getBTMClientCapabilityList (UINT apIndex, wifi_BTMCapabilities_t *extBTMCapabilities)
INT wifi_setNeighborReports (UINT apIndex, UINT numNeighborReports, wifi_NeighborReport_t *neighborReports)
INT wifi_setRMBeaconRequest (UINT apIndex, CHAR *peer, wifi_BeaconRequest_t *in_request, UCHAR *out_DialogToken)
INT wifi_getRMCapabilities (CHAR *peer, UCHAR out_Capabilities[5])
INT wifi_dppSetSTAPassphrase (UINT apIndex, CHAR *sta, CHAR *key)
INT wifi_dppRemoveSTAPassphrase (UINT apIndex, CHAR *sta)
INT wifi_getRadioChannels (INT radioIndex, wifi_channelMap_t *output_map, INT output_map_size)
INT wifi_dppInitiate (wifi_device_dpp_context_t *ctx)
INT wifi_dppCancel (wifi_device_dpp_context_t *ctx)
int mgmt_frame_received_callback (INT ap_index, mac_address_t sta_mac, UCHAR *frame, UINT len, wifi_mgmtFrameType_t type, wifi_direction_t dir)
INT wifi_dpp_frame_received_callbacks_register (wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback_t dppAuthCallback, wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t dppConfigCallback, wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t dppConfigResultCallback, wifi_dppReconfigAnnounce_callback_t dppReconfigAnnounceCallback, wifi_dppReconfigAuthResponse_callback_t dppReconfigAuthRspCallback)
INT wifi_dppSendAuthCnf (wifi_device_dpp_context_t *ctx)
INT wifi_dppSendConfigResponse (wifi_device_dpp_context_t *ctx)
INT wifi_anqp_request_callback_register (wifi_anqp_request_callback_t callback)
INT wifi_anqpSendResponse (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, unsigned char token, wifi_anqp_node_t *list)
INT wifi_chan_eventRegister (wifi_chan_eventCB_t event_cb)
INT wifi_isZeroDFSSupported (UINT radioIndex, BOOL *supported)
 Check if Zero DFS is supported. More...

Typedef Documentation

◆ wifi_basicTrafficStats_t

◆ wifi_radioTrafficStats_t

◆ wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t

◆ wifi_neighbor_ap_t

◆ wifi_diag_ipping_setting_t

◆ wifi_diag_ipping_result_t

◆ wifi_device_t

◆ athstat_results_t

◆ mac_t

typedef struct _mac_t mac_t

◆ wifi_channelStats2_t

◆ wifi_channelMetrics_t

◆ wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t

◆ wifi_associated_dev2_t

◆ wifi_apAuthEvent_callback

typedef INT( * wifi_apAuthEvent_callback) (INT apIndex, char *MAC, INT event_type)

Definition at line 3191 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback

typedef INT( * wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback) (INT apIndex, char *MAC)

Definition at line 3198 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback

typedef INT( * wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback) (INT apIndex, char *MAC, INT event_type)

Definition at line 3204 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dpp_discovery_object_t

Definition at line 3418 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback_t

typedef void(* wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *frame, UINT len)

Definition at line 3562 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t

typedef void(* wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR token, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)

Definition at line 3581 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t

typedef void(* wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)

Definition at line 3601 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dppReconfigAnnounce_callback_t

typedef void(* wifi_dppReconfigAnnounce_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)

Definition at line 3620 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dppReconfigAuthResponse_callback_t

typedef void(* wifi_dppReconfigAuthResponse_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *frame, UINT len)

Definition at line 3638 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_anqp_node_t

◆ wifi_anqp_request_callback_t

typedef void(* wifi_anqp_request_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, unsigned char token, wifi_anqp_node_t *list)

Definition at line 3801 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_chan_eventCB_t

typedef void(* wifi_chan_eventCB_t) (UINT radioIndex, wifi_chan_eventType_t event, UCHAR channel)

Definition at line 3808 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ wifi_csaDeauthMode_t


Definition at line 129 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_scanFilterMode_t


Definition at line 136 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_macAclMode_t


Definition at line 143 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_radioQueueType_t


Definition at line 301 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dpp_technology_t


Definition at line 3398 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dpp_key_management_t


Definition at line 3402 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dpp_state_t


Definition at line 3429 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_enrollee_responder_status_t


Definition at line 3442 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_activation_status_t


Definition at line 3456 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dpp_session_type_t


Definition at line 3476 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_device_dpp_context_type_t


Definition at line 3493 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_t


Definition at line 3502 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_anqp_element_name_t


Definition at line 3735 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_t


Definition at line 3763 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

◆ wifi_anqp_id_type_t


Definition at line 3781 of file wifi_hal_deprecated.h.

Function Documentation

◆ wifi_getTWTParams()

INT wifi_getTWTParams ( CHAR sta,
wifi_twt_params_t twt_params 

◆ wifi_setBSSColorEnabled()

INT wifi_setBSSColorEnabled ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enabled 

◆ wifi_getBSSColorEnabled()

INT wifi_getBSSColorEnabled ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL enabled 

◆ wifi_getRadioChannelStats2()

INT wifi_getRadioChannelStats2 ( INT  radioIndex,
wifi_channelStats2_t outputChannelStats2 

◆ wifi_getHalVersion()

INT wifi_getHalVersion ( CHAR output_string)

Get the wifi hal version in string.


[out]output_stringWiFi Hal version to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getRadioCountryCode()

INT wifi_getRadioCountryCode ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Outputs the country code to a max 64 character string.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringCountry code to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioCountryCode()

INT wifi_setRadioCountryCode ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR CountryCode 

Set the country code for selected Wi-Fi radio channel.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]CountryCodeCountry code
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushCountryCode()

INT wifi_pushCountryCode ( CHAR CountryCode)

Set the country code for both wifi radios and apply them. wifi reset automatically if necessary. The function need to return immediately.

[in]CountryCodeCountry code
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getATMCapable()

INT wifi_getATMCapable ( BOOL output_bool)

Get the ATM(Air Time Management) Capable.

[out]output_boolIndication as to whether Air Time Management is supported.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setATMEnable()

INT wifi_setATMEnable ( BOOL  enable)

Set ATM Enable.

The type of algorithm to apply across the configured Access Points and/or clients;

[in]enableBoolean value to set/unset ATM. False indicates Disabled True indicates Dynamic (Sharing of unused Airtime Between AP Groups allowed)
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getATMEnable()

INT wifi_getATMEnable ( BOOL output_enable)

Get ATM Enable status.

[out]output_enableReturns the ATM enable status.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApATMAirTimePercent()

INT wifi_setApATMAirTimePercent ( INT  apIndex,
UINT  ap_AirTimePercent 

Set Access Point Air Time Percent.

[in]apIndexIndex of Access Point array.
[in]ap_AirTimePercentThe Percentage of Available Airtime assigned to this ATM Access Point Group (5%-100%) The sum of all percentages assigned to all groups must be <= 100%"
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApATMAirTimePercent()

INT wifi_getApATMAirTimePercent ( INT  apIndex,
UINT output_ap_AirTimePercent 

Get Ap Air Time Percent.

[in]apIndexThe index of Access Point array.
[out]output_ap_AirTimePercentThe Percentage of Available Airtime assigned to this ATM Access Point Group (5%-100%)
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApATMSta()

INT wifi_getApATMSta ( INT  apIndex,
UCHAR output_sta_MAC_ATM_array,
UINT  buf_size 

Get the list for Air Time Percent for each Station.

[in]apIndexThe index of Access Point array.
[out]output_sta_MAC_ATM_arrayCaller allocated buffer. output_sta_MAC_ATM_array contains the atm array in format of "$MAC $ATM_percent|$MAC $ATM_percent|$MAC $ATM_percent"
[out]buf_sizeThe size for output_sta_MAC_ATM_array
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioNumberOfEntries()

INT wifi_getRadioNumberOfEntries ( ULONG output)

Get the total number of radios in this wifi subsystem.

[out]outputTotal number of radios to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDNumberOfEntries()

INT wifi_getSSIDNumberOfEntries ( ULONG output)

Get the total number of SSID entries in this wifi subsystem.

[out]outputTotal number of SSID entries to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioMaxBitRate()

INT wifi_getRadioMaxBitRate ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface. eg: "216.7 Mb/s", "1.3 Gb/s".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel.
[out]output_stringMaximum bit rate supported, to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands()

INT wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get Supported frequency bands at which the radio can operate. eg: "2.4GHz,5GHz".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringSupported frequency bands, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand()

INT wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the frequency band at which the radio is operating, eg: "2.4GHz".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel.
[out]output_stringOperating frequency band, to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards()

INT wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the Supported Radio Mode. eg: "b,g,n"; "n,ac"; "ax"; "a,n,ac,ax".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel.
[out]output_stringSupported radio mode, to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioStandard()

INT wifi_getRadioStandard ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string,
BOOL gOnly,
BOOL nOnly,
BOOL acOnly 

Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac".

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code. The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringRadio operating mode, to be returned
[out]gOnlyBoolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
[out]nOnlyBoolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
[out]acOnlyBoolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioMode()

INT wifi_getRadioMode ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string,
UINT pureMode 

Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringRadio operating mode, to be returned
[out]pureModePointer to pure mode bit map starting from LSB b only, g only, a only, n only, ac only, ax only, e.g. n only will be 8, ax only will be 32
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioChannelMode()

INT wifi_setRadioChannelMode ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR channelMode,
BOOL  gOnlyFlag,
BOOL  nOnlyFlag,
BOOL  acOnlyFlag 

Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]channelModePass the channelMode for specified radio index
[in]gOnlyFlagPass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
[in]nOnlyFlagPass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
[in]acOnlyFlagPass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioMode()

INT wifi_setRadioMode ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR channelMode,
UINT  pureMode 

Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]channelModePass the channelMode for specified radio index
[in]pureModePass flag for setting pure mode bit map starting from LSB b only, g only, a only, n only, ac only, ax only, e.g. n only will be 8, ax only will be 32
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels()

INT wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringList of supported radio channels, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse()

INT wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringList of supported radio channels, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioChannel()

INT wifi_getRadioChannel ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG output_ulong 

Get the running channel number.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_ulongRunning channel number, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioChannel()

INT wifi_setRadioChannel ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG  channel 

Set the running channel number.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]channelChannel number to be set as running wifi radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable()

INT wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enables or disables a driver level variable to indicate if auto channel selection is enabled on this radio.

This "auto channel" means the auto channel selection when radio is up. (which is different from the dynamic channel/frequency selection (DFC/DCS))

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]enableEnable/Disable selected radio channel as auto channel radio
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported()

INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Check if the driver support the AutoChannel.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolValue of Auto Channel Supported, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable()

INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get the AutoChannel enable status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolAuto Channel Enabled status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDCSSupported()

INT wifi_getRadioDCSSupported ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Check if the driver support the DCS.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolDCS Supported flag for the radio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDCSEnable()

INT wifi_getRadioDCSEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolDCS Enable flag for the selected radio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDCSEnable()

INT wifi_setRadioDCSEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]enableSet the value of DCS Enable flag for the selected radio index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool()

INT wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_pool 

Get radio DCS channel pool.

The output_string is a max length 256 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this. The value of this parameter is a comma seperated list of channel number.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_poolDCS channel pool for the selected radio index,to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool()

INT wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR pool 

Set radio DCS channel pool.

The output_string is a max length 256 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this. The value of this parameter is a comma seperated list of channel number.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]poolSet DCS channel pool for the selected radio index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime()

INT wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output_interval_seconds,
INT output_dwell_milliseconds 

Get radio DCS scan time.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_interval_secondsGet the interval time in seconds
[out]output_dwell_millisecondsGet the dwell time in milliseconds
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime()

INT wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  interval_seconds,
INT  dwell_milliseconds 

Set radio DCS scan time.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]interval_secondsSet the interval time in seconds
[in]dwell_millisecondsSet the dwell time in milliseconds
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDcsDwelltime()

INT wifi_setRadioDcsDwelltime ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  millisecond 

Set radio Dcs Dwell time.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[in]millisecondDwell time on each channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDcsDwelltime()

INT wifi_getRadioDcsDwelltime ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output_millisecond 

Get radio Dcs Dwell time.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[in]output_millisecondDwell time on each channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDcsScanning()

INT wifi_setRadioDcsScanning ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]enableSet the value of DCS Enable flag for the selected radio index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDcsScanning()

INT wifi_getRadioDcsScanning ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolDCS Enable flag for the selected radio index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDcsChannelMetrics()

INT wifi_getRadioDcsChannelMetrics ( INT  radioIndex,
wifi_channelMetrics_t input_output_channelMetrics_array,
INT  array_size 

Get radio Channel Metrics.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[out]input_output_channelMetrics_arraycaller allocated buffer
[out]array_sizeThe count for wifi_channelMetrics_t that caller allocated
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and should not invoke any blocking system calls. This is blocking call.

◆ wifi_pushRadioChannel()

INT wifi_pushRadioChannel ( INT  radioIndex,
UINT  channel 

Instantlly change the radio Channel.

Use Channels Switch Announcements (CSAs) (in 802.11h) to notify the client, and channel change instantly. Do not save wifi config (channel change is not persistent over wifi reboot).

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[in]channelnet channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and should not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushRadioChannel2()

INT wifi_pushRadioChannel2 ( INT  radioIndex,
UINT  channel,
UINT  channel_width_MHz,
UINT  csa_beacon_count 

This HAL API is used to change the channel to destination channel, with destination bandwidth.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[in]channelnet channel
[in]channel_width_MHzchannel frequency
[in]csa_beacon_countSpecifies how long CSA need to be announced.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and should not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDfsSupport()

INT wifi_getRadioDfsSupport ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get radio DFS support.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolGet DFS support for the selected radio index in the pre-allocated buffer
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriodSupported()

INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriodSupported ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Check if the driver support the AutoChannelRefreshPeriod.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_boolGet auto channel refresh period support for the selected radio channel in the pre-allocated bool buffer.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod()

INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG output_ulong 

Get the DCS refresh period in seconds.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_ulongThe refresh period.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod()

INT wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod ( INT  radioIndex,
ULONG  seconds 

Set the DCS refresh period in seconds.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]secondsSet auto channel refresh period in seconds support for the selected radio channel.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth()

INT wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringGet operating channel bandwidth for the selected radio channel in the pre-allocated char buffer.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth()

INT wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR bandwidth 

Set the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160".

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]bandwidthSet operating channel bandwidth for the selected radio channel
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioExtChannel()

INT wifi_getRadioExtChannel ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the secondary extension channel position.

"AboveControlChannel" or "BelowControlChannel". (this is for 40MHz and 80MHz bandwith only). The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringSecondary extension channel position, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioExtChannel()

INT wifi_setRadioExtChannel ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR string 

Set the secondary extension channel position.

"AboveControlChannel" or "BelowControlChannel". (this is for 40MHz and 80MHz bandwith only).

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]stringSecondary extension channel position
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioGuardInterval()

INT wifi_getRadioGuardInterval ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec".

The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_stringGuard interval value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioGuardInterval()

INT wifi_setRadioGuardInterval ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR string 

Set the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec".

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]stringGuard interval value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported()

INT wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output_list 

Get supported Transmit Power list, eg : "0,25,50,75,100".

The output_list is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_listTransmit power list, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported()

INT wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL Supported 

Get 80211h Supported.

80211h solves interference with satellites and radar using the same 5 GHz frequency band.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]Supported80211h Supported, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled()

INT wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL enable 

Get 80211h feature enable.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]enable80211h feature enable, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled()

INT wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set 80211h feature enable.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]enable80211h feature enable
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod()

INT wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod ( INT  radioIndex,
UINT output 

Gets the time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds).

This parameter is based ondot11BeaconPeriod from [802.11-2012].

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]outputRadio Beacon period, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod()

INT wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod ( INT  radioIndex,
UINT  BeaconPeriod 

Sets the time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds).

This parameter is based ondot11BeaconPeriod from [802.11-2012].

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]BeaconPeriodRadio Beacon period
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioSupportedDataTransmitRates()

INT wifi_getRadioSupportedDataTransmitRates ( INT  radioIndex,
char *  output_rates 

Get the supported data transmit rates in Mbps.

That have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed in SupportedDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in SupportedDataTransmitRates

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_ratesComma-separated list of strings, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates()

INT wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR output 

Get the set of data rates, in Mbps.

This has to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inBasicDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]outputComma-separated list of strings, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates()

INT wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates ( INT  radioIndex,
CHAR TransmitRates 

Set the data rates, in Mbps.

This have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inBasicDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]TransmitRatesComma-separated list of strings
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates()

INT wifi_getRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates ( INT  radioIndex,
char *  output_rates 

Get the set of data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS.

The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inOperationalDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in OperationalDataTransmitRates.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]output_ratesComma-separated list of strings, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates()

INT wifi_setRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates ( INT  radioIndex,
char *  rates 

Set the data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS.

The stations should be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed in OperationalDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in OperationalDataTransmitRates.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]ratesComma-separated list of strings
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsMeasure()

INT wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsMeasure ( INT  radioIndex,
wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t input_struct 

Set radio traffic static Measuring rules.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]input_structwifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t *input_struct, traffic stats measure info
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsRadioStatisticsEnable()

INT wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsRadioStatisticsEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set radio traffic statistics enable.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[out]enableEnable/disable, traffic stats statistics
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel()

INT wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  signalIndex,
INT SignalLevel 

Clients associated with the AP over a specific interval.

The histogram MUST have a range from -110to 0 dBm and MUST be divided in bins of 3 dBM, with bins aligning on the -110 dBm end of the range. Received signal levels equal to or greater than the smaller boundary of a bin and less than the larger boundary are included in the respective bin. The bin associated with the clients current received signal level MUST be incremented when a client associates with the AP. Additionally, the respective bins associated with each connected clients current received signal level MUST be incremented at the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Rate". The histogram bins MUST NOT be incremented at any other time. The histogram data collected during the interval MUST be published to the parameter only at the end of the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". The underlying histogram data MUST be cleared at the start of each interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval". If any of the parameter's representing this histogram is queried before the histogram has been updated with an initial set of data, it MUST return -1. Units dBm.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio channel
[in]signalIndexSignal index

◆ wifi_getSSIDEnable()

INT wifi_getSSIDEnable ( INT  ssidIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get SSID enable configuration parameters (not the SSID enable status).

[in]ssidIndexSSID index
[out]output_boolSSID enable, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setSSIDEnable()

INT wifi_setSSIDEnable ( INT  ssidIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set SSID enable configuration parameters.

[in]ssidIndexSSID index
[in]enableSSID enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDStatus()

INT wifi_getSSIDStatus ( INT  ssidIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get SSID enable status.

[in]ssidIndexSSID index
[out]output_stringSSID enable status, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDName()

INT wifi_getSSIDName ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get SSID Name associated with the Access Point index.

Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the SSID name. Sring buffer must be preallocated by the caller.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringSSID name, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDNameStatus()

INT wifi_getSSIDNameStatus ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

To read the run time ssid name.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringSSID name, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setSSIDName()

INT wifi_setSSIDName ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR ssid_string 

Set SSID Name associated with the Access Point index.

Accepts a max 32 byte string and sets an internal variable to the SSID name.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]ssid_stringSSID Name
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getBaseBSSID()

INT wifi_getBaseBSSID ( INT  ssidIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the BSSID.

[in]ssidIndexSSID index
[out]output_stringBase BSSID, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDMACAddress()

INT wifi_getSSIDMACAddress ( INT  ssidIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get the MAC address associated with this Wifi SSID.

[in]ssidIndexSSID index
[out]output_stringMAC Address, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2()

INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2 ( INT  radioIndex,
wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **  neighbor_ap_array,
UINT output_array_size 

Start the wifi scan and get the result into output buffer for RDKB to parser.

The result will be used to manage endpoint list. HAL functon should allocate an data structure array, and return to caller with "neighbor_ap_array".

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]neighbor_ap_arrayNeighbour access point info to be returned
[out]output_array_sizeLength of the output array.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getNeighboringWiFiStatus()

INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiStatus ( INT  radioIndex,
wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **  neighbor_ap_array,
UINT output_array_size 

Returns the Wifi scan status.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]neighbor_ap_arrayNeighbour access point info to be returned
[out]output_array_sizeLength of the output array.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats()

INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats ( INT  ssidIndex,
wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t output_struct 

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_getBasicTrafficStats()

INT wifi_getBasicTrafficStats ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_basicTrafficStats_t output_struct 

Outputs basic traffic stats per AP.

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult()

INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult ( wifi_neighbor_ap_t **  neighbor_ap_array,
UINT output_array_size 

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_getAllAssociatedDeviceDetail()

INT wifi_getAllAssociatedDeviceDetail ( INT  apIndex,
ULONG output_ulong,
wifi_device_t **  output_struct 

Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.

◆ wifi_getBandSteeringCapability()

INT wifi_getBandSteeringCapability ( BOOL support)

To get Band Steering Capability.

[out]supportBand Steering Capability support, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDevice()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevice ( INT  ap_index,
CHAR output_buf,
INT  output_buf_size 

Gets the ApAssociatedDevice list for client MAC addresses.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_bufList for client MAC, to be returned
[out]output_buf_sizeBuffer length
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getApDeviceRSSI()

INT wifi_getApDeviceRSSI ( INT  ap_index,
INT output_RSSI 

Gets the RSSI value associated with the access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]MACClient MAC in upcase format
[out]output_RSSIRSSI is in dbm
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getApDeviceRxrate()

INT wifi_getApDeviceRxrate ( INT  ap_index,
INT output_RxMb 

Gets the ApAssociatedDevice Rx Rate.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]MACClient MAC in upcase format
[ut]output_RxMb Rx Rate in Mb
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getApDeviceTxrate()

INT wifi_getApDeviceTxrate ( INT  ap_index,
INT output_TxMb 

Gets the ApAssociatedDevice Tx Rate.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]MACClient MAC in upcase format
[out]output_TxMbTx Rate in Mb
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None

◆ wifi_getRadioTxChainMask()

INT wifi_getRadioTxChainMask ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output_int 

Outputs the number of Tx streams.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_intNumber of Tx streams, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioTxChainMask()

INT wifi_setRadioTxChainMask ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  numStreams 

Sets the number of Tx streams to an environment variable.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]numStreamsNumber of Tx streams
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioRxChainMask()

INT wifi_getRadioRxChainMask ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output_int 

Outputs the number of Rx streams.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_intNumber of Rx streams, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioRxChainMask()

INT wifi_setRadioRxChainMask ( INT  radioIndex,
INT  numStreams 

Sets the number of Rx streams to an environment variable.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]numStreamsNumber of Rx streams
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushRadioChannelMode()

INT wifi_pushRadioChannelMode ( INT  radioIndex)

< Deprecated < Deprecated

◆ wifi_pushRadioTxChainMask()

INT wifi_pushRadioTxChainMask ( INT  radioIndex)

< Deprecated

◆ wifi_pushRadioRxChainMask()

INT wifi_pushRadioRxChainMask ( INT  radioIndex)

< Deprecated

◆ wifi_pushSSID()

INT wifi_pushSSID ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR ssid 

Push the environment variable that is set by "wifi_setSsidName" to the hardware.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]ssidWiFi SSID value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable()

INT wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Push the environment variable that is set by "wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable" to the hardware.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableSSID Advertisement value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable()

INT wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get radio RDG enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_boolRDG enable setting value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable()

INT wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set radio RDG enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]enableRDG enable setting value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable()

INT wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_boolRadio ADDBA enable setting value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable()

INT wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]enableRadio ADDBA enable setting value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported()

INT wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get radio 11n pure mode enable support.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_boolRadio 11n pure mode enable support value, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable()

INT wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get radio 11n pure mode enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[out]output_boolRadio 11n pure mode enable setting, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable()

INT wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable ( INT  radioIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Set radio 11n pure mode enable setting.

[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]enableRadio 11n pure mode enable setting
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_createAp()

INT wifi_createAp ( INT  apIndex,
INT  radioIndex,
CHAR essid,
BOOL  hideSsid 

Creates a new access point and pushes these parameters to the hardware.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]radioIndexRadio index
[in]essidSSID Name
[in]hideSsidTrue/False, to SSID advertisement enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApIndexFromName()

INT wifi_getApIndexFromName ( CHAR inputSsidString,
INT ouput_int 

Outputs the index number in that corresponds to the SSID string.

[in]inputSsidStringWiFi SSID Name
[out]ouput_intAccess Point index, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApDTIMInterval()

INT wifi_setApDTIMInterval ( INT  apIndex,
INT  dtimInterval 

Sets the DTIM interval for this Access Point.

DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message)

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]dtimIntervalDTIM interval
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApBeaconType()

INT wifi_getApBeaconType ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the beacon type as "None", "Basic", "WPA", "11i", "WPAand11i".

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringBeacon type, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBeaconType()

INT wifi_setApBeaconType ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR beaconTypeString 

Sets the beacon type environment variable. Allowed input strings are "None", "Basic", "WPA, "11i", "WPAand11i".

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]beaconTypeStringBeacon type
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBeaconInterval()

INT wifi_setApBeaconInterval ( INT  apIndex,
INT  beaconInterval 

Sets the beacon interval on the hardware for this Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]beaconIntervalBeacon interval
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported()

INT wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get the packet size threshold supported.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_boolPacket size threshold supported, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpaEncryptionMode()

INT wifi_getApWpaEncryptionMode ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Ouputs up to a 32 byte string as either "TKIPEncryption", "AESEncryption", or "TKIPandAESEncryption".

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringWPA Encryption mode, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode()

INT wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR encMode 

Sets the encyption mode environment variable.

Valid string format are:

  • TKIPEncryption
  • AESEncryption
  • TKIPandAESEncryption
[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]encModeWPA Encryption mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApAuthMode()

INT wifi_setApAuthMode ( INT  apIndex,
INT  mode 

Set the authorization mode on this access point.

Mode mapping as: -1 open -2 shared -4 auto

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]modeAuthorization mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode()

INT wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR authMode 

Sets an environment variable for the authMode.

Valid strings are "None", "EAPAuthentication" or "SharedAuthentication".

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]authModeAuthentication mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice()

INT wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR client_mac 

Manually removes any active wi-fi association with the device specified on this access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]client_macClient device MAC address
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApRadioIndex()

INT wifi_setApRadioIndex ( INT  apIndex,
INT  radioIndex 

Sets the radio index for the specific access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]radioIndexRadio index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAclDevices()

INT wifi_getApAclDevices ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR macArray,
UINT  buf_size 

Get the ACL MAC list per Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]macArrayMac Array list, to be returned // in formate as "11:22:33:44:55:66\n11:22:33:44:55:67\n"
[out]buf_sizeBuffer size for the mac array list
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_addApAclDevice()

INT wifi_addApAclDevice ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR DeviceMacAddress 

Adds the mac address to the filter list.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]DeviceMacAddressMac Address of a device
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_delApAclDevice()

INT wifi_delApAclDevice ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR DeviceMacAddress 

Deletes the Device MAC address from the Access control filter list.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]DeviceMacAddressMac Address of a device
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApVlanEnable()

INT wifi_setApVlanEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  VlanEnabled 

Enables internal gateway VLAN mode.

In this mode a Vlan tag is added to upstream (received) data packets before exiting the Wifi driver. VLAN tags in downstream data are stripped from data packets before transmission. Default is FALSE.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]VlanEnabledInternal gateway VLAN mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApBridgeInfo()

INT wifi_getApBridgeInfo ( INT  index,
CHAR bridgeName,
CHAR subnet 

Gets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet.

BridgeName is a maximum of 32 characters.

[in]indexAccess Point index
[out]bridgeNameBridge name, to be returned
[out]IPIP Address, to be returned
[out]subnetSubnet, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApBridgeInfo()

INT wifi_setApBridgeInfo ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR bridgeName,
CHAR subnet 

Sets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet to internal environment variables.

BridgeName is a maximum of 32 characters.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]bridgeNameBridge name
[in]IPIP Address
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushBridgeInfo()

INT wifi_pushBridgeInfo ( INT  apIndex)

◆ wifi_pushApEnable()

INT wifi_pushApEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  Enable 

Dynamically enable/disable access point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableEnable/Disable AP enable status variable
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable()

INT wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enable 

Push the ssid advertisement enable variable to the hardware.

Applying changs with wifi_applyRadioSettings().

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableSSID Advertisement enable value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWMMCapability()

INT wifi_getApWMMCapability ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output 

Indicates whether this access point supports WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Access Categories (AC).

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputWMM capability, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApUAPSDCapability()

INT wifi_getApUAPSDCapability ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output 

Indicates whether this access point supports WMM Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD).

U-APSD support implies WMM support.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputU-APSD capability, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported()

INT wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output 

Indicates which security modes this AccessPoint instance is capable of supporting.

Each list item is an enumeration of:

  • None
  • WEP-64
  • WEP-128
  • WPA-Personal
  • WPA2-Personal
  • WPA-WPA2-Personal
  • WPA-Enterprise
  • WPA2-Enterprise
  • WPA-WPA2-Enterprise.
[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputComma-separated list of security modes, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled()

INT wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output 

Get the Security modes supported.

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter. Indicates which security mode is enabled.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputEnabled security mode, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled()

INT wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR encMode 

Enable supported security mode.

The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter. Indicates which security mode is enabled.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]encModeSupported security mode
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey()

INT wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get PreSharedKey associated with a Access Point.

A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringPreSharedKey, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey()

INT wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR preSharedKey 

Set PreSharedKey associated with a Access Point.

A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase()

INT wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Get a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or.

WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringSecurity key passphrase, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase()

INT wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR passPhrase 

Set a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]passPhraseSecurity key passphrase
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsEnable()

INT wifi_getApWpsEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Outputs the WPS enable state of this access point in output_bool.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_boolWPS enable state, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsEnable()

INT wifi_setApWpsEnable ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL  enableValue 

Enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point.

Sets the WPS enable environment variable for this ap to the value of enableValue, 1==enabled, 0==disabled.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]enableValueWPS enable state
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsSupported()

INT wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsSupported ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output 

Indicates WPS configuration methods supported by the device.

Each list item is an enumeration of: USBFlashDrive,Ethernet,ExternalNFCToken,IntegratedNFCToken,NFCInterface,PushButton,PIN.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]outputWPS configuration methods supported (Comma-separated list of strings), to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled()

INT wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR output_string 

Indicates WPS configuration methods enabled on the device.

Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[out]output_stringWPS configuration methods enabled, to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled()

INT wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled ( INT  apIndex,
CHAR methodString 

Enable WPS configuration methods on the device.

Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter. Sets an environment variable that specifies the WPS configuration method(s). methodString is a comma separated list of methods:

  • USBFlashDrive
  • Ethernet
  • ExternalNFCToken
  • IntegratedNFCToken
  • NFCInterface
  • PushButton
  • PIN
[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]methodStringWPS configuration methods enabled.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN()

INT wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN ( INT  apIndex,
ULONG output_ulong 

Outputs the WPS device pin value, ulong_pin must be allocated by the caller.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]output_ulongWPS Device PIN value, to be returned.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN()

INT wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN ( INT  apIndex,
ULONG  pin 

Set an environment variable for the WPS pin for the selected Access Point.

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]pinWPS Device PIN value
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_associated_dev_t **  associated_dev_array,
UINT output_array_size 

The function provides a list of the devices currently associated with the access point.

HAL funciton should allocate an data structure array, and return to caller with "associated_dev_array".

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]associated_dev_arrayAssociated device array, to be returned
[in]output_array_sizeArray size, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult2()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult2 ( INT  apIndex,
wifi_associated_dev2_t **  associated_dev_array,
UINT output_array_size 

The function provides a list of the devices currently associated with the access point.

HAL funciton should allocate an data structure array, and return to caller with "associated_dev_array".

[in]apIndexAccess Point index
[in]associated_dev_arrayAssociated device array, to be returned
[in]output_array_sizeArray size, to be returned
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.

◆ wifi_getApAssociatedClientDiagnosticResult()

INT wifi_getApAssociatedClientDiagnosticResult ( INT  apIndex,
char *  mac_addr,
wifi_associated_dev3_t dev_conn 

◆ wifi_steering_supported()

BOOL wifi_steering_supported ( void  )

Steering API Supported.

This tells the upper layer if the steering API is supported or not.

TRUE on platforms that support steering, FALSE if not

◆ wifi_steering_setGroup()

INT wifi_steering_setGroup ( UINT  steeringgroupIndex,
wifi_steering_apConfig_t cfg_2,
wifi_steering_apConfig_t cfg_5 

Add a Steering Group.

A steering group defines a group of apIndex's which can have steering done between them.

[in]steeringgroupIndexWifi Steering Group index
[in]cfg_22.4G apConfig
[in]cfg_55G apConfig
RETURN_OK on success, RETURN_ERR on failure
All apIndex's provided within a group must have the same SSID, encryption, and passphrase configured for steering to function properly.
The hal need to allocate (no matter static or dynamic) to store those two config if cfg_2 and cfg_5 are NULL, this steering group will be removed

◆ wifi_apAuthEvent_callback_register()

void wifi_apAuthEvent_callback_register ( wifi_apAuthEvent_callback  callback_proc)

◆ wifi_getApAuthenticatedDevices()

INT wifi_getApAuthenticatedDevices ( INT  apIndex,
mac_t **  mac_array,
UINT output_array_size 

◆ wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback_register()

void wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback_register ( wifi_apAuthEvent_callback  callback_proc)

◆ wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback_register()

void wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback_register ( wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback  callback_proc)

◆ wifi_getRadioClientInactivityTimout()

INT wifi_getRadioClientInactivityTimout ( INT  radioIndex,
INT output_timout_sec 

◆ wifi_getApInterworkingServiceCapability()

INT wifi_getApInterworkingServiceCapability ( INT  apIndex,
BOOL output_bool 

Get the Interworking Service Capability of the AP.

[in]pIndexIndex of the Access Point.
[in]output_boolIndication as to whether the AP supports the Interworking Service.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected

◆ wifi_setBTMRequest()

INT wifi_setBTMRequest ( UINT  apIndex,
CHAR peerMac,
wifi_BTMRequest_t request 

Set a BTM Request to a non-AP STA. The callback register function should be called first so that the response can be handled by the application.

apIndex;index of the vAP to send the request from.
peerMACAddress;MAC address of the peer device to send the request to.
in_struct;BTM Request Frame to send to the non-AP STA.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None
This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system calls.

◆ wifi_getBSSTransitionImplemented()

INT wifi_getBSSTransitionImplemented ( UINT  apIndex,
BOOL activate 

Get the BTM implemented value. When not implemented the gateway ignores a BTM query request as defined in 802.11-2016 section

apIndex- AP Index the setting applies to.
activate- True for implemented false for not implemented.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_getBTMClientCapabilityList()

INT wifi_getBTMClientCapabilityList ( UINT  apIndex,
wifi_BTMCapabilities_t extBTMCapabilities 

@description Get the BTM capability of an external STA. Reports the value of the BSS Transition bit in the Extended Capabilities element, if detected, from an external STA. Reports the latest value detected in the element received by any vAP in any frame type.

apIndex- AP the Extended Capabilities elements were received on.
extBTMCapabilities- structure with parallel arrays of peer MAC addresses and BTM capability indicators.
The status of the operation.
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful.
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected.

◆ wifi_setNeighborReports()

INT wifi_setNeighborReports ( UINT  apIndex,
UINT  numNeighborReports,
wifi_NeighborReport_t neighborReports 

◆ wifi_setRMBeaconRequest()

INT wifi_setRMBeaconRequest ( UINT  apIndex,
CHAR peer,
wifi_BeaconRequest_t in_request,
UCHAR out_DialogToken 

◆ wifi_getRMCapabilities()

INT wifi_getRMCapabilities ( CHAR peer,
UCHAR  out_Capabilities[5] 

◆ wifi_dppSetSTAPassphrase()

INT wifi_dppSetSTAPassphrase ( UINT  apIndex,
CHAR sta,
CHAR key 

◆ wifi_dppRemoveSTAPassphrase()

INT wifi_dppRemoveSTAPassphrase ( UINT  apIndex,
CHAR sta 

◆ wifi_getRadioChannels()

INT wifi_getRadioChannels ( INT  radioIndex,
wifi_channelMap_t output_map,
INT  output_map_size 

◆ wifi_dppInitiate()

INT wifi_dppInitiate ( wifi_device_dpp_context_t ctx)

◆ wifi_dppCancel()

INT wifi_dppCancel ( wifi_device_dpp_context_t ctx)

◆ mgmt_frame_received_callback()

int mgmt_frame_received_callback ( INT  ap_index,
mac_address_t  sta_mac,
UCHAR frame,
UINT  len,
wifi_mgmtFrameType_t  type,
wifi_direction_t  dir 

◆ wifi_dpp_frame_received_callbacks_register()

INT wifi_dpp_frame_received_callbacks_register ( wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback_t  dppAuthCallback,
wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t  dppConfigCallback,
wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t  dppConfigResultCallback,
wifi_dppReconfigAnnounce_callback_t  dppReconfigAnnounceCallback,
wifi_dppReconfigAuthResponse_callback_t  dppReconfigAuthRspCallback 

◆ wifi_dppSendAuthCnf()

INT wifi_dppSendAuthCnf ( wifi_device_dpp_context_t ctx)

◆ wifi_dppSendConfigResponse()

INT wifi_dppSendConfigResponse ( wifi_device_dpp_context_t ctx)

◆ wifi_anqp_request_callback_register()

INT wifi_anqp_request_callback_register ( wifi_anqp_request_callback_t  callback)

◆ wifi_anqpSendResponse()

INT wifi_anqpSendResponse ( UINT  apIndex,
mac_address_t  sta,
unsigned char  token,
wifi_anqp_node_t list 

◆ wifi_chan_eventRegister()

INT wifi_chan_eventRegister ( wifi_chan_eventCB_t  event_cb)

◆ wifi_isZeroDFSSupported()

INT wifi_isZeroDFSSupported ( UINT  radioIndex,
BOOL supported 

Check if Zero DFS is supported.

Zero DFS (also known as Background CAC) allows Wi-Fi stack to continue operation on main channel and at the same time run background CAC.

[in]radioIndexIndex of Wi-Fi radio
[out]supportedTrue if ZeroDFS is supported, false otherwise.
The status of the operation
Return values
RETURN_OKif successful
RETURN_ERRif any error is detected
Execution:\n Synchronous
Side Effects:\n None