Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * If not stated otherwise in this file or this component's LICENSE file the
3  * following copyright and licenses apply:
4  *
5  * Copyright 2016 RDK Management
6  *
7  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
10  *
11  * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12  *
13  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17  * limitations under the License.
18 */
19 #ifndef __WIFI_HAL_DEPRECATED_H__
20 #define __WIFI_HAL_DEPRECATED_H__
22 #ifdef __cplusplus
23 extern "C"{
24 #endif
27 {
36 {
49 typedef struct _wifi_ssidTrafficStats
50 {
60 typedef struct _wifi_neighbor_ap
61 {
62  CHAR ap_Radio[64];
63  CHAR ap_SSID[64];
64  CHAR ap_BSSID[64];
65  CHAR ap_Mode[64];
82 //<<
85 {
86  CHAR ipping_Interface[256]; /**< The value MUST be the path name of a row in the IP.Interface table. The IP-layer interface over which the test is to be performed. This identifies the source IP address to use when performing the test. Example: Device.IP.Interface.1. If an empty string is specified, the CPE MUST use the interface as directed by its routing policy (Forwarding table entries) to determine the appropriate interface. */
87  CHAR ipping_Host[256]; /**< Host name or address of the host to ping. In the case where Host is specified by name, and the name resolves to more than one address, it is up to the device implementation to choose which address to use. */
88  UINT ipping_NumberOfRepetitions; /**< Number of repetitions of the ping test to perform before reporting the results. */
89  UINT ipping_Timeout; /**< Timeout in milliseconds for the ping test. */
90  UINT ipping_DataBlockSize; /**< Size of the data block in bytes to be sent for each ping. */
91  UINT ipping_DSCP; /**< DiffServ codepoint to be used for the test packets. By default the CPE SHOULD set this value to zero. */
96 {
97  CHAR ipping_DiagnosticsState[64]; /**< Indicates availability of diagnostic data. Enumeration of: Complete, Error_CannotResolveHostName, Error_Internal, Error_Other */
98  UINT ipping_SuccessCount; /**< Result parameter indicating the number of successful pings (those in which a successful response was received prior to the timeout) in the most recent ping test. */
99  UINT ipping_FailureCount; /**< Result parameter indicating the number of failed pings in the most recent ping test. */
100  UINT ipping_AverageResponseTime; /**< Result parameter indicating the average response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. */
101  UINT ipping_MinimumResponseTime; /**< Result parameter indicating the minimum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. */
102  UINT ipping_MaximumResponseTime; /**< Result parameter indicating the maximum response time in milliseconds over all repetitions with successful responses of the most recent ping test. If there were no successful responses, this value MUST be zero. */
107 //----------------ASSO. DEV-------------------------------------------
108 //>> Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.
109 typedef struct _wifi_device
110 {
117 } wifi_device_t;
118 //<<
120 typedef struct athstat_results{
125  u_int32_t d_rx_t; // delta rx_total
126  u_int32_t d_rx_o; // delta rx_own
129 typedef enum
130 {
136 typedef enum
137 {
143 typedef enum
144 {
150 // The pulling function to retrieve the existing authenticated device Mac for specified VAP
151 typedef struct _mac_t {
152  unsigned char byte[6];
153 } mac_t;
155 typedef struct _wifi_channelStats2 {
156  UINT ch_Frequency; /**< Current primary channel centre frequency */
157  INT ch_NoiseFloor; /**< Current noise floor on channel */
158  INT ch_Non80211Noise; /**< Current non 802.11 noise on channel */
159  INT ch_Max80211Rssi; /**< Max RSSI from the neighbor AP in dbm on this channel */
160  UINT ch_ObssUtil; /**< Other bss utilization for last interval */
161  UINT ch_SelfBssUtil; /**< Self bss utilization for last interval */
164 typedef struct _wifi_channelMetrics {
165  INT channel_number; /**< Each channel is only 20MHz bandwidth */
166  BOOL channel_in_pool; /**< If channel_in_pool is false, driver do not need to scan this channel */
167  INT channel_noise; /**< This is used to return the average noise floor in dbm */
168  BOOL channel_radar_noise; /**< If channel_number is in DFS channel, this is used to return if radar signal is present on DFS channel (5G only) */
169  INT channel_non_80211_noise; /**< Average non 802.11 noise */
170  INT channel_utilization; /**< This is used to return the 802.11 utilization in percent */
171  INT channel_txpower; /**< This is used to return the current txpower in dbm on this channel */
173  wifi_apRssi_t channel_rssi_list[64]; /**< RSSI list from the neighbor AP on this channel. The list should be sorted descendly based on ap_rssi. If there are more than 64 AP on this channel, return first 64. */
174  UINT channel_rssi_count; /**< RSSI counter in channel_rssi_list */
178 {
179  INT radio_RadioStatisticsMeasuringRate; /**< Input //"The rate at which radio related statistics are periodically collected. Only statistics that explicitly indicate the use of this parameter MUST use the rate set in this parameter Other parameter's are assumed to collect data in real-time or nearly real-time. Default value is 30 seconds. This parameter MUST be persistent across reboots. If this parameter is changed, then use of the new rate MUST be deferred until the start of the next interval and all metrics using this rate MUST return -1 until the completion of the next full interval Units in Seconds" */
180  INT radio_RadioStatisticsMeasuringInterval; /**< Input //The interval for which radio data MUST be retained in order and at the end of which appropriate calculations are executed and reflected in the associated radio object's. Only statistics that explicitly indicate the use of this parameter MUST use the interval set in this parameter Default value is 30 minutes. This parameter MUST be persistent across reboots. If this item is modified, then all metrics leveraging this interval as well as the metrics "Total number 802.11 packet of TX" and "Total number 802.11 packet of RX" MUST be re-initialized immediately. Additionally, the "Statistics Start Time" must be reset to the current time. Units in Seconds */
181 } wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t; //for radio only
183 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
185 INT wifi_getTWTParams(CHAR *sta, wifi_twt_params_t *twt_params);
186 INT wifi_setBSSColorEnabled (INT apIndex, BOOL enabled);
187 INT wifi_getBSSColorEnabled(INT apIndex, BOOL *enabled);
189 INT wifi_getRadioChannelStats2(INT radioIndex, wifi_channelStats2_t *outputChannelStats2);
191 /* wifi_getHalVersion() function */
192 /**
193 * @brief Get the wifi hal version in string.
194 *
196 *
197 * @param[out] output_string WiFi Hal version to be returned.
198 *
199 * @return The status of the operation
200 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
201 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
202 *
203 * @sideeffect None
204 */
205 //Wifi system api
206 //Get the wifi hal version in string, eg "2.0.0". WIFI_HAL_MAJOR_VERSION.WIFI_HAL_MINOR_VERSION.WIFI_HAL_MAINTENANCE_VERSION
207 INT wifi_getHalVersion(CHAR *output_string);
210 /* wifi_getRadioCountryCode() function */
211 /**
212 * @brief Outputs the country code to a max 64 character string
213 *
214 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
215 * @param[out] output_string Country code to be returned
216 *
217 * @return The status of the operation
218 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
219 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
220 *
221 * @execution Synchronous
222 * @sideeffect None
223 *
224 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
225 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
226 *
227 */
228 INT wifi_getRadioCountryCode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
231 /* wifi_setRadioCountryCode() function */
232 /**
233 * @brief Set the country code for selected Wi-Fi radio channel.
234 *
235 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
236 * @param[in] CountryCode Country code
237 *
238 * @return The status of the operation
239 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
240 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
241 *
242 * @execution Synchronous
243 * @sideeffect None
244 *
245 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
246 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
247 *
248 */
249 INT wifi_setRadioCountryCode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *CountryCode);
252 /* wifi_pushCountryCode() function */
253 /**
254 * @brief Set the country code for both wifi radios and apply them. wifi reset automatically if necessary.
255 * The function need to return immediately.
256 *
257 * @param[in] CountryCode Country code
258 *
259 * @return The status of the operation
260 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
261 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
262 *
263 * @execution Synchronous
264 * @sideeffect None
265 *
266 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
267 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
268 *
269 */
270 INT wifi_pushCountryCode(CHAR *CountryCode);
273 typedef struct _wifi_associated_dev2
274 {
275  mac_address_t cli_MACAddress; /**< The MAC address of an associated device. */
276  CHAR cli_IPAddress[64]; /**< IP of the associated device */
277  BOOL cli_AuthenticationState; /**< Whether an associated device has authenticated (true) or not (false). */
278  UINT cli_LastDataDownlinkRate; /**< The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the access point to the associated device. */
279  UINT cli_LastDataUplinkRate; /**< The data transmit rate in kbps that was most recently used for transmission from the associated device to the access point. */
280  INT cli_SignalStrength; /**< An indicator of radio signal strength of the uplink from the associated device to the access point, measured in dBm, as an average of the last 100 packets received from the device. */
281  UINT cli_Retransmissions; /**< The number of packets that had to be re-transmitted, from the last 100 packets sent to the associated device. Multiple re-transmissions of the same packet count as one. */
282  BOOL cli_Active; /**< boolean-Whether or not this node is currently present in the WiFi AccessPoint network. */
284  CHAR cli_OperatingStandard[64]; /**< Radio standard the associated Wi-Fi client device is operating under. Enumeration of: */
285  CHAR cli_OperatingChannelBandwidth[64]; /**< The operating channel bandwidth of the associated device. The channel bandwidth (applicable to 802.11n and 802.11ac specifications only). Enumeration of: */
286  INT cli_SNR; /**< A signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) compares the level of the Wi-Fi signal to the level of background noise. Sources of noise can include microwave ovens, cordless phone, bluetooth devices, wireless video cameras, wireless game controllers, fluorescent lights and more. It is measured in decibels (dB). */
287  CHAR cli_InterferenceSources[64]; /**< Wi-Fi operates in two frequency ranges (2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz) which may become crowded other radio products which operate in the same ranges. This parameter reports the probable interference sources that this Wi-Fi access point may be observing. The value of this parameter is a comma seperated list of the following possible sources: eg: MicrowaveOven,CordlessPhone,BluetoothDevices,FluorescentLights,ContinuousWaves,Others */
288  ULONG cli_DataFramesSentAck; /**< The DataFramesSentAck parameter indicates the total number of MSDU frames marked as duplicates and non duplicates acknowledged. The value of this counter may be reset to zero when the CPE is rebooted. Refer section A.2.3.14 of CableLabs Wi-Fi MGMT Specification. */
289  ULONG cli_DataFramesSentNoAck; /**< The DataFramesSentNoAck parameter indicates the total number of MSDU frames retransmitted out of the interface (i.e., marked as duplicate and non-duplicate) and not acknowledged, but does not exclude those defined in the DataFramesLost parameter. The value of this counter may be reset to zero when the CPE is rebooted. Refer section A.2.3.14 of CableLabs Wi-Fi MGMT Specification. */
290  ULONG cli_BytesSent; /**< The total number of bytes transmitted to the client device, including framing characters. */
291  ULONG cli_BytesReceived; /**< The total number of bytes received from the client device, including framing characters. */
292  INT cli_RSSI; /**< The Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI, parameter is the energy observed at the antenna receiver for transmissions from the device averaged over past 100 packets recevied from the device. */
293  INT cli_MinRSSI; /**< The Minimum Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI, parameter is the minimum energy observed at the antenna receiver for past transmissions (100 packets). */
294  INT cli_MaxRSSI; /**< The Maximum Received Signal Strength Indicator, RSSI, parameter is the energy observed at the antenna receiver for past transmissions (100 packets). */
295  UINT cli_Disassociations; /**< This parameter represents the total number of client disassociations. Reset the parameter evey 24hrs or reboot */
296  UINT cli_AuthenticationFailures; /**< This parameter indicates the total number of authentication failures. Reset the parameter evey 24hrs or reboot */
298  ULLONG cli_Associations; /**< Stats handle used to determine reconnects; increases for every association (stat delta calcualtion) */
301 typedef enum
302 {
313 // Structure to return BTM extended capability from devices on the LAN.
314 // The peer and capability arrays are parallel
315 // and have the same number of entries.
316 typedef struct {
317  UINT entries; /**< Number of entries in each of the following arrays. */
318  mac_address_t peer[MAX_BTM_DEVICES]; /**< Array a peer device MAC addresses. */
319  BOOL capability[MAX_BTM_DEVICES]; /**< Array of bool indicating peer BSS transition capability. */
322 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
323 // Air Time Management HAL.
324 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
325 /**
326 * @brief Get the ATM(Air Time Management) Capable.
327 *
328 * @param[out] output_bool Indication as to whether Air Time Management is supported.
329 *
330 * @return The status of the operation
331 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
332 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
333 *
334 * @execution Synchronous
335 * @sideeffect None
336 *
337 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
338 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
339 *
340 */
341 INT wifi_getATMCapable(BOOL *output_bool);
343 /**
344 * @brief Set ATM Enable.
345 *
346 * The type of algorithm to apply across the configured Access Points and/or clients;
347 *
348 * @param[in] enable Boolean value to set/unset ATM.
349 * False indicates Disabled
350  True indicates Dynamic (Sharing of unused Airtime Between AP Groups allowed)
351 *
352 * @return The status of the operation
353 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
354 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
355 *
356 * @execution Synchronous
357 * @sideeffect None
358 *
359 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
360 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
361 *
362 */
363 INT wifi_setATMEnable(BOOL enable);
366 /**
367 * @brief Get ATM Enable status.
368 *
369 * @param[out] output_enable Returns the ATM enable status.
370 *
371 * @return The status of the operation
372 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
373 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
374 *
375 * @execution Synchronous
376 * @sideeffect None
377 *
378 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
379 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
380 *
381 */
382 INT wifi_getATMEnable(BOOL *output_enable);
384 /**
385 * @brief Set Access Point Air Time Percent.
386 *
387 * @param[in] apIndex Index of Access Point array.
388 * @param[in] ap_AirTimePercent The Percentage of Available Airtime assigned to this ATM Access Point Group (5%-100%)
389 * The sum of all percentages assigned to all groups must be <= 100%"
390 *
391 * @return The status of the operation
392 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
393 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
394 *
395 * @execution Synchronous
396 * @sideeffect None
397 *
398 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
399 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
400 *
401 */
402 INT wifi_setApATMAirTimePercent(INT apIndex, UINT ap_AirTimePercent);
404 /**
405 * @brief Get Ap Air Time Percent.
406 *
407 * @param[in] apIndex The index of Access Point array.
408 * @param[out] output_ap_AirTimePercent The Percentage of Available Airtime assigned to this
409 * ATM Access Point Group (5%-100%)
410 *
411 * @return The status of the operation
412 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
413 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
414 *
415 * @execution Synchronous
416 * @sideeffect None
417 *
418 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
419 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
420 *
421 */
422 INT wifi_getApATMAirTimePercent(INT apIndex, UINT *output_ap_AirTimePercent);
424 /**
425 * @brief Get the list for Air Time Percent for each Station.
426 *
427 * @param[in] apIndex The index of Access Point array.
428 * @param[out] output_sta_MAC_ATM_array Caller allocated buffer.
429 * output_sta_MAC_ATM_array contains the atm array in format
430 * of "$MAC $ATM_percent|$MAC $ATM_percent|$MAC $ATM_percent"
431 * @param[out] buf_size The size for output_sta_MAC_ATM_array
432 *
433 * @return The status of the operation
434 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
435 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
436 *
437 * @execution Synchronous
438 * @sideeffect None
439 *
440 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
441 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
442 *
443 */
444 INT wifi_getApATMSta(INT apIndex, UCHAR *output_sta_MAC_ATM_array, UINT buf_size); //output_sta_MAC_ATM_array contains the atm array in format of "$MAC $ATM_percent|$MAC $ATM_percent|$MAC $ATM_percent"
445  //buf_size is the size for output_sta_MAC_ATM_array
446 /* wifi_getRadioNumberOfEntries() function */
447 /**
448 * @brief Get the total number of radios in this wifi subsystem.
449 *
450 * @param[out] output Total number of radios to be returned.
451 *
452 * @return The status of the operation
453 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
454 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
455 *
456 * @execution Synchronous
457 * @sideeffect None
458 *
459 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
460 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
461 *
462 */
463 //Get the total number of radios in this wifi subsystem
467 /* wifi_getSSIDNumberOfEntries() function */
468 /**
469 * @brief Get the total number of SSID entries in this wifi subsystem.
470 *
471 * @param[out] output Total number of SSID entries to be returned
472 *
473 * @return The status of the operation
474 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
475 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
476 *
477 * @execution Synchronous
478 * @sideeffect None
479 *
480 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
481 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
482 *
483 */
484 //Get the total number of SSID entries in this wifi subsystem
489 /**
490 * @brief Get the maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface. eg: "216.7 Mb/s", "1.3 Gb/s".
491 *
492 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
493 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
494 *
495 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel.
496 * @param[out] output_string Maximum bit rate supported, to be returned.
497 *
498 * @return The status of the operation
499 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
500 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
501 *
502 * @execution Synchronous
503 * @sideeffect None
504 *
505 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
506 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
507 *
508 */
509 //Get the maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface. eg: "216.7 Mb/s", "1.3 Gb/s"
510 //The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
511 INT wifi_getRadioMaxBitRate(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
513 /* wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands() function */
514 /**
515 * @brief Get Supported frequency bands at which the radio can operate. eg: "2.4GHz,5GHz".
516 *
517 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
518 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
519 *
520 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
521 * @param[out] output_string Supported frequency bands, to be returned
522 *
523 * @return The status of the operation
524 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
525 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
526 *
527 * @execution Synchronous
528 * @sideeffect None
529 *
530 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
531 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
532 *
533 */
534 //Get Supported frequency bands at which the radio can operate. eg: "2.4GHz,5GHz"
535 //The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
536 INT wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
539 /* wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand() function */
540 /**
541 * @brief Get the frequency band at which the radio is operating, eg: "2.4GHz".
542 *
543 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
544 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
545 *
546 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel.
547 * @param[out] output_string Operating frequency band, to be returned.
548 *
549 * @return The status of the operation
550 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
551 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
552 *
553 * @execution Synchronous
554 * @sideeffect None
555 *
556 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
557 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
558 *
559 */
560 //Get the frequency band at which the radio is operating, eg: "2.4GHz"
561 //The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
562 INT wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
564 /* wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards() function */
565 /**
566 * @brief Get the Supported Radio Mode. eg: "b,g,n"; "n,ac"; "ax"; "a,n,ac,ax".
567 *
568 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
569 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
570 *
571 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel.
572 * @param[out] output_string Supported radio mode, to be returned.
573 *
574 * @return The status of the operation
575 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
576 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
577 *
578 * @execution Synchronous
579 * @sideeffect None
580 *
581 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
582 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
583 *
584 */
585 //Get the Supported Radio Mode. eg: "b,g,n"; "n,ac"; "ax"; "a,n,ac,ax"
586 //The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
587 INT wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
589 /** Deprecated: used for old RDKB code. **/
590 /* wifi_getRadioStandard() function */
591 /**
592 * @brief Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac".
593 *
594 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
595 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
596 *
597 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
598 * @param[out] output_string Radio operating mode, to be returned
599 * @param[out] gOnly Boolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
600 * @param[out] nOnly Boolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
601 * @param[out] acOnly Boolean pointer variable need to be updated based on the "output_string"
602 *
603 * @return The status of the operation
604 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
605 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
606 *
607 * @execution Synchronous
608 * @sideeffect None
609 *
610 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
611 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
612 *
613 */
614 //Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac"
615 //The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
616 INT wifi_getRadioStandard(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string, BOOL *gOnly, BOOL *nOnly, BOOL *acOnly);
618 /* wifi_getRadioMode() function */
619 /**
620 * @brief Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac".
621 *
622 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
623 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
624 *
625 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
626 * @param[out] output_string Radio operating mode, to be returned
627 * @param[out] pureMode Pointer to pure mode bit map starting from LSB b only, g only, a only,
628 * n only, ac only, ax only, e.g. n only will be 8, ax only will be 32
629 *
630 * @return The status of the operation
631 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
632 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
633 *
634 * @execution Synchronous
635 * @sideeffect None
636 *
637 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
638 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
639 *
640 */
641 //Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac"
642 //The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
643 INT wifi_getRadioMode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string, UINT *pureMode);
645 /** Deprecated: used for old RDKB code. **/
646 /* wifi_setRadioChannelMode() function */
647 /**
648 * @brief Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.
649 *
650 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
651 * @param[in] channelMode Pass the channelMode for specified radio index
652 * @param[in] gOnlyFlag Pass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
653 * @param[in] nOnlyFlag Pass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
654 * @param[in] acOnlyFlag Pass operating mode flag for setting pure mode flag
655 *
656 * @return The status of the operation
657 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
658 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
659 *
660 * @execution Synchronous
661 * @sideeffect None
662 *
663 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
664 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
665 *
666 */
667 //Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.
668 INT wifi_setRadioChannelMode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *channelMode, BOOL gOnlyFlag, BOOL nOnlyFlag, BOOL acOnlyFlag);
670 /* wifi_setRadioMode() function */
671 /**
672 * @brief Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.
673 *
674 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
675 * @param[in] channelMode Pass the channelMode for specified radio index
676 * @param[in] pureMode Pass flag for setting pure mode bit map starting from LSB b only, g only, a only,
677 * n only, ac only, ax only, e.g. n only will be 8, ax only will be 32
678 *
679 * @return The status of the operation
680 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
681 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
682 *
683 * @execution Synchronous
684 * @sideeffect None
685 *
686 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
687 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
688 *
689 */
690 //Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.
691 INT wifi_setRadioMode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *channelMode, UINT pureMode);
693 /* wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels() function */
694 /**
695 * @brief Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11".
696 *
697 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
698 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
699 *
700 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
701 * @param[out] output_string List of supported radio channels, to be returned
702 *
703 * @return The status of the operation
704 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
705 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
706 *
707 * @execution Synchronous
708 * @sideeffect None
709 *
710 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
711 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
712 *
713 */
714 //Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11"
715 //The output_string is a max length 128 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
716 INT wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
719 /* wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse() function */
720 /**
721 * @brief Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11".
722 *
723 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
724 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
725 *
726 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
727 * @param[out] output_string List of supported radio channels, to be returned
728 *
729 * @return The status of the operation
730 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
731 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
732 *
733 * @execution Synchronous
734 * @sideeffect None
735 *
736 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
737 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
738 *
739 */
740 //Get the list for used channel. eg: "1,6,9,11"
741 //The output_string is a max length 256 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
742 INT wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
744 #endif
745 /* wifi_getRadioChannel() function */
746 /**
747 * @brief Get the running channel number.
748 *
749 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
750 * @param[out] output_ulong Running channel number, to be returned
751 *
752 * @return The status of the operation
753 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
754 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
755 *
756 * @execution Synchronous
757 * @sideeffect None
758 *
759 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
760 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
761 *
762 */
763 INT wifi_getRadioChannel(INT radioIndex,ULONG *output_ulong);
765 /* wifi_setRadioChannel() function */
766 /**
767 * @brief Set the running channel number.
768 *
769 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
770 * @param[in] channel Channel number to be set as running wifi radio channel
771 *
772 * @return The status of the operation
773 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
774 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
775 *
776 * @execution Synchronous
777 * @sideeffect None
778 *
779 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
780 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
781 *
782 */
783 INT wifi_setRadioChannel(INT radioIndex, ULONG channel); //AP only
786 /* wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable() function */
787 /**
788 * @brief Enables or disables a driver level variable to indicate if auto channel selection is enabled on this radio.
789 *
790 * This "auto channel" means the auto channel selection when radio is up.
791 * (which is different from the dynamic channel/frequency selection (DFC/DCS))
792 *
793 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
794 * @param[in] enable Enable/Disable selected radio channel as auto channel radio
795 *
796 * @return The status of the operation
797 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
798 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
799 *
800 * @execution Synchronous
801 * @sideeffect None
802 *
803 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
804 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
805 *
806 */
807 //Enables or disables a driver level variable to indicate if auto channel selection is enabled on this radio
808 //This "auto channel" means the auto channel selection when radio is up. (which is different from the dynamic channel/frequency selection (DFC/DCS))
809 INT wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable);
811 /* wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported() function */
812 /**
813 * @brief Check if the driver support the AutoChannel.
814 *
815 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
816 * @param[out] output_bool Value of Auto Channel Supported, to be returned
817 *
818 * @return The status of the operation
819 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
820 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
821 *
822 * @execution Synchronous
823 * @sideeffect None
824 *
825 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
826 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
827 *
828 */
829 //Check if the driver support the AutoChannel
830 INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
832 /* wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable() function */
833 /**
834 * @brief Get the AutoChannel enable status.
835 *
836 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
837 * @param[out] output_bool Auto Channel Enabled status, to be returned
838 *
839 * @return The status of the operation
840 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
841 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
842 *
843 * @execution Synchronous
844 * @sideeffect None
845 *
846 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
847 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
848 *
849 */
850 //Get the AutoChannel enable status
851 INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
853 /* wifi_getRadioDCSSupported() function */
854 /**
855 * @brief Check if the driver support the DCS.
856 *
857 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
858 * @param[out] output_bool DCS Supported flag for the radio index, to be returned
859 *
860 * @return The status of the operation
861 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
862 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
863 *
864 * @execution Synchronous
865 * @sideeffect None
866 *
867 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
868 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
869 *
870 */
871 //Check if the driver support the DCS
872 INT wifi_getRadioDCSSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
875 /* wifi_getRadioDCSEnable() function */
876 /**
877 * @brief Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status.
878 *
879 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
880 * @param[out] output_bool DCS Enable flag for the selected radio index, to be returned
881 *
882 * @return The status of the operation
883 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
884 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
885 *
886 * @execution Synchronous
887 * @sideeffect None
888 *
889 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
890 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
891 *
892 */
893 INT wifi_getRadioDCSEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
895 /* wifi_setRadioDCSEnable() function */
896 /**
897 * @brief Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS.
898 *
899 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
900 * @param[out] enable Set the value of DCS Enable flag for the selected radio index
901 *
902 * @return The status of the operation
903 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
904 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
905 *
906 * @execution Synchronous
907 * @sideeffect None
908 *
909 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
910 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
911 *
912 */
913 INT wifi_setRadioDCSEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable);
915 /* wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool() function */
916 /**
917 * @brief Get radio DCS channel pool.
918 *
919 * The output_string is a max length 256 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
920 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
921 * The value of this parameter is a comma seperated list of channel number.
922 *
923 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
924 * @param[out] output_pool DCS channel pool for the selected radio index,to be returned
925 *
926 * @return The status of the operation
927 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
928 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
929 *
930 * @execution Synchronous
931 * @sideeffect None
932 *
933 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
934 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
935 *
936 */
937 //The output_string is a max length 256 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
938 //The value of this parameter is a comma seperated list of channel number
939 INT wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_pool);
941 /* wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool() function */
942 /**
943 * @brief Set radio DCS channel pool.
944 *
945 * The output_string is a max length 256 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code. Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
946 * The value of this parameter is a comma seperated list of channel number.
947 *
948 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
949 * @param[in] pool Set DCS channel pool for the selected radio index
950 *
951 * @return The status of the operation
952 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
953 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
954 *
955 * @execution Synchronous
956 * @sideeffect None
957 *
958 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
959 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
960 *
961 */
962 INT wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool(INT radioIndex, CHAR *pool);
964 /* wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime() function */
965 /**
966 * @brief Get radio DCS scan time.
967 *
968 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
969 * @param[out] output_interval_seconds Get the interval time in seconds
970 * @param[out] output_dwell_milliseconds Get the dwell time in milliseconds
971 *
972 * @return The status of the operation
973 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
974 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
975 *
976 * @execution Synchronous
977 * @sideeffect None
978 *
979 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
980 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
981 *
982 */
983 INT wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime(INT radioIndex, INT *output_interval_seconds, INT *output_dwell_milliseconds);
985 /* wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime() function */
986 /**
987 * @brief Set radio DCS scan time.
988 *
989 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
990 * @param[in] interval_seconds Set the interval time in seconds
991 * @param[in] dwell_milliseconds Set the dwell time in milliseconds
992 *
993 * @return The status of the operation
994 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
995 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
996 *
997 * @execution Synchronous
998 * @sideeffect None
999 *
1000 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1001 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1002 *
1003 */
1004 INT wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime(INT radioIndex, INT interval_seconds, INT dwell_milliseconds);
1006 /**
1007 * @brief Set radio Dcs Dwell time.
1008 *
1009 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio
1010 * @param[in] millisecond Dwell time on each channel
1011 *
1012 * @return The status of the operation
1013 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1014 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1015 *
1016 * @execution Synchronous
1017 * @sideeffect None
1018 *
1019 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1020 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1021 *
1022 */
1023 INT wifi_setRadioDcsDwelltime(INT radioIndex, INT millisecond);
1025 /**
1026 * @brief Get radio Dcs Dwell time.
1027 *
1028 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio
1029 * @param[in] output_millisecond Dwell time on each channel
1030 *
1031 * @return The status of the operation
1032 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1033 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1034 *
1035 * @execution Synchronous
1036 * @sideeffect None
1037 *
1038 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1039 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1040 *
1041 */
1042 INT wifi_getRadioDcsDwelltime(INT radioIndex, INT *output_millisecond);
1044 /* wifi_setRadioDcsScanning() function */
1045 /**
1046 * @brief Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS.
1047 *
1048 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1049 * @param[in] enable Set the value of DCS Enable flag for the selected radio index
1050 *
1051 * @return The status of the operation
1052 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1053 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1054 *
1055 * @execution Synchronous
1056 * @sideeffect None
1057 *
1058 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1059 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1060 *
1061 */
1062 INT wifi_setRadioDcsScanning(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable);
1064 /* wifi_getRadioDcsScanning() function */
1065 /**
1066 * @brief Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status.
1067 *
1068 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1069 * @param[out] output_bool DCS Enable flag for the selected radio index, to be returned
1070 *
1071 * @return The status of the operation
1072 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1073 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1074 *
1075 * @execution Synchronous
1076 * @sideeffect None
1077 *
1078 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1079 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1080 *
1081 */
1082 INT wifi_getRadioDcsScanning(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
1084 /**
1085 * @brief Get radio Channel Metrics.
1086 *
1087 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio
1088 * @param[out] input_output_channelMetrics_array caller allocated buffer
1089 * @param[out] array_size The count for wifi_channelMetrics_t that caller allocated
1090 *
1091 * @return The status of the operation
1092 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1093 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1094 *
1095 * @execution Synchronous
1096 * @sideeffect None
1097 *
1098 * @note This function must not suspend and should not invoke any blocking system
1099 * calls. This is blocking call.
1100 *
1101 */
1102 INT wifi_getRadioDcsChannelMetrics(INT radioIndex, wifi_channelMetrics_t *input_output_channelMetrics_array, INT array_size);
1104 /**
1105 * @brief Instantlly change the radio Channel.
1106 *
1107 * Use Channels Switch Announcements (CSAs) (in 802.11h) to notify the client,
1108 * and channel change instantly. Do not save wifi config (channel change is not
1109 * persistent over wifi reboot).
1110 *
1111 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio
1112 * @param[in] channel net channel
1113 *
1114 * @return The status of the operation
1115 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1116 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1117 *
1118 * @execution Synchronous
1119 * @sideeffect None
1120 *
1121 * @note This function must not suspend and should not invoke any blocking system
1122 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1123 *
1124 */
1125 INT wifi_pushRadioChannel(INT radioIndex, UINT channel);
1126 //Dynamic Channel Selection (phase 2) HAL END
1128 /**
1129 * @brief This HAL API is used to change the channel to destination channel, with destination bandwidth.
1130 *
1131 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio
1132 * @param[in] channel net channel
1133 * @param[in] channel_width_MHz channel frequency
1134 * @param[in] csa_beacon_count Specifies how long CSA need to be announced.
1135 *
1136 * @return The status of the operation
1137 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1138 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1139 *
1140 * @execution Synchronous
1141 * @sideeffect None
1142 *
1143 * @note This function must not suspend and should not invoke any blocking system
1144 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1145 *
1146 */
1147 INT wifi_pushRadioChannel2(INT radioIndex, UINT channel, UINT channel_width_MHz, UINT csa_beacon_count);
1149 /* wifi_getRadioDfsSupport() function */
1150 /**
1151 * @brief Get radio DFS support.
1152 *
1153 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1154 * @param[out] output_bool Get DFS support for the selected radio index in the pre-allocated buffer
1155 *
1156 * @return The status of the operation
1157 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1158 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1159 *
1160 * @execution Synchronous
1161 * @sideeffect None
1162 *
1163 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1164 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1165 *
1166 */
1167 //Get radio DFS support
1168 INT wifi_getRadioDfsSupport(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
1170 /* wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriodSupported() function */
1171 /**
1172 * @brief Check if the driver support the AutoChannelRefreshPeriod.
1173 *
1174 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1175 * @param[out] output_bool Get auto channel refresh period support for the selected radio channel
1176 * in the pre-allocated bool buffer.
1177 *
1178 * @return The status of the operation
1179 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1180 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1181 *
1182 * @execution Synchronous
1183 * @sideeffect None
1184 *
1185 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1186 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1187 *
1188 */
1191 /* wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod() function */
1192 /**
1193 * @brief Get the DCS refresh period in seconds.
1194 *
1195 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1196 * @param[out] output_ulong The refresh period.
1197 *
1198 * @return The status of the operation
1199 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1200 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1201 *
1202 * @execution Synchronous
1203 * @sideeffect None
1204 *
1205 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1206 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1207 *
1208 */
1209 INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod(INT radioIndex, ULONG *output_ulong);
1211 /* wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod() function */
1212 /**
1213 * @brief Set the DCS refresh period in seconds.
1214 *
1215 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1216 * @param[in] seconds Set auto channel refresh period in seconds support for the selected radio channel.
1217 *
1218 * @return The status of the operation
1219 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1220 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1221 *
1222 * @execution Synchronous
1223 * @sideeffect None
1224 *
1225 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1226 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1227 *
1228 */
1229 INT wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod(INT radioIndex, ULONG seconds);
1231 /* wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth() function */
1232 /**
1233 * @brief Get the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160".
1234 *
1235 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
1236 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
1237 *
1238 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1239 * @param[out] output_string Get operating channel bandwidth for the selected radio channel in the pre-allocated char buffer.
1240 *
1241 * @return The status of the operation
1242 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1243 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1244 *
1245 * @execution Synchronous
1246 * @sideeffect None
1247 *
1248 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1249 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1250 *
1251 */
1252 INT wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
1254 /* wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth() function */
1255 /**
1256 * @brief Set the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160".
1257 *
1258 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1259 * @param[in] bandwidth Set operating channel bandwidth for the selected radio channel
1260 *
1261 * @return The status of the operation
1262 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1263 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1264 *
1265 * @execution Synchronous
1266 * @sideeffect None
1267 *
1268 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1269 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1270 *
1271 */
1272 INT wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth(INT radioIndex, CHAR *bandwidth); //AP only
1274 /* wifi_getRadioExtChannel() function */
1275 /**
1276 * @brief Get the secondary extension channel position.
1277 *
1278 * "AboveControlChannel" or "BelowControlChannel". (this is for 40MHz and 80MHz bandwith only).
1279 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
1280 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
1281 *
1282 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1283 * @param[out] output_string Secondary extension channel position, to be returned
1284 *
1285 * @return The status of the operation
1286 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1287 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1288 *
1289 * @execution Synchronous
1290 * @sideeffect None
1291 *
1292 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1293 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1294 *
1295 */
1296 INT wifi_getRadioExtChannel(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
1298 /* wifi_setRadioExtChannel() function */
1299 /**
1300 * @brief Set the secondary extension channel position.
1301 *
1302 * "AboveControlChannel" or "BelowControlChannel". (this is for 40MHz and 80MHz bandwith only).
1303 *
1304 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1305 * @param[in] string Secondary extension channel position
1306 *
1307 * @return The status of the operation
1308 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1309 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1310 *
1311 * @execution Synchronous
1312 * @sideeffect None
1313 *
1314 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1315 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1316 *
1317 */
1318 INT wifi_setRadioExtChannel(INT radioIndex, CHAR *string); //AP only
1320 /* wifi_getRadioGuardInterval() function */
1321 /**
1322 * @brief Get the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec".
1323 *
1324 * The output_string is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
1325 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
1326 *
1327 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1328 * @param[out] output_string Guard interval value, to be returned
1329 *
1330 * @return The status of the operation
1331 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1332 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1333 *
1334 * @execution Synchronous
1335 * @sideeffect None
1336 *
1337 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1338 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1339 *
1340 */
1341 INT wifi_getRadioGuardInterval(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string);
1343 /* wifi_setRadioGuardInterval() function */
1344 /**
1345 * @brief Set the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec".
1346 *
1347 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1348 * @param[in] string Guard interval value
1349 *
1350 * @return The status of the operation
1351 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1352 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1353 *
1354 * @execution Synchronous
1355 * @sideeffect None
1356 *
1357 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1358 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1359 *
1360 */
1361 INT wifi_setRadioGuardInterval(INT radioIndex, CHAR *string);
1363 /* wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported() function */
1364 /**
1365 * @brief Get supported Transmit Power list, eg : "0,25,50,75,100".
1366 *
1367 * The output_list is a max length 64 octet string that is allocated by the RDKB code.
1368 * Implementations must ensure that strings are not longer than this.
1369 *
1370 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1371 * @param[out] output_list Transmit power list, to be returned
1372 *
1373 * @return The status of the operation
1374 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1375 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1376 *
1377 * @execution Synchronous
1378 * @sideeffect None
1379 *
1380 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1381 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1382 *
1383 */
1384 INT wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_list);
1386 /* wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported() function */
1387 /**
1388 * @brief Get 80211h Supported.
1389 *
1390 * 80211h solves interference with satellites and radar using the same 5 GHz frequency band.
1391 *
1392 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1393 * @param[out] Supported 80211h Supported, to be returned
1394 *
1395 * @return The status of the operation
1396 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1397 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1398 *
1399 * @execution Synchronous
1400 * @sideeffect None
1401 *
1402 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1403 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1404 *
1405 */
1406 INT wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *Supported);
1409 /* wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled() function */
1410 /**
1411 * @brief Get 80211h feature enable.
1412 *
1413 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1414 * @param[out] enable 80211h feature enable, to be returned
1415 *
1416 * @return The status of the operation
1417 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1418 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1419 *
1420 * @execution Synchronous
1421 * @sideeffect None
1422 *
1423 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1424 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1425 *
1426 */
1427 INT wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled(INT radioIndex, BOOL *enable);
1429 /* wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled() function */
1430 /**
1431 * @brief Set 80211h feature enable.
1432 *
1433 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1434 * @param[in] enable 80211h feature enable
1435 *
1436 * @return The status of the operation
1437 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1438 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1439 *
1440 * @execution Synchronous
1441 * @sideeffect None
1442 *
1443 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1444 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1445 *
1446 */
1447 INT wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable);
1449 /* wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod() function */
1450 /**
1451 * @brief Gets the time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds).
1452 *
1453 * This parameter is based ondot11BeaconPeriod from [802.11-2012].
1454 *
1455 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1456 * @param[out] output Radio Beacon period, to be returned
1457 *
1458 * @return The status of the operation
1459 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1460 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1461 *
1462 * @execution Synchronous
1463 * @sideeffect None
1464 *
1465 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1466 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1467 *
1468 */
1469 INT wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod(INT radioIndex, UINT *output);
1471 /* wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod() function */
1472 /**
1473 * @brief Sets the time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds).
1474 *
1475 * This parameter is based ondot11BeaconPeriod from [802.11-2012].
1476 *
1477 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1478 * @param[in] BeaconPeriod Radio Beacon period
1479 *
1480 * @return The status of the operation
1481 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1482 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1483 *
1484 * @execution Synchronous
1485 * @sideeffect None
1486 *
1487 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1488 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1489 *
1490 */
1491 INT wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod(INT radioIndex, UINT BeaconPeriod);
1493 /* wifi_getRadioSupportedDataTransmitRates() function */
1494 /**
1495 * @brief Get the supported data transmit rates in Mbps.
1496 *
1497 * That have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS.
1498 * The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed in SupportedDataTransmitRates.
1499 * For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps.
1500 * Most control packets use a data rate in SupportedDataTransmitRates
1501 *
1502 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1503 * @param[out] output_rates Comma-separated list of strings, to be returned
1504 *
1505 * @return The status of the operation
1506 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1507 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1508 *
1509 * @execution Synchronous
1510 * @sideeffect None
1511 *
1512 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1513 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1514 *
1515 */
1516 //Contains a comma separated string of supported rates supported by the radio instance. Must include all rates in the acceptance criteria belonging to the corresponding radio configuration.
1517 INT wifi_getRadioSupportedDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, char *output_rates);
1519 /* wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates() function */
1520 /**
1521 * @brief Get the set of data rates, in Mbps.
1522 *
1523 * This has to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS.
1524 * The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inBasicDataTransmitRates.
1525 * For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps.
1526 * Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates.
1527 *
1528 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1529 * @param[out] output Comma-separated list of strings, to be returned
1530 *
1531 * @return The status of the operation
1532 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1533 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1534 *
1535 * @execution Synchronous
1536 * @sideeffect None
1537 *
1538 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1539 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1540 *
1541 */
1542 //Comma-separated list of strings. The set of data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS. The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inBasicDataTransmitRates. For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps. Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates.
1543 INT wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output);
1545 /* wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates() function */
1546 /**
1547 * @brief Set the data rates, in Mbps.
1548 *
1549 * This have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS.
1550 * The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inBasicDataTransmitRates.
1551 * For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps.
1552 * Most control packets use a data rate in BasicDataTransmitRates.
1553 *
1554 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1555 * @param[in] TransmitRates Comma-separated list of strings
1556 *
1557 * @return The status of the operation
1558 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1559 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1560 *
1561 * @execution Synchronous
1562 * @sideeffect None
1563 *
1564 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1565 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1566 *
1567 */
1568 INT wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, CHAR *TransmitRates);
1570 /* getRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates() function */
1571 /**
1572 * @brief Get the set of data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS.
1573 *
1574 * The stations have to be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed inOperationalDataTransmitRates.
1575 * For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps.
1576 * Most control packets use a data rate in OperationalDataTransmitRates.
1577 *
1578 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1579 * @param[out] output_rates Comma-separated list of strings, to be returned
1580 *
1581 * @return The status of the operation
1582 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1583 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1584 *
1585 * @execution Synchronous
1586 * @sideeffect None
1587 *
1588 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1589 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1590 *
1591 */
1592 //Contains a comman separated string of operational rates supported by the radio instance. Is either equal to the set of supported rates or a super set.
1593 INT wifi_getRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, char *output_rates);
1595 /* wifi_setRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates() function */
1596 /**
1597  * @brief Set the data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS.
1598  *
1599  * The stations should be able to receive and transmit at each of the data rates listed in OperationalDataTransmitRates.
1600  * For example, a value of "1,2", indicates that stations support 1 Mbps and 2 Mbps.
1601  * Most control packets use a data rate in OperationalDataTransmitRates.
1602  *
1603  * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1604  * @param[out] rates Comma-separated list of strings
1605  *
1606  * @return The status of the operation
1607  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1608  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1609  *
1610  * @execution Synchronous
1611  * @sideeffect None
1612  *
1613  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1614  * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1615  *
1616  */
1617 INT wifi_setRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, char *rates);
1619 /* wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsMeasure() function */
1620 /**
1621 * @brief Set radio traffic static Measuring rules.
1622 *
1623 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1624 * @param[in] input_struct wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t *input_struct, traffic stats measure info
1625 *
1626 * @return The status of the operation
1627 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1628 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1629 *
1630 * @execution Synchronous
1631 * @sideeffect None
1632 *
1633 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1634 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1635 *
1636 */
1639 /* wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsRadioStatisticsEnable() function */
1640 /**
1641 * @brief Set radio traffic statistics enable.
1642 *
1643 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1644 * @param[out] enable Enable/disable, traffic stats statistics
1645 *
1646 * @return The status of the operation
1647 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1648 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1649 *
1650 * @execution Synchronous
1651 * @sideeffect None
1652 *
1653 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1654 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1655 *
1656 */
1659 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1660 /* wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel() function */
1661 /**
1662 * @brief Clients associated with the AP over a specific interval.
1663 *
1664 * The histogram MUST have a range from -110to 0 dBm and MUST be divided in bins of 3 dBM, with bins aligning on the -110 dBm
1665 * end of the range.
1666 * Received signal levels equal to or greater than the smaller boundary of a bin and less than the larger boundary are included
1667 * in the respective bin.
1668 * The bin associated with the clients current received signal level MUST be incremented when a client associates with the AP.
1669 * Additionally, the respective bins associated with each connected clients current received signal level MUST be incremented at
1670 * the interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Rate".
1671 * The histogram bins MUST NOT be incremented at any other time.
1672 * The histogram data collected during the interval MUST be published to the parameter only at the end of the interval defined by
1673 * "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval".
1674 * The underlying histogram data MUST be cleared at the start of each interval defined by "Radio Statistics Measuring Interval".
1675 * If any of the parameter's representing this histogram is queried before the histogram has been updated with an initial set of
1676 * data, it MUST return -1.
1677 * Units dBm.
1678 *
1679 * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio channel
1680 * @param[in] signalIndex Signal index
1681 * @param[out]SignalLevel Signal level, to be returned
1682 *
1683 * @return The status of the operation
1684 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1685 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1686 *
1687 * @execution Synchronous
1688 * @sideeffect None
1689 *
1690 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1691 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1692 *
1693 */
1694 INT wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel(INT radioIndex, INT signalIndex, INT *SignalLevel);
1696 /* wifi_getSSIDEnable() function */
1697 /**
1698 * @brief Get SSID enable configuration parameters (not the SSID enable status).
1699 *
1700 * @param[in] ssidIndex SSID index
1701 * @param[out] output_bool SSID enable, to be returned
1702 *
1703 * @return The status of the operation
1704 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1705 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1706 *
1707 * @execution Synchronous
1708 * @sideeffect None
1709 *
1710 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1711 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1712 *
1713 */
1714 INT wifi_getSSIDEnable(INT ssidIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
1716 /* wifi_setSSIDEnable() function */
1717 /**
1718 * @brief Set SSID enable configuration parameters.
1719 *
1720 * @param[in] ssidIndex SSID index
1721 * @param[in] enable SSID enable value
1722 *
1723 * @return The status of the operation
1724 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1725 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1726 *
1727 * @execution Synchronous
1728 * @sideeffect None
1729 *
1730 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1731 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1732 *
1733 */
1734 INT wifi_setSSIDEnable(INT ssidIndex, BOOL enable);
1736 /* wifi_getSSIDStatus() function */
1737 /**
1738 * @brief Get SSID enable status.
1739 *
1740 * @param[in] ssidIndex SSID index
1741 * @param[out] output_string SSID enable status, to be returned
1742 *
1743 * @return The status of the operation
1744 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1745 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1746 *
1747 * @execution Synchronous
1748 * @sideeffect None
1749 *
1750 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1751 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1752 *
1753 */
1754 INT wifi_getSSIDStatus(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string);
1756 /* wifi_getSSIDName() function */
1757 /**
1758 * @brief Get SSID Name associated with the Access Point index.
1759 *
1760 * Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the SSID name.
1761 * Sring buffer must be preallocated by the caller.
1762 *
1763 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
1764 * @param[out] output_string SSID name, to be returned
1765 *
1766 * @return The status of the operation
1767 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1768 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1769 *
1770 * @execution Synchronous
1771 * @sideeffect None
1772 *
1773 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1774 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1775 *
1776 */
1777 INT wifi_getSSIDName(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string);
1779 /**
1780 * @brief To read the run time ssid name.
1781 *
1782 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
1783 * @param[out] output_string SSID name, to be returned
1784 *
1785 * @return The status of the operation
1786 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1787 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1788 *
1789 * @execution Synchronous
1790 * @sideeffect None
1791 *
1792 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1793 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1794 *
1795 */
1796 INT wifi_getSSIDNameStatus(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string);
1799 /* wifi_setSSIDName() function */
1800 /**
1801 * @brief Set SSID Name associated with the Access Point index.
1802 *
1803 * Accepts a max 32 byte string and sets an internal variable to the SSID name.
1804 *
1805 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
1806 * @param[out] ssid_string SSID Name
1807 *
1808 * @return The status of the operation
1809 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1810 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1811 *
1812 * @execution Synchronous
1813 * @sideeffect None
1814 *
1815 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1816 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1817 *
1818 */
1819 INT wifi_setSSIDName(INT apIndex, CHAR *ssid_string);
1821 /* wifi_getBaseBSSID() function */
1822 /**
1823 * @brief Get the BSSID.
1824 *
1825 * @param[in] ssidIndex SSID index
1826 * @param[out] output_string Base BSSID, to be returned
1827 *
1828 * @return The status of the operation
1829 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1830 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1831 *
1832 * @execution Synchronous
1833 * @sideeffect None
1834 *
1835 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1836 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1837 *
1838 */
1839 INT wifi_getBaseBSSID(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string);
1841 /* wifi_getSSIDMACAddress() function */
1842 /**
1843 * @brief Get the MAC address associated with this Wifi SSID.
1844 *
1845 * @param[in] ssidIndex SSID index
1846 * @param[out] output_string MAC Address, to be returned
1847 *
1848 * @return The status of the operation
1849 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1850 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1851 *
1852 * @execution Synchronous
1853 * @sideeffect None
1854 *
1855 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1856 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1857 *
1858 */
1859 INT wifi_getSSIDMACAddress(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string);
1860 //we can use ap_index and replace char* with mac_address_t
1863 /* wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2() function */
1864 /**
1865 * @brief Start the wifi scan and get the result into output buffer for RDKB to parser.
1866 *
1867 * The result will be used to manage endpoint list. HAL functon should allocate an data structure array,
1868 * and return to caller with "neighbor_ap_array".
1869 *
1870 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
1871 * @param[out] neighbor_ap_array Neighbour access point info to be returned
1872 * @param[out] output_array_size Length of the output array.
1873 *
1874 * @return The status of the operation
1875 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1876 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1877 *
1878 * @execution Synchronous
1879 * @sideeffect None
1880 *
1881 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1882 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1883 *
1884 */
1885 INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2(INT radioIndex, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size);
1887 #ifndef WIFI_HAL_VERSION_3_PHASE2
1888 /**
1889 * @brief Returns the Wifi scan status.
1890 *
1891 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
1892 * @param[out] neighbor_ap_array Neighbour access point info to be returned
1893 * @param[out] output_array_size Length of the output array.
1894 *
1895 * @return The status of the operation
1896 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1897 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1898 *
1899 * @execution Synchronous
1900 * @sideeffect None
1901 *
1902 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1903 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1904 *
1905 */
1906 INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiStatus(INT radioIndex, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size);
1907 #endif
1909 //>> Deprecated: used for old RDKB code.
1910 /** Deprecated: used for old RDKB code. */
1911 INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats(INT ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t *output_struct);
1912 /** Deprecated: used for old RDKB code. */
1913 INT wifi_getBasicTrafficStats(INT apIndex, wifi_basicTrafficStats_t *output_struct); //!< Outputs basic traffic stats per AP
1914 /** Deprecated: used for old RDKB code. */
1915 INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult(wifi_neighbor_ap_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size);
1916 /** Deprecated: used for old RDKB code. */
1917 INT wifi_getAllAssociatedDeviceDetail(INT apIndex, ULONG *output_ulong, wifi_device_t **output_struct);
1919 /* wifi_getBandSteeringCapability() function */
1920 /**
1921 * @brief To get Band Steering Capability.
1922 *
1923 * @param[out] support Band Steering Capability support, to be returned
1924 *
1925 * @return The status of the operation
1926 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1927 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1928 *
1929 * @execution Synchronous
1930 * @sideeffect None
1931 *
1932 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
1933 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
1934 *
1935 */
1938 #ifndef WIFI_HAL_VERSION_3_PHASE2
1939 /* wifi_getApAssociatedDevice() function */
1940 /**
1941 * @brief Gets the ApAssociatedDevice list for client MAC addresses
1942 *
1943 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
1944 * @param[out] output_buf List for client MAC, to be returned
1945 * @param[out] output_buf_size Buffer length
1946 *
1947 * @return The status of the operation
1948 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1949 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1950 *
1951 * @execution Synchronous
1952 * @sideeffect None
1953 *
1954 *
1955 */
1956 INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevice(INT ap_index, CHAR *output_buf, INT output_buf_size);
1957 #endif
1959 /* wifi_getApDeviceRSSI() function */
1960 /**
1961 * @brief Gets the RSSI value associated with the access point.
1962 *
1963 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
1964 * @param[out] MAC Client MAC in upcase format
1965 * @param[out] output_RSSI RSSI is in dbm
1966 *
1967 * @return The status of the operation
1968 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1969 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1970 *
1971 * @execution Synchronous
1972 * @sideeffect None
1973 *
1974 *
1975 */
1976 INT wifi_getApDeviceRSSI(INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_RSSI);
1978 /* wifi_getApDeviceRxrate() function */
1979 /**
1980 * @brief Gets the ApAssociatedDevice Rx Rate
1981 *
1982 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
1983 * @param[in] MAC Client MAC in upcase format
1984 * @param[ut] output_RxMb Rx Rate in Mb
1985 *
1986 * @return The status of the operation
1987 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
1988 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
1989 *
1990 * @execution Synchronous
1991 * @sideeffect None
1992 *
1993 *
1994 */
1995 INT wifi_getApDeviceRxrate (INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_RxMb);
1997 /* wifi_getApDeviceTxrate() function */
1998 /**
1999 * @brief Gets the ApAssociatedDevice Tx Rate
2000 *
2001 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2002 * @param[in] MAC Client MAC in upcase format
2003 * @param[out] output_TxMb Tx Rate in Mb
2004 *
2005 * @return The status of the operation
2006 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2007 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2008 *
2009 * @execution Synchronous
2010 * @sideeffect None
2011 *
2012 *
2013 */
2014 INT wifi_getApDeviceTxrate (INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_TxMb);
2016 /* wifi_getRadioTxChainMask() function */
2017 /**
2018 * @brief Outputs the number of Tx streams.
2019 *
2020 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2021 * @param[out] output_int Number of Tx streams, to be returned
2022 *
2023 * @return The status of the operation
2024 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2025 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2026 *
2027 * @execution Synchronous
2028 * @sideeffect None
2029 *
2030 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2031 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2032 *
2033 */
2034 INT wifi_getRadioTxChainMask(INT radioIndex, INT *output_int); //P2
2036 /* wifi_setRadioTxChainMask() function */
2037 /**
2038 * @brief Sets the number of Tx streams to an environment variable.
2039 *
2040 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2041 * @param[in] numStreams Number of Tx streams
2042 *
2043 * @return The status of the operation
2044 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2045 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2046 *
2047 * @execution Synchronous
2048 * @sideeffect None
2049 *
2050 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2051 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2052 *
2053 */
2054 INT wifi_setRadioTxChainMask(INT radioIndex, INT numStreams); //P2
2056 /* wifi_getRadioRxChainMask() function */
2057 /**
2058 * @brief Outputs the number of Rx streams.
2059 *
2060 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2061 * @param[out] output_int Number of Rx streams, to be returned
2062 *
2063 * @return The status of the operation
2064 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2065 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2066 *
2067 * @execution Synchronous
2068 * @sideeffect None
2069 *
2070 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2071 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2072 *
2073 */
2074 INT wifi_getRadioRxChainMask(INT radioIndex, INT *output_int); //P2 // outputs the number of Rx streams
2077 /* wifi_setRadioRxChainMask() function */
2078 /**
2079 * @brief Sets the number of Rx streams to an environment variable.
2080 *
2081 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2082 * @param[in] numStreams Number of Rx streams
2083 *
2084 * @return The status of the operation
2085 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2086 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2087 *
2088 * @execution Synchronous
2089 * @sideeffect None
2090 *
2091 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2092 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2093 *
2094 */
2095 INT wifi_setRadioRxChainMask(INT radioIndex, INT numStreams); //P2 // sets the number of Rx streams to an environment variable
2097 /**< Deprecated */
2098 //INT wifi_pushRadioChannel(INT radioIndex, UINT channel); //P2 //!< push the channel number setting to the hardware //Applying changes with wifi_applyRadioSettings().
2099 /**< Deprecated */
2100 INT wifi_pushRadioChannelMode(INT radioIndex); //P2 //!< push the channel mode environment variable that is set by "wifi_setChannelMode()" to the hardware //Applying changes with wifi_applyRadioSettings().
2101 /**< Deprecated */
2102 INT wifi_pushRadioTxChainMask(INT radioIndex); //P2 //!< push the environment varible that is set by "wifi_setTxChainMask()" to the hardware //Applying changes with wifi_applyRadioSettings().
2103 /**< Deprecated */
2104 INT wifi_pushRadioRxChainMask(INT radioIndex); //P2 //!< push the environment varible that is set by "wifi_setRxChainMask()" to the hardware //Applying changes with wifi_applyRadioSettings().
2105 //<<
2107 /* wifi_pushSSID() function */
2108 /**
2109 * @brief Push the environment variable that is set by "wifi_setSsidName" to the hardware.
2110 *
2111 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2112 * @param[in] ssid WiFi SSID value
2113 *
2114 * @return The status of the operation
2115 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2116 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2117 *
2118 * @execution Synchronous
2119 * @sideeffect None
2120 *
2121 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2122 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2123 *
2124 */
2125 INT wifi_pushSSID(INT apIndex, CHAR *ssid); // push the environment varible that is set by "wifi_setSsidName" to the hardware
2127 /* wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable() function */
2128 /**
2129 * @brief Push the environment variable that is set by "wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable" to the hardware.
2130 *
2131 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2132 * @param[in] enable SSID Advertisement value
2133 *
2134 * @return The status of the operation
2135 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2136 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2137 *
2138 * @execution Synchronous
2139 * @sideeffect None
2140 *
2141 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2142 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2143 *
2144 */
2145 INT wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL enable); // push the environment varible that is set by "wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable" to the hardware
2147 /* wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable() function */
2148 /**
2149 * @brief Get radio RDG enable setting.
2150 *
2151 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2152 * @param[out] output_bool RDG enable setting value, to be returned
2153 *
2154 * @return The status of the operation
2155 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2156 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2157 *
2158 * @execution Synchronous
2159 * @sideeffect None
2160 *
2161 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2162 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2163 *
2164 */
2165 INT wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool); //Get radio RDG enable setting
2167 /* wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable() function */
2168 /**
2169 * @brief Set radio RDG enable setting.
2170 *
2171 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2172 * @param[in] enable RDG enable setting value
2173 *
2174 * @return The status of the operation
2175 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2176 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2177 *
2178 * @execution Synchronous
2179 * @sideeffect None
2180 *
2181 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2182 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2183 *
2184 */
2185 INT wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable); //Set radio RDG enable setting
2187 /* wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable() function */
2188 /**
2189 * @brief Get radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting.
2190 *
2191 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2192 * @param[out] output_bool Radio ADDBA enable setting value, to be returned
2193 *
2194 * @return The status of the operation
2195 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2196 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2197 *
2198 * @execution Synchronous
2199 * @sideeffect None
2200 *
2201 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2202 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2203 *
2204 */
2205 INT wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool); //Get radio ADDBA enable setting
2207 /* wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable() function */
2208 /**
2209 * @brief Set radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting.
2210 *
2211 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2212 * @param[in] enable Radio ADDBA enable setting value
2213 *
2214 * @return The status of the operation
2215 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2216 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2217 *
2218 * @execution Synchronous
2219 * @sideeffect None
2220 *
2221 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2222 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2223 *
2224 */
2225 INT wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable); //Set radio ADDBA enable setting
2227 /* wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported() function */
2228 /**
2229 * @brief Get radio 11n pure mode enable support.
2230 *
2231 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2232 * @param[out] output_bool Radio 11n pure mode enable support value, to be returned
2233 *
2234 * @return The status of the operation
2235 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2236 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2237 *
2238 * @execution Synchronous
2239 * @sideeffect None
2240 *
2241 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2242 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2243 *
2244 */
2245 INT wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool); //Get radio 11n pure mode enable Support
2247 /* wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable() function */
2248 /**
2249 * @brief Get radio 11n pure mode enable setting.
2250 *
2251 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2252 * @param[out] output_bool Radio 11n pure mode enable setting, to be returned
2253 *
2254 * @return The status of the operation
2255 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2256 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2257 *
2258 * @execution Synchronous
2259 * @sideeffect None
2260 *
2261 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2262 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2263 *
2264 */
2265 INT wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool); //Get radio 11n pure mode enable setting
2267 /* wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable() function */
2268 /**
2269 * @brief Set radio 11n pure mode enable setting.
2270 *
2271 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2272 * @param[in] enable Radio 11n pure mode enable setting
2273 *
2274 * @return The status of the operation
2275 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2276 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2277 *
2278 * @execution Synchronous
2279 * @sideeffect None
2280 *
2281 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2282 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2283 *
2284 */
2285 INT wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable); //Set radio 11n pure mode enable setting
2287 /* wifi_createAp() function */
2288 /**
2289 * @brief Creates a new access point and pushes these parameters to the hardware.
2290 *
2291 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2292 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2293 * @param[in] essid SSID Name
2294 * @param[in] hideSsid True/False, to SSID advertisement enable value
2295 *
2296 * @return The status of the operation
2297 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2298 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2299 *
2300 * @execution Synchronous
2301 * @sideeffect None
2302 *
2303 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2304 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2305 *
2306 */
2307 INT wifi_createAp(INT apIndex, INT radioIndex, CHAR *essid, BOOL hideSsid); // creates a new ap and pushes these parameters to the hardware
2309 /* wifi_getApIndexFromName() function */
2310 /**
2311 * @brief Outputs the index number in that corresponds to the SSID string.
2312 *
2313 * @param[in] inputSsidString WiFi SSID Name
2314 * @param[out] ouput_int Access Point index, to be returned
2315 *
2316 * @return The status of the operation
2317 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2318 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2319 *
2320 * @execution Synchronous
2321 * @sideeffect None
2322 *
2323 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2324 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2325 *
2326 */
2327 INT wifi_getApIndexFromName(CHAR *inputSsidString, INT *ouput_int); // Outputs the index number in that corresponds to the SSID string
2329 /* wifi_setApDTIMInterval() function */
2330 /**
2331 * @brief Sets the DTIM interval for this Access Point.
2332 *
2333 * DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message)
2334 *
2335 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2336 * @param[in] dtimInterval DTIM interval
2337 *
2338 * @return The status of the operation
2339 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2340 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2341 *
2342 * @execution Synchronous
2343 * @sideeffect None
2344 *
2345 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2346 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2347 *
2348 */
2349 INT wifi_setApDTIMInterval(INT apIndex, INT dtimInterval); // Sets the DTIM interval for this AP
2351 /* wifi_getApBeaconType() function */
2352 /**
2353 * @brief Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the beacon type as "None", "Basic", "WPA", "11i", "WPAand11i".
2354 *
2355 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2356 * @param[out] output_string Beacon type, to be returned
2357 *
2358 * @return The status of the operation
2359 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2360 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2361 *
2362 * @execution Synchronous
2363 * @sideeffect None
2364 *
2365 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2366 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2367 *
2368 */
2369 INT wifi_getApBeaconType(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string); // Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the beacon type as "None", "Basic", "WPA", "11i", "WPAand11i"
2371 /* wifi_setApBeaconType() function */
2372 /**
2373 * @brief Sets the beacon type environment variable. Allowed input strings are "None", "Basic", "WPA, "11i", "WPAand11i".
2374 *
2375 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2376 * @param[in] beaconTypeString Beacon type
2377 *
2378 * @return The status of the operation
2379 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2380 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2381 *
2382 * @execution Synchronous
2383 * @sideeffect None
2384 *
2385 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2386 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2387 *
2388 */
2389 INT wifi_setApBeaconType(INT apIndex, CHAR *beaconTypeString); // Sets the beacon type environment variable. Allowed input strings are "None", "Basic", "WPA, "11i", "WPAand11i"
2392 /* wifi_setApBeaconInterval() function */
2393 /**
2394 * @brief Sets the beacon interval on the hardware for this Access Point.
2395 *
2396 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2397 * @param[in] beaconInterval Beacon interval
2398 *
2399 * @return The status of the operation
2400 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2401 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2402 *
2403 * @execution Synchronous
2404 * @sideeffect None
2405 *
2406 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2407 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2408 *
2409 */
2410 INT wifi_setApBeaconInterval(INT apIndex, INT beaconInterval); // sets the beacon interval on the hardware for this AP
2412 /* wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported() function */
2413 /**
2414 * @brief Get the packet size threshold supported.
2415 *
2416 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2417 * @param[out] output_bool Packet size threshold supported, to be returned
2418 *
2419 * @return The status of the operation
2420 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2421 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2422 *
2423 * @execution Synchronous
2424 * @sideeffect None
2425 *
2426 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2427 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2428 *
2429 */
2430 INT wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported(INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool); // Get the packet size threshold supported.
2432 /* wifi_getApWpaEncryptionMode() function */
2433 /**
2434 * @brief Ouputs up to a 32 byte string as either "TKIPEncryption", "AESEncryption", or "TKIPandAESEncryption".
2435 *
2436 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2437 * @param[out] output_string WPA Encryption mode, to be returned
2438 *
2439 * @return The status of the operation
2440 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2441 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2442 *
2443 * @execution Synchronous
2444 * @sideeffect None
2445 *
2446 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2447 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2448 *
2449 */
2450 INT wifi_getApWpaEncryptionMode(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string); // ouputs up to a 32 byte string as either "TKIPEncryption", "AESEncryption", or "TKIPandAESEncryption"
2452 /* wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode() function */
2453 /**
2454 * @brief Sets the encyption mode environment variable.
2455 *
2456 * Valid string format are:
2457 *
2458 * - TKIPEncryption
2459 * - AESEncryption
2460 * - TKIPandAESEncryption
2461 *
2462 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2463 * @param[in] encMode WPA Encryption mode
2464 *
2465 * @return The status of the operation
2466 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2467 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2468 *
2469 * @execution Synchronous
2470 * @sideeffect None
2471 *
2472 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2473 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2474 *
2475 */
2476 INT wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode(INT apIndex, CHAR *encMode); // sets the encyption mode environment variable. Valid string format is "TKIPEncryption", "AESEncryption", or "TKIPandAESEncryption"
2478 /* wifi_setApAuthMode() function */
2479 /**
2480 * @brief Set the authorization mode on this access point.
2481 *
2482 * Mode mapping as:
2483 * -1 open
2484 * -2 shared
2485 * -4 auto
2486 *
2487 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2488 * @param[in] mode Authorization mode
2489 *
2490 * @return The status of the operation
2491 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2492 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2493 *
2494 * @execution Synchronous
2495 * @sideeffect None
2496 *
2497 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2498 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2499 *
2500 */
2501 INT wifi_setApAuthMode(INT apIndex, INT mode); // set the authorization mode on this ap. mode mapping as: 1: open, 2: shared, 4:auto
2503 /* wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode() function */
2504 /**
2505 * @brief Sets an environment variable for the authMode.
2506 *
2507 * Valid strings are "None", "EAPAuthentication" or "SharedAuthentication".
2508 *
2509 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2510 * @param[in] authMode Authentication mode
2511 *
2512 * @return The status of the operation
2513 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2514 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2515 *
2516 * @execution Synchronous
2517 * @sideeffect None
2518 *
2519 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2520 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2521 *
2522 */
2523 INT wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode(INT apIndex, CHAR *authMode); // sets an environment variable for the authMode. Valid strings are "None", "EAPAuthentication" or "SharedAuthentication"
2525 #ifndef WIFI_HAL_VERSION_3_PHASE2
2526 /* wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice() function */
2527 /**
2528 * @brief Manually removes any active wi-fi association with the device specified on this access point.
2529 *
2530 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2531 * @param[in] client_mac Client device MAC address
2532 *
2533 * @return The status of the operation
2534 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2535 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2536 *
2537 * @execution Synchronous
2538 * @sideeffect None
2539 *
2540 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2541 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2542 *
2543 */
2544 INT wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice(INT apIndex, CHAR *client_mac); // manually removes any active wi-fi association with the device specified on this ap
2545 #endif
2547 /* wifi_setApRadioIndex() function */
2548 /**
2549 * @brief Sets the radio index for the specific access point.
2550 *
2551 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2552 * @param[in] radioIndex Radio index
2553 *
2554 * @return The status of the operation
2555 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2556 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2557 *
2558 * @execution Synchronous
2559 * @sideeffect None
2560 *
2561 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2562 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2563 *
2564 */
2565 INT wifi_setApRadioIndex(INT apIndex, INT radioIndex); // sets the radio index for the specific ap
2567 #ifndef WIFI_HAL_VERSION_3_PHASE2
2568 /* wifi_getApAclDevices() function */
2569 /**
2570 * @brief Get the ACL MAC list per Access Point.
2571 *
2572 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2573 * @param[out] macArray Mac Array list, to be returned // in formate as "11:22:33:44:55:66\n11:22:33:44:55:67\n"
2574 * @param[out] buf_size Buffer size for the mac array list
2575 *
2576 * @return The status of the operation
2577 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2578 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2579 *
2580 * @execution Synchronous
2581 * @sideeffect None
2582 *
2583 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2584 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2585 *
2586 */
2587 INT wifi_getApAclDevices(INT apIndex, CHAR *macArray, UINT buf_size); // Get the ACL MAC list per AP
2589 /* wifi_addApAclDevice() function */
2590 /**
2591 * @brief Adds the mac address to the filter list.
2592 *
2593 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2594 * @param[in] DeviceMacAddress Mac Address of a device
2595 *
2596 * @return The status of the operation
2597 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2598 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2599 *
2600 * @execution Synchronous
2601 * @sideeffect None
2602 *
2603 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2604 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2605 *
2606 */
2607 INT wifi_addApAclDevice(INT apIndex, CHAR *DeviceMacAddress); // adds the mac address to the filter list
2609 /* wifi_delApAclDevice() function */
2610 /**
2611 * @brief Deletes the Device MAC address from the Access control filter list.
2612 *
2613 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2614 * @param[in] DeviceMacAddress Mac Address of a device
2615 *
2616 * @return The status of the operation
2617 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2618 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2619 *
2620 * @execution Synchronous
2621 * @sideeffect None
2622 *
2623 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2624 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2625 *
2626 */
2627 INT wifi_delApAclDevice(INT apIndex, CHAR *DeviceMacAddress);
2628 #endif
2630 /* wifi_setApVlanEnable() function */
2631 /**
2632 * @brief Enables internal gateway VLAN mode.
2633 *
2634 * In this mode a Vlan tag is added to upstream (received) data packets before exiting the Wifi driver.
2635 * VLAN tags in downstream data are stripped from data packets before transmission. Default is FALSE.
2636 *
2637 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2638 * @param[in] VlanEnabled Internal gateway VLAN mode
2639 *
2640 * @return The status of the operation
2641 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2642 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2643 *
2644 * @execution Synchronous
2645 * @sideeffect None
2646 *
2647 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2648 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2649 *
2650 */
2651 INT wifi_setApVlanEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL VlanEnabled); // enables internal gateway VLAN mode. In this mode a Vlan tag is added to upstream (received) data packets before exiting the Wifi driver. VLAN tags in downstream data are stripped from data packets before transmission. Default is FALSE.
2653 /* wifi_getApBridgeInfo() function */
2654 /**
2655 * @brief Gets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet.
2656 *
2657 * BridgeName is a maximum of 32 characters.
2658 *
2659 * @param[in] index Access Point index
2660 * @param[out] bridgeName Bridge name, to be returned
2661 * @param[out] IP IP Address, to be returned
2662 * @param[out] subnet Subnet, to be returned
2663 *
2664 * @return The status of the operation
2665 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2666 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2667 *
2668 * @execution Synchronous
2669 * @sideeffect None
2670 *
2671 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2672 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2673 *
2674 */
2675 INT wifi_getApBridgeInfo(INT index, CHAR *bridgeName, CHAR *IP, CHAR *subnet); // gets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet.
2677 /* wifi_setApBridgeInfo() function */
2678 /**
2679 * @brief Sets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet to internal environment variables.
2680 *
2681 * BridgeName is a maximum of 32 characters.
2682 *
2683 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2684 * @param[in] bridgeName Bridge name
2685 * @param[in] IP IP Address
2686 * @param[in] subnet Subnet
2687 *
2688 * @return The status of the operation
2689 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2690 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2691 *
2692 * @execution Synchronous
2693 * @sideeffect None
2694 *
2695 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2696 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2697 *
2698 */
2699 INT wifi_setApBridgeInfo(INT apIndex, CHAR *bridgeName, CHAR *IP, CHAR *subnet); //sets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet to internal environment variables. bridgeName is a maximum of 32 characters,
2701 INT wifi_pushBridgeInfo(INT apIndex); //P2 //!< Push the BridgeInfo environment variables to the hardware
2703 /**
2704 * @brief Dynamically enable/disable access point.
2705 *
2706 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2707 * @param[in] enable Enable/Disable AP enable status variable
2708 *
2709 * @return The status of the operation
2710 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2711 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2712 *
2713 * @execution Synchronous
2714 * @sideeffect None
2715 *
2716 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2717 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2718 *
2719 */
2720 INT wifi_pushApEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL Enable);
2722 /* wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable() function */
2723 /**
2724 * @brief Push the ssid advertisement enable variable to the hardware.
2725 *
2726 * Applying changs with wifi_applyRadioSettings().
2727 *
2728 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2729 * @param[in] enable SSID Advertisement enable value
2730 *
2731 * @return The status of the operation
2732 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2733 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2734 *
2735 * @execution Synchronous
2736 * @sideeffect None
2737 *
2738 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2739 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2740 *
2741 */
2742 INT wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL enable); // push the ssid advertisement enable variable to the hardware //Applying changs with wifi_applyRadioSettings()
2744 /* wifi_getApWMMCapability() function */
2745 /**
2746 * @brief Indicates whether this access point supports WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Access Categories (AC).
2747 *
2748 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2749 * @param[out] output WMM capability, to be returned
2750 *
2751 * @return The status of the operation
2752 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2753 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2754 *
2755 * @execution Synchronous
2756 * @sideeffect None
2757 *
2758 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2759 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2760 *
2761 */
2762 INT wifi_getApWMMCapability(INT apIndex, BOOL *output);
2764 /* wifi_getApUAPSDCapability() function */
2765 /**
2766 * @brief Indicates whether this access point supports WMM Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD).
2767 *
2768 * U-APSD support implies WMM support.
2769 *
2770 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2771 * @param[out] output U-APSD capability, to be returned
2772 *
2773 * @return The status of the operation
2774 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2775 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2776 *
2777 * @execution Synchronous
2778 * @sideeffect None
2779 *
2780 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2781 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2782 *
2783 */
2784 //Indicates whether this access point supports WMM Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD). Note: U-APSD support implies WMM support.
2785 INT wifi_getApUAPSDCapability(INT apIndex, BOOL *output);
2787 /* wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported() function */
2788 /**
2789 * @brief Indicates which security modes this AccessPoint instance is capable of supporting.
2790 *
2791 * Each list item is an enumeration of:
2792 * - None
2793 * - WEP-64
2794 * - WEP-128
2795 * - WPA-Personal
2796 * - WPA2-Personal
2797 * - WPA-WPA2-Personal
2798 * - WPA-Enterprise
2799 * - WPA2-Enterprise
2800 * - WPA-WPA2-Enterprise.
2801 *
2802 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2803 * @param[out] output Comma-separated list of security modes, to be returned
2804 *
2805 * @return The status of the operation
2806 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2807 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2808 *
2809 * @execution Synchronous
2810 * @sideeffect None
2811 *
2812 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2813 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2814 *
2815 */
2816 INT wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported(INT apIndex, CHAR *output);
2818 /* wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled() function */
2819 /**
2820 * @brief Get the Security modes supported.
2821 *
2822 * The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter.
2823 * Indicates which security mode is enabled.
2824 *
2825 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2826 * @param[out] output Enabled security mode, to be returned
2827 *
2828 * @return The status of the operation
2829 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2830 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2831 *
2832 * @execution Synchronous
2833 * @sideeffect None
2834 *
2835 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2836 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2837 *
2838 */
2839 INT wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled(INT apIndex, CHAR *output);
2841 /* wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled() function */
2842 /**
2843 * @brief Enable supported security mode.
2844 *
2845 * The value MUST be a member of the list reported by the ModesSupported parameter. Indicates which security mode is enabled.
2846 *
2847 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2848 * @param[in] encMode Supported security mode
2849 *
2850 * @return The status of the operation
2851 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2852 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2853 *
2854 * @execution Synchronous
2855 * @sideeffect None
2856 *
2857 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2858 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2859 *
2860 */
2861 INT wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled(INT apIndex, CHAR *encMode);
2863 /* wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey() function */
2864 /**
2865 * @brief Get PreSharedKey associated with a Access Point.
2866 *
2867 * A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.
2868 *
2869 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2870 * @param[out] output_string PreSharedKey, to be returned
2871 *
2872 * @return The status of the operation
2873 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2874 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2875 *
2876 * @execution Synchronous
2877 * @sideeffect None
2878 *
2879 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2880 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2881 *
2882 */
2883 //A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.
2884 INT wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string); // output_string must be pre-allocated as 64 character string by caller
2886 /* wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey() function */
2887 /**
2888 * @brief Set PreSharedKey associated with a Access Point.
2889 *
2890 * A literal PreSharedKey (PSK) expressed as a hexadecimal string.
2891 *
2892 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2893 * @param[in] preSharedKey PreSharedKey
2894 *
2895 * @return The status of the operation
2896 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2897 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2898 *
2899 * @execution Synchronous
2900 * @sideeffect None
2901 *
2902 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2903 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2904 *
2905 */
2906 INT wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey(INT apIndex, CHAR *preSharedKey); // sets an environment variable for the psk. Input string preSharedKey must be a maximum of 64 characters
2908 /* wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase() function */
2909 /**
2910 * @brief Get a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or
2911 *
2912 * WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes.
2913 *
2914 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2915 * @param[out] output_string Security key passphrase, to be returned
2916 *
2917 * @return The status of the operation
2918 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2919 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2920 *
2921 * @execution Synchronous
2922 * @sideeffect None
2923 *
2924 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2925 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2926 *
2927 */
2928 INT wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string);
2930 /* wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase() function */
2931 /**
2932 * @brief Set a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or
2933 * WPA-WPA2-Personal security modes.
2934 *
2935 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2936 * @param[in] passPhrase Security key passphrase
2937 *
2938 * @return The status of the operation
2939 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2940 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2941 *
2942 * @execution Synchronous
2943 * @sideeffect None
2944 *
2945 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2946 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2947 *
2948 */
2949 INT wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase(INT apIndex, CHAR *passPhrase); // sets the passphrase environment variable, max 63 characters
2951 /* wifi_getApWpsEnable() function */
2952 /**
2953 * @brief Outputs the WPS enable state of this access point in output_bool.
2954 *
2955 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2956 * @param[out] output_bool WPS enable state, to be returned
2957 *
2958 * @return The status of the operation
2959 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2960 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2961 *
2962 * @execution Synchronous
2963 * @sideeffect None
2964 *
2965 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2966 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2967 *
2968 */
2969 //Enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point.
2970 INT wifi_getApWpsEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
2972 /* wifi_setApWpsEnable() function */
2973 /**
2974 * @brief Enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point.
2975 *
2976 * Sets the WPS enable environment variable for this ap to the value of enableValue, 1==enabled, 0==disabled.
2977 *
2978 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
2979 * @param[in] enableValue WPS enable state
2980 *
2981 * @return The status of the operation
2982 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
2983 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
2984 *
2985 * @execution Synchronous
2986 * @sideeffect None
2987 *
2988 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
2989 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
2990 *
2991 */
2992 INT wifi_setApWpsEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL enableValue);
2994 /* wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsSupported() function */
2995 /**
2996 * @brief Indicates WPS configuration methods supported by the device.
2997 *
2998 * Each list item is an enumeration of: USBFlashDrive,Ethernet,ExternalNFCToken,IntegratedNFCToken,NFCInterface,PushButton,PIN.
2999 *
3000 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
3001 * @param[out] output WPS configuration methods supported (Comma-separated list of strings), to be returned.
3002 *
3003 * @return The status of the operation
3004 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3005 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3006 *
3007 * @execution Synchronous
3008 * @sideeffect None
3009 *
3010 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3011 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
3012 *
3013 */
3016 /* wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled() function */
3017 /**
3018 * @brief Indicates WPS configuration methods enabled on the device.
3019 *
3020 * Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter.
3021 *
3022 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
3023 * @param[out] output_string WPS configuration methods enabled, to be returned.
3024 *
3025 * @return The status of the operation
3026 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3027 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3028 *
3029 * @execution Synchronous
3030 * @sideeffect None
3031 *
3032 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3033 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
3034 *
3035 */
3036 INT wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string); // Outputs a common separated list of the enabled WPS config methods, 64 bytes max
3038 /* wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled() function */
3039 /**
3040 * @brief Enable WPS configuration methods on the device.
3041 *
3042 * Each list item MUST be a member of the list reported by the ConfigMethodsSupported parameter.
3043 * Sets an environment variable that specifies the WPS configuration method(s).
3044 * methodString is a comma separated list of methods:
3045 * - USBFlashDrive
3046 * - Ethernet
3047 * - ExternalNFCToken
3048 * - IntegratedNFCToken
3049 * - NFCInterface
3050 * - PushButton
3051 * - PIN
3052 *
3053 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
3054 * @param[in] methodString WPS configuration methods enabled.
3055 *
3056 * @return The status of the operation
3057 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3058 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3059 *
3060 * @execution Synchronous
3061 * @sideeffect None
3062 *
3063 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3064 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
3065 *
3066 */
3068 INT wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled(INT apIndex, CHAR *methodString);
3069 /* wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN() function */
3070 /**
3071 * @brief Outputs the WPS device pin value, ulong_pin must be allocated by the caller.
3072 *
3073 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
3074 * @param[in] output_ulong WPS Device PIN value, to be returned.
3075 *
3076 * @return The status of the operation
3077 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3078 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3079 *
3080 * @execution Synchronous
3081 * @sideeffect None
3082 *
3083 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3084 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
3085 *
3086 */
3087 INT wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN(INT apIndex, ULONG *output_ulong);
3089 /* wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN() function */
3090 /**
3091 * @brief Set an environment variable for the WPS pin for the selected Access Point.
3092 *
3093 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
3094 * @param[in] pin WPS Device PIN value
3095 *
3096 * @return The status of the operation
3097 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3098 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3099 *
3100 * @execution Synchronous
3101 * @sideeffect None
3102 *
3103 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3104 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
3105 *
3106 */
3107 INT wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN(INT apIndex, ULONG pin);
3109 /* wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult() function */
3110 /**
3111 * @brief The function provides a list of the devices currently associated with the access point.
3112 *
3113 * HAL funciton should allocate an data structure array, and return to caller with "associated_dev_array".
3114 *
3115 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
3116 * @param[in] associated_dev_array Associated device array, to be returned
3117 * @param[in] output_array_size Array size, to be returned
3118 *
3119 * @return The status of the operation
3120 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3121 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3122 *
3123 * @execution Synchronous
3124 * @sideeffect None
3125 *
3126 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3127 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
3128 *
3129 */
3130 //HAL funciton should allocate an data structure array, and return to caller with "associated_dev_array"
3131 INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult(INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size);
3133 /**
3134 * @brief The function provides a list of the devices currently associated with the access point.
3135 *
3136 * HAL funciton should allocate an data structure array, and return to caller with "associated_dev_array".
3137 *
3138 * @param[in] apIndex Access Point index
3139 * @param[in] associated_dev_array Associated device array, to be returned
3140 * @param[in] output_array_size Array size, to be returned
3141 *
3142 * @return The status of the operation
3143 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3144 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3145 *
3146 * @execution Synchronous
3147 * @sideeffect None
3148 *
3149 * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3150 * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
3151 *
3152 */
3154 INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult2(INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev2_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size);
3156 #ifndef WIFI_HAL_VERSION_3_PHASE2
3157 INT wifi_getApAssociatedClientDiagnosticResult(INT apIndex, char *mac_addr, wifi_associated_dev3_t *dev_conn);
3159 #endif
3160 /**
3161  * @brief Steering API Supported.
3162  *
3163  * This tells the upper layer if the steering API is supported or not.
3164  *
3165  * @return @b TRUE on platforms that support steering, @b FALSE if not
3166  */
3167 extern BOOL wifi_steering_supported(void);
3169 #ifndef WIFI_HAL_VERSION_3_PHASE2
3170 /**
3171  * @brief Add a Steering Group.
3172  *
3173  * A steering group defines a group of apIndex's which can have steering done
3174  * between them.
3175  *
3176  * @param[in] steeringgroupIndex Wifi Steering Group index
3177  * @param[in] cfg_2 2.4G apConfig
3178  * @param[in] cfg_5 5G apConfig
3179  *
3180  * @return RETURN_OK on success, RETURN_ERR on failure
3181  *
3182  * @warning All apIndex's provided within a group must have the same SSID,
3183  * encryption, and passphrase configured for steering to function properly.
3184  *
3185  * @note The hal need to allocate (no matter static or dynamic) to store those two config
3186  * if cfg_2 and cfg_5 are NULL, this steering group will be removed
3187  */
3189 #endif
3191 typedef INT ( * wifi_apAuthEvent_callback)(INT apIndex, char *MAC, INT event_type);
3195 INT wifi_getApAuthenticatedDevices(INT apIndex, mac_t **mac_array, UINT *output_array_size);
3197 //The call back function to send the notification for new authenticated devices.
3198 typedef INT ( * wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback)(INT apIndex, char *MAC);
3200 //Callback registration function.
3203 //This call back will be invoked when driver detect the client connection or association happen.
3204 typedef INT ( * wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback)(INT apIndex, char *MAC, INT event_type);
3206 //Callback registration function.
3209 //This is used to read the ClientInactivityTimout from driver.
3210 INT wifi_getRadioClientInactivityTimout(INT radioIndex, INT *output_timout_sec);
3213 /**
3214 * @brief Get the Interworking Service Capability of the AP.
3215 *
3216 * @param[in] pIndex Index of the Access Point.
3217 * @param[in] output_bool Indication as to whether the AP supports the Interworking Service.
3218 *
3219 * @return The status of the operation
3220 * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3221 * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3222 */
3223 INT wifi_getApInterworkingServiceCapability(INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool);
3225 #ifndef WIFI_HAL_VERSION_3_PHASE2
3226 /**
3227  * @brief Set a BTM Request to a non-AP STA. The callback register
3228  * function should be called first so that the response can be handled by the
3229  * application.
3230  *
3231  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP to send the request from.
3232  * @param peerMACAddress; MAC address of the peer device to send the request to.
3233  * @param in_struct; BTM Request Frame to send to the non-AP STA.
3234  * @return The status of the operation.
3235  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3236  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3237  *
3238  * @execution Synchronous
3239  * @sideeffect None
3240  *
3241  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3242  * calls.
3243  */
3246 INT wifi_setBTMRequest(UINT apIndex,
3247  CHAR *peerMac,
3248  wifi_BTMRequest_t *request);
3249 #endif
3251 /**
3252  * @brief Get the BTM implemented value. When not implemented the
3253  * gateway ignores a BTM query request as defined in 802.11-2016 section
3254  *
3255  *
3256  * @param apIndex - AP Index the setting applies to.
3257  * @param activate - True for implemented false for not implemented.
3258  * @return The status of the operation.
3259  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3260  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3261  */
3262 INT wifi_getBSSTransitionImplemented(UINT apIndex, BOOL *activate);
3264 /**
3265  * @description Get the BTM capability of an external STA. Reports the value
3266  * of the BSS Transition bit in the Extended Capabilities element, if detected,
3267  * from an external STA. Reports the latest value detected in the element
3268  * received by any vAP in any frame type.
3269  *
3270  * @param apIndex - AP the Extended Capabilities elements were received on.
3271  * @param extBTMCapabilities - structure with parallel arrays of peer MAC
3272  * addresses and BTM capability indicators.
3273  * @return The status of the operation.
3274  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3275  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3276  */
3278  wifi_BTMCapabilities_t *extBTMCapabilities);
3280 /* @description Set the neighbor reports to be reported by the AP. Calling
3281  * this function over-writes any previously set Neighbor BSSID set. The set
3282  * is not persistent.
3283  *
3284  * @param apIndex - Index of the vAP to send the request from
3285  * @param in_NumberNeighborReports - Number of reports in the in_NeighborReports
3286  * set.
3287  * @param in_NeighborReports - One or more neighbor reports to be reported by
3288  * the AP.
3289  *
3290  * @return The status of the operation.
3291  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3292  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3293  */
3295  UINT numNeighborReports,
3296  wifi_NeighborReport_t *neighborReports);
3298 #ifndef WIFI_HAL_VERSION_3_PHASE2
3299 /* @description Set a radio measurement (RM) beacon request. Causes the
3300  * request to be sent based on the information in the request parameter.
3301  * Sent from the AP at apIndex. Returns an error if a callback has not been
3302  * registered for the AP.
3303  *
3304  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP to send the request from.
3305  * @param peerMACAddress, MAC address of the peer device to send the request
3306  * to. Must be an external device MAC address.
3307  * @param in_request; pointer to a Beacon Report request structure.
3308  * @param out_DialogToken; the token chosen by the STA for the requested
3309  * measurement(s);
3310  * @return The status of the operation.
3311  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3312  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected. If the AP can determine that
3313  * the target device does not support Radio Measurement, then an error
3314  * is returned.
3315  */
3317  CHAR *peer,
3318  wifi_BeaconRequest_t *in_request,
3319  UCHAR *out_DialogToken);
3322 /* @description Get the Radio Measurement Capabilities from another peer
3323  * device.
3324  *
3325  * @param peerMACAddress; MAC Address of the external peer device used to
3326  * determine if an Radio Measurement Capabiliites Element is available.
3327  * @param out_Capabilities; array formatted as defined in 802.11-2016
3328  * Table 9-157. The Beacon Report Capability is indicated by bit 7. The
3329  * Beacon Passive, Active, and Table Capabilities are indicated by bits
3330  * 4, 5, 6 respectively.
3331  *
3332  * @return The capabilities returned in a Radio Measurement Element if
3333  * received.
3334  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3335  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected. If the AP has not received
3336  * a Radio Measurement Element from the peer, then an error is returned.
3337  */
3338 INT wifi_getRMCapabilities(CHAR *peer, UCHAR out_Capabilities[5]);
3340 #endif
3342 /* @description set STA specific password key
3343  * Configures STA specific password in AP
3344  *
3345  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP to send the request from.
3346  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device to send the request
3347  * to. Must be an external device MAC address.
3348  * @param key
3349  * @return The status of the operation.
3350  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3351  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3352  */
3355  CHAR *sta,
3356  CHAR *key);
3358 /* @description remove STA specific password key
3359  * Removes STA specific password in AP
3360  *
3361  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP to send the request from.
3362  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device to send the request
3363  * to. Must be an external device MAC address.
3364  * @return The status of the operation.
3365  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3366  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3367  */
3370  CHAR *sta);
3373 /* wifi_getRadioChannels() function */
3374 /*
3375  * Description: This function returns a map of current states of each possible channel for given radio.
3376  * The implementation must fill the map for each channel reported by wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels().
3377  *
3378  * Parameters :
3379  * radioIndex - The index of the radio. First radio is index 0. 2nd radio is index 1 - type INT
3380  * output_map - a pointer to an array of wifi_channelMap_t structures, preallocated by the caller.
3381  * This is where the output is written. If the item in the array is not used,
3382  * the "ch_number" should be set to 0.
3383  * output_map_size - The size of the output_map array in array items.
3384  *
3385  * @return The status of the operation.
3386  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3387  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3388  *
3389  * @execution Synchronous.
3390  * @sideeffect None.
3391  *
3392  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3393  * calls. It should probably just send a message to a driver event handler task.
3394  */
3395 INT wifi_getRadioChannels(INT radioIndex, wifi_channelMap_t *output_map, INT output_map_size);
3397 /************* DPP *************************/
3398 typedef enum {
3402 typedef enum {
3410 typedef struct {
3412  union {
3413  unsigned char preSharedKey[128];
3414  char passPhrase[64];
3415  } creds;
3420 // DPP Configuration Object
3421 typedef struct {
3429 typedef enum {
3442 typedef enum {
3456 typedef enum {
3465 typedef struct {
3466  char iPubKey[512];
3467  char rPubKey[512];
3470 typedef struct {
3471  unsigned char tran_id[120];
3472  char iPubKey[512];
3473  unsigned char match_tran_id;
3476 typedef enum {
3481 typedef struct {
3484  union {
3487  } u;
3488  unsigned int channel; // current channel that DPP Authentication request will be sent on
3489  void *instance;
3493 typedef enum {
3502 typedef enum {
3523 typedef struct {
3529 typedef struct {
3530  unsigned int ap_index;
3531  unsigned char configurator_version;
3532  unsigned char enrollee_version;
3536  unsigned int dpp_init_retries;
3537  unsigned int max_retries;
3538  unsigned char token;
3542  unsigned int check_for_associated;
3544  unsigned int num_channels; // number of channels that enrollee can listen on
3545  unsigned int channels_list[32]; // list of channels that enrollee can listen on
3546  unsigned int current_attempts; // number of failed attempts on N different channels off the list
3549 /* @description This call back is invoked when a STA responds to a DPP Authentication
3550  * Request from the gateway with DPP Authentication Response
3551  *
3552  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP where the DPP Authentication Response frame is received
3553  * @param staMAC, MAC address of the peer device
3554  * @param status, one of wifi_dppAuthResponseStatus_t authentication response status
3555  *
3556  * @execution Synchronous
3557  * @sideeffect None
3558  *
3559  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3560  * calls.
3561  */
3562 typedef void (*wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback_t)(UINT apIndex,
3563  mac_address_t sta,
3564  UCHAR *frame,
3565  UINT len);
3567 /* @description This call back is invoked when a STA sends DPP Configuration
3568  * Request to the gateway
3569  *
3570  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP where the DPP Configuration Request frame is received
3571  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device
3572  * @param configAttributes, address of memory pointing to configuration attributes
3573  * @param length, length of memory in bytes
3574  *
3575  * @execution Synchronous
3576  * @sideeffect None
3577  *
3578  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3579  * calls.
3580  */
3581 typedef void (*wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t)(UINT apIndex,
3582  mac_address_t sta,
3583  UCHAR token,
3584  UCHAR *attribs,
3585  UINT length);
3587 /* @description This call back is invoked when a STA sends DPP Configuration
3588  * Result to the gateway
3589  *
3590  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP where the DPP Configuration Request frame is received
3591  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device
3592  * @param attributes, address of memory pointing to attributes
3593  * @param length, length of memory in bytes
3594  *
3595  * @execution Synchronous
3596  * @sideeffect None
3597  *
3598  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3599  * calls.
3600  */
3601 typedef void (*wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t)(UINT apIndex,
3602  mac_address_t sta,
3603  UCHAR *attribs,
3604  UINT length);
3606 /* @description This call back is invoked when a STA sends DPP Reconfig
3607  * Announcement to the gateway
3608  *
3609  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP where the DPP Configuration Request frame is received
3610  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device
3611  * @param attributes, address of memory pointing to attributes
3612  * @param length, length of memory in bytes
3613  *
3614  * @execution Synchronous
3615  * @sideeffect None
3616  *
3617  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3618  * calls.
3619  */
3621  mac_address_t sta,
3622  UCHAR *attribs,
3623  UINT length);
3625 /* @description This call back is invoked when a STA responds to a DPP Reconfig Authentication
3626  * Request from the gateway with DPP Authentication Response
3627  *
3628  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP where the DPP Authentication Response frame is received
3629  * @param staMAC, MAC address of the peer device
3630  * @param status, one of wifi_dppAuthResponseStatus_t authentication response status
3631  *
3632  * @execution Synchronous
3633  * @sideeffect None
3634  *
3635  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3636  * calls.
3637  */
3639  mac_address_t sta,
3640  UCHAR *frame,
3641  UINT len);
3644 /* @description Initiate device provisioning with unprovisioned DPP enabled client.
3645  * Causes AP to start transmitting DPP Authentication Request unicast message to client on current operating channel.
3646  * Sent from the AP at apIndex. Returns an error if message transmission fails.
3647  *
3648  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP to send the request from.
3649  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device to send the request
3650  * to. Must be an external device MAC address.
3651  * @param iBootstrapSubjectPubKeyInfoB64; pointer to initiator's DER encoded ASN.1 base64 subject public key info (RFC 5280).
3652  * @param rBootstrapSubjectPubKeyInfoB64; pointer to responder's DER encoded ASN.1 base64 subject public key info (RFC 5280).
3653  * @param channel; frequency in Hz of channel on which initiator should send the DPP Authentication Request public action frame
3656  * @return The status of the operation.
3657  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3658  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3659  */
3663 /* @description Cancel device provisioning if DPP Authentication Response is not receieved after number of sent requets
3664  * Causes AP to stop transmitting DPP Authentication Request unicast message to client on current operating channel.
3665  * If DPP Authentication Response has already been received from client, the provisioning sequence can not be cancelled.
3666  * Sent from the AP at apIndex. Returns an error if message transmission fails.
3667  *
3668  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP to send the request from.
3669  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device to send the request
3670  * to. Must be an external device MAC address.
3671  * @return The status of the operation.
3672  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3673  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3674  */
3677 int mgmt_frame_received_callback(INT ap_index, mac_address_t sta_mac, UCHAR *frame, UINT len, wifi_mgmtFrameType_t type, wifi_direction_t dir);
3680  /*
3681  * @description DPP callbacks registration for AuthResponse & dppConfigRequest functions.
3682  *
3683  * @param wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback - DPP Authentication Response callback function
3684  * @param wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback - DPP Config Request callback function
3685  *
3686  * @return The status of the operation.
3687  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3688  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3689  *
3690  * @execution Synchronous
3691  * @sideeffect None
3692  *
3693  * @note This function must not suspend and must not invoke any blocking system
3694  * calls.
3695  */
3698  wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t dppConfigCallback,
3699  wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t dppConfigResultCallback,
3700  wifi_dppReconfigAnnounce_callback_t dppReconfigAnnounceCallback,
3701  wifi_dppReconfigAuthResponse_callback_t dppReconfigAuthRspCallback);
3703 /* @description send athentication confiration as per DPP specifications
3704  * Causes AP to transmit DPP Authentication Conf message frame to STA that will cause STA
3705  * to request configuration process in case confirmation status is set to success
3706  * Sent from the AP at apIndex. Returns an error if message transmission fails.
3707  *
3708  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP to send the request from.
3709  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device to send the request
3710  * to. Must be an external device MAC address.
3711  * @return The status of the operation.
3712  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3713  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3714  */
3718 /* @description send device specific configuration as per DPP specifications
3719  * Causes AP to transmit DPP Configuration Response frame to STA with device specific
3720  * configuration
3721  * Sent from the AP at apIndex. Returns an error if message transmission fails.
3722  *
3723  * @param apIndex; index of the vAP to send the request from.
3724  * @param staMAC, MAC address string of the peer device to send the request
3725  * to. Must be an external device MAC address.
3726  * @param config, start address of memory pointing to configuration
3727  * @param length, length in bytes of memory pointing to configuration
3728  * @return The status of the operation.
3729  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful.
3730  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected.
3731  */
3735 typedef enum {
3763 typedef enum {
3781 typedef enum {
3786 typedef struct {
3788  union {
3791  } u;
3796 typedef struct wifi_anqp_node {
3801 typedef void (* wifi_anqp_request_callback_t) (UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, unsigned char token, wifi_anqp_node_t *list);
3805 INT wifi_anqpSendResponse(UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, unsigned char token, wifi_anqp_node_t *list);
3808 typedef void (*wifi_chan_eventCB_t)(UINT radioIndex, wifi_chan_eventType_t event, UCHAR channel);
3812 /**
3813  * @brief Check if Zero DFS is supported
3814  *
3815  * Zero DFS (also known as Background CAC) allows Wi-Fi stack to continue
3816  * operation on main channel and at the same time run background CAC.
3817  *
3818  * @param[in] radioIndex Index of Wi-Fi radio
3819  * @param[out] supported True if ZeroDFS is supported, false otherwise.
3820  *
3821  * @return The status of the operation
3822  * @retval RETURN_OK if successful
3823  * @retval RETURN_ERR if any error is detected
3824  *
3825  * @execution Synchronous
3826  * @sideeffect None
3827  *
3828  */
3829 INT wifi_isZeroDFSSupported(UINT radioIndex, BOOL *supported);
3831 #ifdef __cplusplus
3832 }
3833 #endif
3835 #endif
Configuration per apIndex.
Definition: wifi_hal_extender.h:166
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3444
struct _wifi_channelMetrics wifi_channelMetrics_t
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3430
INT(* wifi_apAuthEvent_callback)(INT apIndex, char *MAC, INT event_type)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3191
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3447
INT wifi_setRMBeaconRequest(UINT apIndex, CHAR *peer, wifi_BeaconRequest_t *in_request, UCHAR *out_DialogToken)
INT wifi_getApWpsEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Outputs the WPS enable state of this access point in output_bool.
@ wifi_dpp_session_type_reconfig
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3478
INT wifi_setApDTIMInterval(INT apIndex, INT dtimInterval)
Sets the DTIM interval for this Access Point.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:133
UINT ipping_FailureCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:99
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3431
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3786
INT wifi_setATMEnable(BOOL enable)
Set ATM Enable.
wifi_dpp_configuration_object_t config
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3539
void(* wifi_chan_eventCB_t)(UINT radioIndex, wifi_chan_eventType_t event, UCHAR channel)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3808
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3436
unsigned int max_retries
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3537
INT wifi_getRadioSupportedStandards(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the Supported Radio Mode. eg: "b,g,n"; "n,ac"; "ax"; "a,n,ac,ax".
INT wifi_setApAuthMode(INT apIndex, INT mode)
Set the authorization mode on this access point.
INT wifi_getApSecurityModeEnabled(INT apIndex, CHAR *output)
Get the Security modes supported.
#define ULLONG
Definition: ccsp_hal_ethsw.h:100
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_reserved_2
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3778
unsigned int channel
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3488
struct wifi_anqp_node wifi_anqp_node_t
INT wifi_getApAclDevices(INT apIndex, CHAR *macArray, UINT buf_size)
Get the ACL MAC list per Access Point.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:120
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3502
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_pkex_rev_req
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3512
INT wifi_getApSecurityModesSupported(INT apIndex, CHAR *output)
Indicates which security modes this AccessPoint instance is capable of supporting.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:304
ULONG wifi_ErrorsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:38
INT wifi_getRadioSupportedDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, char *output_rates)
Get the supported data transmit rates in Mbps.
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_pkex_rsp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3511
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_conn_capability
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3769
CHAR ap_Mode[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:65
INT wifi_setSSIDName(INT apIndex, CHAR *ssid_string)
Set SSID Name associated with the Access Point index.
INT wifi_setRadioDcsScanning(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:131
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_loc_public_id
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3748
int mgmt_frame_received_callback(INT ap_index, mac_address_t sta_mac, UCHAR *frame, UINT len, wifi_mgmtFrameType_t type, wifi_direction_t dir)
INT wifi_setApBasicAuthenticationMode(INT apIndex, CHAR *authMode)
Sets an environment variable for the authMode.
@ ActStatus_Idle
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3457
INT wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsRadioStatisticsEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
Set radio traffic statistics enable.
Definition: wifi_hal_ap.h:317
@ dpp_context_type_received_frame_cfg_req
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3496
@ ActStatus_No_Response
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3460
char ssid_t[32]
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:215
Definition: wifi_hal_extender.h:406
INT wifi_getRadioStatsReceivedSignalLevel(INT radioIndex, INT signalIndex, INT *SignalLevel)
Clients associated with the AP over a specific interval.
#define CHAR
Definition: bt_hal.h:45
mac_address_t sta_mac
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3482
unsigned int num_channels
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3544
UINT ipping_MinimumResponseTime
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:101
struct _wifi_device wifi_device_t
unsigned char enrollee_version
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3532
unsigned char token
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3538
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3451
wifi_anqp_id_type_t type
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3787
UINT entries
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:317
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_operator_friendly_name
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3767
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_emergency_nai
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3752
void wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback_register(wifi_apAuthEvent_callback callback_proc)
UINT ap_DTIMPeriod
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:78
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3453
INT wifi_setRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
Set radio RDG enable setting.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3445
INT wifi_setApRadioIndex(INT apIndex, INT radioIndex)
Sets the radio index for the specific access point.
INT wifi_setRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod(INT radioIndex, ULONG seconds)
Set the DCS refresh period in seconds.
INT wifi_setRadioExtChannel(INT radioIndex, CHAR *string)
Set the secondary extension channel position.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3398
struct _wifi_ssidTrafficStats wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t
INT wifi_pushApEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL Enable)
Dynamically enable/disable access point.
INT wifi_setRadioChannelMode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *channelMode, BOOL gOnlyFlag, BOOL nOnlyFlag, BOOL acOnlyFlag)
Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3735
wifi_anqp_element_name_t anqp_elem_id
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3789
INT wifi_getApSecurityKeyPassphrase(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or.
ULONG wifi_FCSErrorCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:42
wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_t frame_type
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3526
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3410
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_query_list
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3737
u_int32_t d_rx_o
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:126
CHAR ap_SupportedDataTransferRates[256]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:77
UINT channel_rssi_count
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:174
INT wifi_dppInitiate(wifi_device_dpp_context_t *ctx)
INT wifi_getRadioNumberOfEntries(ULONG *output)
Get the total number of radios in this wifi subsystem.
UINT length
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3525
INT wifi_dppSendAuthCnf(wifi_device_dpp_context_t *ctx)
INT wifi_getRadioTransmitPowerSupported(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_list)
Get supported Transmit Power list, eg : "0,25,50,75,100".
INT channel_noise
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:167
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:310
INT wifi_getRadioSupportedFrequencyBands(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get Supported frequency bands at which the radio can operate. eg: "2.4GHz,5GHz".
@ ActStatus_Config_Error
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3458
INT wifi_getApBridgeInfo(INT index, CHAR *bridgeName, CHAR *IP, CHAR *subnet)
Gets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3399
ULONG wifi_InvalidMACCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:43
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:292
ULONG wifi_FailedRetransCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:52
#define BOOL
Definition: dhcpv4c_api.h:79
@ ActStatus_OK
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3462
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_vendor_specific
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3759
UINT ap_BeaconPeriod
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:74
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3763
@ wifi_anqp_id_type_anqp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3782
INT wifi_setApATMAirTimePercent(INT apIndex, UINT ap_AirTimePercent)
Set Access Point Air Time Percent.
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_3gpp_cellular_network
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3745
INT wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Indicates WPS configuration methods enabled on the device.
INT wifi_getRadioMaxBitRate(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the maximum PHY bit rate supported by this interface. eg: "216.7 Mb/s", "1.3 Gb/s".
ULONG cli_DataFramesSentNoAck
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:289
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:301
UINT ipping_DataBlockSize
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:90
ULONG wifi_DiscardPacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:40
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_ip_address_availabality
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3743
wifi_anqp_elem_t * value
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3798
INT wifi_getATMCapable(BOOL *output_bool)
Get the ATM(Air Time Management) Capable.
UINT ipping_DSCP
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:91
void(* wifi_dppReconfigAnnounce_callback_t)(UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3620
CHAR ap_Radio[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:62
INT wifi_setApWpsConfigMethodsEnabled(INT apIndex, CHAR *methodString)
Enable WPS configuration methods on the device.
INT wifi_getRadioChannelStats2(INT radioIndex, wifi_channelStats2_t *outputChannelStats2)
Definition: wifi_hal_ap.h:1633
INT wifi_devRxRate
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:116
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_reserved_2
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3507
INT wifi_getTWTParams(CHAR *sta, wifi_twt_params_t *twt_params)
ULONG wifi_BytesSent
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:28
INT(* wifi_apAuthenticatedEvent_callback)(INT apIndex, char *MAC)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3198
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:35
INT wifi_getRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, char *output_rates)
Get the set of data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join thi...
INT wifi_addApAclDevice(INT apIndex, CHAR *DeviceMacAddress)
Adds the mac address to the filter list.
INT wifi_getApIndexFromName(CHAR *inputSsidString, INT *ouput_int)
Outputs the index number in that corresponds to the SSID string.
ULONG wifi_Associations
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:32
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_emergency_call_number
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3740
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_network_auth_type_with_timestamp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3757
mac_address_t cli_MACAddress
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:275
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:147
INT wifi_steering_setGroup(UINT steeringgroupIndex, wifi_steering_apConfig_t *cfg_2, wifi_steering_apConfig_t *cfg_5)
Add a Steering Group.
INT wifi_anqpSendResponse(UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, unsigned char token, wifi_anqp_node_t *list)
INT wifi_getRMCapabilities(CHAR *peer, UCHAR out_Capabilities[5])
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3446
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_pkex_req
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3510
Definition: wifi_hal_telemetry.h:148
unsigned int current_attempts
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3546
INT wifi_kickApAssociatedDevice(INT apIndex, CHAR *client_mac)
Manually removes any active wi-fi association with the device specified on this access point.
INT ch_Max80211Rssi
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:159
ULONG wifi_RetryCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:53
UINT cli_AuthenticationFailures
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:296
INT wifi_getApDeviceRSSI(INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_RSSI)
Gets the RSSI value associated with the access point.
@ dpp_context_type_session_data
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3494
INT wifi_setRadioDCSEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
Enable/Disable selected wifi radio channel's DCS.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:151
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_roaming_consortium
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3742
struct _mac_t mac_t
INT ap_Noise
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:75
INT wifi_getRadioOperatingFrequencyBand(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the frequency band at which the radio is operating, eg: "2.4GHz".
INT wifi_dppCancel(wifi_device_dpp_context_t *ctx)
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_capability_list
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3738
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:303
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_peer_disc_req
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3508
INT wifi_setApSecurityModeEnabled(INT apIndex, CHAR *encMode)
Enable supported security mode.
wifi_apRssi_t channel_rssi_list[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:173
Definition: wifi_hal_extender.h:569
void wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback_register(wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback callback_proc)
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_recfg_auth_req
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3518
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_civic_location
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3747
INT wifi_getApWpaEncryptionMode(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Ouputs up to a 32 byte string as either "TKIPEncryption", "AESEncryption", or "TKIPandAESEncryption".
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3476
INT wifi_setApBeaconType(INT apIndex, CHAR *beaconTypeString)
Sets the beacon type environment variable. Allowed input strings are "None", "Basic",...
void * cSignInstance
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3426
void(* wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback_t)(UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *frame, UINT len)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3562
#define INT
Definition: bt_hal.h:65
ssid_t wifi_dpp_discovery_object_t
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3418
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_reserved_0
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3736
INT wifi_chan_eventRegister(wifi_chan_eventCB_t event_cb)
UINT cli_Retransmissions
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:281
UINT ipping_SuccessCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:98
INT wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *Supported)
Get 80211h Supported.
struct _wifi_basicTrafficStats wifi_basicTrafficStats_t
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_nai_home_realm_query
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3770
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_op_icon_metadata
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3776
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_reserved_0
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3764
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:286
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult(INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size)
The function provides a list of the devices currently associated with the access point.
struct _wifi_neighbor_ap wifi_neighbor_ap_t
INT wifi_getApATMAirTimePercent(INT apIndex, UINT *output_ap_AirTimePercent)
Get Ap Air Time Percent.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:164
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:828
INT wifi_getRadioDcsDwelltime(INT radioIndex, INT *output_millisecond)
Get radio Dcs Dwell time.
INT wifi_setRadioDCSScanTime(INT radioIndex, INT interval_seconds, INT dwell_milliseconds)
Set radio DCS scan time.
INT wifi_getApWpsDevicePIN(INT apIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
Outputs the WPS device pin value, ulong_pin must be allocated by the caller.
INT wifi_setApSecurityPreSharedKey(INT apIndex, CHAR *preSharedKey)
Set PreSharedKey associated with a Access Point.
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_recfg_auth_rsp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3519
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3421
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3442
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3435
INT wifi_getRadioDcsScanning(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status.
INT wifi_getSSIDNumberOfEntries(ULONG *output)
Get the total number of SSID entries in this wifi subsystem.
struct _wifi_radioTrafficStats wifi_radioTrafficStats_t
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_auth_req
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3503
@ dpp_context_type_received_frame_auth_rsp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3495
void wifi_apAuthEvent_callback_register(wifi_apAuthEvent_callback callback_proc)
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_reserved_1
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3773
INT wifi_getRadioPossibleChannels(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11".
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:177
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:745
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDevice(INT ap_index, CHAR *output_buf, INT output_buf_size)
Gets the ApAssociatedDevice list for client MAC addresses.
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_advice_of_charge
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3755
BOOL channel_in_pool
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:166
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:307
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_recfg_auth_cnf
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3520
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_tdls_capability
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3751
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:273
u_int32_t rtx_total
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:121
INT wifi_setRadioAutoChannelEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
Enables or disables a driver level variable to indicate if auto channel selection is enabled on this ...
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_op_class_ind
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3771
INT(* wifi_apAssociatedDevice_callback)(INT apIndex, char *MAC, INT event_type)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3204
Definition: wifi_hal_extender.h:637
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_venue_url
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3754
INT wifi_getRadioDcsChannelMetrics(INT radioIndex, wifi_channelMetrics_t *input_output_channelMetrics_array, INT array_size)
Get radio Channel Metrics.
INT wifi_pushApSsidAdvertisementEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
Push the ssid advertisement enable variable to the hardware.
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_reserved_1
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3758
INT wifi_setRadioChannel(INT radioIndex, ULONG channel)
Set the running channel number.
ULONG wifi_PacketsOtherReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:44
INT wifi_getBandSteeringCapability(BOOL *support)
To get Band Steering Capability.
INT wifi_dppSetSTAPassphrase(UINT apIndex, CHAR *sta, CHAR *key)
CHAR ap_SecurityModeEnabled[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:68
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3438
CHAR ap_SSID[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:63
INT wifi_getRadioDfsSupport(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get radio DFS support.
INT wifi_delApAclDevice(INT apIndex, CHAR *DeviceMacAddress)
Deletes the Device MAC address from the Access control filter list.
INT wifi_dpp_frame_received_callbacks_register(wifi_dppAuthResponse_callback_t dppAuthCallback, wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t dppConfigCallback, wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t dppConfigResultCallback, wifi_dppReconfigAnnounce_callback_t dppReconfigAnnounceCallback, wifi_dppReconfigAuthResponse_callback_t dppReconfigAuthRspCallback)
ULONG wifi_PacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:30
INT wifi_setApSecurityKeyPassphrase(INT apIndex, CHAR *passPhrase)
Set a passphrase from which the PreSharedKey is to be generated, for WPA-Personal or WPA2-Personal or...
wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_t anqp_hs_id
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3790
INT wifi_pushRadioChannel2(INT radioIndex, UINT channel, UINT channel_width_MHz, UINT csa_beacon_count)
This HAL API is used to change the channel to destination channel, with destination bandwidth.
INT wifi_getRadioRxChainMask(INT radioIndex, INT *output_int)
Outputs the number of Rx streams.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3443
wifi_dpp_technology_t wifiTech
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3422
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3433
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:316
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3402
INT wifi_getRadioChannelsInUse(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the list of supported channel. eg: "1-11".
INT wifi_devSignalStrength
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:114
ULONG wifi_ErrorsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:37
wifi_activation_status_t activation_status
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3541
unsigned char match_tran_id
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3473
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3452
INT wifi_getSSIDNameStatus(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
To read the run time ssid name.
INT wifi_pushRadioChannel(INT radioIndex, UINT channel)
Instantlly change the radio Channel.
INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Check if the driver support the AutoChannel.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3796
wifi_dpp_received_frame_t received_frame
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3535
This structure hold the information about the wifi interface.
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:901
ULONG cli_BytesSent
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:290
wifi_dpp_session_data_t session_data
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3534
INT wifi_getRadioBasicDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output)
Get the set of data rates, in Mbps.
INT wifi_getApInterworkingServiceCapability(INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get the Interworking Service Capability of the AP.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:143
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_hs_query_list
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3765
UINT cli_Disassociations
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:295
UINT ipping_NumberOfRepetitions
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:88
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:293
INT wifi_getSSIDName(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get SSID Name associated with the Access Point index.
Definition: wifi_hal_extender.h:521
struct wifi_anqp_node * next
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3797
INT wifi_getRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160".
INT wifi_getApAssociatedDeviceDiagnosticResult2(INT apIndex, wifi_associated_dev2_t **associated_dev_array, UINT *output_array_size)
The function provides a list of the devices currently associated with the access point.
CHAR ap_OperatingChannelBandwidth[16]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:73
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_reserved_2
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3760
INT wifi_getApSecurityPreSharedKey(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get PreSharedKey associated with a Access Point.
INT wifi_getRadioTxChainMask(INT radioIndex, INT *output_int)
Outputs the number of Tx streams.
INT cli_SignalStrength
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:280
INT wifi_setRadioCountryCode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *CountryCode)
Set the country code for selected Wi-Fi radio channel.
ULONG cli_DataFramesSentAck
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:288
INT wifi_setRadioBasicDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, CHAR *TransmitRates)
Set the data rates, in Mbps.
wifi_dpp_state_t state
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3490
struct _wifi_associated_dev2 wifi_associated_dev2_t
INT wifi_getApDeviceRxrate(INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_RxMb)
Gets the ApAssociatedDevice Rx Rate.
@ ssid
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:5117
INT radio_RadioStatisticsMeasuringRate
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:179
INT wifi_getRadioDCSSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Check if the driver support the DCS.
CHAR cli_OperatingStandard[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:284
unsigned int check_for_associated
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3542
INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult(wifi_neighbor_ap_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3429
#define ULONG
Definition: bt_hal.h:77
unsigned char configurator_version
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3531
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3456
ULONG wifi_RetransCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:51
INT channel_utilization
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:170
UINT ch_Frequency
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:156
UINT ipping_Timeout
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:89
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3404
INT wifi_getApUAPSDCapability(INT apIndex, BOOL *output)
Indicates whether this access point supports WMM Unscheduled Automatic Power Save Delivery (U-APSD).
INT ch_Non80211Noise
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:158
INT wifi_getSSIDEnable(INT ssidIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get SSID enable configuration parameters (not the SSID enable status).
Definition: wifi_hal_ap.h:1868
INT wifi_dppRemoveSTAPassphrase(UINT apIndex, CHAR *sta)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:109
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:305
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_domain_name
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3749
CHAR ap_OperatingFrequencyBand[16]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:70
INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get the AutoChannel enable status.
INT wifi_getBTMClientCapabilityList(UINT apIndex, wifi_BTMCapabilities_t *extBTMCapabilities)
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_local_content
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3756
INT wifi_pushSSID(INT apIndex, CHAR *ssid)
Push the environment variable that is set by "wifi_setSsidName" to the hardware.
INT wifi_pushRadioChannelMode(INT radioIndex)
void(* wifi_anqp_request_callback_t)(UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, unsigned char token, wifi_anqp_node_t *list)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3801
INT wifi_pushBridgeInfo(INT apIndex)
CHAR wifi_devIPAddress[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:112
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:306
INT wifi_pushCountryCode(CHAR *CountryCode)
Set the country code for both wifi radios and apply them. wifi reset automatically if necessary....
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3523
INT wifi_setRadio11nGreenfieldEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
Set radio 11n pure mode enable setting.
INT wifi_setRadioRxChainMask(INT radioIndex, INT numStreams)
Sets the number of Rx streams to an environment variable.
BOOL wifi_devAssociatedDeviceAuthentiationState
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:113
INT wifi_getRadioGuardInterval(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec".
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_icon_request
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3774
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:129
wifi_enrollee_responder_status_t enrollee_status
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3540
INT wifi_getApAssociatedClientDiagnosticResult(INT apIndex, char *mac_addr, wifi_associated_dev3_t *dev_conn)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3434
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:132
UINT ap_Channel
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:66
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_wan_metrics
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3768
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_auth_rsp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3504
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3406
wifi_dpp_reconfig_data_t reconfig_data
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3486
INT wifi_anqp_request_callback_register(wifi_anqp_request_callback_t callback)
INT wifi_setBSSColorEnabled(INT apIndex, BOOL enabled)
INT wifi_getRadioReverseDirectionGrantEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get radio RDG enable setting.
INT channel_non_80211_noise
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:169
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:138
INT radio_RadioStatisticsMeasuringInterval
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:180
@ ActStatus_Failed
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3461
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_hs_capability_list
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3766
INT wifi_getRadioStandard(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string, BOOL *gOnly, BOOL *nOnly, BOOL *acOnly)
Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac".
INT wifi_setApWpaEncryptionMode(INT apIndex, CHAR *encMode)
Sets the encyption mode environment variable.
INT wifi_getRadioCountryCode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Outputs the country code to a max 64 character string.
UINT ipping_MaximumResponseTime
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:102
INT ap_SignalStrength
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:67
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:60
#define UINT
Definition: bt_hal.h:69
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3432
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:139
INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiStatus(INT radioIndex, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size)
Returns the Wifi scan status.
INT wifi_setApBeaconInterval(INT apIndex, INT beaconInterval)
Sets the beacon interval on the hardware for this Access Point.
wifi_dpp_discovery_object_t discovery
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3423
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3448
@ dpp_context_type_received_frame_cfg_result
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3497
wifi_dpp_credential_object_t credentials
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3424
struct _wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t
UCHAR wifi_devMacAddress[6]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:111
INT wifi_getRadioMode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string, UINT *pureMode)
Get the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag. eg: "ac".
INT wifi_createAp(INT apIndex, INT radioIndex, CHAR *essid, BOOL hideSsid)
Creates a new access point and pushes these parameters to the hardware.
struct athstat_results athstat_results_t
BOOL cli_AuthenticationState
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:277
Definition: wifi_hal_radio.h:61
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_cfg_result
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3514
INT wifi_getRadioDCSChannelPool(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_pool)
Get radio DCS channel pool.
INT wifi_getRadioIEEE80211hEnabled(INT radioIndex, BOOL *enable)
Get 80211h feature enable.
#define UCHAR
Definition: bt_hal.h:49
INT wifi_getApWMMCapability(INT apIndex, BOOL *output)
Indicates whether this access point supports WiFi Multimedia (WMM) Access Categories (AC).
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3449
INT wifi_setApBridgeInfo(INT apIndex, CHAR *bridgeName, CHAR *IP, CHAR *subnet)
Sets bridgeName, IP address and Subnet to internal environment variables.
INT wifi_getRadioExtChannel(INT radioIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the secondary extension channel position.
INT wifi_getSSIDTrafficStats(INT ssidIndex, wifi_ssidTrafficStats_t *output_struct)
UINT ap_ChannelUtilization
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:79
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_pkex_rev_rsp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3513
void * reconfigCtx
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3425
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_icon_bin_file
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3775
wifi_dpp_key_management_t keyManagement
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3411
INT wifi_Noise
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:45
INT ch_NoiseFloor
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:157
INT wifi_getRadioChannel(INT radioIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
Get the running channel number.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3437
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3470
INT wifi_getRadioDCSEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get DCS of the selected wifi radio channel's enable/disable status.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:155
INT wifi_getApATMSta(INT apIndex, UCHAR *output_sta_MAC_ATM_array, UINT buf_size)
Get the list for Air Time Percent for each Station.
UINT cli_LastDataDownlinkRate
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:278
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_conn_status_result
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3515
CHAR cli_IPAddress[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:276
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3493
UCHAR * data
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3793
INT wifi_setRadioTrafficStatsMeasure(INT radioIndex, wifi_radioTrafficStatsMeasure_t *input_struct)
Set radio traffic static Measuring rules.
INT channel_txpower
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:171
INT wifi_setBTMRequest(UINT apIndex, CHAR *peerMac, wifi_BTMRequest_t *request)
Set a BTM Request to a non-AP STA. The callback register function should be called first so that the ...
void(* wifi_dppConfigRequest_callback_t)(UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR token, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3581
wifi_device_dpp_context_type_t type
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3533
unsigned int dpp_init_retries
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3536
UCHAR * frame
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3524
UINT ch_SelfBssUtil
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:161
INT wifi_getApAuthenticatedDevices(INT apIndex, mac_t **mac_array, UINT *output_array_size)
UINT ch_ObssUtil
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:160
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_neighbor_report
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3753
@ wifi_anqp_id_type_hs
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3783
INT wifi_getApRtsThresholdSupported(INT apIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get the packet size threshold supported.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:294
CHAR ipping_DiagnosticsState[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:97
INT wifi_setRadioBeaconPeriod(INT radioIndex, UINT BeaconPeriod)
Sets the time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds).
INT wifi_pushRadioTxChainMask(INT radioIndex)
ULONG wifi_PLCPErrorCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:41
INT wifi_setApWpsEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL enableValue)
Enables or disables WPS functionality for this access point.
void * instance
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3489
INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriodSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Check if the driver support the AutoChannelRefreshPeriod.
unsigned int check_for_config_requested
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3543
INT wifi_getRadioAutoChannelRefreshPeriod(INT radioIndex, ULONG *output_ulong)
Get the DCS refresh period in seconds.
INT wifi_pushRadioRxChainMask(INT radioIndex)
ULONG wifi_ACKFailureCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:55
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_peer_disc_rsp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3509
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3481
CHAR ap_SupportedStandards[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:71
INT wifi_getApBeaconType(INT apIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Outputs a 32 byte or less string indicating the beacon type as "None", "Basic", "WPA",...
u_int32_t d_rx_t
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:125
CHAR ipping_Host[256]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:87
INT wifi_getRadioChannels(INT radioIndex, wifi_channelMap_t *output_map, INT output_map_size)
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_auth_cnf
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3505
INT wifi_setSSIDEnable(INT ssidIndex, BOOL enable)
Set SSID enable configuration parameters.
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_network_auth_type
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3741
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:308
INT wifi_getRadioClientInactivityTimout(INT radioIndex, INT *output_timout_sec)
UINT cli_LastDataUplinkRate
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:279
u_int32_t tx_total
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:122
CHAR cli_InterferenceSources[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:287
ULONG wifi_DiscardPacketsSent
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:39
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:309
UINT len
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3792
BOOL wifi_steering_supported(void)
Steering API Supported.
INT wifi_setRadioOperatingChannelBandwidth(INT radioIndex, CHAR *bandwidth)
Set the Operating Channel Bandwidth. eg "20MHz", "40MHz", "80MHz", "80+80", "160".
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_geo_location
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3746
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:84
INT wifi_getBSSColorEnabled(INT apIndex, BOOL *enabled)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3439
INT wifi_getApDeviceTxrate(INT ap_index, CHAR *MAC, INT *output_TxMb)
Gets the ApAssociatedDevice Tx Rate.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3781
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:136
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3403
struct _wifi_diag_ipping_result wifi_diag_ipping_result_t
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3529
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:95
INT wifi_getApWpsConfigMethodsSupported(INT apIndex, CHAR *output)
Indicates WPS configuration methods supported by the device.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3450
INT wifi_devTxRate
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:115
struct _wifi_diag_ipping_setting wifi_diag_ipping_setting_t
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3407
BOOL channel_radar_noise
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:168
CHAR ap_OperatingStandards[16]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:72
@ ActStatus_In_Progress
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3459
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_osu_providers_list
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3772
INT wifi_getRadioDeclineBARequestEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting.
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_presence_announcement
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3516
INT wifi_pushSsidAdvertisementEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL enable)
Push the environment variable that is set by "wifi_setApSsidAdvertisementEnable" to the hardware.
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_reserved_1
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3506
INT wifi_getSSIDStatus(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get SSID enable status.
@ dpp_context_type_received_frame_recfg_announce
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3498
INT wifi_getRadioBeaconPeriod(INT radioIndex, UINT *output)
Gets the time interval between transmitting beacons (expressed in milliseconds).
INT wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get radio 11n pure mode enable setting.
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:146
ULONG wifi_AggregatedPacketCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:56
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:145
@ wifi_dpp_public_action_frame_type_recfg_announcement
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3517
UINT ipping_AverageResponseTime
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:100
INT channel_number
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:165
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:26
INT wifi_getRadioDCSScanTime(INT radioIndex, INT *output_interval_seconds, INT *output_dwell_milliseconds)
Get radio DCS scan time.
CHAR ap_BasicDataTransferRates[256]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:76
Definition: wifi_hal_emu.h:325
CHAR cli_OperatingChannelBandwidth[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:285
INT wifi_setRadioTxChainMask(INT radioIndex, INT numStreams)
Sets the number of Tx streams to an environment variable.
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_nai_realm
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3744
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:140
INT wifi_getSSIDMACAddress(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the MAC address associated with this Wifi SSID.
INT wifi_setRadioIEEE80211hEnabled(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
Set 80211h feature enable.
INT wifi_getBasicTrafficStats(INT apIndex, wifi_basicTrafficStats_t *output_struct)
Outputs basic traffic stats per AP.
INT wifi_setRadioMode(INT radioIndex, CHAR *channelMode, UINT pureMode)
Set the radio operating mode, and pure mode flag.
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_emergency_alert_id
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3750
INT wifi_getATMEnable(BOOL *output_enable)
Get ATM Enable status.
INT wifi_setApWpsDevicePIN(INT apIndex, ULONG pin)
Set an environment variable for the WPS pin for the selected Access Point.
INT wifi_setRadioDeclineBARequestEnable(INT radioIndex, BOOL enable)
Set radio ADDBA (ADD Block Acknowledgement) enable setting.
@ dpp_context_type_received_frame_recfg_auth_rsp
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3499
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:64
INT wifi_getAllAssociatedDeviceDetail(INT apIndex, ULONG *output_ulong, wifi_device_t **output_struct)
u_int32_t rx_total
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:123
INT wifi_setRadioGuardInterval(INT radioIndex, CHAR *string)
Set the guard interval value. eg "400nsec" or "800nsec".
INT wifi_setRadioOperationalDataTransmitRates(INT radioIndex, char *rates)
Set the data rates, in Mbps, that have to be supported by all stations that desire to join this BSS.
@ wifi_anqp_element_name_venue_name
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3739
ULONG wifi_MultipleRetryCount
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:54
ULONG wifi_PacketsReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:31
INT wifi_setApVlanEnable(INT apIndex, BOOL VlanEnabled)
Enables internal gateway VLAN mode.
void(* wifi_dppConfigResult_callback_t)(UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *attribs, UINT length)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3601
@ wifi_dpp_session_type_config
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3477
ULONG wifi_BytesReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:29
unsigned char mac_address_t[6]
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:211
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3405
wifi_dpp_config_data_t config_data
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3485
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3465
INT wifi_dppSendConfigResponse(wifi_device_dpp_context_t *ctx)
INT wifi_isZeroDFSSupported(UINT radioIndex, BOOL *supported)
Check if Zero DFS is supported.
INT wifi_getNeighboringWiFiDiagnosticResult2(INT radioIndex, wifi_neighbor_ap2_t **neighbor_ap_array, UINT *output_array_size)
Start the wifi scan and get the result into output buffer for RDKB to parser.
unsigned int u_int32_t
Definition: wifi_hal_generic.h:217
struct _wifi_channelStats2 wifi_channelStats2_t
ULLONG cli_Associations
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:298
INT wifi_setRadioDcsDwelltime(INT radioIndex, INT millisecond)
Set radio Dcs Dwell time.
UCHAR length
Definition: wifi_hal_ap.h:2
INT wifi_getHalVersion(CHAR *output_string)
Get the wifi hal version in string.
INT wifi_getBaseBSSID(INT ssidIndex, CHAR *output_string)
Get the BSSID.
INT wifi_getBSSTransitionImplemented(UINT apIndex, BOOL *activate)
Get the BTM implemented value. When not implemented the gateway ignores a BTM query request as define...
void(* wifi_dppReconfigAuthResponse_callback_t)(UINT apIndex, mac_address_t sta, UCHAR *frame, UINT len)
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3638
INT wifi_setRadioDCSChannelPool(INT radioIndex, CHAR *pool)
Set radio DCS channel pool.
BOOL cli_Active
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:282
CHAR ap_EncryptionMode[64]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:69
INT wifi_getRadio11nGreenfieldSupported(INT radioIndex, BOOL *output_bool)
Get radio 11n pure mode enable support.
u_int32_t rx_own
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:124
@ wifi_anqp_element_hs_subtype_op_providers_nai_list
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3777
unsigned int ap_index
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3530
ULONG cli_BytesReceived
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:291
INT wifi_setNeighborReports(UINT apIndex, UINT numNeighborReports, wifi_NeighborReport_t *neighborReports)
wifi_dpp_session_type_t session
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:3483
CHAR ipping_Interface[256]
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:86
Definition: wifi_hal_deprecated.h:49