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This manual describes the rdk-generic-broadband-image build procedure for Yocto 3.1 builds. This will upgrade the default build system used in RDKB, from morty(2.2) to dunfell(3.1). In addition to upgrades to opensource packages, Yocto 3.1 also contain Long term Support release feature. The current version lacks the variety of features available in the dunfell. The upgraded build tools will be used to generate rdk-generic-broadband-image for Raspberrypi reference platform. 


Each component in RDK is a standalone repository with its own individual build tools producing a library or set of binaries. When we upgrade the OE layers to the newer versions, we need to make necessary changes in the RDK layers which use these components, to avoid build failures.

Host Setup

The OpenEmbedded build system should be able to run on Ubuntu 18.04 distribution/other compatible linux distribution with the following versions for Git, tar, and Python.


Code Block
$ sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
  build-essential chrpath socat cpio python python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect \
  xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev \
  pylint3 xterm bmap-tools

Repo Setup

In order to use Yocto build system, the repo tool must be properly installed on the machine.


Code Block

Yocto Build Steps

To build, follow below instructions

Code Block
titleBuild Steps
$ mkdir <workspace dir>
$ cd <workspace dir>
$ repo init -u -b dunfell -m rdkb-extsrc.xml
$ repo sync -j`nproc` --no-clone-bundle
$ MACHINE=raspberrypi-rdk-broadband source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
$ bitbake rdk-generic-broadband-image


Flashing Procedure

Following command can be used to flash the RPI image to sd card using linux machine . bmap tool should be available in linux

Code Block
titleFlash command
bzip2 -d <path to ImageName.wic.bz2>
sudo -E bmaptool copy --nobmap <path to ImageName.wic> <path to SD card space>


$ bzip2 -d rdk-generic-broadband-image-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband.wic.bz2
$ sudo -E bmaptool copy --nobmap rdk-generic-broadband-image-raspberrypi-rdk-broadband.wic /dev/sdb

Known Issues and Limitations

  1.       For initial boot-up only, toggle the sub-menu in WebUI is not happening .

Validated Functionalities

Basic functions are validated in dunfell branch,

  1. RPI 3B+ Board was successfully up
  2. Able to browse the internet 
  3. Able to get the erouter0 ip
  4. dmcli commands are working as expected
  5. All ccsp process and hostapd process are up
  6. Able to connect the wireless clients
  7. In wireless clients, Captive Portal page was launched for initial set-up
  8. Re-connect the wifi clients with updated password and SSID
  9. Able to browse the internet successfully in Connected clients
  10. WebUI was launched in Web Browser
  11. Able to login successfully
  12. Factory_reset , Password change , Advanced functionalities are worked as expected
  13. iptables rules are properly updated.
  14. reboot and poweroff are working as expected.
  15. LAN connection check




1LAN Connected Devices-Ethernet(tick)
2WAN Connected Devices-Wi-Fi(tick)
3Parental Control(error)
4Firewall settings(error)
5Advanced Config: Port Triggering(error)
6Advanced Config: Port Forwarding(error)
7Advanced Config: Remote Management(error)
8Advanced Config: DMZ(error)
9Xfinity Wi-Fi 2.4/5 GHz – Public Hotspot(error)
10Test and Diagnostics(tick)
11Local WebUI Configuration(tick)
12Factory Reset(error)
13DHCP /Reserved IP(tick)
15Eth Agent(error)
162.4 GHz Band Support(tick)
175 GHz Band Support(tick)
18Bridge Mode Support(error)
19Persistent Storage Management(tick)
20WebPA for Comcast,community(error)
21Lost and Found(error)
22Harvester Support(error)
27Boot time data measurement(error)
28Wireless Protection Setup(WPS)(error)
29Captive Portal(error)
30Wi-Fi MAC Filtering(error)
31Log Rotation Support(error)
32Firmware Upgrade Support(error)
33Multiboot Support(error)
34Telemetry Support(error)