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    • Update Email and username details. 
    • Click on update to update user changes.
  • Delete User
    • Select the User , you want to delete and click on Remove the User symbol in the Action section of respected user.

Power Manager

Power Manager Details need to be configured before mapping the device.

  • From Device Manager UI, Navigate to   Manager Power Devices  > Power Manager 

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User can Add/Delete/Update the power manager details

  • Click on Add New Power Manager

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    • Enter Preferred Power Manager Name: “PSU-4”
    • Enter Power Manager Url
    • Enter Outlet Count 
    • Enter Outlet Start Index
    • Select Supported Operations 
    • Click on Next 
    • Provide the list of slot numbers mapped to group names as configured in the power manager.

GroupName - GroupName defined in PDU device should be provided.

SlotNumber - Select list of Slot numbers that are mapped to provided group name as configured in PDU devices.

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    • Click on Save Button to add power manager details.
    • Success Popup will be shown once power manager is added is successfully.
  • Edit Power Manager 
    • Select the Power Manager  , you want to edit and click on Edit the Power Manager symbol in the Action section of respected power manager.

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    • Update power manager name , power manager url , Supported Operations and group device details
    • Click on Update to update power manager changes.
  • Delete Power manager
    • Select the Power manager , you want to delete and click on Remove the Power Manger  symbol in the Action section of respected power manager.

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Power Device Mapping

Configured Power manager details can be mapped to the configured device in Device manager application.

  • From Device Manager UI, Navigate to   Manager Power Devices  TaB

User can Add/Delete/Update the power Device mapped details.

  • Add New Device Mapping
    • Click on Add New Power Devices

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    • Select Power manager 
    • Select Device Mac Address from the dropdown
    • Select the group name 
    • Select the slot number to which the device is connected
    • Click on Save
    • Success Popup will be shown once device mapping is done  successfully.
  • Edit Device Mapped details
    • Select the power manager name to get the list out the device mapping available and click on fetch/refresh button.

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    • Select the device mapping , you want to edit and click on Edit the Power Device symbol in the Action section of respected mapped devices.

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    • Update device mapping details
    • Click on Update 
  • Delete Device Mapping
    • Select the Device Mapping , you want to delete and click on Remove the Device Mapping  symbol in the Action section of respected Device Mapping.

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Power Operations

Power Operations Details need to be configured to trigger power operation through scripts.

  • From Device Manager UI, Navigate to   Manager Power Devices  > Power Operations

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User can Add/Delete/Update the power operation details

  • Click on Add New Power Manager

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    • Select Power Manager Name
    • Select Power Operation
    • Select Request type
    • Enter url template to trigger power operation at PDU device
    • Enter Requested Body template
    • Enter Response body template
    • Enter Response Code
    • Click on Next 
    • User has an option to configure additional data in extra properties for defined  power operation.


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    • Click on Save Button to add power operation details.
    • Success Popup will be shown once power manager is added is successfully.
  • Edit Power Manager 
    • Select the Power Manager  , you want to edit and click on Edit the Power Operation symbol in the Action section of respected power operation.

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    • Update Power Operation details
    • Click on Update to update power operation changes.
  • Delete Power Operation
    • Select the Power Operation , you want to delete and click on Remove the Power Operation  symbol in the Action section of respected power Operation.

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