Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


md5sum "<imagefile_name>.tar" > imagefile_name.txt
For Ex:
md5sum "rdkb-generic-broadband-image_default_20200629035029.tar" > rdkb-generic-broadband-image_default_20200629035029.txt

TFTP Server



Install xinetd and tftpd-hpa application in your local PC to setup tftp server by using below command
TFTP Server Installation Step


sudo service tftpd-hpa restart
/etc/init.d/xinetd restart

HTTP Server



Ensure the http server in running in the local PC. If not, then activate or install it (For Example, Lighttpd)



Turris-Omnia Board

U-boot-fw-Utils Configuration


1) Add the necessary firmware utilities in armada_38x_defconfig


Note: The U-boot Configuration is added to handle the uboot environment in linux. This is specifically to change the root value in bootargs ( to avoid the old rootfs in mmcblk0p5 and  load the downloaded rootfs that has been placed in the mmcblk0p7). And so, the new rootfs comes up while the reboot.




1) Flash the image and confirm for the 7 partitions in the turris-omnia board(ex. mmcblk0p1, mmcblk0p2, mmcblk0p3, mmcblk0p4, mmcblk0p5, mmcblk0p6, mmcblk0p7)


9) Verify the version of booted image which shows the downloaded image version



Please find the summary on firmware upgrade explained above

  • Build the Rdkb Turris Image
  • Flash the build image 
  • Setup xconf server ready with rules and download location for Turris-Omnia device
  • Place the upgrading image and checksum file in tftp/http server as needed
  • Boot the flashed image



Yet to have http support