Versions Compared


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Code Block
1. Initialize and download the code base
 - Example for RaspberryPi:
 $ repo init -u -m rdkv-nosrc.xml -b thunder-next
 $ repo sync

2. Download the meta-rdk-voice layer in project root
 $ git clone

3. Add to BBLAYERS
 $ vi meta-rdk/conf/bblayers.conf.sample
 BBLAYERS += "${@'${RDKROOT}/meta-rdk-voice' if os.path.isfile('${RDKROOT}/meta-rdk-voice/conf/layer.conf') else ''}"

4. Optionally if wanted to use MIC based implementation (Ignore if using BLE voice remote)
 $ vi meta-rdk-voice/conf/layer.conf
 - enable the below commented line
 #DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " alexa_ffv"

 # If this flag (DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " alexa_ffv"), we have to configure the kernel as mentioned here, so as to simulate FFV using USB Micorphone

5. Optionally For the external source builds (such as some Broadcom platforms) add below line in manifest/auto.conf
 - In <Manifest>.xml
   <project name="components/generic/avs/alexa_skill_mapper" revision="rdk-next"/>
 - In auto.conf (where brcmexternalsrc is enabled)
   BRCMEXTERNALSRC_pn-wpe-alexa += "components/generic/avs/alexa_skill_mapper:git/VoiceToApps"
   SRCPV_pn-wpe-alexa = "${BRCMEXTERNAL-SRCPV-CMF}"
 $ repo sync
6 .Build the image target
 - Example for RaspberryPi
 $ source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
 ### select meta-cmf-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid-thunder.conf ###
 $ bitbake rdk-generic-hybrid-thunder-image

Kernel configurations required, if FFV (Far Field Voice) is enabled


Code Block
# If FarFieldVoice(FFV)(DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " alexa_ffv") for alexa is enabled, then please enable the following kernel configurations to simulate FFV through USB Mircophone:


# After enabling the above kernel configs, recompile the kernel so that the support for USB audio will be enabled using which FFV can be simulated through USB Microphone
