Versions Compared


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Ensure the parodus service is active on client-side and execute the curl commands ,

Getting the value,

Response Message:

{"parameters":[{"name":"Device.DeviceInfo.Manufacturer","value":"Turris CZ","dataType":0,"parameterCount":1,"message":"Success"}],"statusCode":200}

Setting the value,

Response Message:


Validated below list of parameter from client( Turris-Omnia ) device

WebPA Get-Only ParametersWebPA Get/Set Parameters
  • Device.DeviceInfo.Manufacturer
  • Device.DeviceInfo.ManufacturerOUI
  • Device.DeviceInfo.ModelName
  • Device.DeviceInfo.SerialNumber
  • Device.DeviceInfo.HardwareVersion
  • Device.DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion
  • Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus.Total
  • Device.DeviceInfo.MemoryStatus.Free
  • Device.DeviceInfo.UpTime
  • Device.DeviceInfo.ProcessStatus.CPUUsage
  • Device.Hosts.X_CISCO_COM_ConnectedDeviceNumber
  • Device.Users.User.1.X_CISCO_COM_Password
  • Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.SSID
  • Device.WiFi.AccessPoint.10001.Security.KeyPassphrase
  • Device.WiFi.SSID.10001.Enable
  • Device.WiFi.Radio.10000.Enable
  • Device.WiFi.Radio.10000.Channel

In below Get/Set parameters, able to set the value successfully, but retrieving the same data set is failing. Wifi-HAL need to be updated in yocto_3.1 for this issue. 





1LAN Connected Devices-Ethernet(tick)
2WAN Connected Devices-Wi-Fi(tick)
3Parental Control(error)
4Firewall settings(error)
5Advanced Config: Port Triggering(error)
6Advanced Config: Port Forwarding(error)
7Advanced Config: Remote Management(error)
8Advanced Config: DMZ(error)
9Xfinity Wi-Fi 2.4/5 GHz – Public Hotspot(error)
10Test and Diagnostics(tick)
11Local WebUI Configuration(tick)
12Factory Reset(error)
13DHCP /Reserved IP(tick)
15Eth Agent(error)
162.4 GHz Band Support(tick)
175 GHz Band Support(tick)
18Bridge Mode Support(error)
19Persistent Storage Management(tick)
20WebPA for Comcast,community(tick)
21Lost and Found(error)
22Harvester Support(error)
27Boot time data measurement(error)
28Wireless Protection Setup(WPS)(error)
29Captive Portal(error)
30Wi-Fi MAC Filtering(error)
31Log Rotation Support(error)
32Firmware Upgrade Support(tick)
33Multiboot Support(error)
34Telemetry Support(error)

OpenSync Verification, with Plume NOC and MeshAgent Support

Opensync covers layers from just above the drivers within a device, to the connection to the cloud within that device. It is responsible for translating Cloud management commands to the hardware driver calls and reports to the Cloud state and telemetry in a mesh multi-AP Wi-Fi network

Components Involved:

         1) Openvswitch - Provides OVSDB for opensync communication

        2)  OpenSync - Provides Various managers (DM,CM,WM,NM,etc..) 

         3) MeshAgent - Ensures the sync between RDKB and Plume

         4) rdkb-turris-hal - Contains the hardware level code to reterive AP and stats information, using Netlink, hostapd_cli and iw 

Version and branches of Compnents

Opensvswitch → Version has been upgraded from 2.6.0 to 2.13.0 (dunfell branch)

OpenSync → Version (master branch)

MeshAgent → CMF git (dunfell branch)

rdkb-turris-hal → rdkcentral GitHub (dunell branch)

 Set-up Considerations

 Opensync has to be manually triggered , and respective certificate has to be copied into the image (/nvram/certs)

 Execute the below script , for linking the back-haul interfaces


root@TurrisOmnia-GW:# sh
killall dnsmasq
dnsmasq -u root -a -i brlan0 -F, --dhcp-option=3, --dhcp-option=6, \
-a -i wifi2 -F, \
-a -i wifi3 -F, \
-C /dev/null -z --except-interface=lo -l /nvram/dnsmasq.leases --dhcp-script=/nvram/scripts/ \
--log-facility=/tmp/dnsmasq.log --log-dhcp
#touch /tmp/hostapd-acl0
#touch /tmp/hostapd-acl1
touch /tmp/hostapd-acl2
touch /tmp/hostapd-acl3
#hostapd_cli -i global raw ADD bss_config=wlan0:/nvram/hostapd0.conf
#hostapd_cli -i global raw ADD bss_config=wlan1:/nvram/hostapd1.conf
hostapd_cli -i global raw ADD bss_config=wlan2:/nvram/hostapd2.conf
hostapd_cli -i global raw ADD bss_config=wlan3:/nvram/hostapd3.conf

Execute the below script for running the opensync Managers

Open Sync Manager Script Expand source

 Flashing procedure

            Turris Omnia Reference Platform: Flashing Instruction
