Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


titlesd-card size requisite

It is must to have minimal size of 8GB SD-Card for Firmware upgrade support

Command to flash the image

Generated image has to be flashed to an SD card using this command in local PC:


The Raspberry Pi board is connected to the PC via a USB to serial converter and the logs can be checked in console or can be connected via HDMI cable to a TV and logs will be shown in the terminal

Creating Multi-Boot compatible SD-CARD if RDKB is Flashed for first time

If firmware upgrade is intended for multi-boot, it is necessary to have partizion size matching to  RDKB image size ( especially rootfs ). 


  1. Flash the RDKB image supported for Firmware upgrade feature in the Rpi and verify the 2 partitions(ex. mmcblk0p1, mmcblk0p2) present under dev folder (use command ls /dev)
  2. Device auto-reboots and verify there are 2 more additional partitions are created (ex. mmcblk0p3, mmcblk0p4).
  3. Open /etc/ file and verify the CLOUDURL parameter where XConf Server URL is configured
  4. Verify the image version ( cat /version.txt) displays the flashed image version
  5. Open Verify FwUpgradeManagerLog.txt file is generated in /rdklogs/logs /swupdate.log to verify the communication from RPI board with XConf Server and the download status
  6. Verify the tftp download is happening by noticing the change of file size using below command:cd /extblock/tftpimage/imagedwnldls -lh  (use this command frequently to verify the file size change) if tftp protocol was selected in XCONF UI
  7. directory.
  8. Verify the Verify the http download is happening by noticing the change of file size using below command : cd /extblockfirmware/httpimage/imagedwnldimagedwld ls -lh(use this command frequently to verify the file size change)if http protocol was selected in XCONF UI
  9. Once image download completed, the Rpi board will auto reboot and come up with downloaded image
  10.  Verify the version of booted image which shows the downloaded image version


  1.  If output.json will not be generated in /nvram folder. Please check the network connection in RPI Device.
  2. Also, check the status of swupdate RdkFwUpgradeManager service by using the below command,
    1.  systemctl status swupdateRdkFwUpgradeManager.service
  3. Check the swupdate RdkFwUpgradeManager logs in below path,
    1. cat /rdklogs/logs/swupdate.log


Please find the summary on firmware upgrade explained above

  • Build the image ( RDKB ).
  • Ensure 8GB sd-card is available for flashing
  • Flash the build image to sd-card
  • If Firmware upgrade is targeted for multi boot and RDKB image is flashed for the first time follow resize procedure
  • Setup xconf server ready with rules and download location for RPI device
  • Place the new image in xconf server
  • Boot the flashed image

Note : 1. RPI will go for reboot while booting for the first time, since two more partition needs to be created which requires reboot. Depends on the image present in xconf and RPI, further reboot will happen for upgrade. Please refer to design (RDKB RPI Firmware Upgrade with support of HTTP protocol - Design - 2020 M6) for how firmware upgrade works with bank switching

2. SD card should be zero filled formatted before starting the firmware upgrade procedure. DriveWipe software is used for this. Please refer the you-tube video link for the SD card full format process.

3. If the user wants to view swupdate.log file then follow below steps:
    a) Disable log rotation feature - This wipes out the log file if size exceeds after 1min
        For B image  command - systemctl disable rdkbLogMonitor
   b) Reboot the box - This will make swupdate.service restart and user can start getting swupdate.log for B image

4. Broadband(size 292MB) image takes roughly 20 min time from Cloud server(Xconf).


    1. FwUpgradeManagerLog.*