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  1. Python 3.6 or above should be installed in the machine
  2. Jpype should be added as the dependency in Python
    1. Command to add Jpype dependency 

      Code Block
      titleInstall JpyPe
      pip install jpype1


  1. When creating the python test case multiple test cases can be written in a single python script under different functions with parameter as DUT.
  2. All these function should be annotated with "@TestCaseId('AUTOMATION_ID')" with automation id as the parameter.
  3. Python Wrapper scripts and other Automatics Python dependency scripts like Annotation Python scripts should be available.
  4. Automatics Utils and Core API's can be invoked from the Python test scripts as mentioned in the below section link.

Adding Test Case to Automatics Orchestration

For identifying a particular Test case is python a new field will be introduced in managed scripts. This new field will be used to mark particular test case as Python or not. The below are the stepwise information on how a particular test case will executed

  1. At first Python test case should be added in automatics, for that when adding a new test case the new test case identification field should be selected as Python and saved in Automatics.
  2. Once a Test case is triggered, Automatics will first check whether the test case is Python or not using the value in the new identification field.
  3. Once Jenkins job for Python script execution is triggered from automatics, it will pull the latest Python code from the configured repo along with the latest automatics core and it will invoke the corresponding Python script using JEP based on the Automation ID of the test case.

Image Added

Enable Python scripts to use Automatics Core, Test Utils & Props

For unlocking/enabling the access of Automatics Java API's to python scripts, JPype framework is used. For accessing the Java API's from python test scripts, a new set of Python scripts which contains all the basic API's should be developed which will make use of the JPype framework to instantiate and invoke the Java classes and method in Automatics Core and Test Utils. For example, A python script similar to AutomaticsTapApi class can be created to get the Automatics properties configuration and other API's of Automatics core. This python script will in-turn call the AutomaticsTapApi Java class present in the Automatics core project using JPype to enable all the required functions. 

  1. The below python script will invoke AutomaticsTapApi java class in Automatics Core to get the current execution mode if available

    Code Block
    # Boiler plate stuff to start the module
    import json
    import os
    import jpype
    import jpype.imports
    from jpype.types import *
    from src.logging import AutomaticsPyLogger
    logger = AutomaticsPyLogger.setup_logging(__name__)
    # Launch the JVM
    def launchJVM(automaticsPropsUrl,pathToExecJar):
        if jpype.isJVMStarted():
  'JVM is already running. Do not init twice!')
  'Inside else')
            javaClassPath = "-Djava.class.path="+pathToExecJar
            propsJavaOpts = ""+automaticsPropsUrl
            jpype.startJVM(jpype.getDefaultJVMPath(), "-ea", javaClassPath, propsJavaOpts)
    # import the Java modules
    from com.automatics.tap import AutomaticsTapApi
    from com.automatics.executor import PythonScriptExecutor
    from com.automatics.utils import BeanUtils
    def createDeviceObj(deviceJson):
        pyexecutor = PythonScriptExecutor()
        deviceObj = pyexecutor.convertJsonToDevice(deviceJson)
        return deviceObj
    def executeCommandUsingSsh(dut, command):
        pyexecutor = PythonScriptExecutor()
        return pyexecutor.executeCommandUsingSsh(dut, command)
    def getInstance():
        return AutomaticsTapApi.getInstance()
    as follows.
  2. Sample code for an Automatics Test Case Written in Python and which use Utils and Core APIs for different



    Code Block
    titleSample Automatics Python Script
    from jpype.types import *
    # Adding BroadBand 
    CommonUtils from RDKB Utils projects
    from com.automatics.rdkb.utils import BroadBandCommonUtils
    from src.annotation.PythonScriptAnnotation import TestCaseId
    from import AutomaticsTapApi
    from src.logging import AutomaticsPyLogger
    logger = AutomaticsPyLogger.setup_logging(__name__)
    def nvramFileSystemLayout(dut):
        testCaseId = "TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-001";
        tapEnv = AutomaticsTapApi.getInstance()
        stepNum = "s1";
        errorMessage = "nvram is not properly mounted after code download";
        status = JBoolean(False);"#######################################################################################");"STARTING TEST CASE: TC-RDKB-FS-LAYOUT-1001");"TEST DESCRIPTION: nvram file system layout validation");
   "TEST STEPS : ");"1. Check whether nvram is properly mounted and it has read- write permission after code download");"2. Verify the file access by creating a dummy file in nvram");
                "STEP 1: DESCRIPTION : Check whether nvram is properly mounted and it has read- write permission after code download");
                "STEP 1: ACTION : \"check mounted status using mount command(mount | grep -w \"nvram\") and verify read-write permission in nvram\"");
                "STEP 1: EXPECTED : nvram should be properly mounted and should have read-write permission(mtd:data on /nvram type jffs2 (rw,relatime)");
            response = tapEnv.executeCommandUsingSsh(dut, JString("mount | grep -w nvram"));
        except Exception as e:
  "################### STARTING POST-CONFIGURATIONS ###################");
  "POST-CONDITION : DESCRIPTION : Remove dummy file");
  "POST-CONDITION : ACTION : Remove the dummy file permanently (rm -rf  /nvram/");
  "POST-CONDITION : EXPECTED : Created dummy file should be removed");
            status = BroadBandCommonUtils.removeFileAndVerifyStatus(tapEnv, dut, JString("/nvram/"));
            if status:
      "POST-CONDITION : ACTUAL : Post condition executed successfully");
      "POST-CONDITION : ACTUAL : Post condition failed");
            tapEnv.updateExecutionStatus(dut, testCaseId, stepNum, status, errorMessage, JBoolean(False));
  "################### COMPLETED POST-CONFIGURATIONS ###################");

For identifying a particular Test case is python a new field will be introduced in managed scripts. This new field will be used to mark particular test case as Python or not. The below are the stepwise information on how a particular test case will executed

  1. At first Python test case should be added in automatics, for that when adding a new test case the new test case identification field should be selected as Python and saved in Automatics.
  2. Once a Test case is triggered, Automatics will first check whether the test case is Python or not using the value in the new identification field.
  3. Once Jenkins job for Python script execution is triggered from automatics, it will pull the latest Python code from the configured repo along with the latest automatics core and it will invoke the corresponding Python script using JEP based on the Automation ID of the test case.

Image Removed

 Enable Python scripts to use Automatics Core, Test Utils & Props

For unlocking/enabling the access of Automatics Java API's to python scripts, JPype framework can be used. For accessing the Java API's from python test scripts, a new set of Python scripts which contains all the required API's should be developed which will make use of the JPype framework to instantiate and invoke the Java classes and method in Automatics Core and Test Utils. For example, A python script similar to AutomaticsTapApi class can be created to get the Automatics properties configuration and other API's of Automatics core. This python script will in-turn call the AutomaticsTapApi Java class present in the Automatics core project using JPype to enable all the required functions. The below python script will invoke AutomaticsTapApi java class inside automatics-core-2.9.0.jar to get the current execution mode if available
