Versions Compared


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Devices to be used in the Automatics System should be configured in Device ManagerDeviceManager. These devices are provided to Automatics Orchestration during test execution. Follow the below steps to add device details to the device manager database.


  • Navigate to {protocol}://{host:port}/DeviceManager/swagger-ui.html.
  • Navigate to Device API and try to execute POST /device/add  API to adds new device to the Device Manager database by providing valid input parameters for deviceDetailsRequest as defined in Device Manager API Documentation#DeviceDetailsRequest.
  • POST /deviceModel/add API will return response as "SUCCESS" on successfully adding the device details to the device manager database.G
  • Refer Device Manager API Documentation#Device page to get more details on the parameters provided and type of responses received for POST /device/add API.
  • SSH login details can be configured through POST/device/add  API .It's possible to add ssh connection details in extraproperties section of this API.
  • The SSH connection details configured of particular ipAddress IPAddress can be obtained by POST/device/sshDetailsByIpAddress API .
  • Refer Device Manager API Documentation#Device page to get more details on the parameters provided and type of responses received for POST /device/sshDetailsByIpAddress API.


  • For connected clients, the additional data should be configured in extraProperties extra properties section while adding the client device.


               Build utility in automatics is creating the frequently used steps as utility. The same utility can be injected in to any other testcases. 
               For example, if 4 steps are used in common for multiple testcases then user can club those four steps into a build utility and then user can insert that utility into any other test cases.
               The advantages of build utility are reuse and it decreases the effort for user to create the same steps again and again.

Create Test Utility

              Build utility can be created in the same way as build test case.
              User can create build utility by clicking Build Utility tab under settings a shown below,
              Settings --> Build Utility


We need to provide either Iteration Count or Duration in Seconds and click -> Save button. Now the Command / Test step added successfully.

Same same as tterational Iterational . In Test Type it contains IF, ELSE-IF and ELSE.

By clicking the settings icon in the Action filed, User user will be navigated to Add Condition page as shown below.


User should select the Operator type. The drop-down list consists of AND OR options. For Invert Result don't select the NOT check check box to invert condition. Actual Value value of the condition should be given in this field. User can User can select how the output of the command executed should be validated. Expected value of the condition should be given in this filed. After entering all the details of the input condition,  click on the plus icon. Verify once whether all the details are valid and added successfully click on the Save button. Command/test step details added successfully.


  • User defined option will be navigated to Add User Defined Steps as shown below.

user User can see all the available steps created in Test Step Generator page. By using Filter, Wewe can find the added test step (Saved in a test step generator page).In all the available steps, we can select the required test step. After selecting the test steps, click '>'. Then user can see the required steps in Selected Steps Column column. After click on the Add Steps button. Now the steps will be added in our Build your own Test case... page. After creating/adding all the test steps, click Save button to save the changes and it will be added in Available test cases table.


              The main advantage of the test constant is it avoids the stabilization effort or test case developer can change the value at one place rather than spending effort on searching all the testcases that uses that                     uses the string.
              Also, whenever user changes any value of the test constant, it impacts all the testcases that are using that test constant.
              So, while editing test constant one should be very careful as its impact might be huge
