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Alexa related recipes are bundled inside meta-rdk-voice/recipes-alexa avs and contains below build targets

RecipeFunctionalityCurrent status
wpe-openblasRecipe required in case of Wake-word-engine mode is selected.Locally hostedCMF Hosted
wpe-alexa.bbMain recipe for downloading the AVS SDK and its compilation, linking it with RDK skill mapping module.Locally CMF hosted

Code Block
1. copy recipes-alexa to meta-cmf-raspberrypi or to a similar OEM layer
2. Add above 2 recipes to the appropriate package-group
3. bitbake rdk-generic-wpe-thunder (or the image where alexa is packaged)


Mapping the developer account

 Initialize and download the code base
 - Example for RaspberryPi:
 $ repo init -u -m rdkv-nosrc.xml -b thunder-next
 $ repo sync

2. Download the meta-rdk-voice layer in project root
 $ git clone

3. Add to BBLAYERS
 $ vi meta-rdk/conf/bblayers.conf.sample
 BBLAYERS += "${@'${RDKROOT}/meta-rdk-voice' if os.path.isfile('${RDKROOT}/meta-rdk-voice/conf/layer.conf') else ''}"

4. Optionally if wanted to use MIC based implementation (Ignore if using BLE voice remote)
 $ vi meta-rdk-voice/conf/layer.conf
 - enable the below commented line
 #DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " alexa_ffv"

5.Build the image target
 - Example for RaspberryPi
 $ source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
 ### select meta-cmf-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid-thunder.conf ###
 $ bitbake rdk-generic-hybrid-thunder-image


Mapping to amazon developer account

Please refer the wiki link AVS Developer Account and Skill Creation Guidelines for RDK for creating a developer account.

Modify below section to Modify below section and map with relevant developer account.

Code Block
1. Login to the device
 $ ssh root@<RDKV-Client-IP>

2. Edit the Configuration file
 $ cd /home/root
 $ vi Alexa_SDK/Integration/AlexaClientSDKConfig.json
        // Unique device serial number. e.g. 123456
        // The Client ID of the Product from
        // Product ID from
        // The name of the device manufacturer.
        "manufacturerName": "<MANUFACTURER_NAME>",
        // The description of the device which should contain the manufacturer name or how the device is connected.
        "description": "<DESCRIPTION"


Code Block
$ cd /home/root
$ vi Alexa_SDK/Integration/AlexaCurl.json
Set below GPIO to appropriate value
