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ModuleArtifact NamePurposeLocationOwned by

wpe-alexa-lib.bbBuild support for AVS Device SDKCMF HostedRDKM
avs-device-sdkSource code for AVS Device SDK
RDK Skill Mapperskillmapper.bbBuild support for skill mapper moduleCMF HostedRDKM

RDK component to:

  • map VSK and custom skill responses with Thunder RPC
  • Handle state notification
  • Communicate between CPE and lambda service
AWS SDKaws-cpp-sdk.bbBuild support for AWS CPP SDK moduleCMF HostedRDKM
aws-cpp-sdkProvides APIS to integrate AWS services such as SQS, Lambda, cognito etc. to RDK client devices.
KWD Detectorpryonlite_2.3.0.bbBuild support for Amazon KWD engine.CMF HostedRDKM

PryonLite pre-built libraryProvides a Wake Word Engine that can be used with the Alexa plugin. This is useful for devices with far-field/microphone.Distributed by AmazonAmazon
AVS Pluginwpeframework-plugins.bbBuild support for the Amazon voice thunder pluginHosted in rdkcentral GitHubRDKM
AVS pluginAmazon voice thunder plugin for Alexa service, uses AVS SDK & smart screen SDK APIS as part of the implementationHosted in Metrological GitHubMetrological
Lambda Demo codelambda-code.zipReference implementation for receiving video skill directives from alexa and routing it to the RDK device. Uses lambda & SQS services.Distributed by AmazonAmazon


Integrating Alexa Video Skill Kit with RDK

Build instructions

Alexa related recipes are bundled inside meta-rdk-voice/recipes-avs and contains below build targets


The build instructions are mentioned by taking RaspberryPi as an example but should be almost similar for other platforms.

Build Instructions for AVS Plugin

Code Block
1. Initialize and download the code base
 - Example for RaspberryPi:
 $ repo init -u -m rdkv-nosrc.xml -b thunder-next
 $ repo sync

2. Download the meta-rdk-voice layer in project root
 $ git clone

3. Enable the below DISTRO feature to build AVS plugin
 $ vi meta-rdk-voice/conf/layer.conf
 - enable the below commented line
 #DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " alexa-plugin"
4. Optionally if wanted to use MIC based implementation (Ignore if using BLE voice remote)
 $ vi meta-rdk-voice/conf/layer.conf
 - enable the below commented line
 #DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " alexa_ffv"

5. To use pryon lite KWD engine (source code need to be obtained from amazon separately)
 a. Set the KWD support flag to "ON" in meta-rdk-voice/recipes-wpe/wpeframework/include/
 b. include the KWD detector recipe to build.
 - enable the commented line
#PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/alexa-kwd-detector = "pryonlite"

 # Please follow the steps mentioned in section #3.2 to enable USB audio kernel parameters (Not required for RaspberryPI).

5. Optionally For the external source builds (such as some Broadcom platforms) add below line in manifest/auto.conf
 - In <Manifest>.xml
   <project name="components/generic/avs/alexa_skill_mapper" revision="rdk-next"/>
 - In auto.conf (where brcmexternalsrc is enabled)
   BRCMEXTERNALSRC_pn-wpe-alexa += "components/generic/avs/alexa_skill_mapper"
   SRCPV_pn-wpe-alexa = "${BRCMEXTERNAL-SRCPV-CMF}"
 $ repo sync
6 .Build the image target
 - Example for RaspberryPi
 $ source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
 ### select meta-cmf-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid-thunder.conf ###
 $ bitbake rdk-generic-hybrid-thunder-image

Build instructions for alexa systemd service


Code Block
1. Initialize and download the code base
 - Example for RaspberryPi:
 $ repo init -u -m rdkv-nosrc.xml -b thunder-next
 $ repo sync

2. Download the meta-rdk-voice layer in project root
 $ git clone

3. Add to BBLAYERS
 $ vi meta-rdk/conf/bblayers.conf.sample
 BBLAYERS += "${@'${RDKROOT}/meta-rdk-voice' if os.path.isfile('${RDKROOT}/meta-rdk-voice/conf/layer.conf') else ''}"

4. Optionally if wanted to use MIC based implementation (Ignore if using BLE voice remote)
 $ vi meta-rdk-voice/conf/layer.conf
 - enable the below commented line
 #DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " alexa_ffv"

 # Please follow the steps mentioned in section #3.2 to enable USB audio kernel parameters (Not required for RaspberryPI).

5. Optionally For the external source builds (such as some Broadcom platforms) add below line in manifest/auto.conf
 - In <Manifest>.xml
   <project name="components/generic/avs/alexa_skill_mapper" revision="rdk-next"/>
 - In auto.conf (where brcmexternalsrc is enabled)
   BRCMEXTERNALSRC_pn-wpe-alexa += "components/generic/avs/alexa_skill_mapper:git/VoiceToApps"
   SRCPV_pn-wpe-alexa = "${BRCMEXTERNAL-SRCPV-CMF}"
 $ repo sync
6 .Build the image target
 - Example for RaspberryPi
 $ source meta-cmf-raspberrypi/setup-environment
 ### select meta-cmf-raspberrypi/conf/machine/raspberrypi-rdk-hybrid-thunder.conf ###
 $ bitbake rdk-generic-hybrid-thunder-image


We can check the authorization code using below command:

  • In case of systemd implementation:

$ systemctl status alexa

  • In case of plugin implementation

$ tail -f /opt/logs/wpeframework.log

We will be able to see a message similar to below format. Note the code that appears in console window, this will be required while authorizing with developer account.


Context specific functionalitiesIn progress
Multi room MusicOpen
Integration with other Alexa productsOpenCompleted
Smart Screen integrationOpenIn Progress