Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Following are the properties expected in file. In addition to this, partner can configure their data also.



Mandatory Properties


Holds url that renders device_config.json

Url format - {protocol}://{host}:{port}/AutomaticsProps/deviceProps.json

Core uses this property to fetch configuration on device models.


Holds base url of Automatics orchestration

Url format - {protocol}://{host}:{port}/Automatics/

Core uses this property to update results back to orchestration.


This is used for Html report generation in Jenkins.

Default value to be configured is “core\\.test”. The regular expression to identify java package for tests


This is used for Html report generation in Jenkins.

Default value to be configured is rdkutils\\.” . The regular expression to identify java package for utils project which is part of RDKV and RDKB automation tests.


This is used for Html report generation in Jenkins.

Default value to be configured is \\|com\\.automatics.*?.(.*?):.*?](.*)

Regular expression for java packages to be considered for html report generation. Those packages that which matches with regex, their logs will be added to html report. User can provide multiple regex values in comma separated format.

Optional Properties


This is used for Html report generation in Jenkins.

Java package regular expression for partner code. If logs from partner to be considered in html report generation, then this param to be configured. This is optional field


Holds base url for partner’s rest-based implementation of device management or hardware providers like PowerProvider.

Url format - {protocol}://{host}:{port}/

This property is required if partner prefers to go with rest-based implementation of device management or hardware providers like PowerProvider.


By default, Automatics core expects rest-based implementation of device management. However, if partner prefer to go with Java implementation of device management for Core, then this property should be set to true. Orchestration always expects device management APIs in rest only. So in this case, partner has to provide rest implementation for API for orchestration and Java API implementation for Core separately.


By default, Automatics core expects rest-based implementation of hardware providers like PowerProvider.

However, if partner prefer to go with Java implementation of PowerProvider, then this property should be set to true.


By default, Automatics core provides default implementation of Ocr provider APIs.

However, if partner prefers to go with custom implementation of OcrProvider, then this property should be set to true.


By default, Automatics core provides default implementation of SNMP v2 and v3.

However, if partner prefers to go with custom implementation of SnmpProvider, then this property should be set to true.

Login Page

Automatics Properties page will be displayed upn on login. Following are the default properties.
