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Table of Contents

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Device Manager is an application to manage different devices by fetching the device details, adding devices, adding device groups, managing device reservations etc.

This document provides the deployment steps for setting up Device Manager server and all its dependencies.

For setting up this server the below applications or tools should be available in the server machine:

  1. JDK – 1.8
  2. TOMCAT – v8.5.xx
  3. MAVEN – v3
  4. MySQL DB – v5.6
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The below software should be installed and available for running Device Manager server.


Check whether My SQL DB is already installed and up and running.  For installation of MySQL in the below OS refer the below links

  • Linux:

Following page provide details on setting up MySQL 5.6 on linux .

Automatics Orchestration Setup#MySql5.6

Jdk – 1.8

JDK should be available in the build machine where the .war file for Device Manager server is build and it should be available in the server machine.

  • Linux:

Following page provides details on installing Java 1.8 on linux.

Automatics Orchestration Setup#JDK1.8

Tomcat – 8 - Ver above v8.5

Tomcast 8 is required to deploy Device Manager server. Tomcat server installation file and setup documents can be found in the below links:

Follow below Steps to setup Tomcat server  on CentOs/linux.

             $ wget <Apache Tomcat 8 archive file link>


  • After competed download extract archive file in /tmp directory and move to the proper location as per your need.


  • Navigate to the tomcat file path and run ./bin/ cmd to start the tomcat server.

Sample Output:

Maven – 3

Maven is the tool used for building and managing Device Manager project. Please follow the below links to download and install Maven:

Following page will provide the detailed steps to setup maven.

Automatics Orchestration Setup#Maven3

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Environment Setup

Following are the steps to be followed to setup Device Manager Server and its dependent softwares in a Machine:

My SQL DB Setup and Configuration

After installation of My SQL DB, connect to DB using MySQL command line tool.

1.Create a database with name 'device_manager'.

                                DB creation command :   

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mysql> create database  device_manager;

mysql> use  device_manager;  -- For connecting to device_manager DB

2.For creating all the tables required for Device Manager server, excecute the script 'sql' available with Device Manager source code inside 'device-manager\src\main\resources'.

                                Excecute Table creation script:

                                If already connected to 'device_manager' DB

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mysql> source <<path to 'Device_Manager_DB.sql' file>>

                                To connect to 'device_manager' DB and run table creation scripts

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mysql -u root -p device_manager < Device_Manager_DB.sql

3.Check whether all the tables are created successfully in DB, run the below command after connecting to 'device_manager' DB.

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mysql> show tables;

Build Device Manager .war file

Build the .war file of Device Manager server using Maven 3 and JDK 8.

To do this follow the below steps:

  1. Pull the latest Device Manager project from the repository.
  2. After completing the pull, go the resources folder in the device manager project, and add the DB IP address, port, username and password in\src\main\resources). Please note DB password should be Base64 encoded.
  3. If you need to run the application other than localhost:8080 host, please follow the below steps to update in file.
    • Navigate to resource folder in device manager project(device-manager\src\main\resource) folder.
    • Open and update{protocol}:{host:port} value with selected port of your choice.
  4. Now navigate to the project Home folder and run the command “mvn clean install”.
  5. This will build device-manager-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war file of device-manager server in the folder “project_home/target”.

Deploy Device Manager application

Device Manager application should be deployed in Tomcat server (ver 8). Follow the below steps to deploy the application.

  1. Copy device-manager-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war file from “project_home/target” to “TOMCAT_HOME/webapps” folder.
  2. Rename device-manager-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war to DeviceManager.war.
  3. If you need to run the tomcat server in a port other than 8080, please follow the below steps to change the same.
    • Navigate to the folder “TOMCAT_HOME/conf”.
    • Open server.xml and change the connector port in this file from 8080 to an available port of your choice. If another tomcat is running the same machine then change the DEFAULT Tomcat server SHUTDOWN port from 8005 to another available port. If you dont need to a SHUTDOWN port for tomcat then change the default port from 8005 to “-1”.
  4. To start Device Manager application go to “TOMCAT_HOME/bin” folder and run sh or startup.bat (if its running on Microsoft windows) script.
  5. To verify server logs check “TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out” file.

To verify Device Manager application go to the URL : “{protocol}://{host:port}/DeviceManager/deviceCategory/all“

Upgrade Device Manager for Connected Client Setup

If  DeviceManager is already deployed, but swagger API /Device/addDeviceUsingPOST not displaying following fields, then we have to upgrade Device Manager to configure connected client details.

Steps to upgrade Device Manager

  1. Copy table creation sql command for 'device_extra_details' from Device_Manager.sql and execute it. This will create table device_extra_details in DB.
  2. Build and deploy the war file referring Build Device Manager .war file

Upgrade Device Manager for Configuring Peripheral Device - Power Manager

If Device Manager is already deployed, then please follow below steps to enable feature for configuring peripheral device power details.

  1. Copy table creation sql commands for 'power_manager_details', 'power_manager_operations' and 'power_device_mapping' from Device_Manager.sql and execute in mysql prompt.                                                                  This will create tables 'power_manager_details', 'power_manager_operations' and 'power_device_mapping' in DB.
  2. Build and deploy the war file referring Build Device Manager .war file
  3. Using swagger API, remote power manager details can be configured in Device Manager.
  4.  As first step, configure remote power manager details using PowerManager  add REST API. 

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   5. Next, configure the power operations supported by Remote Power Manager using PowerOperations add REST API. Details of power operations like POWER ON, POWER OFF, POWER CYCLE and POWER STATUS to be configured

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6. Next, map the device with power slots of Remote Power Manager using PowerDevice add REST API. 

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Swagger Documentation

Swagger UI is an tool which can be used to visualize and try out all the APIs of a web application. Swagger UI is integrated to Device Manager application and it could be used to visualize all the APIs in this application and Swagger UI can be used to invoke all the APIs in this application.

Device Manager documentation and Tryout feature can used by going to the URL : “{protocol}://{host:port}/DeviceManager/swagger-ui.html